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February 22, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-22

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See editorial page


Partly cloudy;
snow flurries

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom




'U' ousing

Fees As Costs


By URBAN LEHNER the, country with dorm rates cur -
. . rentiy below that of the University
University housing officials are have indicated no plans for rate
faced with a serious dilemma as hikes for the '67-'68 academic
the new fiscal year approaches- year in' the face of similar pres-
how to meet rising food and labor sures.
costs without a hike in already Unvrtydmfespsnly
high ormiory ees.are $1010 for single rooms, $950
According to John Feldkamnp, for doubles and $890 for triples.
director of University housing, OfiasatMhgn teUn-
good yadros ardet contun ok versity, where over 50 per cent of
goodandcoss ae cntiuin tothe students live in university
rise. Since the dormitory system huig li h osblt f
is required by state law to be self- huing, claim the posibility of
liquidating, an increase in dorm a$hik or thube re stil fee o
feesmaybe he nlywayto al-decided. Changes in the present
ance the housing budget. price structure hinge on the out-
At the center of the dmiryscome of current negotiations with
system's difficulties in raising suf- the employe's union..
ficient revenue are rising labor Ofical at th nvri
costs in an already tight local em- ffcast h Unesiy of
ployment market and nationwide Illinois told The Daily that they
increases in food prices, will not raise dormitory fees next
However, many schools across year even though they are finding

it increasingly difficult to operate
within present budgets. They cited
food and labor cost increases as
the key stumbling blocks. Dorm
fees for Urbana students are $840
for a double room for nine months.
The University presently charges
$950 for a comparable accommo-
At other major universities con-
ditions are much the same. Double
room fees for University of Min-
nesota students, currently just be-
low $900 will jump to $930 in
'67-'68, although officials won't
know until June whether these
increases-lattributed to food and
labor costs-will go into effect.
The University's current dorm
rates are at least $80 over the dorm
rates of seven of the nine schools
surveyed. Berkeley, with present
fees for double rooms of $940, was

the only school not exneriencin~ in residence hail vat~ i~ afltiei- Foh1k-~m,~ ~ttrihiit~ th~ ~ m~ivt avp~ v~r,,,iv ~ ,~f la,.fr -------------------------------...'..--........it' *~~SNflAUt~sJ VAt'.. t'~JC'V **,ttAUt,,,LIit'~.. .1 t.t5~AA± ~.AJ~kt.ttLO ~..fl UCLA ~ .k~tfl LA1121 U ±VIB.A±fl3nkI PIUV.LU'3 )Jfj..

pronounced increased cost pres- pated in '67-'68. Northern Minh- differential to two causes. First, er lounge and recreation areas, vate baths for every four students
sure, although some difficulties igan University's housing director3 what he calls "gimmicks" employ- and a higher student-staff ratio, in some of their halls. At Mich-
with the present budget were don't know whethdr next year's ed by other institutions and sec- Two schools - Minnesota and Igan State two sheets and two
noted. Berkeley is not raising dorm dormitory fees will be higher than ondly, discrepencies in the provi- Brey-whsrsinc halbath towels' are provided each
rates next year. . the $848 per academic year rate sion of services and fringe bene- Bkey- hsrsdnchalweek. No towels are provided at the
Things are also much the same currently being charged. Wayne fits. fees are near those at the Uni- University and only one sheet.
at other state-supported schools. State University only operates one Feldkamp claims that MSU's versity provide room - to - room The University does have one
At Ypsilanti, only seven miles residence hall which charges room alleged policy of maintaining oc- service on a weekly basis, The Uni-
from Ann Arbor, Eastern Mich- and board fees of $750 but serves cupancy rate level at about 110 versity provides this service bi- option if it wishes to avoid raising
igan University offers one rate- only two meals a day. Officials per cent as a means of keeping weekly. dormitory rates. There is a provi-
just under $850 per academic year there do expect a moderate in- costs down. According to Feld- At the University of Illinois slon In the University's financing
-for all its rooms, singles, dou- crease. kamp, MSU has a large number of where dormitory rates are sub- arrangements for an "escalator
bles and triples. The more desir- What lies behind this great dis- rooms designed as doubles which stantially $110 below the Univer- clause" under which the University
able rooms are rationed on the parity in residence hail rates and in fact are occupied by three men, sity's not only Is maid service pro- can choose to pay only 95 per cent
basis of class year, with upper- why rates at the University top all of whom are charged the dou- vided room-to-room weekly but of its debt on any given year, re-
classmen getting first choice. Of- those of other schools has per- ble room rate. University policy in beds are -made for the students paying the remaining 5 per cent
ficials in Ypsilanti are presently plexed the University for years. cases where rooms are overcrowd- once a week as well. In one of the iin future years. This would allow
unsure whether dorm fees will rise One official reported that Vice ed is to reduce the rate for all of men's dormitories at Ohio State the University to maintain present
next year, but consider the -possi- President for Finance and Chief the occupants. -University beds are made daily, dorm- rates and spread a fee hik~e
bility "likely." Financial Officer Wilbur K. Pier- Feldkamp's contention is that although Ohio State officials ad- out over several years while cover-
At Western Michigan University, pont went to East Lansing .last operating costs are greater at the mit that this service is in the final ing rising food and labor costs out
where students pay $130 less than year to study the efficiency of University as a result of the pro- stages of being "phased-out." of the 5 per cent "saved" on debt
dorm residents ,here, no increase their operation but with no success vision of extra services, the higher In addition, Ohio State and servicing.


