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February 12, 1967 - Image 3

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i SALAi , 11 A-1>





Hold Tax




By LAWRENCE L. KNUTSON ever since he took office. Demo-
CHICAGO (IP)-Most state gov- crats, firmly in control of both
ernments need miore money, but houses last session, face a Repub-
governors are trying hard to make lican-dominated' Senate and a
good their campaign promises to 5555 tie in the House.
hold the line on taxes, and most Spokesmen from both parties
legislators are determined to help contend an income tax is needed.
them do it. Romney has repeatedly called for
This is the (national mood, an repeal or reduction of levies in
Associated Press survey shows, as favor of an income tax. Last
legislatures convene across the month, Romney ordered an in-
nation. definite delay in implementing
In state after state, governors parts of the state's medicaid pro-
and legislators have announced gram, saying there was not
their opposition to tax increases.lenough money to pay for it.
The talk is of cutting programs Almost half the states either
rather than finding revenue for have surplus funds or are on rec-
new ones. ord against higher taxes. A ma-
The M i c h i g a n Legislature,! jority of states h'ave raised taxes
thoroughly shaken up by voters 1in the last two years, and all have
in the November election, will con- had major increases in the past
sider a tax reform bill which Re- decade.
publican Gov. George W. Romney The rising tax bill has been
has been trying to get approved made necessary by public demands

for more state services, especially
in education, health and welfare.
Now, the taxpayers, according to
v e t e r a n statehouse observers,
think they are being taxed beyond
Some state treasurers report fi-
nancial surpluses. In Colorado,
Hawaii, Iowa, Minnesota and
South Carolina this happy situa-
tion is attributed to the economic
boom and inflation.
Surpluses are especially common
in states which have a sales tax.
But sales taxes are emotional po-
litical issues in many sections of
the country, and pressure is build-
ing up in some states to give tax
relief to property owners-a move
which would require alternate
sources of revenue.
Kansas and North Carolina leg-
islatures might pass a bill which
would decrease taxes. But Oregon

faces the possibility of a 15 per'
cent state income tax increase.
The November election radically
changed the makeup of state leg-
islatures. The new faces are seated
mainly on the Republican side of
the chambers, and many of them
won on campaigns promising no
tax increases.
So did some governors. In Ar-
kansas, Delaware, New Mexico,
Oklahoma and Vermont, gover-
nors have vowed to veto any ball
that would raise taxes.
In states with large urban pop-
ulations, taxes are more of a prob-
Yet in New York, Gov. Nelson
A. Rockefeller and most state leg-
islators say the tax line can be
held, by combining increased rev-
enue from existing taxes with "the
judicious use of bonds." New York
voters have approved the creation

of a state lottery with the revenue not expected to raise taxes this plus that pressure is on for tax
to be used for education. year. Nine states are likely to have reform. The state expects the pop-
In California, where Gov. Ron- sales tax increases, and four prob- 'ping economy to pour $270 million
ald Reagan predicts a $473-million ably will see increases in gasoline, more into its coffers in the next

deficit during the 1967-68 fiscal
year, the problem is more acute.
In one of his first actions, Rea-
gan ordered a 10 per cent across-
the-board cut by all departments
in the gneral budget-and a 30 per
cent reduction in the budget for
higher education.
This year's California budget
stands at $4.6 billion. Observers
estimate it will need even more
money next year, despite any
economy programs, simply through
pressure of an ever-increasing
population. Reagan has proposed
some tax increases, on nonessen-
tials such as cigarettes, and wants
to charge tuition at all state col-
leges and universities.
Almost half the states-22-are

cigarettes or state income taxes.
Gov. Lurleen Wallace of Ala-
bama is expected to call a special
legislative session to consider a
big new road bond issue and more
funds for the State Highway De-
Gov. Otto Kerner of Illinois says
he believes the need for new rev-
enue will be the greatest in the
state's history. The 5-cent gaso-1
line tax could be raised to 8 cents
per gallon.
Massachusetts Gov. John A.
Volpe has asked that the tem-
porary limited three per cent sales
tax be made permanent. It is ex-
pected to yield $150 million an-
Minnesota has such a huge sur-

