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March 01, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-01

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Senate Committee
Consular Treaty t


Would Install
Senate To Vote Within
2 Weeks; Favorable
Outcome Foreseen
WASHINGTON (P)--A consular
treaty with the Soviet Union that
some say may influence the war
in Vietnam won approval Tuesday
by the Senate Foreign Relations
In a 15-4 vote, the committee
sent the controversial pact to the
Senate floor for consideration'
within a week or two.
Opponents such as Sen. Karl E.
Mundt, (R-SD), say the treaty'
may prolong the war by resulting
in increased trade with the Soviet
Union which furnishes weapons to,
North Vietnam. He said he will
continue to fight against the bill
on the Senate floor.
But committee Chairman J: W.
Fulbright said after Tuesday's vote
that "it could be argued that the
treaty might'bring an end to the
The treaty, said the Arkansas
Democrat, who opposes the way
the United States is handling the
war, "is a symbol of these two
countries, the United States and
Soviet Union, being able to make
an agreement."
Forward Step
Fuibright said it owuld make "re-
latively minor changes in the
status quo" but is a "step for-
ward" in relationships between
what he termed "the two super
Last year, the committee ap-
proved the treaty but it never
came to a Senate vote
Majority Leader Mike Mans-
field D-Mont), said he hopes to
call up the treaty for Senate ac-
tion as soon as the $4.5 billion
military authorization bill for
Vietnam and congressional reor-
ganization measures are acted
Mansfield said the support of
Hickenlooper and Minority Leader
Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill), "was
heartening." Dirksen first indi-
cated he might oppose it.
GOP Enthusiastic
Dirksen predicted later that Re-
publicans will give "quite substan-
tial" backing to the treaty. He told
a news conference that he had
outlined at a closed session of the
GOP policy committee "Various
misconceptions" he said had
grown up around the treaty. He
said he received vigorous applause
for his remarks
The treaty, Mansfield said, has
become "sort of a symbol" for the
administration's efforts to build
bridges between the East and the
Sen. Thruston B. Morton, (R-
Ky)-not a member of the com-
mittee-predicted that more than
the required two-thirds majority
of the 100 senators will vote for
ratification. A canvass of Repub-
licans, he said, shows 26 expect
to vote in favor, five against and
leaves five undecided.
The treaty would establish rules
under which consulates could be
operated in the two countries. It
would require notification within
three days if an American was ar-
rested in the Soviet Union and ac-
cess to the arrested persons with-
in four days.
It also would give diplomatic
immunity to arrest of consular of-
ficials on all charges, including
murder and espionage. No other

consular treaty contains that
Opponents of the treaty say the
diplomatic immunity clause would
facilitate Communist espionage
The United States and the So-
viet Union have had no reciprocal
consulates since 1948

Negroes Protest Monday
Killing of Rights Leader)

NATCHEZ, Miss. (P) - Negro
leader Charles Evers told his fol-
lowers Tuesday they "must teach
our officials here a lesson" as a
result of the bombing death of
Wharlest Jackson, a former offi-
cial of the National Association
for the Advancement of Colored
People who died Monday night
when his truck was blown apart.
Evers, Mississippi field secretary
for the NAACP, demanded arrests
and convictions in the case. He
scheduled protest marches for
Tuesday night and Wednesday,
and a one-day economic boycott
s In Jackson, Gov. Paul B. John-
sondescribed the crime as an "act
of savagery which stains the honor
of our state." Johnson said Mis-
sissippians "look with scorn and
contempt and disguest upon the
repulsive deeds of cowards who
hide in darkness to violate the
law of God and of all decent men."
A father of five, Jackson, 36,
was on his way home from work

at the Armstrong Tire and Rubber
curred. Police said a bomb appa-
Co. plant when' the explosion oc-
rently had been placed underneath
Jackson's truck.
In 1965, a similar explosion in
the parking lot of the Armstrong
plant severely injured George Met-
calfe, president of the Natchez
NAACP. Jackson was treasurer of
the organization until last month.
Evers, whose brother Medgar
was slain in a 1964 rights killing,
strongly criticized officials of the
Armstrong plant. He directed that
Tuesday night's protest march go
to the Armstrong plant.
"We're going to put ourselves in
front of all those Kluxers down
there and say, 'You killed our
brother,'" Evers told a rally at the
Beulah Baptist church. "We must
teach Armstrong a lesson. We
must teach otir officials here a
The Armstrong firm offered a'
$10,000 reward for information

