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January 06, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-06

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Congress To Maintain Internal
Investigations in New Session

Refute Right
Of U.S. To
Washington Demands
De-escalation of War
By North Vietnamese
PARIS (A)-Ho Chi Minh's en-
voy to Paris said yesterday a sit-
uation favorable to a search for
a settlement of the Vietnamese
war can be achieved only by a
definite, prompt and uncondition-
al halt to the U.S. bombing of
North Viet Nam.
The envoy, Mai Van Bo, de-
manded such a halt in a speech
to a luncheon meeting of the
French Diplomatic Press Associa-
tion. He declared the United States
has no right to require any re-
ciprocal move from Hanoi.
There was a cool response from
the U.S. State Department.
Press Officer Robert J. Mc-
Closkey told newsmen in Washing-
ton the United States is prepared
to order a halt to all bombing of
North Viet Nam as soon as Ha-
noi gives assurances, privately or
otherwise, that there will be a
de-escalation on the Communist
The departmental spokesman al-
so reiterated, that the United
States is prepared for talks with-
out prior conditions at any time.
He said he did not regard Bo's
remarks as a peace feeler.
Based in Paris for several years,
Bo heads a mission called a gen-
eral delegation, which ranks dip-
lomatically somewhere below an
In reply to questions from French
and foreign newsmen, he accused
the United States of aggression
00against the people of Viet Nam
by intervention on the side of the
South Vietnamese. He repeatedly
insisted that the United States
mustp omptly and definitely halt
the bombing of North Viet Nam
without any strings.
"Only then," he said, "will the
situation be favorable to a search
for a settlement."
Taking what seemed to be a
hard, unbending line, the envoy
said that if and when the United
States did halt its bombing, "then
this fact will be examined and
studied by the Hanoi government."
"If, after a definitive and un-
conditional cessation of the bom-
bardments the American govern-
ment proposes to make contact
with the Hanoi government, I be-
lieve that such a proposal will be
examined and studied too."
Bo was asked if statements' made
* in Hanoi by North Vietnamese
Premier Pham Van Dong to the
New York Times, to the effect that
Hanoi's widely advertised "four
points" would be simply the basis
for a settlement instead of pre-
conditions for negotiation, meant
negotiations now might be possi-
The envoy replied that he could
not comment on a press dispatch.
He added that the United States,
in the view of the Hanoi regime,
must recognize the Viet Cong's Na-
tional Liberation Front as the
"sole, authentic representative" of
the South Vietnamese people, and
negotiate with it.
He said the United States must
also accept the four points as a
basis for a settlement. These points

Include withdrawal of American
forces and recognition of the inde-
pendence, sovereignty, unity and
territorial intergrity of Viet Nam;
observance of the 1954 Geneva
agreements pending reunification
of the country; acceptance of the
Liberation Front's program for
South Viet Nam; and reunifica-
tion without foreign interference.

With Halt to Bombing

WASHINGTON (P)-The 90th!
Congress opening Tuesday may
turn its investigating guns inward
soon after it meets, as well as
aiming at such diverse targets as
electronic "bugging" and the Viet-
nam war.
The Senate's bipartisan Ethics
Committtee plans a second round

held after Congress convenes.
Kennedy vs. Hoover?
A potentially explosive investi-
gation taking shape involves a dis-
pute between Sen. Robert F. Ken-
nedy, (D-N.Y.) and FBI Director
J. Edgar Hoover over who author-
ized electronic eavesdropping, or
bugging, that has placed a number
of Justice Department prosecu-
tions in jeopardy.
Hoover recently said that Ken-
China Exper

nedy, while he was attorney gen-
eral, not only knew of FBI eaves-
dropping in major criminal cases
but encouraged it. Kennedy re-
torted that he was unaware of it.
Sen. Edward V. Long (D-Mo.)
chairman of a subcommittee that
has been investigating invasions
of privacy by federal agencies,
said last month he would invite
both Kennedy and Hoover to testi-
t Foresees

U.S. Troop

i I

-Associated Press
SHOWN IS THE HEAD of the North Vietnamese mission in Paris, Mai Van Bo. In an address to a
press association yesterday, he demanded a halt to American bombing raids on his country. This, he
said, was the prime move the U.S. must make before negotiations could be considered. This would
not necessarily allow negotiations, but would cause his government to re-examine the situation, he