two years.
Gov. Tim Babcock of Montana
has urged a three per cent sales
tax referendum to provide a net
$77.1 million and replace some
property and income taxes.
In Nebraska, voters approved a
constitutional amendment in the
November election barring the
state levying a property tax. But
it didn't prohibit cities, counties
or school districts from doing so.
Republican Gov. Paul Laxalt of
Nevada promised in his campaign
to ask for the real of the 10 per
cent casino tax and to seek a 25
per cent increase in gambling
taxes to replace the estimated $5
million annual loss. But several
bills to increase other taxes also

have been introduced.
Attempts to raise funds to meet
increasing budget requests have
been hampered in New Hampshire
by a state constitution which re-
quires that all taxes to be imposed
evenly. Gov. John W. King has
asked that the constitution be
Gov. Tom McCall of Oregon has
asked for a 15 per cent income tax
hike, and a one-third increase in
corporate and excise taxes, to
allow property tax relief.
Tennessee officials will not spe-
culate on whether a tax increase
is needed, nor will they say what
state and local revenue will be
needed in the next two years. The
Tennessee property tax assessment
has been held unfair and discrim-
inatory in recent state and federal
court decisions, and the problem
is now in the hands of a state tax
study commission.


Red Army



Viet War Action Continues
Following New Year Truce

Border Commands Alerted

Troops Shift
To Russian
Chinese Army Sets
Up Military Control
Conmittee as Police
TOKYO (W)-Japanese dispatch-
es reported the Red Chinese ar-
my took control of Peking yes-
terday while orders posted in the
name of Mao Tse-tung alerted
military commands on the fron-
tiers to watch for moves against
China by forces of imperialism
and revisionism - Chinese terms
for the United States and the So-
viet Union.
A dispatch from the Peking-
based correspondent of the Tokyo
newspaper Nihon Keizai said the
Public Security Ministry and the
People's Liberation Army garri-
son command issued a decree re-
vealing the command has taken
over duties of the police and set
up a "military control committee."
Red Guards posted orders in
Mao's name around Peking, an-
other Japanese dispatch said.
The emphasis in the orders was
on the Soviet-Chinese border in
the west and Sinkiang Province,
where Red China -has its nu-
clear testing ground at Lop Nor,
the Japanese account reported. It
added there is also some concern
in Peking for mainland areas fac-
ing the Nationalist Chinese is-
land of Formosa.
The orders noted a sharp in-
crease in aircraft and troop move-
ments along the Soviet-Sinkiang
border but did not say whether
thv w rp Chinese or Russian. d

Unmanned Flights Favored
For Venus and Mars Study

Russell Says
Congress To
Give Funds

SAIGON G' - The four-day
Lunar New Year truce-marred by
repeated and often bloody clashesI
-ended today and the Vietnam
war went on.
The ceasefire proclaimed by1
South Vietnam and joined in by
its allies came to its end at 7 a.m.
Saigon time as scheduled, despite
a Viet Cong declaration that the
Communists would hold off on of-
fensive activity until Wednesday

said: "I can't comment on that."
Announcements in Saigon and
Hanoi set the stage for the re-
sumption of offensive operations
after four days of nominal peace
that such world figures as Pope
Paul VI and U.N. Secretary-Gen-
eral U Thant had sought to have
extended into talks to end the war.
South Vietnam's military com-
mand said before the truce ended
it would resume all field cam-
paigns that were under way when
the cease-fire began Wednesday.
Armed Forces
As to what the U.S. armed forces
would do, a spokesman for Gen.
William C. Westmoreland's head-
quarters said before fighting re-
sumed, "I cannot comment on fu-
ture operations." But there was
little doubt in Saigon that they
would open up on both sides of the

r- _ - _ . *Sn *.U "

dent's Science Advisory Committee
recommended yesterday that after
a lunar landing is achieved, the
United States proceed with rela-
tively modest moon surveys and
set out on a strongly upgraded
program of early unmanned ex-
ploration of the nearer planets.
The committee recommended
against establishment of a single
new major space goal, like that
of the late President John F. Ken-
nedy, for a lunar landing in this

The committee also found it in-
advisable to make any early at-
tempt to establish a permanent
base on the moon.E
Furthermore, the group said, it
would be premature at this time
to try to set up a timetable for
missions to the planets, or a list-
ing of priorities as to planets.
The committee looked doubtful-
ly at the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration pro-,
posal to convert the spent second
stage of an unrated Saturn 1 ve-
hicle into an orbital workshop.

