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March 17, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-17

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FRIDAY, MARCH '17, 1967




Russia Must
Ratify Before,
Takes Effect'

Approves Consular

Dairy Farm Strike in Saginaw
Starts To Delete Milk Supply




Bilateral Agreement
To Better Diplomatic
Immunity Relations
ratified the consular treaty with
the Soviet Union yesterday.
Before it takes effect, however,
the Soviet Presidium must also
ratify it.
If approved it would become the
first bilateral treaty between the
two countries since the days of the
czars, the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee said
The pact , was approved 66 to
26, the majority being well above
the required two-thirds of those
voting. Ratification was supported
by 44 Democrats and 22 Repub-
licans. In opposition were 23 Re-
publicans and 15 Democrats, 10
of them from the South.
Those advocates of easing world
tensions outvoted, those who
stressed Moscow's hostile role in
the Vietnam war.
Ratification was expected after
opponents failed Wednesday to
condition its acceptance upon an
end to the war in Vietnam.
Opponents contended it was
wrong to approve a treaty with
a nation furnishing arms to North
The treaty went through the
Senate without change and Soviet
acceptance is regarded as likely.
All attempts to attach condi-
tions were defeated during the
week-long debate. Those condi-
tions dealt mainly with the war
in Vietnam where the Soviet
Union is a. military supplier of
North Vietnam..
Proponents said that was out-
side the scope of such a treaty,
which they hoped would be a
step toward, bettering relations
between the two countries.'
Republican Leader Everett M.
Dirksen of Illinois rose from his
hospital bed to support the treaty
just before the final vote. He said
the overriding issue of the world
is how to prevent a confrontation
between the two great nuclear
"To be sure," said the senator
who has been resting from ex-
haustion, "a consular treaty is
such a small step toward amel-
iorating this condition, but it is
at least a step."
President Johnson praised the
Senate action.
He said in a statement: "The
impressive vote for ratification
was the product, not only of strong
bipartisan leadership, but also of
responsible action by the member-
The treaty is essentially the
same as all other consulate treat-
iesfi except for two things-the
notification-a n d-access provision
and another clause granting im-
munity from criminal prosecution
of consular officials and employes.
The immumnity clause drew
strong opposition by those who
think it will open the door for
some more Soviet espionage since
consulate personnel, like embassy
personnel, would be immune from

-Associated Press
AMONG THE 66 SENATORS who ratified the consular treaty with the Soviet Union were (left to
right) Senate Democratic Leader Mike Mansfield of Montana, Senate GOP Leader Everett Dirk-
sen of Illinois, who left the hospital to cast his vote, and Thurston Morton (R-Ky.). There were 28
opposition votes.
Decision To Accupt Evidence

Powell Asks
Free Return
To Harlem
Female Candidate
To Replace Meredith
In Upcoming Election
NEW YORK (P)-Adam Clayton
Powell's attorney yesterday warn-
ed Sheriff John J. McCloskey
against arresting the former Har-
lem congressman for criminal con-
tempt during any Sunday visit.
In a telegram to the sheriff
attorney Henry R. Williams said:
"Any interference by you on any
Sunday with the person of Adam
Powell constitutes false arrest and
criminal assault subjecting you
to appropriate penalties under the
laws of the State of New York."
"Your office in its history has
never made a Sunday arrest," the
telegram said. "It is in the public
interest that you immediately an-
nounce that you will not violate
or breach the trust which you ac-
cepted when you took your oath
of office.
Sheriff Undecided
Earlier, the sheriff had declined
to say whether he planned to ar-
rest the Negro minister-legislator,
nor would he say whether he had
asked for police assistance should
an attempt be made to arrest
Powell should he visit the city next
Sunday, as he had said he would.
Powell, who was excluded from
Congress after being accused of
misusing public funds and flout-
ing New York courts, now is in
Bimini in the Bahamas. He has
said he plans to return Sunday for
a big parade, and a sermon at his
Harlem church.
Meanwhile, in Harlem Lucille
Pickett Willianis, a 50-year old
grandmother, has taken on the
Republican task of opposing Dem-
ocrat Adam Clayton Powell in a
special congressional election April
11 because she wants to "preserve
the two-party system."
For twenty years, she has been
working for the Republican party
while holding a series of jobs
ranging from stock girls at Sak's
Fifth Avenue to teaching beauty
culture at the YWCA.
"I am a determined woman,"
she says, noting that there appears
to be overwhelming popular sup-
port for Powell in the Harlem

