Mao Element
Appeals for
Spread Tank Clashes Mar Peace
p Along Syria-Israel Border
to South
DAMASCUS. Syria (A) - Heavy
gunfire sounded yesterday near
the Sea of Galilee for the seventh
time in nine days as Syria and Is-
rael exchanged tank shells across
their tense frontier.
A Syrian army communique
claimed one Israeli tank was de-
stroyed. Israel claimed it destroyed
two Syrian tanks and damaged a
Four Hour Skirmish
arrange a truce after four hours of I As usual, each side accused the
Border firefights have become
almost routine between Syria and
Israel, especially at this time of
year, when farmers from both
sides try to plow for planting in
forbidden areas. But the frequency
of the latest exchanges have in-
creased the tension.
other of starting the shooting.
At U.N. headquarters in New
York, Israel sent a letter to mem-
bers of the Security Council say-
ing Syrian attacks along the
border "have created a grave situ-
ation." It charged Syria with "seri-
ous intensification" of aggression
on the frontier, but did not request
a council meeting.
New Loyalty
Reports of Violence
May Be Exaggerated
In New Conflict
TOKYO, (A')-Bloody resistance
to Mao Tse-Tung's purge was re-
ported yesterday to have spread
to south China: as powerful gen-
eral and secret police leaders were
said to be arrayed against Mao,
and signs suggested Red China
may be close to civil war.
Red Guard posters appeared on
walls in Peking saying "1967 will
be the year of battle between the
two lines Mao and anti-Mao and
the proletarian forces represent-
ing Mao must score total vic-
tory." President Liu Shao-chi and
others opposing Mao are called
bourgeois reactionaries.
Furthermore, the official Peking
People's Daily printed an urgent
appeal for help from elements
loyal to the 72-year-old party
chairman in the big city of
Shanghai. Anti-Ma elements at-
tacked Shanghai's water, power
and transportation network and
thousands of anti-Mao workers
struck last Thursday.
Judging from the call for as-
sistance, anti-Mao forces appeared
to be in command of Shanghai,
where Mao himself may be stay-
ing. He left Peking in December
and was reported spending a win-
ter holiday in Shanghai.
Also last reported with him was
his heir apparent, Defense Minis-
ter Lin Piao.
Further evidence that matters
may be coming to a head was the
exodus of Red Chinese diplomats
to Peking from capitals in Brit-
ain, Scandinavia and India.
Chinese reaching Hong Kong
told of the spread of the fighting
to Canton, south China's major
Japanese correspondents in Pe-
king said Red Guards posters ap-
peared Monday accusing Gen. Liu
Chih-Chen, a member of the im-
portant National Defense Coun-
cil, of siding with Mao's oppo-
If true, this would be further
evidence that leaders of Red Chi-1
na's 2.5 million-man army are
cracking under the stresses and
strains of the purge. Lo Juiching,
chief of the ral staff, already has'
been purged.
The Tokyo paper Asahi's cor-
respondent in Peking said the
capital's security police headquar-
ters was closed and Red Guards
were stationed in front of the
building. He reported the action
came apparently because head-
quarters was staffed with offi-
cers loyal to President Liu. Asahi
said the security police function
was taken over by the Department
of Security.
Nanking's city officials were
said to have called on the army
and security forces to carry out
house-to-house raids on pro-Mao
forces after bloody rioting in
which 54 persons were reported
killed and 900 injured.
Diplomatic advices reaching
London said the story of violence
in Nanking probably was exagger-
ated and came from Red Guard
posters in Peking. One diplomat'
in Peking telephoned a Western
friend in Nanking who said no
fighting had taken place. By these
accounts, reports of fighting had
been exaggerated and clashes be-
tween Red Guards and workers
had been on a small scale. These
did not include the report of
fighting in Canton, however.
A factor in the new violence may
have been the Maoist denunciation
of Tao Chu, the head of propa-
ganda who had risen to No. 4 in
the Chinese Communist party
since the purge began. He was ac-
cused of siding with President Liu
and Teng Hsiao-ping, the party
secretary general, in following a
capitalist, pro-Soviet line.
Drop Powell
From House
Vote Overrides
McCormack; Plan
To Fight Seating
WASHINGTON (A-l)-In an un-
precedented move. House Dem-
ocrats overrode their leaders yes-
terday and voted to bounce Rep.
