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March 12, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-12

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See editorial page

fl e i!3au


Possibly snow
tomorrow night

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Aumni Weeken dBr ingfis Ars. Mc a ma raJ
By CAROLYN TOLL Washington when he was appoint- smiled, "and things there were ton public schools which she es- read it," Mrs. McNamara grinned, a myth. "Of course there's a lot of liams
ed Secretary of Defense in 1960. pretty active even then. tablished herself. "We think owning it will make ' activity," she said, "but with 114 unex
"I have one request-I'm not at The McNamaras still own their "I went to see 'Blow-Up and "I got the idea for this when I him more likely to want to read embassies giving parties for in- Ann
liberty to discuss my husband's home on Highland Drive, a few 'Alfie,' just to understand what's volunteered with the schools as a it." dependence days and king and befor
work," says Mrs. Robert S. Mc- houses down from the Inglish , reading aide. I found there were Mrs. McNamara blames the queens' birthdays, you expect that. bare
Namara as she began an interview house. "We still keep the house happening, she said, 'and I really over 50 oundwthere wres Washington school problems on But not everybdy goes to every- child
in the living room of Inglish and rent it out," said Mrs. McNa- hnkhr'at all, and many children came the lack of home rule in the city. thing, after 'all." place
House, the ma'nsion on Highland mara. "We can't bear to part with all. Just a lot more openness. from homes with no books in "There are 800,000 people with nO She admitted that the McNa- said:
Drive where some of the Univer- it because we love it so, and be- Refusing to discuss her hus- them. I began to see a need for voice in running the schools," she You'
sity's guests are quartered.cause it makes us feel still a part band's work didn't limit topics for books in the home as a motivat- said feelingly. "It's impossible for maras find themselves going outea
Mrs. McNamara, the wife of the of this community." Mrs. McNamara's conversation. "I them to voice their desires for three and four nights a week. "We Th
Secretary of Defense spoke last She said she would love to live love being in Washington," she change in the system." keep trying to hold it down to two
week at the Sesquicentennial said. "When I was in Ann Arbor Mrs. McNamara initiatedthee or three if we can, ' she said.
weekn atihe Sequn:tenCn h1ere again, but dismissed the pos- I took a course in economics. Liv- reading program, caled Reading met wives Mrs. McNamara said One of Mrs. McNamara's friends work
alumni celebration on: "The Cour- cid
age to Serve and the Responsibil- sibility of her husband becoming ing in Washington is like taking i fundsel The ro- that most of them were involved said she didn't have household andi
ity of the Educated Citizen." the next University president as a postgraduate course in political operatgrfu eserf. hepok in community action projects like help for a long time after ar- dent.
sineadi's very exciting." gramt distributes paperback books incomntatinpjcslke hlfralngieatra- dn.
For "Margie" McNamara, as rumor. science and itto about 50000 elementary school she was. "Mrs. Goldberg spe~r- riving in Washington, and it was- a "ye
many of her University. friends She admitted, however, that Mrs. McNamara is on the ad- children. headed a lot of it. At no time in n't unusual to see her outside the is a
greeted her,'ti wa oeoboth she and her husband are in- visory council of the Office of "The child chooses the book he hsor haoved inet kids of e prooMseca r wasg ful ofw n c- BMrPul
ing. The McNamaras lived in Ann Economic Opportunity, by presi- so involved in these kinds of pro- Mrs. McNamara was full of anec- Mr
Arbor from 1949 to 1960, while terested in what goes on in the dential appointment. And she has wants, writes his name on the jects." - dotes about herself! comp
her husband was president of the American campuses. "We both been working on a supplemental bookplate, and it's his book. He Mrs. McNamara said muell of She told about findin former is th
Ford Motor Co. They moved to went to Berkeley in the '30's," she reading program for the Washing- can sit on it, tear it up, eat it or the Washington "social whirl" is Michigan Gov. G. .Mennen Wil- lefte

coming up her back steps,
pectedly, when she lived in
Arbor. "I had never met him
e, and there I stood in my
feet, with the house a mess,
ren and animals all over the
. I had to be cordial, so I
'How do you do, Governor.
ve come just in time for
e McNamaras have three
ren. Their oldest daughter
s for the Poverty Program
is married to a Yale law stu-
A second daughter is having
ar off" in Greece. Their son
high school sophomore at St.
s in New Hampshire.
s. McNamara says her - only
laint with life in Washington
at there are no more children
at home.

