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February 23, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-23

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See editorial page


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.Gusty winds out of
the northwest

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


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U Faculty
Letter Urges ,n Mi]C1 gaI 1



Calls End to Air Raids
'Necessary Prelude'
To Early Negotiation
Over 600 members of the Uni-
versity academic staff have signed
aj letter calling for an end to the
United States bombing of North
The letter states: "In accord
with the considered judgment of
United Nation Secretary-General
U Thant that a cessation of U.S.
bombing of the North is a neces-
sary prelude to negotiation in
Vietnam, we urge you to announce
at the earliest possible moment
an unconditional halt to such
bombing raids."
Prof. William. Porter, - chairman
of the journalism department,
hopes that many other universi-
ties will follow suit, thereby pro-
viding accumulative pressure which
will influence President Johnson
and his advisors to limit the war
The signers included ten deans
and officers, sixteen department
chairmen, and the directors of
eight research centers and insti-.
tutes. According to Prof. Leslie
Kish of the sociology department
and one of the draftees of the let-
ter, "there was a wide range of
response with all department con-
c tributing."
However he said that the best
response was from the literary
college, and the highest academic
levels in all schools and in the
center most directly concerned
such as the Center for South and
Southeast Asian Studies.
Kish felt that the general re-
action to the letter was "spontan-
eous and enthusiastic." Favorable
comments ran in the hundreds
while altogether I heard of only
four negative responses," he said.
Trying to explain why so many
intellectuals participated in the
letter, Kish felt that "they prob-
ably believed that something wrong
was going on and that they want-
ed to express themselves as par-
ticipants in the academic commu-
nity. They want to go on record as
intellectuals that do not agree with
our present Vietnam policy."
Kish said that this was similar
to the attitudes and response of
the French intellectuals during the
Algerian war.
The University petition was
stimulated by a similar one signed
by 462 Yale faculty members sev-
eral weeks ago and a Michigan
State University letter calling for
a halt in the Vietnam bombing
that has collected between 400
and 500 signatures.
Necessary f
Lincoln Lynch, associate nation-
al director of the Congress of Ra-
cial Equality (CORE), spoke out
strongly last night in favor of
black power, saying that "black
Americans" should remain sepa-
rate from whites until they are

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Late World News
By The Associated Press
DETROIT-REBELLIOUS LEADERS of a striking Ohio local
last night agreed to return to work, ending thO threat of a lay-
off of all 240,000 General Motors auto workers.
ALL STUDENTS 21 and over who plan to vote in the Ann
Arbor City Council elections must register between now and
March 6. Registration takes place weekdays between 8 a.m. and
5 p.m. on the second floor of the City Hall located at "100 Fifth Ave.
Student Government Council has strongly urged students to
register and vote. If any student has difficulty in registering he
is requested to contact Mike Koeneke, '69, member of SGC, at

