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February 14, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-14

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Seventy-Sixth Year

The Politicization of the Middle

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iere Opinions Are Free. 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

Nrws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reftrints.



Bombing the North:
Another Truce Slides By

THE REV. A. J. MUSTE, 82, died Sunday
night. He was sort of an elder states-
man of the anti-war movement, vigor-
ously active up until the last day of his
life. He had been expelled from South
Vietnam in April for peace demonstra-
tions, and recently visited and talked to
Ho Chi Minh about the possibilities for
peace. Rev. Muste died Sunday night after
half a century of pacifism; at noon the
following day, the United States resumed
the bombing of North Vietnamese terri-
In the capitals of the world the politi-
cians speak of wars and missile races and
the destruction of nations. The prime
minister of a sea-locked nation links arms
with a fur-capped Russian and they
pledge to seek every means possible to
bring a halt to the flight of B-52's over
Namha, Quangngai and Binhdinh.
"I know," read the letter to the Pope
from the Texan in the White House, "you
would not expect us to reduce military
action unless the other side is willing
to do likewise." The day-to-day suspen-
sion of the bombing raids lasted 18 hours.
DIPLOMATS GROPE for peace scream-
ed the headlines, but in the war coun-
cils of the nations, the generals call for
decimations: more bombs, more men, the
enemy must be stopped. A million sol-
diers in rice paddies, jungles and rocky
highlands, a million soldiers and their
arms tearing up the earth and running

the rivers red with the blood of shat-
tered, still-born nation.
Some men fight out of complusion, some
men out of honor and glory; sometimes
fighting and killing become ends in
themselves without reason or purpose.
When the lunar new year truce began a
week ago, there was an urgency in the
air that made the bombing extension seem
like a final opportunity to prevent the
war from freezing over for an untold dur-
THE POPE wrote the President, anti-
war groups began sympathy fasts, Wil-
son talked with Kosygin, Rusk told press-
men a permanent cessation was out. As
the last firecrackers from Tet fizzled in
Saigon streets and the big bombers with
full bombbays trundled down airstrips in
Guam and Thailand, even as Ho Chi
Minh sent a telegram to the Pope asking
His Holiness to use his influence to get
peace talks going, Secretary-General of
the UN U Thant was predicting peace
talks within weeks if the U.S. would ex-
tend the bombing pause.
Then: "Combat operations against mili-
tary targets in North Vietnam have now
been resumed. The President, speaking
through his press secretary, placed the
blame solely on Hanoi."
NOT MUCH NOISE; just business as us-
ual. Except--what does a dove sound
like when it sighs?

Collegiate Press Service
1TT s shifting. Earlier in the
academic year, it appeared that
the political movements which
characterized the 60's would yield
to a national "cop out, drop out"
drive. This has not occurred. What
instead has happened is the poli-
ticization of the middle. As the
Left wanders off in a cloud of its
own creation, the "moderate" cam-
pus factions have emerged.
The Vietnam letter to the Pres-
ident, signed by over 200 student
body presidents and editors is the
most prominent example, but
there are others. The drive against
Ronald Reagan in California is
being spearheaded by student gov-
ernment leadership.
Student moderates in Illinois
have initiated a campaign to end
the state speaker-ban-law. Edu-
cational reform-even radical edu-
cational reform-has been coopted
by the student Establishment. Tu-
torials, the draft, the eighteen-
year-old vote-old causes, new
Old Left, and the New Old Left
can take heart. All those speeches
about involvement in the late'
50's, all those cries that people
were dying in Mississippi, all those
pamphlets about apathy and
alienation-people who never read
them are offering a belated re-
It's even respectable--the pru-
dent, responsible, aware course of
action for today's ingenue to pur-
sue. The American Council on
Education reports that 82 per cent
of last year's entering freshman

