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March 28, 1967 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-28

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To Phuladeiph
recent night, 100 angry business
and civic leaders .filed into city
hall;, determined to stop te vi-
cious harassment of the school
Soon after desegregation of te
city's schools, nlghtrlders fired
shots Into the home of Supt. J.
EHurdleand anonym ous callers
threatened his family. Hurdle
threatened to resign.
The citizens gathered at City
Hall decided "they were not go-
ing to let a handful of nuts har-
ass our superintendent," one of
those present said afterward.
Harassment Stops
The decisions made on the Dec.
9 evening never have been made
public. But the meeting hdan
Immediate effect:' the harassment
of Hurdle stopped forthwith.
For the first time since the out-
break of racial disturbance in
Neshoba County In the early
1960's, the "establishment" of Phil-
adelphia had taken an open, or-
ganized stand for order.
Philadelphia, a town of 5,017,
is the seat of Neshoba County. The
town gained lnternationlal notorie-
ty In 1964 when three young civil
rights workers, two white and one
Negro, were slain near here. Atr
a massive, two-month search,
their bodies were 'found buried in
a farm dam.
.Two Indictments
Federal grand juries tivice 'have
returned Indictments charging a
group of citizens, Including Ne-
shoba County7 Sheriff Lawrence
Rainey and his chief deputy, Cecil
Price, with conspiring to violate
the victims' civil rights. The first
indictment, in which 17 defend-
ants were named, was dismissed
last October by U.S. Dist. Judge
Harold Cox, who said the grand
jury did not represent a cross-
section of the population. The sec-.
ond indictment, returned Feb. 28,
llsted 19 defendants. One of the
new ones was former Sheriff E. G.
Barnett, now Price's chief op-
ponent in the race for the office.
The Justice Department has
said it will push for an early
No state charges have been fil-
ed in the case. Both Rainey and
Price still are on duty, Price is
one of three candidates running in
the Aug. 8 Democratic primary
for sheriff. Rainey's four-year
term ends this year, and under
Mississippi law he cannot succeed
Murders Forgotten
Speaking softly In an interview,
Price maintained that the s1ay-
ing of Michael Schwerner, James
Chaney and Andrew Goodman is
forgotten history. "You never hear
about it now," he said. "I'd say
it's a thing of the past around
He added: "I wouldn't want to
say I'm proud of anything that
happened in 1964, because I'm
Denegregatlon has come to Ne-
shobia. County with the backing of
federal law. The average white
resident doesn't like it, but real-
izes there is nothing he can do.

.3' ---~~.

tomes miow
ia, Mississippi
John Risher, a native of Phila--
delphia who operates an electron-
ics supply house, said: "Now, I
don't think the attitude of the
people ever changed. We were
conquered. You can't beat the fed-
eral government."
A leader In the Negro commu-
nity agreed the town is undergo-
ing a marked change.
"Unquestionably thiings are bet-
ter," he said. "Paving and sew-
erage facilities have increased in
Negro areas. And employment is
improving gradually. There has
has been progress in voter regis-
tration without much problem."
Quiet Desegregation
Philadelphia's schools quietly
desegregated last fall when 18 Ne-
gro children enrolled at a for-
merly all-white elementary school
and five others began attending
high school with whites.
The administrator of Neshoba
County's general hospital, Lamar
G. Salter, won a battle with the
federal government over clear-
ance to qualify as a medicare par-
ticipant. Salter insisted that he
had complied with non-discrimi-
nation regulations.
"There is no place in this hos-
pital where we say, 'this is for
Negroes and this is for whites',"
he said.
. Visible signs of segregation are
disappearing in Philadelphia. Un-
der federal prodding, the bus sta-
tion's facilities were Integrated,
and so were those in the court-
house. Service stations have re-
moyed racial signs from restroom
doors. The doors are kept lock-
ed and thc restrooms appear to
be patronized only by whites.
Voting Registration
With the help of a federal vot-
er examiner, Neshoba County now
has about 1200 of its 4,686 Ne-
groes. registered. However, Negroes
comprise only 28 per cent of the
county's population, and the sher-
iff's election will hinge mainly on
how the whites vote.


