M' Cage rs...o Skaters... .Prepare for Big W I
As with everything else, the
Greeks had a word for it. "Sopho-
more" was the word derived from
two separate t e r m s, "sophs,"
meaning wise and "more," foolish.
The two foes in this Saturday's
Cobo Hall basketball match, Mich-
igan and Wisconsin seem to have
taken this dichotomy to heart.
The Badgers, with a 6-4 confer-
ence record, have very "wisely"
Big Ten Standings
used their reservoir of sophomores,
including Chuck Nagle, who re-
cently established an all-time Wis-
consin soph scoring mark.
As evidenced by their two wins
in 11 big tries, the equally-soph-
studded Wolverine crew has adopt-
ed the latter half of the term
"sopho-more." With the help of
some highly "moro" ballplaying
("foolish" sounds too heartless),
the cagers have found themselves
in the Big Ten basement, a far
cry from their attic-dwelling habit
of recent years.
The juvenile Dairyland five,
well-manned with the help of
three sophs and no seniors, have
staged a deafening resurgence of
late, with four consecutive Big
Ten victories, only to be silenced
by a 91-82 loss to Northwestern
last night, in which Jim Johnson
and Nagle procured 18 and 17x
points, respectively.- '
Last Week1
Center JimsJohnson, forwardt
Chuck Nagle, both 6'5", and 6'2"
Michigan travels to Minnesota for a two-game hockey series
this weekend and the mythical Big Ten title is at stake.
Acknowledged in many quarters as the "dirtiest team in the
league," the Gophers did nothing to dispel the myth during their
visit to Ann Arbor in January. As Gophers marched to the
penalty box, Michigan buried them 10-5 and burned them 5-4.
Minnesota has continued undaunted, however, keeping
a tight hold on the WCHA's cellar and getting an even tighter
told on the league's penalty race. They have relaxed a bit
from their early season pace of 20 minutes per game, but they
lead their nearest competitor by 70 penalty minutes.
Easy pickings? Maybe for the referees.
Michigan coach Al Renfrew does a double take when he
hears Minneapolis. "They're mighty tough in their own rink.
They get more than the usual home advantage there."
Minnesota has the largest collegiate ice rink--it holds
"7,654" rabid hockey fans-and they regularly fill it.
guard Tom Mitchell, all still boy- with two antiquated old fogies:
ish sophomores, spread their baby juniors Tom Mitchell, a guard,
powder all over the court last week and, at a dehydrated 165 pounds,
in slipping up Michigan State and Joe Franklin. As one of the only
Northwestern, the latter by a rec- two non-sophomores insthe start-
ord Badger score of 110-94, ing lineup, Franklin is a living
The Daryland five is filled out testimonial to the senior citizens
_ - ------ of America. His still lithe 6-4
the Big Ten rebounding lead with has earned any semblance of a thusiasm of their sophomores.
an average of 14.4 snares per starting berth. The scampering Michigan will attempt on Satur-'
game.j Kenny Maxey, void of all baby fat' day to regain prestige in the Big
Soph Potential but full of youthful vigor, and for- Ten, personal pridetand specifical-
Not to be outdone by Wisconsin wards Dennis Stewart and Bob ly, a win against the team that
the Wolverine court cut-ups have Sullivan, tall for their age, fill out beat them 98-90 the last time
staffed themselves to overflowing the roster of Michigan's Teeny around.
with sophomore potential. Unfor- Bppers of the Court. The game, which will be shown
tunately, they have yet to produce; The elders of the team are Jim on television's "Big Ten Game of
and only one, Dave McClellan Pitts, Dennis Bankey, and the athe Week" Saturday. will take
' star of Monday's Indiana gameI place at 4 p.m. in Detroit's Cobo
:lisiliistimi:.V.: *:I *:: .... . .i~ ..o stately Craig Dill. Hall. This location is a result of,
With the aid of these Three Michigan's Sesquicentennial at
B illb oWise Men, and the youthful en- Cobo, at which President Johnson
'5 oarS
will speak as part of the day-long
program. Many tickets are still
avnilable for Saturday's hoop duel.
For the Wolverine cagers, now
swarming in the morgue of the
Big Ten, one can only think of an
old expression which would be
quite ironic in this case: "The liv-
ing need charity more than the
dead.' When the seemingly dying
Wolverines meet the much-alive
diaper-age Badgers this weekend,
the dead might start looking for
charity themselves.
W L Pet.
