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C, 4c
Sit iAu
Cloudy with a slight
chance of rain
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXVII, No. 147
Appoint Greene Deputy
Of Civil Rights Group
Walter R. Greene, author of the]
Pentagon's studies of University
hiring practices, has been appoin-
ed Deputy Director of the Michi-
gan Civil Rights Commission, ef-
.fective April 10.;
Since 1962, Greene has been the
Michigan Director of the Defense]
Department's Office of Contract
Compliance and is now Acting Re-
gional Director of the Office.
The Office of Contract Com-
pliance has made two reports onj
University employment. The first.
got their statistics and facts com- dealing with compliance and com-
pletely wrong." plaint review."
Spokesmen for The Chicago Greene said, "Today's racial sit-
Tribune yesterday had no com- uation in Northern cities is part
ment on Green's remarks. of the fabric of society. There is
"Our objective is not to achieve no need for much overt discrimi-
a specific number, goal, or ratio," nation. All that is necessary is to
Green said in explaining the re- maintain the status quo. Ana that
port. jit is the function of civil rights
'Indefensible' groups to try and change this
"However, when as was the case status quo."
with a college in the University, Greene continued, "If Ameri-
there is a total absence of any cans worked as hard on their re-
members of a minority group, this ligious precepts as they do on the
is indefensible in this day and precepts of racial prejudice we
age sswould have a wonderful society.
G n cBut today the only real religion
Greene complimented the knowl- in this country is the religion ofi
edge and understanding that both racism."
the administration and the ac- -
ulty exhibited in regard to hisp
recommendations. He contrastedh
the meaning of equal employment
opportuity with the understanding
shown by most corporations. He VietMoney
said, "The major problem we face
is a total inability to understand T 1
what we want." To Canada
I* 1*
Consider Choice
In Closed Session
The University Regents are holding a special closed
meeting at 9 a.m. today tc vote on Robben Wright Fleming,
chancellor of the University of Wisconsin's Madison campus,
as successor to University President Harlan Hatcher.
The decision, to hold the special meeting today was made
over the weekend after another prime presidential pros-
pect, U.S. Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare John
Gardner, told the Regents he would not take the job here if
offered it.
Sources indicate that today's meeting was called because
the Regents fear their list of top presidential prospects
will narrow further if they do not act quickly.
Fifty-year-old Fleming has said he will announce by
Wednesday whether or not he will accept the presidency of
the University of Minnesota which was offered to him on
March 19.
Sources indicate Fleming stands a good chance of being
voted the offer by the Regents today. They have scheduled
study, disclosed by The Daily inj
November of 1966, focused pri-
marily on the racial composition
of the student body and faculty.
The report said that the Univer-
sity is known as a school "basical-
ly for rich white students" and
made 25 recommendations "for
broadening equal opportunities"
Discuss. Hiring Practices
The second study, released by
the University several weeks ago,
made 16 recommendations on Uni-
versity employment practices. The.
Reviewing his experience wih
report recommend'ed that "a the Office of Contract Compliance,
crash program" be established to Gree-n said, "I believe that wej
improve the "exceptionally bad have been the most effective in-
employment practices which cur- strument in dealing with discrim-
rently exist in the School of En- ination in employment to date.
gineering." For we are asking the employers
.Discussing these reports, Greene j to take definite action, rather
said, "The University is proceed- than merely remedying one spe-
ing very satisfactorily to meet all cific complaint.
our recommendations. I have ab- Greene's new post will take ad-
solutely no complaint against the vantage of his experience with the
way the University reacted to my Defense Department. Greene said,
report. My only complaint is "My new job with the Civil Rights
against The Chicago Tribune for Commission has not been precise-
the irresponsible way in which ly spelled out. But it is their in-
they blew up the entire story and tention to use my experience in
About $1500 collected by area'
Quakers to provide medical sup-
plies for North and South Viet-
namese was transferred Sunday
to the Canadian Friends Service.
Committee despite a U.S. Treasury
Department ruling making gifts j
of money to the North Vietna-
mese or National Liberation Front
civilians illegal. Robber
Five area Quakers who made the,
presentation were, Mrs. Kenneth_
Boulding, Grad; Prof. Roberti THIRDU WINNER-
Blood of . the sociology depart-
ment, Gerald Lalone, Grad; Gil-
bert Hamilton, a Dearborn high -g-Air
R. Fleming:
41 I
A Profile
Robben Wright Fleming, who
now appears to be the leading con-
tender for the University Presi-
dency, recently received a stand-
ing ovation from students sitting
in at Bascomb Hall, the University
of W i s c o n s i n Administration
The 300 students were protest-
ing the arrest of 16 students in
two days of demonstrating against
the presence of Dow Chemical Co.
recruiters on the Madison campus.
