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March 14, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-14

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a rstar.a:t ,aaiaua:u


Sys GOP.
Reneged On
Republican Revolt in
Harlem Assists in
Effecting Dropout
NEW YORK (WP)-James Mere-
dith withdrew from the congres-
sional race against Adam Clayton
Powell yesterday, apparently be-
cause of a Republican revolt in
Harlem against him. Negro lead-
ers hailed his retirement.
Cora Walker, a GOP leader in
Harlem, said party committeemen
in Powell's 18th Congressional Dis-
trict were in revolt against Mere-
dith's candidacy on the Republi-
can ticket.
Meredith said his dead-of-night
dropout from the April 11 special
election for Powell's old Demo-
cratic House seat, resulted from SEN. THOM
the GOP reneging on promises of end of the op
money and campaign help. How- financial affa
ever, he claimed Republican lead-
ers did not pressure him to quit
the race.
'No Bad Faith' U.S.
"Frankly, I don't think there
was any bad faith," he declared.
"I think political expediency real- -Tet
ly was the order of the day."
In his Bimini retreat in the
Bahamas, Powell credited pressure
from civil rights leaders for end- . SAIGON (P
ing Meredith's political career be- scouring 100
fore it began. swamplands
l He said of Meredith's with- border in a ne
drawal: "I don't think civil rights prive the Viet
leaders would allow him to be- hold threatenir
come a white man's puppet." Command re
Return to Harlem Anything usefu
L Powell, seeking to regain the nists-homes, li
congressional seat from which he evens dogs-ist
was ousted March 1, announced Military sou
plans for a triumphant return to man enemy f
Harlem next Sunday-Palm Sun- Cambodia ahea
day. He conceded the possibility Fighting was a
he might end up in jail' for con- ficals reported
tempt of court but told a news killed in sca
conference: "It'll be a swinging One American
jail, baby." wounded, man
Even with Meredith in the run- and mines.
ning, Powell had been considered The operatic
a sure winner in the April 11 elec- 25th Division
tion for the House seat he held last Wednesda
for 22 years, before he was sus- name Waialua.
pended for alleged misuse of northern Plain
funds. that starts 30
Meredith, at the time he with- gan.
drew; lid not endorse Powell's Col. Marvin
candidacy. of a brigade in
'Stay Out' anyone living
Jackie Robinson, former base- area is presum
ball great and a Republican on Inhabitants we
Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller's staff, to governmen
said, "In my opinion, the Repub- Fuller said wa
licans should just stay out of the chickens and
race. I don't want our party to slaughtered to
endorse Mr. Powell, though." to enemy batta
Powell currently is appealing his The new ope
ouster by the House and next Operation June
month's election took on the tone north appeare
of a crusade in Harlem, where his
suspension was looked upon as
racially inspired.
In selecting Meredith, 33, as W or
GOP candidate, Republican lead-
ers obviously hoped to capitalize
on his record as the man who
broke the color line in 1962 at the By The Ass,
University of Mississippi, and who WASHINGTC

suffered a gunshot ambush during can Newspaper
a voter registration march last last night it is
year in' his native. Mississippi. with foundation
No Support nanced its, inter
However, since the announce- with funds repo:
ment last Tuesday of his candi- supplied secret]
dacy, not a single Negro political Intelligence Agee
leader, Harlem spokesman or civil But the guild',
rights figure had come to Mere- ecutive board sa
dith's support. He had conceded gram" cannot be
he might have to face "the fear will seek money
and the scorn from fellow Ne- b r i v a t e or
groes." sources, until t.
Among other things, Meredith tion can act on
was called by his opponents "a
carpetbagger from Mississippi." BALTIMORE,
He called himself an independent er at St. Johns
registered Democrat. said yesterday
Meredith moved his wife and effective solutic
six-year-old son into an upper to nullify the b
Manhattan apartment - outside the RH blood fa
Harlem - when he entered Co-
lumbia University Law School over WASHINGTC
a year ago. figures showed 3

