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February 07, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-07

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:43 tit

High - 15
Low- -10
Partly cloudy, with
chance of snow

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom


Publications Board Requests


Of Daily's

Editorial Practices

and Policies
















LSA Faculty

Asks Suspension of Il-S Deferments

"u- 11u ~


rol Favors
Continuation C Irir4igatn Bait
Of Ranking NEWS WIRE
Resolution Questions -___
Current Justification

Vf student Deferment

The literary college faculty as
sembly yesterday passed a resolu
tion expressing "grave doubt
about the justification of continu
ing the current practise of stu
dent deferments "and urged tha
II-S deferments " not { be grante
unless "the needs for militar
manpower should increase to th
point where a policy of no studen
deferments would seriously threat
en the nation's supply of special-
ized college trained personnel."
The "sense of the faculty" reso
lution was passed by a vote o
65 in favor to 35 opposed with 1
abstentions. Under an old by-law
only 75 of the assembly's mor
than 800 members must be pres
ent to constitute a quorum.
Th faculty assembly also heard
the results of a mail poll on th
University's ranking policy which
they had voted to conduct at thei
January meeting. By a narrow
margin, the 46 per cent of the fac
:ulty who responded to the pol
voted to continue the present pol
icy of sending class rank to the
Selective Service System. The vote
was 277, or 54.3 per cent of those
voting, in favor of compiling the
class rank of male students for
draft boards, to 226 or 44.3 per
cent in favor of sending only
transcripts, to draft boards an
7 or 1.4 per cent expressing no
Local Boards
If those voting, 47.7 per cent
felt that whatever information i
sent, it should be given to student
for them to supply to their loca
boards, and 44.6 per cent Felt that
the information should be given
either to local bbards or to state
selective service directors.
The resolution passed by the
faculty assembly was sponsored
by Prof. S. Edward S. Bordin
Donald R. Brown, Daniel Katz and
E. Lowell Kelly of the psychology
department, and Profs. Frank
Grace, Norman C. Thomas and
Robert E. Ward of the political
science department.
It stated that the ability to at-
tend college, and thus granting of
student deferments, is tied closely
to the socio-economic status of
the student's family. There is,
therefore, a certain amount of
iniquity inherent in the system of
deferments since only a small pro-
portion of men actually available
for service are called the resolu-
tion concludes.
A copy of the resolution, along
with a tally of the vote on it,
will be sent to Bourke Marsh-
all, chairman of President John-
son's special commission on selec-
tive service.
Although there were about 175
faculty members present at the
beginning of yesterday's meeting.
attendance dwindled as the res-
olution came to a vote at about 6
p.m., only 118 members were pres-
Dean William Haber of the lit-
erary college said that much of
the opposition to the resolution
came from people who felt that
a vote by that meeting "would not
be representative" of the senti-
ments of the full faculty. Mo-
tions to table and to postpone the
resolution were defeated.


SEN. ABRAHAM RIBICOFF, originally scheduled to deliver
the keynote address today in the ,University Activities Center
symposium on the urban ghetto in America will not appear.
His speech has been rescheduled to accommodate his duties
in the Senate and his address is now planned for Friday at 8:00
in the Rackham Auditorium. A panel discussion and public recep-
tion will be held after his remarks.
PEACE VIGILS SPONSORED by Voice political party and
the Ann Arbor Women for Peace will begin tomorrow at noon on
the diag and continue weekly through the semester. Currently
90 such vigils are being held on campuses across the country.
Spokesmen for sponsoring groups say the purpose of the vigils
is to "express sorrow and regret" for Americans killing and
being killed in Vietnam.
* * * ' '
THE WOLVERINE BAND, a new conceit group primarily for
non-music majors begun by Director of Bands William D. Revelli,
will hold its first meeting tonight from 7:30 to 9:00 at Harris
Designed to proved a relaxed atmosphere and bypass the
fierce competition of music majors, the new band will offer
students who enjoyed playing in their high school bands an
opportunity to continue a musical hobby. Instruments will be
available for those who do not have their own.
* * * - *
CLARK KERR HAS BEEN named chairman of a new com-
mission of the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of
Teaching which will conduct a wide-ranging study of the future
structure and financing of American higher education.
The Carnegie Corporation in New York has awarded $300,000
to begin the analysis of how Americans can afford the quantity
and quality of higher education they are likely to demand in years
to come.
Alan Pifer, acting president of CFAT, said Kerr was invited
to chair the commission before he was dismissed as president of
the University of California.
THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. has invited 400 colleges,
including the University, to submit proposals by Feb. 15 for
Project THEMIS, a program designed to strengthen scientific
and engineering capabilities of selected academic institutions
and to enable a larger number to carry out high-quality re-
search on 90 problems relating to national defense. The depart-
ment has earmarked $20 million for the project this year.
** *S *
A $942,000 FEDERAL GRANT for the research portion of an
addition to the School of Public Health was announced yesterday
by Rep. Marvin Esch (R-Mich).
This grant completes the government-contributed portion
of the $6.6 million costs of a new building for the public health
school which is to be built directly south of the present structure.
This is the final segment of a three-part grant from the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare and a smaller grant
for teaching funds which have already been announced.

