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March 14, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-14

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-e Midiig att Batlg
Seventy-Sixth Year

'The Big Bright Green Pleasure Machine'
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Where Opinion sAre Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



University Relations Office
and Freedom of the Press

THAT BASTION of informational free-
dom, the University Relations office, is
one of the best of any university in the
country. Nobody questions that. But
everyone in the University community
should feel concern at the following
things which reflect adversely on the Uni-
versity Relations Office:
-It has been plagued by inaccuracies.
For example, the office in announcing De-
fense Department recommendations on
equal employment opportunity, said they
were made pursuant to Title VII of the
1964 Civil Rights Act. But, as a Defense
Department spokesman said, the recom-
mendations "have nothing to do with Ti-
tle VII." Actually, the recommendations
were made pursuant to Presidential Ex-
ecutive Order 11246. As a result of the
University Relations Office error, every
wire service and newspaper in the state
got a serious inaccuracy.
Another news service release spelled in-
correctly the name of the assistant Uni-
versity orchestra conductor. Still another,
in announcing an award, was so inaccur-
ate a University relations official asked
that its release be deferred so the inac-
curacies could be corrected.
-Often, news service comes through
with slanted news. For example, the vice-
president for University relations told a
New York alumnus some weeks ago that
the proposed investigation of The Daily
had come about because "they're printing
a lot of four-letter words (like four?) and
the faculty are getting riled."
TvHEFACT is that while the office puts
out announcements in the form of
news releases, it is actually a propogan-
da organ, a vehicle for the exuberance
and prejudice of administrators and pub-
lic relations men, and should be recog-
nized as such.
No one, of course, would propose to
limit the editorial freedom which the
University Relations Office rightfully en-

joys. That is what has made it great, and
no one wants to see it end.
BUT WHAT MUST be done is to add re-
sponsibility and professionalism to this
editorial freedom. Surely there can be no
objection to a more responsible, accur-
ate, professional University Relations Of-
fice from any member of the community.
To that end, the Regents should quick-
ly consider the following proposals for a
better, more responsible University Rela-
tions Office:
* Clearly, some kind of community su-
pervision is warranted, and a Board in
Control of Administration Publications
should be set up to supervise all Uni-
versity relations efforts.
* The faculty senate advisory com-
mittee on University affairs (SACUA)
should conduct an investigation to deter-
mine "the proper function, purpose and
responsibility of a university relations of-
" The Regents should set aside 15 min-
utes at each meeting to allow for com-
ment and criticism of University rela-
tions policies and practices.
0 The University Relations Office
should hire a student journalist as a pro-
fessional consultant to give continuing
advice and evaluations on its efforts.
* Since, from his remarks to the alum-
nus, the present vice-president for Uni-
versity relations is clearly "irresponsible"
and "unacceptable."
THE UNIVERSITY Relations Office has
had over 76 years of non-interference
from The Daily, pained as it has been at
times by the office's adult harshness
which the paper has quietly labored to re-
pair. No one on The Daily would dream
of curtailing the office's freedom. The
office should simply be made more re-
sponsible and accurate. That is a goal
everyone should share.
Editor 1966-67

THOUGH THE RESPONSE to the inclusion of "TV
Highlights" in Sunday's Daily was overwhelmingly
favorable, a flood of letters from outraged students has
demanded wider and more comprehensive coverage of
significant TV events.
Fellow critic John Lottier and I have thus compiled
the following list and evaluations of the top programs
of the coming week.
12:00 (4) JEOPARDY-Art Fleming moderates this
quiz show especially prepared as an ego-booster for all
students who flunked their 11 o'clock exams. The unique
"answer-an-questions" game that pits average house-
wives and businessmen against each other, it remains
the only quiz program that is so simple it can't be fixed.
1:30 (4) LET'S MAKE A DEAL-Monty Hall's give-
away show where you can observe an everyday American
willing to trade his mother-in-law for what lies inside
the magic box.
4:30 (7) WHERE THE ACTION IS-After a hard
day at classes, return to the tube for this taste of adoles-
cent non-chalance. This week featuring the Young Holt
Trio and the Sopwith Camel, plus regulars Steve Alaimo,
Tina Mason, The Raiders, and the Action kids-the most
sensuous dancers since the Go-Go Girls floated down
State Street.
6:00 (50) SUPERMAN-Clark Kent, mild-mannered
Saigon correspondent for the Daily Planet, rescues the
101st Airborne Division from War Zone C, while Amer-
ican bombers carry out their attacks on Kryptonie Plants
in the Hanoi-Haiphong area. (Starring George Reeves,

