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February 04, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-04

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Seventy-Sixth Year


Yesterday and Today


NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



1 ry I 1' Yr1 Vi ". "r ^ i

The Anti-Missile Race:
Little Game of Bankruptcy

ANNOUNCEMENT of a Russian anti-
missile system now being deployed
around the Soviet Union has raised the
possibility that this country may enter
another useless spending contest.
Cost estimates of a full deployment by
the United States of an anti-missile sys-
tem of its own are currently hovering
around $30 billion. This money would
provide a full coverage system, which, it
is hoped, 'would reduce the number of
American dead in a nuclear war from 120
million to 30 million-may reduce the
number, that is, if the Russians don't
develop a means of overcoming it.
In this race of technology, it would
be foolish to assume that the Russians
themselves cannot devise a means of foil-
ing a defense system.
BASICALLY, we're playing a mean little
game. The odds are about ten to one
against either country winning. It's easy'
to play though, all we need do is spend
money. However, every dollar our oppon-
ent spends on a defense, we can over-
come with one dollar spent for an of-
An attack system can be relatively
cheaply built-at a much lower cost than
a missile defense system.
To win, :we need to spend until the
other is broke, and then spend some more.
TWO METHODS could be used to over-
come an anti-missile. First, we could
saturate the target, so that mere numbers
promise a strike. But defensive missiles
are much easier and cheaper to build and
maintain than an ICBM. This method is
not likely to be overly successful.
Instead, a maneuver similar to the ra-
dar decoy used in World War II might
work. Here, we make the defense think
that it's being saturated. While its act-

ing, we disguise our warheads, so that
the decoys are shot down, and the bomb
arrives on target.
With the 'new generation of multiple-
warhead missiles, this second method
looks promising. The missile can carry
along decoy equipment, to fill the enemy
radar screens with blips, confusing the
Either method would suffice; the de-
sired result would be obtained.
HE ARGUMENT by people favoring an
American anti-missile system is that
our country should be covered. Such a
system, they say, would drastically re-
duce deaths. On this point, the Defense
Department agrees with them, with res-
ervations. The American dead can be re-
duced by 90 million, but only if the Rus-
sians keep their missile development stat-
ic, only if they don't develop a system
that the United States almost has. Mc-
Namara says that they can.
With two missile defenses, and result-
ing improvement of offenses, McNamara's
estimates of American dead reverts back
to the 120 million figure. Thus, all the
United States has in actuality done is
spend over $30 billion. Can we afford it?
VERY RECENTLY, there have been in-
dications that the USSR and the U.S.
have been engaged in discussion to pre-
vent such an escalation. Whether these
bear fruit or not, the Unitei States would
better be protected by the balance of
force, formed by the new offensive mis-
sile capability, than by this plus an anti-
missile screen.
Thirty billion dollars applied domes-
tically could drastically aid mankind.
Why spend it some other place?

lar convention with the Soviet
Union, which is now up for ratifi-
cation by the Senate, is of rela-
tively minor practical significance.
All it would do is to make trade
and tourist travel between the two
countries safer and more conven-
It has no real relation to the
question of espionage. But be-
cause of the opposition to it, in-
cluding that of the director of
the FBI, the ratification of this
convention has been blown up in-
to a test of whether or not the
United States can proceed to work
out better relations with the So-.
viet Union.
THE CONTEST over ratification
turns on a question of great im-
portance to the whole conduct of
U.S. foreign policy. It is whether
international Communism is still
essentially the same conspiracy
which it was understood to be 20
years ago after World War IL
The hard opponents of the con-
To the Editor:
AM GRATEFUL for the two ex-
cellent letters that appeared
yesterday in response to Prof. Ald-
ridge, but I do not think all the
necessary points have been made
before that disgraceful and con-
temptible piece can be dismissed.
WHAT IS SO disturbing to be-
gin with is this nationally-known
critic's almost religious determi-
nation to miss all of the real is-
sues involved in the "Cinema Guild
crisis" which I thought were by
now clear to everybody, even Lt.
Very briefly, the point is aa-
demic 'freedom. The point is that
there was an illegal seizure at
a University-sponsored function by
a man whose aesthetic sensibility
and intellectual subtlety are by
now a campus joke, The point is
that the film was brought here
because it has gained the reputa-
tion of being an important work
in the current underground film
movement, and it was decided that
those of us interested in film
should have the right to decide
for ourselves.
The point is that the Univer-
sity's response to the crisis was
only the latest series of scandalous
moral abdications about which the
whole faculty, English department
or not, should be profoundly dis-
turbed. The point is not the mo-
tive of those who came to see the
film. Finally, it is the point that
hose of us who are old enough
to have the right to be required
to be killed for our country may
very well have the right to see a
dirty movie if we do want to.
PROF. ALDRIDGE continues to
ignore the matter sitting in front
of his nose by constructing a
vast, romantic structure which
binds together in one all-encom-
passing illogicality pornography,
moral rot, LSD, Leslie Fiedler, the
student radical movement-every-
thing, it seems, but water fluorida-
I have a theory why. I think
I have positively identified the
second half of the letter as part
of a recent, secret manifesto for
a national conspiracy in our uni-
versities which calls itself Aca-
demic Respectabilism (informally
known as Tonsorism), which is
the highbrow's equivalent of Jules
Feiffer's Radical Middle.
people are chiefly recognizable be-
cause their pretentions always fail
to mask their own personal prej-
udices. What for example does the
student activist movement have

