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March 29, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-29

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U Thant Fails to
Hanoi Rejects P
Three-Point Plan



Roman Church Supports
Birth Control Education

tary-General U Thant unveiled
a new Vietnam peace proposal
Tuesday. The United States quick-
ly accepted it but President John-
son said he has "learned regret-
fully" of an apparent turndown by
Although Thant said he had re-
ceived no "categorical rejection"
of his plan, Washington strategists
reported no signs that the North
Vietnamese are moving any closer
to the conference table.
Johnson nonetheless praised
Thant's "constructive and posi-
tive" effort and declared "this na-
tion will continue to persist" in a
search for peace.
Thant, at a United Nations news
conference in New York disclosed
he had communicated his pro-
posals to the governments in-
volved on March 14 following his
UN Head
Urges Truce
By All Sides
NEW YORK ()-United Na-
tions Secretary-General U Thant,
in a note sent to all nations on
March 14, made several statements
and proposals con'cerning the
Vietnamese War. The text in-
The secretary-general reasserts
his conviction that a cessation of
the bombing of North Vietnam
continues to be a vital need, for
moral and humanitarian reasons
and also because it is the step
which could lead the way to mean-
ingful talks to end the war. ;
The situation being as it is to-
day, the secretary-general has now
in mind proposals envisaging three
A. A general standstill truce.
B. Preliminary talks.
C. Reconvening of the Geneva
In the view of the secretary-
general, a halt to all military
activities by all sides is a practical
necessity if useful negotiations are
to be undertaken. Since the secre-
tary-general's three-point plan
has not been accepted by. the par-
ties, he believes that a general
standstill truce by all parties to
the conflict is now the only course
4which could lead to fruitful nego-
It must be conceded that a truce
without effective supervision is
apt to be breached from time to
time by one.side or another, but
an effective supervision of truce,
at least for the moment, seems
difficult to envisage as a practical
Once the appeal has been made
and a general standstill truce
comes into effect, the parties di-
rectly involved in the conflict
should take the next step of en-
tering into preliminary talks.
While these talks are in progress,
it is clearly desirable that the
general standstill truce will con-
tinue to be observed.
The secretary-general believes
that these preliminary talks should
aim at reaching an agreement on
the modalities for the reconvening
of the Geneva conference, with the
sole purpose of returning to the
essentials of that agreement as
repeatedly expressed by all parties
to the conflict.

return from a Burma visit during
which he met with North Viet-
namese representatives.
Thant's new plan was modified
from his earlier Vietnam peace
proposal which had listed a halt
in U.S. bombing of North Viet-
nam as the first step. U.S. officials
welcomed his later version as pro-
viding for a reciprocal military
halt by both sides, both in North
and South Vietnam, as the open-
ing step.
But Hanoi signaled its apparent
turndown in a broadcast of a for-
eign military statement Monday.
The statement said that Thant's
proposal failed to distinguish be-
tween aggressors and their vic-
tims and that the United Nations
has absolutely no right to inter-
fere in any way in the Vietnam
World Opinion
Rusk, at a hastily called news
conference, sought to warn Hanoi
against relying on world public
opinion or policy differences in the
United States as a means of win-
ning the war eventually.
"When they rebuff the United
Nations," Rusk said of the North
Vietnamese, "they must know this
will not bring them support in
other parts of the world. Divisions
in the United States will not cause
us to change our attitude. Our dif-
ferences are trivial compared to
the differences between us on one
side and us and Hanoi on the
Johnson gave a chronology of
the American response to Thant
in toasting visiting Prime Minister
Mohammad Hashim Maiwandwal
of Afghanistan at a White House
South Vietnam
In addition to the favorable
American response, Jolinson said,
"the government of South Viet-
nam also responded construc-
Johnson said after Thant com-
municated his proposals to the
governments involved on March
14, the United ,States responded
the next day, telling the secretary-
general he had pinpointed "con-
structive and positive elements"
toward achieving a settlement of
the war..
On March 18, Johnson said, the
formal U.S. reply was delivered
by Ambassador Arthur J. Gold-
U.S. Reply
The United States has been,
and remains willing to enter into
discussions without preconditions
with Hanoi at any time.
To this end, the United States
accepts the three-step proposal
in the aide-memoire of the Sec-
retary-General on March 14, 1967,
a. A general standstill truce;
b. preliminary talks; c. recon-
vening of the Geneva conference.
The United States believes it
would be desirable and contrib-
utory to serious negotiations if an
effective cessation of hostilities as
the first element in the three-
pgint proposal, could be promptly
It would, therefore, be essential
that the details of such a general
cessation of hostilities be discussed
directly by both sides or through
the secretary-general, the Geneva
conference cochairman, or other-
wise as may be agreed.