May Probe
Activities at
State Colleges
Proposed Conmittee
Would Study Drugs,
Protests, Pornography
A resolution creating a special
legislative committee to investi-
gate "Student Activity in State-
supported Educational Institu-
tions" will probably be reported
out of committee in the state
House of Representatives today,
its supporters indicated last night.
The resolution, introduced last
week, cited five areas of immed-
iate concern on the state cam-
* "It has been reported there
are, increasingly, groups of stu-
dents engaging in minority agita-
tion and disturbances."
w "These demonstrations alleg-
edly go far beyond reasonable
measures for publicizing dissident
opinions appropriate to healthy
and intelligent student groups."
9 "Possibly involved in such
activities are the so-called mind
drugs, as LSD and similar distor-
tional agents, many of them bear-
ing apparent effects of prolonged
or permanent mental and emo-
tional malfunction, some in known
instances terminating in suicidal'
A "Another manifestation is thej
dissemination of various materials
promoting a puerile interest in
pornography-such as the recent
exhibit of the film, 'Flaming Crea-
tures,' currently under investiga-
tion by campus authorities."
* "The degree of proliferation
of these phenomena indicates im-
mediate investigation by the geo-
ple's u 1 t i m a t e representative
agency, the Legislature."
The special committee to be es-
tablished would be composed of
five members, and would "investi-
gate and assess the veracity of
these reports and related matters
of student activity existing at any
of the state's educational institu-
tions" and "report its findings and
recommendations to the Legisla-
The resolution was submitted by
Reps. Thomas Sharpe (R-Howell),
Thomas J. Anderson (D-South-
gate), Edward Mahalak (D-Rom-
ulus), Donald Holbrook (R-Clare),
James Tierney (D-Garden City),
and Roy Spencer (R-Attica),