Movement To Refuse-Powell
'House Seat Gains New Unity


On Increase
Death Count Breaks
5,000 During Truce
Over Holiday Period
SAIGON ()-The buildup of
American forces in Viet Wam had
389,000 servicemen on the rolls at
the yearend, the U.S. Command
disclosed yesterday. There was a
net increase of 13,000 last week,
a week that saw 128 killed in ac-
Pentagon figures showed 5,008
Americans were killed and 30,093
wounded in 1966, a year of stead-
ily increasing U.S involvement, and
totals for the war rose to 6,664
killed and 37,738 wounded.
The roll of the dead actually'
numbers 8,175. Disease, accidents
and other non-hostile cases have
claimed the lives of 1,511 Ameri-
U.S. air operations were busy as
Hanoi's envoy in Paris, Mai Van
Bo, demanded a definite, prompt
and unconditional .halt to the
bombing of North Viet Nam as the
only way to create a situation
favorable to a search for a settle-
ment of the war.
American Air Force, Navy and'
Marine pilots flew 116 multplane
missions above the border Wed-
nesday and loosed 4.8 million psy-
chological warfare leaflets along
with explosives. Navy fliers report-
ed they destroyed or damaged 77
North Vietnamese supply barges
and junks, boosting their two-day
score of such water craft to 188.
Against the claims of North
Vietnamese that they shot down
three planes, U.S. briefing officers
said two were lost. These were a
single-seat A-4 Skyhawk and a
two-seat F-4 Phantom, downed
over the Gulf of Tonkin. A heli-
copter from the carrier Benning-
ton rescued all three crewmen.
American authorities have now
acknowledged the loss of 453
planes and four helicopters in the
campaign to cut supply lines and
erase other military targets in
the north.
B-52 jets from Guam bombed a
suspected Communist troop con-
centration 60 miles south of Da
Nang early yesterday in another
phase of the air operations.
Ground action was reported
light and scattered.
U.S. headquarters said Ameri-
can troops killed 15 Communist
soldiers and captured 13 in three
encounters Wednesday. A South
Vietnamese spokesman said gov-
ernment troops killed 33 in five
The surge in American man-
power last week was reported
largely due to the arrival of ma-
jor elements of the 9th Infantry
Rent, Buy, Sell Trad
Daily ClassiIfieds

of hearings in its investigation of
misconduct charges against Sen.
Thomas J. Dodd, Connecticut
Democrat, who has expressed con-
fidence he will be vindicated when
all the evidence is in.
Powell Investigation


In the House, Rep. Lionel Van
Deerlin (D-Calf.) has announced
he will ask for an investigation
of whether Rep. Adam Clayton
Powelll New York Negro Democrat'
and chairman of the Education
and Labor Committee, should be
permitted to take his seat in the
new Congress.
Powel has been sentenced in
jail for contempt of court growmng
New York to a year and 60 days in
out of his nonpayment of a $164,
0Q0 libel judgment against him.
This week the Home Admin-
istration Committee ordered Pow-
ell's wife removed from her $20,
578 job on his payroll and reported
widespread irregularities in the
handling of his committee's travel
Victim of Conspiracy
Powell said he is the victim of
a political conspiracy aimed at
Negroes and declared he will fight
to retain his committee chairman-
The Ethics Committee has is-
sued over 80 subpoenas for its
forthcoming hearings on charges
that Dodd diverted campaign
funds to his own use, accepted im-
proper gifts ,and was paid by both
the Senate and private sources
for travel.
Its initial hearings last summer
dealt with Dodd's relations with
Chicago public relations man Ju-
lius Klein, a registered agent for
West German business interests.
The committee has set no date
for taking testimony in the sec-
ond phase of its inquiry, except
to stay that hearings would be

Mrs. Mao as Successor

LONDON (P)-A British special-
ist on Chinese affairs forecast
yesterday that Mao Tse-tung's
eventual successor as leader of Red
China may be his wife.
Roderick MacFarquhar wrote in
the leftist weekly New Statesman
that Defense Minister Lin Piao,
now rated No. 2 to Mao, appears
to be a lame duck and may be only
a temporary successor. If so, he
said, Mao's wife, Chiang Ching,
may take over.
Battle of the Wives
MacFarquhar, editor of the
China Quarterly magazine, listed
the steps in Chiang Ching's rise
in "Peking's battle of the wives"
at the expense of the spouses of
President Liu Shaochi and Premier
Chou En-lai.
"Mrs. Mao is playing for bigger
stakes than the right to serve tea
to Albanian VIPs,' he wrote. "Her
rising star may be sending shivers
down the backs of historically
minded Chinese.
Condemn Intrigue
"Traditionally, Chinese histori-
ans have condemned the court in-
trigues and palace coups of women
who have reached for political
power, and have reviled the three
empresses who achieved it.
"Even so, if Lin Piao does finally
emerge as Mao's successor from
the rapidly thinning ranks of the
Politburo but turns out to be a
lame-duck leaders as his infre-
quent public apparances suggest,

Mrs. Mao could be the fourth."
Dear Mrs. Mao
"Mrs. Mao has emerged from
virtual political and social ob-
scurity to take on a leading role
in the cultural revolution. Her
position is even stronger than that
of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
during the last years of Nehru, her
personal relationship to the leader
giving her a similarly unchal-
lenged right to interpret his wish-
The writer said Mrs. Mao's long
period of obscurity may have re-
sulted from the way Mao met and
married her.