leading to the arrest and convic-
tion of those responsible. This sup-
plements a $25,000 reward offered
by the city of Natchez, and pledges
of $1,000 from local businessmen.
MERIDIAN, Miss (P)-Eighteen
persons, including Neshoba Coun-
ty Sheriff Lawrence Rainey and
his chief deputy, Cecil Price, were
ari'ested Tuesday after being in-
dicted for conspiracy in the slay-
ings of civil rights workers Andrew
Goodman, Michael Schwerner and
Ronald Chaney near Phyladelphia,
Miss., in 1964.
.or 16 of them, including Ra-
iney and Price, it was the second
time they had been indicted in the
case. The first indictments were
The 18 men posted $5,000 bond
each and were released.
A 19th man indicted Monday by
a federal grand jury at Jackson
was not arrested here. He was
identified as James Edward Jor-
Among the arrested was Sam
Bowers Jr., identified by'the FBI
as the Imperial Wizard of the
White Knights of the Ku Klux
Klan. Bowers is under federal in-
dictment in another Mississippi
civil rights murder case
Price has been campaigning to
succeed the tobacco-chewing Rai-
ney as Neshoba sheriff in the
August primary election. Rainey
winds up a four-year term at the
end of the year and cannot suc-
ceed himself under law.
Murder is not a federal offense.
The State of Mississippi has never
taken any action in the Philadel-
phia slayings.

Chou Moves
Up in China
Power Fight
Mlaoists Struggle
Despite Increasing
Internal Problems
TOKYO (P)-The growing power
of Premier Chou En-lai in main-
land China led to speculation
Tuesday that he may eventually
emerge as the new heir to party
Chairman Mao Tse-tung.
Defense Minister Lin Piao,
Mao's current heir, has been mis-
sing from the news since last No-
vember and may be ill. His health
is known to be frail.
Possibly working for Chou was
an official New China News Agen-
cy announcement yesterday that
the months of March and April
will be crucial in the power strug-
gle between Mao and backers of
President Liu Shao-chi.
Red China watchers agreed that
if Mao believes the two months
will be decisive, he will have to
call on the vigorous Chou if Lin
is ailing. At 73, Mao needs a dedi-
cated and energetic lieutenant to
carry on the current Chinese
The question about Chou arose
after his order of intervention last
week to army units stationed in
Honan Province.
As premier, Chou does not have
the authority to give directions
to the 2.5-million-man army. This
is reserved to the supreme military
organ, the Military Affairs Com-
mission of the Communist Central
Commmittee, headed by Mao, or
the National Defense Council.
Chou is not listed as a member
of either.
The man who normally would
be calling the military shots is
Lin, senior vice chairman of both
It "now seems possible that be-
cause of Lin's long absence, Mao
has named Chou to the vice chair-
manship of the Military Affairs
Commission, possibly also to a
similar post in the National De-
fense Council. As such, he would
be empowered to issue orders to
the army.
Lin continues, however, to be
in Mao's good graces. Official pub-
lications repeatedly refer to him
as' Mao's "close comrade in arms."
Meanwhile, Shanghai's Munici-
pal Revolutionary Committee noted
that "the three months of Febru-
ary, March and April were the
crucial period of time for fulfill-
ment" of the task of rousing the
masses to "seize the party, admin-
istrative, financial and !cultural
power," the agency said.
The agency's hint that this ap-
plied to all China was reinforced
by a Peking wall poster reported I
by the newspaper in the Red Chi-
nese capital.
Yomiuri said Wang Li, Red Chi-
na's chief of propaganda, told a
meeting of students Feb. 14:
"Within three months from Febru-i
ary the struggle in the proletarian;
cultural revolution which has been,
waged for months in various pro-
vinces and cities is expected to

