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February 09, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-09

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LBJ Reply to



Radio Peking Warns Maoists
To Prepare for Armed Coup

t *s
Pontiff Asks
Extension of
Viet Truce
Rusk To Hold Press
Conference Today
On Diplomatic Action
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Johnson told Pope Paul VI yes-
terday he hoped the current four-
day Vietnam cease-fire "may be
extended and may open the way
to negotiations for a just and
stable peace."
Replying to a papal message
sent yesterday to the heads of
state of the United States, South
Vietnam and North Vietnam,
Johnson said, "The governments
of the United States and the Re?
public of South Vietnam together
with others are devoting intensive
efforts to this end."
However; Johnson also told the
leader of the Roman Catholic
Church, "I know you would not
expect us to redtce military action
unless the other side is willing to
do likewise."
White House press secretary
George Christian, while making
public Johnson's reply tothe pon-
tiff, also announced that Secre-
tary of State Dean Rusk would
hold a radio-television news con-
ference at 4 p.m. EST today.
Rusk is expected to outline U.S.
diplomatic efforts for a Vietnam
The developments at the White
House in late afternoon came as
administration strategists kept a
close watch on shooting incidents
marring the Feb. 8-12 lunar new
year cease-fire.
How well the Communists ob-
serve the true figures importantly
in Washington deliberations on
whether to extend the cease-fire.
While initial reports indicated
violations were averaging more
than two an hour during the open-
ing hours of the cease-ifre, offi-
cials here were not prepared to
say yet whether this amounted to
serious Communist breaching of
the truce.
Yesterday's message, the Pope.
praising what he termed John-
son's dedication to a constant
search for a peaceful settlement,
asked the President "to increase
even more your noble effort in
these days of truce."
U.S. sources said all options are
still open. The general U.S. policy
is to seek an end to the war
through either peace talks or a
scaling down of the fighting with-
out a specific negotiated agree-
ment, or a combination of both.
One possibility would be quick
resumption of full-scale military
operations at the end of the four
days. Another would be to hold
back for an extra three days, until
the end of the seven-day cease-
fire period announced by the Viet
Still another would be to pro-
long the lull beyond the seven
A peace message from the Pope{
has been described by Johnson as



TOKYO (P)-Radio P e k i n g grade youngsters and turn them
alerted the followers of Mao Tse- into future Red Guards.
tung yesterday to be ready for a -Red Guards, on personal or-.
la ic epalace coup" or "armed coup" in ders from purge chief Chen Po-ta
China's power struggle. and his deputy, Chiang Ching,
The official People's Daily also Mao's wife seized, Foochow party
asserted the "class enemy"-pre- offices after bloody clashes with
sumably President Liu Shao-chi j anti-Mao officials, said the Hong;
K sa and his supporters-were plotting Kong newspaper Ming Po.
"a new counterattack" on the Radio Peking broadcast an ar-
farms, possibly to delay spring ticle fiom the Peking newspaper
n U .S. sowing. , Kwangming Daily saying Maoists
The twin warnings indicated have been "retaking one after an-;
E nd A ttack S ;that while the 73-year-old party other the positions of power held
I chairman appears to be winning
the power struggle, trouble lies
ahead in .the provinces and pos- (u ~ '
Soviets Insist Halt sibly in the Chinese capital itself .L oudspeaiers
In Bombing Essential Other developments included:
In Viet Negotiations anti-Soviet demonstrations forthe S o-Soviet T
LONDN (E Preier lexe N.13th straight day at the beleaguer-:
KLONninsisted yPremierday eon an ed Soviet Embassy in Peking. .MOSCOW (A)- Soviet loud-
nd of all nsisted yestay an: The Chinese Foreign Ministry speakers blared complaints at thei
e of American military ac- refused to guarantee the personal curtained windows of the Chinesej
tion against North Vietnam as the safety in Peking of most of the Embassy yesterday while the So-I
precondition for a peace settle- foreign diplomats, aside from the viet Foreign Ministry accused theI
ment. Romanians and Albanians. Alba- diplomats inside of rudeness. 1
The Soviet leader's statement to nia is China's ally and Romania The R u s si a n loudspeakers,
aathein of British ntabesu iis neutral in the Soviet-Chinese mounted atop two trucks in thez
theuit ofl exndtny 15tcedtrye dispute. snowy street by the embassy,z
guild hall exactly reflected the -SrnmnLnPaMosbodcast petitions that the em-'c
public position of North Vietnam' .Strongman Lin Piao, Mao's broadcs eiin httee-
Communist rulers. ms proclaimed heir, branded Marshal bassy had refused to accept. They
Comut ru did le. shkeheChu Teh, a venerable warrior and protested demonstrations that
But it did little to shake the one of the founders of the Com- have gone on for 13 days andt
British govefrnment's cautious munist army, as a veteran anti- nights at the Soviet Embassy in
hopes that befoie he flies home Maoist and "counterrevolution- Peking.#
wtMonday, Kosygin will yield some- ary" according to wall posters. The demonstrations there andi
what to Prinme Minister Harold Cl was once bracketed with the here, plus angry anti-ChineseI
Wilson's daily promptings for a four top leaders in China. meetings reported all over the
more active Soviet peacemaking I etnsrpre l vrte
role. -The party Central Committee Soviet Union and angry anti-So-
There were signs that Wilson's decided to reopen primary schools viet meettings reported in China,
statei em were klon talsois after the Chinese lunar new year were touched off by a Jan. 25 clash
to seek a secret two-pronged peace ends Feb. 11 in order to instill between Russians and Chinese stur
iynitinfiv,, mhnr o-nnn.1PIP Mao's thought in first- to fourth- dents in Red Square here. u

