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January 06, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-06

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Sir i~tani



Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom






Sorenson Resigns: Only


Faculty Criticizes


Republican Regents Left Sit-in
i By ROERT KLIVANS idemeer of Stockbridge and JohnI for a full eight-year term on ' the



Allan R. Sorenson, the last re-
maining Democrat on the Univer-
sity's Board of Regents, has re-
signed. The letter of resignation
has been accepted by Gov. George
Romney, according to Charles Or-
lebeke, the governor's education,

Feikens of =Detroit, and Mrs. Mar-
cia Strickland who is backed by
Regent Alvin Bentley.
Orlebeke said yesterday that
Democratic nominees had not been
ruled out.
With seven Republican members
now on the Board, Democrats

Board of Education.
Other possibilities on the Dem-
ocratic side include William T.
Patrick Jr., a Detroit councilman,
and Robert Nederlander a De-
troit attorney who unsuccesfully
sought a Democratic Regental
nomination this year.
The appointment of an inexpe-
! ...,...Z ' n.n~ --1 n ci _ o

Probe Costs

Sorenson, an engineer with the argue that a Democratic appoint-
Dow Chemical Company resides ment would lend variety and a
in Midland, but for the last 18 wider overview to the Board.
months has been stationed over- Frequently mentioned in pem-
seas and has been frequently ab- ocratic circles is Donald M. D.
sent from the Regents' meetings, Thurber of Grosse Points, who
attending only one since August. served one two-year term on the
Orlebeke could not say when Board before he was elected in
Gov. Romney would announce 1964 to the State Board of Educa-
Sorenson's replacement, though he tion. He was defeated last month
indicated that candidates were
now being examined and a deci-
sion would be made "as soon as L oca l I est
The two other Democrats on the
Board, Mrs. Irene E. Murphy and
Carl Brablec, lost their seats in
the November Republican land- To Work 4
slide to Robert J. Brown and Mrs.
Trudy Huebner. Brablec and By WALLACE IMMEN
Murphy reportedly influenced Sor-
enson's decision to resign, stressing Last of a Series
the disadvantages of an absentee Even though the Atomic Energy
Regent. Commission will build its $375 mil-
Possible Candidates lion nuclear accelerator in Wes-
Republicans mentioned as pos- ton, Ill., researchers from the Uni-
sible candidates for the vacancy versity will be very much involv-
include two former Republican ed in its planning and operation,
state chairmen, Lawrence B. Lin- according to A. Geoffrey Norman,
- - - - - - - - -


rienced Regent would leave 4 of
the Board's 8 seats in relatively
new hands. Robert P. Briggs and
Frederick C. Matthei have been
serving since 1961, Paul G. GoebelInN
since 1962, and William B. Cudlip *
since 1964. Alvin M. Bentley was I Building Cited By
appointed last year to complete
the term of Eugene Power. Cutler to Legislators

at Weston

In open, all-day hearing held
at the end of last semester, Uni-
versity administrators testified be-
fore a legislative 'subcommit-
tee and, in turn, found themselves
and Ann Arbor landlords the tar-
gets of strong criticism.
The hearings were conducted




r t '

PROF. SAMUEL R. HEPWORTH of the business adminis-
tration school died Tuesday of a heart attack. Hepworth, 46, was
in New York to finish plans for two research projects for the
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. One project
dealt with the problems of international accounting and the
other with intercoporate investment.
* * *
MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH, '67, editor of The Daily, has
been named one of 32 Rhodes Scholars for 1966. Four Rhodes
Scholars are selected in competition in each of eight regions for
the awards, which provide for two years of study at Oxford
University in England. Killingsworth is the first University stu-
dent to receive a Rhodes scholarship in ten years.
FIFTY PSYCHOLOGY TEACHERS from small colleges all
over the United States are expected to attend a University psy-
chology institute next summer.
Supported by a $74,820 National Science Foundation grant,
the institute will include sections dealing with basic concepts of
psychology and with the potential contributions of mathematical
General direction of the summer institute which runs from
June 28 to Aug. 18, will be under Prof. John E. Milholland..Prof.
Clyde H. Coombs will direct the sessions on mathematical psy-
Milholland says the response from last year's institute par-
ticipants showed the program to be worthwhile. He plans to
consult with those participants in January and tailor the com-
ing institute to the needs of psychology departments of five
men or less.
TWENTY-FOUR RESEARCH fellowships totaling $57,039
have been awarded to University faculty members for the summer
of 1967.
Presented from research funds of the Rackhain School of
Graduate Studies, the fellowships cover research in five areas-
biological sciences, physical sciences, languages and literature,
social sciences, and fine arts. Projects will range from the com-
pilation of a critical biography of George Orwell to a study of
morphogenetic substances in crustacea:
Two of the fellowships will cover projects in the physical
sciences, one dealing with a study of reflexes and the other with
the use of lasers. The two fellowships in the biological sciences
will be fore research on crustacea and the role of iron protein
in oxidative phosphorylation.
The 10 projects in languages and literature will include re-
search on Orwell, Shakespeare, Petrarch, Wallace Stevens, Ger-
man author, Georg Kaiser, Russian novelist Saltykov-Shchedrin,
and Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
Eight projects in social sciences will deal with such areas as
the 1936-37 General Motors strike, family structure, the seces-
sion crisis in the South, and forces affecting quit rates in
American manufacturing.
The two fine arts projects will deal with research in 1850-
1900 concert life and the recorders in the Stearns Collection of
musical instruments.
nounced last December 13 that he will enter the February
primary for the Republican candidacy in City Council's third
ward. The third ward seat is currently held by Robert P. Weeks,
a Democrat and a University professor of engineering English.
The election will be in April.

