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February 23, 1967 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-23

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QUESTIONS 250,000:
Educational Survey
Tests NewStudent's

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Dear student: Have you stopped'
going to church and started smok-
ing yet? Do you still consider the
University a realistic institution
that "builds poise?" In other
words, have you changed much
since you entered the University?
Last fall, the American Council
on Education surveyed over 250,-
000 freshmen at 307 colleges and
universities (including the Univer-
sity) td amass a wide range of in-
formation about the expectations,
backgrounds and habits of stu-
dents first entering college. The
freshmen filled out questionnaires
during orientation, shortly before
they began to discover what col-
lege is all about.
The freshmen entered college
with high hopes-84 per cent of
them expected college to build
poise. While this might be attrib-
uted to awe of sophisticated upper-
classmen, only 37 per cent of all
freshmen "felt lost when I came
here," although this figure rose to
44.5 per cent among those in pub-
lic universities.
Even fewer freshmen thought
they were treated "like number in
a book"-21.7 per cent. Here
again, the number was consider-
ably higher for public universities
at 40 per cent, while it was under
six per cent for private, four-year
The freshmen had some optimis-
tic opinions of the atmosphere of
their colleges. Only about two per
cent would call their institutions
"victorian" or "snobbish," while
over 60 per cent described them as
Men and women differed sharp-
ly on using the term "warm" to
describe the atmosphere of their
schools. While 64 per cent of all
the freshmen women (52.5 per
cent in public universities and
over 80 per cent in private denom-
inational institutions) used the
word warm for their schools, only
48.7 of the men (26.6 per cent in
technical institutions) did.
Only 34.6 of all freshmen
called their institutions intellec-
tual. While men and women in
each group of institutions were in
agreement, sharp differences arose
between institutions. For example,
while only 36 per cent of public
university freshmen called their
schools intellectual, the figure
reached 57.3 per cent in technical
institutions. Public two-year col-

'mentary-there the figure reached
16.7 per cent.
While only--30 per cent of the
freshmen in two-year publin col-
leges expected great pressures for
high grades, this figure went up
to 77 per cent in technical institu-
tions, and 51.6 per cent in public
The ACE survey also included
a section for students to report on
as past participation in everything
from "tried on clothes without
buying" to "called a teacher by
first name." While reactions
ranged from 70 per cent of the
freshmen voting in student elec-
tions and, attending church fre-
quently to 16 per cent for smoking
and 27.4 per cent for studying in
the library, it seems likely that
these figures have probebly been
reversed since then.
Thirty-seven per cent of the
women indicated there was at
least some chance they might
marry in college, while 73.5 felt
there was some chance they would
marry within one year after col-
legt. On the other hand, only 26
per cent of the men indicated they
might marry in college. Men in
technical schools gave an emphat-
ic "no" to marriage in college-
52.2 per cent said there was no
chance bf their marrying and 31.5
said very little chance. Students
in public institutions gave mar-
riage a greater chance.
Freshmen in all except techni-
cal schools showed marked simi-
larity in personnal objectives.
Non-technical school freshmen
groups felt wanting "to help oth-
ers in difficulty" was the most im-
portant personal objective. Tech-
nical students gave this a low
rating, while they felt it was bet-
ter to "be very well off financial-
ly," while everyone else gave this
a much lower rating.
Over 60 per cent of the fresh-
men felt they were outstanding in
understanding others. About the
same percentage also considered
themselves cheerful, driving to
achieve, and academically able.
The lowest responses were for ar-
tistic ability an'political liberal-
While the results of the survey
may not reveal very much about
the effect of college on students,
ACE plans to follow it up with a
survey to determine what happens
to these students by the time they
become seniors. They expect many

The Daily Offilcal Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and .by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
information call '#44-8429.
Day Calenda-

Open Seminar-"The Individual and and careers in Jewish community cen- rnamp. Program dir., bus., mgr., unit
"Faust," Joseph Blatt, music director; ters, YM & YWHA's. counselors and leader, nurse and wa-
His Religion: The Nature of Faith" Art Dept. of Western Illinois Univ., terfront staff.
(a psychological interpretation), Guild Macomb, III.-Art Tour Europe '67. Metropolitan Girl Scout Council,
House, 802 Monroe St., 7:30 p.m. Earn up to 6 undergrad credits or Camps Metamora & Holly-Waterfront
audit. July 26-Aug. 17. Florence, Ven- and counselors, bus, mgr., unit leaders,
Lecture: Prof. Donald Belcher. Cornell ice, Vienna, Munich, Paris, Amsterdam, nurse.
University, "Photo Interpretation in London. FEB. 28-
Land Evaluation and Planning," Thurs., State of Conn., Admin. Trainee Prog. National Music Camp, Interlochen,
Feb. 23, 8 p.m., Room 130 Business Ad- -BA's & MA's 64-67 grads. Written Mich.-9-5, Counselors, hotel desk clerk
ministration Bldg. exam given in Hartford, apply before and typist.
March 17. Test could be given here U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Sche-
Cinema Guild-Carl Dreyer's "Ordet" if enough interest merits it. Please nectady, N.Y.-Summer positions for Jr.
(The Word): Architecture Aud., 7 and contact Mrs. Davis, 764-7460, if interest- Sr. & Grads in Bus. Ad., Public Ad.,
9:05 p.m. ed, soon. Econ., Hist., Poll. Sci., Aectg., Law,
Chem., Engrg-CE/ChE/IE/ME/Metall. &
School of Music Opera - Gounod's POSITION OPENINGS: Nuclear Engig., Physics and Math. Ap-
Ralph Herbert. stapedirector: Lydiai plications due Feb. 28.

