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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Budet Squeeze akes'U Tuition Hike mn
Daily News Analysis
University students may well be
paying higher tuition next year
unless there is a miracle in Lan-
While the administration. has
not yet formally requested an in-
crease and the Regents have not
yet taken any action, a hike in
student, tuition may be forced by
budget necessities.
The University had requested an
increase of $16:5 million in state
apropriations over the 1966-67
budget. In his budget proposal,
Gov. George Romney cut this in-
crease back to $4.2 million. Rom-
ney proposed an appropriation of
$62.2 million for 1967-68, up from
$58 million last year.
All of these figures lead into
the inevitable algebra of a tuition
increase. The University will ac-
cept 2,244 additional new students
next fall, up 6.2 per cent from this
year to bring total enrollment to
It will take, according to Uni-
versity estimates, $2.5 million just
to pay for additional faculty re-
quired to teach the extra students.
Other expenses raise the cost of
the 2,244-student enrollment in-
crease to $5.9 million.
In addition, the University has
included $626,535 in its budget
request merely to cover cost in-
flation in existing programs.
Clearly, Romney's $4.2 million in-
crease will not even serve to main-
tain existing programs.
To complicate the matter, high-
er education in the United States
has become a highly competitive
business. Competition is sharp be-
tween schools for top faculty
members. If the University were
to stand still in faculty salaries
next year it would be sliding back-
wards relative to other schools. In
recent years, the University has
slipped from the top ten in the
American Association of Univer-
sity Professors' ranking of faculty
compensation to 17th in 1965-66.
Additional factors serve to con-
found the University's financial
problems. One of .these is what the
budget request calls "technological
inflation." Even if non-salary
price-inflation is corrected for, the
the cost of educating a student
has risen rapidly in recent year.
The types of physical equipment
required in education have become
vastly more numerous and com-
plex, particularly in the physical
Undergraduates are using elec-
tron microscopes where, a few
years ago, light microscopes would
have sufficed. Students in almost
all fields are making use of com-
puters to an ever increasing extent.
As the University's budget re-,
quest states: "Yesteryear's $158
microscope must be replaced by
two instruments, together costing
$1,300, if we are to adequately
train tomorrow's physician to ac-
cept responsibility for human life."
These added expenses will not be
covered by the Governor's pro-
posed budget.E
The University's refusal to com-
ply with Michigan Public Act 124,
which requires the state architect
to approve plans for University
buildings has alienated many im-
portant legislators and has result-
ed in a virtual freeze in appropri-
ations for capital outlay projects.
The University regards, P.A. 124
as an infringement on its auto-
nomy. As a result, the University
has been forced to use student
fee revenues for the funding of
such projects as the graduate li-
brary and the new Administration len. The University has slipped tion to Romney's recommendation,
Building. from 14th to 17th since 1962-63 in therefore, appear quite bleak, Lan-
The University has now reached expenditure per students for books sing observers say. In fact, a high
a rather critical point in building and libraries. It seems unlikely University administrator fears
use saturation. New offices and that the University can make any that the final appropriation may
classrooms are desperately needed further cuts in these costs. actually be less than the Gov-
and very little seems to be forth- The discrepancy between the nernor's request.
coming from Lansing for this pur- University's needs and Romney's In addition, Romney has said
pose. 1967-68 budget proposal probably that he will not sign any budget
In past years, the University's cannot be met without some measures for fiscal 1967-68 unless
response to budget cuts~ has been source of additional outside funds, he is certain that revenues will
to cut back on non-academic sala- officials here said. cover the expenditures. Failure of
ries and non-salary expenses.! In the past two years, the Dem- the Legislature to pass Romney's
However, these costs have been ocratic-controlled State Legisla- tax reform program could result in
cut back about a far as they can ture has come to the aid of the further delays and cutbacks in the
go without serious disruption of University by adding a million or University's appropriation.
University functioning. The Uni- two onto the Governor's request. The only other apparent sourrce
versity is already facing a severe But this year, Republicans have of added revenue is an increase in
labor shortage as a result of the regained control of both houses student fees. Fees were last in-
low wages paid to non-academic and the legislation are clearly in creased in the summer of 1965
employes. = an austere mood. Furthermore, when in-state freshman-sopho-
In the past ten years, non- a number-of legislators have been more tuition was raised $34 a se-
salary expenditureoper student, ex- unhappy with student activities at mester and in-state junior-senior
pressed in 1957-58 dollars to con- the University. tuition was raised $19. The dif-
trol for inflation, has actually fal- Prospects for a legislative addi- 1 ferential between underclass and
upperclass fees was eliminated at
that time.
