Y ; Seventy-Sixth Year
Under, the Influence
Topical Fish Story
of Meredith Eiker
bere Opinions Are-e 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevai
NEws PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
ITMNd A Rock
That Needs To Be Moved
IT IS TIME to change the University's
intramural program.
It is time to modernize an archaic sys-
tem with an innovatory change in ad-
ministration-from the athletic depart-
ment to the Office of Student Affairs.
Dr. Paul Hunsicker, director of men's
physical education, admits, "This is what
is wrong with the intramural program:
it is like trying to pour 80 gallons of
water into a pint jar. You still aren't
able to get more than a pint into it."
It is time for something more compre-
hensive than a "pint jar":
* Intramural Director Earl Riskey
cites, as minimum improvements to the
39-year-old Sports Building, "electricity,
plumbing, lighting, showers and lockers"
-improvements that would sustain the
building only at a cost of $1 million for
the next 40 years. At the same time, how-
ever, any internal improvements would
not eliminate the need for expansion.
Physical education classes and IM league
games now monopolize almost all avail-'
able space.
0 With the proposed dissipation of
"museum piece" Waterman and Betsy
Barbour Gymnasiums, the loss of two
athletic fields to the widening of Sta-
dium Blvd. and the removal of softball
from the intramural curriculum, the pro-
gram is accelerating in reverse.
* There is no room on the intramural
schedule for North Campus residence hall
Seven other Big Ten schools are
building or have already completed large
intramural structures which far exceed
the University's-intramural revisions at
the University have not yet even reached
the planning stage.
r The only indoor or outdoor sports
improvements since the construction of
the Sports Building have been the pur-
chase of Wines Field, the resurfacing of
the tennis courts and the construction of
the Margaret Bell Pool.
Admittedly, last Friday's move by the
Regents to inject new lifeblood into the
program by allotting funds for recrea-
tional facilities on North Campus and
refurbishing of Wines, Palmer and Ferry
Fields was certainly a first step. How-
ever, the intramural program has retro-
gressed to the point where "pep pills" like
these will only prolong its death.
tramural department is under the aus-
pices of the Board in Control of Intercol-
legiate Athletics, an autonomous organi-
zation whose function is by definition the
administering of intercollegiate rather
than intramural athletics. The board as-
sumed unofficial jurisdiction when no
one else-including the Regents-would.
With the mushrooming of intercollegi-
ate athletics into a large-scale business
over the past two decades, however, the
board has been unable to meet increasing
intramural demands. Athletic birector H.
0. (Fritz) Crisler, chairman of the board,
guesses that the new $6.7 million Univer-
sity All-Events Building will postpone al-
location of "funds for new intramural
facilities for 20 years." He also says,
"There is no point in questioning that in-
tramural facilities are inadequate."
BUT THERE IS a point. Now that the
board cannot supply sufficient mon-
ies, it is time that the University as-
sumed its ultimate responsibility in fi-
nancing and administering the intramur-
al program.
Rather than receiving financial aid
from the University's General Fund to
supplement intramurals, the program
needs a rejuvenation that would be ef-
fected by its placement under the OSA,
where there is a store of both manpower
and funds.
With the change, the University could
renew plans for an intramural complex
that includes a 30,000 square foot build-
ing with co-recreational facilities. Orig-
inally designed In the early 1950's, but
set aside because of bureaucratic bicker-
ing and money scarcity, this would be a
better alternative than redecorating exist-
ing structures.
George Herbert in the play "Jacula
Prudentum," suggests that "He hath no
leisure that useth it not." The Univer-
sity could at least give its students a
ONCE UPON A TIME there was a complacent old
fellow, an academician of sorts, who had a huge
aquarium of sorts in his backyard. He might be called a
hatcher of fishes because his only pasttime was the care
and nurture of fish, thousands of them.
He knew a lot about his pets-he knew what was good
for them, what to feed them, what their environment
should be like, what their weaknesses were, what diseases
they were most susceptible to, and generally he thought
he knew what would keep them happy and reproductive.
The most intriguing thing about his aquarium was
the diversity of the fish in it. Although many of them
were basically the same, the old hatcher swore that each
had a personality of its own if only you would observe
them long enough to discover it. He was constantly
watching them and checking their behavior and grad-
ually he came to know several of his fish very well and
they were like friends for him.
THE FISH in the old man's aquarium used to travel
in schools, as all fish do, and each particular school had
characteristics and similarities peculiar to itself and to
which all its members conformed.