"To Be Aware of Political Events"

moving. Yet if the rhetoric is stale,
the prescription is not. There are
reasons for all those principles,
friends. We want civil liberties be-
cause the presumption that there
are words which should not be
heard debases the character of
those who would speak them.
We want participation because
exclusion presumes that we are in-
adequate to the occasion of life.
We want some people to give other
people their money or their time
or their services because we think
that people want to help others,
more than to exploit them.
We want professors to ask us
questions or get to know us or
stop grading us because we believe
that the complexity of our identity
and its creation is a little more
complicated than the lettered
citique of an 18-line essay,
to dowith people. The New Left
says this when they talk about
the "game," but they say it badly,
and many of them are less appeal-
ing than their ideologies would
have them become. The New
Middle has picked up the prin-
ciples-even a few of the programs
-without the burning mandate to
apply them to the human dimen-
sion which makes a political stance
relevant or irrelevant.
The problem is serious-en-
demic, in fact, to a mass society-
to a society, "which places no
particular value on the individual."
Start worrying about it, friends;
it's more difficult than you think.
Look around you.
(Schwartz is national affairs
vice-president of the National Stu-
dent Associatine



class believes "to be aware of
political events" is important.
The tone of the campus political
debate has shifted as well. When
stability was the norm, belief in
the necessity for change became
the radical pole. Now that change
has become the" norm, rejection
has become pole.
"Traditional politics is a drag,
man; we've got to create a new
style. Until we do that, none of
your steps will do anything to
change the system." The Old
Middle used to say that from an-
other perspective-"there's noth-
ing we can do." Now they're in-
sulted at the suggestion.
remain; it's unfortunate that the
Left does not ask them more pre-
cisely. What is, in fact, the direc-

tion of the New Middle? Does it
have any direction? Is it strictly
a set of pragmatic responses to
specific issues, or does a broader
set of goals dictate its new mili-
tancy? I would like to believe the
latter; I fear the former.
Politics is people-only a gen-
eration encapsulated in abstrac-
tions believe anything else. Stu-
dents spend their academic lives
figthing for something called
"principles" without any consider-
ation of the impact of one or an-
other of them on the constituen-
cies involved. That, more than any
other reason, explains the collapse
of the Civil Rights Movement.
We erected the principle of in-
tegration, without reflecting that
the Negro middle class was the
only group that really wanted it.
Dick Gregory told us: "I waited

six months to get into that restau-
rant, and then they didn't have
what I wanted." At least he could
afford the price tag.
not the creation of a "radical
critique of society" or the building
of a Movement-the grand images
of a search for coherence. The
question becomes whether or not
the premises of our culture and
the institutions of our society are
conducive to the development of
dcent human beings-people who
are sensitive enough to love, artic-
ulate enough to express it, com-
mitted enough to desire it, and
compassionate enough to realize
how difficult it is to sustain.
That sounds pretty soppy-like
one of old Dr. King's speeches
which used to get the masses



Letters: Some Other Views on Students

The Rise of Student Apathy

IN THE WAKE of the recent student
power uproar, a counter-cry is being
raised by a surprisingly large number of
students who would rather switch than
fight: "Student Apathy."
The stronghold of this anti-movement
(known as the Stationary Front) is the
quadrangle, where it has gained sizable
support among freshmen. In fact, many
are so proud of their non-involvement
that they have formed several "Student
Apathy" clubs in the quads. Though they
have not as yet petitioned for recognition
as a student organization, they meet as
groups regularly.
In order to avoid the problem of over-
involvement, they hold meetings in such
places as the quad dining halls and tele-
vision rooms. Their dedication, however,
is obvious from the pride which wells up
inside them as they explain why they
do not want to "cause trouble."
ONE OF THE MOST outspoken members
of these groups recently defined the
student apathy concept. "It's simple," he
said, "we figure we can't fight the ones
who are giving us our grades. If it has to
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail: $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).
Published at 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications,
Bond or Stockholders-None.
Average press run--8100.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan.
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
JOHN MEREDIrH ...... Associate Managing Editor
LEONAhD PRATT ........ Associate Managing Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER ..'. Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate Editorial Director
BABETTE COHN .................. Personnel Director
ROBERT MOORE ......... Magazine Editor
CHARLES VETZNER .............Sports Editor
JAMES TINDALL. .........Associate Sports Editor
JAMES V aSOVAGE.......... Associate Sports Editor
GIL SAMBERG .............. Associate Sports Editor
NIGHT EDITORS-Meredith Eiker, Michael Heifer,
Robert Klivans, Laurence Medow, Roger Rappoport,
Susan Schnepp, Neil Shister.
DAY EDITORS-Robert Bendelow, Neal Bruss, Wallace
Immen, David Knoke, Mark Levin, Patricia O'Dono-
hue, Stephen Wildstrom.
Klempner, Dan Okrent, Deborah Reaven, Jennifer
Rhea, Betsy Turner.
Firsheim, Aviva Kempner, Lyn Killin, Carolyn Mie-