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-In a message
to Congress yesterday, PresidentI
Johnson asked for govermentally-
instituted programs to reduce cur-
rent health costs. Simultaneously,
Johnson proposed a $91 million
booster to speed development of a'
nuclear-powered space-rocket en-
He also called for action to pro-
mote the expansion of non-com-
mercial television and radio, in-
cluding educational programs in
Concerning his health proposals,
Johnson announced the Depart-
ment of Health, Education and
Welfare will hold a national con-
ference on medical costs "to dis-
cuss how we can lower the costs
of medical services without im-
pairing the quality."
The President noted that aver-
age hospital costs have more than
tripled since 1950 and that other
medical expenses have r i s e n
As part of the announcement
concerning the health cost prob-
lem, Johnson also recommended
enactment of a Public Television
Act of 1967, a measure that would
include the creation of a Corpora-
tion for Public Television and pro-
vide it with $9 million of first-
year funds.
"Today," Johnson said, "edu-
cational and other noncommercial
television is reaching only a frac-
tion of its potential audience-and
achieving only a fraction of its
potential worth."
The President added that a stu-
dy of an educational television'
network using communications
satellites should be one of the
corporation's first task.

Addressing Congress separately
on the question of the proposed
acceleration of the Rover program,
Johnson blasted the lack of flight
testing in the current program,
attributing this shortcoming to a
lack of funds.
The Rover project was the big
item in the package of three scien-
tific projects totaling $149.8 mil-
lion in the fiscal year starting
next July 1. The rest of the mo-
ney, $58.8 million after the rec-
ommended $91 milllon expendi-
tuyre on Rover, will be used to
develop two new research facilities
at the Los Alamos, NH., scientific
laboratory of the Atomic Energy
Among the listed expenditures
allocated to the Rover program
-$27.5 million for work on en-
gine systems, supervised by the
National Aeronautics and Space
-$22.5 million for design and

initial construction of testing fa-
cilities, principally at Jackass
Flats, Nevada.'
-$40 million to the AEC for
basic research projects involved
with Rover.
The program itself began as a
joint AEC-NASA venture in 1963-
64, with an initial budget of $183
Of the Rover engine itself, John-
son said: "This engine will sub-
stantially increase our nation's
space capabilities, and will give
our rockets and spacecraft im-
mensely increased power and ver-
The Rover-powered rocket would
be used in the future in man-
ned interplanetary travel. By vir-
tue of its nearly unlimited thrust
capabilities, the Rover would pro-
vide the necessary power to tra-
verse great interspace distances.
Congressional reaction to the
Rover statement seemed generally

Johnson Proposes New Plan
To Limit Rising Hospital Costs

Clark Resigns Court
As Son Joins Cabinet

WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson nominated Ramsey Clark
on Tuesday to be attorney general.
Clark's father, Justice Tom C.
Clark, said he will retire from the
Supreme Court.
The younger Clark has been ac-
ting attorney general since last
October when Nicholas Katzen-
bach resigned to become under-
secretary of state.

Viet Cong Blast U.S.
Presence in Vietnam

Hoffa's Bail Appeal Denied
Pending New Court Action

While serving on an acting basis
in the top Justice Department job,
Clark continued to fill his regular
job, that of deputy attorney gen-
The idea behind Justice Clark's
retirement would be to avoid con-
flicts with a Justice Department
headed by his son. Justice Clark
said he will step down from the
bench at the end of the current
term at the latest. He said in a
statement he will decide when= he
will retire after reviewing the
court's docket "for any possible
conflicts in cases that may 'arise
during the remainder of the term."
After this review, Clark said, "I
shall decide whether I should-
in order to avoid untimely incon-
veninence and delay to litigants
and the court-remain until the
end of the term, which is anti-
cipated to occur in June of 1967,
or retire upon Ramsey's becoming
the attorney general."
Johnson called newsmen into
his office Tuesday afternoon to
announce the new appointment

By The Associated Press
SAIGON-The Central Commit-
tee of the National Liberation
Front, the political arm of the Viet
Cong, charged that the United
States "is stepping up and ex-
tending its war of aggression, cre-
ating an extremely dangerous
situation in Indochina."
Broadcasting over North Viet-
nam's official news agency radio
station, the Viet Cong represent-
ative in Hanoi, Nguyen Van Thien,
reaffirmed the Viet Cong's stand
on their five point demands of
March 22, 1965. Van Thien said
that the Viet Cong plan to fight
until all U.S. troops are with with-
drawn from Vietnam.
B52 jet bombers staged a heavy
raid near Cambodia's frontier in
support of Operation Junction
City yesterday, while on the other
side of Viet Nam, U.S. Marines in
Operation Deckhouse 6 stabbed
again from the sea at their ene-
my's coastal holdings.
U.S. fighter-bombers struck on
both sides of the border amid of-
ficial silence here about develop-
ments in newly disclosed pressures
on North Vietnam-the long-range
artillery shelling, naval bombard-
ment and the aerial mining ofj
navigable streams.
Tass, the Soviet news agency,
declared, that the U.S. guided mis-
sle cruiser Canberra and four de-
stroyers shelled coastal areas Mon-