Out - of - state freshman-sopho-
more rates were also raised, by $50
a semester and upperclass rates
$20. both to $500. That student
fee hike caused a furor in the state
and eventually resulted in an in-
conclusive investigation of the
University's financial practices by
a committee of the State House
of Representatives.
Although administrators are re-
luctant to raise tuition again, one
administrator admitted that there
did not seem to be any alternative
source of funds.
Any tuition increase would have
to be large enough to fill the gap
between the final increase appro-
priated by the Legislature and the
$5.9 million minimum increase the
University needs to meet its com-
mittments for 1967-68 .
K uj~ £irl~igtiau ttiIg
THE REPORTED ACID burning at Michigan State University
of a pledge of Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity in pre-initiation
activities, is being investigated by the MSU Interfraternity Coun-
cil, the Associated Press reported..
Contents of the IFC report were not disclosed, pending a
study of the report and recommendations by the faculty commit-
tee on student affairs, meeting next Friday.
** *
CHRIS COHEN, president of the law school student body,
reported yesterday that a fellow law school student has been.
reclassified 1-A. He said that the student, from Louisville, Ky.,
appealed his reclassification but had his appeal rejected. Cohen
said this was the first time he heard of a fulltime student in good
standing in the law school having such an appeal rejected.
OVER 200 STUDENTS have been registered in SGC's voter
registration drive. All students who are not yet registered and
plan to vote in the Ann Arbor City Council elections must regis-
ter between now and March 6. Registration takes place weekdays
between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on the second floor of the City Hall
located at 100 Fifth Ave.
Student Government Council has strongly urged students to
register and vote. If any student has any difficulty in register-
ing he is requested to contact Mike Koeneke, '69, member of
SGC, at 663-0553.
A 300 STUDENT "KISS-IN" was staged recently at Oklahoma
University in protest of the University's PDA (public displays of
affection) regulations. Although many students considered the
demonstration ridiculous, most agreed that the University's
PDA rules were too strict. As one coed stated, "We should at least
be allowed to kiss our dates good-night." The demontration was
covered by television and radio stations as well as other news
THE U.S. COLLEGE POPULATION will increase four tines
as fast as the national population during the coming decade, the
U.S. Office of Education predicted yesterday. In its annual pro-
jection of school data, the Office forsees a 12 per cent rise in the
nation's popuation by 1975. College enrollment is expected to jump
49 per cent. The gain in college enrollment was attributed to the
higher birth rates in the lates 1940's and 1950's as well as to the
increasing proportion of students who go to college.
THE QUALITY OF FEDERAL appellate process is in jeopar-
dy, according to Prof. D. Carrington of the law school.
"The federal appellate courts are overcrowded and over-
worked," says Carrington, who is conducting a study of federal
circuit courts under a grant from the American Bar Association.
"Although Congress has this year created 10 additional
circuit judgeships," he said, "this is not enough to meet the
present demand for services. The workload has almost doubled
since 1960, largely because of a rather puzzling rise in the rate
of appeal."
THE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH has just published "The
Proceedings of the National Symposium on Quality Standards for
Natural Water." The 317-page book contains 35 scientific papers
on various aspects of the subject.
Cuter anning App
Counseling ServicesEI
Tour Student
Living Units^
'Appalling' Conditions
Noted in Inspection of
Off-Campus Housing
Stewart Gordon, Grad, of the
Student Housing Association, took
two candidates for city offices on
a tour of off-campus student
housing yesterday to "show the
different solutions taken to the
problem of obtaining local low-
cost housing."
Gordon went with John Feld-.
kamp, University housing director
and Republican candidate for city .: ,.
council from the third ward and 2
Edward Pierce, Democratic candi-
date for mayor, to look at "close
to the best housing available for
Pierce claimed that a number
of the rooms visited contained vio-
lations of the building code. He
said some of the sanitary and
safety conditions were "appal-
Feldkamp asserted that "the
University is doing everythingN
possible with available funds" to: Appointments to positions on th
ease the housing situation. Student Publications were (back
One house on the tour was an manager; George Junne, '68, phot
attic shared by four people. There '68, copy editor; Joanne Martind
was no heat, and mattresses on _
a bare floor served as beds. Plastic
sheeting draped across the ceil- SEEK NEW REVIE
ing to keep out the rain. There ________________
was no fire escape of any kind.
