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February 08, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-08

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to1rAtrsgan maag
- Seventy-Sixth Year
Where Opinln Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Truth WHil Prevail *
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Feb. 8: Pay Your Money, Take Your Choice



City Council Puts
Vietnam Beyond a Vote

Associate Managing Editor
LL THE FUSS about The Daily
is rather flattering, in its own
I've never been a member of
something important enough to be
investigated. Moreover, in these
days of the resurgent American
Civil Liberties Union, this is prob-
ably the last chance a lot of the
staff will ever have to be consid-
ered part of an organization that
isn't in someone's interest. It's an
opportunity not to be missed.
The chance certainly hasn't been
missed in the past.
THE BOARD-now consisting of
five faculty members, two Daily
alumni, three students and two
University vice-presidents - has
had a history of pressured con-
flicts. Members have always been
subject to a good deal of pressure
from administrators interested in
getting the paper off their backs.
Daily editors have usually felt
the same about this pressure as
did one student overheard discuss-
ing the matter in the Fishbowl.

yesterday: "You've gotta under-
stand that around here the truth
usually hurts."
Yet the board has often proved
a valuable assistant for the edi-
tors in just this area, serving as a
buffer between green journalists
and weary administrators. But
Monday they decided not to.
They decided not to because The
Daily's traditional campus ally,
the faculty, has changed its posi-
ingly alienated from the adminis-
tration, have often had a soft
spot in their hearts for the paper
in the past. Their influence has
usually effectively neutralized the
administration's demands on the
But the soft spot dried up dur-
ing the last couple months.
The Daily's general editorial
support for November's "student
power" agitation disaffected many
otherwise sympathetic professors.
A series of stories followed which
many faculty members didn't like,
culminating in The Daily's pub-
lishing of a story reporting

that Berkeley Chancellor Roger
Heyns was interested in the Uni-
versity's presidency-though it's
hard to understand why James
Reston's report of the same fact
two days earlier in the New York
Times caused hardly a ripple.
So with both the administra-
tion and the faculty demanding
that Something Be Done, the in-
vestigation was almost inevitable.
board's move, but it's still not clear
what will come out of it all.
Board members Monday night were
fully aware of the bomb they were
throwing, but even they seem un-
sure of just what they might hit.
About the only thing that can
.e safely predicted now is that
the campus will wind up with
exactly the kind of Daily it de-
Any newspaper reflects its read-
ership to a very great degree. It's
written for them and if it's not
what they want to read, they pro-
Normal readers protest a normal
newspaper by not buying it. But,

campus papers, even The Daily.
aren't that independent. They're
owned directly by their readers.
and there's the rub.
SO NO MATTER what the im-
mediate politics are-whether the
editors declare war on the board,
as has happened in the past, or
whether the whole controversy
curls up and dies quietly-over the
long run The Daily will be what-
ever its readers and writers, mem-
bers of the same community, want
it to be.
If the community really wants
to shut the paper up it can do it,
nessy as the process might be
and as hard as I will fight it.
But these fireworks, if they are
to come, will come at some time
in the future in a way that can-
not yet be foreseen. So there's
little purpose in fretting about
right now is something that an-
other student pointed out yester-
day: "Do you realize that The
Daily is the last chance left for a

student to do anything on this
He meant more than he said.
The Daily is the only student
organization which has survived
the crush of enrollments and the
presence of the trimester. The Un-
ion and League, the Greek system
and even Student Government
Council have all paid the price of
the multiversity. Only this news-
paper remains as a unifying all-
campus element in student life.
THUS, THE PAPER has become
more and more the center of
"student activism," in all its forms,
eyer since the early years of the
decade. From the abolition of the
lean of women's office through
the suspension of the sit-in ban,
The Daily's been involved in things
simply because it was the only
broadly-based student organiza-
tion in existence.
So if the paper goes, this last
remnant of an all-University com-
munity goes too. I don't know
which of them I'd miss more, but
I'd miss them both very much.


