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March 28, 1967 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-28

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IiMM1' 4+'IiVVY*

T U E S A Y , M A R C 28 196 T ~ E M I I F I I N & I L

rAu tE

x The
m:x Margin for Error
Gi Samberg
Well, here we are again folks. Back in sunny, snow-stomped
southeastern Michigan for another close-up of the pre-season goings
on across the country in preparation for the 1967 installment of
the Great National Pastime. Today we're reporting to you from one
of the big little towns in The Circuit and we'll be giving you a pre-
view of a team which looks to be a real comer around here as the
talent gets thinned out with expansion. The Ann Arbor Insurgents.
And as you probably all remember, fans, it was just last season that
it was first said of this tough, spunky little squad, "Although it isn't
true generally there are a few of them that will make trouble." But
let's get the inside dope on the coming year from their manager. How
does it look, Buck?
Pretty good, Gil. Pretty good.
That was quite a testimonial for a team like yours which readily
admits its own lack of power. It appears that in spite of the Insur-
gents' finishing in the cellar last season, your opposition has come
to respect your potential ...
Yeah, well you could say that, Gil ...
Would you?
Well. . . probably not in front of my friends. But if you want
I'll. .
Yah. Well, let's leave that, Buck, and go on to some other things.
A lot of the fans out there would sure like to hear your own, per-
sonal, really truly views on your young club. What would you say
have been some of the problems in getting the Insurgents surging? .. .
Wel ...
If you'll pardon the little play on words ...
Yeah, nice play, Gil. I'd .. .
Really truly, now ...
Right. Well as you know, Gil we've had our personnel
problems. ..
Like personal private ...
Uh-huh. Personnel problems have been big. Like, as you
know, we almost lost a couple of fine prospects to the draft last
winter Luckily they weren't really draftable at the time because
of the league's rules on ....
Yeah, Buck. And speaking of drafts and things. What have the
Insurgents been doing in the off-season to better their position. I
mean in terms of trades and stuff.
Well, Gil. As you certainly know, in this modern game there
really is no "off-season." We keep working all the ....
Yes, I know, Buck.
We're a little dormant, maybe. But ...
But gettin back to the Insurgents, Buck.
Certainly. Well, yah Gil, we tried to get a few trades moving
and like that. But unfortunately we found out we really didn't
much yet that the other teams figured was worth trading for.
That was a problem.
I can see that.
Yeah, well we. were also considering some cash deals. But
those didn't quite work out either. Probably our biggest stumbling
block was, well, no ...
No cash ...
.. . cash. Yeah, that's it. But one kinda bright spot there was
that we did get some feelers from the other clubs on money deals
for our men. As a matter of fact, the Amazons seemed to think
we had some talent, and picked up a couple of our boys..
You mean the Candor Island club?
Yep. They bought a couple of our men just recently ... Of
course we sorta wished they'd told us about it.
Well .
I mean here were these guys passing on our signs and stuff
to another team. I mean that isn't right.
Did you appeal to the Commissioner, Buck?
Well, I guess not. Cause he hasn't done a thing about it since
I talked to him. As a matter of fact, I'd have to say that one
of our biggest problems is all the flak we seem to get from those
front office guys. I mean, like with draft, for instance ... How
come we're the only team that can't pick any men?
You got me there, Buck ...
Well, that's the problem, Gil. We don't got anyone. We just
keep losin' people.
That doesn't help build a strong team, that's true, Buck. But
I'm sure the Commissioner's office has your best interests in .. .
Well, Gil. I mean it's not only that. What about right in the
beginning of last season, remember? As usual we turn in our
roster to the office, see. And what do those, guys up front do?
They hand it over to that phony insurance conpany just like
that. A free mailing list. That "Help Unemployed Athletes Col-
lect" bunch with their "pension plan." The Commissioner says
they told him they wanted "to see the players get what they
really deserve." So the Commish doesn't want to make any trouble
for us. So he gives it to them. So now we got all kinds a nuts
calling us all the time ... Maybe you heard about it?
I do remember something .. .
And there are a couple of other things too ...
Well Buck, I don't know ...

