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March 07, 1967 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-07

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Wisconsin Claims Track Title

Matmen Trail Spartans in Dual Runaway

Acting Executive Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
MADISON-Dave Martin, Mich-
igan's assistant track coach, de-
cided to get a breath of fresh air
during the 300-yard dash Satur-
day, midway through the finals
of the 57th Annual Big Ten Indoor
Track Championships.
"And the doors were locked,"
Martin said wryly.
His experience sums up the fate
of the Wolverine cindermen, ex-
cept that they found themselves
locked out rather than in, garnering
only 21 points for a fifth place
finish. The meet marked the worst
performance of a Wolverine track
squad since 1958, when the Mich-
igan thinclads placed eighth with
16 markers.
Home Crowd
Wisconsin, spurred on by a'
highly partisan sell-out crowd of
4400 at Camp Randall Memorial
Building, picked up their sixth
conference indoor title, as the
Badgers edged out Michigan State,
56 % to 53. Iowa, with 30 points,
and Minnesota, with 28, rounded
out the first division.
A combination of factors . .
bad luck, poor performances, ill-
ness, and injury . . . led to the
Wolverines' demise. "We should
have been third," remarked Mich-
igan's head track coach, Don Can-
ham, at the meet's conclusion.
"You can't criticize Jack Har-
vey," Canhamn noted, "because he's
been bothered by a sore arm."
Harvey, the Wolverine captain,
and winner of the shot put in 1966,
finished second to Bob Hawke of
Wisconsin. Harvey's best toss was
56'7%", while Hawke managed a
57'7" heave.
Tom Kearney, Michigan's soph-
omore miles, was expected to give
the favorites trouble in his event,
but, running a strong fourth, he
was clipped from behind on a turn
and fell to the ground. "That cost
us some valuable points too," Can-
ham continued. "I know he's cap-
able of a 4:06 mile right now."
And the illness. The Wolverines
had been bothered by flu and
bronchitis for the two previous
weeks, and Alex McDonald, Ron
Kutschinski, and John Reynolds.
were still suffering from the ef-
Wisconsin managed,to wrest the
team title away from defending
champion Michigan State with a
sophomore-dominated' team very
similar to the composition of the
Michigan squad. When asked if he
expected victory with such a group
of cindermen, an elated Charles
(Rut) Walter, Wisconsin mentor,
said, "You never know. You just
keep hoping."
Analyzing the factors in the
Badger victory, Walter remarked,
"That great double of Ray Ar-
rington's, Mike Butle's good races,

and our success in the pole vault
spelled first for us."
Butler and Arrington, both soph-
omores, accounted for 19 of the
Wisconsin points, and knocked off
three of the five conference rec-
ords that fell on the fast clay
Teddy Roosevelt could never
have been more effective at trust-
busting than Butler. The Badger
hurdler had no mercy for the
powerful Spartan monopoly which
had swept the first three places
in both the highs and lows last
season to push Michigan State to
its first indoor championship ever.
Ony two members of the invin-
sible trio, -Gene Washington and
Bob Steele, returned, but they had
been joined by Charles Pollard, an
MSU sophomore, and again threat-
ened to pull off a coup. Butler had
other ideas though.
He edged out Washington for
first place in the high hurdles
and broke the defending title-
holder's record in the process with
an :08.2 effort for the 70-yard
POLE VAULT-i1. Carter -(MSU). 2.
Bergemann (Wis). 3. Burnette (o-
,wa). Height-iS'.
SHOT PUT-1. Hawke (Wis). 2.
Harvey (M). 3. Bliss (Wis). Distance
HIGH UM--1. Bowers (MSU).
2. Knickerbocker (M). 3. Stuart
(Minn). 5. Marton (M). Height -
BROAD JUMP - 1. Marinello
(OSU). 2. Dick (Wis). 3. Crawford
(MSU). 5. Flowers (M). Distance -
60-YD. DASH-1. Bryant (Minn)
2. Jackson .(Wis). 3. Keenan (Ind).
ONE MILE RUN - 1. Wieczorek
(Iowa). 2. Sharkey (MSU). 3. Ar-
rington (Wis). Time--4:05.3 (new
conference record, old mark held
by John Ross, Michigan, 1952).
440-YD. DASH - 1. Mondane
(Iowa). I Whipple (Wis). 3. Gill-
ham (Minn). Time-:47.9.
70-YD. HIGH HURDLES--1. But-
ler (Wis). 2. Washington (MSU). 3.
White (Ind). 5. Midlam (M). Time
-:08.2 (new conference record, old
mark held by Gene Washington,
MSU, 1966).
1000-YD. RUN-i. Conquest (Pur).
2. Merchant (MSU). 3. Walker (Ill).
4. Coffin (M). 5. Leps (M). Time--
600-YD. RUN--1. Wilson (MSU).
2. Frazier (Iowa). 3. Hanson (Wis).
4. McDonald (M); Time-1:11.3.
300-YD. DASH-i1. Dialing (Ind).
2. Campbell (MSU).D3. Simonsen
(Minn). Time-:30.9.
880-YD. RUN-i. Arrington (Wis).
2. Spain (MSU). 3. Kutschinski
(M). Time-1:50.3 (new conference
record, old mark set by Bill Fra-
zier, Iowa, 1963).
70-YD. LOW HURDLES-1. Butler
(Wis). 2. Warford (Minn). 3. White
(Ind). Time-:07.6 (new conference
record, old mark set by Gene Wash-
ington, MSU, 1965).
TWO MILE RUN - 1. Sharkey
(MSU). 2. Hoag (Minn). 3. Edmond-
son (NU). Time-9:03.8.
MILE RELAY - 1. Iowa (Feree,
Frazier, Mondane, Reiner). 2. Mich-
igan State. 3. Wisconsin. 4. MICHI-
GAN. Tine-. :13.1 (new conference
record, old mark set by Iowa, 1963).,
TEAM TOTALS:- Wisconsin 563,
Michigan State 53, Iowa 30, Minne-
sota 284, MICHIGAN 21, Indiana
183, Ohio State 73%, Purdue 7, Il-
linois 5, Northwestern 3.