SAGINAW (P)-A milk hauler's
truck was sabotaged and dairies
began reporting difficulty in buy-
ing milk today as the National
Farmers Organization started a
milk holding action in Michigan
The drive was part of a nation-
wide NFO effort to keep milk off
the market in attempts to win a
contract boosting the farmers'
milk prices by two cents a quart.
The milk strike is viewed as a
symptom of farm unrest that
could have far-reaching political
implications in next year's presi-
dential election.
Effect Production
If such unrest continues in the
next few months, it could have
an adverse affect on food produc-
tion this year.
Also, it could trigger action by
a reluctant administration to pro-
vide new farm benefits.
Describing the incident State
Poliqe said somebody damaged the
milk hauling truck of William V.
Woodfort of Saginaw either late
Wednesday night or early yester-
day. The truck's grille and other
front end parts were ripped off
and the windshield was shattered,
police said. The truck, which
Woodford had parked in his front
yard overnight, was not drive-
Woodford hauls milk for Bow-
man Dairy Products Co. of Sagi-
C. O. Peterson, Bowman man-
ager, said the dairy's drivers were
encountering "some difficulty" in
obtaining normal supplies of milk
from farmers.
Peterson refused to say how
much milk was being withheld
from his dairy.
Edwin Riethmeier of Franken-
muth, president of the Saginaw
County NFO chapter, said 98 per
cent of county NFO members were
withholding milk and some non-
member farmers had joined the
action. He refused to state the
number of farmers engaged in the
The Michigan holding 'action
was announced by Charles King,
NFO state publicity chairman.
Holding Confirmed
Charles King confirmed the
start of the holding action after
it was announced by NFO nation-
al headquarters in Corning, Iowa.
"My milk is going to stay ,in
the tank," said King who milks
21 cows and supplies about 700
pounds of milk a day from his
farm near Owosso.
NFO leaders decline to reveal
the number of members in the
farm organization, which aims at
negotiating contracts to guarantee
a price for milk, meat and other
farm commodities.
Their complaint is that when
they go shopping, they pay the
price marked on the item, but
when they go to sell their products

UAW Aims Demand Strike
Rights,Guaranteed Income
ATLANTIC CITY (P}-Skilled and Chrysler only over issues in-
tradesmen within the United Auto volving production standards and
Workers yesterday began adopting health and safety. At GM it can
strike only over production stand-

to processors, they end up asking.
"What will you pay?"
Michigan dairy farmers receive
about $5.53 a hundredweight 46'2
quarts for their milk. The NFO
seeks a boost of $1 a hundred-
Meanwhile, the NFO challenged
the Michigan Milk Producers As-
sociation to a public discussion at,
a meeting of dairy farmers.

1967 contract aims, some of which
could cause a strike, even if thea
union's drive for a guaranteed an-j
nual income does not.
Overwhelmingly adopted at the
12th International Skilled Trades
Conference of the UAW was a
proposal to bar auto industry!
management from contracting to
others any work which UAW'
members feel they are capable of
Strike Issue
The right to strike over outside
contracting was demanded, and
the tradesmen asked the inter-
national union to call a strike this
year, if necessary to win this pro-
vision in new contracts to replace
those expiring Sept. 5, with Gen-
eral Motors, Ford and Chrysler.
The union has fought to control
outside contracting in past nego-
tiations but never to the point of
strike. UAW Vice President Leon-
ard Woodcock predicted that "we
will get the right to strike on it"
this time.

ards and wage rates for new jobs.
UAW President Walter P.
Reuther has staked out a guaran-
teed annual income as the union's
top goal in the new contract bar-
gaining opening in early July and
has announced he would call a
strike, if necessaryto win it.
Still to come before the skilled
tradesmen is a resolution which
would ask an April UAW conven-
tion to define union goals and to
spell out lines of demarcation for
all skilled classifications.
Reuther's Plan
Also still to come-possibly to-
day-is a plan by Reuther to ask.
representatives of the UAW's
200,000 skilled workmen to en-
dorse his threat to pull the 1.4-
million-member UAW out of the
AFL-CIO. The 1.126 delegates here
come from nearly all of the union's
approximately 1,500 local unions.
Reuther, 59, has termed the
AFL-CIO's ruling Executive Coun-
cil "ancient men of labor out of
step with the times" and has
threatened to throw his union into

The two farm organizations
have been at odds recently over
Michigan's dairy price situation.
Ray Neilsen Jr., Saranac dairy
farmer and state NFO represen-
tative, sent a telegram to Glenn
president of the association, in
which he made the challenge.
There was no immediate response
prom Lake.

Management has insisted that an independent campaign to or-
the right to farm some work to ganized the unorganized, help
outside contracts is an inviolate small and struggling unions win
management prerogative. contracts, and promote deeper
In current contracts the UAW union involvement in social issues
has the right to strike at Ford such as civil rights.