Well let me ask you this. How come at our games the umpires
never wear uniforms? How come?
To tell you the truth, I really hadn't ....
But, I mean if you can't tell the players from the umps, it
Just sorta takes something out of the game, doesn't it?
Certainly, Buck, that is a problem. And I'm sure that many
of our fans out there will be waiting to see how the Insurgents
lick it ...
I mean, I don't want to make trouble or anything. I don't
want to rock the boat, Gil. It's just ...
We understand, Buck. It's the kind of thing that we each have
to face alone, isn't it? That's the way we've always done it, right
sports fans? But looking ahead a little, Buck. What plans do the
Insurgents have for the coming year? I mean what brilliant scheses
and strategies is that tough, grizzled,. experienced old theoretician's
mind of yours devising to bring your club up into the sunlight? How
do you think this group of talented players will fare in the coming
Well, thanks Gil, and all that. But, we're really not planning
anything spectacular for this year. One thing we were thinking
about, though, was eliminating our four-day seventh inning
stretches ...
Your four-day, seventh inning, stretches?
Well, yeah. I mean you get pretty tired after seven innings
& in this league. Especially since they started seeding up the game.
These business managers figure that someday they'll be able to
play a double-header in two hours. Swell, but what about ...
Yes Buck, the fans have been asking about ....
Well that's nice, Gil. 'Cause usually after the stretch, most of
the fans are gone too ...
I guess you have to build yourself a reputation before the fans
+ will flock to ....
Well the Mets didn't have to. I mean, it's gotten so that most
of the teams we face don't even bother taking the field until after
the four-day stretch. Then they get out there - laughing it up
- and Just wait for us to come apart.
Well that is unfortunate, Buck. I guess that's one more thing

Wrestlers Excel in NCAA 's

"Don't worry, Pete, they'll stop
the match if he gets too rough
with you. And forget what you
heard about him eating meat raw,
he likes it warmed up."
That's how Geoff Henson "con-
soled" Pete Cornell about his next
opponent on the second morning
of the NCAA wrestling champion-
ships in Kent, Ohio. The Michigan
wrestlers were obviously loose,
and they were confident. The
Wolverines were in first place, and
six of their men were undefeated
after their first two matches. r
Killing time before the after-
noon's activities started, Henson,
Cornell, and Gordy Weeks played
hearts in a lower bunk while Burt
Merical kibitzed from the upper.

Bobby Fehrs, Big Ten 123-lb.
champion, looking almost tiny
next to the heavyweights, drank
a high-protein malt and watched
as teammate Jim Kamman, who
went on to win the national 152-lb.
tite, had his injured knee heavily
Then Dave Porter, who had just
woken up, stumbled in, his hair
disheveled, one eye red and par-
tially closed, his mouth swollen
from a four-stich gash. When
Porter is seen that close, it's easy
to understand why opposing wres-
tiers run from him.
About an hour before the after-
noon matches started, coach Cliff
Keen, one of the nation's most
highly respected wrestling coaches,

and one of the very few to hold a
law degree, gathered the team to-
gether for a short talk before they
left for the gymnasium.
But the Wolverines were not as
successful on Friday as they had
been on Thursday Fred Stehman's
disputed loss in the last two sec-
onds and Merical's narrow over-
time defeat in the afternoon, along
with Cornell's loss in the evening,
following a near-perfect 29 sec-
ond pin, a meet record, dropped
Michigan into third place behind
arch-rival Michigan State and
Bright Spots
The day held some bright spots
for the Michigan wrestlers, how-
ever. Fehrs and Kamman ad-
vanced undefeated into the finals,
and Porter won a consolation
The final day of the meet, Sat-
urday, climaxed the finest show-
ing by a Michigan wrestling team
in recent years. In the afternoon's
consolation matches, both Porter
and Cornell went undefeated, fin-
ishing third in their weight class-
es, and Stehman ended up a high-
ly respectable fourth.
The strong finishes of Cornell
and Stehman were pleasant sur-
prices, but Porter's third place
finish was somewhat of a disap-
pointment. As a sophomore last
year he had won the title, and a
repeat performance was expected.
Saturday night's finals were, in
the words of assistant coach Rick
Bay, "What it's all about." And
apparently the fans also knew that
this was what it was all about.
Thirty minutes before starting
time the stands were full, and the
subdued but powerful roar of the
crowd didn't stop until after the
last match. The single mat at cen-
ter court was flooded in the bril-
liant light necessary for color tele-
vision as 22 wrestlers limbered up
in full uniform.
The crowd, the lights, the ath-
Baltimore 4, Washington 3
Atlanta 6, Boston 1
Chicago (A) 12, New York (A) 7
Kansas City 2, Philadelphia 2 (tie)
(9 innings, rain)
Cincinnati 7, St. Louis 4
Pittsburgh 5, Los Angeles 4
Chicago (N) 5, Cleveland 4
San Francisco 3, California 2 (10 inn)
Houston 7, Minnesota 6 (11 inn)
New York (N) vs. Detroit at St. Pe-
tersburg (cancelled, rain)
Czechoslovakia 5, Sweden 5 (tie)
Russia 2, Canada 1
New Mexico 10. Illinois 4
Michigan State 10, Duke 10
Arkansas 5, Wisconsin 3
Wisconsin 14, St. Mary's (Tex) 4
Colorado 11, Iowa S
Arizona 8, Colorado 2
No games scheduled
No games scheduled

