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February 09, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-09

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Seventy-Sixth Year
Where Opinions Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICR. NEws PHONE: 764-0552
Trutb Will Prevail
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of sta f writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all refprints.


W. Fulbright: The Johnson Opposition


The Weather Has Been
Much Too Cold, Perhaps

are running this war, we doves
have few powers , .. I don't know
how to get out of it," said J. Wil-
liam Fulbright in an interview last
week. A surprising statement from
the chairman of the Senate For-
eign Relations Committee and the
man the President of the United
States would most like off his
But then, Fulbright is a surpris-
ing man. He is a historian, a for-
mer Rhodes Scholar, and Presi-
dent of the University of Arkan-
sas. He is, according to his biog-
rapher, Tristam Coffin, an intro-
vert who would rather study his-
tory than make it and is uncom-
fortable in the public eye.
"HE'S A LAZY GUY," com-
mented a Washington reporter.
"If he'd been on the ball, he
wouldn't have blown the Bay of
Tonkin Resolution." Fulbright ad-
mits he blew it.
"I don't have any idea what
history will say about my role in
Tonkin, but I regret it. This reso-
lution was introduced at the be-
ginning of the 1964 Presidential
campaign and I was very interest-
ed in that election. I know and
like Goldwater socially but could

THE WEATHER has been much too cold
through this past week.
All should realize the administration
has done an excellent job in attempting
to control it. We hope the state Legisla-
ture and all donor-alumni will not mis-
understand our troubles and look favor-
ably on the situation.
Certainly no one, under any circum-
stances, would point out shortcomings in
the handling of the affair or offer possi-
ble suggestions for handling it better-
this might have a deleterious effect on
the University's image, and we will thus
keep our suggestions quiet.
It is important to realize that the dubi-
ous benefit of opposite perspectives are
more than offset by the tarnished com-
munity image resulting from speaking
FURTHER, we yesterday learned from a
high weather bureau official that there
may be something happening with the
weather at some time in these next few
days. We substantiated the story to the
best of our ability.
However, before press time a member of
the community counselled us that to print
these facts might do serious harm to the
community as a whole.

We deeply respect his opinion-a for-
mer Kennedy aide, he reminded us of the
high government official who counselled
the New York Times not to print a story
on the Bay of Pigs invasion. He has been
instrumental for over three years in per-
suading Vietnam reporters not to print
newsstories in contradiction to admin-
istration estimates of how long it would
take to win the war for fear of under-
mining the image of the government.
I THUS FEEL it is in the best long-run
interests, in deference to the admin-
istration and Regents, to withhold these
facts from the public even though we
know them to be true.
The demands upon the community in
these troubled times tell us there must
be no contradiction of policy within the
community, and that nothing must be
said, either formally or informally, that,
could be heard outside the community and
misconstrued as troubemaking, or con-
troversial. I in no way wish to breach
the thin but vital line of responsibility.
I cannot, however, repress my own very
strong opinion that the weather has been
entirely too cold lately.
Editorial Director

THE CONFLIICT between Ful-
bright's inclination to believe
what he is told on the one hand
and his scholarly desire to learn
the facts on the other, have re-
sulted in puzzling inconsistencies
between the man's personal be-
liefs and political behavior.
For example, when the Tonkin
resolution was before the Senate,
'Senator Gaylord Nelson (D.Wisc.)
proposed an amendment which
would limit the Administration's
use of the Resolution to expand
the war. When Nelson attempted
to enlist Fulbright's support of
;this amendment, Fulbright re-
portedly replied that he was
"sorry." If he thought "the Ad-
ministration had any such de-
signs" he'd insist on the amend-
ment, but he didn't think they
When it became painfully clear
that the Administration, by de-
sign or circumstance, did intend
to use the resolution as grounds
for further expansion of the war,
Fulbright and his committee held
public hearings on Vietnam. Last
summer's sessions turned out to
be more than a series in public
,education-they became a forum
for critics of the Administration's
policy in Vietnam.
IT IS IRONIC that the Admin-
istration's policy which Fulbright
opposes is in part based on a
speech Fulbright made in March
of '64. At that time Fulbright said
that the United States was in no