be somebody's neck, I don't want it to be
"We can't find the time," replied an-
other. "I don't see how anybody can keep
up on local issues, the new shows on the
tube and school work all at the same
"Things are just so disgusting, I don't
want to know about them," a third chimed
IT WOULD BE WELL for those who feel
that displays of student will, such as
the draft referendum, are not valid with-
out complete participation, to consider
the scope of the "activists' burden."
For those having that noble desire to
reform the attitudes of the University
student body must contend with a prop-
erty of matter that applies to humans
as well: inertia.
In Housing
T HE INFAMOUS student housing situa-
tion in Ann Arbor has been like the
weather: everyone talks about it, but no
one takes any action,
Finally, however, a group of students
has decided to form a Student Rental Un-
ion to alleviate the problems in the hous-
ing area. Ann Arbor landlords are notor-
ious for their improper handling of main-
tenance complaints and their propensity
to retain damage deposits above the ac-
tual amount of damage.
In the past these conflicts have fallen
under the auspices of the Student Hous-
ing Association, an organ of Student Gov-
ernment Council. This has been a weak
organization, and has had little success
in enforcing the University's agreement
with landlords-an ambiguous agreement
THERE IS DEFINITELY a need for more
student initiative in the area of hous-
ing. The solution should not be deferred
to University administrators, who seem
unable to share in the immediate con-
cerns of students.
Studenits will only get the type of
housing they are willing to take the re-
sponsibility for. And this requires action.
-14T 41,

The first letter in this column
came postmarked Flint, Mich.
With it was enclosed a copy of
a letter I wrote, the Flint Jour-
nal in response to their editor-
ial opposing the legalization of
The second letter is in the
form of a response to a letter.
Mrs. Cartwright wrote us a let-
ter two weeks ago, to which I
responded. This is her reply.
The third letter was address-
ed to the student body as a whole.
Mr. Wasserman:
ANY FOOL can go to college
these days. The campus is fill-
ed with idiots, the dormitory with
prostitutes. That's why you are
there, so, in spending your time
and energy on as vile a thing as
smoking marijuana and demand-
ing it be legalized, is no worse
than promiscuous sex. You can't
make a whistle out of a pig's tail.
It's too bad young people won't
listen to older people. They surely
needed to be told it was foolish
to jump out of second story win-
dows into snow banks. I under-
stand several got broken limbs
and backs. This is your genera-
tion of college students, so you
should find your work easy.
I have always heard that a
cigarette is a fire on one end and
a fool on the other. What will you
call a marijuana cigarette?
You probably are just another
Zionist Jew, trying to degrade the
Gentile race, and bring it down
to the Jew level.
-One Who Knows
FIRST I want to put you straight
about that Berkeley demonstra-
tion. I was not there, but the
news pictures I saw, the loathe-
some smut used by hundreds of
students, the defiance of author-
ity, and the example set before
a world was just unbelievable.
First, education was given free to
those students who abused that
wonderful gift! Second, it was grist
for the Communist newspapers.
Have you read the reports by
the Daily Worker? Third, riots
and disorders are a vital part of
the Communist strategy, as per a
reading of the Manifesto will re-
You are afraid by using legal,

