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March 07, 1967 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-07

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7, 196 7










Associate Sports Editor
Special To The Daily
swam as if it expected everyone
else to concede the meet in the
first day.
Michigan State swam its best,
and for a time was convinced
that it could beat Michigan out
for second in what most spectators
thought was the real contest of
the meet.
But Michigan swam better than
either of them, only to settle for
its seventh consecutive second-
place finish to Indiana.
The other seven teams . .. well,
they all showed up.
To the surprise of many, Michi-
gan substantially cut the Hoosiers'
victory margin of last year, and
to the charging of the Spartans,
practically overwhelmed them by
Increasing last year's margin. In-
diana totaled 444, Michigan 396,
and State 308.
And just as last season, the
Hoosiers' victory margin can be ac-
counted for in the two diving events
alone, in which they outscored
the Wolverines by 51 points. In
the one-meter event Indiana cop-
ped first, second, fourth and sixth,
500-YR. FREESTYLE -- 1. Robie
(M). 2. Walsh (MSU). 3. Webb (I).
5. O'Connor (M). 10. Bisbee (M). 11.
Salassa (M). Time - 4:43.08 (Big
Ten, NCAA record).
1. Knight (Minn). 2. Utley (I). 3.
Hopper (OSU). 11. Williams (M).
Time-1:5.77 (Big Ten record).'
50-YD. FREESTYLE . 1. Milne
(P). 2. Groft (M). 3. Hogan (W).
7. Wiebeck (M). Time--:2.25.
ger (I). 2. Young (I). 3. Knorr
(OSU). 5. Meaden (M). 10. Brown
(M). 11. Walmsley (M). Points-
400-Y]D. MEDLEY RELAY-1. In-
diana (Hickco"', Perkowski, Berry,
Padgett): 2. MICHIGAN. 3. Minne-
sota. Time-3 :33.72.
200-YD. BUTTERFLY -- 1. Robie
(M). 2. Berry (I). 3. Arusoo (M).
7. Bisbee (M). Time-1:53.55.+
200-YD. FREESTYLE - 1. Walsh
(MSU). 2. Windle (I). 3. Bachmanl
(11l). 5. Wiebeck (M). 7. O'Connor
(M). 9. Salassa (M). Time-1:43.5
(Walsh set Big Ten record of 1:43.-
39 in pre-lims).
Scheerer (M). 2. Pope (1l). 3.
Perkowski (I). 7. Mahler (M). Time
100-YD. BACKSTROKE-1. Dilley
(MSU). 2. HickCox (I). 3. Skoglund
(N). 5. Kingery (M). Time-:53.10
(Big Ten recordY.
1. Webb (I). 2. Williams (MSU). 3.
Usrey (I). 5. Arusoo (M)" 7. Robert-
son (M). 9. Williamis (MW). Time -
4:13.72 (Big Ten record).

while Michigan managed only
fifth, tenth and eleventh. At three
meters Michigan fared a little bet-
ter, taking second and fifth, but
the Hoosiers still dominated with
first, third, seventh and eighth.
Olympian Triumphs
Olympic gold medalist Ken Sitz-
:erger successfully defended his
titles on both boards, for Indiana.
One of Michigan's best performan-
:es was turned in by sophomore
Jay Meaden on the high board.
Meaden, described by coach Gus
Stager as having the "best poten-
tial on the team," finished second
in the event. Teammate Fred
Brown chopped off a few more
Hoosier points by finishing fifth.
Meaden also finished fifth on the
low board.
The meet started with one of
Michigan's strongest events, the
500-yard freestyle. Captain Carl
Robie won the race setting an ex-
cruciating pace. It paid off in a
Big Ten record of 4:43.08. Bill
Farley, Michigan's assistant swim-
ming coach, was the previous rec-
ord holder. Robie's time also
bettered the existing NCAA mark.
Teammates Mike O'Connor, Lee
Bisbee, and John Salassa added
points for fifth, tenth, and
1. MSU (Walsh, Langley, Rauch, Dil-
ley). 2. MICHIGAN. 3. Minnesota.
Time-308.6.. (Big Ten record).
1650-YD. FREESTYLE -- 1. Roble
(M). 2. Windle (I). 3. Glick (MSU).
4. O'Connor (M). 8. Williams(W). 9.
Robertson (M). Time-16:42.76 (Big
Ten record).
InO-YD. FREESTYLE - 1. Walsh
(MSU). 2. Hogarn (W). 3. Milne (P).
5. Wiebeck (M). 11. Groft (M).Time
:46.17 (Walsh set Big Ten record
of :46.02 in pre-lims).
200-YD. BACKSTROKE - 1. Dilley
(MSU). 2. Kingery (M). 3. Hick-
cox (I). Time-i1:56.23.
Scheerer (M). 2. Perkowski (I). 3.
Usrey (I).. 6. Robertson (M). 10.
Mahler (M). Time-2:11.45 (Big Ten
100-YD. BUTTERFLY-1. Lindley
(W). 2. Hopper (OSU). 3. O'Malley
(M). 4. Bisbee (M). 8. Arusoo (M).
berger (I). 2. Meaden (M). 3. Young
(I). 5. Brown (M). Points-888.05.
Indiana (Utley, Cordin, Webb, Win-
die). 2. MICHIGAN. 3. MSU. Time-
7:01.12 (Big Ten, NCAA, American