Adam Clayton Powell as chairman
of the Education and Labor Com-
mittee. And indications mounted
the House will refuse to seat him
By an overwhelming voice vote,
the Democrats replaced the con-.
troversial Harlem Negro congress-
man with Rep. Carl D. Pekins. D-
Ky., for the 90th Congress which
starts today. Although the House
must approve committee assign-'
ments. the action is considered
Move Called a Lynching
Powell, visibly shaken called the
move "a lynching, Northern siyle."
He said that although the move
is for one Congress only, "I'll never
get it back."
The latest skirmish along the!A
47-mile border of rolling hills,
split by a demilitarized zone, lasted,
four hours and threatened for a--
time to develop into something New Anti-HussemnActivities
more seriousI
It followed a warning by Israel
last week that it would not tolerate
further Syrian blows against its
security, and a counter warning
from Damascus that Syrian forces
were under orders to strike heavily
against Israel in future flareups.
True Arraignes
U.N. observers who man 10
points on the demilitarized zone
sped into the fighting area in their
white-flagged cars to investigate
the hostilities. They managed to
AMMAN, Jordan (W)-Jordan'sI
Arab neighbors and allies are in-
directly financing terrorist at-
tempts to overthrow the regime
of King Hussein.
Police, desert troops and border
patrols have captured caches of
arms smuggled into the country
on cars, trucks, camels and don-
keys, security authorities report.
Border patrols and police pre-
cautions have been tightened. Cars
entering Jordan from Syria are
Georgia Seats Bond; To
elect New Governor
-Associated Press
THESE CHILDREN ARE PART of a group of 11,000 youngsters aged 10 to 19 who participated in
military training on a Chinese commune near Canton. The picture was taken by a Japanese pho-
tographer visiting Communist China.
Violence in China May Hinder
Powell and his supporters insist#
the actions against him are raci-
ally motivated but his accuse~rs!
deny this.'#
ATLANTA., Ga. (A') - Georgia's'
embattled legislature, its actions
dominated by court decrees, quiet-
ly seated a twice-barred Negro
member yesterday and moved to-
ward election of a governor today
to resolve a popular-vote stale-
Court rulings opened the way
for the legislative election of a
governor and the seating of Rep.
Julian Bond. 26, Negro Democrat
from Atlanta.
Bond, denied his seat .a year ago,
took the oath of office with a
group of other members. There
was no challenge, although Rep.
James Floyd of Trion staged a
one-man walkout in protest.
Nuclear weapons
WASHINGTON (OP) - Violence'
and terror now striking key Chi-
nese cities threaten in time to
slow down , Communist China's
nuclear weapons program and re-
duce its influence with North Viet-
This assessment of the course of
the wild and puzzling events in the
world's most populous country is
based particularly on developments
of the past few days as analyzed
and evaluated by U.S. experts
The experts also believe that
there is no well-organized coun-
termovement, aimed at overthrow-
ing Mao or even his No. 1 lieuten
ant, Lin Piao.
The country may be nearin
the road into civil war, but th
best informed opinion here is tha
it has not reached that point ye
It is apparent that Peking ra
dio's own broadcast reports c
sabotage efforts by factory work
ers, and Japanese news dispatche
telling of bloody rioting in Nan
king, have astonished the expert
here by the degree of violence in
Formerly it was assumed tha
China's nuclear programs directe
A compromise supported by
eve lojp rite n t Speaker Jorn W. McCormack of
Massachusetts which would have.
taken the chairmanship from
a- by scientists and dependent . on Powell temporarily pending an in-
strong industrial support, was in- vestigation, was voted down 122
g sulated against what Communist to 88, n the closed Democratic
e boss Mao Tse-tung calls the "Cul- caucus.
t tural revolution" Will Question Seating
Rep. Lionel Van Deerlin of Cali-:
-t The present view is that the forma said the action does not
- extension of what is reallyran change his plans to ask Powell to1
of enoi'mous purge movement from: stand aside when members are
- the city streets and political of- swo r i today. m s
s fices into the factories has opened He plans to offer a resolution
a- a new phase which poses a serious to defer seating of Powell pending;
s treat to China's whole industrial a study of his legal difficulties in
- schedule. connection with a $164,000 defa-
Since the Chinese capacity to mation judgment in New York.
t produce lies behind the country's Powell's nonpayment of the judg-
d ability to send arms into North ment has brought him contempt-
Vietnam, some effect on Peking's of-court sentences.