Doarti s ic-uon


Rapoport Is
To Hatcher
Tells Cooperrider
i 7 T 0 TT

'See Adverse


Goes" by Cole Porter go on sale today at the Lydia Mendelssohn 'Irresponsibility'
Theatre box office in the League. .
The musical, which combines shipboard romances with a By MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH
sophisticated game of cops and robbers, will appear March 8-11 at Editor
Mendelssohn. President Harlan Hatcher told1
the chairman of the Board in Con-
THE SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Graduate trol of Student Publications before
School will honor 53 students at their annual Honors Banquet Daily appointments that he con-
at the Michigan League tomorrow night. siders Roger Rapoport, '68, to be
Phi Chi Theta National Key award to the business adminis- "irresponsible" and an "unaccept-
tration coed who is considered most outstanding .in scholarship able candidate" for editor, a high
and eadrshi-Mis RolynBraean.University official said yesterday.
and leadership-Miss Roslyn Braeman. According to the official, Hatch-
Alpha Kappa Psi Award to the male senior with highest er privately informed the Regents
scholastic average-Robert M. Mitchell. and University vice-presidents of
Delta Sigma Pi Award to the master's 4iegree candidate with his meeting with Prof. Luke K.
highest scholastic average-Robert L. Sandelman. Cooperrider of the Law School last
* * * * Friday morning before the Re-
THE FIRST OF THREE PSYCHOLOGY symposia celebrating gents' monthly public meeting.
the University's Sesquicentennial will be held next Friday at There is no indication that
Cooperrider mentioned Hatcher's
The first symposium, "Scientific and Social Risks and Gains statement on Rapoport to any of
of Computer Technologies," will feature two major addresses and h irmanllofhBoard, Cooerrid-s
his fellow Board members. As
of Cmpuer echnloges, wil fetur tw maor adresesand chairman of the Board, Cooperrid-
discussion sessions'. , er does not vote at its meetings.
Prof. Herbert A. Simon of Carnegie Institute of Technology There is no indication that
will address the symposium on "The Limits of Human and Social Cooperrider has opposed Rapo-
Rationality: An Information Processing View." Simon is a leading port.
authority on mathematical models of behavior. Hatcher reportedly called Coop-
"Intellectual Interaction with and Through Information Net- errider and asked him to come to
works" will be the topic of an address by Dr. J. C. R. Licklider, the President's office.When they
visiting professor of psychology at the Massachusetts Institute told the Regents Friday, "I was
of Technology and a consultant for International Business Ma- not my usual sweet, lovable self.
chines Corp. I was very stern with him. Ia
* * * * told him that I consider Rapoport'
JOSEPH SHEA, manager of the Apollo spacecraft program irresponsible and unacceptable for
and University alumnus will be among the featured speakers in editor because he would continue
the Alumni Sesquicentennial Celebration. Shea will discuss the The Daily's present policies."
future of the Apollo program at 2:30 March 3 at Rackham. Then, according to the source,
Shea's presentation is planned to be a "forum for a public Vice-President for Student Affairs
Richard L. Cutler and Vice-Presi-
appraisal of Project Apollo." dent for University Relations
A posthumous presentation of a University Sesquicentennial Michael Radock, both members of
Award will be accepted for Edward H. White Jr. by his father, the Board in Control, spoke to,
Gen. Edward H. White. Astronaut White had been scheduled to the Regents.
speak at the session. Radock, Cutler Comment
All events of the Alumni Celebration, except luncheons and Radock and Cutler reportedly
dinners have been planned in Rackham and are open to the told the Regents that "we can
public without charge. Information on the conferences and meals influence enough votes on the
may be requested at the Sesquicentennial Information Desk in tion of Thec uaiy's proposed slte
the Union. of new senior editors with Rapo-
port at its head. Radock then readI
* off a tally indicating how hej
thought each Board member would
cialCall Equlityvote.
On Monday night the 12-mem-
ber Board voted 7-4 (Cooperrider,
y teg ationas chairman, has no vote) againstc
or FullI egra o the proposed slate of new senior
editors. It meets again this eve-
ning to consider a statement byt
noted that among the steps whites student body of over 30,000. An- the senior editors reaffirming their
could take within their own com- other question concerned the pos- recommendation of Rapoport
munity were "separation scholar- sible formation of a Negro political Hatcher could not be reachedf
ships" for poor Negroes seeking party, to which Lynch replied by for comment on the report lastr
higher education. He strongly con- saying that no such party was night. He 'is in Schenectady, N.Y., r
demned the University as a state necessary, and, that blacks should visiting the president of Union
institution which enrolls only one "address themselves to, and work College. Cooperrider declined com- s
per cent Negro students out of a with, both major parties." ment on the report

