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March 16, 1967 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-16

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See editorial page

C, I r

Sir i au

:4E aitg4

Sunny today, partly
cloudy tonight

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
ommittees Study tate lans for Higher d


A preliminary statement of goals
for the planning and coordinating
of public higher education in
Michigan was submitted to the
State Board of Education yester-
day by Harold T. Smith, director
of the State Plan project.
This statement is the first step
in the shaping of a provisionary
draft of a State Plan, which
would establish a basis for centl a
cooperative planning of public
post-secondary education and pro-
vide uniform guidelines for policy
decisions in preparing new pro-'
The plan will be formulated by
the Study Steering Committee,
which includes Dean Stephen
Spurr of the graduate college as
a member. It will hear recom-

mendations made by six advisory
committees, representing the vari-
ous groups in the state concerned
with higher education.
Committees of student, faculty,
and administrative representatives
from various state institutions, as
well as committees of legislators,
interested citiz ns and economic
specialists are being delegated by
the State Board to prepare rec-
ommendations of planning needs
in their respective areas.
°Preliminary reports from these
committees were originally sched-
uled to be ready by early April.
But the committee work has
progressed very slowly and at least
one of the committees has not yet
been appointed. According to
Smith, "the volume of committee
work still to be done is the major
factor which will delay the sched-

ule for a provisional draft of the
"The draft will, however, most
likely be ready for hearings in
the Legislature this summer,"
Smith predicted. After these hear-
ings, the completed document
must then be submitted to educa-
tors and other interested groups.
Suggested revisions will be con-
sidered and a final document sub-
mitted to the Legislature for ap-
proval. "We still want to get
things worked out for the 1968
legislative session," Smith noted,
"and we should be able to meet
this deadline."'
"It is the problem of educating1
the committee members which
consumes so much time," noted
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan, of the ma-
thematics department, who is the
University's representative on the

faculty advisory committee, com-:
posed of 23 representatives from
both state-supported and private
institutions. This was the first
advisory committee to get into
operation. It held its first meeting
two weeks ago.
"If we gan get organized and
moving, we can have a great deal
of influence," Kaplan explained.
"The problem is that the repre-
sentatives have never met before;
there are outstanding people on
the committee, but few know
about state problems outside of
their own institutions."
Kaplan said that the two most
difficult questions which the state
plan must answer will be: "to
what extent shall the board con-
trol size and development of
higher education institutions?,";
and secondly, "should the State
Jersey Coed
Exposed as
Drug Agent

Plan assign clearly defined roles to talk of planning higher educa-'
to different institutions?" tion than a plan for higher edu-
"The important word is 'roles,' " cation," he explained. "We want
Kaplan noted, explaining that he to move away from that type ofE
feels that "a basic assessment of thinking and provide 'elasticity,
roles is essential to any institu- flexibility and creativity for in-
tion and the sort of role it is stitutions, rather than a rigid or-
given should depend on its own ganization and a set of unchanging
aspirations and what is feasible rules."
in the state as a whole.' The State Boardhhabn Given


An example of role assignment,
would be a decision that the Uni-
versity should function only on
the graduate level. "Although the
idea of the University as an all-
graduate institution has been
brought up many times, such a
drastic concept of 'role' 'doesn't
seem to have broad acceptance by
faculty members," Kaplan claimed.
Smith agreed that strict, as-
signment of roles is not the pur-
pose of a state plan. "It is better

authority by the new state con-
stitution over general planning of
non-private higher education, but
the intent of the constitution is
currently under study by the
State Atoorney General's office
and a ruling on its jurisdiction
is expected in the next few weeks.
The statement presented by
Smith claims that the State BoArd
has been sanctioned. to plan and
encourage the orderly develop-

ment of a "comprehensive state
system of education beyond the
secondary level that will adequate-
ly serve all the needs of the state."
It claims that "The well-being
of the State of Michigan calls for
the establishment and main-
tenance of a coordinated group of
institutions of higher learning that
will provide a range of academic
levels and intensities commen-
surate with the aspirations and
abilities of Michigan's youth, and
that will contribute to the state
through their contribution to the
nation and the world."
Smith said that once all the
problems have been ironed out and
the plan is submitted to the Legis-
lature, passage of the measure is
inevitable. "There isn't any ques-

Six SGC Candidates Debate
OSA Break, 'Student Power'


Six Student Government Coun-
cil candidates debated the SGC
break with the Office of Student
Affairs, changes in SGC's power
and structure, and student rela-
tions with Ann Arbor police last
night in the second of WCBN's
"Meet the Candidates" series.
The six candidates speaking on
last night's program were Nancy
Amidei, Grad; Mark Schreiber, '69;
Steve Lester, '69E; Kay Stansbury,
'70; Dave Bullard, '69; and Rich-
ard Heideman, '69. Gregory Cole-
man, '68, and David Saltman, '67,
were moderators.