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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for wvhich The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent In TYPEWRtITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Satarday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
inlormation call 764-9220-.
Day Calendar
Junior Year in France: Mrs. Eliza-
beth Tarkow, Univ. of wisconsin, will
meet with all students accepted for
next year's program: Tues. morning,
March 28, Study Abroad OffIce, 1223
Angell Hall, beginning -at 9 a.m. and
Room SA Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m.
Center for Near Eastern and North
African Studies Lecture: Dr. Kamal sa-
libi, professor of history, American Uni-
versity of Beirut, Lebanon, "The Ap-
proach to Middle Eastern History":
Lane Hall Aud., 4:15 p.m. .
Business Administration Dean's For-
urn-Panel discussion of new MBA Pro-
gram. Students and faculty invited:
131 Business Admin. Bldg., 8 p.m.'
School of Music Concerto Concert
-Senior and Master of Music Stu-
dents.. Theo Alcantara, conductor: Hill
Aud, 8:30 p.
Genera Not'ce
Illustrated Lecture: Morton Feldman,
composer-in-residence, Univ. of Texas,.
"After Morednism". Wed., March 29,
Arch. and Design Aud., 3:30 p.m.
This lecture is open to the public.

Feldman will perform and discuss his
original works for piano: benefit con-
cert for the Artistic Grants Fund of
the Dramatic Arts Center. General
admission $2; students, $1. March 29,
First Unitarian Church, 1917 Washte-
naw, 8:30 p.m.

Dr. Joh Myung-gee, president, Dong-
guh University, Korea, March 26-29.
Eliezar schweig, philosophy, Hebrew
University, Israel, March 27-30.
Ambassador F. s. Arkhurst. perma-
nent repwesentrative to the UN from
Ghana, March 29-31.
Harmut von Hentig, chair for ped-

Inter-American Development Bank,
Wash., D.,C.-students with adv. de-
grees Econ., Finance, Bus, Ad. & Public
Ad. Citizens of any Latin American
country or U.S. citizen fluent in Span-
ish, written and spoken, who have

Clerg, bettor than avg. math, some
bookkeeping bkgd., 20 or over.
Dept. of J,abor, Slate of Michigan.
Detroit-several research positions for
Independent, creative, wide range per-
sons. Spring grads and recent grads with
BA. Course work In Phys. sd., fles
Methods, tech. writing and soc.

nvtany -.zJJa.5 ,cgy em nar: . ares..fg, i a&.tgy, VI' ngen1C1 nver y, C erm*. anL*kfy, *V e1 g'C ...AJLA. ,At,'*-J .'
F. Sing, Dept. of Human Genetics, April 3-5. school there. Working in Alliance for Huron Cement Co., Div. of National
"Gene Action and Quantitative Genet- Gerold U. Becker. doctoral candidate Progress program. Call 764-7460 for ap- Gypsum Co., Detroit-Vessel Scheduler.,
is:WdMarch 29, 1400 Chemistry and assistant to the head of the Insti- pointmvnts. coordatLaes moemnt ofe M7 ships on
Bldg., 4 p.m. Tea will be served at tute of Education at Gottingen Uni- ~ f
1139 Natural Science Bldg., 3:45 p.m. versity, Germany, April 3-5. POSITION OPENINGS: sary. BA and pref. draft-exempt 22-3.
City of Flint-Planning Assistant for yr. old.
Doctoral Examination for Joseph Vin- 1Urban Renewal Dept. New grads or up U.S. Army Area Command, Spec. Serv-
cent Baublis, Epidemiologic Science; It ceiflen g to 3 yrs. exper. City Planning, Land- ices Div.--Overseas positions. Service
thess: Phyica an Antgenc Car- PLAEMFN INERVEWS Grdu-scape Arch., CE and arch, degrees. clubs programs and recreational spe-
acteritics of Rubean A tiboies in LCMN NT~lw:Ga Local Manufacturing Firm - Clerk- cialists. BA degrees with courses in
Human Serum Shown by Immunofluor'- ates and seniors make appointments by typist, fair typing abilities, Production rec., soc., psych., soc. sd.,, humanities,
escent Microscopy," Wed., March 29. p.m. of the day preceding the visits _______________
Room 2022 School of Public Health, by the following companies. All em-
at 9:30 a.m. Chairman, G. C, Brown. ployers es pact to see your file before
_________the interview Please return forms and
Doctoral Examination for Robert Mor- Ca764-7460, General DivisionDss ie.
ris Anderson, Jr., Electrical Engineer-
lxg thesis: "The Effect of Mechanical| U.S. Navy, Detroit-Male & female.
Stress upon Rectifying Metal-simicon- z seeklng men and women interested in
ductor Contacts." Wed., March 29, Room Officer Training,.
3513 East Engineering, at 1 p.m. U.S. Marines. Detroit-Men interest-
Internal Revenue Service, Detroit --
Doctoral Examination for Hide Ike.. lMale & female. BA Gen. Lib. Arts,
hara Inada, Library Science; thesis: no acctg. required at Gs-5 level. Tax
"Translations from . the Japanese into rechnician, consultation with taxpay--
Western Languages from the 16th Cen- 3rs of all kinds and Revenue Officer,
tury to 19i2," Wed., March 29, Room call on delinquent payers. -I~ LI F r l
311 Lllbrary, at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, FRI., MARCH SI-
R. L Kolgour. U.S. Navy, Detroit-See Thursday list-