S. Carolina :
Students End
Long Protest
Cancel Capitol March,
Cease Class Boycott;
NAACP Files Suit
Studentleaders yesterday at
pouth Carolina State College call-:
ed off a proposed march on the
Governor's house in Colombia to
protest the Governor's dismissal
of three SCSC students.
The action also ended a week-
long ,oycott of classes which lead-
ers at the college called "over 97.
per 'cent effective."
The decisions were issued yes-
terday morning after the three ex-
pelled students, Joseph Ham-
monds, Benjamin Bryant and
John Stromann, all Negroes, had
confered with NAACP officials,
NAACP Actions
The NAACP was involved Fri-I
day when it became apparent that,
the Governor's office with the ad-
ministration was reaching no
agreement with 'students.
Mathew Perry, the NAACP
lawyer in Colombia, was instruc-
ted to "file suit again the col-
lege" by the organizations na-
tional headquarters in New York.
Perry denied, comment on why
the NAACP took the case into its.
hands. NAACP Field Director Rev.
I. DeQuincy Newmann also re-
fused to explain.
The SCSC faculty and admin-
istration refused comment last
night on the organization's ac-
No Comment
Dean of the, School W. C. E
Belcher told the Daily "I can't
make any comment at all. All
comment must come from the
President's office. The president
will be available Monday at 9:00.";
The campus was calm Saturday
for the first time in eight days.;
The administration had declared
it "a day of readjustment." All
Saturday classes were cancelled.
Some students still dissatisfied
with NAACP action called the
move "a trick" since it secured the
fact that a boycott couldn't be,
But Strommann s a i d that
"things have cooled down" and he.
Hammonds and Bryant remained
on campus in the men's dorm
without incident.

__ ____ ________ - -Competition
C r i rhigalc4 ailIj W ill S elect
NEWS WIRE Best Librar


WASHINGTON (P)-President Johnson plans to fly to Guam
next weekend for a Vietnam war conference with his senior
advisers and diplomatic and military leaders from Saigon.
This was announced, not by Johnson but by Vice President
Hubert H. Humphrey at the annual Gridiron Club of Washing-
ton newsmen.
White House press secretary George Christian told a reporter:
"I confirm it all.",
He told a reporter Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Secre-
.tary of Defense Robert S. McNamara, both present at the dinner,
would go along with various White House staff members.
The Guam meetings are expected to occupy at least the full
Guam is home base for the B52 bombers which have been
conducting raids in Vietnam for many months. Johnson was al-
most certain to recognize their, contribution to the war while on
the island.
Michigan colleges and universities will hold a meeting at the
'Eastern Michigan University student union today which will con-
sider re-organization of the regional's executive structure and
changes in the constitution. Scheduled to appear at the confer-
ence are Ed Schwartz, NSA national affairs vice-president, andI
Michael Wood, a former co-ordinating director, who revealed the
Central Intelligence Agency's financial ties with NSA to Ram-
parts magazine. Wood and probably Schwartz also will be inter-
viewed tonight at 10:00 on Channel 50's Lew ,Gordon Show.
JOINT JUDICIARY COUNCIL announced that petitioning
for Council membership will begin tomorrow and run through
Tuesday March 21. JJC is the University's highest judicial body.
with power of review over individual student violations.
sor a series of radio debates between the 19 SGC candidates over
WCBN. The- series will be held next Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday, March 13-16, starting at 7:45 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. The
following Monday, March 20, will feature a radio debate between
the two presidential and vice-presidential candidates.
MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY has placed its chapter of
Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity on one year's probation after anj
investigation stemming from the burning of a pledge in initiation
Dr. John Fuzak, MSU vice president for student affairs, said
Friday that MSU's Interfraternity Council (IFC) found the burn-
ing was accidental but the games violated IFC initiation rules.
The rules prohibit activities that demean the individual,
play down human dignity, or cause physical harassment.
The pledge, Joseph Bonus of Detroit, has dropped out of
MSU temporarily. He suffered burns on his back and neck,
Fuzak said.