"It's not a pretty sight," com-'
mented Gordon.M
Pierce claimed after the tour
"the only solution for the time .
being is to clear out such places."
He added that he felt the final
solution to low-cost housing prob-'
lems would be more federally sub-
Gordon felt that the basic prob-
lem lies with a scarcity of houses By JIM HECK
available for student rental. He The United States Air Force
said that the "best solution" to' Academy has announced the resig-
this scarcity is small houses shared nation of 15 more cadets for
by about four persons and costing breakingtfc1 'sor cde
about $60 per man per month. braing the cadet's honor code.
The total number of resignations
However, he said that rent on is now 39 with the possibility that
these dwellings has been increas- 60 will have resigned before the
ing by from eight to ten per cent end of the inqury. Just two years
a year and that he had found in ago 109 cadets were dismissed
a study that $50 was about the from the Academy for similar
upper limit that most graduate activities.
students could afford for housing. The scandal this time concerns
Gordon claimed that besides the a relatively unimportant series of
few houses available to students, weekly exams. Cadets have been
the only other low cost housing passing information from exams
consists of various single rooms in early in the day to cadets taking
boarding houses. the same course later in the day.
----There has been no stealing or en-.
tering of officer's quarters as hap-
pened in 1965.
i n m ent o But the relatively minor offense
constitutes expulsion in the na-,
tion's third largest military aca-
demy. The cadet code says that
no cadet can "lie, steal, or cheat or
tolerate anyone among us who
does." -
Council Upholds
'Hatcher on Guild
Passes Resolution Viewing 'U' as
Main Source of Obscenity Control
The Ann Arbor City Council last night passed a resolu-
tion commending University President Harlan Hatcher and
the University's Board of Regents "'for a policy of opposing
obscenity without the use of censorship."
By a vote of nine to one, the resolution, submitted by
Councilmen .Paul Johnson and John Hathaway, was approved
- - -'--y -hv Councilw With an a.rVnd-
-Michael Bennett
e 1967-'68 Michigan Ensian announced by the Board in Control of
row), Bob Albertson, '68, design editor; Dan Reitman, '68, business
o editor; Chris Meyers, '68, copy editor; (front row) Kitty Johnson,
ale, '68, editor; and Sue Schultz, '69, managing editor.
ir Force Cadets
After Scandal
MSU Faculty
Letter Urges
Bomib Halt
Inidividuals' Sign
Plea for Viet Peace;
Similar to 'U'Petition;
By The Associated Press
EAST LANSING --- Some 440,
faculty members at Michigan
State University urged President
Johnson yesterday to declare an
unconditional halt of American
bombing in North Vietnam.
The letter to the President fol-
lowed a similar plea from 452
members of the Yale University
faculty and another from more
than 600 members of the Univer-
sity's faculty last week.
"World leaders of many nations
would lend more active support
to the search for a human and
realistic peace in Vietnam if our
Sn a t ion, without precondition,
stopped the bombing of the north
to underline our willingness to
negotiate for peace in that suffer-
ing land," said the letter from the
MSU group.
Thomas Greer, chairman of the
MSU humanities department, said
the faculty members wrote as in-
dividuals and not as representa-
tives of the faculty or of MSU.
Greer said signers included 21
department chairmen and asso-
ciate chairmen and 27 directors of
centers institutes, and programs.
There were signers from all 13 col-
leges of the university, he added.
Not all faculty members were
approached with the petitions,
Greer said, and the letter was sent
yesterday before all the petitions
were returned because, its spon-
sors felt, "time seemed crucial."
"Escalation plans seemed under
way," Greer said, adding that he
was speaking for himself.
Copies of the letter also went
to Secretary of State Dean Rusk,
Secretary of Defense Robert Mc-
Namara, Vice President Hubert
Humphrey and Secretary-General
U Thant of the United Nations.
f .Y V4V 1tL1, wSt*al
ment by Councilman Robert
The original wording commend-
ed Hatcher for his statement that,
"This University is not going off
on unbridled presentations of this
kind," with reference to "obscene
films." This comment was quoted
by Johnson and Hathaway, from
an Ann Arbor News article of ?~b.
