S.tir. i jau
Cooler with a chance of
snow flurries
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Dra t
EDITOR'S NOTE: The national
debate over the draft, and what to
do about it, has been raging for
more than two years, pr6ducing' a
thicket of conflicting opinions. This
article, the first of a two-part se-
ries based on a nationwide Associ-
ated Press survey, reports the views
of the men who run the draft
WASHINGTON (A") - The men
who implement the rules and. reg-
ulations of the draft-the state
directors--are unsure and badly
divided over the workings of the
present system, an Associated Press
survey showed yesterday.
The r survey showed also that
much of their doubt is justified:
The states, guided only by a vague
series of recommendations from
their national and state headquar-
ters, have ,spawned the present
helter-skelter pattern of educa-
tional and occupational deferments
that has been so widely criticized.
Forty-three state draft directors
or their chief aides responded to
the questionnaire and, of those
who would express an opinion,
more than 40 per cent indicated
they think there must be a fairer
way of deciding between who
should be classidied 1-A and face
two years of military service and
who should be deferred.
There are more than 4000 local
draft boards across the nation. Un-
der the present system, the men
who. run these boards have the ul-
timate power of decision. Some
guidelines are supplied by state
and national draft headquarters,
but these are offered only as sup'=
plemental aides-although many
boards follow the recommenda-
tions closely.
Throughout the draft debate, Lt.
Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, national
Selective Service director, has
stood firm. No changes are need-
ed in the draft laws, he has re-
peatedly said, arguing that the
draft should become a permanent
part of the American way of life.
But the current laws pose sharp
dilemmas for the men charged
with carrying them out on a state
level. Col. Glenn R. Bowles, Se-
lective Service director for Iowa,
summed up the problem this way:
"I think basically if there is a
complaint within the local board
framework of Selective Service it
would be the lack of uniformity in
deferments throughout the state
and throughout the United States.
But the reason is because the con-
cept is to let the local boards de-
termine who serves."
In Bowles' view, the debate boils
down to an argument between
those who want the local boards
to maintain freedom of selection
and those who would impose a
state or national "dictator" to de-
cide who serves. He opposes the
dictator concept.
But Maj. Gen. L. B. Adams, Jr.
and others complained about the
lack of guidance from Washing-
"I would like to see perhaps a-
more uniform regulation on stu-
dent deferments," he said. "Also I
would like to see specified the part
the Peace Corps should be given
in relation to other service in the
country. Too many people have
the idea it is a substitute for mili-
tary service."
From many other draft officials,
some form of universal service
would be the ideal solution.
"Nothing but universal military
training will ever solve the prob-
lem," said Capt. Charles L. Kess-
ler. The student deferment pro-
gram should be ended, he argued, should be required to attend a demands. They argued that the same break and try to follow
except for those studying sciences, meeting once a week, or take RO- variations in requirements among standards as similar as possible."
engineering, medicine or any oth- TC in college or something similar, local boards have been vastly dis- Col. Robert Knight said he
er subject deemed essential to the They should be given a sense of torted in the current controversy. thought draft boards are "very
national economy. responsibility." "The law is flexible enough so uniform" in granting deferments
Col. Harry Smith believes that From farther down the chain of that we can adjust to changing for students. He had no recom-
anyone granted deferments should command, the men who run the conditions," Brig. Gen. Henry M. mendations on changing the sys-
be liable for the draft until he is local draft boards, there also are Gross said. "The boards differ be- tem.
dissents. cause there are different kinds of The head of the Selective Serv-
35. Roscoe N. Coburn said he wants people. But they don't differ very ice in North Dakota, Adj. Gen. L.
"We have thousands of young to see "plenty of changes. The far." A. Melhouse, summed up much of
men who keep on going to school whole thing is pretty archaic." Col. Morris Schwartz said he the sentiment for the present sys-
year after year until they are 26 "It needs to be re-evaluated,";doesn't want to see any changes tem when he declared that "so
and when a young man reaches Coburn said. "I don't like what I in the system. "The system has far, no one has come up with a
26, we can't touch him," Smith see or read." better Selective Service system
said. "I. think every man register- been functioning over 20 years. It than we have now."