802 Monroe
Fri., Feb. 24, Noon Luncheon 25c
Professor James V. McConnell, M.H.R.I.
(Seies: Mass Communication)

Suh'eats, register Iv iu/c. stick i/h it!

Mendelssohn Theatre, 8 p.m.
General Notices

Center for Continuing Education of Time Schedule Spring, Spring-Sum-
Women Discussion - Deborah Oakley mer 1967: Fees listed in the Advance
and Virginia Stein: West Conference Classification Edition of the Spring-
Room, Rackham Bldg., 9 a.m. Summer Time Schedule are incorrect.
The printers inadvertently inserted pre-
Mental health Research Institute vious fees. Students should refer to the
Seminar - Herbert Simon, Graduate Fall Advance Classification Time Sched-
School of Administration, Carnegie In- ule for the correct fees.
stitute of Technology, "Human Pat-____
tern Detection: In the Stock Market, Regents' Meeting: March 17. Com-
in Music": 1057 MHRI, 3:45 p.m. munications forconsideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
Russian and East European Studies hands not later than March 2.
and Economics Lecture-Joseph Ber-
tiner, professor of economics, Brandeis Doctoral Examination for Gene Larry
University, The Management of In- Cottam, Biological Chemistry; thesis:
novation in the Soviet Economy": 101 "Catalytic Mechanism and Subunit
Economics Bldg., 4:10 p.m. Structure of Pyruvate Kinase," Thurs.,
Feb. 23, Room 5423 Medical Science
Bldg., 10 a.m. Chairman, Coon.!
Federation of Jewish Philanthropies
of N.Y.-Scholastic grants and tuition
USE OF THIS COLUMN FOR AN- for grad work in Social Group Work
NOUNCEMENTS is available to officially - -

Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis. -
Pckg. Engr.-shipping engr. BA/MA in
[E plus 0-10 yrs. exper. Process Engr.,
BA/MA in ME, 0-5 yrs. exper.
Hamtramck Civil Service, Detroit -
Civil Engr., CE degree, not registered.
Librarian III, 2 openings, eligible for
Vert. by State Lib. Board, reference
dept. and children's dept.
Local Office-Office Mgr., full time.
woman, supervise 6 part time people.
Local Research Office-Young person,
BS Biol.aor Chem. degree for Lab
Technician, lab analyses and work
with biol. samples.
Internal Revenue Service, Detroit -
Tax Technician, 16 openings throughout
Mich. Trng. classes start April 1, any
degree, pref, Bus. Ad. or Econ. FSEE
required. 6 ns. study and on the job
trng. GS-5 position.
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
FEB. 24-
Good Humor Co., Detroit-Driving ice
cream truck, outdoor work, good pay.
Camp Merrie Woode, Mich.-Girl Scout

Details and applications at 212 SAB,
lower level, - -
Q (English translation by Josef Blatt)
February 23 throuigh 26, 8 P.M.
Box Office opens February 20, 12:30 P.M.
Tickets 52.75.
Special rates for students on February 23 and 26.

recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
Engineering Council, Meeting, Thurs.,
Feb. 23, 7:30 p.m., Room 3529 SAB.
* *: *
Le Cercie Francais, Le Baratin-enjoy
a French, atmosphere, Thurs., Feb. 23,
3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg.
* .* *
Le Cercle Francais, Conference, Feb.
23. 8 p.m., 3050 Frieze Bldg. The gen-
eral counsel of France in Detroit will
speak on "French Foreign Politics." Lec-
ture in French-everybody welcome.
* * *
Folk Dance (WAA), Folk dance with
instruction open to everyone, Fri., Feb.
24, 8-11 p.m, Barbour Gym.

We are looking for a Writer-In-Residence for 1968.
If you have any suggestions please send them to
1528 SAB
1968 Writer-In-Residence Committee


lege freshmen were less compli- changes.
A §1
§ §r
J S §
{{ u.
,} l'k
SJust received ...'
SA ship ment of the number one loafer §
on every campus-WEEJUNS. §
I t is our fi rst suppiy in the new year§
S and so I urge you to come in and §
mnake your selection at an early date- §
§ Our stock won't last long.§
____ ___ ____ ___ ___§

MGM Verve Folkways Recordling Artist
8:00 p.m.

fri., sot., sun.

1.50 per person

330 Moynard




presents the
Sunday, Feb. 26, at 2:30
OVERTURE to "Euryanthe" ..................................... Weber
SYMPHONY No. 3 in D major...................................... Schubert
CONCERTO for Percussion & Orchestra................................Finney
SYMPHONY No. 10 in E Utinor........................Shostakovich

111 1

- ,- -I . 9 O-A ^ " t P ^ f % .^ A" .

i I

. Y.s

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