distance. Meanwhile, Spartan Pol-
lard hit the last hurdle and crash-
ed to the track, being edged by
Michigan's Larry Midlan for fifth
Butler continued his break-up
of the Spartan combination in the
low hurdles. Washington saw an-
other of his marks go first-hand,
Butler speeding home with a :07.6
clocking, and leaving Washington
to a fourth-place finish. Steele
emulated Pollard's performance,
placing sixth for no points.
Goliath vs. Samson
Participating in the battles of
the Big Ten track giants, however,
Arrington earned one first, a third,
and the crowd's admiration. The
mile shaped up as a three-way
duel between the Wisconsin thin-
clad, the Spartans, Dick Sharkey,
and Iowa's Larry Wieczorek, with
Kearney also rated a strong con-
Sharkey and Arrington had
clashed a week earlier in a dual
meet, with Sharkey coming out
on top. Hawkeye Wieczorek grab-
bed this encounter, however, with
a 4:05.3 time to snap the old con-
ference mark by °:04.1 seconds.
Sharkey was :00.7 behind, with
Arrington taking third in 4:06.8.
Arrington wasn't through by
any means. His foes in the 880-
yard run were Michigan State's
John Spain and Michigan's Kut-
schinski. All are sophomores and
all had bettered the existing con-
ference record the week before.
Last Chance
Kutschinski, the last Wolverine
hope for a victory at that point,
started the race in the third posi-
tion. Spain had grabbed the early
lead, was followed in the number
two spot by Arrington. The Michi-
gan student made his bid at the
440-yard mark, passing Arrington,
but was unable to catch Spain.
Arrington waited until the final
lap to make his move, sprinting
past the MSU leader to break the
tape in a record 1:50.3, just one
hour and ten minutes after the
conclusion of the mile.
Kutschinski took third in 1:51.1,
his best time to date. "I just ran
a poor race, and they ran good
ones," the Wolverine entry ex-
plained. "I thought the pace would
be faster. When I tried to sprint
at the end, I just didn't have it."
Needs Warm-up
Arrington, who also anchored
the Wisconsin mile relay unit, said
after the meet, "Since high school,
I've always liked the mile better
than the half. They always run
the mile first in these meets
though; and I can't warm-up
enough. After I've run one race, I'
begin to feel good."
He wasn't satisfied with his mile
effort. "I wanted to stay a little
closer to Wieczorek and Sharkey.1
Then, I lost count of the laps, and
tightened up at the end," he
Michigan found itself a party to


