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Cloudy, with
chance of snow
Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
ducators Back uget-Saving Tax Re9
By NEAL BRUSS The University had lost over ficient to pay fo' the increase in ment spending. But there is a lm- versity's capital outlay program, the next two years before the who
Daily News Analysis $12 million between the time the students anticipated in enrollment it to how much can be skimped in the funds that pay for new con- 1968 Republican National Conven- their
Yesterday, tne day after Gov. Regents had approved a $74.6 mil- figures for next fall. these areas. It may take some struction. The University had re- tion. He said that a state income Lans
George Romney announced his lion general operating request and At a time when instructors' sal- careful economizing to finance the quested $24 million. If the Legis- tax proposal would hurt Romney's Ye
$62.2 million budget recommenda- yesterday, when Romney announc- aries are being boosted by new University next year. ature approves the governor's rec- public image. Perhaps Romney's Rom
tion for the University, President d his $1.1 billion state budget. schools offering high salaries to Significantly, none of the fac- ommendation, it would be a sub- budget message has set the cart state
Harlan Hatcher, like the state's Higher education as a whole had dure faculty from established ;ors which hinder the University stantial boost over last year's $3 tipping. contr
other college and university presi- lost money. The 11 state universi- schools, Romney's request did not when it attempts to bargain for million which only supported con- either by the conservative Repub- tax r
dents, went to Lansing to talk ties and colleges had requested a appear to better the competitive money in Lansing seemed over- struction already in progress. sition is the state Legislature Ro
things over. total of $266.8 million. Gov. Ror- positions of state schools in fac- shadowed by Romney's ultimatum which emerged stalemated after ably
One result of the meeting, ac- ney recommended $213.8 million, ulty recruitments. to the Legislature: tax reform or When Romney talks about "cut- the Novembergelection. The Sen- es. B
cording to Charles Orelebeke, Romney had slashed 20 per cent The University has faced sim- cuts in spending. backs" he refers to budget items ate is split 20-18 in favor of the deep
Romney's assistant for higher ed- from the combined figures which ilar cuts from Romney in the past. The state constitution orders a like capital outlay. Once capital Republicans2 the House is balanc- appr
ucation, wa's a statement of sup- accounted for the 1967-68 request Last year's cut was almost the balanced budget. Yesterday, Rom- outlay funds are cut, slashes in ed at 55-55. emer
port for the governor's tax reform for state support of higher educa- same proportion of the Univer- ney said, "I will not sign any budg- general operating funds are in or- "In the past, Romney could Per
program. Sources indicated that tion. sity's request as Thursday's 15 et measure until I am certain rev- der. proposea state income tax because Ron
the 11 college presidents would be The $213.8 million allocated by per cent. enues will cover expenditures . . . A crisis over fiscal and mone- he knew that it would be defeated shad
prepared for the message because Romney was nine per cent higher In the past, the University has The alternative to tax reform is [ary policy seemed imminent last either by thec onservative Repub- betw
tax reform had been offered as than what the state granted for met budget shortages by cutting a cutback in state services.". November. One Lansing observer lican legislators in the 1963-64 ses- Legis
the solution to cuts in their school higher education last year. But maintenance and secretarial em- Romney recommended nearly said then that Romney woulk not sion or by the timid Democratic over
budgets. the boost appeared to be just suf- ployment, and library and equip- $11 million to support the Uni- wish "to upset the applecart" in majority in the 1965-66 session, enrol
T " '1I - --- - -- -- -- _ _ --- 'ter V
were fearful of its effect on
chances for re-election,"' a
ing source said last November,
sterday, it appeared t h a t
ney's job would be to sell the
on an income tax and gain
rol of his new Legislature for
mney's success will undeni-
effect his presidential chanc-
ut it will also determine how
the clashes in the University's
opriation will be when it
ges after legislative action.
rhaps this struggle between
ney and the' Legislature over-
ows the continuous conflict
een the University and the
lature, frequent squabbles
labor unions, autonomy and
Fulbright - four Appeal
Backs Consul r A "iga'a UtHDraft Cases
Agreement NEWS WIRE To Court
Attack Prejudice
Against Russia as
'Serious Setback'
Special To The Daily
liam Fulbright (D-Ark) yesterday
' expressed support for the United
States-USSR consular treaty but
said that he could not predict the
success of the agreement. Ful-
bright joined with former U.S. am-
bassador to Russia George F. Ken-
nan in terming the proposed treaty
a "good thing."
