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February 03, 1967 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-03

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Hints Peace

Tal ks


US. Halts Bombing

From Wire Service Reports
WASHINGTON-New diplomatic
moves by North Vietnam indicate
Hanoi may be edging toward peace
talks with the United States.
Officials said yesterday that
during the last few days Hanoi
has asked a number of other coun-
tries-Communist and non-Com-
munist-to call Washington's at-
tention to its recent statements
,that "there could be talks" if the
United States stopped bombing
North Vietnam.
Administration officials em-
phasized that there had been no
direct contact between the United
States and North Vietnam. But
several said they would not be
surprised if Hanoi made an ap-
proach at some secrecy-shrouded
point such as Rangoon, Burma.

The problem facing President
Johnson and his top advisors was
to determine whether the Commu-
nists were taking tentative steps
toward the conference table, or
simply trying to step up inter-
national pressure on America to
stop the bombing.
The significance of the recent
Hanoi moves lay not so much in
the content of the statements, but
the manner in which they were
made and the widespread effort
undertaken to see that Washington
was fully aware of them..
North Vietnam's indication that
it might be willing to talk peace
if the U.S. bombings stopped fell
short of the price Washington has
demanded to end the raids.
The President, Secretary of
State Dean Rusk and others have

said repeatedly the bombings will
be halted only if there is as-
surance of a significant reciprocal
reduction of Communist military
The statements made by Hanoi
included one last week in an in-
terview with North Vietnamese
Foreign Minister Nguyen Duy
Trinh by an Australian newsman.
"If the United States really
wants talks, it must first halt un-
conditionally the bombing raids
and all other acts of war against
North Vietnam," he said.
The statement was similar to
one made earlier in Paris by
Hanoi's permanent representative
there. He said an end of U.S. air
attacks might induce his govern-
ment to talk peace.
The unusual interest these state-

ments aroused here was due to
three factors.
-The official Hanoi request to
other countries to call U.S. atten-
tion to these remarks.
-Hanoi radio picked up the
Trinh interview and broadcast it
in English, calling special atten-
tion to the part concerning official
talks. The official Hanoi news-
paper, Nhan Dan, did likewise.
-The fact that the Hanoi posi-
tion, though still falling short of
American demands, omitted pre-
vious assertions that talks could
take place only if the United
States agreed in advance to a
four-point Communist program as
a "basis of settlement."
This program includes one un-
acceptable demand - that the
United States recognize the Na-

tional Liberation Front, political
arm of the Viet Cong, as the "sole
genuine representative of the peo-
ple of South Vietnam."
Some officials theorize that
North Vietnam, suffering from the
U.S. air attacks, is eager to obtain
a reduction or suspension of them
to enable it to carry on the strug-
gle indefinitely. This strategy
would bank on U.S. war weariness.
to force eventual American with-
White House officials as well as
those at the State and Defense
Departments have shown consider-
abel concern the last few days lest
the idea grow that air attacks are
not worth what they cost.
Rusk, in an interview for broad-
cast in Britain, defended yester-
day the aerial war in the North

as important from a military point
of view, but said it also serves the
political purpose.
"If North Vietnam could sit
there indefinitely, safe and com-
fortable, while .it sends its men-
and arms into South Vietnam,"
Rusk said, "what would be their
incentive ever to make peace?"
He also said in response to
questions that in spite of many
probings "we never had from any-
body what they the North Viet-
namese would do if we stopped the
Rusk added, "It may be that the
events in China may give Hanoi
somewhat more freedom of action
than they might have felt they had
a little earlier.
"And so we're exploring the pos-

sibilities here to find out whether bombing of nonmilitary areas was
or not it is possibly the case, but accidental and since then it has
we just don't know yet." put the immediate Hanoi area off
Much of the exploration is limits for all bombing.
carried on through neutral coun- The Post, in a story from United
tries such as India and Egypt, as Nations headquarters, said high-
well as through U.N. Secretary- level outsiders who knew of the
General U Thant. Polish move considered it as prom-
There also have been occasional ising although it was not known
reports of direct contact between how near the efforts had come to

U.S. and North Vietnamese rep-
The Washington Post reported
meanwhile that U.S. bombing of
the Hanoi area in mid-December,
in which Hanoi contends damaged
some civilian areas, upset a Polish
effort to establish peace discus-
sions between North Vietnam and
the United States.
The United States said any

obtaining commitments from Ha-
noi. No specific sources were
named for the story.
"At the moment the Poles are
said to have suspended their ef-
forts," the Post story said.
"They are represented as ex-
tremely frustrated, not merely
over the effect of the bombing,
but more particularly with the
uncooperative attitude of Hanoi."



