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February 15, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-15

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Feb. 15: Grandmother's Three Questions

WhereWOil re* ree,420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NErs PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.




SGC finLimbo:
The Season of Waiting?

Associate Managing Editor
SOMEONE'S grandmother and an
Air Force captain sat beside
one anothereon AmericantAirlines
Flight 124 from Detroit to New
York last Friday morning.
Grandmother wasn't exactly one
of the jet set and didn't at all
care for the way the big plane
bounced through the clear early
morning air. She kept annoying
the captain all the way, demand-
ing to be assured that she would
reach New York alive. By the
time the jet dipped into the heavy
clouds over the city the captain
had long since buried himself in
a Time magazine in an attempt
to ignore her.
The drop into the clouds was
like walking into a closet-pass-
engers could hardly see the wing-
tips. "Are we on instruments
now?" she anxiously queried.
"Madam," the captain grudged,
"I sincerely hope so."
drome. consisting of demands to

know exactly what is the status
of something important but un-
controllable, is a popular one in
Western society and one which
usually afflicts Daily senior edi-
tors about this time of year, a
few days before they name their
In Daily seniors it tradition-
ally manifests itself in long edi-
torial essays on The Status of
Something, usually Something seen
as being the crucial variable in
determining the fate of Society.
The idea evidently is that we may
not be able to do anything now,
but at least we can tell everyone
what ought to be done.
But I'm not sure just what So-
ciety is and have little faith in
the Something theory of prophecy
so I'm at rather a loss to set the
world right in 20ainches of copy.
Yet I'm a slave to the Grand-
mother Syndrome too so, though
I may not have many answers,
I've got some questions that some-
body around here better begin
thinking about soon.
THE N'EW president will be ap-

pointed some time this summer,
an appointment which will be the
most anticipated and least under-
stood event in University history
since the West Physics Bldg. burn-
ed down last summer. If he's worth
anything at all there'll be a lot
of shaking up done within and
without the Administration Bldg.
Vice-presidents are already begin-
ning to cast around for job offers
outside Ann Arbor.
In addition, the commission
which President Hatcher set up in
November to study University gov-
ernment will be reporting early in
the new president's term, hopeful-
ly with some ideas on how to
change this hydra-headed insti-
tution back into a university.
Between the two, the Univer-
sity may well be jumping for the
next year or so and more people
than are doing so slow had better
start asking themselves where they
want it to land. Should it be big-
ger? Smaller? More departments
or fewer? More professors or few-
er? Aside from deans and depart-
ment chairmen, it's likely that not

THEY'RE NOT considering them
largely because of a problem that
both the new president and his
commission are going torun into
the lack of communication be-
tween different parts of the Uni-
versity and the consequent isola-
tion of each from the others.
Often this problem is blamed
on the communications media
themselves - The Daily, WCBN,
WUOM and the administration's
occasional bulletins - but they.
must bear only part of the blame.
The root of the situation. is sim-
ply that the University is so big
that it's very difficult for any
news media to tell everyone what's
going on in all parts of it all the
time. The basic problem is at least
as much administrative, as jour-
I don't know if it can be solved.
I do know that darned few peo-
ple are interested in solving it.

more than 50 people
are co!sidering these
crucial ones for the

on campus

The question that really seems
to be going unanswered, however,
is just what we all ought to be
doing here.
The vast majority of the under-
gradvates, and many graduate stu-
dents, too, are here because of
some vague sense of foreboding
which tells them they'd better
come up with a diploma or start
sweeping floors. Even laying aside
the possibility that sweeping floors
might be a pretty good life, that's
not a very rewarding reason to
come to college.
THE UNIVERSITY, along with
its sister-institutions across the na-
tion, thus fails a crucial test. It
does not seem more than inciden-
tally important to the students
who should be its basic reason for
These ain't problems which
can be dealt with easily, but they
seem to me to be the ultimate ones
which the University must an-
swer in some positive way.
Can it? Will it? I sincerely hope