Fulbright is chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee which is currently conducting
hearings on the treaty which, if
ratified, would establish Soviet
consulates in several U.S. cities
in exchange for American con-
sulates in Russian cities.
The treaty has come under at-
tack by a number of organiza-
tions including the American Le-
gion and by Federal Bureau of
Investigation director J. Edgar
Hoover who claims that the Soviet
consulates would represent a
threat to America's internal sec-
There is -still "some prejudice
against Russia and all things Com-
munist" in this country, Fulbright
said. This prejudice is a mistake,
he added.
The question, as Fulbright sees
it, is whether the U.S. is "polit-
ically mature enough" to accept
the treaty. Fulbright considers the
treaty itself "not important" but
feels that it has important im-
The treaty raises the question of
whether America is going to make
progress in its relationship with
Russia, Fulbright said. He added
that the objections of Liberty Lob-
by, the John Birch Society, the
American Legion and other groups
opposing ratification of the treaty
could be "serious setbacks" to this
He also said that those who do
not want reconciliation with the
Late World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The space agency indicated yesterday that
the smoke rather than the fire killed the three Apollo 1 astronauts
last Friday.
"The official death certifactes of the crew members list
the cause of -death as asphyxiation due to smoke inhalation
due to the fire," Dr. Robert C. Seamans Jr., deputy administrator
of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, said.
That was the only reference to the cause of death in the long
report which Seamans made public almost one week to the hour
after the tragedy.
recent editorial in the Yale Daily News. The editorial, which
asked repeal of the Connecticut law outlawing use or possession
of the drug was timed to coincide with the trial of three stu-
dents . arrested last November for violating the state's Drug and
Narcotics Act. The editorial called the law "sadly unsophisticated
in failing to distinguish between marijuana and addictive.
at the ,Los Angeles campus of the University of California, was
recently barred from publication because of allegedly obscene
material, a university spokesman said. The suspension of the
weekly supplement "Intro," a literary and art review, involved
a critique of "Ecco Homo" byGeorge Grosz and a review of3
"Nova Express" by William Burroughs.
* * * *
A FELLOWSHIP IN HONOR of astronaut Edward H. White
II, killed in an Apollo spaceship fire last Friday, was established
yesterday at the University. White, who received a masters de-
gree in astronautical and aeronautical engineering from the
University, died in the fire with astronauts Virgil I. Grissom
and Roger B. Chaffee.
The fellowship will provide funds for students doing gradu-
ate work in aerospace engineering. White and fellow astronaut
James A. McDivitt were both awarded doctorates in astronau-
tical science, a newly created honorary degree, by the University
after their Gemini 4 flight in which White became the first
American to walk in space.
Washington Wednesday by the National Endowment for the
Humanities. The government fellowships will go to 287 scholars,
the largest number of them in New York. These fellowships are
the first to be given under the new endowment program. $403,000
of the grant money will go to institutions for various projects
including $100,000 to record 'talking books" for the blind and}
Acceptance by Judges
To Review Decisions
Equals Trial of War
WASHINGTON 'P)-The war in
Vietnam is casting a lengtheningsrt
shadow over the Supreme Court.
The justices already have agreed
to decide how far demonstrators
may go in practicing "civil dis-
obedience," and they soon will
have to make other decisions in-
volving the war's unpopularity
among some of the nation's youth.
Three separate appeals awaiting
invitation to be heard, challenge
the government's right to imprison:
draft-card burners and the legal-
ity of the draft and the war itself.<.:
If four of the nine justices give
assent, the Vietnam war will. in -Daily-Thomas R. Copi
effect, be tried by the Supreme
Major figures are:
David J. Miller, 24, self-de- The 1967 World's Fair opened last night at the Union and runs through today. International exhi-
scribed Roman Catholic pacifist bitions from over 20 countries are featured, including those from Israel, Latvia and Korea. Pictured
convicted of setting fire tohis
draft classification notice near the above is the Greek exhibition which included displays of Greek sculpture and pottery, Among the
Army's induction center in down- many interesting features of the Fair is the International Variety Show, with music and dancing
town New York. representative of the many countries involved in the Fair, sponsored by UAC and nationality clubs.
David H enry M itchell III, 24 ~~~-Gr~----~~-V-l---e-b-okst-- - -- - -
Greenwich Village bookstore clerk 'UNANIMOUSLY CONFUSED':
who refused to report for induc-A
tion, was convicted of draft eva-
sion, and faces up to five years, 0 0,1
in federal prison. Student Leaders ISi
Howard Katz, 29, stock market Sanadest, LecdersdDisillusione
analyst, and David A. Baumann.
