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February 24, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-24

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VlA rr n M rrv

FRIDAY FEBRURY 24,11.1.-V li l- V Y1. F IU L~ Nl LANJl

viAUZ r K

e Adam Powell
U.S. Begins Most Massive 'Accused Of

Offensive of Vietnam War

House Committee
Recommends Fine,

45,000 Hit
North Troops
Near * Saigon
Over 10 % of All
American Viet Forces
Participate in Drive

m I

'eating, Censure
WASHINGTON (P) - A select
House committee accused Rep. Ad-
am Clayton Powell Thursday of
"gross misconduct" and recom-
mended that he be seated, censur-
ed and required to pay $40,000.
The $40,000 which would be de-
ducted from Powell's salary at the
rate of $1,0C> a month represents
two-thirds of the $60,000 which
Powell would draw during the next
two years as a member of the 90th
The money would be for funds
the comittee said Powell has
"wrongfully and willfully appro-
priated" over the past three years.
In a report signed by all nine
members, the committee also pro-
posed that the controversial New
Vn1 J npJnrr1t ha chnrn of Ii ic~Teetmtd250ui

UAW Workers Resume Jobs
After General Motors Strike
MANSFIELD. Ohio () - A quickly as possible," GM's Detroit structions from union headquar-
wildcat walkout that shut down headquarters said. ters to end the walkout which the
much of General Motor's auto out- With more than half of their company argued violated the un-
put ended yesterday, but its ef- union members employed by the ion contract. The company's view
fects will linger in idle plants and nation's largest carmaker iaid off was that no talks could be ar-
slowed production. Reuther and his board had threat- ranged on any grievances until
Rebellious workers who had re- ened to take over the Mansfield work resumed.
fused earlier orders to return to local to end the work stoppage. Hall said he felt he, Petty and
work agreed under pressure from The walkout grew out of a dis- 15 other men suspended by the
United Auto Workers President pute over sending of some work to company during the walkout would
Walter P. Reuther to go back to another GM plant. The interna- be returned to duty.
their jobs while a committee takes tional union agreed to help set Some union members indicated
up their complaints with manage- up meetings to discuss the local this would be a prime topic of
ment at GM's Fisher Body Divi- complaint. today's grievance session and
sion plant here. Frank Petty, chairman of the hinted they would walk out again
The end to the eight-day work local's shop committee, said the if their demands were not met,
stoppage came at an hour-long first session with management The company said 1,300 employ-
meeting of most of the 2,700 mem- was set for 10 a.m. today. es returned to duty on afternoon
bers of United Auto Workers Lo- "I am confident we can resolve shifts here yesterday and all 2,700
cal 549. Local President Robert our differences," said Hall, whose would be back at work by this
Hall explained the agreement men had defied telegraphed in- morning.
reached in a showdown Wednes- ~--
day night in Detroit with Reuther
and the UAW Executive Board. ,Johnson Lauds Amendme nt
Return to Work l

SAIGON (P)--About 45,000 U.S
troops and scores of jet bomber,
hammered yesterday against ligl
sniper fire in the Viet Cong's main
bailiwick, the jungled War Zone
C, in the most massive offensiv
of the Vietanam war.
More,, than 10 per cent of al
American servicemen in Vietnam
were directly committed to the
drive, centered 60 miles northwes
of Saigon and encompassings
250-square-mile area of Tay Nin
Province adjacent to neutralis
Cambodia's frontier.
Infantrymen deployed to form
a huge horseshoe-shaped trap,
which American nofficers hopeE
would catch the VietbCong's polit
ical leadership as well as hard
core military units that haye
ranged the area for 20 years.
The drive, called Operation
JunctiondCity, was launched in
secret before dawn Wednesday
with the first American combat
parachute jump since the Korean
War. The biggest previous offen-
sive in Vietnam was Operation
Cedar Falls, in which 30,000 Amer-
scans combed the Viet's Cong Tri-
angle north of Saigon in January
The full scope of the new op-
erration, the third in four month
within War Zone C. came to light
on a daythat also saw:
* Disclosure that more Amer-
ican and Communist troops wers
killed in combat last week than in
any week since the bloody battl
of dthe Ia Drang Valley, Nov. 14-20
1965. U.S. headquarters said 17
Americans and 2,029 of the enemy
were killed, compared to the rec-
ord for the 1965 period, 240 Amer-
icans and 2,262 Communists.
0 Returns of two U.S. soldiers
who the Viet Cong announced
were released Feb. 7. Reported in
fair condition though suffering
from malnutrition, Sgt. Sammie
W. Womack of Farmville, Va., and
Pfc. Charles Earle Crafts of North
Jay, Maine, showed up at an
American post 35 miles north of
Saigon. A spokesman said both
were taken immediately to a med-
ical facility for treatment.
*A report by U.S. headquarters
of a single-day record of 575 sor-
ties by American tactical bombers
over South Vietnain Wednesday,
including War Zone C strikes. The
previous high for such single com-
bat flights was 565 on Feb. 5.
Oather planes flew 79 missions over
North Vietnam. Pilots said they
destroyed three storage buildings
and set several fires at the Vinh
Yen ammunition depot, 80 miles
west of Hanoi. f

