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March 11, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-11

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SATURDAY, much 11, 1967




Dodd Denies


Republicans Democratic Chairman Asks
Show Split Equal Negro Representation

In Fund Raising Activities

Negro Leaders Fail
To Assist Meredith;
Want Powell Elected

Calls Benef it
Income Tax
Free Present
Senate 'Cominttee
To Investigate His
Financial Concerns
mas J. Dodd, denying any mis-
conduct, offered today to return
the money raised- at testimonial
dinners for him to any persons
who attended under the impression
they were contributing only to his
campaign funds.
The Connecticut Democrat, in
advance of public hearings start-
ing Monday by the Senate ethics
committee on his financial affairs,
said income he received from the
testimonials was a tax free gift
to be used as he saw fit.
The senator, making public a
financial statement showing a net
worth of about $54,000, said "I
have not enriched myself from
public office. Indeed, the contrary
is the fact."
Political Office Costs
Dodd said he had received
$170,00 from testimonials organ-
i zed in his behalf from 161
through 1965 and that $140,000
went to pay off political expenses
dating from 1956,' when he first
ran for the Senate.
He added that the cost of hold-
Ing political office over an eight-
year period far exceeded the other
Dodd said that after he was
elected to the Senate in 1958-two
years after his first bid failed
he was $150,000 in debt. Friends
aware of this burden, he said, de-
cided without any encouragement
from him to hold a testimonial
dinner to help extricate him from
his debts.
He said he consulted his former
law partner, Federal District Judge
Joseph Blumenfeld, and Blumen-
feld "advised me that the pro-
ceeds from this fund raising event
constituted a tax free gift
4 and should not be included in my
President Johnson, then vice
president, spoke at two such din-
ners in 1961 and 1963 and Vice
President Hubert H. Humphrey
spoke at one in 1965.
Dodd said that so far as he
knew "no donor has challenged
the fact that the 1961, 1963 and
1965 fund raising events were tes-
timonials-that 'is, noncampaign
fund raising events.
"I would like any person who
came under the mistaken impres-
sion that it was for my campaign
fund to communicate with me,"
he said. "I will return their money
immediately if they were thus
Personal Means Inadequate
He said that if his personal
means were inadequate to make
refunds, he would borrow what-
ever was necessary.
The white-haired senator said
these are the facts about his fi-
nancial condition:
! "I own no stocks, bonds or
other securities, nor have I owned
any since I came to the Senate.
! "I have no hidden assets,
such as cash, savings acounts, or
other business interests of any
kind in this country or any other
There were, however, bitter
ovdrtones in his speech.
"Thanks to the Supreme Court's
decisions there is protection to-
day for murderers and other com-
mon criminals against trial by
press," Dodd said. "For a U.S. sen-
ator, however, there is no such
protection. I say this from bitter

-Associated Pres
Wlitewater State students, in Wisconsin, gathered in the street outside the University Center
yesterday to watch faculty members burn paintings and sculpture in protest of what they called
administrative pressure against a faculty show for including a sex painting. Pres. Walker Wyman
quit during the controversy.
ThaiBased U.S. Jets Hil
North V ietna mSteel Mi

NEW YORK (A)-The New York
Republican party shows increasing
signs of splitting along racial lines
over the selection of James H.
Meredith to oppose Democrat
Adam Clayton Powell in a special
congressional election called for
April 11.
City Hung ^.n Rights Commis-
sioner William Booth on Thursday
Sjoined a growing number of prom-
inent Negro Republicans who
strongly object to running Mere-
dith as their party's candidate
against Powell.
Booth said he and other Harlem
Negro leaders believe "Adam Clay-
ton Powell should be returned to
Congress, and any attempt by
anyone denying him this right is
Charge Racial Bias
The commissioner joined for-
mer baseball star Jackie Robin-
son, an aide to Republican Gov.
.Nelson A. Rockefeller, several
Harlem Republican district lead-
ers and a large number of Harlem
residents in saying Powell's ex-
clusion from the House of Rep-
s resentatives was not a political
matter, but a racial one.
Booth's statement added im-
petus to a feud growing within the
r Republican party between its pre-
dominantly white leadership, and
the predominantly Negro district
leaders in Harlem.
Since the 33-year-old civil rights
veteran was recommended by the
Republican executive Committee
from the 18th District, not one
Negro Republican leader has come
forward to support him.
"At this time the Republican
party would be much strongerif
we'd go along with Adam," said
Lucille Pickett Williams, a co-
'leader of 18th Congressional Dis-
trict Republicans.
The Republicans have quietlyt
scheduled meetings next Monday
night to confirm Meredith as the
-ar nominee. Mrs. Walker said the
hs meetings would be held at five
he separate neighborhood Republi-
can clubs, instead of the usual
one big meeting.
IG "Obviously the county leaders
JG selected the local candidate," she
said. Splitting the meetings up,
ert she said, is "solely for the purpose
si- of having each leader control his
out local group of county committee
the people," so the vote comes out as