-Associated Press
Cassius Clay, heavyweight boxing champion wh o prefers to be called Muhammed Ali, is beseiged
by fans as he leaves the gymnasium at Bishop C ollege in Dallas. Clay's bid for a court order to
keep him from being Inducted into the Army was turned down by the Sixth U.S. District Court of
Appeals because a Federal District Court in Louisville, Ky., will review his case tomorrow.

VI gave the support of the Roman
Catholic Church yesterday to civic
birth control education to check
the population explosion" so long
as this education does not violate
moral law."
The papal statement, in an
8.000-word encyclical on social
and economic problems, did not
relax the Church's long-standing
ban on artificial birth control.
"The temptation is great to
check the demographic population
increase by radical measures," the
Pope said.
Powell Case
WASHINGTON (P)-Although a
preliminary federal court hearing
in the Adam Clayton Powell case
is scheduled for Tuesday the
Househseems likely to get another
chance to resolve the matter be-
fore any court rulings are issued.:
Dist Judge George L. Hart 'Jr.
is to consider motions by Powell's
attorney in Powells suit for a court
order directing the House to seat
him and asking that a three-judge
federal court be convened to hear
constitutional arguments.
But Bruce Bromley, the former
New York judge hired by the
House as its lawyer, plans to move
for dismissal of Powell's suit on
grounds that the court has no
jurisdiction over an action by a
house of Congress.
Possible Outcome
This motion would have to be
decided by Judge Hart before he
considers the two motions by Pow-
ell's attorneys. If Hart rejects it.
and says the court has jurisdic-
tion, he faces the possibility of an
effort by aroused House members
to state by resolution that the
court has no such jurisdiction.
What is more likely to happen,
sources said, is that the judge will
take the matter under advisement,
thus delaying any ruling on the
jurisdictional question until after
a special election in Powell's dis-
trict set for April 11 and any sub-
sequent House action.
Other Punishment
If, as expected, Powell is re-
turned to Congress by the voters
in New York's 18th District who
have elected him 12 times pre-
viously, the House then would be
faced with the problem of con-
tinuing his exclusion or reversing
it and possibly substituting other
The motion that excluded Pow-
ell stated that the action was for
"the 90th Congress."
If Powell shows up here with a
new certificate of election, Speak-
er John W. McCormack would
have to rule whether this resolu-
tion was binding or not.
Whichever way he rules, there
may be a move in the House to
overturn his ruling.

"Public authorities can inter-
vene, within the limit of their
competence, by favoring the avail-
ability of appropriate information
and adopting suitable measures."
Any governmental measures on
birth control, the Pope said, must
"be in conformity with the moral
law" and "respect the rightful
freedom of married couples."
The encyclical's wording was
regarded as the strongest state-
ment by any Pope on the question
of birth control outside the
IChurch's own realm.
Vatican experts said the new
approach toward family planning
would likely end organized re-
sistance by Catholics in some na-
tions to birth control legislation
and dissemination of information
on the subject.
Some sources said it might even
permit Catholics to accept laws
that would permit distribution of
contraceptive pills in welfare and
public aid programs.
The encyclical, entitled "Po-
pulorum Progressio"-the Devel-
opment of Peoples, is a wide-
ranging document that describes
modern social and economic jus-
tice as essentials for world peace.
In it Pope Paul:

; Rejected the idea that pri-
vate property and free commerce
I are absolute rights, saying that
help for those who lack basic
needs must come first.
* Rejected unlimited capitalism
as a "woeful system" that sees
profit as the key to economic pro-
.r Appealed for a huge world
fund using some of the money
now spent on arms to help relieve
More Taxes
f Suggested more taxes on the
wealthy to help meet the cost of
aid programs for the poor, better
regulation of international trade
and expropriation of estates if the
way they are run blocks a coun-
try's general prosperity.
The Rome Communist afternoon
paper Paesa Sera reacting to the
document, termed it "explosive"
and said it was a "tough denucia-
tion of the evils caused by capi-
The Vatican said the draft was
primarily the work of the late
French Dominican priest and
economist Perre Lebret. The en-
cyclical went through seven drafts
to reach its final form. It was
dated March 26, Easter Sunday.