another exciting dual in the high
jump. Wolverine sophomore Gary
Knickerbocker and Spartan Mike
Bowers left the remainder of the
field stalled at 6'7". Both cleared
6'9", but Bowers was awarded first
place on the fewest number of
Clarence Martin, another Mich-
igan sophomore, earned fifth with
a jump of 6'6", but Rick Hunt,
defending outdoor conference
champion, failed to add points to
the Wolverine column. He also
jumped 6'6", but was eliminated
n number of misses.
Too Many Jumps
After reaching a height of 6'6",
the high jump bar was only raised
an inch at a time instead of the
customary two inches. Knicker-
bocker blamed his defeat on this
development. "I jumped too many
times," he stated. "I felt okay, but
I should have passed up my turn
at 6'7"1."
The Wolverines managed to pick
up one other point in the field
events, a fifth place by Carl Flow-
ers in the long jump. Ohio State's
Ralph Marinello won the event
with a 23'23%" leap, in a field
weaker than a used tea bag.
Another Michigan threat, Mc-
Donald placed fourth in the 600-
yard run. He tried to grab the lead
from the eventual victor, Spartan
Pat Wilson, with 150 yards re-
maining, but the attempt was fu-
tiule, and the Wolverine was nosed
out by Carl Frazier of Iowa and
the Badgers' Brad Hanson on the
The final Michigan markers
were picked up in the mile relay,
in which a unit composed of Kut-
schinski, Leps, McDonald and Bob
Gerometta turned in a 3:15.3
clocking fof fourth place. The
event was taken by Iowa in the
record time of 3:13.1.
It loked like a typical last-out
World Series scene when the Bad-
gers mobbed Butler after his win
in the low hurdles, the next-to-last
event on the program which vir
tually assumed them -of victory.
The winners were happy. The
losers were happy. But the only
reward for finishing in the middle
was frustration.

Special To The Daily
COLUMBUS-In the Year of the
Purple Goat, the Jolly Green
Giants used the Luck of the Rat-
tail and a Benevolent Genie to:
claim their second straight Big'
Ten grappling title.
The Year, of course, is 1967, ac-
cording to the Chinese calendar,
while the J. G. G.'s are the label
the Ohio State Lantern applied,
with amazing inspiration, to the
Spartans of Michigan State.
An then there's the rattail. This
zoological appendange refers to
the brackets of the Big Ten tour-
nament, where preliminary match-
es were necessary to determine
psitions in the quarter-final
rounds. These preliminaries, tack-
ed on to the end of the brackets,
dangle like-well, you know.
Because a wrestler gets points
for each advancement in bracket,
as well as another point for a pin,
every highly seeded entry tries
to get into preliminary rounds,
realizing that his opponent will be
a low-rated grappler, against
whom he can pick up a quick
point or two.
Three to One
MSU got three such rattails;
Michigan had one.
It was evident well before the
meet that this year's conference
championship was a two-team
fight between the M i c h i g a n
schools. Moreover, State was the
pick to win in spite of their loss
the week before to the Wolverines.
The drawings the night before
the tourney began confirmed this
Immediately after the drawings
were held, Rick Bay, Michigan's
assistant coach, had it all worked
out. "According to the pairings,"
he stated, "State should win it by
Sure enough, the Lantern the
next day headlined its wrestling
story with "MSU is Heavy Favorite
to Repeat Title." Michigan coach
Cliff Keen grimaced, upon read-
ing this bit of news, "The way the
newspapers figure it, we might as
well have stayed in Ann Arbor."
Only a Hundred
When the prelims started Fri-
day afternoon, barely a hundred
123 lbs.-Bob Fehrs (M) pinned
Jim Anderson (Minn), 6:58.
130 lbs.-Don Behn (MSU) out-
pointed Roger Young (OSU), 15-8.
137 lbs.-Dale Anderson (MSU)
outpointed Mike Gluck (Wis), 3-0.
145 lbs.-Dale Carr (MSU) out-
pointed Burt Merical (M), 13-4.
152 lbs.-Fred Stehman (M) out-
pointed Dave Campbell (MSU), 12-5.
160 ibs.-Jim Kamman (M) out-
pointed Otto Zeman ,NU), 8-0.
167-lbs.--George Radman (MSU),
outpointed Dave Reinbolt (OSU),
177 lbs.-Mike Bradley (MSU) out-
pointed Pete Cornell (M), 6-3.
Hvt.--Dave Porter (M) pinned Jeff
Richardson (MSU), 4:33.
Michigan State 92, MICHIGAN 78,
Minnesota 32, Ohio State 27, North-
western 22, Wisconsin 21, Indiana
18, Iowa 8, Indiana 7 and Purdue 0.