ed with a draft board should Dr. L. L. Huntington said he functioned well in World War II Col. Arthur Holmes, Michigan
continue his liability until he is thinks too many decisions are left and in World War I. I don't think draft director, said he felt the flex-
35." . up to the board's discretion. Pol- there are any inequities whatso- ibility of the present system is ade-
Col. Howard E. Reed has no icy should be spelled out in de- ever." quate for the needs of the nation.
specific solution but sees a broad tail on a national level, he said. In Massachusetts, Director John "To tighten up" standards, he ar-
answer to the current dilemma: Those state Selective Service of- C. Carr, Jr. said the 128 draft gued, would create hardships for
"There ought to be some way of ficials who endorsed the present boards "generally follow the same too many.
tying everyone of draft age in with system spoke highly of its ability rules in all cases that I know of. Anyway, he added, he believes
some obligation. Perhaps they all to meet high and low manpower We like to see everyone get the See SURVEY, Page 2
Polard Says
On Campus
Reports Enormous
Amounts of Marijuana
Sold on Black Market
To Consider
Draft, Issue
To Debate Katz, Kelly,
Beardsley Proposals;
Plan Class Rank Poll
What has the Literary College
Faculty accomplished and dis-
cussed during its many debates
on the issues of class ranking and
student deferment?
At its regular monthly meeting
Monday, the faculty members
present voted to canvass by mail
the entire literary college faculty
on the controversial issue of class
ranking. The poll will ask essen-
tially what from academic infor-
mationron a student should take
(transcript, class rank, etc.) and
to whom the information should
be sent (ocal draft board or
The poll will be slightly revised
by a committee, appointed by
Dean William Haber of the liter-
ary college, consisting of Profs.
E.-Lowell Kelly of the psychology
department, Angus Campbell and
Theodore Newcomb, of the soci-
ology and psychology departments,
Arthur Bromage of the political
science department and Deming
Brown of the Slavic languages de-
Several Resolutions
In addition to this formal ac-
tion by the faculty, there are sev-
eral resolutions awaiting their at-
J% tention.
On the table from December's
meeting are two separate reso-
lutions on ranking presented by
Prof. Laniel Katz of the psychol-
ofy department and Prof. Richard
Beardsley of the anthropology de-
M In the interim however, Kelly
prepared substitute statements on
both the student deforment and
class ranking issues.
The portion of Kelly's statement
concerned with student deferment
was a substitute resolution for an
earlier proposal presented by Prof.
Edward S. Bording and Prof. John
Erenche of the psychology depart-
ment. This resolution was pre-
sented at Monday's meeting and
is on the agenda for the Febru-
ary 6 faculty meeting.
Panel Member
Kelly was a member of a panel
of 27 distinguished educators and
professional people established to
advise the Selective Service Com-
mission. The panel recommended
the formation of guidelines for
local boards on the current poli-i
cies of student deferments. He
thus is able to present a great
deal of the historical perspective
behind deferment and ranking in
his background paper "Grades,
Ranking and Student Deferment."
Kelly states that "It is impor-
tant to remember that the delib-
erations leading to present poli-
cies of student deferment took
place during a period of interna-
tional tension," one in which there
was a great deal of concern about
maintaining an adequate defense
The advisory group, according to
Kelly, "arrived at the unanimous
C7k't tYt
DISSENSION AGAINST PLANS for one solid week of pro-
tests against the Vietnam war and the draft has arisen in the
ranks of the Students for a Democratic Society. The SDS na-
tional committee voted in Berkeley, Calif., against supporting
a Peace Week protest movement that is to be capped on April 15
with mass marches in New York and San Francisco. But rank-
and-file members have organized a ballot referendum to over-
turn the leadership decision. SDS chapters around the country
report they will vote to take part in the protest.
last night on the University's alumnae recommendation policy.