for Ho





Gaullists Pull PROBE CONTINU
Slim Lead in Dodd Adn
'French Vote Used for
Corsican Seat Throws WASHINGTON ()-Sen. Tho-
One-Vote Margin mas J. Dodd acknowledged yester-a
day that $150,785.29 from a series.
To Presidential Party of fund-raising events went into
PARIS (1--A disputed seat on his personal bank accounts-al-
A though a former aide quoted the
the island of Corsica was put in embattled Democrat as saying he
the Gaullist column yesterday, expected no more than a gold
giving supporters of President watch.
Charles de Gaulle a one-vote ma- Dodd also acknowledged that
ority in the National Assembly. oney from his Senate campaign
The announcement, after a day bank account was used in part
of vote counting, confirmed what to pay Congressional Country,
the Gaullists and the minister of Club charges, Senate restaurant
interior had been saying all along, bills and parking tickets.I
that the seat was theirs. He conceded that funds pro-
The contested seat is in Bastia, duced by testimonial dinners help
where election incidents marred to pay for liquor, football ticketsE
voting and ballot tabulation. One and improvements to his North
ballot box was seized Sunday and Stonington, Conn., home.I
hurled over a cliff to the sea. It These items were among thou-
caught on a rock and was re- sands tabulated in a 162-page book
trieved. Another box containing of points upon which Dodd and
absentee ballots was emptied and the Senate Ethics Committee
its contents torn to confetti. In agreed.
one precinct there were 1,400 bal- The document was read in the
lots in the box-but only 1.200 record as the committee began
voters on the list. its public inquiry into Dodd's fi-
Incumbent Deputy nancial affairs.
J e a n Zuccarelli, incumbent The web of figures and expense
Deputy is a member of the non- accounts was neither tabulated
Communist Federation of the Left, nor evaluated. Nor was it possible
whose chief, Francois Mitterrand, to determine quickly how much of
charged there had been attempts the money went to pay political
at fraud and corruption to pre- bills and how much used for per-

nits Campaign Funds
Personal Expenses

as personal gifts" which he could
spend as he saw fit.
The stipulations-agreed upon
two days ago by Dodd's lawyers
and the Ethics Committee-gave
this financial picture:
-The testimonials and a series
of campaign fund-raising dinners
and drives produced a total of
-Deposit of $35,000; $20,915.72;
and $94,869,57 were made from
bank accounts built on the fund-
raising events to accounts in the
names of Dodd and his wife,
-Dodd received $11,794.67 in
cash payments, from the fund-
raising events and from individ-
James P. Boyd, Jr., once admin-
istrative assistant to Dodd, testi-
fied that he had talked with
David Martin, a Dodd assistant,
after the 1964 election, and that
one contributor was to give $10,000

if the senator would help obtain
an ambassadorial appointment for
Abe Spanel of International Latex
Boyd quoted Martin as saying of
Dodd: "He said he had just a deal
in whiph Irv Ferman would donate
$10.000 and all the senator had
to do was to do all he could to get
Abe Spahel an ambassadorship.
Ferman would make the contri-
bution and he would be reim-
bursed later by Latex."
Dodd has said he fired Boyd
for misconduct. He contends Boyd,
seeking revenge, turned over to
columnists Drew Pearson and Jack
Anderson documents stolen from
his office files.
The columns that resulted led
to an investigation of Dodd's con-
duct as a senator. But Dodd, who
sought the initial investigation,
still maintains the Ethics Com-
mittee has no mandate to in-
vestigate his finances.

Opposition Warns Ghandiof
Plan To Unseat Government


IAS DODD (D-CONN.) is accompanied by his wife, lef
pening session of the Senate Ethics Committee. The cot
airs. (See Story.)
ScOurs Swamps
Cong Hold Near

vent Zuccarelli's election.
-Associated Press The new deputy is Gaullist Jac-
t, and daughter, Martha, at the ques Faggianelli, mayor of Bastia.
mmittee is inquiring into Dodd's His. election gives the Gaullists
244 seats in the 486-seat National
Assembly, just enough for a ma-
The official results, announced
(O Rat the prefecture, gave Faggianel-
li 18,607 votes and Zuccarelli
Opposition Parties
' a ig o n The opposition parties had won
241 seats, with one to be decided
in Tahiti, where an incumbent
ually ends air attacks will be anti-Gaullist was expected to win
harsher. re-election. Because of communi-
At the same time the prospects cations problems in the Polynesian
were that eight-engine B52 Strato archipelago, the official result will
- not be known until next Sunday.
fortresses soon will be flying mis- Based on official returns-and
sions over Vietnam from Thailand. not counting Tahiti - Sunday's
In Bangkok Thai Premier Thanom voting produced this election pic-
Kittikachorn said his government t aullist-244

sonal expenses.
But the stipulated evidence
showed that money produced by
testimonial dinners and money
raised for political campaigning
was blended in a single bank ac-
count at the Connecticut Bank
and Trust Co. of Hartford.
The senator from Connecticut
already had renewed his defense-
with a press release insisting he
used "virtually all of these funds
for political rather than personal
And he contended once again
that the four testimonial dinners
held in Washington and in Con-
necticut raised money "intended