University vice-president in charge by Rep Jack Faxon (D-Det.)
of research, chairman of the higher education
The AEC selection committee re- sub-committee of the House com-
cently eliminated five of the six mittee on ways and means, and
sites under consideration for the sub-committee members George
accelerator, including one in F. Montgomery and William A.
Northfield Township, a few miles Ryan, also Detroit Democrats.
from Ann Arbor. Their final de- In the morning session, devoted
cision was unanimous in favor of entirely to the University admin-
Weston, a community of about 350 istration Vice-President for Stu-
residents, 36 miles from Chicago. dent Affairs Richard L. Cutler told
No protest of the committee's the legislators that the University
decision has been planned. will open 3,400 more student hous-
Norman said University officials ing spaces by 1970. Cutler stressed
are disappointed that the accel- the "volume and diversity" of
erator didn't come here, but he housing units soon to be built, and
was delighted that it will be built said that "we are working to anti-
in the Midwest. "With this new cipate and respond to student
facility in the Midwest," he said, needs. We're exploring now our
"our group of high energy physi- reponse to the changing needs
cists can become more involved in of single students, just as we
major experiments with highly re- sought - and found - answers to
fined equipment." the needs of married students."
In the past, University research- Cutler said "the cost of living
ers have had to go as far away as in Ann Arbor may serve as a de-
the Cern Laboratories in Switzer- terent for some people who want
land to do their experiments. : to come. We ask the sub-commit-
Norman said University re- tee to do anything it can to break
searchers will be closely connect- this image."
ed with the planning of the ac- Questioned by Faxon on the
celerator because it must be de- high cost of University dorns,
signed for the experiments to be Cutler said "the box we're in is
I run on it. He said scientists from between differential rates or keep-
the nearby Argonne Laboratory ing revenue up to pay for ameni-
would probably serve as the base ties. We're not paying the service
for the planning of the accelera- people enough now for mainten-
tor, ante of halls at the level students
The fact that the Argonne Lab- would like."
oratory is located near Weston was Cutler emphasized to the sub-
an advantage which was noted by commiteee "the role of students
the selection committee. Other ad- in planning University housing, a
vantages of the Weston site over tradition that dates back to the
the Northfield one were: construction of South Quadrangle
-It is more centrally located in 1950." He said students have
to a city larger than Ann Arbor been on the planning committees
and closer to the transportation for all residence halls built since,
system of the Chicago area. and that 'students from occupied
-The Illinois site is more read- housing units serve as advisers to
ily available, only requiring relo- (University Housing Director)
cation of a few people. John Feldkamp's office."
-It is located near a larger wa- Cutler listed "responsiveness to
ter source than the one in Michi- students needs" as a major goal
gan, important for cooling the of University housing policy. Feld-
equipment. kamp spoke of housing experi-
-Bedrock is 200 feet closer to mentation, citing the East Quad
the surface of the glacial till re- pilot project, coed housing, and
quiring less foundation drilling. the phasing out of housemothers
The 200 billion electron volt as examples.
research facility will be the world's Criticism came in the after-
largest when itis completed about - noon, when the floor was opened
1974, more than six times larger to all who wished to testify. City
than any currently in operation. Councilman Robert P. Weeks
The accelerator is expected to charged that "both City and Uni-
bring about $50 million a year in versity practice a kind of covert
local income to Weston and em- social discrimination that keeps
ploy 2000 in full operation. rents high and maintains (them)
The accelerator will be in the as bastions of white, upper mid-
form of a ring and will be used to die-class gentility." The UniversityI
speed protons, the nuclei of hy- and the city of Ann Arbor have
drogen atoms, to the speed of light virtually abrogated their respon- ,
in order to break it down into its sibility to provide housing for1
constituent parts which are re- those with modest incomes.
corded on instrumented targets. See CHARGES, Page 7