This is partially a result of last year's Big Ten Interfraternity
Council-Panhellenic Conference which resolved that, "Some of
the structural mechanisms of the recommendation system can be
used as a possible means of discrimination." Recommendations
are now used to give a sorority additional information on a
prospective member.
* * * *
PROF. FREDE VIDAR, of the architecture and designs school
since 1953, died yesterday after a long illness. Internationally
known, Vidar's paintings hang in New York's Museum of Modern
Art, the National Gallery of his native Denmark, and a number
of other important collections. Until joining the University
faculty he worked as an artist and war correspondent with Life
and Fortune magazines. He taught previously at the New York
School ofInterior Decoration, the Newark School of Fine and
Industrial Art, University of Wisconsin, and Washington Uni-
versity in St. Louis.
THE JANUARY 7 issue of the Daily incorrectly reported that
University employees enrolled in courses here need no longer
register their cars with the Student Vehicle Bureau. According to
the Bureau only permament, full time employees of the University
are exempt from student registration. Students who work either
part time or on a temporary basis are not exempt.
%K k< :k
UNITED STATES OFFICE of Education reports that the
number of doctoral degrees awarded during the last decade nearly
doubled from the school year 1955-56 and probably will more
than double in the next ten years.
The office, noting that physical sciences and education
had attracted the largest number of candidates in the last decade,
predicted that engineering may be the most popular field for
doctorates by the end of the next ten years.
Estimates by -the office place the number of degrees to be
awarded in the school year 1975-76 at 36,900. In 1964-65, 16,467
degrees were given; -in 1955-56, 8,903.
-Daily-Thomas R. Copi
PARTICIPANTS IN YESTERDAY'S DEBATE (from left) Michael Zweig, Grad, chairman of Voice Political Party, Ed Robinson, '67,
president of Student Government Council, writer-in-residence Leslie Fiedler, and Prof. Stephen Tonsor.
Fiedler, Zweig,
Tonsor, Robinson
Disagree on Role of Young Radical
"I don't have much faith in
reason, really. I don't see what we
hdve to lose by trying a little
irrationality and pa ssion now. I
guess my motto is live now, die
later," said writer-in-residence
Leslie Fiedler to an audience of
more than 400 students yesterday.
Fiedler was discussing the topic
'The Young Radicals ... Dropouts
or a New Proletariat?" with Prof.
Stephen J. Tonsor of the history
department, Ed Robinson, '67,
president of Student Government
Council, and Michael Zweig, Grad,
chairman of Voice political party.
"It has been the common fate
of all young men to find them-
selves in a world they didn't make
and which isn't very good, and to
believe there can be a better
world and that they might be the
ones who will make it better,"
Fiedler said.
But, according to Fiedler, there
is a feeling of helplessness among
many of the young radicals today,
developing out of the war in
Vietnam and the developments in
the Civil Rights movement.
Criticism and Defeat
"Young radicals have moved
from a full faith in their ability to
make changes to feelings of. cynic-
ism and defeat, though the justice
of their aims is still there," said
Tonsor disagreed with Fiedler's
assumption that the purpose of
the young radicals is one of re-
making the world. "The chief im-
petus of the radicals is moral
energy," he said.
Tonsor attacked the position of
the young radicals by saying,
"Once one deserts the language of
rationality and pitches the argu-
ment of ethics and morality, to
absolutes of good and evil, one
enters the compromiseless land of
saints and sinners, of Johnson and
Boulding, where there is no pos-
sibility for even small improve-
Zweig's reply to Tonsor's charge
was, "I know no way to approach
a situation but on the basis of
ethics and morals. When Ioral
considerations are not taken into
account we end up dropping nap-
alm and lynching Negroes."