lawful means, we will lose our
freedoms, when the truth of it is,
that without restraints we have
already lost a lot of our liber-
ties. We have lost battle after
battle in the Supreme Court; al-
most every decision has been slant-
ed toward atheism; we have lost,
as states, our power to rule, to
the federal government. They take
a dollar and the state gets back
maybe 10 cents: Congress has lost
their rightful place to make the
laws by an arbitrary president.
Management has lost to striking
unions. My husband is a union
man, but, he agrees that every
raise fought for and won, is
swallowed up in higher living
My grandfather lost a leg fight-
ing with Abe Lincoln! What for,
that now we women are afraid
to walk the streets at night. Viol-
ence made possible by the cur-
tailment of police powers, is an
everyday occurrence in this
Youngstown area. Women getting
into their cars are halted and
youths quietly take their bags of
groceries, and go.
NO, MY FRIEND, liberty is not
a one way street. We have a
right to object, but what right
do we have under this system to-
day, when anyone who stands
up to defend this nation, is smear-
ed, lied about and even killed. My
grandson is in the Navy, and if
need be he, too, may be a casual-
ty in this struggle in Viet Nam.
We are supposed to be fighting
the atheistic Communists while our
federal government is seeking to
allow more Russians here in con-
sulates, giving as a weak excuse
that, we, in return will be protect-
ed in Russia. Our boys are not
getting butter so that the Reds
can fill their bellies.
Now, I am going to say this,
and it doesn't make me happy...
So much unrest is caused by you
fortunate young people who have
the means and opportunities to a
higher education. But since in col-
lege, you seem to forget all the
wisdom given to you by your
hard working (often sneered at)
parents, and listen to all of the
theories spouted out by men who
in my life-time of observation, are
unable to hold down jobs else-
Since the loyalty oath has been
abolished by our Supreme Court
nuts, any man, with any kind of

foreign ideology is free to infect
his students. This does not make
that man, or you, any more right
in judgment, or any more able
to assess values. Sure, there have
always been thinkers who have
changed world orders, but we must
make a choice between the think-
er and the stinker.
prime reason for writing this, may
I ask you, who will some day be
one of our educated leaders, why
not forget abstracts, and get into
basic causes of our breakdown as
an American power, in relation to
why we are pampering Russia,
while they kill our fighting men
by furnishing them tools to fight
We hear so much about civil
rights! Well, that is also a two-
sided question, which today is
slanted by ambitious politicians
looking out for number one by
vote getting at any cost. You
might get a big story if you got
information as to who owns our
networks, and how many of them
are in the liquor business. And
I wouldn't be surprised if you
would find that the articles you
mentioned, exonerating marijuana,
were written by some one with
invested monies in such opera-
Now to the topic at hand. I guess
I am so full of these evils that
I get carried away. But what I
am about to write is fully docu-
Marijuana, the Weed of Madness
Indian hemp (Cannibas Sativa)
is a native of India, where it is
used in the making of rope, twine,
mats, bags, even clothing. Oil de-
rived from the seed is used in
paints, while many bird seed prod-
ucts use them. Its narcotic proper-
ties were known for many ages.
Over 2800 years ago, Homer refers
to it under the name of "nep-
enthe" in his Odyssey, and how
the intoxicant was put into wine
which caused the drinker to turn
into swine! A Chinese herbalist,
in the fifth century B.C. describes
its functions. Heroditus, the fath-
er of history, Balzac, Baudelaire
and other earlier writers describe
it and its effects.
From Asia to Europe the drug
wove a crimson path of destruc-
tion. Then, when the early set-
tIers arrived from Europe, they
brought this useful weed to sup-
ply them with rope, etc., but dis-
continued the use when Manila
hemp was found to be stronger.
It hasbeen I roven thatthe Amer-
ican hemp is the most virulent
grown. Locally we call the mar-
ijuana filled cigarette reefers,
muggles, Mary Warner, grifo, moo-
ta, tea and Mexican weed.
MARIJUANA was introduced
along the western seacoasts from
Mexico, and since it was plenti-
ful, and could be rolled into cig-
arettes, it soon was to become the
most destructive drug known to
Since the results are "unpredict-
able" most doctors shun it. A very
small amount may bring intoxica-
tion, while a larger dose may bring
no reaction except stupefication.
The effects are far more deadly
than alcohol, which destroys mor-
al values, and releases inhibitions,
allowing the user to follow his se-
cret desires. Marijuana destroys
tir mi . nra of'P00+401, fn+ n1f

