See editorial page
Sir 43au
Much cooler,
with variable winds
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
on 'Need
Ann Arbor
"If I were to try to describe
our city in two words only we'd
probably finally settle on 'Dynan-
ic and Delightful'," says incumb-
ent Republican Mayor Wendell
Yet his Democratic opponent,
7r. Edward iPerce, describes th'
city quite differently: "The city
treasury approaches bankruptcy,
city streets are in terrible re-
pair, we are rapidly approaching
traffic saturation. Housing costs
are exorbitant, and we have no'
real program for the problems of
our elderly citizens or'our trou--
bled youth."
The sharp divergence of opin-
ion characterized the mayoral
campaign for the council seat that
various councilmen have called the
"seat which represents the entire
city" or "the seat without a ward."
Calling for a "balance between
resources and needs," Hulcher has
criticized Pierce for having "no
means for financing his campaign
promises and inferences." Claim-
ing that Hulcher's leadership on
council is'"weak," Pierce has re-
plied that he would try to be the
"leader on council" in confront-
ing new problems.
Hulcher in answer to Pierce's'
charge points to the Look Maga-
zine All-American City Award as
"partial testimony" to his own
leadership and effectiveness on
Potential increases in weight
and gas tax receipts from the,
state, possible retention of a por-
tion of the federal income tax
and an evaluation of the Uni-
versity's share in paying for city
services are proposed by Hulch-
er as vital sources of new reve-
nue to maintain present city serv-
Pierce cites the advantages of
a city income tax over raising
property taxes as non-regressive
and allowing the city to tax those
who work and use city services
but do not owr property. Pierce
indicates that any implementation
of a city income tax would have
to include a corresponding de-
crease in property taxes.
Hulcher comments that the so-
lution for the problem must be
broader than just city-wide in-
come tax; he says the city is the
recipient of only 26 per cent of
the total tax levy.
On transportation, Hulcher has
said that he would prefer a pri-
vately-owned bus system with full
city cooperation. He cites the suc-
cess of such systems in other ci-
ties of Ann Arbor's size.
Pierce favors a city-owned mass
transit system but would first be-
gin a study to reveal the extent
of the problem. Such a . system.
Pierce indicates, would allow stu-
dents to live in housing on the
periphery of the city and com-
mute to and from classes.
Hulcher sees more low cost hous-
ing to be constructed with both
public and private money as a
solution to the housing problem.
He says, however, that the Uni-
versity must bear a "prime re-
sponsibility" for providing student
Pierce favors a student on the
city Housing Commission, since,
he indicates, students constitute a
large part of the city and have
especially acute housing needs.
Pierce cites a great need for low-
cost housing among the poor and
among many students.
Pierce would include students
who qualify in such housing since
"from every standpoint he should
be considered a first-class citizen."
Federal funds, Pierce indicates,
might be available for the con-
struction of such units in addi-
tion to those already allocated by
the federal government.
Hulcher proposes that student
housing off-campus should be kept
to the "lowest possible density."
He said that this consideration
should be weighed against the
"economic factor and convenience
to students."
The relationship between the
city and the University, Hulcher
indicates, is one. of "close coop-
eration." He maintains a per-
iodic re-evaluation of the Uni-
versity's "fair share" of costs of
city service is needed and said
that such an examination need-
ed to be conducted in the near
future. Pierce also indicates that
he feels that the University is
probably not paying its fair share
and that public hearings on this
matter might more closely deter-
.mine that share. The University
now pays 18 per cent of city fire
and police protection costs.
Hulcher defended the police ac-
tion in the Cinema Guild case
saying that the police were "act-
ing in accordance with their in-
terpretation of the law." Pierce
called the whole situatipn "poor-
ly handled" and said that an in-
junction would have been the
proper method.
On police-community problems,
Pierce has come out strongly,
saying that "the police should be
subject to responsible regulation
by elected representatives of the
people." He rejected the idea of
a civilian review board, however,
saying that a voluntary group,
such as the Police Community
Relations Committee, which was
in existence last summer, increas-
ed communication between the po-
lice and the community.
Hulcher agreed that the com-
mittee was "quite useful" and he
hoped that it would continue next
summer. He indicated- that the
committee enjoyed de facto coun-
cil recognition.