sular convention believe that the
Soviet Union today is no different
than it was in the time of Lenin
or Stalin. The hard proponents of
the escalated war in Vietnam be-
lieve that the real adversary is
the international Communism of
the postwar era.
THIS WEEK the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee has heard
testimony on these questions from
two distinguished diplomats and
scholars. The first was George
Kennan, generally regarded as the
leading American authority on So-
viet Communism. The second wit-
ness was Edwin Reischauer, until
recently our ambassador to Japan,
who has known the Far East all
his life.
Kennan told the Senate com-
mittee that the 20-year-old picture
of Communism was no longer a
true picture. Reischauer told the
committee that the current offi-
cial conception of our relations
with Asia is mistaken, both as to
the power and the threat of China

and as to the power and influe-
ence of the United States.
IF KENNAN and Reischauer are
right, a successful foreign policy
cannot be formed in this country
until there has been a re-educa-
tion of our people, starting with
our officials.
"Many of us would be helped in
our thinking about the problems of
Soviet-American relations," said
Kennan, "if we could free our-
selves from the abnormal sensitiv-
ities and reflexes to which the
extreme tensions of earlier dec-
ades have led and teach ourselves

to think about Russia as simply
another great world power with its
own interests and concerns, often
necessarily in conflict with our
own, but not tragically so-a pow-
er different in many respects, but
perhaps no longer in essential
ones, from what Russia would hav
been had there been no Commu-
nist Revolution in that country 50
years ago."
REISCHAUER'S testimony was
deeply at variance with the cur-
rent official conception of our
role in Asia. He told the commit-
tee that "We should seek to mini-
mize our military involvement and
military commitments in Asia." In
saying this he was adhering to
the classic American doctrine of
no land war- on the Asian conti-
nent, which was breached by Pres-
ident Kennedy and completely
abandoned by President Johnson
and Secretary of State Dean Rusk.
As against John Foster Dulles
and Secretary Rusk, Reischauer
said, "We should not try to in-

duce most Asian countries to align
themselves formally with us."
"We should not sponsor politi-
cal, social or economic change in
Asian countries," he said, "al-
though we should be responsive to
requests from them for aid ..
We run serious and unwarranted
dangers when we take the initia-
tive in sponsoring important in-
ternal changes in Asian lands or
when our influence becomes so
preponderant that we assume re-
sponsibility for the existence or
nature of a regime."
THESE ARE weighty utterances
which cannot easily be dismissed.
They should not be ignored, and'
every effort must be made to ac-
quaint our people with them. For it
would be impossible to name any
two living Americans who can
speak with greater or even with
comparable authority about the
problems confronting us with the
Soviet Union and with the coun-
tries of Asia.
(c). 1967, The waShigton Post Co.