YES, STUDENT Government Council is
still around. If you haven't heard much
from them lately it's probably because
they haven't been as loud and verbose
this semester. Rather, SGC is now mov-
ing slowly; waiting, listening and speak-
ing very cautiously.
The big proj ect now is the Presiden-
tial Commissions. At the beginning of the
semester SGC appointed members to the
Decision-Making. and Draft Commissions.
Students still have not been chosen for
the Sit-In Commission. But at the mo-
ment everyone is waiting to see what
ideas and innovations the commissions
will suggest.
Opinions on the Vice-Presidential Ad-
visory Boards are also very much in flux.
Some feel the idea of an advisory voice
for students is out-of-date, while oth-
ers feel it is important to give the
boards a chance. In either case, every-
one is waiting now for the boards to be-
gin .operating to see what happens, SGC
has moved very slowly on appointing
board' members and it is doubtful, ae-
cording to one SGC spokesman, whether
they will begin meeting before the be-
ginning of March.
CAUTION HAS BEEN the password late-
ly. Last week SGC postponed discus-
sion on a statement giving recognition
and support to students involved in the
Cinema Guild controversy until legal ad-
vice could be obtained.
Discussion on the possibility of extend-
ing sophomore women's hours has pro-
ceeded slowly, and several Council mem-
bers have made it quite clear that any
recommendations will be made only after
a thorough investigation of the subject.
Caution and waiting are not necessar-

ily bad qualities. In fact, they are usual-
ly considered positive characteristics. But
the question is, what will happen while
SGC waits?
If SGC simply allows the Presidential
Decision-Making Commission to decide
its fate and allows the advisory boards to
represent it to the vice-presidents, there
is a danger that the most influential
student voices will be those of appoint-
ed, not elected, student spokesmen.
If this happens, SGC could be charged
with shirking its responsibility to the
student body, of allowing others to speak
in its place.
SGC MUST NOT allow this to happen.
What Council must do is keep close
tabs on the commission and boards and
make its voice and the views of the stu-
dent body heard.
Specifically, Council should not only
set up forums and seminars as some
members have suggested, implying that
students will come to them with their
ideas, but should also set up a program
where SGC members actively seek stu-
dent opinion. For example, Council should
expand the sending of members to hous-
ing units to tell students what the com-
mittees are doing and asking for opin-
ions and suggestions.
Also, Council should keep in very close
contact with the commission and boards
and not allow the students to merely be-
come spokesmen for themselves and no
one else.
Finally, if SGC is to be a respected
voice in important campus affairs like
the Cinema Guild controversy, it must
do more than talk; it must take a stand.


Letters: On the Leary Road to Earthly Bliss

To the Editor:
A CCORDING TO Leary our so-
ciety is no more vital to each
of us than a Hollywood prop set.
He goes further, saying we are
'addicted' to values (eg. a new car,
the esteem of others, social equal-
ity) that serve only to entice us
into following our cues! Much, but
not all, of this is applicable to
each of our lives.
However, shocking and sobering
though his assertion may be, we
must not let the emotional mo-
mentum it generates lead us too
hastily along the Leary Road to
earthly bliss.
THE SOCIAL AND political
consequences of psychedelic drugs
are not NEARLY as dangerous
now as they will be 50 years from
now, when there will be a drug
for every possible feeling desire-
able at the nearest federal Com-
munity Health Center. You see,
now the government fears LSD
and its 'dropouts'. Mr. Leary can-
didly states that if he wins, 'Cae-
sar' will fall. Soon, however, Cae-
sar will be marketing something
better and probably will mono-
polize the market, if only to pre-
serve its existence. Such a situa-
tion should be avoided, need I
-One gross assumption Mr. Leary
makes is that we can 'turn on'
best by drugs. Yet he himself ac-
knowledges that six days and
nights spent fasting in isolation in
a desert is equivalent to an LSD
experience. There are other alter-
natives he neglected to mention;
let me remind you of one more
ancient than the LSD experience
(it is so obvious, we naturally ov-
erlook it).

The essence of the LSD experi-
ence is the venture within oneself.
Mr. Leary mentioned that in the
East, a religious device often used
to accomplish inner exploration is
a round object resembling a re-
tina: one stares at it until the ex-
terral object becomes one with
you. Men have, for ages, been
learning to use something else:
another retina, another eye, ano-
ther hand, another human. How-
ever, we are timid inthis type of
'trip' because the other eye can
hurt at any time; and to relieve
that hurt, at any time, all one
needs to do is turn away.
interpersonal relationship, one is
encountered with the question:
turn away, distort, or . . . look.
How infinitely more difficultthan
taking an LSD 'trip'! After the
swallow, the trip is down a one
way road. LSD is comparatively
easy, don't be fooled: one has only
one decision to make. Yet, to look
at that other eye, and see it, really
see it, is that not a look into one-
self? What is more, it is not a
'decision' (ie., taking an LSD
tablet), it is an infinity of deci-
sions, life, something that Mr.
Leary's followers fear.
Howard M. Shapiro, '70 Med
To the Editor:
F AM WRITING to correct a
grievous error in all the publi-
city that appeared in The Daily
and elsewhere concerning the
Leary LSD talk at Hill Auditor-
ium. The American Culture Stu-
dents' Association, which has been