Effect on 'u,
Telegram Signed
By Leaders of Both
Houses, Parties
More than 35 state legislators
yesterday sent a telegram to Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
saying they were "appalled" by
the action of the Board in Control
of Student Publications in failing
to accept The Daily senior edi-
tors' recommendations for new
The telegram stated: "We are
all friends of the University who
have defended and fought for the
principles of academic freedom
and freedom of speech. We wish
to avoid seeing the University suf-
fer from adverse, publicity marring
a great tradition and a great Uni-
The telegram was initiated by
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) Its
signers included much of, the lead-
ership of both parties in both
the House of Representatives and
the 'Senate. Between 25 and 30
representatives signed the meas-
ure, including William Hampton of
Birmingham, the Republican floor
leader;. William Ryan of Detroit,
the Democratic floor leader, and
Oak Park Democrats Daniel Cpop-
er and Albert Kramer.
Nine senators signed the meas-
ure. They included Anthony
Stamm (R-Kalamazoo), Harold
V olk e m a (R-Holland), chair-
man of the Senate Education Com-
mittee; Basil Brown, Colman
Young, Arthur Cartwright, Roger
Craig and Arthur Hart, all De-
troit Democrats, and Sandor Levin,
of Berkley, the Democratic floor
He made it clear that the leg-
islators who signed the telegram
were acting as concerned individ-
uals and were not attempting to
use their legislative power to
"blackjack" the University.
Faxon said he spent much of
yesterday talking to people in
Lansing, including people in the
governor's and attorney general's
"Everyone thinks very highly of
Roger Rapoport," Faxon said. He
also said that many of' the people
he spoke to were very favorably
impressed by an editorial praising
Rapoport's qualifications and abil-
ities, which appeared in yesterday's
Detroit Free Press.

-Daily-Dou Horwitz
Senior officers of the University Activities Center for the coming year were appointed last' night
by Mrs. Anne Heller, chairman of the Michigan League Board of Governors, and Jay Zulauf, '67 s
present chairman of UAC. Named were: Donald Tucker, '68 president (seated); (from left) Dean
Cummins, '68 administrative vice-president; Walt Heiser, '68 coordinating vice-president; and Ros-
lyn Braeman, '68 executive vice-president.
SOC Pos tpones Moton
PraisingNA fort

By ROB BEATTIE place collective pressure on land-C
Student Government Council lords concerning rent and main-11
last night postponed action on a tenance problems. Funds for the I
motion in support of the United organization will be provided by 11
States National Student Associa- SHA.
tion's actions in severing ties with Vice President for Student Af-
the Central Intelligence Agency. fairs Richard Cutler asked SGC tos
The motion also supports NSA in consider establishing a committee
its efforts to become a "more in- to study Health Service. Cutler dis-
fluential representative of student cussed the movement of the cen-
needs and interests in national ter of the University population
policies." away from Central Campus, and
Members felt that the council suggested that the proposed com-
should withhold action until the mittee try to determine whether
full reaction to the Ramparts or not the Health Service is cap-
magazine article dealing with the able of meeting the students's
unds received by NSA from the present needs.
CIA can be considered. Concern SGC also approved the appoint-
was expressed over the interna- ments to the vice- presidential1
ional reaction to the situation advisory boards. Chairnien of the
ince this could affect future ac- boards are John Bishop, Grad,
eptince of NSA by international Student Affairs; William Sheehy,
tudent organizations. '69L, Academic Affairs; Hugh,
In discussion of the student Grove, '67BAd., chief financial of-"

Chief Financial Officer Wilbur K.
Pierpont are Mark Gingold, Grad;
Richard Heideman, '68; Martha
Kemnitz, '69; Michael Koeneke,
'69BAd., and Jeffrey Shopoff, '69L.
Members of the board for Re-
search are John Appel, Grad; Ed-
ward Bloomberg, Grad; Thomas
Koepsell, '68, and Scott Schrager,

completely equal with them.
A speaker in the University Ac-
tivities Center Symposium on the
Urban Ghetto, Lynch maintained .
that black power could not be {>'
achieved through integration, and
that integration could only come
after American whites had learned
to accept the Negro on a basis of x
perfect equality.
In response to a question, Lynch ,
'declared nonviolence to be "down 44
the drain" as a valid premise and
defended the use of violence where
neeeded for retaliatory purposes.
In frequent references to the
Vietnam war, he charged the
American whites with "national
immorality and corrosive ,corrup- :
tion on a grand scale." Lynch re-
ferred to whites as "perfidious"
and charged them with conducting
"psychological and physical gen- .
ocide" against blacks.
This is done in part, he said,
by asking Negro youth to fight
"another color war" in Vietnam
while their families are being de-
nied human rights at home. To
the inequalities of the draft as a :;.;t e
cause of oppression, Lynch added n ;
the drain of Negro economic re-
sources to support white areas and
the "psychological debasement".