of violence, without any seeming
couse, are committed by the mari-
juana user. Amnesia often follows
these crimes when the offender
has no recollection of the act.
Where liquor breaks down the mor-
als, hashhish, not only breaks
them down but sets up standards
diametrically opposed. When in
control of the brain all narcotic
drugs are fiendish monsters.
Peddlers of marijuana seek out
the student who uses cigarettes,
usually offering -him "one of
mine" and with the first reefer
the victim is hooked. Girls, hook-
ed, form the newcomers in broth-
els; boys become ruthless killers;
so much brain damage results that
most addicts go raving mad! Mod-
eration is impossible. Congress has
passed laws to outlaw its growth,
sale or use. But since the plant
grows, reseeds itself in nearly every
state in the union, and while the
greed for an easy buck produces
peddlers to sell the stuff, it will
continue to be the most brutal,
savage killer known to man.
Thoughts of violence conceived in
the final stage of each binge cre-
ates sex desires, maniacal rages
and hallucinations beyond descrip-
THIS TERROR must be found,
and destroyed by every means
knowns to us. Burn, uproot, plow
under several times to destroy the
seeds, for it might well be your
child, looking for a thrill, or a
student needing funds will suc-
cumb to easy money temptation,
or even an unsuspecting parent.
America, to remain strong, must
eradicate all of these evils. I con-
sider social drinking a curse, above
the tavern drink; and drug addic-
tion in every form. God bless
America is my desire.
The violence of these addicts
lead to the most vicious acts known
to man, they get the idea they
are floating on air, etc. A trip to
the police files will tell you enough
stories of violence and horror to
haunt you for days, and we must
also remember that the peddlers
of these things are the real cul-
prits, and so devious are the ways
to snare unsuspecting youths that
even a cigarette offered may be
the first step to ruin. I do hope
that this letter will lead you to a
further study into the real prob-
lems of life. And the less religion
we teach, the more our life will

be filled with sorrows. A good
Jew, a good Catholic and a good
Protestants all are working for a
betterment in life. Knowing that
what we sow, we reap.
God bless you.
-Anna Cartwright
Columbiana, Ohio
What, if I may ask as a tax
payer and a person who pays tax-
es to support a bunch of Hoods,
beerslops, punks, Homos and you
name it U. of M. has it including
the Commie Profs.
I put (3) three sons through
college and not one who has a
bunch of pigs like you birds, and
their not sky pilots either, but,
Men with good honest Jobs homes
and familys. Why, are most of you
and your broads sent to college
as such as the U. of M.?
I will tell you why? It's be-
cause your so called parents want
to get -id of you they are sick'
of the sight of you. Your Fathers
who are good men know your
nothing but, draft dodging punks
and no, good booze drinking bums
and you could support your self
for one week with out your par-
ents support.
IF EVEN ONE of my son's had
ever come home and said he was
going to burn his draft card I
would have took him apart piece
by piece, Then stuck him back
together and he would have been
glad to enlist then, and I would
not have cared if he ever came
I have no, use for a yellow belly
and most of you punks aren't
worth the effort but, some of you
may become men but, God, knows
how if you do no, one else will.
We hear of Black and Whites
dateing, playing house right on
campus-Would you marry a
White girl who went to bed with
a nigger? If I had adaughter and
I caught her with a black I would
kill her where she stood, and nev-
er shead a bit of sorrow.,
Why? Don't you kid's Wake Up
your the Squares Not Us.
-A U Martin
Grand Rapids, Mich.


"Now, Here You'll Note We Succeeded In
Antagonizing Everyone Without Even
Firing A Shot"


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