Both candidates agree that the
city has problems that remain in
tl~e scope of possible solutions.
Voters in this election have a cear
choice of candidates who differ
widely in their solutions to these
IFC Ends
Of Parties
Fitzpatrick Gives 'U
Approval; President's
Ratification Needed
The Interfraternity Council's
executive committee voted last
night to eliminate the required
registration of all fraternity par-
ties with the office of student
Dan Fitzpatrick, assistant direc-
tor of student organizations, gave
formal University approval of the
motion at the meeting. The motion
is still subject to ratification by
the fraternity presidents assembly
which meets next week.
In other action the IFC execu-
tive committee passed a resolution
"that the Interfraternity Council
recommend that intoxicants be
permitted in fraternity houses for
those members 21 years of age
or older for special events upon
approval by the IFC executivet
Drinking Now Prohibited
The present regulation prohibit-
ing the presence of intoxicants
withinefraternities stems from a
ruling set down by the University
housing office. Robert Hughes, as-
sistant director of housing said the
decisionhwhether or not to.imple-
ment the IFCO recommendation,
tests with housing director John
Feldkamp and ultimately the vice-:
president for student affairs,J
Richard L. Cutler.
By eliminating registration of
p a r t ie s IFC officers asserted
that, it was serving no purpose
other than aiding university in-
vestigator Harold Swoverland.
They cited that it has been used
in the past as the "primary crite-
rion" for Swoverland's entering a
fraternity house.
Swoverland Limited
IFC passed a resolution which
would permit Swoverland to enter-
a fraterntiy housing only when
there is "reasonable and probable
cause to believe that standing so-'
cial regulations are being vio-:
Fitzpatrick agreed that, "Swo-;
verland should work for IFC, not,
the University."
IFC president Bruce Getzan ex-
pressed confidence that "the frat-
ernity presidents assembly will
ratify the resolution passed by the
IFC executive committee." He
said "it would only be consistant
with the 'progressive trend' in the
fraternity presidents assembly."
Selection Pleases
uu www wRwuuu
STUDENT ADVISORY BOARDS to the University vice-presi-
dents will hold open meetings this week.
The advisory board to Vice-President and Chief Financial
Officer Wilbur Pierpont will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in 1540,
Student Activities Bldg., for "all students who wish to discuss
the potential and future role of the board," according to chair-
man Hugh Grove, '67. Marty Zimmerman, A&D grad, will present
a proposal against the North Campus expansion. William Sturgis,
capital budget analyst in Pierpont's office, will also attend the
Thursday at 7:30 p.m. the student advisory board to A. Geof-
frey Norman, vice-president for research, will hold a combined
open session and working meeting in 1536 SAB.
* * * .
A NATIONAL STUDENT SOCIAL Work organization, found-
ed in St. Louis by 400 delegates from 47 schools, aims to establish
communication between' the schools' student bodies on social
work curricula, student voice in administrative matters and na-
tional social welfare concerns.
The organization, as yet unnamed and lacking a formal
organizational structure, is developing its local and regional struc-
ture in preparation for a meeting next November at the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin to consider social welfare issues, representation
of clients, and creating a formal student union structure. The
University's social work student delegation is the primary backer
of the student union structure. Observers see the formation of the
national organization as a sign of growing active involvement
by social work students in the activities and issues of the schools
and society.
VOICE POLITICAL PARTY voted last night to limit activi-
ties surrounding the visit to the campus by Secretary-General
of the United Nations U Thant to a picket line in front of Hill
Auditorium and the distribution of pamphlets. Thant addresses
the Honors Convocation Friday in Hill Auditorium.
Democratic mayoral candidate Edward Pierce also appeared
at the meeting, and answered questions concerning his views on
student housing, parking problems, and police on campus.
GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY said yesterday that state officials,
are working on a reduced spending budget just in case the
Legislature does not pass his proposed fiscal reform package. He
has said previously that a 15 per cent cutback in state spending
would be needed without passage of the tax reform to cover hisf
proposed $1.15 billion budget for fiscal 1967-68. Romney added,
"it would be very, very difficult if not impossible to realize a 15
per cent cutback without reduction of school aid funds."