Mutual Enemy Troops on Increase;
Recruitment Drive Planned





\WASHINGTON (') -President
Johnson said yesterday it will take
concessions by both the United
States and the Communists to
bring a negotiated peace to Viet-
But, amid a swirl of rumors
about Vietnam peace moves, John-
son said there has been no hint
of serious Communist effort to

bring the conflict to the confer-
ence table.
'Every hour of every day the
spokesmen of this government are
under instructions to explore every
prospect for peace," the President
But at a White House news con-
ference dominated by the South-
east Asian war, this was Johnson's

refrain: "In all candor, I am not
aware of any serious effort that
the other side has made, in my
judgment,.4o bring the fighting to
a stop and to stop the war."
Time and again, Johnson stress-
ed that point. For the United
States, he said, "I will do anything
I can on the part of this govern-

Observers See Pro-Mao Forces
RWinning Chinese Power Fight

HONG KONG Al) - As seen
from Hong Kong, Mao Tse-tung
and his supporters appear to be
winning the struggle for power in
China, and that country's foreign
policy is likely to become more
strident and aggressive.
That is the view of diplomatic
experts and intelligence sources.
They admit their knowledge of
what is going on in China is in-
complete, and base their reckoning
on a piecing together of the best
available information. Their re-
ports indicate that Maoists now
hold most of the major cities.
"It looks as if the Mao dynasty
has been restored," one of the ex-
perts said yesterday. "The man-
date of heaven apparently has
been withdrawn from Liu Shao-chi
and Teng Hsiao-ping."
This group of China-watchers
believes victory for Mao is likely
to plunge China into a tumultuous,
traumatic round of events that
-Give Mao the opportunity to
put his "perpetual revolution"
theory into action-to leave his

imprint of his tortured country,
even after the grave.
-See relations with the Soviet
Union become increasingly worse,j
possibly to the point of armed'
clashes along the border.
-Produce an even more aggres-
sive, xenophobic-fearful of foreign
things-China, armed with nuclear
weapons, and increase the risk of
New Party Apparatus
Mao seems likely to be forming
a new party apparatus to run the
country and put his "perpetual
revolution" theory into effect.
The experts contend that the
power struggle really began eight
years ago when Liu and Teng-
using the Central Committee of
the Chinese Communist party-
kicked Mao upstairs and seized ef-
fective control. Liu took Mao's job
of president.
As they see it:
Mao apparently has been work-
ing since then to make a come-
back. He now has control of the
armed forces, the propaganda de-
partment, and several other im-
portant ministries.
Mao's real enemy was the Cen-,

Peking Accuses U.S., Russia,
Japan of Mainland Attack

tral Committee. The new appara-
tus will replace this. More than
70 per cent of the wall posters
that have blossomed throughout
China are thought to have been
put up by Maoists, even many that
attacked Mao.
"Mao appears to have planned
his comeback for some time," one
of the experts said, "and confu-
sion seems to have been an im-
portant element of it.
By attacking himself, he added
to the confusion and the uncer-
tainty of his enemies."
The remaining 30 per cent of
the posters are attributed to anti-
Maoists "and the crackpots that
all countries, including the Com-
munist ones, have."
The Red Guards were created
to create confusion andi a state
of uncertainty and tension. But
these groups have served their
purpose as a political weapon and
have been ordered to disband, it is
Red Guard's Target
The fate of the Red Guards'
targets, Liu and Teng and their
supporters, is not known.
The sources said "it is unlikely
outside top leaders in Peking that
any one really knows their fate."
Observers believe Mao will in-
tensify his campaign against the
Soviet Union when he is firmly
back in the chair.
"Russia his become in Mao's
eyes a worse enemy than the
United States," one of the sources
Another possibility is that Pe-
king might try to foment trouble
by playing up racial differences
among the Asian people across the
bordering the Soviet Union.
China-watchers here are treat-
ing with caution reports of fight-
ing in Sinkiang. They question
that anyone really knows what is
going on in that isolated area.
No Western Iftelligence
"Certainly no Western intel-
ligence agency knows for sure
what is happening there," one of
the sources said, "probably even
Mao himself doesn't."
The experts believe Peking's for-
eign policies are likely to show
less fear of the possibility of war.
They think Mao was kept in check
when Liu and Teng held the reins.
But the experts point out that
Mao appears to be genuinely un-
afraid of ,the prospect of nuclear
war. He has often declared that
he believed the Chinese people
would survive a nuclear holocaust
because of their numerical super-