Comment on Hatcher Talk
Some other University officials
offered comment on the Presi-
dent's remarks last Friday mor-
ning, however.
Contacted yesterday, Cutler
said President Hatcher "didn't
make that report (disclosed yes-
terday) in my presence." Asked if
Hatcher had made any mention of
Daily appointments, Radock said,
"I don't even remember. I was in
and out of the meeting quite a bit
to take long-distance phone calls."
Regent Paul Goebel of Grand
Rapids, said yesterday he "knew
the President has been in contact
with him (Cooperrider) about the
Daily," but said he had the im-,
pression that these contacts had
been limited to general discussion
of The Daily's performance rather
than appointments.
'In And Out'


rental union which is being form- ficer, and David Knoke, '69, Re-
ed, Tom Van Lente, chairman ofi search.
the Student Housing Association, Additional members of the
a committee of SGC, told the boards for Student Affairs are
council that the union would oper- Richard Ayers, '69; Charles Barn-
ate as a committee of his associa- hill, '68L; Roger McCarthy, '70,
tion. The goals of the union were and George Vance, Grad.
presented to the council by two Members of the board for Aca-
leaders of the organization, Jos- demic Affairs are Bob Hatcher,
hua Barlev, '67, and Richard Grad; Lew Paper, '68; Jennifer
Firestone, '70. Rhea, '69; Regina Rogoff, '70,
The union hopes to act as an and Mark Warshaw, '69.
instrument whereby students can Members of the board for the

(( l

MSU Student sVote~
To Join *NSA Again
By CAROLYN MIEGEL . other time-the National Student
The Student Board of the As- Association needs to be supported."
sociated Students of Michigan The resolution to reaffijiate,
State University have voted to made Tuesday, left the questions
resume affiliation with the Na- of national and international af-
tional Student Association. fairs to other members of NSA,
The MSU student organization stating that MSU delegates to
broke ties with NSA 16 months ago NSA would refuse to vote on ques-
because the MSU representatives tions "that do not affect students
felt they "should not have been in their role as students."
we did not have any official feel- 'Publicity Stunt'
ings," according to Student Board Jim Sink, '67, one of two stu-
voting on foreign affairs because dent board members that 'voted
President Jim Graham, '67, against the affiliation proposal,
Graham, announcing the re- called the resolution a "publicity
affiliation with NSA said, "We feel stunt."
that at this time-more than any "I believe that many council
members, voted for reaffiliation
because it will bolster the prestige
of NSA," Sink said, "and I don't
think the student government
ashould lower itself to this point."
to Speaking of the status of NSA
since its financial link with the
heady are registered for the draft Central Intelligence Agency was
and those who will register in the discovered, Rolf Dietrich, regional
future. Both class rank and a stu- chairman of NSA, said that any
dent's score onsthe national Se- moves by various campus govern-
lective Service test can be used by ments would "come from the left
- ,,.... A-+ D~ -A y AM~i~r wn


Goebel added that he had been
"in and out" of the meeting and
thus might not have heard all the H efuse
remarks about The Daily which

To Send Class Ra

were made.y
However. Hatcher did express several days in a massive protestt
some concern about appointments CHICAGO - The president of sit-in.
to the Regents, Goebel said, Ac- the University of Chicago said$ Beadle said that under the new ,
cording to Goebel, Hatcher said yesterday the university no longer policy class-rank lists will con-
that the list of proposed new wil roide thes elective Servij I tinue to be compiled for the entire1


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