BOARDS OF EDUCATION may consider racial balance asj
one factor in drawing up school boundaries, the Michigan CourtI
of Appeals ruled yesterday. If the boundaries are not arbitrarily
drawn, it added, students do not have a constitutional right to 3
attend a school other than the one in the district where they
The court reversed a Genesee County Circuit Court decision
in the case of Truel Mason vs. the Flint Board of Education. The3
Flint board late in 1964 adopted new high school boundaries and
said publicly that racial balance was among the criteria it was
using in drawing the lines.
' Faculty, Admrnstration
Young Reps
Clarfmar .
Poliy Stand
Statement Favors
Non-Military Efforts
To Settle Conflict
The College Young Republicans
last night passed a statement1
clarifying their position on the
Vietnam war and elected their
slate of officers for the year.
The seven-point statement crit-
icized the Johnson Administration
for "repeated misuse of the pros-
pect of negotiation to create a
false sense of 'rising expecta-
tions.' "
Doubting that negotiations be-
tween the United States and the
Norh Vienamese, "were it feasible,
would terminate the war," the
position paper calls for "unflag-
ging search for an effective peace
by non-military means," while
supporting a policy of "doing no
more and no less than what is
necessary militarily in Vietnam
to bring about a viable peace."
"We feel this statement reflects
the position of the Republicans on
campus and in the nation," said
Mike Renner, '69, newly elected
chairman of the Young Repub-
"We plan to send the position
paper to such nationally-known
Republican leaders as Gov. Rom-
ney, Sen. Robert Griffin and Sen.
Edward Brooke of Massachusetts
who recently said almost the same
things as this paper."
"The paper represents our clear-.
ly stated position on the Vietnam
war," said Renner, in reference to
a story which appeared several
weeks ago in The Daily which
"was written without knowledge
of the complete context of the
resolution as it now appears."
MIKE RENNER, '69E, left, was elected chairman of the College Young Re
Bob Willmarth, '69, was elected vice-chairman. Also elected were Britt Procto
executive board members Jan Holland, '70N, Connie Tegge, '67, Bert Heid
Nehra, '70.
Fleming Hopes for Im
1Communication With Si
Praise Work
As Mediator,
ti ?
Advisory Comnllittees
Concur with Choice
Of New President
Associate Managing Editor
University leaders were "very
pleased" yesterday when Robben
Wright Fleming accepted the Uni-
versity presidency.
Fleming was selected to be-
come the ninth president of the
University by a unanimous vote
of the Regents yesterday morn-
He willebecome president-desig-
nate Sept. 1 and assume the presi-
dency when Pi'esident Hatcher re-
tires at the end of this year.
Fleming, a lawyer who has earn-
publicans last night. ed a national reputation as a la-
or, "70, secretary, and bor mediator and arbitrator, got
eman, '69, and John his first major college administra-
tive job at. the University of Wis-
- consin as chancellor of its 30,-
000-student Madison campus.
Vice-President and Chief Finan-
cial Officer Wilbur K. Perpont
said it was "a very fine appoint-
ment and I will be happy to wel-
~ rovedcome him to Ann Arbor and the
University.",Pierpont said he hopes
to be able to meet Fleming Fri-
en tS day when Fleming will attend the
honors convocation.
Executive Vice-President Mar-
vin Niehuss added, "Fleming has
state-supported univer- a very fine record at Wisconsin
and in Washington. Though I
think the taxpayer can won't be here Friday, I hope to
d aside. I think the dif- n see him on the campus soon.
in making the taxpayer In a prepared statement, the
id some of theuniver- Student Advisory Committee on,
ds for money which are Presidential Selection said, "We
icult to explain. I think believe that Mr. Fleming will more
ll pride to the taxpayers than capably fulfill this office and
mmensely proud of the we feel confident that he will
me of a school." have the support of the rest of
ethe student body as much as he
has ours."
