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March 08, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-08

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O~r irlgatr Bal 1
Seventy-Sixth Year

$55M and the Forgotten Under rad

Where Opinions Are Free' 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEwS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



SGC Elections: Nobody's
Jumping on the Band. Wagon

trouble again. This time, however, the
difficulty stems not from the University
administration, alumni or the public in
general, but from the apathy of the very
people SGC represents-students.
The number of students who registered
as candidates for Council and several oth-
er elective positions was so abysmally low
-the lowest in several years-that Coun-
cil was forced to re-open petitioning un-
til tonight at 10 p.m.
Among the positions that failed to at-
tract a minimum number of candidates
to allow the voters a choice were:
-Four National - Student Association
delegates to represent the campus at the
summer convention and for the next year.
Only three persons filed as candidates.
-Three student seats on the Board in
Control of Student Publications. Only two
students have applied.
-Five year-long SGC seats (and possi-
bly three half-year seats contingent on
possible resignations, and elections of
present members to other posts). Only
six students filed before the original dead-
-SGC president and administrative
vice-president; only one person has peti-
tioned for each.
IS POOR SHOW of student support
for student government could have a
profound effect on the stature of SGC for
several semesters. By showing a lack of
faith in the work of Council and by fail-
ing to give voters a wider choice of can-
didates, the student body is tempting SGC
to become unresponsive toward campus
This is most unfortunate, for Council

is embarking on one of its broadest-
based, most ambitious programs for the
student body and University community.
The quality of its programs cannot be
permitted to diminish by lack of support
and commitment by qualified candidates:
" Council has, with Graduate Student
Council, initiated the vice-presidential
boards as liaison arms into the adminis-
trative offices of the University.
* Council and GSC have begun imple-
menting the Knauss report recommenda-
tion that they draw closer together.
" Council's Student Housing Authority
has a variety of on-going projects prob-
ing into zoning regulations, rent controls
and other aspects of off-campus student
* Council has also initiated a legal
service which would bring a legal ad-
visor to campus several times a week
for direct consultation with students.
* Council has forcefully pursued elec-
tion registration drives which have re-
sulted in the addition of over 200 eligi-
ble students to voter lists for the City
Council contests.
" Council has set up a legal aid fund
that would support court test cases on
student problems. A program of speakers
on all aspects of Council's work is being
organized to go out to housing units and
other groups and inform them of SGC's
activities on their behalf.
OBVIOUSLY, Council demands the en-
ergy and attention of dozens of per-
sons-from committee members to the
President. But without the election-time
competition for the available positions,
SGC is in danger of becoming a farce.

THE THING about the $55M
Fund Drive is that it's a suc-
cess, an overwhelming one. The
talk around the administration
now, in fact, is quite euphoric, and
the new slogan is "$67 million in
But to most students the drive is
an unknown, and to those of us
familiar with it the results of the
campaign are far more discourag-
ing than encouraging.
The two facts may seem at first
to be contradictory or inconsis-
tent, but they aren't. The success
and failure of the fund drive re-
volves around the more funda-
mental multiversity concept, and
that's why there are two different
The truth is that in the multi-
versity undergraduate students are
treated like incidentals who are
tolerated rather than encouraged.
The fund drive illustrates this.
The money is going principally
into specialized institutes and re-
search centers, places a student
rarely enters. And an even sadder
truth is that these centers are
what makes a modern university
'great', that they really do "insure
the vital margin" of quality under

LAST YEAR I covered the fund
drive for The Daily and spent
an hour talking to national chair-
man Paul Goebel. I remember be-
ing impressed with his dedication
and efforts, and yet unable to
share his enthusiasm for the cam-
paign itself. This puzzled me then
but it doesn't now.
The fund drive has increased the
University's "multidiversity" and
in the long-run the student loses.
This might be an over-simplifica-
tion but it's certainly not a dis-
tortion of fact. The centers and
institutes become the private bar-
onies of especially talented re-
searchers and administrators,
drawing off money and personnel
from other more student-oriented
university activities - notably
teaching of undergraduate classes.
A good research institute, like the
very good Institute for Social Re-
search here, is a big plus for its
university within the professional
academic society. But to those stu-
dents on its campus who support
the institute indirectly by receiv-
ing inferior instruction, and being
treated in an unconsciously patro-