by a

handful of party people
the capitalist' road.

But it warned that such vic-
tories would arouse attempts at a
"counter seizure of power by the
bourgeoisie" and said this is usual-
ly carried out in two ways:
"The first way is to cause de-
generation within the proletarian
revolutionary ranks.
"The second way is to bring
about a seizure of power from
within, or a palace coupe.'"
Blast Chinese,
ension Grows
That incident, which each side
accuses the other of starting, has
now brought to a boil the long-
heating bad blood between Krem-
lin leaders and what they call "the
Mao Tse-tung clique."
What will happen next? No one
who counts was talking for the
record here. But there was intense
Russian delegations on the side-
walks in front of the Chinese EM-
bassy wondered aloud why their
government was not more firm in
the face of what the Soviet press
pictures as. provocative insults to
Ruslans in China.
Workers Not Sure
Asked what they thought their
government could do, the factory
workers standing in the snow were
not sure. They Just had a vague

-Associated Press
Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin is surrounded by police as crowd engulfs him upon arrival at
Boreham Wood, England, for a visit.
ncidents Mar Vetnam Truce
Allies Blame Communist Units


uuUauive einur ac~s ,gpaiaue ei-
forts by Russsia in Hanoi and
IBritain in Washington to get the
chief contenders to halt all mili-
tary activities, at least temporarily,
beyond the Vietnamese new year

Johnson Asks
VTa J-)1f X aqf

SAIGON ()'-Shooting incidents
dotted the Tet truce at a rate 1
nearly two an hour in South Viet-
nam on the eve of the lunar new
year today. Allied authorities
blamed the Communists. American
retaliatory fire.killed at least four.
While U.S. fighters and bombers
were grounded, an FR01 recon-
naissance plane was downed on a
photo mission over North Vietnam.
Presumably the plane, officially
described here as unarmed, was
nit by ground gunners near Dong
Hoi, 40 miles north of the border.
The pilot bailed out at sea. A U.S.
aestroyer rescued him.
Hanoi Broadcast
A Hanoi broadcast declared the
North Vietnamese shot down two
planes and damaged a U.S. war-
ship "which intruded into the ter-
ritorial waters of Nghe An Prov-
ince for provocative purposes and
shelled a populated coastal area"
after the truce went into effect.
Though American authorities
have announced their intention
to keep an aerial watch on North
Vietnam, there was no confirma-
tion here concerning a second
plane. Nor was there any word on
te warship. Nghe An Province is
at the waist of North Vietnam. Its
capital, Vinh, is 160 miles south
of Hanoi.
Year of the Goat
Vietnamese ushered in the Year
of the Goat of millions of fire-
crackers and the discharge of
some live ammunition into the
air. Some riverfront machine-
gunner, sent a few red tracer bul-
lets streaking over Saigon.
A grenade exploding near a busy
street killed nine persons and
wounded four. Police said robbers
threw it as policemen to cover
their escape after they were dis-
covered attempting, to rob a Sai-
gon home. Police reported the


And India called for the United'
States to stop bombing North Met-
nam "indefinitely and uncondi-
tionally," saying this was the only
way to shift the conflict to the
conference table.
Pope Paul asked President
Johnson, Chief of State Nguyen
Van Thieu of South Vietnam and
President Ho Chi Monh of North
Vietnam to turn the truce into
negotiations for peace. The Roman
Catholic pontiff, in his message

to Johnson, said "we pray to Al-
mighty God to crown your en-
deavors for peace with every suc-
The Pope made a similar appeal
at the time of the 48-hour Christ-
mas and New Year truces, recom-
mending that they be extended
until the Tet truce and that peace
talks be held in the interval.
But the fighting resuqied on