dies' Favorite, star right from his latest movie, "Birds
Do It," does it.
8:30 (7) THE INVADERS-Myopic David Vincent,
who spotted a flying saucer one lonely night in Dexter,
Mich., continues his fruitless attempt to convince the
world that he's not insane.
9:30 (7) PEYTON PLACE-"Rachel seeks to ferret
out the truth about Chandler; Lee brags to Ada and
Sandy; Norman confronts his father."
10:00 (7) THE FUGITIVE-Murderer Richard
Kimble, who spotted a one-armed man one lonely night
in Dexter, Mich., continues his fruitless attempt to con-
vince the world that he's not insane.
1:00 (4) BEAT THE CHAMP-Don Kremer and
Chuck Walby moderate this, "Detroit's Most Exciting
Bowling Show."
7:00 (4) JUVENILE COURT-Four University stu-
dents are brought before judge for "smoking bananas."
Case referred to Circuit Court of 'Peels. Charges dis-
mised when students sing "Yes, we have no bananas."
Willie Pep-Sandy Saddler and Joe Louis-Al McCoy. If
Louis wins, to be followed by exclusive films of Board-
in-Control vs. Daily battle.
11:30 (2) BEAUTY AND THE ROBOT ('60)-The
story of a stripteaser (Louis Nye) who is picked by an
electronic brain (Mamie Van Doren) to head a univer-
sity science department, over the objections of the vice-
president for academic affairs (Tuesday Weld).
7:30 (7) BATMAN-"The Black Widow (played by

Tallulah Bankhead) disguises herself as Robin and con-
tinues thefts."
7:00 (4) TRAFFIC COURT-Students bring charges
against University administrators who, in attempt to
curtail automobile over-population, double automobile
permits while halving available parking spaces. Admin-
istrators plead insanity.
7:30 (2) WILD, WILD WEST-As secret agents for
President Ulysses S. Grant, James West and Artemus
Gordon continue their fantastic explots to prevent
dastardly Prof. Loveless from converting California into
a Children's Kingdom. Michael Dunne, who usually
portrays Loveless, is replaced by actor Ronald Reagan.
8:00 (7) TIME TUNNEL-A must for all Engineers
and History majors, Tony and Doug this week battle
the Vikings in 544 AD. In recent weeks, they have con-
fronted Machiavelli on the battlefield at Gettysburg and
Nero during the Allied invasion of Italy.
7:30 (7) THE DATING GAME-Jim Lang hosts a
special collegiate feature this evening when Beatle Paul
McCartney gets to choose among 10 Michigan co-eds
behind screen. Predictably, McCartney ends show by
singing "Help" and "I'm a Loser."
9:00 (50) WRESTLING-In a classic tag-team
match, Dory Funk, "The Texas Marauder," and Pampero
Firpo, "The Wild Bull of the Pampas from the Unknowns
of the Argentine," meet Sweet-Daddy Siki from San
Juan, Puerto Rico, and Killer Kowalski from Hamtramck.
5:30 (4)-G-E COLLEGE BOWL-For the 343rd con-
secutive week, Michigan, the Harvard of the West, will
not appear. Of course, neither will Harvard.