Arena; the only time they could
be heard above the whine of the
air-conditioners was when a Buck-
eye took to the mats.
To the real enthusiast, though,
the prelims presented a picture of
confusing magnificdnce. Three
mats were employed, and as soon
as one was emptied the two con-
testants were hurried away to
make way for the next match. But
it was amidst this beginning con-'
fusin that the Benevolent Genie
smiled upon the Spartans, paving
the way for their e v e n t u a l
triumph. ,
For that afternoon, State's 152-
pound entry, Dave Campbell, came
up against Minnesota's Ron An-
keny, the only grappler not from
Michigan or Michigan State to
have a top-seeded position. And
when Campbell came out on the
top side of a 3-2 score, elatement
spread throughout the Green
camp, for here were some points
the Spartan's hadnt even counted
on in their neck-and-neck battle
for the position.
Campbell then proceeded to ad-
vance all the way to the finals be-
fore Michigan's Fred Stehman
bumped him off, but he picked up
11 crucial points on the way.
MSU by a Neck
After the tourney, MSU's Grady
Peninger was quick to recognize
Campbell's accomplishments. "He
saved our neck out there," beamed
the effusive, ever present State
coach. "The kid had a losing rec-
ord all season, but he came
through like Cinderella.".
But of course, Campbell wasn't
the only Green-clad grappler to
advance to the semifinals. In fact,
seven of his teammates followed
his lead, as the Spart ns garnered
16 points for the afternoon.
Michigan, meanwhile, was keep-
ing pace. The Wolverines picked1
up 12 points in the first rounds,
but two losses sustained that af-
ternoon would show their effect
later on, as only seven Michigan
matmen lasted the afternoon.


sprinkled St. John's

The first casualty occurred in
the 137-pound division. Gordy
Weeks, facing Larry Lentz of In-
diana, fell behind quickly at the'
beginning of his match, but had
gained a takedown and was behind
only 5-4 when time ran out.
For the rest of the day, he was
pacing up and down the sidelines,
hoping that Lentz would win in
the semfinals to give him a crack
at the consolations. But when
Lentz was decisioned by Wiscon-
sin's Mike Gluck, his hopes went
down the drain.
Bill Waterman, at 167, was the
other Wolverine to feel the early
axe. The junior grappler had
drawn MSU's George Radman as
his first-round opponent - the
same Spartan who nearly pinned
him a week earlier in Ann Arbor.
Yet Waterman came out much
stronger. than last weel, only to
be edged 6-2.,
Later, in the dressing room, a
teammate observed that "Bill was
really fired up out there. If every-
one of us had guts like him, we'd
have this thing wrapped up."
The other team members made
it easily to the semis, as Michigan
wins included pins by captain Bob
Fehrs at 123, Jim Kamman at 160,
and the redoutable Dave Porter at
When the evening sessions be-
gan it was evident that Columbus
finally recognized the presence of
a Big Ten tournament for nearly
a fifth of the arena seats were
filled. Yet the local fans had little
to cheer about, as only two Buck-
eyes won their semifinal matches
-Roger Young at 130 and Dave
Reinbolt, last year's NCAA champ
at 167.
Michigan supporters, too, had
their spirits somewhat dampened
as 130-pounder Geoff Henson was
overwhelmed y Spartan Don
Behm, 13-3. 11 Waterman, too,
lost 14-5 in his consolation round
to end his competition. Yet, Fehrs,
Burt Merical, Stehman, Jim Kam-
man, Pete Cornell, and Porter con-

tinued their victory skeins with
impressiverdecisions-or, in the
case of Porter, a one minute, 13-
second pin.
But the State machine continued
its determined march onward.
Only one Green-clad grappler lost
that night as Peninger was every-
where, badgering officials and
giving advice to his players. By
the end of the semifinal round,
the Spartans had an incredible
total of 75 points, while the Wol-
verines trailed with 64.
Saturday afternoon's fi n a 1 s
looked like a dual meet, as 13 of
the 18 finalists wore the uniforms
of the two Michigan schools. And
by the time the dust had cleared,
all nine championship crowns
nestled on State or Michigan
Bob Fehrs started the afternoon
with a pin in 6:58 of Minnesota's
Jim Aanderson, but the next three
matches saw State victories. The
one at 145 found Dale Carr de-
cisioning Burt Merical in an im-
pressive display.
Fred Stehman then broke the
State skein at 152 with his strong
decision over State's Campbell, and
Jim Kamman followed with a
come-from-behind victory over
Nortwestern's Otto Zeman.
Radman t hen proceeded to
murder OSU's Reinbolt at 167, and
teammate Mike Bradley followed
with a close-fought decision over
Michigan's Pete Cornell. In the
finale, Porter took 4:32 to pin
MSU's Jeff Richardson.
Later, Porter received the Out-
standing Wrestler Award for the
turnament as well as the award
for most pins in, fewest elapsed
Afterwards, gazing at the score-
board, which showed 92 points for
State to 78 for Michigan, Keen
declared, "I'm tremendously pleas-
ed with the performances of the
boys. They went out there and did
their best."
And, as Rick Bay put it, "It was
just a matter of degree. We were
great; they were fantastic."



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MARCH 11 ... 8:30 P.M.

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