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March 30, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-30

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Partially cloudy with
10-20 mile per hour winds

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


1200 Students





City Elections

First of a Two-Part Series

Student registration comprised final jurisdiction over voter reg-
almost half of the new registrants. istration.

Approximately 980 people register- Bentley maintained that his of-
Approximately 450 University ed between February 21 and fice is "fairly consistent" in its
March 6 to vote in the April 3
Arbor during the latest registra- city elections, according to Ann practices of registering students.
tion period, brings the total num- Arbor City Clerk John Bentley. He said only 5 per cent of the total
ber of students voters to some Koeneke emphasized that stu- number of people applying to vote
1200 to 1500, according to Mike dent votes "could make a big dif- were "turned away" in the recent
Koeneke, '69, chairman of the Stu-? ference in the first, second, and wreistrinedaa.itercn
dent Government Council voter third wards, t s d a registration.
regitraton rivethid wads.but said that the
registration drive, law governing the residency re- Ann Arbor City Attorney Jacob
Koeneke termed the drive suc- quirements for students severely Fahrner, Jr. estimated that ap-
cessful, but added he was dis- limits the number of students proximately 25 students consulted
satisfied with the "subjective and eligible to vote. Citing examples with either himself or his two as-
often discriminatory treatment of of several students rejected for sistants after being rejected or
students attempting to register at "questionable reasons," Koeneke referred by the City Clerk. Fahr-
Ciy Hall." There are nearly 15,000 said that the law allows for too ner stated he recommended about
students in Ann Arbor 21 and much "human error and incon- one-third of the 25 be accepted as
over, according to the University sistency in its interpretation by qualified voters. The remaining
Registrar. the City Clerk's office," which has two-thirds were rejected as un-

qualified for failure to meet res-
idency standards. Koeneke esti-,
mated a "subtantially higher"
number of rejections.
Bentley favored efforts towards
"increased regulation and clarifi-j
cation of the definition of res-
idency requirements pertaining tol
students desiring to vote." He
called the law "not sufficiently
precise and a burden upon the
City Clerk's office in its inter-
The present statute governing
student residency states that "No
elector shall be deemed to havef
gained or lost a residence-.
while a student at any institution
of learning."
Even though a student may

meet the state definition of res- mern s of United States citizenship, that they spend,
idency-"that place at which a 21 years of age or older, residence outside Ann Arbort
person habitually sleeps, keeps his in the state for six months and in of earning money.

their summers constitutional provision." Stein-
for the purpose gold-continued. A change in a con-
stitutional provision requires a

or her personal effects, and has a Ann Arbor 30 days prior to the In 1963, the provision regarding state-wide referendum and an in-
regular place of lodging"-the City election. student residency was eliminated volved petitioning process to place
Clerk may ask additional questions A person is considered by the from the State Constitution and the question on the ballot. To
to determine his residency. The City Clerk to more likely to be put into statute form by the State change the present voting require-
state does not define what these considered eligible if he remains Legislature, but the requirement ments, only a majority vote of the
additional criteria should be. in Ann Arbor during school vaca- for student residency has remain- Legislature is needed.
City Clerk Bentley, using gen- tions. does not return to his par-|ed basically the same since the State Representative Jack Faxon
eral guidelines based on Michigan ental home in case of illness or turn of the century. (D-Detroit) said he is currently
Sue Cot dinjury, is self-supporting (general- According to Ann Arbor Assist- making inquiries into the possi-
erauesion ofciins, aly over one-half), is married, and ant City Attorney Fred Steingold, bility of introducing legislation "to
eral questions of the prospective can establish freedom from par- the inclusion of the clause in correct whatever inequities may
student voter to "determine ental control. "It helps a lot if a statute form marks a "significant appear In student voter registra-
whether a tdAn As indepen- student is married" Bentley said change in the scope of possible tion." Faxon stated that all stu-
nection with Ann Arbor independ- methods to reform the law for dents should be able to participate
ent of the fact that he is here to Koeneke asserted that at least those who think there is some in- in the political life of their college
get an education." These ques- three-fourths of the students who equity or ambiguity in it." . comn. 'nity as they are directly
tions are asked students in addi- are rejected by the City Clerk's of- The provision would "be easier affected by the decisions of the
tion to the specified state require- fice are done so on the grounds to change as a statute than as a community.