Mutually Exclusive
Robinson supported Fiedler's
assumption that theuunifying fac-
tor among the young radicals is
a desire "to make this a better
world." He added that he did not
believe rationality and ethics to
be mutually exclusive.
"The young radical wants to try
to do what seems right. Rather
than saying that the world is not
perfect and never can be, and us-
ing this as an excuse, we' want to
use ethics and morality as a basis
for change," said Robinson. "If
enough people start talking about
what's right and good the world
will be better."
The only conviction held by all
four speakers was that there are
a lot of things wrong with this
world. Each one had a different
solution for these*problems.
A Hostile Place
Tonsor views the world as a
basically hostile place. "The whole
experience of mankind supports
that fact," he said. "We pay a
price for every advance we make
against the hostile world and that
price involves pain.'I want to see
a world of freedom. But we can't
have freedom without paying the
Robinson argued that, "Freedom
doesn't have to be the thing we
pay for in terms of hurting some-
one. We can at least change the
price we have to pay for the free-
R obinson's position was that
each person must try to develop
a better self and "see how the con-
text within which we work jives
with those values of self. We have
to try to live by morality and not
some perverted idea of prac-
According to Fiedler, "man pays
a price of .pain no matter how he
lives. As we sit here we are de-
caying. No matter what we do in
our lives there will be pain so
let's have some pleasure too."
A University researcher in the
Medical School's department of
psychiatry says that LSD has In-
vaded the University campus at a
"black market" rate of $5 for a
capsule three and a half times as
potent as that used in scientific
Associate Prof. John C. Pollard,
a research psychiatrist at the
Mental Health Research Institute,
said he had no figures on the in-
cidence of LSD (d-lysergic acid
diethylanide in Ann Arbor, but
said "enormous amounts of mar-
ijuana may be used on:this
campus" and that hashish is also
being used.
Pollard made his revelations in
a talk before area physicians and
high school principals att the
Washtenaw County Medical So-
ciety meeting Tuesday night at
the Town Club.
LSD, an hallucogenic drug that
is taken internally, is controlled
by the federal government. The
Sandoz company formerly pro-
duced the drug until ordered to
turn over its stock to the govern-
In an interview Pollard said
he was in the midst of several in-
vestigations of the drug when the
restrictions came; he said further
study would be illegal unless per-
mission were granted by the gov-
ernment which he is seeking.
Anti-War Profits?
Pollard was quoted in the Ann
Arbor News as saying the illegal
LSD originates in New York and
the profits in Ann Arbor ."go to
stop the war and ban the gomb."
He elaborated on this remark to
The Daily, saying that the folklore
of pot, to which he was exposed
last spring while interviewing sub-
jects for LSD experiments, holds
that there are anti-war groups
involved in, the distribution. He
said he had no direct evidence that
this is so.
"Non-opiate drug taking in my
opinion is not a significant factor
in crime," Pollard told the Med-
ical Society. He noted that drug-
ged persons who commit crimes
often have an emotional problem
that would have led to crime sim-
ilarly under the influence of alco-
hol or without any stimulant.
The Harrison Act, which con-
trols narcotics such as cocain and
heroin, also classifies maraijuana
as a narcotic. Pollard believes no
evidence exists for such a clas-
sification. He indicated that his
speech to the Medical Society was
part of his effort to create a con-
cern among doctors towards in-
creasing knowledge and research
about marijuana that may lead
to liberal legislation about drug
Cutural Puritanism
Pollard attributes the restri-
tions on marijuana and LSD to a
cultural "puritanism." He. called
the "refusal to investigate the
myths about marijuana" a direct
cause of many young people in
the community "whose careers
have been absolutely ruined by an
overly harsh law."