British Warplanes Clear
U.S. Tanker wreckage

Un ion


Drivers Back


CHICAGO (/P)-The first step
toward breaking a five-day milk
drought in the Nashville region
came yesterday-the 13th day of
the National Farmers Organiza-
tion NFO milk marketing boycott.
Patrick E. Gorman, secretary of
the Amalgamated Meat Cutters
Union, ordered members working
as drivers for two Nashville milk
processors to return to their jobs.
Deliveries for more than a mil-
lion residents of mi'ddle Tennessee
and parts of Alabama and Ken-
tucky have been suspended for

five days, since driver members of
a Meat Cutters Union local and
members of a Teamsters Union
local teamed up with the NFO and
halted the flow of milk to all but
hospitals and similar institutions.
A U.S. Dist. Court dissolved a
state court injunction against the
Gorman said, in Chicago, the
Nashville local had a no-strike
A. J. Gasser, president of Purity
Dairies, Inc., one of the largest
distributors in Nashville, had an-

nounced earlier he would seek
police aid to deliver milk to gro-
cery stores.
Elsewhere, there were new sug-
gestions for intervention by gov-
ernment officials. Picket lines
formed anew in many places. And
in one of the major markets, Chi-
cago, the supply was just about
back to normal.
The Pure Milk Association,
which receives milk from farmers
and delivers it to dairies in the
huge Chicago market, reported-the
volume there was "about back to
normal." It had been down as
much as 20 per cent at one time.
Wisconsin congressman con-
tinued to urge U.S. Secretary of
Agriculture Orville L. Freeman to
mediate, hike price supports, and
reduce imports of dairy products.
The NFO president, Oren Lee
Staley, said his organization was
signing four-mouth contracts with
more processors, but he didn't say
how many. Such contracts provide
a two-cent boost above the cur-
rent price to farmers of 8 to 10
cents a quart.

LAND'S END, England {)-
British warplanes blasted the
shattered supertanker T o r r e y
Canyon yesterday with tons of
high explosives and then rained
down incendiary bombs in an ef-
fort to burn her leaking cargo of
crude oil from the sea.
The first strikes, by eight Royal
Navy Buccaneer bombers, sent
smoke and flames flaring up to
8,000 feet above the wrecked ship,
which ran aground on the Seven
Stones reef March 18 and broke
into three parts Sunday night'
while Dutch tugs were trying to
pull her free.
Behind the bomber strike, 20
Hawker' Hunter fighter-bombers
dropped tank loads of gasoline and
potassium chlorate incendiaries.
Home Secretary Roy Jenkins

told a news conference in London
the planes would continue to pour
down incendiaries through last
night and today in an effort to
keep the oil burning.
Jenkins said the surface oil was
burning well at the time of the
news conference, but he was not
sure how the fire inside the ship
was going. The problem there, he
said, was getting oxygen inside to
feed combustion.
Jenkins said the government de-
cided Monday night to blow up the
Torrey Canyon after it became
evident she could not be refloated
and towed into the Atlantic to be
sunk. Oil from the ship already
has polluted more than 120 miles
of beaches around this southwest
point of England and threatens
the entire English Channel coast.

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World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
Lurleen Wallace and her husband,
the former governor, sought legis-
lative support yesterday for a dra-
matic new federal-state showdown
over school integration.
It could lead to open defiance of
an order handed down by a three-
judge federal court last week or-
dering statewide desegregation by
next September. And it could dare
the courts to put a woman gover-
nor in jail for contempt.
One legislator said Mrs. Wallace
would seek to take control of all
Alabama public schools and thus
force the federal courts to deal
directly with her office for imple-
mentation of- the desegregation
Goldberg, U.S. ambassador to the
United Nations, issued another
statement yesterday saying "I am
not a candidate" for senator from
New York.
There have been news accounts
of political talk that Goldberg, a

Democrat, would challenge New
York Republican Sen. Jacob K.
Javits next year.
NEW YORK - The American
Federation of Television and Ra-'
dio Artists last night set a strike
deadline for dawn in a contract
impasse with major television and
radio networks.
"There will be a settlement-or
a strike at 5 a.m.," said the union
president, Donald Conaway.
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