'Assembly' Replaces GSC;F
IIx- enn Athlle.e


Plan New Representation
By FAITH ADLER The major contribution of the sembly, they previously had power
Graduate Assembly whose en- new constitution for graduate gov- to fili vacancies for a year without
tire full-time membership will be for filling vacancies. In the new The Assembly corresponds in
elected by graduate students in Assembly, an executive vice presi- name and general structure to

'vvU, vY


each university department and
school to represent them was
created last night by Graduate
Student Council.

dent will call department elections
in which graduate students will
select replacements.
While faculty of the departments
will be able to make one-month
appointments for the new As-

The new Assembly

will replace


one suggested in the report on
"The Role of the Student in Uni-
versity Affairs" (Knauss Report)
released last September by the
faculty Senate Assembly
The constitution will be pre-
sented to Student Government
Council, administrators ih the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, the grad-
uate school's executive board, and
the Regents, according to assem-
bly executive Vice President Kirk
While the change in name and
constitution occurred last night,
'there will be no general election.
GSC members and officers as-
sumed corresponding positions in
the Assembly, and student elec-
tions to fill vacancies will begin
in September, according to Grant.
Other new features of the Grad-
uate Assembly include:
-Giving the Graduate Assem-
bly power to affirm, modify or
overrule every decision made by
the Assembly's executive officers.
-Calling for mandatory Assem-
bly meetings every four weeks.
"The most important thing
about the new constitution is that
it will, when implemented, work
towards a meaningful representa-
tion of all graduate school inter-
ests, due to its extremely liberal
school ar d department represen-
tation ,clause," Grant said.

. _ _ .

'Alumni Paid Tutors,
For Football Players
Jeremiah Ford II, who was fired yesterday from his post
as athletic director of the University of Pennsylvania, told
The Daily last night that a supplementary athletic fund
has been "used illegally to pay for the tutoring of Penn foot-
ball players."
Dr. Harry Fields, assistant to the president for athletic
affairs, explained the firing as "a move to change the image
of Penn athletics."
Ford, however, charged that his dismissal had been pre-
cipitated by his opposition to the handling of the supplemen-
According to Ford, alumni contributions were given
to William M. Hannah, comptroller of the university, who
---_ ____ ___ placed the monies-amount-

CEDAR RAPIDS, Iowa (P)-The Order of Railway Conductors
and Brakemen announced yesterday its leaders have authorized a
nationwide strike for 12'01 a.m. Saturday.
President Clyde F. Lane said negotiators for the railroads
had threatened to withdraw the union's health and welfare
benefits unless it accepts the management's offer on a wage raise.
A spokesman said that, if the members go out, 60 to 70 Class I
railroads would be affected.
PANHELLENIC PRESIDENT Ginny Mochel, '68, announced
her support of the elimination of sophomore women's hours at
the Panhellenic President's Council meeting last night.
She said that "learning to take the responsibiilty for decid-
ink when to come in is a part of the learning process and I think
it is a responsibility sophomore women will take."
Miss Mochel's statement differs from the position Panhel took
last fall that sophomore women's hours should be extended on
weekends, but not eliminated.
THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION yesterday approved a
plan to stimulate interest in teaching of underprivileged children.
The board agreed to increase the terms of the "forgiveness clause"
of the National Defense Education Act loan program.
Under the new plan, teachers who will work in schools which
have more than the state average of underprivileged stufents are
allowed a 15 per cent reduction of the principal of loans used to
finance their education, the reduction starting the year after
graduation, The reduction of the loan principal will continue
past the former limit of 50 per cent of the loan's value.
UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN'S Madison campus voted in
a recent referendum for "phase withdrawal" of American troops
from South Vietnam as a pre-condition for negotiations. The
lengthy and complex referendum also defeated a proposition
that "voluntary conscription into the armed services should be
THE UNIVERSITY JAVANESE gamelan orchestra and
Philippine kulintang ensembles will perform at Hill Aud. on
April P at 8:30 p.m. The concert is sponsored by the School of
.Music and the Southeast Asian Music Study Group, and is free
to the public.