Aldridge, Pornography and Tonsorites

to do with excessive pornography,
or even with Leslie Fiedler (who
talked all the time he was here
about a different group, the ex-
treme quietist group we used to
call beatniks) ? Nothing at all.
The point is simply that the
Tonsorist is offended by the young
radicals-their clamor disturbs his
repose. The Tonsorist paradoxical-
ly uses phrases like "do-gooder"
and "bravely fight everybody's lost
causes" as reproaches; and he likes
to put the blame for all this ab-
normal activist behavior on any-
thing at all, except the moral
phoniness and corruption of the
society towhich he belongs.The
most common scapegoat is a
vaguely-defined, ubiquitous terror
known as irresponsibility; Ald-
ridge's blaming it all on the dead-
ening effects of pornography, I
think, is original with him.
THE TONSORIST'S other claim
is that the radical young person
is in revolt against ideas, culture.
responsibility-the alternative that
they are revolting against any-
thing bad is usually not consider-
ed. And so the Academic Re-
spectable, fighting "our manipula-
tory General Motors" on one hand
and the "philistine" activists on
the other. proudly lifts his nose
higher and higher; the soot and
stench of industry and the body
odor of the beatniks cannot filter
through to his postrils. He walls
himself and his books up into an
ivory tower, and wonders why stu-
dents do not have a greater in-
terest in culture, or-if he is in
iterature-why literature is not
central to our society today. He
cannot imagine that It is against
him personally, and not against
"the rich fertility of ideas" that
the young-bearded or unbearded
-are revolting. He supports his
administration. Above all, he is
respectable and responsible when
it is no longer respectable and re-
sponsible to be either.
SO HE LEAVES the goat-beard
to fight their contemptible little
fight "for everybody's lost cause."
One of these causes, which may be
getting more and more lost all
the time, is the Cinema Guild's
struggle for academic freedom. It
is the cause we should all be con-
cerned about now.
-Paul Sawyer, '67
Aidridge Again
To the Editor:
PROFESSOR John W. Aldridge's
letter in Tuesday's Daily, in
which he discussed Leslie Fied-
ler's comments on the "Flaming

Creature" case and related mat-
ters, contained in passing a ref-
rence to the justification of laws
against pornography.
He argued that the real (and
ideal) reason for such laws is that
pornography jades the emo-
tions and impoverishes the ter-
ribly valuable capacity for sym-
pathetic human understanding and
love. Anti-pornography laws, he
stated, "Ideally . . . exist not for
the protection of female virtue
but for the protection of human
There is much to be said about
the whole of Prof. Aldridge's sug-
gestive and provocative letter. I
wish to take issue only with the
claim that laws against pornogra-
phy ought to exist because they
serve to protect the human emo-
I BELIEVE Prof. Aldridge is
wrong for several reasons:
-These laws cannot be effec-
tively enforced. Pornographic ma-
terial exists and will continue to
exist, at the very least in private
circulation, as long as there is a
supply and a demand.
-While these laws may pre-
vent the widespread public ex-
Posure of pornographic material,
the grave, real and well-known
dangers involved in any censor-
ship of art, literature and films
must be weighed against the very
limited protection of human emo-
tional capacity which such censor-
ship might provide.
-On an emotionally healthy
person pornography soon palls;
one becomes bored or disgusted
long before reaching the state of
an aging voyeur. Only those in-
sensitive enough to be already
caught in the downward spiral
towards emotional annihilation
will be "harmed" by pornography,
and they, consequently, are beyond
saving by the institution of anti-
pornographic laws. (The recourse
to law to instill virtues, by the
way, is always a last ditch, and
invariably a futile and misconceiv-
ed stand. But that is another
PROF. ALDRIDGE faces the
paradox that if by his criterion
laws against morality are needed,
they cannot succeed in their pur-
If Prof. Aldridge wants to find
the sources of that deadness of
the feelings which feeds on por-
nographic titillation, he had bet-
ter look further than pornography.
In the tangle of interlocking caus-
es which has produced the ennui,
the search of intensity of experi-
ence, the inability to find mean-

ingful and valuable satisfactions
in conventional society which he
reports characterizes my genera-
tion, pornography surely plays an
insignificantly tiny role. I am sure
Prof. Aldridge knows this, but
once it is admitted, so is my ar-
gument against legal restrictions
the reason ("the ideal") for the le-
gal censorship of pornography,
then we must conclude that such
laws have no justification.
--Tony Blair, Grad
To the Editor:
MARK LEVIN'S editorial, "Rom-
ney's Budget Plan, Well It Bal-
ances," criticizes Gov. Romney's
budget as unnecessarily austere be-
cause it grants state universities
less than they ask.
How can he give them any more
that his budget now provides?
Levin does not suggest that the
governor should cut other pro-
grams to give higher education
additional money. As Levin points
out, Romney is going to have a
difficult time getting taxes raised
just to pay for built-in spending
increases. What chance would tax-
es to pay for additional expendi-
tures have? Obviously none.
THE STATE does not have the
means to borrow enough money to
cover the deficit which would re-
sult from giving the universities
more money than the proposed
budget allows. The small surplus
projected \for the budget is a
needed hedge against unexpected
increases in costs or decreases in
revenue which wiped out almost
all of the past year's predicted
If Gov. Romney wanted to make
political hay, he would approve a
package of nuisance taxes and cut
spending instead of staking his po-
litical future on tax reform and
tax increases. Levin's alternative
apparently would be a Soapy Wil-
tiams-payless payday kind of budg-
-Richard Branch, Grad
To the Editor:
FRIDAY we had another letter
in support of legalized abor-
The inadequacies' of such ar-
guments can best be demonstrat-
ed by applying them to other sit-
uations. Think of the poor wife
who might actually die trying to
kill her chronically drunk and so-