-Daily-Robert Sheffield
Paul Johnson (R-Third Ward), left, confronts Robert P. Weeks (D-Third Ward) in a heated de-
bate in last night's Council meeting over whether to place a referendum on the Vietnam war in
April's city election.
Counci Kill1s Pro posal
For Vietnwam Rneferendu
By RON KLEMPNER dent and the appropriate repre- he expressed last week, when he
sentatives, asking them to do all called the referendum an insult
kiThe Ann Arbor City Council they can to put an end to the' to the courage of American sol-
killed aresolution yesterday that conflict." diers in Vietnam.
would have placed a referendum l Councilman Douglas Crary (R- Johnson added, "the referendum
on the Vietnam war on the ballot Second Ward) called the ref eren- i part of a fifth column move-
The resolution, originally pro- dum inappropriate for local elec- ment to use the voters as dupes.'
e ltionkby ornlm plo-tions. As an alternative action he Answering the criticism to the
Robert P. Weeks (D-Third Ward) asked that "an advertisement be resolution he co-authored, Weeks
and Leroy Caeppert CD-Fifth put in the local newspapers with said, " agree with Johnson that
Ward>, was a substitution for a the wording of the question as it our men are heroic, I agree with
resolution proposed b the Cit- was brought before council. Peo- Jagitsch about the dangers of set-
ies foN prPolits b h iple could then be free to clip it out ting a precedent, and the difficul-
ize origi n lrefeiendum called and send it to the appropriate ty of getting a completely objec-
for immediate unconditional with- members of government." ,ive referendum.'
drawal, and the substitute took a Councilman Robert Jagitsch (R- He added, "In this instance I
more moderate stand, calling on Fourth Ward) called the referen-feel like the firemen who race tc
the President to comply with the dum "an exercise in futility. There answer a call, only to find that the
measures recommended by United is no way to word this referendum fire is ten yards out of the city
N a t i o n s Secretary - General U so as to elminiate bias, and any limits, and they cannot take any
Thant. results would be completely un- action to alleivate the situation.
The measure was defeated 8-3 in objective." It is not as ambiguous a statemeni
a Councilman Paul Johnson (R- as some members of council wdulc
Burns CD-First Ward) was the Third Ward) repeated the views have us believe."
lone Democrat who voted against
the resolution. After voicing her
discontent with the war, she went ' r Lteontsa,"ndvoyvteint(,Cl s
an appropriate gimmick to use in
governing. I don't like to see for- F 5 1 ..T7 1 T 1
eign~~~ poiymaeamatrrflcl


Asks Faculty
To Conduct
Controversial Stories
Precipitate Action
To Check Procedure
Managing Editor
The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications last night vot-
ed unanimously to ask the Sen-
ate Advisory Committee on Uni-
versity Affairs (SACUA) to under-
take an investigation of The
Daily's policies and practices.
Theboard passed a motion ask-
ing that SACUA, the executive
committee of the Faculty Assem-
bly, the University faculty's high-
est policy-making body, subject the
newspaper to "an objective review
by an outside group, uncommitted
to the existing system and capable
of bringing to the situation fresh
points of view."
The motion instructed the se-
retary of the board to send a let-
ter to SACUA Chairman William
E. Brown of the dentistry school,
asking the appointment of a com-
mittee to "consider the proper pur-
pose, function and responsibility of
a student newspaper in this Uni-
versity community and to consider
whether the existing arrangements
at the University adequately serve
these goals, and to recommend
changes if better alternatives can
be identified."'
By a four-to-three vote, the
board rejected a proposed amend-
ment to insert the word "repre-
sentative" before the word "com-
mittee" in the letter to Brown.
But the board agreed that it was
"the sense of the group that the
SACUA committee should be
broadly representative of the Uni-
versity community.
Faculty observers viewed the
board's decision as a consequence
of several controversial stories
published by The Daily in recent
weeks, as well as a history of de-
teriorating relations between the
board and The Daily senior editors.
The board reports directly to the
Regents and is empowered to over-
see all campus publications, includ-
ing The Daily. Traditionally it has
exercised its power in the-realm
of the publication's financial af-
fairs, with no- direct control over
editorial content. The board ap-
points a new set of senior editors
each year; als approves other
staff appointments on The Daily
and the other student publications.
In a memorandum sent Thurs-
day to board members, Prof. Luke
Cooperrider of the Law School,
board chairman, contended that a
review of The Daily "conducted en-
tirely within the board will inev-
itably lack credibility, while an
pen examination of the situation
by a responsible group from the
academic community will, on the
one hand, enable that community
better to understand the situa-
tion, and on the other, enable us
better to understand the opinions
and attitudes of our constituency."
The memorandum emphasized
that the review action by SACUA
should be initiated before the se-
lection process for a new set of
senior editors begins.
Board members pointed out dur-
ing their meeting that criticism
of The Daily from other faculty
members had contributed to their
desire for immediate action.
The board told the Regents in
a Nov. 30 report that "since there
is a substantial question as to
whether The Michigan Daily ade-
quately answers the developing
need for intra-university commu-
nication, an ad hoc committee be
established, including some rep-