Instead the committee recom- Fredlcts $ 77Million
mended that NASA consider ac- To Finance Antimissile
quiring from the Defense Depart-
ment the Air Force Manned Orbi- Systems Installation
tal Laboratory which would have WASHINGTON (P)-S Rich-
the advantage of being a fully- ard .Russell(D-Ga en. Rich-
equipped working station. . ) predicts
The MOL is launched by the that Congress will put up the $377
million President Johnson asked
Titan 3 booster, and the commit- in standby funds to start install-
tee's proposal would involve fur- anant is
Russell, who heads the Senate
The committee said there was a Armed Services Committee, said
lack of integrated planning by in an interview "Congress is in a
NASA as to planetary exploration box" because Johnson made spend-
in the 1970's. The group said that ing of the proposed appropriation
it also had reservations about contingent on negotiations with
NASA's plan for a manned Mars the Soviet Union for an agree-,
flyby mission in '1975 and ques- ment under which neither country
tioned whether this would be the would go into this highly expensive
most effective possible use of a field.
human crew. "I don't know anything that
The committee urged that more Congress can do but provide the
attention be given to the possible money and hope that it won't
use of unmanned systems to ob- , have to be spent," Russell said.
tain and return samples of the Skeleton System
surface material of Venus and He said that if the Russians
Mars. ± n -

Announcing the end of the holi-
day stand down, a U.S. military
command spokesman said "full
military activity in the Republic
of Vietnam was resumed."
Air Raids in North
Asked if this meant that air
raids against targets in Commu-
nist North Vietnam also were re-
sumed, the official spokesman

As if expecting grounded U.S.
combat planes and muzzled war-
ships to strike at it again, North
Vietnam reiterated in a broadcast
from Hanoi that peace talks could
take place only after an uncondi-
tional halt n U.S. bombing "and
other acts of war" against North
Movement Declines
The U.S. Command annnounced
there had been a considerable de-
cline in the southward movement
of North Vietnamese supplies after
a surge that was reported Friday
to be five times the normal level
when the warplanes were aloft..
This could mean that, with ex-
tra munitions piled up near the
border, President Ho Chi Minh's
regime didn't want its trucks and
boats exposed unnecessarily-a-
ed or empty-after today's dawn.
The Viet Cong, in their own one=
sided truce call, sought- a seven-
day break for the Tet holidays,
the Vietnamese celebration of the
lunar new year. They said they
intended to refrain from initiating
any action until 7 a.m. Wednes-.
Communist Responsible
In' the face of this, however,
allied authorities said the Com-
munists had been responsible for
333 incidents up to last night. Of
these, 84 were called significant,
meaning there were casualties on
at least one side. The U.S. =Com-
mand departed from routine to
announce 17 Americans had been
killed and 126 wounded.
Ordinarily, casualties are an-
nounced on a weekly basis.

Gandhi Party Faces
Loss in India Vote

South Vietnam Constitution
Nearly Early Completion


SAIGON P) -South Vietnam's
new constitution is nearing com-
pletion in an atmosphere of re-
strained optimism.
By law the constitution must be
written by March 27. It is now ex-
pected to be completed a week or
two early.
A headon clash between the 117-
member Constituent Assembly,
which is writing the new national
charter, and the military govern-
ment which has the final word
on its implementation appears to
have been avoided.
A series of private luncheon and
dinner meetings this month be-
tween junta leaders and members
of the assembly have lessened the

cils for cultural, educational, so-
cial and economic affairs and mi-
nority groups and a two-party po-
litical system.
Election of a president and vice-
president on the same ticket is
provided for within six months
after the constitution is promul-
gated-scheduled for May 3 at the
Voting for a two-house National
Assembly, under present plans,
would be held within 12 months
after the presidential election.
There is a growing inclination to
revise this to hold the two elec-
tions simultaneously to save mon-
ey, ease the administrative burden
and launch civilian rule as soon
as possible.