The students had barricated Flem-
ing and the Dean of Student Af-
I Mfairs into Flemings office, but rose
to cheer when it was announced
that Fleming had sent a personal
check to post bond for eleven of
sh thek IProf. Charles C. Killipgsworth of
the Michigan State University
economics department who has
1 Wright Fleming
A -,'
TWENTY UNIVERSITY students will volunteer for a Head
Start project at Wrand Day Care Center, Inc., in Willow Run. The
four-month program was made possible by a $14,031 grant from
the Office of Economic Opportunity to the Washtenaw Citizens
Committee for Economic Opportunity. The program will serve
46 pre-school children from Washtenaw County.
DETROIT SCHOOL OFFICIALS planned yesterday to review E
the case of Leslie Biederman, a teacher who was suspended last
week after discussing a play which had "numerous instances of
profanity and references to sex" in his classroom. The play, "A
Thousand Leaders Among You," is about life in urban slums. and
has been presented at seven Detroit area churches within the}
past year. According to Arnold A. Meier, regional school super-
intendent, the 'casting of a 15-year-old girl as a prostitute wasI
school English teacher, and Miss
Polly Lee, a Waterford librarian.
Possible Prosecution
One spokesman for the five said
that they may be liable to prose-
cution undertheTrading with
the Enemy Act and the Export.;
Control Act. Conviction under the
acts could result in 10-year prison'
terms and $10,000 fines.
The money was passed on to the
Canadian organization because a,
U.S. Treasury ruling prohibits
checks or money orders to be
processed by American banks by
the Vietnamese groups.
Symbolic Transfer
The money was transferred in
Portner Awicdel-
Prize Music Fellot
a special public meeting at 10
a.m. today, followed by a press
The Regents had originally
planned to hold off on their pres-
idential vote for another one to
two months. However, the Minne-
sofa offer to Fleming has appar-
ently forced the sudden vote.
If offered the- presidency here,
Fleming is expected to 'accept to-
day or Wednesday, sources indi-
Asked about the possibility of
deciding between the Michigan
and Minnesota offers Fleming
said in a phone interview at his
house in Madison last night, "It
would be a tough decision for me
to make. I've had the- advantage
of talking to the Regents of both
school's and I think if the (Mich-
igan) offer was made, I expect my
answer would come quickly."
"It is only correct to say I'm
being considered for . the job. I
have not formally been offered
the presidency of Michigan," he
Fleming said he planned to call
a news conference for late today
or Wednesday to announce his de-
cision on the Minnesota offer.
Fleming added that "it's con-
ceivable" that he would make
an announcement simultaneously
about both jobs if offered the
Michigan post.
Fleming's nearest competitor,
Roger Heyns, Chancellor of the
University of California at Berke-
ley reportedly poses . no serious
threat to the chances of the WiN-
consin chancellor in today's vote.
Heyns' chances were squelched
by some faculty opposition and his'
"too controversial" status, sources
Fleming was recently in head-
lines at Madison when he posted
bond for 11 students arrested' for
picketing Dow Chemical Co. re-
Two other top contenders for
the job here now'believed out
of the running are Franklin
Jack Fortner, a composition in-
st'ructor in the music school, has
been awarded the prestigious
American Academy Rome Prize
fellowship in composition for 1967-
68, it was announced yesterday.
Fortner is the third music school
faculty member to be so honored.
a Michigan home to representa- Associate Prof. George B. Wilson,
tives of the Canadian organiza- director of the electronic music
tion before a symbolic presentation studio, received the prize in 1958,
of a $1 bill in a Bible was made and Prof. Leslie Bassett received'
at the Canadian end of the Am-! it in 1961.
bassador Bridge. The prize, awarded by a five-
At least 30 persons crossed' the member jury of composers includ-
bridge while 20 kept a silent vigil I ing Gunther Schuller and Elliot
on the American side. Carter, is privately sponsored.
Lalone said that the personal It provides for a stipend, free
and financial support was "quite residence, a studio and the use of
impressive" considering the risk of library and other facilities at the
illegality. American Academy in Rome. I
Rome Prizes are awarded an- orchestral works, including "Bur-
nually in several fields, including lesque for Two Orchestras."
music composition, painting, sculp- Born in Grand Rapids, he earn-
ture, art history and the classics. ed two degrees there before com-
Leo Sowerby and Howard Hanson ing to the University, where he'
received the first composition .is a doctoral student in composi-
aWards in 1924, and since then, tion.