arts & eralts, drame, music, etc. Most
in Germany.
S* *
For further information please call
764-7460 General Division, Bureau of
Appointments 3200 sAB.
212 SMi--
Sout ih wstern Publishing Co., Nash-
ville, Tenn -Earn big money this sum-
mer. l0- I am. and 12-2 p.m. Inter-
Sie wK
* * *
.Details and applications at Sumnmer
Placement Service, 212 sAB, Lower Lev.




Doctoral Examination for Roy Clay
tra Ppulation Decentraliaion, Wed.,
March 29, Conference Room, Population
Studies Center, 1224 South University.,
at 3 p.m. Chairman, 0. D. Duncan.


F oreign Vi sitors
Following are the foreign visitors
rho will be on campus during the fol-
owing week, on the dates indicated.
'rogram arrangements are being made
y4 the Foreign Visitor Programs Office,
Yousif Ghulam, professor' of art.
Bagdad University, Bagdad, Iraq, March
21-Aprll 1.
Moh amr novelist-playwright, Is-

U.sS. Marines, Detroit-See Thursday

. --- IN-

- - - - - -1

8:30 p.m. - The Professional
Theatr-e will present Neil simon's
"The Odd Couple" at Hifl And.
8:30 p.m. - President Harlan
Hatcher will speak at the School
of Music Honors Assembly in
Rackham Lecture Hall.
7:00 and 9:05 p.m. - Cinemna
Guild will present Luis -Bunnel'-s
"El (This Strange Passion)'" in
the Architecture Aud.
8:30 p.m. - The Professional
Theatre Program will present Neil
Simon's "The Odd Couple" at Hill
8:00 p.m.-The Center for Con-
tinuing Education of Women Dis-
cussion will present Helen Fritz
and Janet Southwood speaking on
"Women in School and at Work"'
in the West Conference Room of
the Rackham Bldg.

NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially
recognized and registered student orga-
nizations only. Forms are available In
Room 1011 sAB.*
* * *
Russian Circle, Russky Kruzhok. tea
and Rtussian conversation, Tues., March
28. 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *
College Republican Club, Election
meeting and reception for city candi-
dates, March 28, 7:30 p.m., Rooms 3KL-
MN Union. Club will elect chairman.
vice-chairman, secretary and four mem-
bers at large of the Executive Board.
Any member of the club is eli'gible
to run.
* **
Dept. of Romance Languages, Gar-
cia Lorca's '"Blood Wedding," Sat., April
1 at 8 p.m., and Sun., April 2, at 8
p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn.
S* -*
Scottish Country Folk Dance Club,
Dancing. March 29, 8-10 p.m.. Women's
Athletic Bldg. Step Instruction and
practice 8-8:30 p.m. only.
Joint J udiciary Council, Meeting
Wed., March 29, 6:30 p.m., 3540 sAB.
Deutscher Verein, Kaffeestunde. Wed.,
March 29, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *
Philippine Michigan Club, April 1,
"Mabuhay Phillpin s," a revival of the
'Philippine Night" which would feature.
pict glimpses of Philippine life and
cultura1 exhibits, native dishes and . a
zultural presentation which would de-
zulture. Exhibit starts at 5:30 p.m.,
ilinner at 6:30 p.m., cultural presenta-
ion at 8 p.m., Congregational Church,
503 E. Williams, Ann Arbor. Accommo-
istlons are limited. Reservations can
be made bp phone: Ann Arbor--e62-
5529, Detroit-838-6698.


-- - ~ 3.
You're invited to our
To our friends
both old and new,... we extend this birthday invitation.
Come join us
March 27 through March 31
in celebrating our first year of service at our newest location,
A photographic exhibit-"Qld Ann Arbor Town"-a salute to the
UM Sesguicentennial will be on display



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