NEW DELHI, India ('-Indira
Gandhi, installed again as prime
minister of India, was warned by
opposition parties yesterday that
they will try to unse.t her govern-
ment before she can complete the
full five-year term..
The opposition spoke out with-
in minutes after the 49-year-old
daughter of Jawaharlal Nehru and
her newly enlarged Cabinet were
sworn in by President Sarvepalli
"This country will soon have a
taste of the new ministers and will.
get ready to kick them out," said
Balraj Madhok, president of the

)-U.S. troops are
square miles of
along Cambodia's
w operation to de-
Cong of a strong-
ng Saigon, the U.S.
ported yesterday.
ul to the Commu-
ivingstock, gardens,
being destroyed.
irces said a 5,000
orce skipped into
3d of the operation.
at a minimum. Of-
d five Viet Cong
ttered skirmishes.
was killed 'and 17
y by booby traps
on, involving. U.S.*
Wolfhounds, began
y under the code
The location is the
of Reeds, an area
miles west of Sai-
Fuller, commander
the operation, said
in the operational
ed to be Viet Cong.
re being evacuated
t-controlled areas.
ter buffalo, ducks,
pigs were being
deny fresh , meat
ration, along with
fction City to the
d to be part of the
id New

stepped up pressure on the Com-
munists in both North and South
Vietnam by U.S. military forces.
Another major ground action
was reported -in progress in the
central highlands in Kontum Pro-,
vince, where U.S. 4th Division
troops pursued as many as 1,000
Communists. The GIs reported
finding 29 North Vietnamese sol-
diers dead after 18 hours of skir-
mishes Sunday.
U.S. planes hit for the third
straight day Sunday at North Viet-
nam's industrial heartland in whatI
is considered to be a signal to
Hanoi that as the monsoon grad-3

Radio Peking Demands
Farmers Return to Land

Hindu Communal Jan Sangh par-
ty; which made big gains in last
month's general elections.
Although Mrs. Gandhi's 19-
member Cabinet contains 11 new
faces, the major portfolios of
home, defense, external affairs
and planing did not change hands.
The most important change was
naming Morari Desai, 71, deputy
prime minister-a title not held by
anyone since independence hero
ardar Patel died in December 1950.
Desai, leader of the right wing
of the ruling Congress party, also
was given back his oldFinance
Ministry portfolio which he re-
signed in 1963 to do organizational
work for the' party.
He was brought ,back into the
government after agreeing to with-
draw his opposition to Mrs. Gan-
dhi's re-election Sunday as leader
of the Congress parliamentary
Mrs. Gandhi's task of forming a
Cabienet was complicated by the
fact that eight ministers in her
old government were defeated in
the February elections.
In the lower house of Parlia-
ment Mrs. Gandhi's Congress par-
ty has control of 282 of the 523
seats. In the old Parliament it
had 364 of 494. The opposition
seats are divided among six par-
ties and independents.

has no objections to B52 bases
there but he added negotiations'
still are under way. The bombers
now are based in Guam, about
2,500 miles east of Vietnam, and'
are used chiefly against enemy'
concentration areas in South Viet-

Non-Communist Left-126
Center-42 3TOKYO W)-Amid reports of a
The gains on the left were the bloody peasant uprising in south
product of an electoral alliance China, Radio Peking called on
pledging support for a single slate farmers yesterday to halt the
of candidates, something unknown
since the heady days of tlh Pop- power struggle and get on with
ular Front in 1936. the spring planting.
Travelers reaching Hong Kong
...f said soldiers opened fire on peas-


Daily said, "production brigades
will not be engaged in the power
struggle. But poor farmers, lower
class peasants and revolutionary
masses must heighten their vigil-
ance against the enemy."
An anti-Mao broadcast by the
Moscow radio said people were
hungry in areas of south China
and this was the reason for Pe-
king's call for a halt in the power