SGC's break with the OSA was
praised as an "effective symbolic
act" by five candidates. Lester dis-
approved of SGC's action and
questioned its authority to sever
the ties. The candidates were also
unable to agree on whether the
split should continue.
SGC Power
On the question of SGS power,
Lester urged that SGC do more'
work within its present limits such
as regulating activity in the Fish-
bowl and on the Diag.
Heidman argued that SGC
could increase its power by taking
advantage of the vice-presidential

University President
boards and the President's Com-j
mission of the Role of the Student Endorses Disguise;
in Decision Making. He also sug- ACLU Voices Protest
gested that SGC improve its re-
lations with the administration. An undercover narcotics agent
Miss Stansbury favored complete posing as a coed was discovered
reorganization of SGC with In- yesterday at Farleigh Dickinson

creased power.
Bullard was concerned with
freedom at the University. He par-
ticularly mentioned the recent re-
jection of the new Daily editors
by the Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications as an example
of restrictions on student organi-I

University. one had been planted
by Morris County detectives on
the Madison, New Jersey campu
in cooperation with university of-
The move had caused a furor
in the university and led to a
stormy faculty meeting yesterday
morning at which Dr. Peter Sam-

c;* Nb~ga at

Late World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Opponents of the consular treaty with the
Soviet Union tried and failed yesterday to condition its acceptance
upon an end to the war in Vietnam.
The action cleared the way for a vote on the treaty today.
* * * *
HONG KONG-The Red Chinese army has seized control of
the Communist party apparatus in Kwangtung Province, aiming
to erase opposition to Mao Tse-tung, radio broadcasts and other
sources reported today.
A "PROBLEM-SOLVING SEMINAR," consisting of a six--
week study tour in Great Britain, is being offered to interested
students as a joint endeavor by the education school and the
literary college. The program, which is open to second semester
juniors, seniors, and graduates, aims at providing a better
understanding of the educational system of Britain.
Students participating in the program will reside in London
from July 2 to August 9, during which time they will study at
the University of London. Each student is required to elect
6 hours of credit: 4 in education and 2 in English.
Total cost for the six weeks is approximately $700. All
interested students should contact Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen,
4024 University High School for applications. The application
deadline is April 1.
4 THE YOUNG DEMOCRATS yesterday endorsed the following
people for Student Government Council seats: Judy Greenberg,
'68; Mark Schreiber, '69, and Rick Heideman, '69.
SGC presidential candidates will speak to the Young Demo-
crats today at 8:00 p.m. in the UGLI Multipurpose Room. The
Vietnam Resolution will also be discussed.
on Tuesday, registered over five hundred members who will work
for a. fairer housing system in Ann Arbor. SRU plans to hold
an organizational meeting on March 19.
Leaders of the group plan drives in apartment units and in
residence halls to gain a membership of over five thousand
people. Richard Firestone, '67, emphasized that SRU not only
wants people who have housing problems, but hopes to gain
the support of everyone living in or considering living in an
Those students interested in joining SRU should call 764-3174
between one and five on weekdays.
organizational meeting last night. About 60 students attended.
The Club was established for the purpose of improving relation-
ship between students and the sociology faculty, giving sociology
students an organized voice in departmental affairs and en-
couraging a spirit of cooperation among, sociology students.
The Club set un five committees and an executive steering

