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March 23, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-23

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See editorial page



Possible snow flurries;
clearing in afternoon

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


City Police
Crack Down
On Narcotics
Additional Arrests
Expected To Eliminate
Local Drug Traffic j
Police Chief Walter E. Krasny
said yesterday that city police
have begun a "campaign to make
illegal narcotics impossible to ob-
tain in this city."I
Krasny indicated that his men
are now working on "several an-
gles" of the narcotics traffic pic-
ture and additional arrests are ex-
pected shortly.
The drive aimed at clearing Ann
Arbor of narcotics traffic began
Tuesday night with the arrest by
city police of a 50-year-old local
man and the issuing of warrants
for three other persons including:
an Ann Arbor pharmacist.
Krasny said detectives picked
up Louis T. Jones ! of 115% E.
Ann at his apartment and con-
fiscated a quantity of marijuana
he had in his possession.
Jones is to be arraigned today
in Municipal Court on a charge
of possession of marijuana.
A warrant has also been issued
for the arrest of a Wayne State!
University student who appeared
recently at the Fifth Dimension,
a teenage recreation place, W.1
Huron, as a prop man for a band
playing there.
Detectives said the student had
marijuana with him and will be
arraigned today on the possession
In addition, a warrant has been
issued for an Ann Arbor pharma-
cist who police say has been dis-
pensing narcotic drugs to local,
teenagers without prescriptions. He
will be charged with violation of
state narcotic laws.
The fourth warrant is for a
local factory worker believed to be
a key man in a ring dealing with
the sale, use and transportation
of marijuana.
Leads to Ring
The chief said this man may be
arrested later today and leads
now being checked out may link
other persons to the illicit ring.
Krasney said the three arrests,,
although not connected, represent!
samples of the narcotic trade
which his detectives are attempt-
ing to halt in the city.
oi°"These are difficult and involv-
ed arrests," Krasny said. "But we
believe they are a beginning."
Federal Investigations
The Federal Bureau of Nar-
cotics has announced that major:
efforts are underway to control
drug use on American campuses.
This includes undercover work on
some of the 54 campuses which the
federal agency has pinpointed in!
its campaign.
Sources indicated that local po-
lice activity was expected after the
recent crack-down on drug use at
Wayne State University.


EIm tigan BailKahn Baumann Victorious




k'residential Ictace

JUNEAU, Alaska-The Coast Guard reported last night that
the cutter Storis had seized a 178-foot Soviet fishing vessel for
violating the U.S. 12-mile exclusive fisheries zone off the
Alaskan Peninsula.
The Coast Guard reported that the Storis had placed a prize
crew aboard the Soviet ship and was preparing to tow or escort
it to Kodiak.
GAINESVILLE, Fla.-Pamela Brewer, who twice posed nude
in an off-campus magazine, became a reluctant dropout at the
the University of Florida yesterday.
University officials said the 18-year-old sophomore's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brewer of Springfield, Va., withdrew her
from school by telegram.
"I asked them not to, but evidently they did it anyway,"
the pretty, soft-spoken coed said in a telephone interview. "I
found out about it from a radio broadcast."
She claimed the university put pressure on her parents,
threatening to expel her if she weren't withdrawn. Dean of Men
Lester Hale denied this but said he called the girl's parents Tues-
day night after the second straight issue of Charlatan magazine
pictured her in the nude on a Persian rug.
Hale said he suggested they withdraw her or the university
would have to review her breach of behavior further. He also sqid
she was on academic probation.
* * *
THE BOARD IN CONTROL of Student Publications ap-
pointed David Appel, '68, editor of Generation and Ronald Rosen-
biatt, '68, associate editor.
gineering advisory boards will close tomorrow. Positions are still
open for 10 members-at-large on the council and four advisory
Bill Woods in charge of Public Relations for the council, said
that petitions can be picked up at the Dean's office in West En-
THE VOICE POSITION on the United Nations and the Viet-
nam war was incorrectly stated in yesterday's Daily as "U Thant
is covering up President Johnson's bad faith in Vietnam."
The actual position taken by Voice Tuesday is that the U.S.
should immediately withdraw its troops from Vietnam; the UN
should condemn the U.S. presence there and call for withdrawal
of U.S. troops; and that American power in the UN is the,
primary reason for its failure to condemn the actions of the U.S.
in violating the right of the Vietnamese people to self-determina-
tion as stated in the UN charter.
the APA Repertory Company in a Sixth Fall Festival of three new
productions in Ann Arbor to celebrate the University's Sesquicen-
tennial. Helen Hayes is expected to return with the trope to ap-
pear in several attractions.
Under the artistic direction of Ellis Rabb, the APA, cur-
rently playing a successful Broadway engagement for the
Phoenix Theatre, will return to present the American premiere
of Eugene Ionesco's "Exit The King." Already a London success,
Ionesco's "Exit The King" has not yet been seen in America,
where his earlier "Rhinoceros" scored a popular hit.
A "Chaplinesque farce to make you sad" is the description
by the distinguished Belgian dramatist, Michel de Ghelderode, of
his masterwork, "Pantagleize," second of the new APA produc-
tions for the Fall Festival.
The third new Ann Arbor production of the APA Fall Festival
will be "The Show-Off," a sparkling revival of the classic comedy
of the 1920s by Pulitzer Prize playwright George Kelly.