eleventh, respectively. But the ands off the record with a 16:42.- another of Michigan's strong
Wolverines didn't take much of a 76. O'Connor finished a strong points as sophomore Tom Arusoo
Lead as the other two of the top fourth and Tom Williams and garnered a third behind Berry. and
three teams were also dominant fohn Robertson added eighth and Bisbee added seventh place points.
in the event. State placed four ninth. Another standout for the Wol-
:nen in the scoring places (the Robie went into the race with verines was senior Paul Scheerer.
top twelve) and Indiana placed a definite plan. He wanted to swim v
three. the first 1000 yards in 10 minutes. Scheerer successfully defended
Identical Format His actual split was 9:59.6. both his titles in the 100- and
The format was the same in the Robie added a third title to his 200-yard breaststroke races. In the
punishing 1650 - yard freestyle. collection in the 200-yard butter- 200 he established a new Big Ten
Michigan and State each placed fly. In doing this he once again record of 2:11.45, topping his own
four in the' finals and Indiana had 9to beat Kevin Berry, the 1965 mark. His time for the 100
placed two. Once again Robie Hoosier ace who won the gold !n 1965 still stands as the confer-
came through with a Big Ten rec- :pedal in the 200-meter fly in the ence best.
ord. He hacked almost eight sec- Olympics. This race proved to be Breatstroke was a pleasant sur-

prise to Stager and the Wolver-
ines. In the past two years Scheer-
er alone has carried Michigan
through these events. But this
Year he had support. In the short-
'r race Jay Mahler placed seventh.
while Indiana was able to send
)nly one man to the finals, and
State had two in the consolation
finals, both behind Mahler.
At 200-yards, Robertson brought
in a sixth place and Mahler was
Scheerer's two victories also
place him in the elite in Big Ten
Swimming. Like Robie, he has

won six individual titles in h'
hree years on the varsity. He be
a mes only the fifth man in B:
the only br astroker ever to ac
omplish this. Of the other fou
two w, re freestylers and two we:
Michiga. State had two doub
,inners in backstrokei' Gary Di
ley and free styler Ken Walsh. Di
ley became the sixth man in tb
Big Ten to win three titles in eac
>f two events in three years b
taking honors in the 100-and 204


yard backstiokes. He bettered his
, ; :' r 0 yaL's.
ner nc ; it to :53.10. In the 200-
vard variety, Dilley st a terrific
c , but tired at the end to miss
the e::tiig records by a disap-
, intin +0.03 s-cond.

At this ]paint Michigan's lone
Ile b. c stL oker in the two events de-
1- h ! '! . : not
l- some sp tal medal for his efforts.
he Kinger .ad been preparing to
y ;hree weeks ago was swimming the
0- .est times of his career during
)ractice. Then he found himself in
he hospital with mononucleosis.
Kingery did not leave the hos-
aital until two days before the
meet began. He finished a dis-
heartening fifth in the 100, but
he came back in the 200 with a

Iowa Ends Gymnasts' Six-Year Reign

Special To The Daily
IOWA CITY-This is the year
the Wolverines had a nightmare.
Why this year in particular?
Because even the gymnastics team
lost. After six straight Big Ten
titles, somebody finally proved!
they were human.
Not that they went down easily.
Michigan went into the last two
events of the team championships
on Friday almost two and a half
points ahead of the hometown
Iowa Buckeyes. Then the roof
caved in. Team scores of just over
25 on the parallel bars and rings
were woefully inadequate compar-
ed to the mid-27's received 'by
Iowa, and the Hawks rushed by to
capture a 187.05 to 184.87 victory.
.It was over. Fast, clean, and
wait till next year.
Thirty-seven people were in the
fieldhouse stands by unofficial
count when the meet convened at
11 o'clock on Friday morning.
Loyal Iowans, who claimed that
3,000 showed up for the Michigan
State-Iowa dual meet, provided all
sorts of excuses.
"The meet received no buildup."
"Classes were in session."
"We didn't understand what
they meant by preliminaries."
Actually the first day prelims were
the team championships and Sat-
urday's 'finals" were the individ-
ual championships.
"They had the nerve to charge
us $1.00 for tickets."
The first event, the long horse,
threw a scare into the spectators
as Michigan State and Illinois,