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To Support . 1 gaCn!3I gIa4 Supports
Daily Editors NEWS WIRE Cinema G

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Activities; To Issue
-Political Policy Papers
VoicePltia Part voted last
night to prevent the printing of a
"scab" Daily in the case of a
strike by Daily editors.
Voice said it will support The
Daily editors as long as they stand I
against the Board.
"We voted to take any measures
necessary to stop the staffing,
printing, and/or distributing of an
interim-puppet newspaper," said
Voice chairman Gary Rothberger.
If the staff does strike because
ofnthe Board in Conrojl ofStu-
ne ditos Voic pln aleaflet
to come out Monday. Its would at-
tempt to explain the situation and
state the Voice position.,
Stephen Berkowitz, Grad, and a
member -of the Board told the
group that the Board "wanted to
teach The Daily a lesson'' by not
accepting the recommendations of I
the senior staff." -
The other action, Voice decided
to present its views as often as
possible during the Alumni Cele-
brtin ofi the University's Ses-
Plans were set to run a table
for the War Crime Tribunal begun
by Bertrand Russell. The Tribunal
plans to put President Johnson on -
trial for his crimes in continuing
bomnbings of North Vietnam. Voice
hope "some alumni will be far I
enough to the left" to sign the
Position papers are to be written
and printed on Student Power, the
University and the War, which
will present a political platforma
for Voice.
A bucket drive to collect money
for SNCC-Voice was also planned
for the week of the alumni cele-
Voice members plan to attend
and take part in panel discussions -
during the celebration, which
takes place during the spring class -
break. Of special interest is the'
panel on "The Right of Free Ex-'
pression" on Thursday, March 2,
which consists of playwright
Arthur Miller, radio - television
commentator Mike Wallace, and -
Esquire publisher Arnold Gingrich.:

night t tat least 80,000 ofM its workers will the ladoff thi w e
The refusal of 2,650 United Auto Workers to end a six-day-
old walkout in Mansfield led General Motors to announce the
shutdowns and layoffs at more than a dozen plants around the
* * * *
year after 16 years in office, drew parallels with the administra-
tion of his predecessor 100 years ago in speaking before the Wash-
ington alumni club's annual dinner last night.
Henry Philip Tappan, who became the University's president
in 1852, advocated the "rather controversial idea," said President
Hatcher, "that a university professor should engage in research
as well as teaching. The matter still is under discussion in some
quarters in 1967."
The Tappan administration was having trouble obtaining
funds from the state legislature, said President ,Hatcher. "then
as now."
Current criticism about speakers and subjects discussed on
the campus may be traced to the Tappan period, Dr. Hatcher
said, when "speakers of national prominence began appearing
in Armn Arbor under the auspices of the Students Lecture Associa-
tion." Subjects being discussed at the University in the mid-
1850s, Dr. Hatcher related, were "shockers such as 'Do Brutes
Reason?' and 'Do Benefits of Novel Reading Compensate for Its
Injuries?' and 'Should Students Form Matrimonial Engagements
While in College?'"
The community considered the University "godless" and
"morally corrupt" and President Tappan, charged by a newspaper
with being "un-American," had to defend the students before the
For all the difficulties of the Tappan administration, Presi-
dent Tappan was described by a successor, several decades later,
as "the largest figure of a man that ever appeared on the Mich-
igan campus." Tappan is credited with setting the University on
an academic course which earned for the irnstitution the accolade
"mother of state universities."
*, * * *
THE UNIVERSITY STUDENT VOTE may have been the de-
ciding factor in Monday's third ward city council primary elec-
tion, according to Tom Van Lente, '67, chairman of 'the Student
Housing Association.
Van Lente state yesterday that the voter registration com-
mittee of his organization registered five hundred students in the
third ward for the primary election. The committee contacted
these students three times on election day, and apparently most
of them voted. Van Lente feels that the turnout of nearly 20 per
cent of the third ward's registered voters, which was over twice
as large as the 1964 turnout, was a result of the student vote.
The voter registration committee, headed by Michael Koeneke,
'69, hopes to register a larger number of students for the city
election to be held in April. The goal of the committee is to
register 600 students in the second ward and 200 additional
in the third ward.