Most of the fish were Guppies-fairly ordinary fish
which were easily obtained in great numbers and which
would amuse the old hatcher with their continual ac-
tivity. They were easy to take care of because they
thrived in close confinement, could stand foul water,
and would take almost any kind of food.
The Guppies also grew rapidly which rather pleased
the old man. Because there were so many of them in the
aquarium, they were often scattered throughout the
various schools evenrthough theydidn't quite belong to
any one.
The other fish in the tank included Neon Tetras, an
aristocratic and very beautiful breed which kept mostly
to themselves and away from the rest. Black and white
striped Zebra Fish were there too. These were not quite
so aloof and could be unusually active, but not neces-
sarily annoying, if they chose to be. They frequently
flocked to one end of the tank and the old man noticed
that a lot of the Guppies found friends among the Zebras.
The old hatcher's Blow Fish, clumsy and thick in
appearance also seemed to congregate in small groups.
Letters:0 Barbo,
They were extremely active and aggressive but seldom
did any harm. The Blow Fish were a novelty for the
Guppies, but only a few Guppies could keep up with their
radical pace and so the Blow Fish-though they occas-
sionally sought integration with others-remained alone.
Mollies were common in the aquarium too, preferring
to stay along a shelf against one of the glass walls in the
tank. The old hatcher noted that these were pompous
fish, enjoying great display in sham battles with one
another. The male Mollies would often take a position
alongside a female fish and flaunt her with insinuating
motions and then cross her path to prevent her escape.
The Mollies sometimes accepted Guppies to fill their
numerous schools. Kissing Gouramis were also prevalent,
although the old man didn't particularly care for them
because while they were lovely to look at, they spread
disease and sucked on the sides of the other fish.
THE OLD HATCHER had snails in his aquarium too
because he knew that they were necessary to his system.
These snailsdmostly crawled the walls and attempted to
move around the tank without coming Into too much
contact with the fish.
A fewiof the fish were extremely rare specimens:
Bony Tongues, Elephant Fishes, Boulengei's, Bloodfins,
and Angel Fish. But most of these were more of a nui-
sance than a pleasure for the old hatcher since they
required special care and were overly sensitive to their
surroundings. Usually they died and because the old
hatcher had only a very small pension he couldn't re-
place them. So he bought more Guppies instead.
Now one day shortly after the old man had started
cleaning his aquarium three times a year rather than
twice a year as he had always done In the past, the
pressure mechanism failed. Exactly why this happened
he was never quite sure, but the consequences were
All the thousands of fish-Guppies, Blow Fish, Mol-
lies, all of them-swam into the central part of the tank
and stayed there. They stopped associating with one
another, they stopped eating, they stopped all activity
except breathing and just stayed in one place. They were
no longer interesting to watch and they no longer needed
the old hatcher for anything since they weren't really
doing anything.
And the old man became very unhappy.
AN AQUARIUM EXPERT came and told the old
hatcher that some extremely expensive repairs were need-
ed, perhaps even an entirely new pressuring system since
the other one was outdated and parts for it were not
always available.
It seems the system had been failing for years and
the expert was surprised that the old hatcher hadn't
noticed the effects on the fish. The old man said that he
had realized that something was wrong long ago but that
he thought it might just be the new breeds of fish and
the overcrowding which had caused the changes.
He had been thinking of getting more snails but he
just didn't have the money, and besides he wasn't sure
what kind of snails he should get.
The old man went to all his friends and asked them
for money; he even went to his pensioners and requested
an increase in his pension. But no one would help. They
told him he was too old to have such a big aquarium and
maybe he should get a smaller one with just one or two
kinds of fish in it--possibly all Guppies.,
And the old hatcher was very sad without the activi-
ties of his fish. He started going to the zoo and spent a
lot of time traveling aimlessly from place to place.
AND THIS GAVE him an idea.
He decided he would save his money and then take a
trip around the world and look at other people's aquar-
iums. This way he wouldn't have all the responsibility of
taking care of the fish but he could still enjoy the
So he drilled a little hole in the side of his aquarium
and the water began to trickle out very slowly-he
figured it would take him the same amount of time to
save enough money to travel as it would for the water to
Then the old man went and bought himself a small
fishbowl and a goldfish at Kresge's and some artificial
plants and colored pebbles for the bottom and all of
this gave him something to watch while the water
trickled out and he saved his money.
(This is also the reason why in the spring the Diag
resembles a swamp.)
Inflamed Over Icy Nude
To the Editor:
the ice sculpture in Wednes-
day's Daily. Firstly: the sculpture
is in front of Betsy Barbour, not
Helen Newberry. As Barbour has
been situated directly across the
street from the Student Publica-
tions Bldg. for many a long year,
it would have been hoped that you
realized our proper presence.