Indiana 8 3 .727
Michigan State 7 4 .636
Northwestern 7 4 .636
Wisconsin 6 5 .545
Iowa 6 5 .545
Purdue 6 5 .545
Illinois 5 6 .454
Ohio State 5 7 .417
Minnesota 4 8 .333
MICHIGAN 2 9 .182
. H Yesterday's Results
Northwestern 91, Wisconsin 82
The Dekers wil sponsor a bus
Michigan-Michigan State WCHA
trip to East Lansing for the
playoff game on Thursday,
March 9. The total cost of the
trip, $5, includes a roundtrip
bus ticket and a reserved seat
'for the game. The bus departs
. from the Coliseum at 6:00 and
returns immediately following
the game. All interested persons
thoke contact the Coliseum's
ticket office or skate shop.
Herman Happy When 'M' Wins
frame has leaped the junior into
It's said that sharing one's privi-
leges if there is an equal division
of responsibilities and duties i
fine. Somehow, though, when the
question is moved into an athletic
context, the maxim does not hold.
Take Harold Herman as an ex-
Herman, junior goalie on the
Michigan hockey team, arrived on
the squad last winter faced with
the unseemly prospect of unseat-
ing returning starter Greg Page.
After alternating net time with
Page for the early stages of the
year, Herman managed to emerge
as number one man for Coach Al
Renfrew for the bulk of the sea-
This year, the situation was re-
versed, with the aura of sophomore
Jimmy Keough, gliding into pre-
season practices with the reputa-
tion as one of the top frosh goalies
in recent Michigan history, loom-
ing in front of Herman's plans for
the season.
Like Last Year
"In the beginning of the year,
everybody was coming up to me
and saying that they had heard
about Jimmy. Of course I thought
about the similar situation last
year, but I guess I just pledged to
work harder," Herman attests.
"It's an amazing stimulus to know
that your job is up for grabs."
As it eventually was resolved,
Herman and Keough have been
employed in nightly alternation by
Coach Renfrew. "Of course I'd
rather be on the ice than watching
the game from the stands, but I
can't complain when we're win-
And perhaps this -statement
typifies the attitude that Harold
Herman takes toward his hoc-
key. It's not individual glory that
he's playing for-Harold Herman
wants to win.
Team Effort
He likes to talk about what the
team has, not what's missing. "A
lot of people worried when (All-
American) Mel Wakabayashi grad-
uated in December," he says, re-
ferring to the mid-year departure
of the Michigan center who had
sparked the team to ten straight
victories early this season, "but
now we don't find ourselves rely-
ing on one player like we used
to. Now its entirely a team effort."
Herman, a short, stocky, phys-ed
major who looks eventually to a
career in business, doesn't refrain
from spreading the credit for the
numerous good performances he
and Keough have produced to the
shoulders of his defense. "I doubt
if there's a better defense in the .
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Harold Herman in the Crease
WCHA," he claims. "The guys we
have in front of the goal this year
are far better than what we had
last year, and we did fine with
Continually, his phrases are in
collective, rather than individual
terms. His sentences are spiced
with "we," with "the team," with
other plurals that denote group
action. And he also manages to
survey the team analytically from
his vantage point behind the
"When you're in the goal, you
can tell exactly how things are
going out on the ice. Each goal
scored, each check a player em-
ploys, all actions are seen by the
goalie. And it's easy to see why
we're doing well this year. The
guys are skating hard."
Herman's attitudes toward tend-
ing goal are, too, reflected in his
use of the "team context." In no
way does he ever stress individuals
when talking about opponents,
about the WCHA race, or about
how he plays various opponents.
Whole Team Counts
"A goalie can't afford to say
'here comes so-and-so' when he's
on the ice." Herman explains that
"this is the easiest way to psyche
out, to blow your cool. When you
play a team, you've got to think
about the whole team, not just
one or two players."
He points to the NCAA tourna-
ment threat currently being forged
at Michigan State now that the
conference race has been won by
North Dakota. Recalling last year's
MSU victory in national competi-
tion after their second-division
finish in the conference, Herman
notes the two-game series that
the Spartans swept three weekends
ago as a sign of their improving
No Pressure
"They're playing entirely with-'
out pressure; and they can look
toward conditioning for the play-
offs without the tension of the'
conference race," Herman says,'
perhaps with an irked tone in his
voice. It's a tone that might tell!
you that boy, if they beat us in
the tournament, there'll be hell to
Herman talks about the advant-
ages of playing at home (It's nice
to have the crowd on your side"),
the disadvantage of playing in the
"Icebox' at North Dakota ("The
league shouldn't allow conditions
like that"), and the sheer enjoy-
ment he gets out of hockey-a
sport where he realizes his chance
of making it to the pro leagues
is slim, his chances for a decent
contract should be happen to make
it even slimmer, and the realiza -f
tion that when his three years
are up at Michigan, he'll most
likely be through in the game.,
But, despite his raw enthusiasm,
he'd like to see something concrete
come out of it nevertheless-and
he feels that the Wolverines'
chances at this year's playoffs in
Syracuse as a chance for that
"You got to admit it would be
great," is how he says it.
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