careful in the past to advertise
under its own name the programs
that it has sponsored every other
week at the Guild House on Mon-
roe Street, should have been listed
along with the Honors Steering
Committee as sole sponsors of the
Leary talk.
INSTEAD, THE University's
Program in American Culture,
which has always sought to assist
the American Culture Students'
Association but has no jurisdic-
tion over its activities, was mis-
takenly named as Leary's co-spon-
sor. As Chairman of the Commit-
tee on the Program in American
Culture, I can vouch for the fact
that the Committee was never con-
sulted concerning the Leary talk
and never had any opportunity to
discuss the propriety or impropri-
ety of sponsoring or co-sponsor-1
ing it.
There could be no better illus-
tration of the need for more ef-
fective Working arrangements be-
tween students and faculty, as
proposed by President Hatcher.
-Joe Lee Davis
Professor of English and
Chairman of the Program
in American Culture
Unen lightened
To the Editor:
THE CITY of Ann Arbor has
again schown that it is a truly
enlightened city. It has once again
performed a valuable public serv-
ice, protecting its defenseless citi-
zens against the onslaught of
those who would debauch and de-
stroy them.
I am referring to the recent af-

fair with the American Civil Li-
berties Union. Ben Shahn had
donated 300 sets of a series of nine
lithographs on the civil rights
movement. They were to be raffled
off in 300 different cities to raise
money for the financing of civil
rights litigation in the South. The
city of Ann Arbor, perceiving
quickly the insidious nature of
this scheme, declared it illegal as
it was a "lottery."
This fair city, itself the object
of inquiry into its social and eco-
nomic practices, has once again
struck a mighty blow for person-
al freedom and the dignity of the
-Ronald Landsman, '70
To the Editor:
on student housing (Feb. 11,
1967), he claimed that students
"could not turn to the city" for
help in alleviating the problem.
This statement creates the wrong
impression. The city of Ann Arbor
definitely does have extensive pow-
ers in this area.
First, the city can take several
measures to increase the supply
of housing units and thereby re-
duce rents. Ann Arbor presently
has the power and the funds to
build new public, low-rent hous-
ing. Such housing, if open to stu-
dents and constructed near the
central campus, woulddo much to
lessen the, pressure on the local
housing market. In addition, the
present zoning laws prevent the
construction of high-rise apart-
ments in many areas of Ann Ar-
bor. This further restricts the sup-
ply of housing units.

So far the Republican mayor
and Republican City Council have
shown little inclination either to
rezone these areas or to allow stu-
dents to qualify for low-rent, pub-
lic housing. They seem intent on
keeping the supply of city hous-
ing low and the rents paid to
realtors high.
SECONDLY, the city can im-
prove the quality of the units that
are available through stricter en-
forcement of the building code.
The poorly staffed Office of
Building and Safety has proved
unable or unwilling to enforce
this code.
Finally, students are excluded
from many fine housing oppor-
tunities, because they are too far
from the central campus. By im-
prQving and expanding transpor-
tation facilities, the City Council
can thereby expand the supply
of housing available to the student.
Thus, the city government can
take many steps to help the stu-
dent. Merely because the Repub-
licans have not done so is no rea-
son for despair. Rather students
who are eligible should register
and vote for Democrats like Dr.
Edward Pierce and Jerome Dupont
who are dedicated to the above
--Steven Handler, '68
President, Young Democrats
All letters must be typed,
double-spaced and should be no
longer than 300 words. All let-
ters are subject to editing;
those over 300 words will gen-
erally be shortened.




