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March 01, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-03-01

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Lit igantl


Northwest winds;

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXVII, No. 128










"The student-faculty ratio has
kept pace with enrollment in-
creases over the past few years,"
said. Allan F. Smith, vice-presi-
dent for student affairs yesterday,
"but a large number of adjust-
ments in departmental programs
will be necessary to maintain the
ratio this year."
Smith said a number of adjust-
ments must be made at all levels
if the University musti operate
within Gov. Romney's $62 million
request for next year. He said the
University has encountered, and

effectively handled, similar prob-
lems for the past ten years. Stu-
dent-faculty ratios have averaged
13-1 students to faculty.
"Last year for example," Smith
said, "even with the $7.7 million
discrepancy between what the gov-
ernor requested and our final ap-
propriation, we ended up fairly
well, with the kind of adjustments
we could make in our programs.
We managed to raise faculty sala-
ries an average of six per cent.
"But a larger discrepancy this
year," he warned, "will make it
much more difficult to make the
necessary adjustments and every-,

thing will feel a pinch." delete courses and sections cur- chairman, "we will have to cut a But department chairmen also He said that high salaries cur- compensations at the University as
University departments are fac- rently listed on the time schedule. number of classes currently sched- noted that repeated austerity rently being offered by some A or AA, with AA representing the
ing up to the problem of a "tight" This was attributed to increasing uled." The most feasible dele-mhighest salarlv.
budget for next year by making operating expenses and problems tions are already under study in measures place the University's schools are mainly the result ofhhet s r level.
currnt alay oferswel belw dive toWhether or not they can in-
plans for a general "belt tighten- encbuntered in obtaining new 'several departments. current salary offers well below drives to get a few key men in crease faculty salaries, or have
ing" in their programs, teachers for courses because of Even the five departments which offers being made by other schools their faculties. to close classes, most departments
Every one of 18 literary college lagging teaching salaries. feel they can make the necessary and private industry. Aging equip- "We are always a prime target plan to ease some budget strain
departments surveyed recently byo In the psychology department' adjustments without class dele- ment and lack of space was noted for such 'raiding,'" Smith noted, by strictly limiting enrollments in
The Daily noted that they will be for example, five or six new PhDs"but we are maintaining an ex- courses and closing them as sn
strained to meet all their project- are needed for next year. De-- tions voiced concern that they as a major hindrance to luring cellent faculty and our salaries as they reach a determined capa-
ed operating expenses next year. creased staff allocations and stiff will not be able to handle the the best professors. ( are thoroughly competitive over-' city.
Most hope to be able to maintain competition for professors threat- enrollment increase at the Uni- Smith said that added emphasis all." Planning with the present bud-
present programs, but no major en to make it impossible for the versity next fall. In most depart- will be given to equipment up He pointed to a survey made get, one department chairman said
increases in curriculum are plan- department to fill any of these keep and operations. He added reminded him of reading a mail
ned in any department. positions. ments, 10 or more new sections however, that teaching salaries last year by the America'n Asso- order catalogue there are so
Seven departments noted that "Because of this, noted Wil- are required to maintain the pres- will continue to remain a prime ciation- of University Professors, many things we need, but we just
they have already made plans to bert McKeachie, the department ent student-faculty ratio. concern. which rated the average overall won't have the money."