"EXASPERATING, exhausting, yet provocative" critic Leslie Fiedler arrived on campus
for a month of lectures, seminars, receptions and personal consultation.
.Wild' Critic Fiedler Arrives
Begins Writer Pro gram o

Leslie Fiedler, "wild mate
American literary criticism"
arrived for his month-long
as the University's writer-in-
dence. Tonight he will launc
program of three formal lect
and a multitude of seminars,.
cussions and personal consv
Fiedler, currently a professo
English at New York State1
versity at Buffalo is both a lite
and a social critic. His most n
works are "Love and Death in
American Novel," "Waiting for
End," and "No! In Thunder.'
his books he covers topics ran
from homosexuality in "Huc
berry Finn" to the rise of
"Gentile-Jew" and "White-Neg
'School's Out'
Fiedler is currently writin

based on the material in this ly subversive whereu
of book. pear?"
has Tonight's 'lecture is entitled, Young people, says
stay "Youth Culture and the End of in the enviable posit
rnsn-fdisengaged and ate,
rhs a Western Man" and is concerned out of power. Similar
uaes, with youth as a sub-culture as tion of the intellect
di,- separate from the larger culture !.utside of the strum,
ulta- throughout the world. Fiedler will In future lectures
d a l r u h o th e w orl Fi d"A r w lle discuss academ ic free
r with the question "Are the of the American won
SofI values of this youth culture equal- uses of the university
n -
oted T
the UthantToAddr
lgui onors Coiivoe i
Ifn 1t

Bill Passed
By Record
Advocates Work In
Tri-Partite Groups;
Consider Rank Next
The literary college faculty at
its meeting last month criticized
{k . the University administration for
its ban on sit-ins and its submis-
sion of names to the House Un-
American Activities Committee
last summer.
In a formal resolution over-
whelmingly passedgat a meeting of
720 "literary college faculty mem-
bers, the faculty formally regret-
ted, what they called -"the break-
down in communication and con-
fidence which has occurred In re-
cent months since HUAC sub-
y-Andy sacks poenaed the membership lists of
,s yesterdaythree students organizations."
The faculty further charged the
administration with "less respon-
sibility and less fidelity to the
democratic process than the Uni-
versity community had every
right to expect.''iThe resolution
was sent to University President
SHarlanHatcher and the Regents.
a Dean William Haber of the lit-
erary college described the faculty
resolution as "a mild way of say-
ver they ap- ing we don't like what you did on
HUAC'and the sit-in ban."
s Fiedler, Are Haber said' the attendance of
tion of being 720 professors turnout at the
by definition, meeting was the largest for any
rly, the posi- meeting in memory. "I don't re-
ual is to be call such an outpouring of faculty
ure as critic. interest in my 30 years at t
Fiedler will University," Haber said.
dom, the role The resolution reiterated t1
nan, and the faculty's support for the proposals
. of Hatcher given at the Nov. 29
- ---- meeting of the literary college
faculty. It "welcomed" Hatchers
proposals because they "represent
an important and constructive
change in the University's ap-
proach to the basic Issue of the
role of the students and faculty
O il in the decision-making process."
The resolution urged students to
end any efforts to disrupt activi-
s at the ad- ties of the University.
in November The resolution expressed the
faculty opinion that the "most
been inform- important requisites" t o w a r d
s and other achieving the goal of greater stu-
ident Hatch- dent-faculty participation In the
ent demands decision-making process are "good
greater role faith and mutual trust among all
ecision-mak- parties concerned, a chance for
the tripartite commissions and
At the events committees recommended by Pres-
'reeing up of ident Hatcher to be constituted
mmunication and a chance for these bodies to
ed." He add- concentrate on the task before
dministration them as expeditiously as possible."
ve action to Administrators were unavall,
have caused able for comment.
A resolution proposing an al-



United Nations Secretary-Gen-
eral U Thant will speak at the


book to be titled "School's Out," University's Honors Convocation
which will pose the question "Is March 31, President Harlan Hatch-
the university an obsolete insti- er announced at the December
tution?" The three formal lectures 17th Regents meeting.
that Fiedler will deliver, the first I In their official business, the
of which is tonight in Rackhan Regents took no public action in
Lecture Hall at 8:00 p.m. are 1 the wake of three student protest
Voie. Leader Urges
Student 'Direct Action'

sit-in demonstrations
ministration building
and December.
"The Regents have
ed of events on thi
campuses," said Pres
er, referring to stud
last semester for a
in the university's d
ing process.
Hatcher said he fe
had resulted in "a f
some channels of co
that have been clogg
ed that he felt the a
is taking "constructi
resolve actions that