t{ >;::__:::>t .> Y ==4*meN reort will b takoesnofn i by The moetsmat is500un
entire 23 years of House seniority. bees at the meeting then
The committe's report will be -without a vote-to re
laid before the House next Wed- work. Several said the ret
nesday. If approved, it would re- W pressed confidence in oc
quire Powell to take the oath of ershidd
office by March 13 or else his seat General Motors said i
would be declared vacant, require some time to re
House Speaker John W. Mc&o: - normal operations becaw
mack, D-Mass., said the committee six-day lapse in the supply
report will be taken up by the components from this plan
Associated Press House next Wednesday, with de makes parts for 90 per
bate limited to one hour. GM's cars.
A SELECT HOUSE COMMITTEE yesterday recommended that Adam Powell be seated as a House The committee found that Pow- T
member but be censured for' gross misconduct. Among members of the committee at a news con- elmetcosiuonluafi- offs of 133,500 auto worke7
ference were, at the left, Rep. Arch Moore (D-W. Va), and Rep. Emmanel Celler (D-N.Y.) chairman. tions of age, citizenship, and in- GM plants around the sou;
- - -____habitancy in New York and there- "We are making everye
fore is entitled to the seat from reschedule production ai
JOH NSON SUPPORTS DECISION: which he has been barred since idled employes back to
_____________________________________________________Jan. 10, when the House voted 304 -____
h ite o 64to rquir himto sand / / + aside pending an investigation of ' G
Wht House Panel Enaorses i charges that he misused govern- ~K
ment travel funds.
o f The report said Powell's refusal 1F ea r14 ,A m ('i
CI i r;p mittee was "contemptuous and ~T.,- A ~ ~

n inem-.
turn to

On Presidential Succession


House study panel endorses the
C e n t r a 1 Intelligence Agency's
I much-criticized subsidizing of var-
ious private organizations, and
President Johnsonn agrees with
the group's findings.
. At Johnson's direction, the
White House made public Thurs-
day a preliminary report on a re-
view of this controversial facet of
s CIA operations. Press secretary
l George Christian emphasized that
rJohnson agrees with the interim
The report, submitted in letter
form and dated Wednesday, came
from Undersecretary of State Ni-
cholas Katzenbach, who is con-
rducting the review along with
i CIA Director Richard Helms, and
John W. Gardner, secretary of
health, education and welfare.
Defends CIA's Role
The CIA's role was defended on
two grounds:
" "It did not act on its own
initiative, but in accordance with
national policies established by
the National Security Council in
1952 through 1954."
* "The support provided by the
Central Intelligence Agency en-
abled many farsighted and cour-
ageous Americans to serve their
country in times of challenge and

danger to the United States and
the free world."
Katzenbach told Johnson he ex-
pects a final report, to include re-
commendations, will be realy ear-
ly next month.
Broader Study
His letter indicates the study
which he is heading, at Johnson's
direction, is somewhat broader
than had previously been announ-
ced. He spoke of "our inquiry into
the relations of government agen-
cies and private organizations op-
erating abroad."
Katzenbach last week said sim-
ply that the panel was looking into
the relations between the CIA and
the educational organizations.
Indispensible to Security
In his letter to Johnson, Katzen-
bach said the CIA "has been, and
continues to be, indispensible to
the security of this nation."
"It is vitally important that the
current controversy over its sup-
port of certain private organiza-
tions not be permitted to obscure
the value, or impede the effect-
iveness, of competent and dedi-
cated career officials serving this
country," he went on.
After saying the CIA began the
subsidies in accord with national
policies, Katzenbach said:
"Throughout, it acted with the
approval of senior interdepart-
mental review committees, includ-
ing the secretaries of state and
defense or their representatives.
These policies have, therefore,
been in effect under four presi-
The four: Harry S. Truman,
Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F.
Kennedy, and Johnson.
Executive Declines Comment
The White House still declines
to say whether Johnson had per-
sonal knowledge of the CIA's fi-
nancing of such groups as the
National Student Association prior
to a recent discussion of the situ-