-Daily-Chuck Bockoff
That perennial harbinger of spring, the Good Humor Man, returned to his traditional location on
State St. across from Angell Hall yesterday. Wit h his arrival, Charles Averbook, '69E, finds a new
way to spend money on Susie Lewis, '70.

In other action last night, the
Graduate Assembly requested that
the board in Control of Intercol-
'e:iate Athletics establish a newr
ticket priority system boosting
priorities for graduate students.!
The Assembly asked that stu-
dents who have worked their way
through priority systems for foot-
ball tickets at their undergraduate
schoois be allowed to carry this;
over to grad school. First year
grad students who are new to the
University currently have the same
priority as freshmen.
They, requested that first year
grads and junior undergrads be
given a free priority, that second
year grads and seniors be given
a four:priority and that three year
rads and up be given a new five1
They also released a survey of
graduate student opinion on for-
eign language requirements. The
survey will be presented with rec-
ommendations on language re-
quirements to the executive board
Wednesday, according to spokes-

Fleming Stays Cool in Crisis
U . Wisconsin Students Say

Soph Hours*
City Editor
Sophomore women's hours will
be eliminated next fall informed
sources said yesterday.
Student Government Council
last Thursday recommended that
such action be taken, and sent
their recommendation to Vice-
President for Student Affairs
Richard L. Cutler. Cutler will meet
this morning with Bruce Kahn,
'68, President of SGC.
Cutler is expected to approve
the recommendation, but when
contacted yesterday, refused to.
confirm or deny that he has al-
ready made a decision.
If his decision is , favorable,
sophomore hours will be lifted un-
less the Regents veto the change.
Cutler has said that a decsision
on changes in sophomore hours
will probably come before April
15. He has noted that he might
make only minor changes,
Cutler has explained that he is
reaching his decision by talking
to assistant deans, residence hall
s t a f f, professional colleagues,
sophomore women, and has done
so to help him reach a decision.


Most University of Wiscor.sin
students regard Robben Wright
Fleming, recently elected successor
to University President f-arlan
Hatcher, as an "honest broker.,
"Fleming is very conscious of
hearing all points of view," ac-
cording to Gary Zweifel, president
of the,Wisconsin Student Associa-
tion. "He has consistently been a
strong supporter of student gov-
ernment," he said.
"I have always found Fleming
to be understanding, knowledge-
able about the issues, and insight-
ful," Zweifel said.

"Fleming told them 'nothing do-
Wisconsin has had two ma.or
demonstration crises in the past
11 months. The second came in
May when the local SDS chapter's
picket of Dow Chemical Co.': re-
cruiting tables brought arrests.
Fleming personally put up bond
for 11 arrested students.
In reaction to the Dow crisis, an
ad-hoc group calling itself the
No-Berkeley-Here C o m m i t t e e
sprung up. Its members felt that
students should be allowed to
protest peacefully but not break
the law or obstruct other students.
Steve Fielz, chairman of the No-
Berkeley-Here Committee felt that
Fleming's handling of the incident

university budget because of
outbreak of student disorder.



Fleming had maintained
througout the crisis that students
did have a right to be interviewed,
by any firm - including those
making Vietnam supplies. Fleming
had also told students on several
occasions that he "didn't think
any student should be jailed."
A student who described himself
as "one of the few anarchists on
campus" called Fleming "a mealy-
mouthed, double-talking adminis-
trator, like most administrators."
A visiting student from the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin said, "I don't
know anybody who doesn't like
him. He's horribly impressive." I