20, now serving with the Army s
in Korea, who have been blockedi
in lower court from challenging
the draft law's constitutionality.s
Miller, backed by the New York By JIM HECK "Some of us went in hoping to the State Department's credibility
Civil Liberties Union, has said he Lk!be convinced that our actions in'gap. The students met with Rusk
is willing to go to jail rather Last week's meeting between a;~
than obain a nw dt ar. Her group of student leaders and Sec- Vietnam were justified," Robinson last Tuesday in his office.
than obtain a new draft card. He said. "But no one came out con-
directly attacks the 1965 law that retary of State Dean Rusk did The United States National
prohibits drafcard burning, claim- little to soothe the students' vinced." Student Association has since
ing its purpose is to suppress dis- doubts over United States policy, Rbinson w d o 4 printed for circulation a third
sent.!in Vietnam. emer group who paid thereownstatement in the form of a letter
sent. I ~~~~~~~~expenses to Washi'ngton to repre- epesn hi nrae ocr
None of the three others claims "Everyone was sobered as they sent the more than 200 signers of
leftthe eetng,"Ed obinonand bewilderment as a result of
pacifism. And none claims that he left the meeting," Ed Robinson, a recent letter sent to Johnson. ast Tesd'meng wit Rsk.
is a conscientious objector. '67, president of Student Govern- The letter, sent in December, ex- last Tuesday's meeting with Rusk.
Mitchell says he has a moral ment Council said on his return pressed deep concern over our "We expect, certainly, some kind
and legal duty under the Inter- from Washington. Some were present policies in Vietnam and of response," Robinson remarked.
andlegl dty nde th Iner-pale-angry." - - - -_______________
national charter which governed
the trial of Nazi leaders after "I don't know how to impress
World War II to refuse to co- upon you the group's diversity"
operate with the draft. Robinson said. "There were stu-
----dentse from private schools, state /
UAW Execs
Quit AFL
Reuther Resigns from
Position on Council
In Widening Split
WASHINGTON (1') - United
Auto Workers president WalterP,
Reuther quit Friday as AFL-CIO
vice president in the' greatest
leadership rupture since he and
President George Meany forged
the giant labor federation 11 years
But Reuther kept the presidency
of the Industrial Union Depart-
ment embracing nearly half the
AFL-CIO's 13.5 million members,
signaling the possibility of a grow-
ing power struggle.
Meany continued the silence he
had maintained in the face of
Reunther's gradual escalation of
hostilities over Meany's leadership
the"past nine months.
The Auto Workers, the biggest
of. the federation's 129 unions with
1.2 million members, remains in
the AFL-CIO, but the unin's
executive board said it later would
review its relationship and take
"whatever action" it deemed best,
Rigid Policy
Reuther began his attack last
June by criticizing Meany's for-
eign policy as too rigid. Later he
indicated he thought AFL-CIO
policy on organizing new -nem-
bers, solving social problems and
collective bargaining techniques
were old fashioned.
Meany's partisans replied that
Reuther was gunning for Meany's
Meany broke his silence once to
denounce Reuther's foreign policy
criticism as "a damable lie," "con-
temptible" and "slanderous."
Reuther and his brother, Victor,
had accused Meany of undermining
President Johnson's efforts, to
soften tensions with Communist
satellite nations and allowing some
AFL-CIO branches to be used as
a front for the Central Intelligence
Relations then quitely but stead-
ily got worse between Meany, the
gruff ex-plumber from the Bronx,
and the voluble, red-haired
Although he is only one of 27
vice presidents on the AFL-CIO
Executive Council, Reuther is gen-
erally regarded as the No. 2 man
in the labor movement.
The initial reaction of other
labor leaders to Reuther's latest
break was one of surprise.
A meeting of the Executive
Council of the International Asso-
eiation of Machinists in Washing-
ton was interrupted to read the
announcement, and a Machinists'
spokesman said, "Nobody said
anything. They just looked star-
Dues Stopped
Reuther recently stopped pay-
ing dues to the AFL-CIO and
came perilously close to the point
of facing suspension of his union.
although Meany reportedly would
not have enforced this penalty.
Reuther appears to have little
sympathy and almost no support
from other labor leaders in his
tug of war with Meany.