NEW DELHI (P)--India holds
its fourth general elections begin-
ning Wednesday.
Sometime after that-in March
or April-the majority party's
members of Parliament will meet
to select the prime minister for
the next five years.
There is no question but that
the Congress party again will be
the majority party but there is
considerable uncertainty whether
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi will
be their choice.
About 250 million are eligible to
cast ballots to determine the peo-
ple who for the next five years will
fill the'521 seats of Parliament's
lower house and the 3.560 seats

state of Uttar Pradesh was select-
ed so she could devote her time to
national campaigning.
But these plans were dashed
when Mrs. Gandhi suffered facial
injuries when hit by a stone
thrown by a heckler at Bhubanes-
war last Wednesday. She was hos-
pitalized overnight Friday and or-
dered to discontinue her campaign.
The incident may bring a sub-
stential wave of sympathy votes,
especially from women, who com-
prise half the electorate.

It said particular consideration
should be given to a 1970 unman-
ned mission capable of probing the
atmosphere of Venus. It added
there should be an expanded com-
mitment of the Voyager plane-
tary lander program, pointing to-
ward a soft landing of a Surveyor-
type capsule on Mars in 1973 but
with provision for the possibility
that a similar mission to Venus
may also receive a hard priority
for the early 1970's.
It proposed that during the
1970's unmanned spacecraft be
sent to Jupiter and Mercury.

prove obstinate about expanding
the skeleton system they are in-
stalling around Moscow he looks
for a long-term American program
which would require an outlay of
about $40 billion over the next 10
"We could do it, of course, but
I hope we don't have to," Russell

Gardner Not Available
For University Position



Ley wer aei r xbii.
A Peking dispatch of the Kyodo danger of sharp divergence on the
news service said the posted orders provisions, Vietnamese sources
quoted Mao as telling military said.
commanders and Communist par- Both sides appear to be doing
ty leaders they need not pursue everything possible to avoid a con-
his purge of internal foes simul- frontat on. Th s iseill poAsia,
taneously with the alert. He also everywhere an especiare to be
acknowledged that this turn of avoided if face is o be saved.
events would delay the purge, Kyo- The assemblymen resume sit-
do said. ting Tuesday in the refurbished
Mimeographed Orders French-built opera house. They
Kyodo said the orders were con- will debate the proposed powers of
tained in mimeographed bulletins the executive branch.
posted in the Chinese capital as Political sources said the gen-
100,000 persons denonstrated out- erals who rule Vietnam were un-
side the Soviet Embassy. Earlier happy with the draft articles on
Premier Chou En-lai and Foreign presidential powers. The Constit-
Minister Chen Yi assailed the So- uent Assembly limited the powers
viet leadership in a mass rally. of the executive branch compared
Chen told the rally that Soviet with those for the proposed Na-
leaders had "frantically suppress- tional Assembly.
ed Chinese students" who went to This was deliberate. Some dep-
lay wreaths at Lenin's Tomb and uties were imprisoned during the
Stalin's grave, regime of the late President Ngoa
The leaders, Chen continued, Dinh Diem. Under Diem the leg-
"organized special agents and islature was a rubber-stamp body.
thugs to break into the Chinese Diem's overthrow Nov. 1, 1963,
Embassy in Moscow to carry out marked the end of the old consti-
sabotage and looting and sav- tution. It could not be revived for
agely beat up the Chinese diplo- emotional, nationalistic reasons.
matic representative and embassy The draft constitution's nine
personnel. chapters include provisions for ex-
"There are Fascist atrocities ecutive and legislative branches,
rarely found in the history of an independent judiciary with a
world diplomacy," Chen said, "and 15-member supreme corut, a bill of
they constitute a grave provocation rights, basic provision as to what
to the Chinese people." comprises Vietnam, advisory coun-

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Members of
the select committee looking into
Adam Clayton Powell's qualifica-
tions for a House seat are cur-
rently considering at least five
possible recommendations, it was
learned yesterday.
This emphasizes the contention
of Chairman Emanuel Celler (D-
NY) that the committee has a
broad mandate under which the
nine-member group could well pro-
pose something other than merely
seating or excluding the contro-
versial New York Democrat.
ROME-A crisis that could have
toppled Premier Aldo Moro's third
Catholic-Socialist coalition gov-
ernment in Italy appeared yester-
day to have been averted.
A Socialist leader indicated that
Moro had made some concessions
to Socialist legislative demands.
The party leader, Co-Secretary
Francesco De Martino, told news-
men asking about the possibility1