John Hamilton, and Noel Neill.)
11:30 a.m. Saturday (50) SOUPY

SALES-The Kid-

Letters: Defending the Business Hall of Fame

'May' Comes in April

To the Editor:
SINCE THE DAILY reprinted an
an editorial on the Business
Hall of Fame by The Nation, per-
haps it will be willingsto reprint
an editorial on the institution by
another liberal publication, The
Washington Post. This editorial,
entitled, "Pantheon for Business-
men," is as follows:
"An associate professor of busi-
ness history at the University of
Michigan has hatched a plan to
honor businessmen with a hall of
fame in an advanced management
center. Because football and base-
ball heroes have halls of fame,
the professor thinks businessmen
deserve one too. So Michigan will
devote 2500 square feet to this
purpose and will set up machinery
for the election of the men of
business deserving immortality at
Ann Arbor.
"We can think of better ways
of glorifying captains of industry,
but we find it cheering that an
associate professor wants to honor
men in the business world. Young
academis have frequently found
pleasure in biting the hands that
fed them. Perhaps academic recog-
nition of the contributions that
businessmen have made to our
society-and to the financing of
higher education-is a hopeful
sign of maturity."
Ann Arbor correspondent er-
roneously reported that business-
men will have to be dead for three
years before becoming eligible for
nomination to election to the Busi-
ness Hall of Fame; actually a five-
year interval will be required. He
might also have added that em-
ployees of the 'U' are ineligible to
serve as electors, and therefore
cannot participate in the electoral
Persons nominated for election
to the Business Hall of Fame will
be screened by a Committee on
Nominations consisting of ten
businessmen, four educators, four
government officials and two other
non-businessmen. The Board of
Electors will consist of 200 leading
Americans, divided equally be-
tween businessmen and non-busi-
I believe that the Electoral
Board will be discriminating in its
voting-and that the likes of Jay
Gould and James Fisk have no
more chance of being memorial-
ized than Michael Zweig has of

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'We hit three trucks, four barges, and one Kennedy'

man type castigated by Mr. Kil-
lnigsworth (Feb. 25) for their
"brutish sensibilities." Oh no, no
-those would be black hats. It's
the white hats in defense of con-
science whom I hear cheered on
arrival to save the hero.
I wouldn't have recognized their
footsteps had not Mr. Killings-
worth declared so forthrightly to
the Senate Assembly last month,
while still editor, that he liked to
think of The Daily as the "Con-
science of the University": that
the paper would not accept any
investigation of its editorial poli-
cies; that all kinds of things would
be heard from afar if anyone
should try.
If an officer trying to imple-
ment a moral rule is reprobate,
and a concerned president is lab-
elled sordid and a hypocrite (M.
K., Feb. 26), from which source
arises the indignation? From be-
lief in a moral universe? From
corporate conscience? They must
differ deeply, of course, since one
elicits Daily contempt, the other
eternal protection. Yet under
emergency both have been enforc-
ed by power. (The possee that
came thundering down by tele-
gram from Lansing proved fully as
efficient as a police sauad, no?)
Whence derives The Daily its
justification for either morals or
conscience, either private or pub-
lic? And who is supposed to patrol
this set of conscience watchers?
-Kenneth L. Pike
Professor of Linguistics
Draft Alternative
To the Editor:
UNDERSTAND that with the
expiration of the old draft law,
revisions, are being considered in
the nation's draft policy. Person-
ally, I feel that every man and
woman owes a debt of service to
his God, his fellow man and his
country. Military service can be
one important way of paying that
debt. I left school to join the ar-
my because I felt this was the
best time for me to begin serving.
Many have used student status
as a means of completely avoid-
ing the draft. By the time a man
graduates, he may be married and
have children, or have found a
defense-oriented job. Draft boards
are understandably cautious in
taking him.
At the same time, we must keep
in mind that for some people, an
interruption of their college may

mean the end of formal education.
A completed degree can be of sig-
nificant value to the individual
and to the nation as a whole.
Upon entering college, each stu-
dent should be given an option.
1) If he so chose, he would be
guaranteed draft exemption for a
period of five years or untiL com-
pletion of his bachelor's degree,
whichever comes first. During this
time, he must remain a full time
student in good standing at an
accredited college or university. His
class standing would not affect his
AT THE END of this time, he
would be automatically drafted in-
to the armed forces, unless he
was allowed to continue his edu-
cation to earn a higher degree.
2) Those students not choosing
the first alternative, with its guar-
antee of service, would be deferred
until other men their age had,
been drafted, but taken before
those in lower age brackets. This
means that he might get by with-
out being drafted at all (many do
in normal times). In return for
this chance, he would run the risk
of being drafted at any time dur-
ing his college career. At no time,
however, should a man be drafted
during the middle of a term. He
should be allowed to complete the
present semester, quarter, or tri-
3) Once a student made his orig-
inal decision, he would be bound
by it for the duration of his edu-
cation. He could not change his
mind as world events made draft
more or less likely.
. UNDER THIS PLAN, colleges
and universities would no longer
be a haven for draft dodgers. At
the same time, those students who
wished would be allowed to finish
their education without interrup-
tion, and the nation would bene-
fit from these completed degrees.
Concurrent with this, I would
like to see the Army increase its
efforts to assign men to jobs they
are best qualified to fill. A train-
ed mathematician, for instance,
should be working on the nation's
space program, not slogging in the
mud in Vietnam.
Eventually, I would like to see a
program in which every U.S. citi-
zen, man and woman alike, would
be required to serve two years in
the Peace Corps, the Army, NASA,
or wherever that person could best
serve the nation and the world.
-Pfc. John P. Dickey