WASHINGTON (P)-Democratic
National Chairman John M. Bailey
moved Friday for an early decision
on the racial integration of South-
ern convention delegations amid
indications a compromise solution
may be adopted.
Bailey told the Democratic Na-
tional Committee that within a
week to 10 days he will name a
successor to the late David L.
Lawrence as chairman of the
Equal Rights Committee, created
at the 1964 Democratic National
Convention to prevent a repetition
of a seating fight between rival
white and Negro delegations from
He scoffed at press reports the
committee is considering estab-
lishing a quota system so that,
for example, states with a 20 per
cent Negro population might be
required to have a delegation with
at least 10 per cent Negro repre-
Opposition to Quotas
This proposal was presented to
the committee by Mildred Jef-
frey, Michigan national commit-
teewoman, and drew immediate
strong protests from Southern
Democratic leaders.
Baily said this proposal was
merely the "particular point of
view" of one committee member,
and Mrs. Jeffrey confirmed this.
Two other members of the com-
mittee, Eugene N. Wyman of Cali-
fornia and the Rev. E. Franklin
Jackson of the District of Colum-
bia, the latter a Negro, said they
oppose establishment of any quota
systcmn in picking convention dele-
Equal Participation Terms
What seems likely to emerge,
party leaders said privately, is
a requirement that all citizens
including Negroes have equal par-
Rumor Stalih

Louisiana official told a federalj
appeals court yesterday that a'
sweeping decision upholding fed-
eral school integration guidelines
would have strong impact nation-
wide-not only in the South.
"Do you think the law can be
applied in one part of the country
and not another?" asked Judge
James P. Coleman of Ackerman.
Miss., one of the 12-member 5th
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.
"No," replied William P. Schu-
ler, assistant attorney general of
Louisiana. "If you do, then we
don't have a Constitution."
Court Members Differ j
Schuler was the fifth lawyer to
argue in behalf of school boards
in Alabama and Louisiana against
a Dec. 29 ruling by a three-judge
panel of the 5th Circuit.
The decision held that U.S. Of-
fice of Education guidelines were
a minimum for school integration
n's Daughter

Defected From Russia

ticipation at all levels, in the se- to the convention's Credentials
lection of convention delegates, in- Committee which would review
3luding primaries, state commit- the status of any delegates whose
tee meetings, and county, district presence at the convention is chal-
and state conventions. lenged.
This will not necessarily require Bailey said later that he expects
Negroes and members of other a final decision to be made later
minority groups to be included this year in order to give all states
in the actual convention delega- time to put into effect whatever
tions, the leaders said, but merely procedures are agreed on. Rec-
that they have participated fully ommendations of the Equal Rights
in their selection. Committee must be approved by
The final decision would be up the full national committee.
Lawyers Fight Civil
Ili glis Act in Court