Officials Say ;Je Incident
Poses No Threat to Hanoi

No Change U;11 A-Fin "r V II
No change in Kosygin's basic}
position has emerged during his WASHINGTON (A) - President
long exchanges with Wilson on Johnson proposed yesterday a
Vietnam so far. $650-million outlay of federal
With Wilson an attentive list- funds to provide more than better
ener at Lord Mayor Sir Robert health and educational opportuni-
Bellinger's ceremonial luncheon, ties for young Americans.
Kosygin accused the United States He asked Congress to expand
of "aggression" in Vietnam. present programs and to add a
"It is American aggression that host of new ones. His recommen-
is the real, and in fact the onlydations range from expansion of
cause of the war in Vietnam," the Head Start program for
Kosygin said. youngsters who are educationally
Geneva Agreement disadvantaged because of poverty
"We Soviets are in favor of the to more federal money to help
rigid observance of the 1954 Gen- states and communities fight ju-
eva agreement, in favor of the venile delinquency.
United States leaving Vietnam and iFrom the cost standpoint, a pro-
giving the Vietnamese people the posal for an average increase of at
right to resolve their own affairs least 15 per cent in Social Security
without outside interference. payments to children led all the
"The first step should be the rest. Administration officials esti-
unconditional termination o f mated this would cost $350 mil-
American bombing and all othei lion a year.
acts of aggression against North 3,000.000 Qualify




.ag. hatl ilthe soviet union
should not be putting up with in-"
sults and physical assaults on its
More Aid ciizns
The delegations followed a pat-
tern set Monday and repeated
Gi ed ouths Tuesday.
TGroups of about 25 persons de-
ployed just outside the low em-
and parent centers in areas of bassy fence while 'thre members
acute poverty. passed through the barrier of uni-
Johnson said such centers would formed police.
provide a wide range of benefits, The tree tried unsuccessfully to
including health and welfare serv- hand in petitions, which were
ices, nutritious meals for needy resolutions passed at factory meet-
preschoolers, counseling of parents ings, while their comrades planted
in prenatal and infant care, day signs in the snow facing the sev-
care for children under 3, and a en-story embassy.
training base for specialists in Shame On Mao
child development. "Shame on Mao Tse-tung, down
To help provide trained workers, with the Red Guards," was a typi-
Johnson recommended legislation cal sign.
to increase to 75 per cent the fed- Pravda, the Communist party
eral matching funds for child wel- paper, commented that "the Chi-
fare personnel, including training nese diplomats were so yellow that
programs. they didn't even come near the
Another proposal is for federal tightly shut glass doors" when
grants up to 90 per cent to assist petitions were offered.
state and local communities to de- The Soviet loudspeaker trucks
velop plans to improve their ju- were a new touch on the third day
venile courts and correction sys- of demonstrations outside the Chi-
tems and to build shortterm de- nese Embassy. They broadcast for
tention and treatment facilities 'about two hours in a three-hour
for youhtful offenders as well as demonstration whereas Chinese
federal aid for research and ex- loudspeakers outside the Soviet
perimental projects in juvenile Embassy in. Peking are reported
delinquency, blasting away around the clock.

WASHINGTON (P) - Pentagon
officials say the reconnaissance
jet downed over North Vietnam
posed no threat to the enemy-
but they aren't calling the incident
a violation of the cease-fire.
It is presumed in Washington
that the Communists shot down
the plane shortly after the lunar
truce began. Officially it is listed
as downed from "unknown causes"
pending debriefing of the pilot,
who was recovered from the Gulf
of Tonkin.
The plane was described as an
unarmed RF1O1 jet carrying only
cameras to photograph the ene-
my's miltary activities during the
four-day truce.
Will Continue Penetration
Because American supersonic
reconnaissaince planes will re-
peatedly penetrate Hanoi's air
space during the cease-fire, offi-
cials apparently feel the United
States is in no position to com-
'lain about violations.
But Hanoi should have no
grounds to protest since the Com-
munists have been given advance
notice that reconnaissance patrols
would continue during the truce
period, officers said.
Bombing raids have been halted
in both North and South Vietnam
in observance of the agreement.
Regret Plane Loss
"Of course we would regard any
loss of reconnaissance planes as a
regrettable circumstance," one of-'
ficer said, "but I doubt that we'
woulu want to call it a violation."
Ths implication was that Hanoi
could be expected to react rather
testily to the U.S. overflights.
At the same time, this officer
said, "we would still be bombing
North Vietnam if we wanted to be]
hardnosed about the truce agree-
The bombing might have been
continued on a technicality: the
cease-fire is the result of an agree-
ment between the Viet Cong and1
the government ofSouth Vietnamz
-not between the United States
and North Vietnam. Hanoi does i

not admit that its troops are in-
volved in the war.
The United States will conduct
an estimated 200 photo recon-
naissance missions over NorthI
Vietnam during the four-day
bombing halt.
Officers say these flights are
vital to keep the military com-
mand posted on enemy troop
movements and other activities
which would tip off U.S. strate-
cists on what Hanoi is doing dur-
ing the cease-fire..