Students must exchange with
Regents a promise of "peace and
quiet" for the power to make ma-
jor decisions in the University,
Michael Zweig, Grad, chairman of
Voice political party said yester-
Zweig pointed out that such an
exchange must be the next step
in the move begun last semester
by students working toward a
stronger v o i c e in University

Induction Rate Continues Low
The Pentagon yesterday an- day Michigan local boards will call students entering graduate school
nounced a Maich draft call for 529 men for induction into the have been required to score at
11,900 men, keeping its induction Army during February, the lowest least 80 on the Selective Service
I rate at a reduced level for 1967. call assigned to Michigan since Deferment Examination or rank in
The draftees will all go to tne the early months of 1965. the top one-quarter both a high
Army. Holmes said local boards also score on the draft exani and a
The March call is 1,000 higher will be asked to deliver approxi- ranking in the top quarter of the
than February's but is short of mately 400 former Class 1-Y reg- class.
the 15,600 men being summoned istrants who now qualify under -The President's Commission
for duty this month. new lower mental standards estab- on Selective Service which is stu-
Selective Service . Director Lt. lished by the Defense Department. dying revisions in the current
Gen. Lewis Hershey has said that Special calls will be issued for 1-Y draft law, is expected to make its
college students would not be registrants starting in February report public late this month. Con-
. drafted as long as monthly induc- and continuing through Septem- gress is required to pass a new

Zweig explained that because'
the Regents have the power to
make any structural changes nec-
essary to institutionalize student
decision making, student efforts
should be directed to them spe-
He said that the only way to
"put the Regents and adminis-
trators in the mood to give us
ultimate power in certain areas is
for students to.promise them what
they want most: peace and quiet."
He continued, however, that the
Regents and administrators will
be reluctant to give up their ulti-
mate power in areas affecting only
The method, said Zweig, would
be to focus attention on certain
key people who have power, such
as the Regents and the various
vice-presidents, and promise peace
and quiet if they will give students
ultimate decision-making power in
affairs that concern only students.
Zweig said he thinks little pro-
gress will be made through just
talking with administrators and
the Regents. If they refuse to give
students such power in areas con-
cerning students, he said, the re-
sult must be "direct action."
Sit-ins are just one of a variety
of things that can be included in
"direct action," Zweig said.
Another major possibility for
action is the Sesauicentennial. he

He added that the three tri-
partite committees he has estab-
lished in an effort to resolve the
student power dispute "will re-
sult in development of proposals
that can be brought to the Re-
In other action, the Regents
changed the name of the Center
for Southern Asian Studies to the
Center for South and Southeast
Asian Studies.
When President Harlan Hatch-
er asked Vice-President for Aca-
demic Affairs Allan Smith why the
name should be changed Smith re-
plied, "You asked me that (last)
Tuesday and we agreed not to
bring it up at the Regents meet-
The Regents also approved a
name change for the Center for
Russian Studies to the Center for
Russian and East European Stud-
"I hope this name change has
no obvious political connotations,"-
said Regent Alvin Bentley (R-
Owosso). "A lot of the East Eu-
ropean nations object to the im-
plication that they are under the
thumb of the Russians," Bentley
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard Cutler gave a de-
tailed report on the French lan-
guage housing unit, Maison Fran-
cats, located in the Oxford Co-

ternative to class ranking will be
presented to the literary college
faculty at its regular monthly
meeting on Monday.
The resolution, submitted by
Prof. E. Lowell Klley of the psy-
chology department, recommends
'that, if selective service is con-
tinued, the present program of 2-S
deferment be retained on the books
for use, if and when the needs
for military manpower should in-
crease to the point where a policy
of no student deferment would
seriously threaten the nation's
supply of specialized, college-
trained personnel."
However, it urges that any
changes in Selective Service policy
"be made applicable only to young
men becoming 18 (or 19) years
old, thus permitting college stu-
dents who meet the criteria for
deferment to complete their de-
The resolution also recommends
that draft-eligible males "be ad-
vised as soon as possible after
reaching the age of 18 whether or
not he will be required to serve
in the armed forces so that they
can make more definite plans for
the future.
The resolution was submitted
"because of widespread and in-
tense- debates" at the University
on the issue of partially basing
student deferments "on academic

S y , .. ^ . . . ' ' } S : i L -. ^.. .

I tion calls remain below 30.000.

ber. Holmes said.

draft law before the current oneI

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