position to bargain with the Viet
Cong in Vietnam and consequent-
ly either the South Vietnamese or
the United States should make a
greater effort to reach a bargain-
ing position,
This reasoning became the ra-
tionale behind the Administra-
tion's decision to increase its mili-
tary aid to the South Vietnamese
-and increase it and increase it.
Fulbright's paradoxes on Viet-
nam do not rest on past laurels
alone. In his book, The Arrogance
of Power, he suggests a quiet U.S.
withdrawal, comparable to that of
France from Algeria in 1961. He
deeply regrets the U.S.'s current
psychological state of arrogance
and claims we are trying to Amer-
icanize everything and everyone.
While decrying "the arrogance of
power," he simultaneously sug-
gested that the U.S. get rid of
Premier Ky because he is pre-
venting U.S.-Hanoi negotiations.
Fulbright also suggests in his
book that the entire area of South-
east Asia be neutralized as a buf-
fer area between the U.S. and
Yet in last week's interview he
said that this would be, speaking
in real terms, relatively impossible.
"First we have to stop the slaugh-
ter in Viet Nam, then neutralize
South Vietnam and then North
Vietnam." Arrogance of power?
skeptical about the President's
posture toward Asia-"Under the

emerging 'Asian Doctrine' the
United States is taking on the
role of policeman and provider
for all of non-communist Asia.
MacGeorge Bundy reportedly said
that Fulbright and Johnson see
eye to eye on Foreign Aid to un-
derdeveloped countries and to some
extent, the Asian Bank.
It is difficult to picture Johnson
and Fulbright as being eye to eye
on anything; their current politi-
cal feud is memorialized on the
walls of Fulbright's office. He
has pictures and cartoons depict-
ing their disagreements displayed
prominently on most of the avail,-
able surface area.
THE DOVES have been remark-
ably quiet lately; this year's hear-
ings on the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee on Vietnam are
conducted inta fairly quiet and
friendly manner when compared to
the tense and belligerent moments
of the past. Some attribute this to
the abundance of peace feelers.
Others have suggested that there
might be a new "conspiracy" of
the doves to delude the Joint
Chiefs of Staff into a quiet with-
drawal in the same manner the
doves were drawn into the war.
Fulbright denied this last week by
saying that "we doves don't have
any power." MacNamara is report-
edly planning to scale down the
bombing effort and establish an
upper limit on the U.S. buildup of
troops. He would achieve this de
facto moderation in the war by
establishing enclaves carrying out
strategies of limited violence which
would be "indefinitely sustainable
-both politically and financially."
Fulbright advocates a similar pol-
icy in his book "Arrogance of Pow-
Fulbright is. as I. F. Stone put
it, a "timid dissenter." This is due,
in part, to his theory that dissent
should be "through the proper
channels." Heis concerned about
present student protest against the
war because he thinks that it all-
enates the basic conservative
make-up of the average American
and therefore is not effective.
is Fulbright's avoidance of Ken-
nedy's offer to be Secretary of
State. In Fulbright's biography
Coffin claims that Kennedy told
Sen. Richard Russell (D., Louisi-
ane) that he wanted Fulbright as
his Secretary of State. kFulbright
heard the rumor and asked Rus-
sell if it were true. When Russell
indicated that it was, Fulbright
scurried off to the depths of Ar-
kansas where Kennedy found it
impossible to reach him.
It is strange that a man so con-

cerned with the future of Ameri-
can foreign policy avoided the po-
sition of primary responsibility
for American foreign policy which
was available to him.
Over the past two years Ful-
bright has become known chiefly
for his criticisms of the adminis-
tration's foreign policy. But his
concerns are deeper than that, and
he has serious doubts about the
state of educational affairs in the
country today.
In last week's interview he said
Project Camelot, a government op-
eration in Latin America, was
"shameful" because "the Penta-
gon seduced American universities
to engage in dubious practices."
Government control in education
is, he feels, far too strong.
Fulbright thus maintains that it
is dangerously difficult for the uni-
versities to receive large amounts
of money from the government
"and not be influenced by the
people giving the contracts." He is
afraid the liberal arts college will



A Br eak in the War?