Perhaps your photographer could
have read the shingler(with Betsy
Barbour clearly lettered on it)
which he must have stood under
to have taken the shot. Secondly:
no disparaging remarks meant to-
wards Miss Sandy Sucher, but
why was she included in the pic-
ture? If you wanted a photo of the
sculpture, why not the sculpture
in its entirety? Do you shy away
from classical nudes?
IF YOU THOUGHT it necessary
to include a human being in the
photo for the sake of proportion,
why not Linda Horton or Harvey
Hollen, the creators? Thirdly: we
believe the sculpture was entitled
the "Virgin Spring" rather than
"Indian Winter" as she had her
creation on March 21.
-The Girls of Betsy Barbour
Sine of Our Times
To the Editor:
DAVE S. MILLER (Daily, March
19) offers defense and criti-
cism of engineering students and
their curriculum. I was impressed
by the similarity between the rig-
ors of the engineers' academic
background and that of the med-
ical student.
The course load of the med stu-
dent is even greater-20 credits
per semester. While the engineer
must complte 138 hours of credit
in 41/'2 or 5 years. the med stu-
dent completes over 170 hours in
4 years. To be sure, if this were
the whole story of the education
of an M.D. his problem of avoid-
ing becoming narrow - minded
would be even greater than that
of the engineering student.
But this is not the case, for
prior to graduation from medical
school, in addition to all the above
requirements, the prospective phy-
sician must have completed at
least 3 years of schooling in some
field other than medicine, in-
cluding anything from anthropol-
ogy to zoology (yes, even engi-
neering!). This extra, non-medi-
cal education is required because
of a feeling that an M.D. should
be not only a technically compe-
tent physician, but also a well
rounded, broadly knowledgeable
human being.
Since the engineers, as a rule,
do not spend this extra time study-
ing general topics as they wish,
before embarking on their highly
specialized and time consuming
technical studies, it must indeed
be difficult for them to learn
about much else besides engineer-
some prenatal Wordsworthian hin-
ter-world, and that this must be
an anti-world composed of anti-
matter, an entire universe whose
correspondences with our own are
negative in every aspect. There
reality is illusion; there illusion is
reality-justice and equality, prin-
ciple and reason are concrete and
tangible objects. We must all
pass this way.
Thus it is that Rapoport, hav-
ing painfully achieved adolescence,
is as yet neither fish nor fowl,
intolerant of reality while unable
to totally deny it. Time, however,
heals all wounds; if Rapoport is
able to avoid the siren song of
hashish, he may well advance to
the stage of jaded cynicism, be-
coming himself a moderate - per-
haps even that supreme flower of
humanity, an editor for Time Mag-
azine. For the time being, he re-
mains for me a priceless source of
reminiscence, an Antigone to my
wheezing Creon.
-David St. Amour, Grad
Romance Languages, French
To the Editor:
THE DEEP seeded hate and prej-
udice expressed in John Wil-
liams' and Louise Palazzola's let-
ters serve to illustrate the fright-
ening atmosphere of hostility
which confronts Negro Americans.
Their ignorance of the difference
between the situations faced by
first generation Americans or for-
eigners and that faced by eighth
generation Negro Americans is
appalling andgdismaying. It is
reminiscent of the "arguments"
presented by southern demogagues
and the conservative surbanites
(e.g., Chicago's North Side) to jus-
tify furthergsubjugation and cas-
tigation of Negro Americans.
It is with the sophisticated, in-
tellectual white people of the world
that the power to change these
attitudes lies, since it is presently
in their hands that such power lies.
Under (book) cover Agents
Agency seems to be taking up where
the CIA left off.
While the latter has been exposed as
an infiltrator of private organizations,
the former has been conducting an an-
alogous program in the publishing world
to propagandize the American public. ,
Part of the activity of the agency's
"Book Development Program" has been
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail; $8 for two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail).
Published at 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Mich..
Daily except Monday during regular academic school
Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular
summer session.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan.
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Acting Editorial Staff
MEREDITH EIKER, Managing Editor
City Editor Editorial Directol
SUSAN ELAN .......... Associate Managing Editor
LAURENCE MEDOW......Associate Managing Editor
STEPHEN FIRSHEIN .. Associate Editorial Director
RONALD KLEMPNER ....,Associate Editorial Director
SUSAN SCHNEPP............ Personnel Director
NEIL SHISTER.......... ........ Magazine Editor
CAROLE KAPLAN.......Associate Magazine Editor
LISSA MATROSS ......................Arts Editor
NIGHT EDITORS: Neal Bruss, wallace Immen, David
Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia O'Donohue, Steve Wild-
DAY EDITORS: David Duboff, Kathie Glebe. Aviva
Kempner, Carolyn Miegel, Cynthia Mills, Jennifer
Anne Rhea.