Loca Prsettin of
Experimental Movies
StudentEGovermn GFCouncil
passed a motion yesterday sup-
porting Cinema Guild's right to ~
show an Andy Warhol movie en-
titled "Blowjob."
The council's decision came af-
ter two days of extensive discus-
sion and was accompanied by a
detailed explanation of the coun-
cil' s reasoning.
The SGC statement asser ts that M
"sometime in the near future
Cinema Guild will be showing two
And Warhol films asmapar of Mark Killingsworth, editor of T1
Although no one claims that the members the rejection of senioi
films are obscene the title of one Student Publications Monday r
of them, "Blowjob," has caused
criticism of Cinema Guild's judge-
ment bypepenthcmm-
nity." pepe te ~~,.
Autonomy vs. Freedom
The issues involved In the de-
bate demand a balancing of the
University's institutional autono-
my against its academic freedom OD c i
and the freedom of speech.
According to the SGC state-
mnent the "issue has been posed in By NEAL BRUSS
terms of two opposing principles.' The Board in Control of Stu-
The first has to do with the over- dent Publications will resume con-
all well-being of the University, sideration of new appointments to
and its proponents call for can- IThe Daily staff Thursday "in the
cellation of the movie. The second light of the seniors editors' re-
has to do with preserving academic affirmance of their recommenda-.
freedom, and its proponents call tions," Board Chairman Prof. Luke
for showing the film." Cooperrider said yesterday.
Self Regulation This is standard operating pro-
Thestaemet cntiuestoas- cedure when the board does not
sert that "perhaps one of the mostacethenialenrrem-
important arguments made in mendations.
geneal s tht te Unverity The board rejected the senior
generl isult itfthate Uetyn editors' recommendations 7-4 Mon-
shouldreguae itse itoin day night calling the naming of
terfeeefom oruside. Sme Roger Rapoport, '68, as editor "un-
peopets heor ae arge thguatingu acceptalbe."
dst sould ae then rtegultin Cooperrider said that at the
stepelofnganetside rate ta meeting Thursday evening "there
'cmelnga utiefoc owill be a further consideration of
act." the qualifications of the respective
Ifthtmis wre he zchoice," the applicants and action taken on
be a powerful argument. But itl Te aly t aff held two emer
seems that if our reason for acting gency meetings yesterday and re-
is simply based on outside press- affirmed that it will only accept
ure, then it is in fact those out- the new editors recommended by
side forces which are regulating the current senior editors.
the University." The staff discussed the finan-
See SGC, page 2 cial commitments ofthe paper, its

-Daiy-Thomas R. Copi
ihe Daily, in an emergency meeting yesterday discussed with staff
r editor recommenrlations for new editors. The Board in Control of
efused to accept Rrager Rapoport as Killingsworth's successor.
a new confrontation over The the board's reaction to the first
Daily which as an editorially free list.
student newspaper has consistent- "The seniors adhered to their
ly and responsibly served the Uni- original views. At this point, the
versity community." process was suspended because of
The three student members and the lateness of the hour, to be
Prof. John Atkinson of the psy- continued at the next time when
chology departmen were the only the board could be assembled,
board members to vote to appoint Thursday evening. '
the seniors' slate. The three stu- "I should like to emphasize that
dents are: Steven Berkowitz, Grad; the question presented to the
Steven Schwartz, '68, and Kenneth board in each case is whether the
Winter, Grad, a former Daily man- applicant for a particular position
aging editor. possesses the qualities which the
Prof. Luke Cooperrider of the board believes are relevant to that
Law School, chairman of the board, position. In this instance, one is
did not vote. The board chair- concerned with the complex ta-
man votes only to make or break lents that will be needed by one
a tie. -charged with the responsibility of
ICooperrider said in a statement editorship.
yesterday: Naturally, reasonable persons
I"The appointment procedures will not always agree in the judg-
which the board is following are, ments they reach in such circumn-
at this point, in mid-process. The stances. Each member of the board
board has heard the respective ap- on Monday night made his own
plicants, has reviewed their work assessment of that situation.
and has considered the recommen- Although a group of four senior
dations of the senior editors." editors met with five members of
"Having reached a disagreement the board at a lunch meeting, no
with these recommendations, the action was taken.
board, again according to its nor- One faculty member who wished
mal procedures, invited the sen- to be anonymous said last night
iors to submit a new list of recoin- that he felt there would be "five
miendations, taking Into account See PUBLICATIONS, Page 2
CoptngCne Isal