ation by one of his


Douglass S. Cater, Jr.
It was learned that the CIA
matter was discussed with John-
son by guests at a reception for
Congress members Tuesday night.
Katzenbach was present and, it
was understood, Johnson asked
him at the time to submit a status
report on his inquiry.

was conduct unworthy of a mem-
Although all members signed the
report, a 'statement noted that
Rep. Claude Pepper, D-Fla., "feels
" strongly that Mr. Powell should
not be a member of the House,"
and that Rep. John Conyers. Jr.,
D-Mich., "believes that punish-
ment of Mr. Powell beyond severe
censure is improper."

Polls Hint India's Congress
Party Could Lose Majority


W. Ferrie's death created fi
terday among some peop
claimed to have informat
lating to Ferrie or Lee Har
wald in connection with th
sination of President J'
Ferrie, labeled by Dist. A'
Garrison as a prime inf
in his investigation of thei
nation, was found dead
Wednesday. A preliminary
sy report attributed deatl
brain hemorrhage. A coron
port yesterday ruled out
leaving suicide, natural ca
accidental death as possibi
Frightened into Silen
A woman who was about
The Associated Press deta
said related to Oswald's a(
in New - Orleans was frig
into silence. She warily gr
reporter at her home.
"You see that," she said,
ing attention to a snubno
caliber revolver placed onf
by chair. "I don't say ar
might happen to me. But
won't talk to you. I haver
more to say."
Another person on the pe
of the case, David Lewis,
station baggage clerk, drop:
of sight Wednesday night.
bors said the Lewis fami
suddenly left town.
Lewis had told newsmen r

l lend-' WASHINGTON(A - President of the Cabinet, and other high
Johnson hailed Thursday the end federal and state officials gather-
would r of 180 years of uncertainty over ed in the East Room for the sere-
ltul to how to keep the government tune- mora .y.
se of a tioning when the president h Je- Lawson Knotth administrator of
of body comes disabled, the General Services Administra-
t, which'; He spoke at a White House cere-. tion, the government's housekeep.-
'cent of.I mony in which he witnessed the iIng agency, certified that the re-
certification of the 25th Amend- quired three-fourths of the states
to lay- ment to the Constitution, estab- had ratified the amendment. 'Then
!rs in 57, lishing procedures for dealing with' Johnson signed the document as a
entry. j presidential disability and for fill- witness.
ffiort to ing a vacancy in the office of vice The amendment actually be-
nd get president. came part of the Constitution on
work as Leaders of Congress, members Feb. 10 when Nevada became the
-- -~~--*-------- --' 38th state to ratify it. But there
had to be the certification of this
1 , I j s act and Johnson made a big oc-
Seat Creates= casion out of it,prasig members
of Congress, leaders of bar associa-
I1~ u.tions, and all other individuals'
on W itnesses and organizations who helpers
steer the amendment through
Congress and the states.
David ed for the safety of his wife and "By this thoughtful amendment,
ear yes- four children because of his know- they have further perfected the
le who ledge of a possible conspiracy to oldest written Constitution in the
ion re- kill Kennedy. world," Johnson 'said.
"vey Os- However, Lewis appeared at the Johnson made a speech in
e assas- district attorney's office yesterday. J
ohn F. Before going into Garrison's of- which he said the amendment,
fice he said: "I am not worried dealing with presidential dis-
tty. Jim about myself, but I am about my ability and filling any vacancy in
ormant family. Maybe there has been .too the office of vice president, as-
assassi- much said about me already, but sures there will be no vacuum in
in bed they know my name and know national leadership in the future.
autop- what I look like and they know Johnson recalled that two pres-
;h to a where I work, so that's it." idents, James A. Garfield and
er's re- A former private investigator, Woodrow Wilson, were unable to
murder, Lewis claims to have known Os- carry out their duties for a con-
uses or wald, the man named by the War- siderable period of time, Garfield
lities. ren Commission as Kennedy's as- as a result of an assassin's bullet
ce sassin. and Wilson as a result of a stroke.
to give Coroner Nicholas Chetta ruled And he noted a historical fact
ails she out murder as a possible cause of -16 times the office of vice presi-
ctivities Ferrie's death. dent has been vacant.
ghtened "There is no evidence of any In each case, Johnson said,
eeted a violence," he said. "There is no there was controversy but the
:vidence of murder." Constitution provided no mecha-
direct- "The Orleans Parish coroner nism "for putting the vice presi-
sed .38 said the specific cause of death dent in the chief executive's emp-
a near- was an aneurysm-a small sacular ty chair while the president was
nything aneurysm of a cerebral artery. He disabled."
I Just said such aneurysms frequently "Once, perhaps. we could pay
nothing rupture, spilling blood into the the price of inaction." Johnson
brain. He likened this to the fail- said. "But in this crisis-ridden
riphery ure of an inner tube with a weak era there is no margin for delay,
a busEspot. no possible justification for a
ped out A large quantity of pills for vas- vacuum in national leadership.
Neigh- cular disease was found in Ferrie's And now at last, through the 25th
ly had apartment. But the coroner said Amendment, we have the means
even an overdose of these could of responding to these crises of
he fear- not cause an aneurysm. responsibility."