day, 80 miles south of Hanoi. The
dispatch from Hanon described
this as a pirate action.
In Saigon there was another of-
ficially sanctioned demonstration
against France, the former colo-
nial ruler of Indochina whose chief
of state Charles de Gaulle, now
regards neutrality as the solution
to Vietnamese problems.

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
PHOENIX, Ariz. -- Henry R.
Luce, cofounder of Time Inc., edi-
torial chairman for Time, Life,
Fortune and Sports Illustrated,
died yesterday at the age of 68.
The magazines have a combined
worldwide circulation of nearly 14
LONDON-Prime Minister Har-
old Wilson's Labor government
Tuesday. night survived a major
party revolt and won a 270-231
vote on its defense budget.
Defeat for the government on an
issue of this magnitude would have
meant automatic elections.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. -- Gov.
Ronald Reagan said yesterday he
intends to be a "favorite son"'
presidential candidate in 1,68, and
hopes this will keep other Repub-
lican contenders out of the Cali-
fornia primary election.
But the governor said he does
not expect to be the GOP candi-
date for the White House next
* * *
WASHINGTON - On the eve
of House action in the Rep. Adam
Clayton Powell case, separate
drives by the New York Democrat's
friends and critics threatened yes-
terday to upset carefully con-
structed censure proposals.

PORT HURON, Mich. (P)-Af
federal judge denied a request yes- i
terday that Teamsters Union Pres-;
ident James R Hof fa be allowed to
stay out of prison on bond while
his new trial motions are pending.
Judge Clifford O'Sullivan of the,
U.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appealsx
said he had consulted by telephone
with two other members of a1
three-judge panel before announ-'
cing the decision. The action
blunted one of the two latest legal
maneuvers in Hoffa's attempt to
escape jail on his conviction for
The U.S. Supreme Court turned
down on Monday Hoffa's requestI
that it review its decision not to
rehear his first appeal.
New trial motion filed in Chat-
tanooga yesterday claimed the
Hoffa defense battery has obtain-
ed "direct. evidence" that the
Justice Department used wiretap-
ping and eavesdropping during the
1964 trial. It was 24 pages long
and was accompanied by 20 af-
fidavits from persons who said
they were involved in or knew
about the wiretapping and eaves-
One of the new trial appeals
pending before the U.S 6th Circuit
Court of Appeals alleges improper

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conduct upon the part of the ju-
rors and the presiding judge. A
special federal grand jury, still in
session, was convened to invest-
igate them.
The other motion before the ap-
pellate court accues the govern-
ment of using an employe of a
Hoffa attorney to gain access to
legal defense plans.

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AAPRIL 22-23-24-25
Single Concert Ti ckets-
Counter Sale Begins Today
in arias from Eugen Onegin (Tchaikovsky); Katerina Ismailova (Shostakovich;
Aida (Verdi); Puccini's Manon Lescaut and La Boheme, "Clock" Symphony
(Haydn); and Concerto for Orchestra (Bartok).
SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 2:30
Dvorak Concerto. Vivaldi "Magnificat" with University Choral Union. VERON-
ICA TYLER, Soprano; and MILDRED MILLER, Contralto. Also, Choral Union
in world premiere of "The Martyr's Elegy" (Finney), with WALDIE ANDER-
SON, Tenor.
SUNDAY, APRIL 23, 8:30
EUGENE ORMANDY, Conductor. VAN CLIBURN, Pianist, in Brahms Con-
certo No. 2; "Haffner" Symphony (Mozart); New England Triptych (Schuman);
Suite No. 2 from "Daphnis and Chloe" (Ravel).
MONDAY, APRIL 24, 8:30
THOR JOHNSON, Conductor. Verdi "Manzoni" Requiem with University





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Showtimes: 7 & 9




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