Sen. Hart, Mike Wallace

SU Polls
On Draft


R est s


To Keyi

Acting Managing Editor
The University's first major
ceremony of its Sesquicentennial
celebration will begin today with
the opening of Alumni Weekend
University President Harlan H.
Hatcher will welcome visiting
alumni tonight following a 7 p.m.
dinner in the Michigan Union.
Ballroom for which Peace Corps
Director Jack H. Vaughn will be
the keynote speaker. Following
the dinner the Men's Glee Club
and the University Band will en-
Tomorrow's program will begin
with a breakfast address by Prof.
Hazel M. Losh of the astronomy
department followed by a 10 a.m.
topic session on "The Right of
Free Expression" in Rackham
Lecture Hall. Prof. William Porter,
chairman of the journalism de-
partment, will preside at the ses-,
sion and alumni speakers will in-
clude playwright Arthur Miller,
TV commentator Mike Wallace,
and Esquire publisher Arnold
Prof. James Pollock of the po-
litical science department will
preside at the afternoon topic ses-
sion onJ"The Political Picture To-
day." Senator Philip A. Hart (D-
Mich) and Rep. Gerald H. Ford
(R-Mich), University alumni, will
Sportscaster Bill Fleming will
be the master of ceremonies at an
all sports athletic banquet where
some of the greats of the Univer-
sity's athletic history will be hon-
ored in an address "Where Is He
Now and What Is He Doing?"
The speaker at Friday's bi'eak-
fast will be J. Fred Lawton. The
morning's topic session in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall on "American
Enterprise-What Lies Ahead" will
have Dean Floyd A. Bond of the
business administration s c h o o l
presiding with Lynn Townsend,
chairman of the board for the
Chrysler Corp.; Donald C: Cook,
president of the American Electric
Power Co.; and H. Bruce Palmer,
president of the National Indus-
trial Conference Board speaking.
Another Friday morning topic
session will have Dean Francis Al-
len of the law school presiding over,
a discussion of "The Law and Pub-
lic Order" in the Rackham- Am-
phitheatre. Alumni speakers will
include Dr. Richard A. Wasser-
strom, dean of Tuskegee Institute's
college of arts and sciences; 'Rob-
ert Taylor, director f the Export-
Import Bank of Washington; and
Judge John R. Brown, U.S. Court
of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.
A review of Alumnae Council
~ achievements and a 50th anni-
versary awards ceremony will also

ote Alumni W eek ca State University held
i ~lu mnl*W eek a raft referendum yesterday poll-
ing student opinion on the subject.
The results are not expected to be
be held Friday morning. Mrs. League Ballroom with Charles W. known until tomorrow and will be
Robert S. McNamara will address Joiner, chairman of the Central sent to President Johnson.
a luncheon on "The Courage to Sesquicentennial Committee pre- The referendum was called in
Serve: A Responsibiilty of the siding Friday evening. The eve- response to. general interest in the
Educated Citizen" in the Michigan ning's entertainment will be ex- subject. It was not the result of
League Ballroom. cerpts from the original student any specific campaign. The ref-
The Friday afternoon topic ses- musical revue "Out of. Our Minds." erendum was designed to give
sion on "Michigan In Orbit" will A student panel will be present both the campus and the govern-
be presided over by Wilbur Nelson, at Saturday morning's breakfast ment an indication of student feel-
chairman of the astronautical en- and will be followed by a campus ing about the draft.
gineering department. Speakers "open-house." Alumni will then be It is doubted whether yester-
will be alumnus Joseph F. Shea, bussed to , Detroit to view the day's vote will have any effect
program manager, Apollo space- Michigan - Wisconsin basketball ion MSU's policy of compiling male
craft, and Gen. Edward H. White, game on regional television in ranks in class for submission to
father of the late astronaut and Cobo Hall Arena. local draft boards. It is thought
University alumnus Edward White. Registration for the weekend that if the vote were overwhelm-
A Sesquicentennial Awards Ban- will be held today in the lobby of ingly against ranking policy might
quet will be held in the Michigan the Michigan Union. be affected. There has been no
sentiment expressed at MSU to
___ ___bind the administration to the re-
sults of the poll.
The turnout was disappointing$
as only 4500 students voted.
asolLack of Publicity
The light vote was primarily
blamed on the lack of publicity
for the election. The referendum
wac called by Associated Students
of MSU (ASMSU) only ten days
ago and received little coverage in
the State News, the MSU paper.
___ -- According to ASMSU Vice Presi-
, l dent for Finance and Services,
John Jacobs, "The poor turnout
Late World News wasnot dueto lack of interest, but
By The Associated Press lack of information." In view of
the short notification for the ref-
JAKARTA, Indonesia-The army handed out rifles and erendum he continued, "In fact
machine guns to a semimilitary student group yesterday and told the turnout was better than I ex-
it to help defend Jakarta from infiltrators. pected, I thought no one would
Congress will meet March 7 to consider a resolution de- show up to vote."






manding that President Sukarno be dismissed.,
ROLF DIETRICH, regional head of the National Student
Association, yesterday charged the Wayne State University stu-
dent newspaper, the Daily Collegian, with "flagrant abuse of
editorial copy" by running as a news story an editorial feature
service saying that the NSA should be disbanded.
The Daily Collegian ran as a news story a feature distributed
by the Collegiate Press Service which originally appeared as an
editorial in The Daily.,.
completed its recommendation for disciplinary action in an in-
cident involving a fraternity pledge injured during "hell week
games" at Sigma Alpha Epsilon.
A source close to IFC revealed that the report asked that
the fraternity not be allowed to rush or participate in social
activities for three terms-
The former pledge, Joseph A. Bonus, Detroit junior, received
first, second and third degree burns to his neck and back during
a pledge relay race when a fraternity member apparently placed
an acid drenched towel on his neck.
* * -
THE COMMITTEE to Aid the Vietnamese will present its
case to the alumni during Sesquigras Weekend, soliciting dona-
tions and selling literature as is being done now in the Fishbowl.
Today is the third and final day of the present fund raising
d rip by the CmmitteeP The Committee is mannmgi the table