Vietnam. Thi step is essential if
there are to be talks .between the
deocratic representatives of Viet-
nam and the United States."
Diplomats detected significance
in Kosygin's failure to mention
Viet Cong representation at the
talks he envisages between Hanoi
and Washington.

Powell Declines Reply
To Subcommittee Query

More than three million childrenf
now qualify for Social Securityf
benefits because of the death or1
disability of the breadwinner in
their families.
The Head Start program, now
limited to preschool children,
would be expanded to include a
follow through in the early grades
and taking in more 3-year-olds.
Johnson asked the Office of
Economic Opportunity to explore
the effectiveness of taking even
younger children into Head Start.
This would add an estimated $135
million to the cost of the Head
Start program.
Johnson announced in his mes-
sage to Congress that he is asking
Sargent Shriver, director of -he
Office of Economic Opportunity,
to begin a pilot program of child

I - - -- . ---


We regret that due to a mistake in printing,
MARK LANE was erroneously listed as
scheduled to speak at 11 :00 A.M.
in Hill Aud., Fri., Feb. 24.
He will speak at 11:00 PM
on that date.

influential in his thinking a year blast had no connection with Viet
ago when he extended the halt in Cong iterrorist activity.
U.S. bombing of North Vietnam Amid celebrations and hostilities,
for a month beyond the 1965 Pope Paul VI made another ap-
Christmas-New Year truce. peal for settlement of the war.
orld NewsRoundup

Clayton Powell refused on con-
stitutional grounds yesterday to
answer questions from a select
committee considering his quali-
fications for House membership.
Although Powell was following
the advice of eight lawyers in
taking his position, it undoubted-
ly hurt his chances of winning the
committee's recommendation that
he be seated.
"You will have to be judge of
that yourself," said Chairman
Emanuel Celler, D-N.Y.), when
asked the probable effect of Pow-
ell's performance. "But it certainly,
didn't help him."
Committee Established
The nine-man committee was
established by the House Jan. 10
when it asked Powell to stand
aside while his qualifications are
xamined. The committee has until
Feb 23 to make a recommendation
which will then be voted on by the
Powell D-N.Y.), was the first
witness called, and he brought
seven of his eight attorneys with
him. They played a much larger
rle in the proceedings than he did.
It was their unanimous argu-
ment that neither the committee

nor the House has a right to in-
quire into any qualifications for
membership other than those list-
ed in the Constitution: age, cit-
izenship and inhabitancy in the
state electing the member.
Within that area Powell re-
sponded readily to the committee's
But when the committee wanted
to find out about Powell's legal
difficulties in New York and about
allegations made by another com-
mittee that he had misused gov-
ernment travel funds, he declined
to answer.


voted yesterday to raise the ceil-
ing on the national debt from
$330 billion to $336 billion until
July 1.
The Treasury had said that un-
less it received additional borrow-
ing power, payment would have to
be delayed on half the government
bills due in March, as mounting
expenditures; especially for Viet-
nam, consumed government cash.
* * *
NEW DELHI, India -- A stone
hurled from a heckling group
struck Prime Minister Indira
Gandhi at an election campaign
rally yesterday in eastern India,
giving her a bloody nose and a'
swollen upper lip.
The prime minister, 49, ignored
pleas from her aids to leave the
dais after a group of young men
began a stone-throwing barrage.
Officials with outstretched hands

tried to shield her from the show-
er of stones, as Mrs. Gandhi con-
tinued speaking for two minutes
and asked the crowd, "Will you
vote for such hooligans who throw
"This is an insult," she said,
"not to me, but to the country."
* * *
FREETOWN, Sierre Leone -
Prime Minister Albert M. Margai
announced last night his govern-
ment had crushed a military plot
to kill him and seize power in this
former British African colony.
He named four men, including
opposition leader Siaka P. Ste-
vens, who he said would, have
been appointed by the plotters as
a committee of advisers to help
run the country.
He added that an African coun-
try, which he did not name, had
been mentioned as a source of
help for the plotters.


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