MONDAY NIGHT City Council decided
that the war in Vietnam was above a
Argument against the passage of a pro-
posed referendum on the war in Vietnam
generally ran that: "If you want to ex-
press discontent with the policy, there
are other ways to do it."
That's not the point. What remains
crucial is the fact thatto oppose one of
the most important and controversial
policies undertaken by our government in
recent years is defined by official opinion
as a pariah, not a minority, stand.,
COUNCILMAN Douglas Crary (R-Sec-
ond Ward) proposed that those wish-
ing to protest the war sign their own pe-
titions and/or place ads in local news-
papers. Councilwoman Eunice Burns (D-
First Ward) advised that those protest-
ing the war (as she does) write to the
President and to local congressmen.
There are basically two effects of deny-
ing a referendum. First, it is basically the
poor who suffer when non-voting activ-
ity is required. Letter-writing and other

extra-curricular political activity is bas-
ically the realm of the well-to-do; it
takes quite a bit of effort to organize the
poor for even normal, let alone extra-nor-
mal, political activity.
But secondly, why must those who would
oppose a government policy be denied
the right to vote on that policy? By say-
ing "you can express your opinion in
other ways" one inherently denies the
legitimacy of the challenge. If one ac-
knowledges the legitimacy of other means
of registering sentiment, is it not logical
that a real indicator be offered the poli-
cy-makers, rather than unofficially sam-
pling which is impossible to gauge?
THEREARE PROBLEMS with a referen-
dum to be sure. A ballot on Vietnam
would be cumbersome and complex. But
the vast misgivings surrounding this war,
and the profound removal of its instru-
mentation from the public voice should
have been more than enough to convince
City Council that foreign policy must not
be absolved from official public purview.

Letters: The Need for the Southern Courier

J. Edgar Strike's Again


IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE that the Amer-
ican-Russian consular treaty could
really be in trouble, but it is. Accord-
ing to J. William Fulbright, chairman of
the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
there is a good chance that the treaty
won't make it through the Senate.
Fulbright himself put it best when he
said last week in an interview with The
Daily that "the treaty itself doesn't mean
that much but its symbolic significance
is extremely important." Passage of the
treaty, which allows for the establish-
ment of Russian consuls in major Ameri-
can cities with America doing likewise
in Russia, will prove that the U.S. is gen-
uinely interested in improving relations
between the two countries; its defeat can
do grave harm to promoting an east-
west detente.
THE TREATY is in trouble because J.
Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, doesn't want it.
Living in the platitudes of 15 years ago,
Hoover personally killed the treaty two
years ago and may well do it again. He

claims, and has told many people, that
this treaty would allow the Russians to
carry on subversive activity throughout
the country.
In Hoover's view the country is always
on the verge of being submerged by an
omnipresent Communist threat. It seems
only his FBI keeps the country free from
Soviet control.
Hoover is an unelected representative
of the Dulles days of massive retaliation
and the psychosis of the cold war. One
gets the feeling that he shudders every-
time someone mentions that Communism
may not be an international imperialistic
monolith. But then, his job is at stake.
FORTUNATELY, J. Edgar Hoover's ideas
are no longer in touch with the times;
unfortunately, J. Edgar Hoover's power
in Congress and in the mind of a surpris-
ing number of American citizens lingers
on. One can only wonder how much long-
er our one-man Red scare will continue
to block important advances in interna-
tional relations and domestic sanity.