Eligible for Contest
Closing Wednesday
Wednesday is the deadline for'
entries to the' William Warner
Bishop contest, which will award
$100 to the undergraduate entrant
with the best personal library,
Book collections of undergradu-
ates only will be rated for com-
pleteness in a well-defined field3
of interest, according to R. C.
Stuart, assistant director of Uni-
versity libraries. The purpose of
a library is "not to gather but
'to select and collect books," he
Students entering the annual
contest must submit a bibliogra- ~~U
phy on four-by-six cards of books
they have in their possession, on The Lovin' Spoonful sang h
campus. Entries may be submit- ----
ted to Mrs. Sarah Preston, un -A ADVOCACY
dergraduate librarian, Room 121, AT' AD OCA CY
The three prizes total $125 and
, 20 modernlibrary books. L
Judging the contest are Stuart, M
Faucher, undergraduate librarian. S c
William Warner Bishop is the Sc en th
late chief librarian of the Uni- iesiynrot11fto191
The Bishop prize is one of sev- By CHRISTOPHER COHEN
eral competitions of its kind. The "The legal profession is ab
Robert B. Campbell Student Book 100 years behind the medical p
Collection Competition at the Uni- fession and probably 200 years 1
versity of California-- Los An- hind the engineers," Prof. Jar
geles and a Cornell College com- M~nelo h s;hlg
petition have similar rules. The McConnell of the psychology
Book of the Month Club, in con- partment told over 3,000 pra
junction with the Saturday Re- tioners of the legal art" attend
view and Women's National Book the 18th Annual Advocacy In
Association, annually sponsors the tute's final. session yesterday
Amy Loveman National Award, Hill Auditorium.
given to a student distinguished Describing himself as "mer
in his own school for having the a theoretician living in an i,
best personal library. covered, academic tower" McC
New Socio lyCu
To Evaluate Courses
By CAROLYN MIEGEL school information and appli
The Undergraduate Sociology -Lists of summer and pern
Club (USC) was formed recently' -ent job opportunities for soc
to "provide a better integration ogy students.
between faculty and undergradu- -Field trips for club memb
ates in the sociological commun- to slum areas, mental hospit,
ity," according to Carol Moses, '68, Jackson Penitentiary, Maxey Bc
one of the four club organizers. Training School (a school for
The USC's first meeting will fea- 1linauent a nmlsbns).

-Daily-Robert Sheffield
its from their albums last night in ill Auditorium. (See review, pg. 2)
Told To, Use More
c Theory in Court

Rental Union
Will Check
Complaint Collections,
Legal Moves Planned
To Improve Housing
The StudentBERental Union
(SRU) tomorrow will begin pre-
paring for some form of collective
student action against at least one
Ann Arbor landlord by collecting
complaints from students at a
table in the Fishbowldaccording
to RSU organizer Richard Fire-
stone, '67.
SRU is also currently planning
strategy for a law suit against an
undesignated local landlord as a
test case on damage deposit and
contract abuses, according to Tom
Van Lente, '67, chairman of the
Student H ousing Association
SRU also plans to work for a
standard eight-month lease, a
neutral assessor for apartment
damage, and a ranking system for
apartments, landlords and. man-
agement companies.
Improved Position
These activities, according to
Firestone, will result in a long-
range improvement in the 'stu-
dent's position in the off-campus
housing market.
SRU was recognized as a sub-
committe of SHA two weeks ago
by the Student Government
Firestone said that the com-
plaint table in the Fishbowl will
be set up until Wednesday. After
that, students can bring com-
plaints to the SRU office, 1528
Student Activities Building,, he
Filing Complaints
After complaints have been re-
ceived, SRU will file them with
the Off-Campus Housing Bureau.
Complaints regarding substand-
ard housing will be filed with the
Ann Arbor building inspector.
SRU plans to send letters of
complaint to the landlords or man-
agers indicated. Members will
complain in person to any man-
agter who does not respond to. the
letter ,according to Firestone.
SRU will also use the student
legal aid service to determine the
legal rights of tenants.
According to Firestone, "the key
to the success of SRU is a broad
base of student support.
"If there are enough students
who are willing to bring com-
plaints and take action against a
particular landlord, the group
should be able to achieve some of
its goals."