Acting Business Staff
WILLIAM KRAUSS, Business Manager
WIM W EEPS .... A...locitA Buines Manner
secret production of manuscripts, pub-
lished by private companies which the
USIA subsidizes, and sold without being
labelled so. In the last few months, the
agency has subsidized the writing and
publication of "Terror in Vietnam," by
Jay Mallin; "Why Vietnam," by Frank
Trager, and "Peking and Peoples' Wars,"
by Maj. Gen. Sam Griffith. The cost to
the agency was approximately $25,000. In
fact, Prager Publishers, highly respected
for its books on foreign policy; has been
one of the leading recipients.
ON TUESDAY, Sen. J. W. Fulbright and
other members of the Foreign Rela-
tions Committee called these clandestine
operations "doubly' subversive" of the
American system.
Just as the CIA is forbidden to act as a
domestic intelligence-gatherer or intelli-
gence-disseminator, so the USIA must
confine itself by law to propaganda
abroad. But apparently, in its zeal to per-
petuate officially approved attitudes, the
agency has decided to "cheat" a little.
NOT SURPRISINGLY, public officials
are in the habit of writing up their
particular pet ideas in books with garish
titles, like "The Future of Mankind," or
"Poverty and Society," etc. Although they
generally make pretty dull reading, these
works play important roles in career ad-
But the underhanded subsidization of
publishing companies for the express pur-
pose of using books as engines of prop-
aganda on an unwitting public can never
be excused in a democraticsociety.
XTFW VRT.-Eightv-one ner cent of
"And Now, Class, What Have We Learned
Since Last Summer?"
t967 I
' A
-Fitzgerald B. Bramwell
Teaching Fellow
IS THERE a lesson here? Un-
fortunately not, because this ex-
tra pre - professional education
greatly increases the time and
money needed to earn the profes-
sional degree. In fact, more peo-
ple, probably, would find it de-
sirable to turn out more narrow-
er minded M.D.'s, by doing away
with pre-med studies, than would
be interested in broadening the
minds of the engineers by length-
ening their pre-engin education.
That, I suppose, is a sign of olir
-George S. Layne, '70M
Enraged Poet
To the Editor:
FRANKLY, I find only one way
to understand my fascination
with Roger Rapoport's editorials,
specifically the one of March 22,
since they correspond so little
with my own views: Rapoport's
writings are to me a wistful nibble
from my own petite madeleine,
faint ripples echoing a time when
I too thought I was about to whip
the oceans to a froth and trans-
mute base metals into gold.
Further reflection leads me to
think that Rapoport must himself
be reacting to a like stimulus from
'S i
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KI '
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"Don't call us, Svetlana Stalina . .. We'll call you!"
.T ............. TODAY AND TOMORROW . . . by WALTER LIPPMANN .=.======.=.=y;::
Guam Conference: Setting the Stage for Escalation
Friday of last week the public
image of the Guam conference
was completely altered. When the
conference was first announced
only Americans were supposed to
attend, and it gave every appear-
ance of being an American coun-
cil of war.
The Commander-in-Chief was
President realized that he had
been making such warlike speeches
that he must do something to right
the balance and preserve his rep-
utation as a man yearning for
So the public image of the
Guam conference was transform-
ed. The newspapers were advised
to tell the public that it would
deal with pacification and with
and Thieu, who may have invited
themselves and could not be refus-
ed, makes it all but certain that
nothing serious will be done about
the pacification of the rebellious
peasants and that nothing serious
is contemplated about finding a
way to peace by political negotia-
The fact that the President feels
he is compelled to embrace Ky
andi Thieu vrmnov sall his notions
skill of Ellsworth Bunker and all
the enthusiasm of his assistant,
Robert W. Komer, will not pacify
South Vietnam. Moreover, by em-
bracing Gen. Ky, the President
has shut the door to the possibil-
ity that a moderate government in
Saigon might negotiate a peace
with the Viet Cong. For we may
take it as almost probable that
unless the President is willing and
able to get rid of Ky, or bend him
it really would be amazing if the
United States, which is incompar-
ably the strongest military power
in history, were not able to break
the will of a small backward coun-
Yet is is far from certain that
our Vietnamese opponents will be
crushed by our immense firepower
or that they will be so broken in
spirit that they will fold their tents
and steal away.