composers such as Samuel Bar- Serial Technicianj
ber (1937) and Lukas Foss (1952) Fortner has been "very much
have won the prize. 3involved in the serial technique"
Dean James B. Wallace of the of composition, Wilson said of his
music school, commenting on the colleague after the award was an-
award, declared, "In a compara- nounced.
tivelyshortaperiod of time, Jack "He was a jazz musician for
throughout the world as one of .a number of years before he turn-
t thhewyosrgndfican s youneo-ed to so-called 'serious music,' and
the really significant young com- as a result his music has very
posers of this generation. Already m tes e of insu eya
his honors, awards and commis- mc the sense of instrumental
sions have been numerous. ifreedom, range and rhythmic vi-
snavtality which one expects to find
"With the Prix de Rome added'in jazz," Wilson added.
to. this list, this talented young =hr eeaot1 elw
composer brings added distinction "There were about 15 fellows
and honor not only to himself,representing all the arts and sev-
thed ShonolofnMusic and the Un -'eral art-related academic fields
versity, but also to American mu- when I was there (in 1958-59),"
vrsit y bt als A n Wilson added. "One can meet
sie in general." and know there people and their
The music school's composition fields in a way which is imme-
department now has three Rome diate and first-hand. This is one
Prize winners and two Pulitzer of the very great aspects of the
Prize winners---Bassett and Prof. Academy.
Ross Lee Finney. The Detroit .rn
Symphony Orchestra played Bas-b Ed n
sett's "Variations for Orchestra" "So I got a liberal education
in January, and the Minneapolis when I was there," he said. "It's
Symphony performed Finney's what should happen in a large
"Concerto for Percussion and Or- university but which, unfortunate-
chestra" recently.
In 1966, Fortner won the Sec- ly, often doesn't happen."
ond International competition The American Academy, he add-
sponsored by the Fondation Roy- ed, has become the center for
aumont of Paris for "S-pr-ING." American arts activities in Eu-
OSA Plans No Action on Joint Judic
known Fleming for 15 years, said,
"I admire very much the equani-
mity with which he handled him-
self in the situation. He did not
favor calling the police but also
did not think that any small group
should be able to bar anyone from
the campus. He dealt well with a
difficult and explosive situatioi
Fleming has been active in ed
cation for 20 of his 50 years. Aft
receiving his B.A. from Beloit C(
lege in Wisconsin in 1938 and
Ll.B. from the University of W
consin in 1941, he went to wo
as an attorney for the Securit
and Exchange Commission.
In 1947, he went to the Ur
versity of Wisconsin as the dire
tor of their Industrial Relatioi
Center and in 1952 went to t
University of Illinois to beco
president of their larger Institu
for Labor and Industrial Relati
In 1964, he was called back
Madison to become chancellor
the University of Wisconsin.
Fleming is a man admired1
his colleagues. Killingsworth sa
"He is one of the men I admi
most, not so much for his schola
ship, which is not negligible, b
for the kind of man he is. He
warm and outgoing, but witho
any evidence of backslapping."
Fleming has gone through
previous test by student demo
strators. Last spring, Wiscons
students protested the compilati
of class rank for the Selecti
Service System.
"We are operating on the
assumption that a student judi-
ciary is capable of handling non-I
academic discipline," David Baad,
assistant to the vice president of I
student affairs said yesterday.
Tentative Joint Judic appoin-
tees said over the weekend that
they would give aquittal to all
students charged with vinating
hate to have this effectiveness ; hall staff, professional colleagues,
destroyed." sophomore girls, and he is doingI
Cutler said that joint judic de- background reading in order to
cisions of "guilty" in the field of make an informed decision.
non-academic conduct can be "In making the decision, I will
appealed to him. However, "I have be trying to implement the phi-
never had an appeal." losophy my office has followed
Last October, the Regents per- ! over the past two years," Cutler
mitted the vice president for stu- says.
dent affairs to delegate his judi- "The University experience is
cial authority to "academic au- like the rest of one's life," he says.
thnriies tudent arnunne and "Coll1ee should he a cnntimiinv'
itiated, a committee to look into
the Health Service as part of a}
"normal periodic policy of review-
ing a staff agency"
"In this area, we need to an-
ticipate where we need to be years
ahead of time," Cutler said.
Letters have been sent to the
deans of health-related schools
and the University offices of
Housing and Student-Community
Relatinns asking them to desig-
A special free edition of The
Daily will appear today around
noon. It can be picked up at
various places around campus.
Murphy, chancellor of the Uni-
versity of California's Los Angeles
campus ant John Lederle, Press-
dent of the' University bf Mas-
sachusetts. 'Murphy is not inter-
ested in the job and is reportedly
a top contender to replace ousted
University of California President
Clark Kerr. Lederle has also de-
nied interest in the post here.
The Regents began their search
for a new president more than a