letes in the center all brought to
mind an image of the ancient
Coliseum. But no lions were
needed, the wrestlers provided ac-
tion enough.
The Fehrs-Mike Caruso match
was the second of the evening.
Caruso had defeated Fehrs twice
previously in NCAA finals, and
Saturday was the last chance for
the Michigan wrestler to gain re-
venge. The match was superb, the
finest of the evening, but once
again Caruso ended on top, cap-
turing his third national title.
'Hail to the Victor'
Three matches later, in the last
contest of the tournament involv-
ing a Wolverine, Jim Kamman
met Wayne Wells of Oklahoma.
In a see-saw battle, Kamman
emerged the victor, and Michigan
was assured a second-place finish.
Kamman was elated, and he
didn't care who knew. As soon as
the final buzzer sounded, he threw
his headgear into the lights, drop-
ped to the mat exhausted for no
more than one second, and then,
sporting an enormous smile, half-
ran, half-jumped to the sidelines
and into the arms of his team-
There were five more matches
that night, but they were anti-
climatic to Michigan followers.
Coaches Keen and Bay and the
whole team, especially Kamman,
had been rewarded for a year of
hard work.
Cazzie Reports
To Fort Dix
FT. DIX, N.J. WP)--Cazzie Rus-
sell, star rookie of the New York
Knickerbockers and former Michi-
gan All-American, reported to Ft.
Dix yesterday for six months ac-
tive duty as a National Guards-
The collegc basketball's player
of the year in 1966 scored 24
points Sunday night as the Knicks
won a National Basketball Asso-
ciation playoff game from Boston.
- - - - - - -

Faculty of Philosophy{ Hebrew University

4:15 p.m.--Auditorium A,
Angell Hall, auspices
Office of Religious Affairs
8 p.m.-Auditorium C,
Angell Hall
auspices, Committee on
Comparative Literature
B'nai Brith
Hillel Foundation

PhD, Hebrew U. Former member
of Kibbutz Zoraa. Author, THE
LOSH ASHMUROT, a volume of
literary and philosophical essays
in numerous journals. Member,
Hebrew Writers' Association in
Israel, The World Union of Jew-
ish Studies and the Societe In-
ternationale Pour'Etude de la
Philosophie Medievale.



-Rick Kurtzman
MICHIGAN'S JIM KAMMAN, who went on to win the NCAA
wrestling crown in the 152-pound division, applies the pressure to
Charlie Seal of Portland State in a match Friday. Kamman led
the Wolverines to a second place finish in the nationals.
Wolverines Win 5-3
in Arizona FInale

Using the Union Prayer Book
FRIDAY at 8:00 P.M.
Rabbi, Sinai Temple, Chicago
Oneg Shabbat and Discussion Follows
Choir Directed by STEVEN OVITSKY

Special To The Daily
TUCSON-Michigan's baseball
team ended its Southwestern tour
on the upbeat Saturday night, de-
fending Arizona 5-3 to sweep a
day-night doubleheader from the
Wildcats. Michigan won the first
game 7-1.
The victory left the sophomore-
laden Wolverines with a 7-4 rec-
ord heading into next Tuesday's
home opener against Bowling
Green at Ferry Field.
In the nightcap Michigan relied

on the experienced pitching arm
of senior JoeKerr to lead them
to their second straight 'victory
after dropp . g.our straight to
Sophomore starter Jack Hurley,
who missed an earlier scheduled
pitching assignment because of
back trouble, started the second
game for the Wolverines but two
wild pitches and five walks got
him into trouble and Kerr was
called in by coach Moby Benedict
to eradicate the situation.
With Michigan ahead 3-2 on
three runs in the second, Kerr
wild pitched a run home to knot
up the game, but then settled
down, finishing 51/3-innings of
shutout, two hit pitching.
A misplayed fly ball of the bat
of senior Les Tanona in the sixth
inning fell for a double. Then Jim
Hosler followed with a single,
giving Kerr the only run he need-
ed for his second win of the trip
against one loss.
The Wolverines then managed
to get an insurance run in the sev-
enth on walks to Glen Redmon
and Tanona and singles by Rick
Sygar and Keith Spicer off loser
Pat O'Brien.
MICHIGAN 030 001 100-- 7 2
ARIZONA 001 200 000-+3 5 2
Hurley, Kerr (4) and Nelson; Ken-
nedy, O'Brien (5), Udel (9) and
McMackin. WP-Kerr. LP-O'Brien.

The Student
ZIONIST Organization
That its LECTURE
DISCUSSION scheduled
for Tuesday, March 28th
at 8:00 P.M.


_ _-



II, 11

All This Week
All Stone. albums a:t

$3 49


"Big Hits" Slightiy More
Next week we'll have another
special. so watch for it.

IFE Magazine has described Julian Bream as "the
successor to the great Andres Segovia himself."
Nnhaps ithrlla mna r -. v ienmvrl h, nin

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