IN A MOVE which adds injury to insult,
the University Musical Society will
present the Ann Arbor May Festival April
22-25, during this semester's examination
There is something superficially absurd
In a May Festival occurring in April.
The injury falls on students and fac-
ulty members who will not be able to
attend this most special musical event.
When Eugene Ormandy and the Philadel-
phia Orchestra are performing, students
will be studying and faculty members
will be either preparing or correcting
IT IS WRONG and naive to suggest that
students and instructors cram an oc-
casional concert into exam week: this
deprecates both the importance of the
examination period and the quality of the
Students and faculty members will
want to attend the concerts without the
pressure of examinations. Finals come in
one week in which the University should
not schedule major events. The May Fes-
tival concerts are too important to be
wedged into exam week as study breaks.
THE SCHEDULE is a result of a concen-
trated trimester and a desire to hold
the festival as a prelude to commence-

While the society's executive director,
Gail Rector, said that the concerts were
scheduled to occur before students left
campus, perhaps scheduling them during
finals will hinder attendance as much as
scheduling them afterwards.
The blame should not fall on the Uni-
versity Musical Society, who planned and
announced the schedule a year ago. The
University calendar was available last
year when the participants were an-
nounced. The artists' schedules were not
so inflexible that the festival could not
have been slated for another week.
THE FAULT LIES with the concepts of
a University held by the events plan-
ners. The set of priorities which dictates
that the stream of University hoop-la
correspond to convenient calendar dates
ignored the academic priorities which
should be at the heart of planning the
University calendar.
In a year when it has been scheduled
against the University's best academic in-
terests, the May Festival has been turned
into a roaring insult to the University's
educational efforts.
The festival will be a proud event in
the University's history, but in this case
we must chose between providing impres-
sive history or minimal conditions for

becoming Senator's Hart's admin-
istrative assistant.
The Business Hall of Fame, alas,
will be patterned after the staid
and proper Hall of Fame for Great
Americans at New York University.
Meanwhile, it is hoped that our
"friends" on campus will continue
to maintain their interest in the
Business Hall of Fame, since a
high value is placed on their views.
-David L. Lewis,
Associate Professor
of Business History
To the Editor:
I AGREE with most of the com-
ments made by Knox Tull in
Rapoport's article, "A Black Looks
at a White World," March 12.
However, I violently disagree with
one point.
Mr. Tull is quoted as saying:
"In my neighborhood the fish
man, and the vegetable man and
the rag man would all come
through, and there would always
be people laughing and singing.
People weren't rich but they were
happy." And again: "Supposedly
culturally deprived Negroes are

being cultured by white college
students. These little kids may be
poor and broke but they are hap-
py . . ." I don't think Mr. Tull
realizes what he is saying, for he
is unwittingly perpetuating the
myth created by the white world
that the Negro, ever since slav-
ery, has been happy and contented
with his wretched state of exist-
I WAS SHOCKED by the fact
that he, as a seemingly intelligent
person, had been duped into ac-
cepting such a ridiculous idea. We
know now that a suffering people
laugh to maintain their sanity-
hence the large number of come-
dians from oppressed minority
groups. As the great blues singer,
Lightning Hopkins, says in one of
his songs: "I laugh to keep from
-Xavier Nicholas, '67
Tuskegee Exchange Student
Paper's Power
To the Editor:
TRAMP, TRAMP, the footprints
of 35 vigilantes crossed the
pages of The Daily. Not, of course,
"Moral Vigilantes" of the police-





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Ministerial Deferments

According to the present regulation
1622.43, practicing ministers and those
training for the ministry are exempt from
the draft. However, if one indeed wants to
1 Aii~tzltBal
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and

make the draft more equitable, as Presi-
Oent Johnson maintains, then it would
seem that this deferment should be elim-
Allowing future ministers to stay out of
the armed services is implied discrimina-
tion. It is unfair to aetheists, agnostics
and all others of different persuasions.
Moreover, the present law also discrimin-
ates against those who are members of es-
tablished religious organizations but who
are in other professions. ,



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