SAIGON (P)-U.S. Air Force
F105 Thunderchiefs blasted to-
day at North Vietnam's biggest
heavy industry, that Thai Nguyen
steel mill, and shot up three Com-
munist MIGS that tried to inter-
vene, the U.S. Command an-
"Bombs were on target" at the
mill, 38 miles north of Hanoi, but
there was no immediate assess-
ment of the results, a spokesman
The plant, situated in a coal and
metal muining region, was reported
to have been contributing bridge
seetinns, cargo barges and petro-
leum drums to the Communist war
effort. In military potential it
could rate right along with such
earlier targets as power plants,
oil depots and transportation fa-
Use Thailand Bases
The spokesman said that, of the
challenging jet fighters, one was
destroyed, another probably was
downed and the third damaged.
One of the Thunderchiefs was re-
ported hit.
For the first time in two years
of American aerial operations from
bases in Thailand, it was official-
ly announced that the Thunder-
chiefs staged the raid from that
Southeast Asian ally of the United
States. Secrecy that had shrouded
these operations was lifted Thurs-
day in Bangkok, the Thai capital.
The Joint Chiefs were strongly
in favor of wiping out North Viet-
namese petroleum depots long be-
fore Johnson gave the go-ahead
last summer. They also were on
record as favoring the destruction
of power plants before these in-
stallations were okayed for attack.
Two highly important targets,
in the Joint Chiefs' view, still are
off limits to American bombers.
These are the Haiphong har-
bor, North Vietnam's sole major
port, and the airfields from which
North Vietnam's MIG jet fighters
U.S military men, led by the
Navy's admirals, favor mining the

and laid down: a principle of af-
firmative action toward integra-
tion. ,
Members of the court, now the
largest federal bench in the na-
tion, displayed sharply differing
views on how to integrate schools
and on the basic issue of forced
integration versus the approach of
nonsegregation policies.
Coleman's questions about ap-
plication of the 1964 Civil Rights
Act-and the giudelines-followed
remarks of a directly opposite view
by Judge John Minor Wisdom of
New Orleans, La., who wrote the
Dec. 29 opinion concurred in by
one judge and dissented from by
Executive Burden
Wisdom maintained that the
Constitution as construed by the
Supreme Court in its historic 1954
decision places upon school au-
thorities "a duty or compulsion to
take affirmative steps." His deci-
sion, under review, laid down this
Wisdom and Judge John R.
Brown of Houston, Tex., indicated
in their remarks that the burden
of integrating schools should be
shifted to the executive branch of
"Is there anything wrong with
the court saying the time has
come for the Departmen of Health
Education and Welfare-HEW-
to take over?" asked Brown during
one exchange with school board
Challenge HEW Authority
Coleman and Judge Griffin B.
Bell of Atlanta, Ga., however, in-
dicated reluctance to follow ad-
ministrative agencies. Referring to
Commissioner of Education Har-
old Howe, Bell said: "We don't
know where he'll lead us."
"I don't think this court has
to go along and mimic HEW,"
Coleman said. "If something is
right, we can say it on our own,
can't we?"
Attorney Reid Barnes, speaking
for the Bessemer, Ala., school
Board, told the court:
"If you think following Mr.
Howe will lessen the problems,
you're wrong. It will multiply
Barnes also .challenged Wis-
dom's finding in his opinion that
congressional intent was not to
apply to the South a prohibition
in the lam against steps to achieve
racial balance.

Haiphong harbor to bar it to Com- is anxious to see the Vietnam w
munist and free world shipping, ended and any challenge to RL
Most of North Vietnam's pet- sian shipping might force t
roleum supply, and the trucks on Soviets into a direct role in t
which the infiltration of equip- Vietnam war.
ment to South Vietnam depends The U.S. Air Force's top ge
to a great extent, enter North erals want to knock out the M
Vietnam through Haiphong. fields near Hanoi.
But civilian officials have balk- But Secretary of Defense Rob
ed because they feel there would . McNamara has takenthe po
be a serious risk of a clash with tion that the MIG force of ab
the Soviet Union. 100 jets poses no real threat to t
These officials feel that Russia American air defensive.

Wilson Battles To Avert Public
Split Within Labor Government

ROME (-4)-Joseph Stalin's 42-
year-old daughter, Svetlana, re-
ported to have defected from the
Soviet Union, left Rome late yes-
terday aboard a special U.S. gov-
ernment plane, the newspaper
Giornale D'Italia said.
Earlier a police official at Rome
airport said Miss Stalina had ar-
rived in Rome a few days ago
from India. The newspaper said
she had been staying in Rome
since at the residence of the U.S.
ambassador. There was no con-
firmation of the report.
The State Department and U.S.,
Soviet and Indian officials in
New Delhi, Rome and Moscow all
disclaimed any knowledge of the
matter. But Russian sources in
Moscow said Miss Stalina left the
Soviet Union, about two months
ago with the 'ashes of an Indian
believed to have been her husband.
Await Rome Arrival
Informants at Rome airport
said Miss Stalina arrived in Rome
early Wednesday on a flight from
New Delhi.
The Rome Airport News Service
said it was told by a police official
assigned to the international ar-
rival and departure terminals that
"a person who arranged for Miss