Active Consideration
rt Progect .C.Mr. Flemng has been in ac-
tive consideration by the Student
n Committee since early on our de-
. Dispute liberations...=. We were very im
pressed by his concern for and his
handling of university community
concern that the project issues and in particular student,
ued and its concern for issues," the statement continued.
are of the non-faculty "Chancellor Fleming appears to
at the Institute for approach situations with a respect
ve Research (where the for diversity while understanding
ere carried on)," Harn- the reasons inherent in differences
in in a letter to Prof. of opinion and acting in a way
steeter, chairman of the consistent with the best iterests
on implementing re- of the University."
licy. The faculty committee on presi-
ter to Hobstetter, dated dential selection was gratified that
, also revealed that the Fleming accepted the University's
had originally recom- offer. "From the first, the re-
hat the Air Force appoint gental committee has solicited our
rsity City Science Center advice and engaged us In consul-
sor in interest to Pro- ttion," Prof. Arthur Eastman of
nRACK and SUMMIT." the English department, chairman
landthttecotat of the faculty committee, said.
ained that the contract- "The final decision was theirs and
Force Department could their alo We concur in it
Nursing Students Fill Critical Shortages
ByWorK at Local Hospitals, Dean Says
By MEREDITH EIKER but because I think there are great"
Managing Editor inequities in the deferment plan.
Special To The Daily
DSp is.-"I'mThepDngl. "There would also be inequities
'MADISON, Wis. -- "I'm hoping in the lottery plan but it becomes
to find a mechanism in Michigan nessary can t ansers
for meeting with students and pnerioicallyto chang t heansr
talking with them. The problem stresses of the tihe"a
is how to find a representativesteesothti.
group and to gain more than just He noted numerous similArities
one particular viewpoint," Robben between the two institutions, in-
Wright Fleming, newly eletced cluding the problem of the proper
president of the University, said in relationship between the taxpayer
an interview yesterday.
"I'm not afraid of students; dis-I)
sent must be tolerated and not PPenn Biochem
shut off. If we can't live with dis-
sent, we can't live with the intel-
university community," said Flem- Faces Termim
ing, who is currently chancellor
of the Univeristy of Wisconsin's The Air Force has not decided.
Madison campus. whether it will allow the Univer-
Fleming says he's in favor "of sity of Pennsylvania to rescind
a good deal of educational inno- an agreement signed earlier this
vation. I'd be willing to encour- month extending the expiration+
age innovation because faculties of Project SPICERACK until
unfortunately tend to be conser- March, 1969.
vative-they're somewhat afraid The project was alleged by crit-"
to experiment and are reluctant ics to have engaged in research in
to change rules in academic biochemical warfare. After two
Femns."meb years of controversy, Penn decided
Fleming, who is a member ofnotornwPIEAKnris
the American Civil Liberties Un- not to renew SPICERACK nor its
ion, said in reference to the De- I Army project SUMMIT.
fense Department report on dis- In a telegram to Penn President
crimination, "You really have to Gaylord P. Harnwell an Air Force
attack the problem vigorously. official yesterday said that his de-
The Negro has a handicap toIpartment was "considering" Har-
begin with. More effort should be well's request to rescind the un- #
begn+ with.* M.re o ._I nublished agreement.
"I don't
be brushe
ficulty is
sity's nee
often diffi
you can se
who .are i
versity's "'
be contint
the welfa
projects w
wel expla
John Hob
search pol
The let
March 17
mended tr
the Unive
"as succe.
jests SPIC
He expl
ing Air I
By NEAL BRUSS has begun new programs in burn year which is liberal arts-oriented,
and coronary care. At the same sophomores take up to six hours
Nationally, h o s p i t a 1 s need time the school works on quality, a week of lab work, and juniors
nurses. We can't keep up with the its position as an enrollment lead- and seniors 20. "Practice is a part
demand," says Mrs. Rhoda Rus- er makes quantity a continuing of all nursing courses," according
sell, dean of the School of Nursing. concern. to Mrs. Russell.
"We are also faced with the The University Hospital has But if the nursing assistant post
'knowledge explosion,' " she adds, Butworktfornsomennursingtstudents
"whic eans we must provde bef y ddenswascreated to fill shortages,it
better nursing education." beore they graduate and are cer-; appears to be defeated by the,
tified. It employs some seniors as shortages themselves. Some stu-
The nursing school must adjust nursing assistants, who under pro- dents say that there aren't
"One night I came to work and
was greeted by this frantic-look-
ing nurse who had been on duty
since 8 a.m.," one student recalled.
"She kept telling me how glad
she was that I was in to take over,
but I really couldn't take over her
Sjob. I had to tell her so,yand she
nwas furious."
Students said that they did not
know of any senior! who made ser-j