tied for third with 5-2 records in
dual meets, monopolized the event.
State, paced by defending al-
arounddchampion Dave.Thor's
9.175, edged the Illini 26.775 to
26.75. But Hal Shaw of Illinois
stole the show with a 9.37, al-
though he didn't perform his
unique routine, the "O'Shaw," "be-
cause it wouldn't give me enough
points." Michigan, with Chip Full-
er's 90.75, and Iowa followed close-
ly in that order.
To save. time, the next three
events were run simultaneously,
and although this made things
difficult for the scorers, a few pat-
terns became quickly evident. The
first was an end to a serious chal-
lenge posed by Michigan State.
MSU droppedto a 22.35 on the
trampoline, which was even top-
ped by Ohio State's mediocre
gymnasts, making this the only
event where the Buckeyes beat
anybody in anything.
Meanwhile, Michigan was hav-
ing its hour of glory. Led by a 9.45
by Dick Jacobs and a 9.2 by the
injury-ridden Wayne Miller, com-
bined with top-flight jobs by Vic
Conant and Mike Zadel, the Wol-
verines picked up a 27.7 on the
trampoline, and qualified one, two,
three, and five for the individual
championships on Saturday.
A 26.1 on the side horse wasn't
half as bad as the earlier dual
meet against Iowa indicated it
might be. Then came the climax.
The excellent floor exercise per-
formances of Phip and Chip Fuller,
9.4 and 9.2 respectively, were al-
most expected. But Dave Jacobs

VAULTING-1. Shaw (111) 9.325. 2.
C. Fuller (M) 9.2. 3. Calhoun (111)
9.125. 4. P. Fuller (M) 9.05.
(MSU). 9.5. 2. Jacobs (M) 9.15. 3.
(tie) P. and C. Fuller (MW) 9.0.
SIDE HORSE-i. McCanless (Iowa)
9.5. 2. Smith (MSU) 9.25. 3. (tie)
Thor (MSU) and Hoescherl (Minn)
9.2. 6. Baessler (M) 8.85. 8. Geddes
(MW) 8.6.
TRAMPOLINE-1. Jacobs (M) 9.45.
2. Holveck (1111 9.1. 3. Rollo (Ili)
9.05. 4. Miller (M) 9.0. 5. Zadel (M)
8.95. 7. Conant (M) 8.8.
HIGH BAR - 1. Schmitt (Iowa)
9.45. 2, Weber (I11) 9.2. 3. Sasich
(M) 9.1. 6. Vander Voort (M) 8.75.
PARALLEL BARS-1. Goldsbor-
ough (Iowa) 9.3. 2. Heller (Iowa)
9.15. 3. (tie) Dickson (Iowa) and La-
zar (Iowa) 8.9.
RINGS-1. (tie) Hatch (Iowa) and
Croft (MSU) 9.2. 3. Gunny (MSU)
(High Scoring Team in Parentheses)
VAULTING-1. Shaw (111) 9.375.

2. Thor (MSU) 9.175. 3. C. Fuller
(M) 9.075. 5. P. Fuller (M) 8.925.
(Michigan State-26.775.)
(MSU) 9.45. 2. P. Fuller (MW) 9.4.
3. Thor (MSU). 4. Jacobs (M) 9.25.
5. C. Fuller (M) 9.2. (Michigan-
SIDE ORSE-1. Smith (MSU)
9.3. 2. (tie) McCanless (Iowa) and
Slotten (Iowa) 9.25. 6. Baessler (M)
8.9. 8. Geddes (MW) 8.75. (Iowa -
'rRAMPOLINE - 1. Jacobs (M)
9.45. 2. Miller (M) 9.2. 3. Conant
(M) 9.05. 5. Zadeli (M) 8.95. (Michi-
gan-27.7. )
HIGH BAR - 1.1 Schmitt (Iowa)
9.35. 2. Weber (111) 9.2. 3. (tie) Sa-
sich (M) and Silhan (111) 9.15. 7.
Vander Vodrt (M) 8.8. 9. Paris (M)
8.75. (Iowa-27.15.)
PARALLEL BARS--1. Goldsbor-
ough (Iowa) 9.25. 2. Heller (Iowa)
9.1. 3. Hinrichs (Minn) 9.05. (Iowa
RINGS-1. Siorek (Iowa) 9.5. 2.
Hatch (Iowa) 9.15. 3. (tie) Groft
(MSU) and Gunny (MSU) 9.1.