Off-Campus Issues martino, the university's presi-
SGC's ,involvement in off-cam- dent, strongly 'supported the ac-
pus issues was also discussed. The tion.
candidates agreed that the off- "The use of narcotics poses a
campus housing problem was "de- distinct health danger to the stu-
plorable." Miss Amedel argued dents at any institution," Dr,
that SGC should apply pressure on Sammartino told the faculty group
the Regents to alleviate the poor at a special meeting in Dreyfuss
conditions and suggested that they Hall. "No institution has the right
meet with the presidents of Grad- not to coOperate with any law en-
uate Student Council and SGC. forcement agency involved with
The candidates expressed con- the discovery of the culprits in this
cern over the presence of Ann Ar- illegal activity."
bor police on campus. Bullard However, The American Civil
recommended strengthening the Liberties Union of New Jersey and
Sanford Security service and insti- the Madison chapter of the Amer-
tuting a police review board to ican Society of University Prof es-
hear student's complaints on po- sors disagreed emphatically and
lice action. He claimed that this called the university's collabora-
would eliminate conflict with Ann tion with undercover agents a
Arbor authorities and the Univer- serious breach of academic free-
sity over strictly campus prob-1 dom.
Heideman, Schreiber and Les- The placement of ai under-
ter agreed that a "system of priori- cover agent as a fake student is
ties" be set up whereby the Uni- Orwellian in nature," declared
versity would protect the students Henry M. Vi Suvero, executive
in all matters excluding the vio- director of the state ACLU chap-
lation of a city law. ter.
Miss Amidei suggested that the Mr. Vi Suvero called on Dr.
University take more responsibil- Sammartino 'to return to the fun-
ity for the actions of its students, damental principles of academic
and that the city authorities be freedom rather than rush pell-
called only when a city ordinance mell into 1984."
is in question. She pointed out The disclosure of the undercover
that students were presentely ex- agent prompted Morris County
posed to "double jeopardy" be- Detective Paul McKenna to groan:
cause they are liable to both city "Well, this blows this caper."
and University officials. The undercover agent, Mrs.
Grad Students Linda Hobie, was enrolled as a
Miss Amidei and Schreiber special student in film art at the
agreed that more graduate stu- university.
dents be in SGC. Schreiber advo- Assistant Morrie County Prose-
cated the expansion of the elected cutor Robert J. DelTufo said Mrs.
11 members of the body to 25 Hobbie had confessed her under-
members. He said the division cover role to one of her instruc-
should break down into 15 under- tors, assistant professor Carl Lin-
graduates and 10 graduates, with der, who brought the matter up
the present GSC organization in- at the faculty meeting.
corporated into SGC. Miss Amidei Del Tufor defended the planting
argued that they should be two on the grounds that it was the
coequal bodies. At present, she responsibility of the prosecutor's
urges that more graduate students office to try to detect any traffic
should be seated on SGC. of this type anywhere.

.s :
Speaking last night before the annual fraternity and
dent Harlan Hatcher discussed "The Role of the Fra
' presented to seniors Mary Zimmerman and Steven
Ohio Emplo yes,

-Daily-Andy Sacks
d sorority presidents' banquet, University Presi-
aternity in University Expansion." Awards were
Goldberg as this year's outstanding Greeks.

tion about wanting a state plan,"
he said.
The statement is already ac-
ceptable to the board according
to Smith, but the board does not
want to give final approval to it
until debate on the measures can
begin so that it can be easily
amended if problems arise.
A State Plan has been urged by
the Committee for Coordination of
Higher Education of the American
Association of University Profes-
sors of which Prof. Kaplan is
chairman, at its state conference
for the last decade. A year ago,
it had called for a deadline of
Jan., 1967 for a final version 6f
the plan.
Smith will present a full pro-
gress report on the State Plan pro-
posal at the next regular State
Board meeting, March 28.
Grad Board
Asks Talks
On Heelding
Students Involved,
Dept. Chairman MAy
Discuss Discipline
The Graduate Executive Board
is asking academic, deartment
chairmen to discuss with gradu-
ate students allegedly involved in
a March 2 heckling "incident "the
gravity of their conduct." Possible
disciplinary action for future in-
cidents will also be discussed.
This action concludes a two-
week study of the incident, ac-
cording to Dean Stephen Spurr of
the graduate school.
The "incident" was the heckling
of Sen. Philip Hart (D-Mich.),
Rep. Gerald Ford (R-Mich) and
Profs James Pollack of the polit-
ical Science department, who par-
ticipated in the Sesquicentennial
weekend topic session.
The board unanimously ap-
proved the following statement at
their meeting yesterday, which all
department chairmen will receive
"Members of a community,, of
scholars have the responsibility
for respecting and protecting the
rights of others to express their
"The executive board of the
graduate school deplores the ac-
tions of a group of individuals at
a public meeting held by the Uni-
versity.. . in the Rackham lecture
hall on March 2 which resulted
in a clear infringement of these
"This type of interference with
orderly and peaceful discussion is
inexcusable and will not be toler-
ated in a University community.
"A graduate student is in train-
ing to become a member of the
community of scholars and one
of the hallmarks of that commun-
ity is free and objective discus-
sion. When a student seeks to cur-
tail in any way the freedom of
discussion of others he calls in
question his fitness for a scholarly
"The executive board has au-
thority with regard to student dis-
cipline to the extent necessary to
maintain the freedom of expres-
sion of its faculty, student body
and guests.
"Information on the March 2
incident has been conveyed to the
chairmen of the departments
whose graduate students were in-
The statement was accepted last
night by Graduate Student Coun-

'Strike Ends;