Most union sources believe that
if Reuther makes the final break
and pulls the Auto Workers out
of the AFL-CIO, no other union
will follow.
The Auto Workers' Executive
Board said in Detroit that it had
Soviet Union use the tr aty as a another $100,000 for an instructional television program in
symbol of their objections but they Boston.
"could not be more wrong."
- ---- --- - - - -- - - -- -- ---- ---
schools, southern schools,ugins
COMPETsoTIVE PRESSURE: ols__ the whole spectum
Some were moderate Republicans,
some were conservatives, some lib-
somwere cBy LAURENCE MEDOW can give them but rejects it. W
S" al ni tspecial To The Daily expect colleges to offerintellectua
Sa te m Came"OutUUna niu WASHINGTON - "The radicals stimulation and independence, bu
e alwen ohemeemg of today haven't the myth of find them disappointing. We gre
withan openness but we came out cynicism. They still believe that up believing we lived in a grea
unanimous," he continued, un-America never loses. This myth nation, now we must ask critica
animously confused, disallusioned, ties the generation of the '60s questions about our society anc
th a rand frightened." down to the rest of our society," decide if there is more to what w
d e sp w , "We left the meeting unanimous Poul potter, former president of stand for than just post-adoles-
in the feeling that the U.S. was Students for a Democratic Society cent discontent. We are not the
dedicated to a military settlement told college editors at the annual first discontented generation; wil
'There is widespread faking of rites, he was cast out from the Because of the pressures of you presenting your paper at? eirather than a negotiated peace,nt convention of the United States what we feel last?" Potter asks
research and data in natural tribe," Saltman worte. Tribal rites , "wanting to be a hero," more When was the last time your pic- Robinson added. Student Press Association last "We are an affluent generation,'
sciences because of competitive refer to major scientific conven- scientists avoid teaching, "leaving ture was on the cover of Life?' Robinson said that although night. he added. "Most of us are free
pressure and status-seeking, a tions such as those of the Amer- it to the clods who haven't the "Now when a student is under "Rusk didn't try to pull rank, his from want than our parent weree
University of Southern California can Chemical Society or the Amer- ego drive to make it as scientists." this kind of pressure his feeling answers didn't always get to he "If you tell someone we are We take it for granted we wil
biochemistry professor charged ican Physical Society. "It is in the three to six years for science as a love affair, point we raised' The Secretary losing the war in Vietnam, they have the money to do what w
yesterday. Saltman cited other cases in 'in graduate school that the stu- science as a quest for knowledge, was unemotional and seemingly are choked. They do not believe want to do for our families."
wa nmtoa adseigyIthe United States can be beaten.Wetrfoexpincaga
In an article published in the which prizes have been awarded dent is supposed to come of age in joy, beauty and pleasure, is stamp- "unconcerned" about possible con- The Uepled tama belivete We therefore experience a gapr
current issue of Harper's Maga- for outstanding research, much of science," Saltman wrote. "The stu- ed out on about the fourth day. flict with Cha. When asked if he peoplen Vietnam believe the
zine, Dr. Paul Saltman claims that which "was actually refuted or dent knows that to be a real Don't forget that at the same time would allow the NLF into peace ae beaten, howeve, a defined by economic necessities,
the drive of young scientslts "to retracted in the very speech of scientist he has to be called 'doc- you're demanding data, you're de- talks, he answered the group .ith at makes them radical."de eci c
perform i the center ring of the acceptance," tor,' because if he stops at the manding that he pass courses and an evasive slap-in-the-face by re- "The generation of the '30s," "Our generation has broken sev
circus" leads to faking of theses "Or, as happened recently, a bachelors degree, he's a dropout examinations and write proposi-, marking that they had no influ- Potter said, "felt that they did not
and research papers. noted biochemist had to stand be- or a lab technician. tions, and stand for oral exams. ence ingH d th the was make history by being radical, but eral myths but so far all we have
"There was a student who faked fore his colleagues at a national 'The majority who survive this n e in is anser e rather participated in the winning the ws th ay We mstet
the data of his Ph.D. thesis, pub- meeting and retract a postdoctoral So he goes to grad school. And combination of ordeals become quesin side. ternay t ter cre
lised with his professor as co- fellow's publications on whichis finds out that the professors what I call trivial scientists," Salt- u n They merely felt that their deci-
hissowhcnhis use their students as a form of,?, -, -a"But then le turned right The co n naunrnedior