the answer, and the gymnasts ap- :5.7tplcseodoDiey
peared equally puzzled. Loken ex- Walsh picked up the first place
plained, "from being shaken on nedals in the 100-and and 200-
the parallel bars the stage was =set yard freestyle sprints. In both
for a mediocre ring performance." races he set new Big Ten records
luring the afternoon qualifying
Loken added that "now that trials, with a :46.02 and a 1:43.39.
we're number two we can try In the shorter race, Ken Wie-
harder." beck placed fifth for Michigan
Saturday's finals before 150 with Bill Groft taking eleventh.
people were, to say the least, an Wiebeck, O'Connor, and Salassa
anticlimax. There was a full day's took fifth, seventh and ninth, res-
schedule of the top eight finishers pectively, in the 200.
of the previous day vying for in- Spartans Grab Another
dividual titles. Michigan State took one other
But in the case of the Wolver- first, in the 400-yard freestyle re-
ines, there was no real motiva- Lay. In this race, Spartans Walsh,
tion. Gary Langley, Don Rauch and
Loken's first words were "we've Dilley set a conference record of
now recovered from the first 3:08.68, to erase the mark set by
shock," but it wasn't entirely true. Michigan last year. The Wolver-
Only Dave Jacobs distinguished ines finished second.
himself, winning the trampoline Indiana won the other two' team
and placing second in the free events. In the meet's finale, the
exercise. 800-yard freestyle relay, Bill Ut-
It was basically a day for gym- ley, Scott Cordin, Ken Webb, and
nasts taking pictures of gymnasts, Bob Windle, shattered every ex-
w ith no real pleasure. The m ost readyg ec d :The B ogsT e, a A ,
morbid event of. the day was re- ready held the Big Ten, NCAA,
corded when Indiana, which qual- and American marks with a 7:02.6
ifiedtwhen ndornthehfinalstiming last year, and they lowered
ifled two men for the finals, it to 7:01.12. Michigan again
watched in horror while one fell wudu eod
off the trampoline and the other wound up second..
fell off the rings. In all, the big three stood far
above the masses, taking five
Michigan State's all - around first places each, as ten confer-
champion Dave Thor had to ence and two national marks were
scratch in two events because of bettered in the meet. Michigan
injury. And Wayne Miller, instead led in placing 37 men in the fin-
of settling for an easy second als, while Indiana placed 35 and
place on the tramp, piled all sorts State 30.,These same three teamĀ§
of difficult maneuvers into his promise to be among the con-
routine and was rewarded with tenders in the NCAA meet to be
fourth place. held in East Lansing for three
It was that kind of day. days starting March 23.


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came up with a 9.25 to put the
free-ex men at 27.85, even toppgin
the trampoline score.
Meanwhile, I11i n o i s couldn't
come within a point of Michigan
on two of the three events and
Iowa had taken a 24.70 on the
tramp, so the Wolverines had a
107.975, to lead the Hawkeyes who
were in second place with a
A half-hour break was called to
set up the high bar, rings, and
parallel bars, and although Mich-
igan seemed to keep cool during
the break-the Fullers were say-
ing "keep the machine going" and
Jacobs and Miller spent 80 per

cent f the time exhorting their
teammates on-it was a different
team that took the floor for Coach
Newt Loken when action resumed.
The momentum was gone.
Michigan survived the high bar
as Mike Sasich gained a 9.15 and
the team a respectable 26.7 to keep
Michigan in the running.
Then, it was all over.
The most important thing about
the last two events for Michigan
after the obvious fact that every
routine was not well received by
the judges, was the seeming lack
of any reason for the low scores.
Normally, very verbose, Loken
quietly admitted he did not know


1. Indiana
3. Michigan State
4. Minnesota
5. Wisconsin
6. Ohio State
7. Illinois
8. Purdue
9. Northwestern
10. Iou




I M- I mm nlin








in passages from his best-selling book




on an LP record

priced at












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