whose banner the fund

drive was

nizing manner by professors, the
value of the institute must be ser-
iously questioned.
Wallace were at the University
this weekend, participating in a
panel as part of the alumni Ses-
quicentennial program. T h e i r
comments were quite revealing on
why the modern American univer-
sity has become ana amalgam of
independent research-obsessed in-
Miller speaks truth in a quiet,
off-hand sort of way. Listening to
him, one has an errie feeling of
what is must have been like to
hear Plato or Socrates. In a vocab-
ulary unencumbered by technical
terms and with an uncanny ability
to reduce problemsto basic human
dimensions, Miller made some
comments on the 'freedom of the
university' which were quite con-
trary to the 'modern mystique' of
"God help us if the university
isn't free," said Miller, and then he
went on to tell why it isn't. Mostly,
he contended, because it doesn't
really know why it is doing what
it does. "An organization starts re-
producing itself as soon as it is

formed, and after a while it exists
not because of what was once its
purpose but instead in order to
perpetuate itself. It's an attitude
that is bred in its administrators.
They are there not to further the
goals of the organization- but to
advance and promote themselves.
It isn't that they don't want to
advance the goals-it's just that
once a bureaucratic momentum
begins generating they lose sight
of them."
He didn't cite the multiversity
explicitly, but it is clear how ap-
propriate his comments are to it.'
The prestige and worth of a uni-
versity and professor is based on
how much money either are able
to attract, and after a while money
in the form of research grants and
special endowments becomes an
end in itself and not a means to
another end-education.
It's worth noting that Miller
sympathizes with the plight of the
student i the mass university,
saying how it isn't like when he
was in school and his prfoessor
Erich Walter would invite him to
go for a walk after class. "Who
asks you to go for a walk now?"
he wondered.

News commentator, noted that
student discontent at Berkeley
was "much more intense" than at
Michigan. Even though he is cor-
rect from a journalistic stand-
point - in the sense that Berkeley
is more likely to attract headlines
than Michigan--the ill-14ted stu-
dent movement last semester
showed how close to the surface
student dissatisfaction here is.
The point is that newsmen and
administrators appear unaware
that the multiversity provides a
source for ever-present, though
sometimes hidden, resentment,
and that all it takes is a series of
seemingly minor sparks to set off
a student body.
The fund drive made a lot of
money for the University. But the
school appears unwillingly to stop,
look at itself, and reappraise its
modus operanti. Instead, the mon-
ey has been funneled into the re-
search institutes in an almost un-
challenged manner.
There is no money going into
something like the residential col-
lege because, although everybody
believes in it, it is not something
that makes a university great.


Letters: Mayor Sets Record S traight

To the Editor:
j WOULD LIKE to clarify an ar-
ticle by Mr. Roger Rapoport
in The Daily's February 26th edi-
tion entitled "Introducing 'Irre-
sponsible Unacceptable'." Appar-
ently his source of information and
its interpretation is still as poor
as it was when he covered this
area's news in 1965. I am not the
former mayor, but the present
mayor of Grand Haven. I did not
say that "the Michigan State Po-
lice have 'banned Rapoport from
the Grand Haven City Hall for-
ever'." Grand Haven has a Mu-
nicipal Police Department. I stat-
ed that I would personally throw
him out of the City Hall and that
a former member of this State
Police post said he had been
tempted to throw him out of the
post when he stopped in there
for news.
This action was not a result of
the way his so-called "quotes"
appeared in a newspaper, but in-
stead a result of the twisted, dis-
torted misquotes and his inten-
tional use of same.
-William M. Creason, Mayor
Grand Haven, Mich.
Editor's Note: The Daily re-
grets prematurely ending May-
or Creason's tenure in Grand
Haven. Information reported by
Mr. Rapoport concerning the po-
lice ban was conveyed to him

by a publications board member
who had been contacted by the
mayor. Sorry. -S.F.
'[U' Ignores Values
To the Editor:
THIS WEEK the alumni re-
turned to the University to cel-
ebrate 150 years of quality educa-
tion composed of intellectual in-
quiry and free expression. The
students were not here. It is un-
fortunate that the exchange of
ideas were one-sided because of
We feel the responsibility to ad-
dress ourselves to questions and
conditions which no banquets,
panel discussions, and not even
the $55 million Sesquicentennial
Fund Drive can solve. If this is an
educational institution that is sup-
posed to develop people responsible
to themselves and to the values o:
a democratic society. why has the
University taken the following
courses of action: efforts to inst -
tute a student bookstore; the
HUAC investigation in August;
ranking and the SGC draft refer-
endum; and the recent crisis be-
tween the Daily and the Board.
content come out of concrete
problems here and not out of a
desire to be different or foment
pointless rebellion. It is because