nell said, "Your average income
is about a century. behind the
times too" and "is going to stay
disproportionately low until the
practice of law has the" same
massive scientific foundation to it
that the medical and engineering
professions have now."
Summarizing data gleaned from
several different types of labora-
tory experiments, McConnell dis-
cussed "The Psychology of Im-
peachment." Impeachment is the
courtroom examination by an at-
torney demonstiating to the jurors
that a witness called by the other
side is unworthy of belief.
Sophmoric Sources
Using scientific data from "the
psychologist's favorite experiment-
al animal, the college sophomore"
he showed that if an examining
attorney puts strong social press-
ures on witnesses by making them
believe they're out of step with
everyone else, then the witnesses
change their original opinions and
thus lack credibility in the jury's
McConnell cited to show that 99
per cent of sophomores who are
shown a line 8 inches long and an.-
other 9 inches long identify the
longer one properly. But if sev-
eral confidantes paid to lie about
the matter declare their judg-
ments before the student makes
his, "almost two-thirds of the

sophomores are likely to report
that they too believe the 9 inch
line to be shorter!"
Suggesting that the trial lawyer
should constantly watch for a
witness with the proper "yielding"
personality, McConnell stated that
typically this person is a "per-
missive, self-deprecating indivi-
dual who had harsh parents who
kept him as close to the nest as
long as they could." Lab experi-
ments show that in court "such
a witness could surely be brought
to contradict himself if he were
led to believe that a large group
of highly qualified experts had
said just the opposite of what he
had himself reported earlier." In
fact, McConnell stated "the ex-
aminer constitutes a strong press-
ure group all by himself."
Help Witness Yield!
He further said that "if you
want the witness to move just a
little way towards your position,
you may find it advisable to take
an extreme position so that he can
yield a fair -amount but, since he
doesn't go all the way, he can
maintain his belief that he was
not swayed by your own position
on the matter. This is the 'anchor
effect' or the psychological w.ar-
fare we call good old-fashioned,
market place bargaining."

ture a discussion by Prof. James to the University's Institute forf
Moore of the sociology department. Social Research.
Moore will speak on "subjects of Praise Efforts
general interest concerning social Prof. William Gamson of the'
psychology and sociology." sociology department stated that
Open to Concentrates, Underclass "student-initiated efforts (such as
Club membership is open to all USC) against passive attitudes to-
140 sociology concentrates, as well wards education are very favor-,
as to any freshman and sophomore able. They are a healthy develop-
interested in sociology.? ment," Gamson continued, "and
USC is similar to the Undergrad- theythelp to put life into the
uate Psychology Association, in University."
that USC hopes to involve majors Organization of USC is still
as well as non-majors in making vague, but two possible alterna-
recommendations a b o u t course tives for club structure will be
study. Though there are consider- offered at the first meeting,,
ably fewer students in sociology, Wednesday at 8 p.m. in 2003 An-
Laura Kramer, '68, one of the gell Hall.t
founders, hopes USC will become The USC might have an execu-
"a channel to direct interest and tive steering committee consisting
constructive comments." of elected renresentatives of the:

Interdepartmental Sociology Conference
Discusses Future Student Activists' Role

By FRED MILLER Chicago sociology department sug-
and JIM HECK gested that very successful par-
ents expect even greater success
"The student should have the from their children. He said that
ability to say 'No'," Howard Wach-iwhen students find they can't
tel, Grad, said at a conference on reach the goals their parents set
"Youth, Politics and the Univer- for them, they rebel and join ac-
sity" sponsored yesterday by the tivist organizations.
Sociology Graduate Student Asso- Prof. David Guttman of the
iifn n A' rnfai'vr~ nr z1cig~itnn

we're ready to have some boob
like Romney as President," that
student activism can achieve an
inertia that won't be stopped by
an increase in the conservative-
orientation of government.
Wachtel criticized the Univer-
sity . for its production line at-
titude toward education."The Uni-


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