Vietnamese policies could also re- "I think that there will be a
sult directly from anything that leadership motion to seat him and
limits industrial activity. that it will be defeated," Van
More important in Communist Deerlin told a reporter.
China's relations with North Viet- Caucus Failed
nam probably is the evidence of The caucus action against Pow-
confusion and crosspurposes in ell, who has been under fire for
the Peking leadership at a time excessive travel expenses and be-
d when the North Vietnamese al- cause his wife was on his payroll
ready are heavily dependent on even though she lived in PuertoI
f Soviet supplies and advice Rico, was described by some liber-
A question in the minds of als as the only thing that could
Washington officials always has be done to save is seat.
been whether North Vietnam would But a number of congressmen
- be able to make peace if it wanted emerging from the caucus said
t. to if the Chinese Communists op- they doubt he will be seated.
Sposed such a step. Rep. Sam M. Gibbons of Florida,I
The tentative belief here is that who led a revolt against Powell on
the Chinese are now so entangled the Education and Labor Commit-
'sin their own internal struggle that tee last year, said he expects Pow-
ton Powell, D.-N.Y., of his com-
mittee chairmanship.
Bond, who resigned from SNCC
last year, said nothing. It was an
SNCC statement that led to his
being barred from the House.
The' legislature, meanwhile, got
a last-minute Judicial clearance
when the Supreme Court refused
to reconsider its Dec. 12 decision
upholding the assembly's right to
choose a governor under provisions
of the state constitution.
The history-making joint ses-
sion will convene at 9 a.m. in the
high-ceilinged House chamber for
the first judicially validated elec-
tion of a Georgia governor in 143
Although Maddox ran second in
the popular vote, the state consti-
tution says the legislature may
choose either of the two top men.
Final unofficial returns gave
Callaway 451,032, Maddox 448,598
and Ellis G. Arnall, former gov-
ernor and moderate, 57,832
A last-resort move to force a
popular vote runoff failed last
Friday when the Georgia Supreme
Court by a 5-2 ruling upheld the
legislature's right to decide the
thoroughly searched at the fron-
tier. Roadblocks stop cars at ran-
dom inside the country.
Despite the tension, Jordan is
calm and far from martial law.
At least nine bombs havq been
set off in Amman and the Holy
City of Jerusalem in recent weeks,
and police have discovered unex-
ploded sticks of dynamite.
Security officers report that no
arrests have been made in the
bombings. Half a dozen potential
saboteurs have been picked up in
the arms smuggling however, and
police say they confessed to being
sent by two organizations: the in-
telligence service of Syria and the
Cairo-based Palestine Liberation
One official claimed that the
Palestinian group had been in-
creasing its activities.
It was formed in 1964 at a sum-
mit conference of the Arab
world's 13 heads of state, to rally
and organize Palestinian refugees
against Israel.. Jordan has more
than a million Palestinian citi-
The organization is headed by
a former civil servant named Ah-
med Shukairy. It has now turned
its efforts against Jordan, calling
for the overthrow of King Hus-
sein. There is no sign Shukairy
consulted the Arab governments
that founded and financed his
movement on this change of pol-
Also without consulting his
sponsors-except perhaps Presi-
dent Gamal Abdel Nasser of
Egypt - Shukairy disbanded the
executive committee which was
elected at a congress in Gaza last
year, and replaced it with a secret
revolutionary council. The council
is to direct the movement against
Jordan, with the fight against Is-
rael reduced to a secondary aim.
This leaves even moderate Arab
governments, which do not share
Egypt and Syria's anti-Jordanian
policies, helping to finance the un-
derground struggle against Hus-
May Commit Treason?
"I don't want to beassociated
with a man who doesn't know
whether or not he will commit
treason," said Floyd, who took
the oath minutes later with an-
other group of legislators.
Bond said only that he was not
surprised that no challenge was
made of him. The Supreme Court
ruled in December that the House
could not exclude Bond because
he endorsed a statement labeling
U.S. involvement in Vietnam as
aggression and murder and calling
on young men to seek alternatives
World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Supreme
Court set aside redistricting plans
for the Florida legislature yester-
day and the Indiana and Missouri
U.S. congressional delegations.
In the Florida case the high
court reversed, 7 to 2, a decision
of a three-judge federal court that
had upheld the 1966,reapportion-
ment plans for the state legisla-
Also, by a 7-2 vote, the justices
set' aside a lower court decision
that had approved the 1965reap-
portionment of Indiana's 11 con-
gressional districts. The case was
sent back to the court for further
consideration in light of the Flor-
ida reapportionment decisions.