Wisconsin Woes

NO MATTER HOW many mistakes ad-
ministrators make, no matter how oft-
en they are raked over the coals, no
matter how bungling they might seem,
one thing is clear. A university needs an
administration today.
But apparently the U. of Wisconsin
doesn't have one-at least not in the
normal sense. The state legislature has
begun what high .,officials in Madison
call a drive to seize control over internal
university affairs. Fldor Majority Lead-
er J. Curtis McKay didn't even need to
think twice when he told The Daily,
that "there is no question" about the lack
of administration power over students
and faculty at Wisconsin.
No one really likes this state of af-
fairs. The student senate is bewildered,
the student paper has gone berserk and
demonstrations have no effect on an ad-
ministration already impotent. The stu-
dent senate has asked President Harring-
ton to clarify and explain his policies on
demonstrations, building regulations, sit-
ins-and everything from campus police
to janitors.

AND NOW A BILL in committee at the
state capitol would raise out-of-state
tuition at Wisconsin to $1500, a hike of
Ironically, students, parents, taxpayers
and the legislators are united in their de-
mand to know exactly what the admin-
istration's future plans are.
Unfortunately the legislature has more
power than either students or parents.
Thus, it is entirely possible that the uni-
versity may soon be run by legislators.
QNLY ONE dim possibility appears able
to save Wisconsin from excessive poli-
tical interference. A resolution passed by
the state legislature last week asked Har-
rington to submit an approval of the so-
cial climate at the university. If he can
read the legislature's hint of a last
chance between the lines he will begin a
campaign to solidify an apparently cha-
otic, unfunctioning administration.

of the inadequacy of the present
structure to reflect students' in-
terest that we feel that it has be-
come almost impossible to ef-
fect changes through institutional
The petitions, referenda, and le-
gal arguments of students have
been based upon the concept of a
democratic university. In its refu-
sal to abide by overwhelming man-
dates from its student body, the
Administration has failed in, its
obligations to perpetuate a demo-
cratic heritage.
It has sacrificed progress and
human value to the preservation
of a stable, autocratic system de-
voted to providing personnel rath-
er than people, information rather
than truth, status rather than dig-
nity. We cannot accept such a
German Chacin
Susan Chacin
Skip Taube
Steve Daniels
Bobby Kaufman
Funny Thing 'Bout That
To the Editor:
QUOTE FROM Big Brother in
George Orwell's '1984': "War
is Peace ."
Quote from The Daily, Febru-
ary 28, 1967 (courtesy of the As-
sociated Press) : "In the after-
math of naval shelling of ground
targets in North Vietnam, the
mining of rivers, and the use of
long-range artillery against targets
north of the demilitarized zone,
Johnson told a news conference
he believes he is pursuing the
course best calculated to lead to
-Steve Nelson, Grad
Kahnweiler Reply
To the Editor:
JT IS APPARENT to me that
Mr. Osmer has not carefully
read my letter of February 26,
and is a victim of a misunder-
standing. As a former student' of
engineering (three semesters in
the naval architecture program),
I feel that the charges of being
"severely bigoted" and "incredibly
ignorant" are quite unfair.
The purpose of my letter was
more a condemnation of the en-
gineering educational system than
of the action of the faculty. To
have stated that all engineers were
"politically apathetic" and etc.
would display bigotry and ignor-
ance. Unfortunately, this is the
impression.society has of the pro-
fession. No place did I say this
was my own image of the engi-

neer, but rather, always of socie-
ty's. My complaint was that the
action of the faculty only served
to reinforce this impression.
I would also like to apologize
for equating the Engineering
Council with the engineering fac-
-ulty. However, it seems strange
that a body of learned men should
base a resolution on the contents
of a film related to them by such
an obviously biased source as the
attorney for the city of Ann Ar-
bor. From this disclosure it seems
that the profession has again
strengthened its impression on so-
ciety that I have stated.
I WILL NOT, however, apologize
for the remarks I have made. As
a former student of engineering
this was the way I felt society was
regarding me; this is one of the
reasons I am no longer pursuing a
degree in naval architecture. Too
much of the world is ignored by
the engineering curriculum and
only through a liberal education
can a real, objective, and complete
knowledge of people and life be
_J. F. Kahnweiler, '69