With 3 to 1
Stansury, Sorkin,
Lieberman, Patton,
Greenberg Win Seats
Bruce Kahn, '68, and Ruth
Baumann, '68, overwhelmed their
opponents by a three to one mar-
gin in the election for president
and executive vice-president of
Student Government Council yes-
Final totals this morning show-
ed that Kahn and Miss Baumann
victorious over Thomas R. Copi,
'69Ed, and Regina Rogoff, '70, by
a tally of 3862 to 1398 votes.
Approximately 5800 voters turn-
ed out for yesterday's election.
This total wasbover 1000 more
than the number voting in last
year's presidential election.
In the race for SGC seats, five
candidates seemed to have won
seats with 57 per cent of the votes
counted at 2 a.m. The race for a
sixth seat, which will be open for
a half year as Kahn vacates his
present seat, was still close.
Leading in the Council seats
race were Judy Greenberg, '68;
Marti Lieberman, '69; Anne Pat-
ton, '68. Kay Stansbury, '70, and
Janis Sorkin, '68, held the fourth
and fifth positions.
Competing for the sixth posi
tion were E. O. Knowles, '70;


-Daily-Andy Sacks
TABULATION OF SGC BALLOTS (at left) continued late into the night yesterday at the election headquarters in the Student
Activities Building. Tie final winners of the top posts were (on right): Bruce Kahn, '68, president of SGC, and Ruth Baumann '68,
executive vice-president.

Kahn on Victory: Election Gives
SGC 'A Mandate for Change'



council reapportionment rather with the "council-at-large" elec-!
than council action.

_ _.

41Q1 lV lt1 t;U1. 1 on~s, i
"We feel that our election pio-, Liebermann said that SGC's job Kahn and Miss Baumann issued!
vhde uwitha and' frei- is to counteract "student apathy' a joint statement last night which
change," Bruce Kahn, '68, sight. by proving the efficiency of an asked for immediate change. "The
"Tnstto SOCan said lasto ht.organized student body." kind of change which we have ad-
" This institution cannot afford to ,
lag behind in adjusting to the Lieberman considered some of vocated: students making their'
changing values of society." Kahn's proposals vague and im- own rules concerning individual!
potent. He said council has "more conduct regulations and student'
Kahn, who won with more than important things to talk about be- involvement in the entire decision
a 3:1 margin over his opponent, sides precincts." making progress, is the kind of'
Thomas Copi, '68 Ed, sees the elec- One of the two elected freshmen change which we feel is necessary
ton as an endorsment of his pro- to the board, E. 0. Knowles, 70, to the growth process of this uni-+
Baumann, vice -president electh also voiced discontent with Kahn's versity."
running with Kahn agreed, an plan. He believed the system pro- Kahn said the University can-
added, "the vote was also anden- posed "has more disadvantages not refuse to change in a society
doresement of the policies of last than advantages. "of constant changing values in!
year." Judy Greenberg, '68, and Kay which the average age is rapidly
Miss Baumann said, "We're not Stansbury, '70, both agreed with approaching twenty-five years."
ask them (the adminis- certain reservations, to support He said, "The only way thisJ
tration) to Kahn in the year to come. Ann University can survive as a mech-
refuse to do things so they can Patton, '68, believed Kahn's pro- anism which supposedly educates.
reuse us."s posals need "much more study" its students is to allow students
Kahn, however, faces opposition and said, "I'll support it to some to think for themselves."
toisemapp.o'ti metplan.Mert, extent as long as SGC doesn't get Kahn claimed the administra-
Liebermann, '69, member-elect, tied down in organization." onhsotgaednuhdci
told The Daily, "I'm disappointed eddw nogaiain ion has not granted enough deci- +
that so many students supported Kahn called his large vote over sion-making to the students. He
Copi "an endorsement of me said the administration "must al-
rather than my policies." Kahn low its students the freedom to3
said that the only real difference govern their own lives, and to al-t
between Copi and him was in - ---- -----
"method" and he felt that Copi's
Systeiii "means in some sense scared the ~ I.~
Syste ----c'''ACLU May
Others members felt the large
When te expasion pog vom e for Kahn was a recognition;e e
vtfoKanwsarcgiin When the expansion program of his experience over Copi who
was initiated IFC saw the prob- has never served on SOC.
lem of obtaining housing as a supraneeincdniti i A '
maim- iffint~cI nsup-4or~~an experienced mem-