ment to go more than halfway to
bring it to an end."
Underscoring that theme, John-
son made. these statements:
-"I think that any peace agree-
ments would involve understand-
ing on both parts and certain con-
cessions on both parts." But he
said possible concessions cannot
be discussed in advance of nego-
--He said the United States is
prepared to halt the bombing of
North Vietnam in return for "Just
almost any step" by the Commu-
nists. "As far as we can see they
haven't taken any yet,' he said.,
"We would be glad to explore any
reciprocal action. We have made
one proposal after the other."
'Real Glad'
,"We'd like to have a cease-fire,"
he said, "we'd be real glad to stop
our bombing as we have on two
previous occasions if we had any
indication of reciprocal action."
Johnson said the United States
stands ready to discuss mutual
steps to ease the combat, an ex-
change of prisoners, an effort to
bring true demilitarization to the
demilitarized zone between North
and South Vietnam-"or any other
aspects which might take even a
small step in the direction of
But again"he declared that there
has been no serious effort by the
other side to move toward the
peace table.
Centers on Vietnam
Almost every question during
the half-hour session dealt with
Vietnam. And when Johnson faced
one that did not, the war came up
It came up indirectly when
Johnson was asked about .the Re-
publican resurgence in Congress.
"I'm going to try to do with the
Congressional Republicans what'
we are trying to do with our ad-
versaries in other parts of the

world," he said. "I am going to
say to the minority party that I
am willing to meet them half-
Johnson said the administration
will try to work out "an area of
agreement" with compromises de-
signed to pass his legislative pro-
He said partisan infighting is
no good for the country.
Other Topics
On other topics
f Johnson said China is having
serious internal problems, prob-
lems which are not going to im-
prove the position of North Viet-
"I do not see that the differ-
ences in China are going to con-
tribute anything to the strength of
the North Vietnamese," he said.
But Johnson said he was not im-
plying that China's internal dis-
coid is likely to bring peace
" He urged Senate approval of
the proposed consular convention
with the Soviet Union. "I feel very
strongly that the ratification of
this treaty is very much in our
national interest," Johnson said.
He said~ it could mean 10 to 15
more Communist diplomats in the
United States, but that does not
raise security or espionage prob-
lems "which the, FBI cannot ef-
fectively and efficiently deal with."
0 Johnson defended the Dem-
ocratic National Committee, saying
it gave the party's congressional
candidates more help in the 1966
elections than at any time in his-
"Some people have used the
committee as a whipping boy, and
some don't understand the func-
tions of the committee," he said.
Some Democratic politicians have
sharply criticized the committee's

SAIGON, South Vietnam (;P)-
U.S. headquarters yesterday boost-
ed its estimate of enemy forces in
South Vietnam to 284,000 .even as
the day's reports from allied field
units told of the killing of more
than 150 up and down the coun-
try. U.S. Marines accounted for '68.
The revised estimate indicated
a net increase of 3,000 Communist
troops last week, proportionately
much greater than an influx of
4,000 Americans in the same week
that boosted total allied strength,
;includingVietnamese, to nearly
1.16 million men.
As to possible contributing fac-
tors in the Communist gains, a
captured Viet Cong. document
made public Tuesday had called
on the guerrillas to press a cam-
paign for South Vietnamese re-
cruits, "regardless of age or sex."
Monsoon storms have recently
impeded. U.S. air operations
againstthe routes by which North
Vietnam's regulars infiltrate the
U.S. squadrons were held to 57
missions over North Vietnam Wed-
nesday. Several of these strikes
were made in the demilitarized
zone that blanketĀ§ the border.
Heavy fog and cloud cover in some
cases prevented assessment of the
Dispatches from neighboring
nations reflected the Southeast
Asian ferment that is crystalized
in Vietnam war: ,
-A Laotian army spokesman
announced between 20 and 30
Pathet Lao destroyed six U.S.-
supplied T28 fighters and two
helicopters of Air America, a
charter firm,. in a raid on the air-
port of Luang Prabang, the royal
capital of Laos. He said five or
six persons were killed.
The Pathet Lao are Communist
guerrillas. They hold, eastern
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MADRID, Spain VP)-The Span-
ish government took stern meas-
ures against a growing revolt of
university students yesterday after
closing two of the nation's largest
schools and breaking up in Vaven-
cia efforts of militant opposition
students to hold a national con-
Madrid University, with an
over-all enrollment of 43,000 stu-
dents, was shut for the third day
by order of the rector following
campus clashes between students
and security police.
Barcelona University authori-
ties, facing a protest strike in sup-
port of Madrid students, closed all
classrooms for an estimated 21,000
Valencia Crackdown'-
Eight thousand students at Va-
lencia joined the strike after the
crackdown there and the univer-,
sity there also may be closed.
While the direct motivation for
last Friday's campus demonstra-
tion in Madrid which sparked the
snowballing student problem- was
support of a general labor protest
parade, behind it were efforts of