A vote of over 5.000 had been
hoped for by the sponsors of the
referendum. The vote in a typical
referendum at MSU varies be-
tween 6,000 and 9,000 of the Uni-
versity's 35,000 students.
Students were asked four mul-
tiple choice questions on how the
draft should operate, what ,infor-
mation MSU should release to lo-
cal boards, student deferments,
and exemptions for members of
the Peace Corps, VISTA, and the
National Teacher Corps. In addi-
tion they were asked to comment,
yes or.no, on a draft for women.
The referendum also focused on
how students are personally af-
fected by the draft. Students were
asked to respond yes or no to such
questions as "Has the present
draft law caused you to alter the
direction or timing of your career
plans?" and "Would you actively
suport a movement to alter the
present draft law?"

-Daily-Frank Wing
ARTHUR MILLER spoke yesterday before a packed audience in Rackham Lecture Hall. He crit-
icized and analysed contemporary American theatre, and answered questions from the audience.
Miller will be in Ann Arbor for three days.
Arthur Miller Ciiie
Con temporaryThea ire

Urges Free
'E 'Stickers
For Students
Approves SGC Slate
For Vice-Presidential
Advisory Committees
The Graduate Student Council
passed a resolution calling on Stu-
dent Government Council to re-
tain its ties with the National Stu-
dent Association "as long as NSA
divorces itself from the Central
Intelligence Agency" at its regular
meeting last night.
The Council also passed a res-
olution directing the Student Traf-
fic Advisory Board to recommend
to Richard L. Cutler, vice-president
for student affairs, that student
driving permits (E-stickers or M-
stickers) be made available with-
ot cost.
They went on to give final ap-
proval to the membership lists of
the new Vice-Presidential Advis-
ory Boards. The boards are now
1 officially effective and will begin
operation immediately after spring
break. The membership lists had
previously been approved by SGOC
In its final action of the eve-
ning, the Council endorsed Jerry
Dupont as a candidate for City
Council from the Second Ward.
This action was preceded by
speeches presented to the Council
by Dupont and his opponent, Doug-
las Clary.
Congratulates NSA
The NSA resolution congratu-
lated the student group for ad-
mitting to charges that itwas
partially financed by the CIA.
However, it went on to condemn
the former officers of the NSA
and similar organizations for ac-
cepting CIA aid. It also severely
criticized the CIA itself for insti-
gating the relationship.
Roger Leed, '67, who introduced
the resolution, is himself a former
employee of the NSA.
Leed stressed the damaging in-
fluence of this affair on the gov-
ernment itself. He said students
would not be able to retain faith
in their organizations as long as
they knew such actions were
going on.
The resolution Went on to call
on President Johnson and the
Congress to take whatever steps
are necessary to stop the "cynical
appropriation of students."
The resolution says that such
"covert activities are incompati-
ble with democratic government
and tend to undermine faith in
that government."
Student Driving Regulations
The Council explained that their
request touthe Student Traffic Ad-
visory Board was based on infor-
mation from the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs that the only pur-
pose for the registration fees is
the enforcement of the Student
Driving Regulations.
The recommendation suggests
that this cost could be defrayed
by fines collected from enforce-
ment of the regulations, sticker
replacement service charges, or
the large surplus that the office

By LISSA MATROSS hope for the future of the theatre,
according to Miller. However, "To
"It's easy to talk about the situ- my astonishment," he said, "when
ation of the theatre today-we the Center was being organized,
hardly have any theatre today, there was an unbelievable amount
claimed playwright Arthur Miller of hostility" towards it.
yesterday. ,,ry-

In Ann Arbor for Sesquicenten-'
nial activities, Miller presented an,
informal analysis of the contem-
porary American theatre before an1
overflow ,crowd in Rackham Audi-
"It's boring but true," Miller
said, "that we have shows in New

"The big Broadway producers
thought that actors would get
sucked into all sorts of stupid ar-
tistic stuff. There's no prestige in
this country in any activity' which
doesn't earn the title 'commer-
cial,'" he continued.
The actors were no different.