low them to live their lives while
at school as opposed to learning
how to live their lives once they
leave here."
"This philosophy," Kahn ex-
plained, "presupposes that stu-
dents can take care of themselves,
and at the same time that they
can make a significant contribu-
tion to the rest of the 'University
The president-elect felt "these
changes must come now. They
cannot wait." He feels "students
deserve .their freedom."
Other actions Kahn cited as de-
serving immediate attention in-
clude a course-evaluation booklet
and voter registration for Ann
Arbor city council. He pointed
out that there are 10,000 eligible
voters living at the University as
Council members-elect all agreed
to support Kahn on the above pro-
posals and felt "in general" coun-
cil will work smoothly in the com-
ing year.
"He needs our support," Miss
Patton remarked. "We have a lot
to do."
t in Courts
Last year, an upper limit of $3.5
million was appropriated for the
act, but only $1 million of this
amount was used. This year Gov-
ernor Romney has recommended
that the Legislature appropriate
$3.7 million for the program. How-
ever, tight money and the need
of fiscal reform may considerably
lower this amount, according to
several Lansing sources.


Greenberg ...............
Patton ............. ....
Stansbury.. ..
Knowles .................


Final Totals for Top Six

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IFC Eases Push for Expanded

Mark Schreiber, '69; Richard
Heideman, '69; Michael McDer-
mott, '69, and David Bullard, '68.
All had totals within a range of
120 votes. The remaining candi-
dates were running well behind the
Final totals indicated that
Steven Schwartz, '67 John, Kelly,
'68, Rick Handel, '67, and Robert
Neff. '69 were the winers in the
contest. for delegates to the Con-
vention of the National Student
Association to be held this sum-
In another final race David
Copi '68 Richard Matzger '68, and
Laura Sutta, '68. won positions on
the Board of Control of Student'
Howard Kohn, '69, defeated
Thomas Doane, '69 in the race for
the position on the Board of Con-
trol of Intercollegiate Athletics.
Winners in the contests for sen-
ior class officers of the Literary
College were Jeff Messner, '6&,
president; Scott Spear, '68, vice
presidnt; and Wayne Adano '68,
secretary treasurer.
In races of officers of the seniors
class of the Engineering College,
Jeff Bowden, '68E, and Stephen
Mitchell, '68E, won the position of
president and vice president.

After two years of intensified!
efforts to attract more fraterni-
ties to the University, recently
elected Interfraternity Council
(IFC) officers are now easing the
push for system expansion.
Bill Sage, executive vice-presi-
dent of IFC, explains "While we1

are still trying to expand, we are
doing everything we can to aid
the smaller houses already here."
He acknowledges that some of
these smaller houses are "having
trouble with rush."
Much of the original fervor to1
expand stemmed from IFC claims
that rushes in '64-'66 period were,

the largest the campus had ever
In Fall '65, 80 per cent more1
shudents igi d fn rih thaEr

- uue1L.s gnie up for rusn roan
in the previous year. Further im-
petus for expansion was provided.
by the successful return in the
Spring of '65 of Tau Epsilon Phi
after a two year absence.
Another reason given for the or-
iginal expansion program was the
need for fraternities to keep pace
with increased enrollment.
As a result IFC changed its by-
laws to establish an expansion
committee two years ago with theI
expressed purpose of stimulating
various national fraternities to es-
tablish chapters here. Sigma Pi1
and Pi Kappa Alpha were colon-,a
ized as a result of the work of this{

tmor a iw i ~tnYn.