To the Editor:
I AM WRITING to urge support
of a splendid, but very hard-
up, young journal, The Southern
Courier. We often hear newspa-
pers spoken of as necessities, not
merely luxuries. But by and large
the claim is nonsensical. What
passes for news in most papers is
a pale reflection of reality trim-
med to satisfy the American need
to avoid being stirred or disturb-
ed. Not so in the case of The
Southern Courier.
One cannot appreciate how nec-
essary this fledgling journal is
unless one has lived close to the
events in Alabama and Mississippi
that it reports. It is the only wide-
ly distributed paper published in
those states that contains more
than a hint of the oppressiveness
of the Southern system.
During my year in Tuskegee,
many things happened that I was
involved in in a first-hand way-
a civil rights murder, demonstra-
tions, primary elections, city coun-
cil meetings, tense confrontations
-the works. To read about these
events in the Atlanta Constitu-
tion, either of the Montgomery pa-
pers, or the local Tuskegee paper
was to view them through an art-
fully contrived screen that obscur-
ed the harshness, bitterness, ven-
om, courage and, yes, the humor of
what happened.
Only in The Southern Courier
could one find reports that re-
motely resembled reality.
WRITTEN BY sensitive and in-
telligent individuals who abhor in-
justice as deeply as they love their
craft, the Courier became, at least
for me and my family, a necessity.
From no other source could we get
any sense of the concrete detail
that words like "racial injustice,"
"hate," "prejudice" and "discrim-
ination" cover.
Written in simple prose, the
Courier somehow manages to avoid
oversimplification. Earthy, it yet
avoids vulgarity. Quite the oppo-
site. Its reporting is an almost
pictorial representation of the hu-
man spirit in all of its subtlety.
And the photographs that fill each
issue are themselves works of art.
Look at the photos on display in
the Fishbowl, and the issues posted
outside the Department of Jour-
nalism and see what I mean.
BUT, as I first said, this excel-
lent newspaper is in bad financial
difficulties. They need help. And
they deserve it. The readers of The
Daily can help by taking subscrip-
tions, and perhaps by adding a
few dollars to the price.
Did I say you could help the
paper? It would be more accurate
to say that you can hardly be the
loser if you require the weekly
privilege of reading the Southern
-Arnold S. Kaufman
Professor of Philosophy

Help anted
To the Editor:
WE ARE acquainted with some
of the young people who run
The Southern Courier, and we feel
pride of the success of their bold
experiment. They are men and
women of integrity, dedication and
the highest sense of responsibility.
reporting a new kind of news for
the South: the day to day life of
the Southern Negro.
The Courier's pages are filled
with the words of the poor, the
ungrammatical truth of the prob-
lems of Alabama and Mississippi.
Every issue is a document; with
sensitive photography and report-
ing, many issues are works of art
as well.
The newspaper has .now been
running for two years, and has a
circulation of 20,000. (The editor
estimates that there is easily a
market of twice the size, but he
needs more help in circulation.)
For obvious reasons advertising
is virtually nonexistent, and the
newspaper is desperately in need
of support. We strongly urge mem-
bers of the University of Michi-
gan community to take a good look
at The Southern Courier. A spe-
cial subscription rate of $5 has
been arranged.
Checks payable to The South-
ern Courier. Address: 1012 Frank
Leu Building, Montgomary, Ala.,
Rarely has such a newspaper
been needed so much.
-William Christian, Jr.
-Susan Christian
To the Editor:
I WAS TEMPTED to respond to
Assistant Prof. Hornback's re-
cent ill-tempered comments in this
column on the Sesquicentennial
and the Business Hall of Fame-
until I recalled Cornelius Vander-
bilt's remark about a squabble he
once had with Daniel Drew: "It
doesn't pay to kick an agitated
-David L. Lewis
Associate Professor
of Business History
SDS Protection
To the Editor:
THIS LETTER is a comment on
the recent picketing of the CIA
and the Chase Manhattan Bank
while they were interviewing on
the University of Michigan cam-
pus by the SDS:
I am not a little girl. I do not
need the organization of the Stu-
dents for' a Democratic Society to
protect me from all experience
outside the womb of the Univer-
sity of Michigan. Yet it appears
to me, as a senior at the Univer-
sity who is busily interviewing as
many different potential employ-

ers as possible, that the SDS is
attempting indeed to 'protect" me
making the horrible mistake of
talking with the Central Intelli-
gence Agency and the Chase Man-
hattan Bank.
The picketing by the SDS of
these two agencies, who were in-
terviewing students for possible
positions in their organization in
the Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information, was
protesting that students of the
University "were not consulted as
to whether we want these men
here, or consulted as to whether
we want relative information
about prospective employers made
available along with the interviews,