U! Yields to- Union Demands

The non-academic employes at
Ohio University called off their
strike abruptly last night when the
university; granted their demands.
The strike brought spring vacation
to the school's students two weeks
A meeting of university officials,
union representatives and Ohio'
Atty. Gen. William B. Saxbe Tues-
day night apparently paved the
way for settlement of the key
issue-payroll deductions of union
Members of the American Fed-
eration of State, County and Mu-
nicipal Employes, AFL-CIO, struck
11 days ago after Ohio University
President Vernon Alden refused
union demands for payroll dues
checkoffs. Alden maintained that
under state law the university had
no authority to grant the request.
Meeting in Columbus Tuesday
night, Saxbe advised Alden, the
executive committee of the school's
trustees and union leadership that
the law does empower the uni-
versity to deduct union dues.
The executive committee voted


4-0 to call a special board meeting
to grant the union's request.
Several technicalities remained
to be cleared up but union repre-
sentative Edward Dailey said he
was "most pleased, most opti-
Dailey indicated the only barrier
preventing a return to work
March 20 could be removed by
university action rescinding letters
sent to some 800 employes on
strike or observing picket lines.

The letters, as provided by a
state act banning public-employe
strikes, notified the workers they
had forfeited their jobs and must
seek reinstatement.
The union claims a membership
of about 600. Aiming to organize
some 1,300 cooks, custodial work-
ers and maintenance workers' at
the university, the union was sup-
ported by thousands of students
who joined in picketing and staged
rallies before Alden ordered an
early spring vacation last Friday.

29 U' Students To Become
Woodrow Wilson Fellows,

Regent Goebel Accuses Daily
Of Slanted' Editorial Writing

Twenty-eight University seniors
and a 1966 alumna have been
awarded coveted Woodrow Wilson
fellowships for graduate study.
The University's, total of 29 is
second only to Harvard's total
of 32.
Thirty-nine seniors were award-
ed honorable mention in the com-
The Woodrow Wilson fellows re-
ceive one academic year of grad-
uate study, with tuition and fees
paid by the fellowships' financier,
the Ford Foundation. Fellows also
receive a $2,000 living stipend and
allowances for dependent children.
Among the 29 winners were
three graduating Daily editors:
Clarence Fanto, managing editor,
who will study international af-
fairs; Harvey Wasserman, edito-
rial director, history major; and
Bruce Wasserstein, executive edi-
tor, political science major. Daily
Editor Mark R. Killingsworth was
named a Rhodes scholar to Oxford
in December.
Other winners are: Frank D.
Lauren, Jr., modern Chinese his-
tory; Leslie C. Woodcock, history;

witz, psychology; Daniel T. Linger,
economics; Karen S. Lossing, '66,
modern Chinese history; and Stev-
en S. Muchnick, mathematics.
Receiving a fellowship for Eng-
lish was Janice S. Stack; Suzanne
H. Nailburg, English; William W.
Updegrove, history, and Merrill J.
Whitman, philosophy.

Middlebury Student Vote
Dissolves Student Council

'Student power' has
another victory.


By MARK LEVIN students') operation of the paper,"
Regent Paul Goebel, in an inter- Goebel added.
view published Sunday, accused Goebel said he thinks that the
The Daily of "writing slanted Board's ultimate acceptance of
editorials from slanted news sto- Rapoport probably resulted from
ries" which he charged are "not not wanting to be accused of
properly researched." curbing freedom of the press.
In addition, Goebel explained However, Prof. Luke Cooperrider
that the recent conflict between of the Law School, chairman of
The Daily and the Board in Con- the Board said last night, "In my
trol of Student Publications over opinion, after further discussions
the appointment of Roger Rapo- and conversations with Rapoport,

"A lot of feedback," Goebel con-
tinued, "comes because of The
Daily. A good many of the editors
act as stringers for other news-
papers and The Daily is a member
of the newswire services."
"The activities of a few are
broadcast all over the country.
People receive an image . of the
university which is not true," he
Neal Shine, city editor of the'
i l- M+-a n rac s. in nr-- l

In a protestagainst powerless-
ness, the students of Middlebury
College have voted to dissolve their
student government.
The Middlebury Student Asso-
ciation (MSA) was abolished by a
407-70 vote in a campus referen-
dum: MSA President John Rogers
said he "had expected that sort
of a vote."
"The results represent a posi-
tice act, calling for a redefinition
ofth +wh mnieenanen+ntofnstudnt

the Middlebury Campus, stated
that the referendum came about
because the MSA "felt it had no
tangible powers."
Campus editor Jeffrey Dworkin
said that the governing body had
been imted to determining the
distribution of student activities
fees, and that even this process
involved possible veto by the
school's director of student ac-
According to Dworkin, the Mid-
dlebury administration is consid-
ering holding an election to re-
-.- +&..t a a ..- r-,. -na.nm-nin

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