Pollard says he favors an easing
of laws curtailing experimental
use of the drugs but would re-
strict access by the general public
Unstructured, Interdisciplinary Format
Leads to New A pproaches in IS R Projects
Second of two partsI
A tour through the Institute of
Social Research building is like a
journey through a technological
wonderland. The lush carpeted
halls muffle the sounds of con-
stant activity. being carried on by
over 150 clerical staffers. A sepa-
rate staff of 20 persons performs
computer routines and prepares
programs that are the metholo-
gical heart of the Institute.
A new IBM System 360 com-
puter will soon be replacing the
outmoded, 1401. A temperature-
and-humidity controlled room
houses 12 million punched key
punchers cards and thousands
But statistical scope and bril-
liance often obscures from view
many of the other activities at
ISR. The Group Dynamics Center
contains isolation rooms with one-
way mirrors for observation, and
motion picture cameras to record
individual behavior in group situ-
ISR maintains constant contact
with some 250 field workers across'
the nation who gather interviews
for surveys. Studies in organiza-
tional behavior reach into hospi-
tals, factories and corporate of-j
fices to investigate social prob-
lems first hand.
The conflict between basic and
applied research resolves itself
constructively in ISR's major con-
tributions to the social sciences.
The interdisciplinary approach,
like that at such other University
centers as the Mental Health Re-
search Institute, blends econo-
mists, sociologists, political scien-
and physiological changes," says
Asst. Director Stanley E. Seashore.
A third unit, the Center foi
Research on the Utilization of
Scientific Knowledge (CRUSK)
began work in 1964, directed by
Prof. FlaJd C. Mann. Several re-
searchers in the two centers and
elsewhere on campus had voiced
concern about the problems in the
organization and handling of in-
formation flow encountered by
large organizations such as medi-
cine, engineering and public school
I teaching innovations.
Seashore speculates that CRUSK
may become a model for possible
future additions to ISR, formed
at staff or campus-wide initiative
along interdisciplinary lines to
deal with "whatever needs or op-
portunities require a social science
response." For instance, a center
to study race relations was con-
sidered but turned down for the
Some of these tasks are studies
of specific objectives for a limited
lifetime. Others, like Prof. George
Katona's continuing study of con-
sumer behavior, have been going
on for decades. Program areas are
fluid in organization, with chan-
ging membership over time and
amenable to collaboration with
other programs and outside organ-
izations that use ISR's facilities.
Although research has expressed
priority, it is only one facet of
ISR's multi-dimensional activities.
Graduate students are employed
by ISR as salaried staff; their
number has grown by 50 per cent
in the last eight years to 60 stu-
dents. Currently, over 30 members
of the staff also teach in other
departments of the University.
The flags of various nations out-
side the offices of foreign post-
doctoral visitors attest to the
esteem which ISR's competence
holds around the world.
Johnson Moves To Begin
Anti-Missile Treaty Talks
recommendation that the selective more are added
deferment of college students was staff of coders,
in the national interest." This basic social data
same group concluded that the best siders as well a
criteria for deferment would in- (has its own car
lude "a level of scholastic apti- to construct wha
tude and a demonstrated level of al
achievement while incollege.' a apparatus isc
~ ~ Methodological
daily by a small
and this pool, of
a is used by out-
s ISR. ISR even
rpentry workshop
tever experiment-
l innovation is
message from President Johnson
to Soviet leaders, reported in Mos-
cow yesterday, is understood to
be designed to open the way for
U.S.-Soviet talks on an antibal-
listic missile race.
U.S. Ambassador Llewellyn E.
Thompson, new envoy to Moscow
-who arrived there yesterday-
has been charged by Johnson with
primary responsibility for probing
Foremost among these at the
moment, according to Washington
informants, is the threat of ex-
panding the nuclear missile race
into a new phase with potential
costs to the United States of $30
to. $40 billion.
One of Thompson's first tasks
is to sound out the Russians on
possibilities of freezing the nuclear
missile balance as it now stands-
with both the great powers re-
portedly having enough destruc-
tive force already available to de-
tists, statisticians, demographers present.