By the same vote the high court
affirmed a lower court ruling that
Missouri's current congressional
districting plan is unconstitution-
WASHINGTON-The 90th Con-
gress convenes at noon today with
controversies already jarring the
House and Senate.
A bipartisan group of senators
prepared to renew their perennial
fight for a change in the rule that
requires a two-thirds majority to
choke off filibusters. Southern
members lined up to resist any
President Johnson lays out his
program for the new session in a
state of the union address to the
House and Senate tonight. The
speech will be carried on radio and
television at 9:30 p.m. EST.
* * *
'DETROIT - Robert B. Evans,
board member of American Mo-
tors, and Roy Abernethy, AMC
president, both quit yesterday.
Roy D. Chapin Jr. was name
chairman and chief executive of
fcrand William V. Luneburg
was elected president and chie
operating officer,
AMC said that Evans' move wa
an outright resignation, while Ab
ernethy was retired as president
Both men will remain as director
of the nation's fourth largest aut
WASHIINGTON - The nation'
unemployment rate inched up i
December but 1966 still brought
the lowest jobless rate in 13 years
the Labor Department said yes
The unemployment rate went u:
one-tenth of one, per cent las
month, rounding out a 1966 aver
age of 3.9 per cent.
to military draft. _
Democrat Lester G. Maddox,
who hit public view in 1964 with
his cafeteria, segregation stand,!
was favored heavily in the 259-
member legislature which has 229
No Majority
Maddox and Republican Howard;
H. Bo Callaway, a conservative
who shifted to moderate views in
the campaign, were thrown into a
no-majority deadlock in the No-
vember election by write-ins for a:
third candidate.
"The eyes and ears of the world
will be focused on this chamber
when a joint session isconvened
to untangle one of the greatest
governmental snarls of our day
and time," Speaker George L.
Smith told the House.
"I know you are ready," he said.
Leaving the capitol, Bond ap-
peared at a news conference with
Stokely Carmichael, chairman of
the Student Nonviolent Coordina-
ting Committee (SNCC). Car-
michael read a statement opposing
the stripping of Rep. Adam Clay-
Courses in HEBREW and JUDAICA to
fit YOUR background and interests-
and we promise never to write your
draft board!
beginning this week at HILLEL
they could hardly intervene ef-
fectively if the North Vietnamese
wanted to open negotiations.
The best-informed Washington
authorities believe in spite of the
reported outbreaks at Shanghai,
Nanking and presumably wide-
spread clashes elsewhere that Mao
Tse-tung stil is directing the
"great cultural revolution" in an
ell to be deniedh is seat. Rep.
Thomas P. O'Neill of Massachu-
setts said: "He'll be lucky if he is
McCormack said he voted,
against taking away Powell's
chairmanship and would oppose
any effort to take away his House
Will Fight Move
"He was elected by the peoplE
of his district, who knew the facts,
at the time," the speaker tolds
newsmen. "They are entitled to
a representative in Congress."
1429 Hill
NO 3-4129
This was down from last year's # effort to make China a perma-
4.6 per cent average and was un- nently revolutionary nation dedi-
der 4 per cent for the first time cated to the violent expansion of
since 1923, the bureau said. communism over the world.
Jewish Theological Seminary-Detroit Midrasha
.. . ..
SAIGON - Viet Cong frogmen
-sank a huge American dredge
while shellfire hit a British tanker
and two South Vietnamese mine-
sweepers yesterday in a concen-
trated enemy assault on allied riv-
er traffic.
Two American dredgeworkers
were killed and another is missing
as the $3-million Jamaica Bay,
the fourth largest dredge in the
I world, sank in 20 feet of water
near the Mekong River delta city
of My Tho, 35 miles southwest of
Saigon. A fourth American was
The rioting and bloodshed are
believed to occur when Lin Piano's
Red Guards-the youthful shock
troops of the purge-directly
threaten the security of the work-
ers in factories and the positions
of Communist party leaders who
oppose purge.
The party is thus seen here as
the source of reaction to Mao's re-
volution" although officials also
find significance in the fact that
the army has never been used as
a revolutionary agency but only
to maintain or restore order. This
suggest the army may include
powerful anti-Maoist elements.
TOMORROW at 4:00