theatres! are built for real-estate
people, not for actors.
"Lincoln Center threatens to
remove the source of irritation.
The Center is looked on as 'some
sort of 'plot' and as a threat
against the complaint," he claimed.
Repertory Theatre
A repertory theatre like Lin-
coln Center would, Miller said, of-
fer the actor a great opportunity.
"But there is no agreement among
theatre people about what,should
be in a repertoire.. We're brain
washed by the commercial thea-
tre," he said.
Miller asserted that a "repertory
theatre must 'be a theatre that
loses money." He explained that
"the more successful the theatre
is, the more money it loses because
it must add more plays, actors and

The Michigan Daily will not
publish over spring break,
March 1-6. We will resume pub-
lication Tuesday, March 7. En-


York but we don't have any thea- i"A great many people make a
tre, spiritual living by complaining
"I strongly doubt whether a about the state of the arts," Miller
serious play-something more than said.
trivial-could survive a season. "The writers," he said, "say they
That old chestnut that a good play are so disturbed they can't even
will always come through is not write a good play. The actors
true anymore." whisper their words and say that

frv e yseyL
for the secor

;>a":'::':_v .


'Pigments of

The underground has final-
ly tunneled its way to Ann Ar-
bor. A shop that goes by the
name of Pigments of the Imag-
ination, selling mod fashions,
underground publications and
psychedelic accessories appear-
ed last week on Liberty Street,
The most interesting section
of the store is the psychedelic
room. In there one can dis-
cover aids to "loosen your mind,

Incense is
Packages of
cigarettes (or
might want to
ily available o
also choose fr
of water pi
water pipec
size of a foun
executive," M
The shop ha
S rnl r n %

l+VllfllfilbLvCC~. 111C V ~llu. '- b - ..-, 1o ..'t.ut________________________ _ ____ ______ _______
joy yourselves! I The Audience-
nd time this semester.hecux- te rblm^a-
--- --~ cording to Miller, is that "we can't
find an adience." "The audience IYS un B a
PSYCHEDELIC SHOP: anstays home," he said; "because a
student or teacher or just plain"
" e joker hasn't got $30 to spend to etains NSA Bonds
The IArrivesanarea the arts.'
pe with an allowance for playing By PAT O'DONOHUE posed of representatives from all
usually burning, way-outest clothes available in what I want in my shop, a anicd a mood for a good laugh r Associated Students of Michi- living units and was established by
rolling papers for Ann Arbor. "I buy them from place where people can relax musical comedy go to the theatre.gan State University (ASMSU) ASMSU last year as a means of
boutiques in Greenwich Village, and meet each other, have a But solutions to the poblem voted last night to continue its communications between the board
anything else you mainly," Miss Mahler said, "but good time." don't come as easily as a definitionnd
smok? ar rea- laffiliation with the National Stu- members and the students.
' smoke) are read- when I get more set up, I plan She plans to have tapes of of the problem itself. "It's easy to dent Association (NSA). Wednesday it voted 34-8 in fa-
n a table. One can to make a lot of them myself." slectronic music, d perhaps say you want a government sub- ASMSU also voted unanimously vor of having the board'reconsider
rom an assortment Sarah Mahler used to sell her to sell some "light sculptures" sidized theatre," Miller said. "If to extend an invitation to NSA its motion to reaffiliate with NSA.
s an assrtenta bSar Maherse to ell Fher to s ell ome "lighrsculp" there's future for theatre, that's to hold its Summer Congress at By a vote of 20-18 it also request-
pes. One special boutique items at the Fifth collapses tothe MSU. MSU has already expressed ed that ASMSU hold a All-
tain pen. "Fo the Dimension, a teenage nightclub low came in today who makes Miller pointed out two problems MnUnas alrady ehessed e th an
iss Mahler chuckl- here i Ann Arbor. That didn't earrings out of ping pong balls with government subsidies. "We imer meeting at MSU. The vote to Controversy
work out too well for me," she and I'm looking forward to see- aren't mature enough in this continue affiliation was 12-1. Controversy reportedly centered
as two other rooms said "It is the wrong crowd." ing them," she added. country to give money to a bunch The ASMSU board had earlier on whether it would be wise to re-
S .- ea_ nh.a ..An,-. in n mu54 wr'cncfi, "T'm intvredvre in what Ann f ofluntis lik artists generally + - n - e ammn ,i+1, ?uAi ., ,i a of


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