Laotian territory through which
North Vietnam moves men and!
supplies via the Ho Chi Minh trail.'
-In Phnomh Penh, Cambodian'
officials raised another charge of
violation of their border territory.
They said South Vietnamese for-
ces staged an attack Monday on
the village of Svay Angang, 60
miles east of Phnomh Penh, and
two Cambodians were killed and
six wounded. .

There was no immediate com-
ment in Saigon, where Communist
activity along the frontier remains
a matter of concern.
Overall combat casualties de-
clied on both sides last week, but
American_ losses were - slightly
higher than in the week before.
Unofficial tabulations of the
American toll since 1961 edged up
to 7,129 killed and 40,799 wounded.

Government Answer Stern
To Spanish Student Revolt

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politically inspired students to or-
ganize a national student union
in opposition to one sponsored by
the government.
At Valencia, where delegates
sparking the independent student
organization attempted to hold a
national conference, police broke
up the meeting and arrested 15 to
25 student leaders.
Matriculations Cancelled
Barcelona University officials
gave students three days to pro-
duce acceptable excuses for their
absence from classes. Those with-
out excuses were told their matri-
culations had been cancelled and
they had ten days in which to
renew them and pay again the
term fee of $100.
Many students protested they
lacked money to make a second
payment of fees. Others said they
faced trouble at home if they had
to ask their parents to pay again.
"Perhaps this is one way of get-
ting the parents to control their
sons and daughters and teach
them to respect public order,"
commented one university official.

TOKYO (-P) - Radio Peking
charged yesterday that the United
States, the Soviet Union and
Japan had engaged in "a criminal
plot" to use Manchuria's Heilung-
kiang for an attack on mainland
This alleged plot was foiled
when the army and Mao Tse-
tung's supporters seized control of
Heilunkiang after bloody fighting
Tuesday, the broadcast added.
China has accused the Soviet
Union of massing troops along the
Siberian border next to Heilung-
kiang. How U.S. and Japanese
forces-far from Manchuria-
could possibly be involved was not
Charges Collaboration
Peking has charged often that
the Soviet Union and the United
States were collaborating to try
to encircle China.
Almost as surprising as the
story, were wall posters appearing
in Peking saying Premier Chou
En-lai had called "sheer fabrica-
tion" reports that three of Mao's
chief opponents were dead, in-
cluding Lo Jui-ching, the purged
chief of the general staff.

Wall posters last month widely
reported Lo had committed sui-
cide, as had Vice Premier Po I-po,
and said Tao Chu, former pro-'
paganda chief and No. 4 man in
the party hierarchy, had died of
a heart attack.
The Peking correspondent of the
Japan Broadcasting Corp. said
Chou at a State Council meeting
Sunday not only denied any of
the three were dead but also con-
tradicted reports that party Gen-
eral Secretary Teng Hsiao-ping
had tried to commit suicide.
Purpose to Protect
"Such reports were probably
made up by those who are trying
to protect them," Chou was quoted
as saying,
A wall poster said yesterday the
army had been ordered to "seize
and control all warehouses" in
China to check raids and pillage
by "evil elements." There have
been previous reports that sup-
porters of Mao's No. 1 enemy,
President Liu Shao-chi, have been
freely distributing food through-
out the provinces as one of ways
of winning over workers and peas-
ants in the struggle for power.

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