of a crisis: "I would think it will
be avoided."
' . * *
BOGOTA, Colombia-Colombia's
Council of Ministers declared a
state of emergency yesterday as
the death toll from Thursday's
earthquake rose to 93. Another 200
persons were injured.
Hardest hit was Huila province,
where officials said 69 persons per-
ished. Huila is in south central Co-
lombia. Fifteen persons were killed
in Bogota, the capital, and anoth-
er nine perished in small villages.
LISBON, Portugal - Portugal
has told the United Nations that
the economy of the Portuguese
African colony of Mozambique has
been seriously harmed by the UN-
backed blockade of Rhodesia. Por-
tugal demanded $28 million dam-
The demand was made public in
Lisbon yesterday with disclosure of
a letter from Foreign Minister Al-
berto Franco Nogueira to UN Sec-
retary-General U Thant. The let-
ter was dated Feb. 3.

. -. . t

said. of the various state legislatures.
Sen. William Proxmire (D-Wis), f ChkroUg Elein
head of the Senate-House Eco-
nomic Committee, said he believes Because the country does not
the Russians are changing their have the facilities to hold all the
tune since Johnson's announce- balloting on one day, it will be
ment that he wants an agree- spread over seven days. Counting
ment to eliminate antimissile out- will start after all voting is com-
lays. pleted and the government hopes
"I think that Secretary of De- to have complete returns by
fense Robert S. McNamara is fin- Feb. 24.
ally getting through to them, that In May, all members of Parlia-
if you spend $3 or $4 or $5 billion ment as well as all state legisla-
for defense in an antimissile sys- tors will vote on the country's next
tem, you can counteract that by president. President Sarvepalli
spending about $1 billion in of- Radhakrishnan, who is 78 and in
fense," he said. poor health, is not expected to
"Everybody I've talked to is con- stand for another term.j
vinced. including the ones on the Mrs. Gandhi's Congress party is
other side in this argument, that expected to make its worst show-
we can get through any kind of ing since independence although
antimissile system that they con- it will still hold a majority. It
struct. holds 364 of 509 seats in Parlia-
Proxmire said he thinks it is ment now but may go into the next
important to try to get some kind term with 325, or fewer, of 521
of agreement with the Soviets. He ter th
said that a pact not to build a rseats.
system might have $35 billion "but;i Stronger Candidate
that's the least important.n If the party does better than
"The most important aspect of expected, Mrs. Gandhi's position
it is that where does this arms will be strengthened but if it does
race escalation end? badly, as feared, the party may
"If we build this, the Russians look for a strongercandidate.
build it, we can go up and up and' Mrs. Gandhi's seat in Parlia-
eventually we're going to get a ment is regarded as certain. A
t-ann4 a , 1 ,.af" n -,f c.4+inntt in 10'hr no 'I L4PLL, 5 SLSISJ

WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary
of Welfare John W. Gardner said
yesterday he is not available- for
other jobs because he is committed
to carrying out present programs
and establishing new ones in his
Cabinet post.
Reports have been published in
recent months that Gardner was
being considered for the presi-
dency of Stanford University, the
University of California at Berke-
ley, the University of Michigan
and the University of Oklahoma.
Asked in an interview to com-
ment on such reports, Gardner
said "I am not available. I am
reavily occupied in a job to which
I am very deeply committed..
"There is a whole series of ob-
jectives I have set for myself. I
must carry them out in justice to
the people I have asked to work

with me and in justice to the
"These involve the legislative
programs in all fields -of health,
education, and welfare, both for
expansion of existing programs
and establishment of new pro-
The secretay said he regards his
proposal for reorganization of the
department to provide for an over-
all secretary with three subordi-
nate secretaries, one each for
health, education and welfare, as
a part of the whole series of ob-
jectives he has set for himself.
The means of effecting the re-
organization still is under study,
he said, with final decisions still
to be reached on just where some
agencies within the department
would be assigned in the realign-



nuclear war.

i. "sale constituency in ner name





802 Monroe
LII%'tL I I ILref-L I-f's I

Come TOBOGANING with us
Meet us for supper at 6:00 (50c)-
7:00-Head for the Hills

in "COPS"


-._ U






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