By The Associated Press
J. Dodd's defenders sought with-
out success yesterday to put be-
fore the Senate ethics committee
a sheaf of statements swearing
that testimonial donors wanted
him to use their contributions in
any way he chose.
The committee withheld a de-
cision yesterday on whether to ac-
cept in evidence the stack of affi-
davits that contributors to testi-
monial gatherings for Sen. Thom-
as J. Dodd (D-Conn) intended
him to use the money as he saw
"We are not accepting them and
we are not rejecting them," Sen.
John Stennis (D-Miss), chairman
of the bipartisan committee, said.
John F. Sonnett, Dodd's law-
yer, said 395 affidavits had been
received from among some 1500
persons who attended fund-rais-
ing events for the New England
Democrat between 1961 and 1965.
Sonnett made his move after
questioning .a handwriting expert,
who testified that a hand other
than Dodd's put the signatures
on 39 personal checks totaling $3,.
Machine Signature
Charles A. Appel, Jr. did not
say who he believed had signed
the checks, although he indicated
some of them might have been
handled with an automatic signa-
ture machine.
A liquor store manager, who
said his recollection of check-and-
cash transactions involving a for-
mer Dodd employe was dim and
not conclusive.
Sonnett summoned both those
witnesses in an effort to discredit
Dodd's former bookkeeper, Michael
V. O'Hare, who has testified the
senator sought to conceal the use

of "political checks" to cover per-
sonal expenses.
A onetime Dodd ghostwriter, Ed-!
ward V. Lockett, testified, too, and
said the senator told him the book
on which he worked was not a
campaign project.
An $8500 payment to Lockett is
listed among the expenses of
Dodd's 1964 campaign reported to
the state of Connecticut.
The testimonial gift contention
is at the heart of Dodd's defense
against charges he improperly used
political contributions for person-j
al expenses.
Sonnettssaid statements swear-
ing that the money was not in-

tended as a political contribution
were sent to some 1500 people
who attended $100-a-ticket, fund-
raising events in Dodd's behalf.
Sonnett said all the answers
that came in were among the af-
fidavits he stacked on the table.
He said no donor had challenged
the terms of the statement Dodd's
forces sent out. It read in part:
"These funds were intended by
me as a personal gift to Sen. Dodd
and were motivated by my ad-
miration and respect for him. It
was my intention that Sen. Dodd
use these funds in any way he saw
fit. They were not intended as a
political contribution."


World News Roundup'
By The Associated Press cers were convicted yesterday of
WASHINGTON - The House conspiring to overthrow the mon-
passed a $12.196-billion emergency archy, but the man the govern-
defense appropriation bill yester- ment accused of heading the left-
day after refusing to prohibit use ist plot escaped trial. He is An-
of any of the money to implement dreas Papandreou, once an Ameri-
plans for a land invasion of North can citizen, son of a former pre-
Vietnam. mier, and a member of Parlia-
The measure was sent to the ment.
Senate by roll-call vote after a 123 A committee of Parliament re-
to 2 standing vote swamped an fused Wednesday night a civilian
amendment that would have prosecutor's request that Papand-
blocked financing of an invasion.
The amendment was offered by reou's parliamentary immunity be
Rep. George E. Brown, Jr., D- lifted so he could be tried for
Calif., and was supported only by high treason in a civil court.
Brown and Rep. Benjamin S. Ro- * * *
senthal, D-N.Y.
A little earlier, President John- WASHINGTON - The Federal
son signed a $4,548,200,000 Viet- Communications Commission re-
nam war supplemental appropria- opened Thursday for further con-
tion and reiterated this country's sideration the merging of Ameri-
hope for "an honorable settle-
ment." can Broadcasting Companies, Inc.,
m .* * and International Telephone &
ATHENS - Fifteen army offi- Telegraph Corp.



c minor
Presented by
Maynard Klein conducting

Friday 8:30 P.M.





- I
- I

-Judith Crist, World-Journal Tribune
"BEAUTIFULLY MADE AND ACTED ... strikingly realistic and
emotionally taut."-Bosley Crowther, N.Y. Times
"A WORK OF ART ...a great statement for our times."
-Archer Winsten, N.Y. Post

It's p Dance !.EL
It's a Happening! IC

AWARDS: Shown outside the Festival at Cannes (approved as the
official French entry to the Cannes.Festival last May, it was withdrawn
under pressure from the Franco regime). At the end of the Cannes
Festival, a group of Spanish film critics awarded LGEF its newly-inaugu-
rated Prix Luis Bunuel. It also received the International Film Critics'
Prize (Federation Internationale de la Presse Cinematographic) at
Cannes. The "French Oscars" of the French Academy (L'Academie du
Cinema) were awarded to Resnais for "the best film of the year" and
to Yves Montand for "the best performance."
Shown at the non-competitive 4th New York Film Festival, 1966.
and introducing GENEVIEVE BUJOLD
FRIDAY: 7-9-11



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