The Daily Does Its Job

CONCEDING THAT college newspapers
published unde' the auspices of any
"Board of Control of Student Publica-
tions" cannot expect to enjoy full First
Amendment freedoms, we wonder wheth-
er the University of Michigan might not
now be going too far in the direction of
repressive censorship by launching an
investigation of The Michigan Daily.
The publications board has asked the
faculty senate advisory committee on uni-
versity affairs to "consider the proper
purpose, function and responsibility of a
student newspaper in this university com-
The investigation seems to have been
sparked by some university administrators
and faculty members interested in more
news of their activities appearing in The
Daily or perhaps in a separate weekly
publication and also by others who feel
The Michigan Daily has gotten out of
These critics object to a recent story
speculating on President Harlan Hatch-
er's successor. Dr. Hatcher will retire this
summer after having served 15 years as
president and The Daily reported that
University of California Chancellor Roger
W. Heyns was "very interested" in the
opening. With the firing of President
Clark Kerr in California, Chancellor
Heyns now holds things together at
Berkeley and any speculation of his re-
turning to Ann Arbor where he served be-
fore his Berkeley appointment might eas-
ily prove embarrassing.
There has also been some objection to
an article on the editorial page spoofing
Michigan's $55 Million Program and the
booklet which tells prospective donors the
tax advantages of making gifts to the
university. A recent editorial in The Daily
urged the legalization of marijuana, while
a story not long ago broke open a confi-
dential Defense Department study which
found the university basically a "school
for rich, white students."
We can see how these articles might up-
set any school administration, but we do
not believe any of this warrants the cri-
tical review of The Michigan Daily which
some apparently intend to pursue. Al-
though the article on Chancellor Heyns

may have been untimely, was it also un-
true? Or was it quite accurate? Are a
university's fund raising tactics so sacred
as to be beyond parody? Or does the uni-
versity wish to make its scholarly habit
not only cap and gown but also stuffed
This newspaper disagrees with The
Daily on the legalization of marijuana,
but we recognize the issue as one open to
responsible debate. Doesn't the universi-
ty? The Defense Department study should
have been released because its findingsj
demonstrate not so much flaws in ad-
mission policies as flaws in a society which
should produce more Negroes who qual-
ify academically and financially for ad-
Beyond all this, The Daily has con-
tributed significantly to university affairs,
exposing a conflict of interests involving
one of- the regents and forcing his re-
tirement and winning national honors in
each of the last two years. Its editor this
year is Mark Killingsworth, a Rhodes
While college newspapers cannot print
whatever may happen to pop into a giddy
sophomore's head, and. wholly irresponsi-
ble college newspapers sometimes need
thorough shake-ups, this is not the case
at the University of Michigan. The Mich-
igan Daily is a fine and responsible col-
lege newspaper doing an outstanding job.
It should not now be made a scapegoat in
any vindictive review. Those at the school
who share a pride in The Michigan Daily
should make sure that this doesn't hap-
Editorial Page, Feb. 10, 1967
Th'e Effort
THE STIGMA of the word "committee"
does not apply to the Literary College
Steering Committee. It has been active,
productive and perhaps the most worth-
while organization to which students have
been given access. The committee was an
important moving force in promoting
pass-fail, and lobbied actively for a
change in language distribution require-

G ra des, Student Deferment, and Ranking

(This is the first of a 3 part
series based on a "background
paper" prepared by Prof. E.
Lowell Kelly of the Dept. of
Psychology. In Part I, Professor
Kelly calls attention to the wide-
ly different reasons for a stance
"against ranking," and reviews
the historical background and
the logic which led to the pres-
ent guidelines for student defer-
ment. Parts II and III will be
published in the next two issues
of The Daily.)
Part I
students and faculty both here
and on other campuses have spent
much time and energy debating,
writing and voting about the use
of grades and ranking as a basis
for the deferment of male stu-
dents. Unfortunately, in my view,,
much of this activity has created
more heat than light, primarily
because the term ranking has dif-
ferent meanings for different peo-
ple and is often not the central
issue about which thoughtful per-
sons disagree. From my regular
reading of The Daily and discus-
sions with both students and col-
leagues, I am impressed with the
fact that persons taking a stand
"against ranking" do so primarily
for many very different reasons:
1) Because of strong convictions
regarding all wars and anything
relating to military preparation,
2) Because of strong convictions
regarding present U.S. foreign
policy and military intervention,
especially in Southeast Asia,
) 3 Because of honest differences
regarding the best means of meet-
ing military manpower needs, e.g.:
a) those who believe in com-
pulsory universal military service
for all able-bodied males,
b. those who believe in assign-
ment to military service on the
basis of a lottery,
c. those who are against any
form of compulsory service, e.g.