WASHINGTON OP)--Critics of
Rep. Adam Clayton Powell appear-
ed divided Thursday on whether
they will seek to deprive the con-
troversial Harlem congressman of
his committee chairmanship, his
House seat, or both.
Speaker John W. McCormack,
(D-Mass.) back in Washington for
nextgTuesday's start of the 90th
Congress, prepared to meet with
key Democrats in an effort to
agree on a plan of action before
House Democrats caucus on Mon-
Representative Lionel Van Deer-
lin, the California Democrat who
plans to ask that Powell step aside
when members are sworn in Tues-
day, rejected Powell's charge that
the move is "a political conspiracy
against black political leadership,
black people and black progress."
Appearing on NBC's "today"
show, Van Deerlin reiterated that
his drove against Powell is based
solely on the Harlem Democrat's
legal troubles resulting from a
$164,000 defamation judgment and
the possibility that Powell faces
a jail term for contempt of count
of he visits his New Cork district.
But Rep. Richard Bolling (D-
Mo) a leading House liberal, said
Powell was correct in asserting
that whether he should retain his
chairmanship of the Education
and Labor Committee is the "only
issue in this struggle."
"I think it's ridiculous to even
contemplate unseating him," Bol-
ling said in an interview.
He said he hopes to move Mon-
day to strip Powell of the seniority
that entitles him to the chair-
manship, and to link this with a
similar move aimed at Rep. Wil-
liam M. Colmer, (D-Miss) who is
in line to become chairman of the
Rules Committee.
Boling said that making Col-
mer, an administration opponent,
chairman would be like putting "a
Republican in charge of a Dem-
ocratic committee."
And he noted that the only
House Democrat now without

seniority is another conservative Williams was stripped of his
Mississippian, John Bell Williams. seniority privileges by the Dem-
This, plus the fact that the new ocratic caucus two years ago on
move would also hit Colmer's the ground he had supported the
"answers Powell's phony argument Republican presidential candidacy
on race," Bolling said. l of Barry Goldwater.
world News Roundup

Hoffa Annoutces Plans As
Contract Negotiations Open

Saturday & Sunday
7:00 & 9:00
Architecture Aud.

By The Associated Pres
WASHINGTON - President
Johnson accepted with "deep re-c
gret" yesterday the resignation of'
Arthur Sylvester, who spent near-c
ly six sometimes-controversial
years as assistant secretary of de-
fense for public affairs.
The White House said Johnson
wil nominate as Sylvester's succes-
sor his present deputy, Phil G.
Sylvester, 65, wrote Johnson
that "the time has come for me
to step aside" to handle some
personal matters left unfinished1
when he took the Pentagon post1
at the start of. the Kennedy ad-
. * *
- NEW YORK-The stock market1
posted its biggest one-day game1
yesterday since October. Trading
was active.
Analysts said big investors such'
as mutual funds and institutions
were buying stock again in the be-
lief a tax increase was unlikely.
A decrease in the German bank
rate and other economic news
were cited as encouraging factors.
Steels, automobiles, oils, rails,
chemicals; airlines and aerospace
issues all advanced some $2 or $3
a share.
The Dow Jones average of 30
industrial stocks jumped 14.37
points to 805.51, the biggest gain
since Oct. 12, when it rose 19.54
points. The average value of each
share of common stock traded on
the New York Stock Exchange was
,up 56 cents.
* * *

by police firing tear gas shells
rioted yesterday in Patna, capital
of eastern India's state of Bihar.
They set fires in the heart of the
The news agency United News
said six persons are believed killed,
but other reports from the scene
said one man died. Unofficial re-
ports said at least 12 persons were
wounded by police bullets.
TOKYO-The "Voice of the'
People of Thailand," a clandestine
pro-Communist radio, called on
the Thailand people "to unite and
rise up in arms" and overthrow
Prime Minister Thanom Kitti-
kachorn's , government, Peking's
New China News Agency said yes-
The pro-Communist Thai radio
said "the revolutionary tempest
of national liberation is sweeping
across Asia, Africa and Latin
America. Armed struggle has be-
come the main form of struggle
of the peoples in those areas."

HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (!)-Team-
sters Union President James R.
Hoffa predicted yesterday new ef-
forts in Congress and the White
House to halt emergency strikes.
"I think we'll be able to stop it,"
he said.
Hoffa, preparing to open na-
tional contract negotiations with
some 12,000 trucking firms, said
"we would never strike all of
them" because of the threat of
federal intervention if a public
emergency were declared.
Assails Meany and Reuther
In a bouncy and confident mood
despite his pending eight-year'
prison sentence, he also took a
verbal crack at labor leaders
George Meany and Walter P.
Reuther, and announced a major
organizing raid against the AFL-
CIO Brewery Workers' Union.

Hoffa described AFL-CIO Presi-
dent Meany and United Auto
Workers Preisdent Reuther as
"like two people drowning with
both holding onto each other and
neither one wants to turn loose."
Hoffa, whose Teamsters Union
was expelled from the AFL-CIO in
1967 on corruption charges, said
he agreed with Reuther's recent
criticisms that the AFL-CIO was
failing to organize new workers
and was becoming complacent.
Hoffa spoke at a news confer-
ence after a Teamsters Executive
Board meeting.
Vote of Confidence
Informed sources said the 14
other members of the board un-
animously gave Hoffa "a full vote
of confidence for the duration of
his court problems."

..--= 1









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