To the Editor:
IN THIS his debut Roger Rapo-
port makes a quick tour of the
He starts off with a little
vignette about the trivialities of
fund raising, which I suppose is
meant to be clever. Then comes
the image-shattering reminder -
very appropriate on this weekend
of !eulogies-that the notorious Dr.
Duvalier once attended the Uni-
versity. From here Rapoport moves
to those philistines on the City
Council who fail to find art in
"Flaming Creatures." Naturally
this leads to everyone's favorite
fool, Richard Cutler. And to fin-
ish this ironic piece, there is a
sarcastic aside about those in-
competents on the Ann Arbor
THE SAME old straw men --
Hatcher, image-building, Culter,
and philistines-are attacked In
the same old monotonous way -
mockingly, condescendingly, with
a lack of tolerance and Insight,
and in a tone of superiority I
find insufferable.
-Peter Gibbon, Grad


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Getting Along 'Swimmingly'

ANN ARBOR'S City Fathers, long noted
for their begrudging admittance of the
very existence of students in Ann Arbor,
did an about-face at the City Council
meeting Monday night. They signed an
agreement to be presented to the Regents
that would permit the building of an
Olympic-sized swimming pool, an Ice
skating rink and tennis courts at a site
on Fuller Road.
The terms of the lease call for the

joint city-University sponsorship of the
project, with the latter paying up to 40
per cent of the estimated $550,000 con-
struction costs. The contract also stipu-
lates that the "University" be allowed ex-
clusive use of the facilities for up to two-
fifths of the time; the "residents and
citizens" of the city are allotted the re-
mainder. But, quite admirably, the Coun-
cil will not prohibit students from using
the pool during "city" time.

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"Excuse me! ... This is a life and death matter!"

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.THIS IS A STEP in the right direction

The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).
Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications,
Bond or Stockholders-None.
Average press run-10,000.
Second, class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 48104.
Arir r.naa tnf

for a community that has witnessed a
300 per cent growth in the size of the
University student body, without a cor-
responding increase in recreational facili-
ties. Council's gesture of good will should
be accepted; the Regents should approve
the lease and allocate the funds imme-
.tea Party


C ONSIDERABLg ATTENTION is being focused on.
President Johnson's new plan to draft 19 year-olds
first on a "Fair and Impartial Random system of selec-
tion (FAIR)." Unfortunately everyone is ignoring my
new plan to change the draft based on a "Fair and
Reasonable Classification Evaluation (FARCE)."
The FARCE study, which included extensive consul-
tation with Selective Service Director Hershey, students,
draftees, college administrators, and parents concludes
that 10 year-olds should be drafted first.
The average 10 year-old would make a great soldier.
Unlike his soft older brother, the average 10 year-old is

Taking the 10 year-olds away from their homes and
sending them to Vietnam would provoke less hardship
than it does for today's soldier. There would be far less
disruption of family and professional life.
With their sharp reflexes 10 year-olds would make
good pilots. Certainly the young fliers with their acute
sense of timing would be less apt to bomb civilian targets
than today's pilots.

Also there would be no need to fly soldiers out to
Hong Kong or Hawaii for "rest and relaxation" trips.
The 10 year-olds would be satisfied with a show by
Soupy Sales and Batman.
The new troops would also help curtail black market
activities. Many PX items like razor blades and shaving
cream would not be sold any longer. Besides who would
want to buy hot copies of Mad Magazine and Superman?
Bubble-gum incidentally, would of course replace beer,
although the 10 year-olds would have to be careful not
to chew in the field. The pops could give them away
4fn l at}9 afl,,,


Even if there were
would stil be the best
relations standpoint it

occasional misfires, 10 year-olds
men for the job. From a public
would be much better to blame

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