ment, there are still wide differ-
ences of opinion as to the appro-
priate criteria for deferment: ap-
titude test scores, grades, class
standing, field of specialization,
5) With respect to the use of
grades, or ranks based on grades,
some argue that grades are not a
legitimate basis for deferment,
some object because they believe
any use of grades as a basis for
deferment has undesirable effects
on students and on the educa-
tional process.
6) Some believe that while it is
appropriate that the University
transmit transcripts to local
boards (at the request of stu-
dents), the University should not
compute grade point averages
and/or provide a statement of a
student's class standing.
7) Because of a conviction that
any communication between the
University and any unit of the Se-
lective Service System represents
an undesirable form of complicity
or involvement of the University
in non-academic matters.
8) Because of a belife that non-
compliance with the present sys-
tem constitutes an effective 'means
of promoting desirable changes in
policy and practice with respect
to any of the above issues.
8) Because of a belief that non-
compliance with the present sys-
tem constitutes an effective means
of promoting desirable changes
in policy and practice with respect
to any of the above issues.
plete, this list is sufficiently long
to explain why the topic has re-
ceived so much attention. But the
fact that reasons for a stance
against ranking are so varied-and
even contradictory-makes it ex-
tremely difficult to interpret the
meaning of polls or resolutions on
the subject.
For example, the student refer-
endum showed that, of approxi-

not in favor of universal military
service (only 1 in 6), and they did
not approve the use of a lottery
(only 1 in 12). The critical ques-
tion was not specifically asked,
but I am forced to conclude that
those students; who voted were
saying that they approved of stu-
dent deferment as national policy
but that they did not wish such
deferment to be based on demon-
strated performance in college!
IN THE HOPE of contributing
to a better understanding of these
several issues, I should like to
provide some historical back-
ground regarding present policies
and practices of student defer-
ment as embodied in the so-called
Universal Military Training Act of
1951. The essential provisions of
tht Act and the guidelines issued
to the autonomous local selective
service boards for its implementa-
tion were the subject of extensive
deliberations between 1948 and

and (2) the guidelines under
which II-S deferment should be
granted and continued. On the
basis of a recent review of the
work of this group (Student De-
ferment in Selective Service by
M. H. Trytten), I am impressed
with the enormous complexity of
the issues involved and the very
real hazards of attempting to
modify existent polimy on a piece-
meal basis-e.g. abolition of class
In so doing, let me make it very
clear that I am not arguing that
the decisions which were made in
1950 should remain unchallenged
or unchanged. On the contrary,
because of many changed condi-
tions, there is a critical need for
a thorough review of all aspects
of the present system and I am
pleased that a Presidential Com-
mission was created to undertake
such a review and to make recom-
mendations for needed changes in
the law which expires in June,
THE FOUR-DAY conference in
December at the University of Chi-
cago resulted in wide consensus
among participants that neither
student nor occupational defer-
ment is sound national policy at
this point of time. I. too, am
doubtful that either is justified
by the present manpower situ-
ation. However, as long as stu-
dent deferment is a national pol-
icy, I regard the use of grades as
an essential element in its imple-
mentation on a reasonably equit-
able basis, for reasons presented
It is important to remember that
the deliberations leading to pres-
ent policies of student deferment
took place shortly after World
War II during a period of inter-
national tension, one in which
there was considerable concern,
not only about the maintenance
of an adequate defense force, but
also increasing recognition of the

which would provide the necessary
flexibility for meeting changing
manpower needs, and which would
be judged equitable by most
thoughtful citizens.
WE CONSIDER the idea of a
period of compulsory military
service for all 18-year-old inales,
but rejected it as lacking in flexi-
bility and undesirably postponing
critical years of educational prep-
aration essential for specialized
and professional personnel.
We also considered the possi-
bility of recommending selective
deferment only for those college
students pursuing courses of study
leading to fields of specialization
judged to be "essential to the na-
tional welfare" but rejected this
idea becaus of the hazard and the
invidiousness involved in desig-
nating certain fields (e.g. engin-
eering, pre-med.) as more essen-
tial than others.
We consider the possibility of
recommending the deferment of
all college students, but rejected
this because we did not feel it
equitable to provide automatic de-
ferment for anyone simply because
he could gain admission to some
college arfd could afford to at-
tend college.
IN SPITE OF wide differences
of background and marked initial
differences of - opinion, the 27
members of the advisory group
eventually arrived at the unani-
mous recommendation that the
selective deferment of college stu-
dents was in the national interest,
and that the most defensible
criteria for deferment would in-
clude (a) a level of scholastic apti-
tude generally predictive of suc-
cessful completing of a degree, and
(b) a demonstrated level of
achievement while in college, pre-
dictive of later competence in
some field of specialization es-



1950. Those aspects of the act and
the guidelines which concern stu-

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