cially useless husband! Think of
the needless danger to which a
mother subjects herself when she
has to bump off her eight-year-
old boy because the family can't
afford him--she might be prose-
cuted for murder! Or the danger
she suffers from the law when-
alas-she is forced not only to
tave an abortion to hide the shame
of her unwed pregnancy but fur-
ther to kill the father who is
threatening to reveal all!
THE TRUTH of the matter is
that abortion laws do not deny
that some pregnancies are unfor-
tunate or undesirable. Theydo
not deny that people will obtain
illegal abortions. They do, how-
ever, deny that a mother has the
right to take life from her unborn
child-whether or not she is pov-
erty-stricken, whether or not she
is willing to submit to an illegal
Once a human life is in exist-
ence, it requires more than pover-
ty or shame to justify its extinc-
-James A. Marton, '67
Student Veto
To the Editor:
T WAS MOST appreciative of your
Feb. 1 editorial advocating stu-
dent registration. Certainly my
campaign cannot succeed unless
we manage to generat-%'ncreased
student awareness of tnis city's
government, its impact on their
lives and their role in guiding it.
THERE IS, however, a further
point worth making. Students have
a valid interest in the mayoralty
and council races in all wards of
the city. A majority on council
is required for any effective action
on such student-shared problems
as inadequate and overpriced hous-
ing, traffic and parking, and com-
munity-authority relations. Stu-
:ents in every ward should be ask-
ing the candidates the hard ques-
tions and then voting their pref-
Ann Arbor elections are often
decided by very thin margins. Last
year Democrat Bob Weeks won in
the Third Ward by one vote. A
lare student vote would make a
difference city-wide.
Most importantly, it would be
long remembered by our elected of-
ficials. Politicians are most sen-
sitive to the compositions of their
constituencies. Only when students
become effective parts of those
constituencies can they expect to
have their voices heard.
-Jerry Dupont, '67L
Democratic Candidate
City Council, 2nd Ward






The Panhellenic Resolution


PANHELLENIC'S Wednesday resolution
against binding alumnae recommen-
dations could be nice-or it could be
The resolution states that recommen-
dations from alumnae are of "question-
able value" and can be used for discrimi-
nation. "Recommends" are intended to
provide additional information on a pros-
pective pledge, but many sororities are
forced to not pledge a girl if an alumna
does not approve the girl in her rec-
THE 20 PANHELLENIC representatives
who signed the Panhel resolution show-
ed a great deal' of courage. They signed
not as representatives of their houses but
as leaders of the Greek system. It is alsok
notable that this resolution was organized
entirely without official provocation.
At Colorado and Wisconsin, Panhel was
handed a faculty and administration res-
olution* calling for the elimination of
recommendations because they introduce
the possibility of discrimination.
The University made its stab against
possible 'discrimination through the Board
of Regents bylaw providing that: "The
University shall not discriminate against
any person because of race, color, religion
... shall work for. the elimination of dis-
crimination (1) in private organizations
recognized by the University and (2) from
non-University sources where students
and the employes of the University are
LAST YEAR Student Government Coun-
cil took over the enforcement of dis-
crimination violations in membership se-
lection in student organizations. Panhel
later took over violations within the sor-
orities by putting a bylaw into their con-
stitution and setting up a membership,