aia~l 1AS buty11 UUWIAA a- ' ber 'of SGC rather than an unex- ByRCADHRTI
tionals to establish chapters here. By RICHARD HERSTEIN
A second problem cited was the perienced one," Ann Patton re-
need to get a nucleus of "1 to" marked. "I don't think a lot of A recently enacted bill concern-
ne" men to colonize a new house.people took Copi seriously." ing tuition grants for students at-
Another was the difficulty for a "Students unfortunately didn't en g ate schools may soon
new fraternity to break into an see enough variety in his ideas, bd.
already established system. Judy Greenberg explained. "Bruce Ernest Mazey, of the American
Several national fraternities has the experience." Civil Liberties Union, said that
which once planned to add chap- Liebermann seemed concerned hei organization was commit
ove th lage oteaganstCop. rto take the bill to court." He add-
ters here have decided against the over the large vote against Copi.edhowever that there were sev-
move. According to the executive He characterized students as moreral similar bills presently in court
secretary of one, the reasons for concerned with methods" than and action on this particular bill
the decision were twofold: The with action. would depend upon the outcome
national officers feared that the "I feel that I received heavy of the other cases.
large financial expense of colon- support," Kahn explained. "be- The bill, now known as Public
izing a new chapter was too much cause Tom's campaign strategy :Act 313, became effective August
of a gamble. He said the second seemed to rest on making the stu- 1. 1966. It provides for the estab-
reason was that "IFC and the dents believe that I would not get lishing of tuition grants by the
fraternity presidents seemed to be for them the freedom that they state "to foster the pursuit of
on a binge." The national officers seemed to desire, and this, I think, higher education by full-time resi-
felt caution was in order. failed." dent student; enrolled in private,
Yet IFC officials are hesitant Kahn's action begins "by stay- non-profit colleges or universities



Ease Pressure
The cooling off of IFC pressuref
for expansion can in part be at-
tributed to this winter's Door rush.I

i j

Final Count
*Bruce Kahn, '68.......
Thomas R. Copi, '69E ..





'VU 0 to abolish the expansion policy.
which saw a 25 per cent drop in They ar e eprogram y.
students signed up for rush and a tih argue that the program is
4'per cent drop in pledging. still basically sound despite the
42 small rush. Sage asserts "You
IFC officials describe this se- can't use this rush as a criterion,j
mester's small rush as insignifi- there are too many other factors
cant in the total expansion pic-j involved."
ture. Bruce Getzon, IFC presi- However a president of one old-
dent, claims that "The prevailing er small house said that the in-'
trend is toward big fall rushes creased competition is putting
and small winter rushes." "pressure on his house." Another!

ing on campus this summer." He
and Miss Baumann plan to begin
their complex reapportioning of
precincts and to "talk with the in-
coming freshmen during orienta-
Kahn feels that a.n important
"factor in relieving student
apathy" is to approach the new
freshmen with a SGC which is in-
terested in them. "Interest is ro-.

in the state . .."
Rep. Dan Cooper, of Oak Park,
a chief opponent to the bill, flat-,
ly stated that the bill was "un-
Mazey said that the Committee;
for the Advancenent of Public
Education (CAPE), a recently or-
ganized group composed of clergy-
men and educators, has compiled

Council Seats
57% Votes Tabulated
*Judith Greenberg, '68 ... 11
*Marty Lieberman, '69 ... 110
*Anne Patton, '68.......105
*Kay Stansburg, '68 ...... 75
*Janis Sorkin, '68 ........ 7
E. O. Knowles .......... 6
Mark Schreiber, '69 ...... 61
Richard Heideman, '69 .. 60
George C. Steeh, '69 . . .5


*Robert Neff, '69.........1013
George Kuehn, '68.....986
Ronald Klempner, '68 .... 983
Garth Black, '69........ 769
Lynne Killin, '70.........659
Mark B. Hodax........381
J. Kell Williams.........368
*Howard Kohn, '69 .......2581
Thomas Doane, '69 ...... 1171
*Richard Metzger, '68 :... 2408
*David Copi, '68L ...... 2145
*Laura Sutta, '68 ......1309

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