Stalina's arrival" was due in Rome
"Only after that time will the
entire matter be made public," the
unidentified police officer said.
Death of Companion
The sources in Moscow said Miss
Stalina had been living in the
Soviet capital with an Indian
Communist named Brijesh Singh
who worked as a translator for
the Soviet "Progress" publishing
The informants said Singh died
last December or January at the
age of 59 and was cremated in
Moscow. They said Miss Stalina
obtained permission to accompany
his ashes to India and visit his
family there.
Miss Stalina is believed to have
two children, a son 21 and a
daughter 15, both still in the So-
viet Union.
Miss Stalina had two brothers,
Lt. Gen. Vassily Stalin of the air
force and Jacob Stalin. Various
reports have said Vasily died in
a force labor camp or is confined
in Moscow's Lunianka Prison.
Jacob was reported shot to death
in a Nazi concentration camp in

LONDON (/P)-Prime Minister'
Harold Wilson, jolted by three
electoral setbacks, battled Friday
night to avert a public split in his
Labor government,
The two men at the center of
the dispute share responsibility for
g e t t i n g government business
through Parliament and keeping
the rank and file in line. They are:
Elder statesman Emanuel.Shin-
wel, 82, chairman of Labor mem-
bers of Parliament and something
of a hawk on matters of party
Theoretician Richard Crossman,
59, leader of the House .of Com-
mons, who favors a tolerant tech-
nique for keeping lawmakers in
Split in Government
Alongside each man stand im-
portant members of Wilson's gov-
ernment. Some already have of-
fered to resign if their man does .
not get his way.
The issue that brought the fuss
to the boil: claims of some Labor-
ites, mainly left-wingers, to be
permitted on grounds of consci-
ence to withhold their votes when

government action does not con-
form with party pledges.
Shinwell, a onetime defense
minister, bitterly assailed Cross-
man for what he plainly sug-
gested political double-dealing.
His blast came on a chill day
for the Wilson's government.
Weakened in Elections
The Labories were still reeling
from a belting in three special
elections. They held two and lost
one to the opposition Conserva-
tives. But in the process, Labor
-candidates lost massive support,
even in long-time Socialist strong-
holds. Chief beneficiaries were
Welsh and Scottish nationalists up
to break London's control of their
The electoral protest carried a
warning for Wilson. It was that
in Wales, Scotland and the Mid-
lands there is an undercurrent of
revolt against London politics. If
the voting pattern recurred in a
national election, it would cost
Labor the power it has wielded
since October, 1964.
Men like Crossman, Shinwell,
Labor Floor Manager John Silk-
in and Paymaster General George

Wigg set out to formulate a code
of conduct. One had been virtual-
ly agreed upon when Crossman
came out publicly in favor of pre-
serving a liberal disciplinary re-
gime for Labor members of the
House of Commons and added sig-
nificantly: "As long as the chief
government whip Silkin and I are
in charge, there will be no question
of putting the clock back."

World News Roundup

NEW YORK-The stock market
soared early yesterday in reaction
to President Johnson's request for
restoration of the 7 per cent busi-
ness investment tax credit. The
advance was broad with gains out-
numbering losses by about 10 to 1
around midday.
Machinery and equipment stocks
were particularly helped by the
prospect that the investment tax
credit will be renewed.
* * *
BREMEN, Germany-A power
struggle rocked West Germany's

extreme right-wing National Dem-
ocratic Party (NDP) Friday night.
Chairman Friedrich Thielan was
reported ousted shortly after he
had expelled his deputy. Confusion
swept the lower ranks of the par-
ty, which critics accuse of being
neo-Nazi, while state party lead-
ers went to Frankfurt to discuss
the situation.
The expulsion, to be effective,
would have to be approved by the
party's Executive Committee, but
this was considered far from as-


- I




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