Cinema Guild
To Postpone
Warhof Films
Authority Be Avoided
ih to postpone the showing of
"A Night of Andy Warhol" be-
cause one of the films has been
lost n transit.
An earlier motion to suspend
this showing as long as Cinema
Guild is involved in legal action
iner der to make clear to the Uni-
Guild is solely concerned with edu-
cation rather than confrontation
with autlvv- was defeated.
Prof. Abraham Kaplan of the
philosophy department and Prof.
Bradford Perkins of the history
department, both membersefen
Cinema Guild, had suggested thaat
such a move would be the best
way to reach all the people who
believed that Cinema Guild was
interested in provoking "crisis and
confrontation with authority."
According to Kaplan, "Cinema
Guild is in a situation in which it
is fighting for its life."
"Many people are strongly hos-
tile to you because they think you
are shiowing these fim icnr a e
tation with the administration the
faculty and the police."
Kaplan and Perkins agreed that
suspension of the Warhol films
while legal action was in progress
would appear as a mark of Cine-
ma Guild's good faith to the com-
.Kaplan said, "unless something
is done to prevent Cinema Guild
from being used by extremists on
both sides, I have grave doubts
about your future existance."
S"I don't know two faculty mem-
bers in mny department who will
stand oni your side of the fence
unless some action is taken," Per-
kins added.
Cinema Guild board member
Andrew Lugg, speaking in defense
of the defeat of the Kaplan, Per-
kins suggestion said, "If -we are
interested in a living, experimental
cinema we are going to run into
trouble, and we are going. to be
disbanded. We have a responsi-
bility to the students on this cain-
pus to show the best film possible."
Cinema Guild members late last
night issued the following state-
"Cinema Guild, currently in-
volved in two court cases concern-
ing the seizure of 'Flaming Crea-
senting films of significance to
the University community. Presi-
dent Hatcher's statement to the
Regents Is representative of wide-
spread University sentiment that
Cinema Guild provides the Uni-
versity with a valuable service.
"The process of selecting films
of interest and importance has
been jeopardized by the contro-
versy surrounding the Ann Arbor
police's seizure of "Flaming Crea-
tures." We regret that the original
Issue of civil liberties has created
misunderstanding among various
students, faculty, and administra-
tors. Unfortunately "Flaming Cre-
atures" has not been considered
on itsartistic merits, nor has the


Hayden EXplain N eed for Ieral

for publishing, possible alternative
campus publications -and the im-
plications and effect of stopping
No formal action was taken at
Inha meitorial appearing today,
the Detroit Free Press urged the
board to reconsider its decision not
to appoint Rapoport editor. "The
unusual question raised here strikes
not to the irresponsible actions of
students but to the maturity of
administrators. The question is
who's really being sophomoric?"
Prof. Leonard Greenbaum of the
department of engineering Eng-
lish, chairman of the faculty Sen-
ate Committee on Student Rela-
tions and a former Daily editorial

By BETSY TURNER izens, they loose what few resour- The Newark ghetto in which
ces, such as poverty program mo- Hayden works, is a community of
"A friend of mine who is a ney and unemployment checks, Iabout ' 400,000 residents, approxi-
social worker in the Newark, N.J., that they now receive." Imately 300,000 of whom are Negro
slum district, is advised by her "If they can't exercise some or Puerto Rican. However, he said,
supervisor -to leave the 'target -voice and gain the necessary all the major political positions
area' by 3:30 p.m. each day. She power, they will never have the are held by members of other
is not covered by personal injury resources they need to build a minority ethnic groups.
insurance after that time," Tom liveable community," Hayden said. W'hite Control
Hayden told an audience in the: "It's a vicious cycle which can- Nearly all the economic re-
Ughi Multipurpose Room yester- not be broken by reform measures; sucsothNeakdtrtae
day. the entire community structur'eorcso h ewr ititae

The University's Computing
Center is completing work on a
new computer system which will
vastly increase the center's capa-
city. Being installed in an Inter-
national Business Machines Sys-
tem/360, Model 67 which will have
four4 times the U tora e)~j cab. acifrty

machine can switch between sev-
eral programs so quickly that it
seems to each operator that he is
the only one using the machine.
The IBM 7090 now in use can
process only one program at a
time. There are also currently no
facilities for remote terminals and
all jobs must be turned in at the
computing center.
IBM engineers are currently
completing installation and test-
ing of the new computer and Rob-
ert C. F. Bartels, director of the
Computing Center says he expects

director, said last night: and operate twice as fast as the
"The rejection of the recommen- IBM 7090 it replaces.,
unfortuateh departure from the The IBM 7090 now in use is
traditional role of the board. While completely saturated with work
suc a epatur iswti- h and runs 24 hours a day, seven
board' Drero atves is difiulh days a week. There is often a


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