Weeks' amendment was taken
from a Daily article of the same
date in its coverage of the Hatch-
er statements. The amendment was
attached directly to the first quote
and reworded the resolution to
read that Hatcher "is commend-
ed forhhis statement that,mThis
University is not going off on un-
bridled presentations of this kind'
(obscene films) ... and for prais-
ing the Cinema Guild as 'creative
and imaginative organization to
which the University is deeply
Councilman LeRoy Cappaert, the
only council member who did not
vote for the resolution, said that
there seemed to be some confusion
over which newspaper account to
believe. He stated, "One might
think that the two reporters had
gone to different meetings."
Not Strong Condemnation
The amendment was seen as an
attempt to soften the wording and
intent of the resolution which
might otherwise seemed like a
strong "condemnation" of the Cin-
ema Guild, in the words of sev-
eral councilmen.
Condemning a general "evolu-
tion of bad taste and decency ...
of vulgarity and an acceptance
of pornographic magazines," the
resolution stated the Council's
"unqualified support" for all ac-
tions which the University intends
to take on such matters, as the
:"leading educational institution
of the State of Michigan."
The resolution stated that, "All
citizens, whether in the University
community or elsewhere, should
be concerned and disturbed by the
evolution of an acceptance of por-
nography and obscenity."
Section Four of the resolution
was seen as giving the Council's
approval of Hatcher's recent ac-
tions to "bring about the neces-
sary corrections" to control the
"evolution of vulgarity."
proached Congress, demanding
that the code be modified.
Brig. General Robert M. McDer-
mott, dean of the faculty, told the
N.Y. Times he would "favor a
subtle modification of the code."
However, the vast majority of
cadets on the Falcon campus do
not want the code modified. They
feel it would be better to have
no code than to submit the honor
clause to deletion or modification.
Of the cadets dismissed so far,
7 of the 39 resigned because they
broke the honor clause. The "vio-
lators" of the honor code were not
directly involved in cheating, but
knew that it was happening.
In 1965 as many as 100 of the
109 may have been dismissed be-
cause they violated the honor
Civil Service Board Finds
Public Act 379 Unfeasible
An official of the Michigan Civil Department understands the com-
Vice President for Student Af-
fairs, Richard L. Cutler, is plan-
ning to, appoint an officer to co-
ordinate the University's counsel-
ing functions, which now operate
mainly through his office.
"I have felt the need," Cutler
explained, "for someone who has,
a doctorate in clinical or social.
psychology to work with all Uni-
versity agencies doing in-service
'"We have a great diversity of peo- facilities visible to the student and After the 1965 resignations a
ple and needs at the University," in determining what services to commission was established by the
he said. "Our many graduate and provide students. Secretary of the Air Force to in-
professional people have needs for The office at present works very vestigate the causes of the scan-
entirely different services then do closely with the Bureau of Psy- dal. The committee recommended
literary college freshmen." chological Services. At the highest 26 proposalswhich were initiated
The director, when appointed, level is the Mental Health Clinic in the Academy over a year ago.
would be in a position to structure in Health Service, employing three When asked why the commission
counseling and improve communi- full time psychiatrists and three was unable to prevent this repeat
cation between the various agen- neurologists, occurrence, information officer
cies, according to Mrs. Elizabeth Lieut. Col. Lawrence J. Tacker told
Davenport, who is now serving as The office prints the Guide to The Daily, "Well, I guess some'
Counseling" booklet and conducts
Assistant Director of the Student youngsters just take the easy way
Service Commission announced i
yesterday that the commission
could not comply with PA 379,
even though a governor's commit-'
tee last week recommended that
the University and the commis-
sion do so.
Frank Dewald, personnel direc-.
tor for the commission, said that
accepting the governor's advisory
committee on Public Employe Re-
lations "would require a consider-'
able change in thephilosophy of
our commission."
mittee's recommendations repre-
sent a responsible body of opin-
ion." He pointed out, however, that
complete or immediate acceptance
of PA 379 is not feasible because
"such matters are not quickly nor
easily resolved."
Groups Organise March on Lansing
Protesting State's Education Budget
Dewald's comment came after. By The Associated Press
nine days of silence from both the DETROIT-A March on Lansing
University and the commission. by parents and educators seeking
more money for Michigan educa-
The University has still not cam- +__l-+1.-,nr^OAn u
Gov. Romney's proposed $965
million for education in the 1967-
68 state budget, an increase of $70
million over 1966-67 expenditures,
hrnisrf..rric' f . . frm ,_d
200,000 citizens backing their
Several thousand petitions still
are being circulated in the state
in anPffr o t m a r en ger