rHE. DIPLOMATIC maneuverings now
taking place durin'g the Vietnamese
New Year cease-fire indicate that some
thing hopeful may be in the wind.
Despite the depressing nature of the
Johnson press conference, he did say th
U.S. would accept "almost any" indication
from the North as sufficient sign fo
stopping the bombing. Then Walt Rostow,
one of Johnson's top foreign policy ad
visors, intimated on the weekend tha
things are in a "delicate state" right now.
Sen. Robert Kennedy (D-NY) brough
back from Paris "a possibly significan
statement of views about a Vietnam set
tlement," according to reliable reports in
the Washington Post and Newsweek mag-
azine. Though Kennedy denied this, ther
have been fairly strong indications from
other sources that the reports were, in
fact, true.
And yesterday, in conjunction witha
letter sent by President Johnson to the
Pope, the White House announced thata
State Department press conference wil
be held today. Since the White House
rarely announces State Department new
conferences, the move was open to inter
pretation as a move to call attention toa
possible new peace plan.
ALL THESE SIGNS point to the possi
bility of a break in the war-if both
sides are careful not to embark on new
offensive actions which may destroy the
delicate process now apparently set in
The U.S. bears a large share of the re
sponsibility for ensuring that it does no
spoil the atmosphere of hope now fel
in many world capitals. The Washington
Post reported last weekend that a possi
ble peace signal from Hanoi, trasmitte
via Poland, was rendered useless when the
U.S. bombed the Hanoi vicinity on Dec
13. There was no denial of this story by
Q;4g 1l Tan *u
The Daiy is a member of the Associated Press an
Collegiate Press Service.,
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Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich
Owner-Board in Control of Student Publication
Bond or Stockholders-None.
Average press run-8100.
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Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
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the State Department. In the past, there
e have been similar reports of missed op-
portunities most of which were due to
American diplomatic ineptitude.
e Both South Vietnam and the Viet Cong
e have now laid down their arms, despite
r, apparent violations of the truce on both
r sides. The cease-fire is officially sched-
uled to end Saturday night (local time)-
-it is incumbent on both sides that neith-
t er one of them be the first to resume the
not resume its futile bombing raids on
n North Vietnam at the end of the truce
period. Consistently Hanoi has indicated
e that a halt in the bombing would be
a the one factor which would be most like-
n ly to create a suitable climate for negotia-
a We now have the opportunity to seize
an opportunity by initiating a pause in
a the bombing-an indefinite pause which
l would give Hanoi a chance to reply with
e an appropriate gesture to de-escalate the
s military conflict. As a group of University
faculty members put it this week, "the
a risk involved in a bombing halt may well
pay lasting dividends by establishing
clearly our desire for peace and opening
the way for a negotiated settlement."
There have been arguments both pro
and con about the military and political
e value of the bombing. But enough doubts
have been created about its utility .to
make an indefinite pause non-detrimental
to the U.S. national interest.
t THE U.S. SHOULD also declare its will-
t1 ingness to negotiate directly with the
Viet Cong-the actual "enemy in the
d field." As Harrison Salisbury of the New
e York Times reported, there is little doubt
that there are significant policy differ-
ences between North Vietnam and the
Viet Cong. It would be foolish for the
U.S. to negotiate an agreement with Ha-
noi only to have it repudiated by the
Viet Cong. Both North Vietnam and the
Viet Cong should be represented at any
talks-just as South Vietnam and its "big
brother," the U.S., would attend.
With domestic turmoil in China con-
d tributing tod oubts in Hanoi about the
y wisdom of continuing the war on the bat-
tlefield, the time for a wholehearted
search for peace is now. The U.S. must
s' not let this opportunity go down the drain.
Managing Editor
Ner Comment
er D
er Deatmn

not think less of his views polit-
ically. He's politically immature
and I was opposed to him. It was
a choice between Goldwater and
Johnson. Johnson was saying at
that time that hq was opposed to
the war and didn't want to send
American boys over there. We were
told that our ships were fired
upon and I was inclined to believe
what, I was told. I thought I was
supporting a man and a policy
dedicated to restraint . . .I've
changed and circumstances have

"be subverted by government in-
fluence" and hope they can "main-
tain the independence and Intel-
lectual objectivity necessary to re-
sume the creation of a good so-
THE SENATOR fr'o'm Arkansas
is a charming, intelligent man. He
has played an important role in
opening the minds of this country
to the travesties of Vietnam.
He is not anti-establishment by
any means. He is hardly alienated.
He is certainly no brother to the
New Left. His calm, slow, totally
invaluable opposition fits the man.


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Letters TIhere Are Other Aspectsto Abortlon

To the Editor:
AN ABSTRACT respect for life
is not yet a match for the hy-
pocrisy of this society, which
damns the unwed mother wheth-
er or not she has her child. If she
has her child, she usually is forced
by circumstances to give it up to
an adoption agency, thus violating
any natural feelings she may have
even more than if she had an
It has been shown time after
time in case study after case
study that a child in an adoption
agency, especially a non-white
child, has very little chance of
finding a good home, and often
must suffer years of humiliating
loneliness and emotional frustra-
tion, of being shuttled from one
home to another where he or the
"foster parents" are found "un-
Even a more fortunate child is
liable to be cut off from people
who love him and want to adopt
him. For every one family like the
Liunis, who, thank God, won their
fight to keep Beth, there must
be thousands of families who have
not been allowed by the state to
keep their beloved foster child.
IF SOCIETY is too lazy or too
unwilling to change its adoption
and welfare laws, abortion had
better be legalized so that moth-
ers and children may not suffer
in this way. If society shinks
from legalizing abortion, there
must be nationwide legalization of
birth control, for unmarried as
well as married women, aged 14