NEW DELHI, India ('P)-A bal-
lot box revolution was toppling
the ruling Congress party's hier-
archy and key Cabinet ministers
Thursday and sending the party
crashing to defeat in four states.
As returns from week-long elec-
tions poured in, Prime Minister
Indira Gandhi found she also had
lost Railways Minister S.K. Patil,
Finance Minister Sachindra Chau-
dhuri, and Industries Minister
Damodaram Sanjivayya. The de-
feat of two other Cabinet min-
isters was announced earlier.
With 96 of the 520 seats for Par-
liament decided, the Congress par-
ty had 60, the Hindu Jan Sangh
party 17, the Communists 9, the
rightist Swantantra party 4 and
independents 6. The Congress par-
ty held 361 of the 494 seats in the
last Parliament.
In addition, voters elected 3,560
assemblymen in the 17 states and
the Congress party had a little
more than 50 per cent of these
at the last count.
Congress party President Ku-
maraswami Kamaraj was defeated
for a state assembly seat in Ma-
dras State by P. Srinivasan, 28, a
student leader who wants to make
Hindi compulsory in Tamil-speak-,

,ing Madras. Hindi is the most
widely used language in India.
Also defeated were two other
party leaders, Secretary T. N. Ma-
naen and Treasurer Atulya Ghosh,
who failed to win Parliament con-
test in West Bangal.
Unexepected Strength
The Congress party is showing
unexpected strength in two or
three other sattes, where it had
been considered likely to run into
difficulty. But the key question is
the outcome of the Parliament
races and this will not become
clear at least until late Friday.
The Congress party had been
expected to lose 40 to 50 seats
but now speculation among Indian
newsmen and other observes is
whether a danger might not be
mounting that the party could fail
to win a majority.
The defeat of Kamaraj, 63, suc-
cessor in May to President Sarve-
palli Radhakrishnan was unex-
pected, and Ghosh was one of the
country's most powerful politi-
Emerging with easy victories
amid the Congress debacle were
Mrs. Gandhi, Home Minister Y.
B. Chavan,and Defense Minister
Swaran Singh.

World News Roundup

17th Annual'

CAPE KENNEDY, Fla.--Experts
steering America's man-to-the-
moon program yesterday assessed
what impact the Apollo I tragedy
would have on future flight sched-
ules, then left for Washington to
discuss their conclusions this
weekend with space agency head-
quarters and congressmen.
A public report may be made
this weekend or early next week,
sources said.
* * *
fice Department plans to ask Con-
gress to hike the third-class mail

rate by 30 per cent or more, it was
learned yesterday, thus bringing
bulk mail almost to a pay-its-own
basis for the first time.
HAMBURG, Germany-isaster
emergency crews, called into ac-
tion by siren and cannon fire sign-
als, fought early today against
flood tides from violent storms
sweeping northern Europe. The
violence of weather was described
in some places as the worst within
living memory.
Hours before dawn 11 persons
had been reported killed by the










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