"And We Thought We

Knew Something About

look at the First Amendment of
our Constitution: freedom of
speech is not limited to their "dem-
ocratic" organization.
I hope that the Bureau of Ap-
pointments will continue to draw
as many different varieties of bus-
inesses and organizations to the
University without the censorship
of anyone!
-Linda Pritchard, '67
Criticizes Daily
To the Editor:
DAY BY DAY The Daily lives up
to its tradition of "Seventy-
Six Years of Editorial Freedom."
If the tradition were "Seventy-

T w+.rrn. r~r 'us- ' \ - - .. _.. .e= .

Good for =U' and Daddy, Too."
You really should have had your
laugh in the back room and gone
to print without it. Together the
picture and the tone of the ar-
ticle leave the impression that
had the booklet in question offered
a free haircut at the Union bar-
bershop, rather than "explain in
layman's terms the existing tax
law, The Daily's editorial staff
would have raved and taken ad-
vantage of the incentive to con-
tribute to the fund drive.
Rarely is philanthropy complete-
ly altruistic or disinterested, a
fact of life which The Daily does
not seem to recognize, but which
Regent Paul Goebel fortunately
does. It strikes me as extremely
unfortunate that the naivete of
the editors can seem so destrue-
tive, cynical and negative in its
unadulterated freedom.
BUT NOT ONLY are you irre-
sponsible, you are inconsistent.
Your headline on page one reads
"'U' Budget Request Takes Dras-
tic Slashes." Your editorial on
page four dumps onr the fund
drive. Do you really think that the
pages of The Daily can substitute
as legal tender?
-Alfred Mudge, '69L
To the Editor:
WHEN I WAS innocuously rous-
ed from my sleep the other
morning at 5 a.m. by a bulldozer
plowing the snow off the side-
walk 20 feet from my bedroom
window in the Northwood Apart-
ments, I felt very much like Jo-
seph K.
I must have sinned; I admitted
my guilt before I really had known
what I had specifically done. And
the bulldozer was my trial.
IN SHORT, I felt absurd. And
playing out my Kafka nightmare
I stopped to read The Michigan
Daily-the gatekeeper of the law.
It was there that I stood before
Mr. Lutz. the high priest of the
law, speaking through Mr. Blue-
stone, his sage. The law had been
kept from me.
And now, as I was expiring my
last breath, Mr. Bluestone bent
over me, and the meaning of the
law was revealed: "The bulldozer
was there because there was six
inches of snow on the ground and
it was authorized by the Plant
It had all been so obvious and
clear. Damn this complicated
world. Why had I not seen It be-
The law is there to be under
stood by all those simplistic enough
to revert to reason instead of acid
or to sense in place of psychedelics.
-William Horwath
Teaching Fellow
Department of English



Death of the Astronauts


THE TRAGEDY of three dead astronauts
is now a thing of the past, and yet it
will not be soon forgotten. It will live on,
not out of horror for the accident itself,
but because of a mass elegy which has
arisen out of it.
Since the accident, there has been a
flood of newspaper articles and television
reports discussing the causes and effects
of the event, and the funeral arrange-
ments for each astronaut. Moreover, sym-
pathy statements have abounded from
individuals and groups, including state
legislatures, who wish to publicize their
relationship to a dead hero, and perhaps
borrow some of the aroused public sym-
BUT IN THIS national pageant of
mourning, the personal tragedy of three
human beings has been forgotten. In-
stead, we see the valiant reaffirmation of
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press.and
Collegiate Press Service.
subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mail; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).
Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Owner-Board in Control of Student Publications,
Bond or Stockholders,;-None.
Average press run--8ICO.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan.
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
JUNIOR MANAGERS-Gene Farber Erica Keeps, Bill
Krauss, Sam Offen, Carol Neimera, Diane Smaller,
Micnael Stecklis, Jeanne Rnsinski, Steve Wechsler.
Business Staff3
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS ........ Associate Business Manager
HARRY BLOCH . .............. Advertising Manager
STEVEN LOB WENTHAL........Circulation Manager
ELIZABETH RHE IN............. Personnel Director