committee to make the ruling work.
The administration here then has come
out against discrimination, but has not
specifically attacked potential discrimi-
nation through recommendations. The
problem of recommendations - brought
up by faculty and administration at Wis-
consin and Colorado-was initiated by
Panhel here.
THE REAL COURAGE lies in the state-
ment that recommendations are of
"questionable value." "Recommends" are
near and dear to many alumnae, and Pan-
hel's resolution in effect says "we in col-
lege can pick our members better than
you alumnae can." The courage comes in
through the fact that this resolution
involves standing up to the nationals -
the same nationals which help pay mort-
gages and build new houses.
So it's a good resolution; but without
further action, it could be nothing. The
Panhel representatives who signed the
resolution did not necessarily have their
own chapters behind them-they signed
as individuals.
First, the chapters have to support the
judgment of Panhel. Second, sorority
women have to persuade the usually con-
servative alumnae at up-coming conven-
tions to change their recommendation
PANHEL DOES HAVE a meaningful res-
olution here and it could be an exam-
ple for sororities at other universities,
but it will work only if sorority leaders
here and elsewhere can exert pressure
on their nationals to make the resolu-
tion a reality.
No Comment
bor News of February 3, 1967.
"Mayor Wendell E. Hulcher and a num-
ber of prominent citizens were in Boston
some time ago to plead the case for Ann
Arbor as an All America city ...
"A city to be truly All America will


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atleso* usic to ---ove a eneration

HEN PEOPLE come to dis-
pose of the Great Man Theo-
ry of history, they will not be
able to explain the Beatles as
merely a symptom. The Beatles
have had a profound degree of
generating effect on the decade.
The Beatles synthesized all that
was valuable in the teenie-bop
music tradition, added country-
western and a pinch of rhythm
and blues. They made pop music
the expression of the generation
rather than of a certain kind of
In the philosophical/political
world, they brought the Left to
the teenie-bops (inspiring, I be-
lieve, Bob Dylan to adopt Folk
Rock) and the teenie-bops to the
THE BEATLES went through
discernable stages of "develop-
ment" which appear like different
levels of perfection, always leav-
ing everything said in an area of
popular art.
First, as noted, they synthesized
the best in existing music forms.

titude towards themselves (none
of this crap about how we like
kids, we wanna make money). Psy-
chiatrists have told us they had
a special appeal because of the
homosexual undertones in their
style and actions. Their analysis
is not quite accurate; rather, the
Beatles, like their admirers, deny
the John Wayne-type masculin-
The Beatles present a serious
threat to the Puritan tradition in
America. No respect is given to
authorities (in their songs, press
conferences and movies) and no
cognizance is given to social con-
ventions. Anarchists are of two
kinds: those who express frustra-
tion at the limits placed by social
institutions and those who live

freely, oblivious to the shocked au-
thorities. The Beatles are in the
second category.
AFTER "A Hard Days' Night,"
they moved "further out," experi-
menting with new instruments and
arrangements. George learned to
play the sitar quite competently.
Their musical forms expanded
(still structured, but like Bartok
rather than Beethoven.)
In the realm of film, they also
expanded their style-with "Help."
This film is more contemplative,
more subtle in execution. The fast
action is still there but something
is added: a soft, slow represen-
tation of images-notably in the
color-tinted recording session or
the night skiing with torches. The

Beatles concerned themselves with
visual beauty rather than the
appeal of character.
SO, ALSO, in their music, the
experimentation with form result-
ed in an abstraction of sound
from meaning-this became even
more developed when their album
"Revolver" came out. They tried
everything land everything worked
magnificently: sitar, string quar-
tet, brass band, string music tap-
ed and played backward.
By this time, of course, Dylan
and the Stones had been filling
the popular radio stations with in-
novations in form and radically
new (for pop culture) ideas.. The
Beatles pulled another coup de
grace, bringing experimental

sounds and real ideas to the mass
This development pattern can be
traced also- through the album cov-
ers. They started with straight
pictures and occasional spoofs. By
the time they got to the "Help"
album, making fun was the norm.
The cover they released with "Yes-
terday and Today" was a color
picture of them in bloody sur-
geons' coats. The distributors de-
cided this was in bad taste and
called them back, to be replaced
by a more innocuous cover. By
'Rubber Soul" they were using
distorting lens and with "Revolv-
er" they printed a psyche-satirical
collage cover.
WITH THIS LEVEL of perfec-
tion, the followers thought the
Beatles couldn't better themselves.
But they did. They had to de-
stroy themselves.
The most beautiful action the
,Beatles took was to break up
asserting their freedom, denying
even the expressiveness "f a quar-
tet. John Lennon got a haircut
and their whole anti-heroic self-



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