Mrs. Burns added, "The matter

.L. v.P8N V 0 k.!'W0.3..F vp CUV' JLY .A.3. / W/ Iv

chairman of the House Policy should not stop with the actions By CAROLYN MIEGEL have some initiative on our side."
The funds will be supplemented by over $2 million from the Committee, which is considering of this council. Each one of us Prominent among the signers
Kellogg Foundation and private contributions. the resolution, must ask what constructive efforts Four University deans and six are: Gordon J. VanWylen, dean of
Construction of the new facilities will begin this fall. Rep. Sharpe said the resolution we can undertake in regard to department chairmen have signed h
3 . hare sad te reoluionthe engineering college; Myron E.
. * r*+ *"will pass the House; I have no voicing our opinion on Vietnam." a letter to President Johnson being
SOUTHERN COURIER, published in Montgomery, Ala., doubt about it." He hoped it would As an alternate action to vot- circulated among the Faculty that
THE stuted n U erishementgody' come to a vote before the full ing on a referendum, she called on calls for an "unconditional halt"
is being distributed as an advertising supplement i today's House this week after it gets out members of the community "to do to United States bombing raids on Ltter
Daily as part of a subscription campaign by the Courier, of the House Policy Committee. as I did, and write to the Presi- North Vietnam. Dear Mr President:
___- The letter, drafted by four fac-
ulty members, has already been In accord with the considered
LAST MINUTE DECISION: signed by 31 others and will be judgement of Secretary-General
sent to the President next week. U Thant that a cessation of
The drafters of the letter ex- U.S. bombing of the North is
4presed he ope hatat last a necessary prelude to nego-
Student Leadrs Hold Letter to Johg e b ae tiations in Vietnam, we urge
They emphasized that the mies- you to announce at the earliest
sage in no way "attempts to speak possible moment an uncondi-
Ey HARVEY WASSERMAN answered the letter and the stu- Craig said that "we were all "Based on that experence with f s e ni rsay e o seak tional halt to such bombig
Editorial Director dents in turn answered the sec- deeply distressed by our meeting Rusk, the personal fear that we ulty as a whole," but that the fac- raids. Though there are mi-
An executive group of student retary the day before their con- with Rusk, and, our holding up are calling for unilateral surren- ulty mamhe," but that the fac- tary arguments for continued
body presidents made a last-mm- ference with him. this letter has nothing to do with der remains. But I am certainly embers endoin ty lt bombing in the North, we now
ute decision Sunday to withhold After meeting with Rusk, the whether we believe what we said willing to give them the benefit of are."afell that the political and hu-
a letter to President Johnson con- group issued a unanimous state- or not. But for us to publish such the doubt at a time when things The letter was drafted by Prof. manitarian costs are too great
cerning- the Vietnam war "because ment to th epress expressing "seri- a statement now would leave us look like they might be going well." James Morgan of the economics to justify such continuation.
things look like they could break ous doubts" about the govern- in a position where we might have Cohen and Craig cited the state- department. David Wurfel of We believe that the risk i-
now" "ment's willingness to concede key to share the blame for ruining any ment made by Presidential Advis-tpoitical science department andvolved i a bombing halt may
Greory Craig, president of the points in negotiations. At that talks that might be going on. or Walt Rostow that "peace talks po sie da well pay lasting divides by
points inCraigipresident toftthePwell.paylilastinganiviaynsNby
Harvard Undergraduate Council time the students decided to write 'We don't mean this to be an are in a delicate phase now, and of e i da e establishing clearly our desire
revealed yesterday that he and the stdetec to rie" don't me this the an the statement by President John- of the sociology department. They for peace and opening the way
threeothe studet bdy .the second letter to the President, ! indication that we think the ad- son that he would accept "almost followed the lead of a group of frangtae eteet
hrethrsdntbyprs-and it was drafted and signed snta ewudacp ams Yale professors who submitted a franeoatdstemn,
dents had decided Sunday night thministration's position has altered any" peace indication by North Y
to refrain from making public a any. We just don't want to mess Vietnam as sufficient cause for similar letter two weeks ago.
statement signed by themselves Steve Cohen, president of heh natihi hrk from T-halting, the bombing, as possible Kish expressed the hope that school; Fedele F Fauri, dean of
signedsilebrebyromthemselves--., Cohen,- of, , , .,A theo«

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