support for the United States space pro-
gram, and consequently, the indefatigable
"American way of life."
It is shameful when the death of three
astronauts-men who lived and died with
great personal valor-is used merely as
an excuse for unthinking patriotism.
There are those who would convert this
event into a cry for renewed vigor in or-
der to reach the moon before our adver-
And it is shameful when an isolated
accident must be exploited by people to
show that they can be touched by hu-
man suffering, thereby absolving them-
selves of a criminal indifference to atroci-
ties committed in their name halfway
around the world. Are those dying there
any less human? If not, why the discrep-
ancy in newsplay?
F THIS IS the "American way of life"
of which the astronauts' death is meant
to remind us, perhaps it would be just as
well if we left the moon to itself.
The Courier
AN ARTICLE by Geile Roberts in yes-
terday's New York Times reports: "The
civil rights movement has collapsed in
broad areas of the South, and is fighting
what seems to be a last-ditch battle for
survival in its few remaining spheres of
One of those remaining spheres is the
Southern Courier; two letters on this
page deal with its function and quality.
What might be added is that the Courier
serves the North in providing frequent

or consulted about any other as-
pect of the job placement pro-
WELL, BULLY for the SDS, but
my rights as an adult individual
capable of deciding with whom I
care to speak and be employed
will be infringed upon if any per-
son or any group sits in judgment
over who comes to the University,
the informationpublished concern-
ing the organization or any other
"aspect of the job placement pro-
Perhaps the SDS better take a

Six Years of Responsible Editorial
Freedom," we might have a rag
we could respect.'
Perhaps good taste and editor-
ial responsibility are too much to
expect from a student newspaper,
but one must hope that FREEDOM
(which seems to be Daily's rally-
ing point) would stimulate respon-
sibility and not be the blanket
license for whatever tasteless, or
perhaps "experimental," babblings
the editors choose to print.
I refer specifically to the nega-
tive cynicism of David Saltman's
editorial yesterday, '55-M Fund:

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1967: The Generation of Leary

Collegiate Press Service
THE LIFE of a college genera-
tion is of short and indeterm-
inate length.
Two or three years sees a ma-
jority turnover. By its very tem-
porary nature, the tone of a col-.
lege generation is subject to swift
and radical change. Such a change
may be occurring today.
The college students from the
twilight ofthesEisenhower years
through the New Frontier on up
to about 1965 were very much the
children of Kennedy. Regardless
of their particular philosophical .
orientation, they sought improve-
ment in man's condition through
governmental change and public
Naturally, the bulk of students
never became massively involved.
But what Clark Kerr termed the
small creative minority of leader-

lives or contribute meaningfully to
human welfare.
Perhaps these factors are the so-
cial backdrop which is producing
the children of Leary. If it seems
impossible to find a' better life
through outward, asocially directed
action, perhaps students feel the
only alternative is to withdraw and
find Valhalla within their own in-
ner self with the help of a sugar
This, of course, is the other
factor, the spread of LSD. Sim-
ple to manufacture, impossible to
detect within the human system,
LSD offers the way to an internal
paradise for the children of Leary.
THE WEB of laws slowly be-
ginning to surround LSD may
simply be another "noble experi-
ment" with even less chance of
The motto of the children of

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