on. If the above reforms are not
carried out, "silent slaughter" will
continue, and life will continue
to be disrespected.
-Patia M. Rosenberg, Grad
To the Editor:
PAINFUL is not death, but the
thought of death. The greatest
pain of death is to the living, not
the dead. A fetus does not think
of death. and a potential abortion
is not loved.
-Berthold Berg, '69
Not Worth It
To the Editor:
To Peter Wolff:
HAVE before me a newspaper
article (about you) which
states, "I support the V.C."
Now, I am not as fortunate as
you. I never had the chance to
go to college, but I'm a better
man than you will ever be. I'm
proud of the fact that I am an
American. I'm proud of the fact
that I am taking part in this
struggle to keep the Vietnamese
people free. I have been thanked
many times by the many friends I
have made here for the help Amer-
ica is giving.
I feel that since you are such
a fool, your education is worthless
as you very definitely lack com-
mon sense. You are without a
doubt a coward so I will not tell
you to go join your Communist
friends in North Vietnam as I am
sure you would not have enough

punch you in the nose for all the
guys that have died over here in
this cause for a peoples' freedom
only you just aren't worth the
-SSG William Predgo
U.S. Army, Vietnam
Peace Letter
To the Editor:
W E THINK our colleagues should
know. that we unthinkingly
started to send byecampus mail a
request for their support of a
statement to President Johnson on
bombing of North Vietnam. When
it was pointed out that this might
constitute the use of University
facilities for political purposes, we
resorted to U.S. mail. We have
also paid personally for the print-
ing arid clerical costs, so there is
no University subsidy behind our
In the process, the mailing has
been slightly delayed, so those who
wish to support the statement will
have to do so expeditiously. We,
should even welcome contributors.
--Leslie Kish
-James Morgan
-David Wurfel
To the Editor:
I T IS ONLY A SHORT step from
Mrs. Zweig's argument against
abortion to the traditional Cath-
olic position on birth control. This
is not a question of euphemism or
euthanasia, but a question of vital
concern to the well-being of so-
ciety as represented by the mother
who does not want a child (or
should not have one for medical
reasoons) and by the future child
who is not wanted.
Is there really such a great
moral difference between prevent-
ing conception and destroying the
fetus, or, to put it less euphemist-
ically for Mrs. Zweig who does not
like euphemisms, between prevent-
ing life and destroying pre-natal
life? And if there is a difference,
how can we know it? Traditional
Catholic doctrine says that there
is no difference.
Traditional Catholics therefore
draw the line at coition. Mrs.
Zweig draws the line at conception.
Many (most?) enlightened people

murderers or accomplices tho mur-
der is just going too far.
As a matter of fact, it is gen-
erally the people favoring abortion
who and Mrs. Zweig would I am
sure agree-are in every other
respect the most progressive, hu-
mane and moral members of our
-Carlos Montedoro
Really Nowv
To the Editor:
HAVING READ your newspaper
for 3% years, I have built up
an immunitysto, or at least a tol-
erance of, sophomoric thought
processes. In short, I thought that
nothing could surprise me. How-
ever, I was indeed mistaken. A
letter to the editor appearing in
The Daily (January 24) and writ-
ten by Messrs. Stuart Katz and
Mark Zuckerman caught me off
guard. It concerned the Union's
raising of food prices concurrent
with similar action in other Ann
Arbor restaurants. (McDonald's is
in on the plot, too, and has rais-
ed the price of hamburgers to 18c.)
The threat of "punitive"action
at the end causes one to wonder
just how they intend to bring the
Union to its knees. Will-they bank-
rupt it by buying their coffee
somewhere else? Will they sabo-
tage the Union travel board? Will
they stage a sit-in at Jay Zu-
lauf's office? Will they swipe

empty Coke bottles and keep the
deposit for themselves?
REALLY NOW, fellas, couldn't
you channel your righteous indig-
nation into more constructive
'-John M. Saveland '67E
To the Editor:
IT HAS BEEN nearly a week since
the combination rain and snow-
storm unloaded its potential on
Ann .Arbor.
I cannot help bit to feel it was
yesterday, whereas I look out my
window and see the snow still on
the sidewalks and streets.
Since this is a "school for rich
white students," I cannot help but
to wonder why the University can-
not allocate some of that damn
money to pay for salt to throw
on the ice. (Especially in front
of South Quad.)
I am not writing this letter to
have it published per se, but to
see if you can in any way remedy
the situation.
-Joseph Waske, "70
All letters must be typed,
double-spaced and should be no
longer than 300 words. All let-
ters are subject to editing;
those over 300 words will gen-
erally be shortened.


The Short Crusade

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