C-" ii *

!5unarto uaimrs rsyenoiogical nesons
Force Disclosure of Sukarno's Illness

JAKARTA, Indonesia ()-Act-
President Suharto said last night
that "for psychological reasons it
is necessary to explain to the In-
donesian people" that ousted Pres-
ident Sukarno's "health is de-
In his first radio and television
address to the nation since as-
suming the title of acting presi-
dent Sunday, the Indonesian
strong man-general gave no de-
7s Roundup

tails. He simply mentioned a re- ber production has sagged, in-
port from a team of doctors. It dustry has broken down and the
has been reported in the past that nation owes nearly $3 billion.
Sukarno, 66, suffers from a kidney Addressing regional governors
ailment. in a meeting in the capital, Su-
Congress took away Sukarno's harto said he hoped stability
mandate of power and prohibited would be established in internal
him all political activities, but administration. He told the gov-
Suharto would not say whether ernors to work out realistic pro-
Sukarno could still be addressed grams and assess regional needs
as president. carefully.
"Based on psychological rea- Foreign Minister Adam Malik
sons," Suharto said, "the Con- told the governors he was con-
gress did not mention the dismis- fident Suharto's government would
sal of President Sukarno from the be able to solve all problems.
presidency." Sukarno remained in his week-
He ended his address by say- end palace in Bogor, 40 miles east
ing the government would never of Jakarta but a palace spokesman
acept dictatorship by individuals said he would return to Jakarta
or the military. Sukarno had been today.
a virtual dictator for much of the As the only president Indone-
past two decades. sians have known since he pro-
The 46-year-old general made claimed independence from the
no reference to elections, but gov- Dutch in 1945, Sukarno still re-
ernment officials have said they mains popular and the new rulers;
may be held in 1968. are proceeding cautiously. They
Earlier yesterday, Suharto had fear some military units will be-
addressed himself to the serious. gin an insurrection to try to keep
economic situation. Oil and rub- Sukarno in power.

ants and farmers who refused to
go back to work in various areas
of Kwangtung Province. One ar-
rival said "bodies were scattered
along the Fatshan highway" and
casualties could run into thou-
According to travelers' stories in
the Hong Kong New Life Evening
Post, the most severe fighting oc-
curred in the area of Fatshan, 10
miles southwest of Canton, and
Nanghai farther south.
The paper estimated 300,000
soldiers were in Kwangtung Pro-
vince to "put down the rebellious
workers and peasants." The tra-
velers were quoted as saying:
"Many workers at Fatshan shout-
ed 'Go home, northern troop!'
The call for a halt in the strug-
gle between Communist party
Chairman Mao Tse-tung and the
backers of President Liu Shao-chi
was carried in the official People's
Daily and broadcast by Radio Pe-
It was a Chinese-language
broadcast designed for home con-
sumption saying victory in "the
great proletarian cultural revolu-
tion" depends on agricultural pro-
'During the busy period of
spring crop planting," People's

After I get new, popular paperb
FOLLETT'S, and go to the trouble o
the juiciest pages, why, for goodne
you tear them out?

backs from
f dog-earing
ess sake, do

'em fast

ter that


>ciated Press ber of soldiers going AWOL-ab-
N - The Ameri- sent without official leave - has!
Guild announced climbed steadily in the Army'sl
severing its ties buildup for Vietnam during the
s which have fi- mid-1960s.7
national program o Last year the Army loggedE
'ted to have been 55,190 instances of servicemen fail-
7 by the Central ing to report back to their post
icy, on time, a rate of 51 per 1,000
international ex- based on the million-man-plus E
id this "vital pro- force at the start of 1966.
abandoned and it * * *
bo support it from DETROIT - Despite imprison-
3pen government ment far away, Teamsters Presi-
e guild's conven- dent James R. Hoffahas told his!
the question. Michigan union members: "Those
* who think Jimmy Hoffa is out of
Md.-A research- the picture don't know what kind
Hopkins Hospital of stuff a Teamster is made of.
an expensive but "I will remain as your general
1 has been found elected president during my tem-
armful effects+of porary unavailability," he also said
ctor. in a tape recording made the day
* * before he began an eight-year sen-
v - Pentagon tence for Jury tampering last
6sterday the num- Tuesday.!
. fflfl."" . ...fl.fll,.i *.'".l.......~:i. l~. :. :"::1:::'":.. .....r....... ...................'
r, MARCH 17
ning of the century

- '.W My



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