ing to $6000 or $7000-in the
"Jefferson Davis Fund,"
Football Coach Bob Odell then
allegedly requisitioned money from
the fund for incidental football
expenses. Fields allegedly approv-
ed the requisitions.
Disputes Claim
Ford claimed that, "although the
money was usually used for addi-
tional helmets, footballs and
coaches' trips to football clinics
(all within the limits of NCAA,
rules), it has come to my atten-
tion that it was also being allotted
for tutoring of football players."
Requisition of money for ath-
letes' tutors is in violation of Ivy
League and NCAA regulations.
"When I found out, I investi-
gated and learned that Fields had
okayed the money for the tutors."
Fields and Hannah flatly re-
futed Ford's charges
"If he says that we've been
doing anything illegal, he's ab-
solutely crazy," stated Fields.
"This is absolutely a lie. I don't
know where he gets this stuff,
but it's definitely untrue."
Never Heard of It
"I've never heard of the fund,"
Hannah said.
Fields, in a contradictory coun-
ter-charge, added that Ford "was
the one who's done all the signing
of checks from the fund. He's
okayed every cent that has come
out of the fund."
Football coach Odell, however,
supported Ford's charges, "I know
we paid for a player's tutoring.
"It happened two years ago
when I was first appointed head
coach. It was a nominal payment
and I didn't realize it was Illegal,,
but ignorance is no excuse.
"To my knowledge, it hasn't
happened since then," he con-
No Comment
Penn President Gaylord Hard-
well could not be reached for
comment last night.
Ford also charged "I was fired
as a scapagoat for Penn's athletic
isfot tunes in the past few years
and be-.u,-e I opposed to the tuxt-
oring payments.
"I'm not very popular with the
alumni and someone has to suffer
for our football losses," he added.
Fields rartially agreed, "'ord
was an excellent administrator.


Asks Review of U'Expansion
By RON LANDSMAN r Referring to the 1960 "North ' Sturgis stressed the value
Campus Study," Zimmerman stat- autonomy, that all' parts of
The problem of University plan- ed that the study "demonstrated University may not be amen
ping "can't be solved piecemeal," the logic of three ways in which to a too centralized influence
said Martin Zimmerman, Grad. the University might utilize the Ca
"What is needed is' a total look" land." Whatever plan was used. Calling for a study of bu
at the over-all academic and phys- however, depended on a "knowl-Zimmerman cited
ical plan for expansion. edge of the University academic problem of the architecture
Speaking at a meeting of stu- framework not available at the design school, claiming that
dent advisory committee to Vice time." school now serves three to
President and Chief Financial Of- One of the possible alternatives times the number of students
ficer Wilbur K. Pierpont last to the present academic structure which the building was constr
night, Zimmerman advised that is the Residential College. Zim- ed in 1928.
the present development plan for merman calls the College "a taci The funding of the Reside
expansion be more closely exam- admission that sizeis ot o s College preceded the grantin
ined. Zimmerman advocated the t ;rol. The ResidentialCoeg College prcee th - g-y,,wantin-1 - ,,4-

__.......__....,.._ j .

Matt Fox, staff member of the
Daily Cardinal, student newspaper
at the University of Wisconsin,
concurs with Zweifel.
"He's an arbitrator," Fox said.
e of "That's his line, and he's very,

had been completely fair.
"Fleming made i quite clear n e ra sD f t
that he would not abide obstruc- W indsor Undergrads.Defeat
tion. Yet he made equally clear.
his dedication to freedom of

g of

very good at it
speech," Fielz said. a T Ad Dra Dod r1s
"Fleming's angle is students," "When an SDS member who
Fox noted. "He makes a point of was asking a question of Flemin
keeping the channels of com- a on o ou es wa he By FRED MILLER chairman of the opposition group.
munication with students aide at one of our ralles was hissed "I would definitely say the vote
wit s udnst we down by the crowd, Fleming asked Undergraduates at the Univer- showed support for the Vietnam
open. Even as an administrator he for quiet and said 'Please - give sity of Windsor yesterday over- war."
hasconinue t teach."fessor o:brthis man thersame courtesy he has whelming defeated a proposal to I enough money is collected
Flemng s aproessr ofic'or efued ther',"Fiez sid.grant $200 to a group of stu dents from students and faculty, Info
law and labor economics. Not all students were as happy wishing to aid American draft '67wsllno aa w i
Dick Janis. president of Wiscon- with Fleming's handling of the dodgers '67 will go ahead with ts plans
sin's Interfraternity Council, said Dow affair, however. A simi The money, voted down 5 to 1, 'of large American universities.
that Fleming has done "an excel- group described as "far right" felt I was to be used by a committee Anyone answering their ads will
lent job" and added, "He's always that Fleming went too far in put- called Info '67 to advertise the receive information on the pro-
one step ahead of the students. tng up bond for the demonstra- , advantages for draftable Ameri- cedure involved in emigrating as
Tn-; ll~ ,r :nfTnTn~ots.f tivcC~l~ma nnYn a[.,.- .draftable.Amen-

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