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February 02, 1967 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-02-02

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See editorial page

II~tr igan

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Cloudy Thursday
Snow flurries by evening

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom



War: No ew

Answers FromRusk

Editorial Director
SpecialTo The Daily
WASHINGTON -"Rusk didn't
tells us anything new," one stu-
dent president said after his meet-
ing with the Secretary of State.
"I just didn't realize how bad it
all was before."
That was the basic sentiment
of the forty-five collegiate student
presidents and editors who met
Secretary of State Dean Rusk two
days ago. Many of them had
opinions before the meeting, but
were willing to listen to what Rusk
would say. Many others, however,
very clearly had not formed an
opinion and were seeing the Sec-
retary to allay a few misgivings.
Essentially they were frightened
by what Rusk had to say. Through
the course of the hour and a half
conference it seemed apparent to

most that the administration was
willing to make very few conces-
sions to the adversary in Vietnam
toward initiating negotiations.
At a number of points it seemed
clear that the United States might
not be willing to guarantee the
National Liberation Front a place
in the South Vietnamese govern-
What instead seemed to be in-
dicated was that if the current
Constitutional Assembly in South
Vietnam were to vote a new con-
stitution which specifically ex-
cluded the Viet Cong, the United
States would back that govern-
ment. It was also indicated that
the administration does not feel
the NLF would accept a situation
that called for free elections.
Further it also seemed clear that
the State Department believes

Hanoi control over the troops of
the NLF is quite strong. There
were also numerous indications
that the administration ap-
proaches the war as a case of ag-
gression from North Vietnam
which, the State Department feels,
intends to annex South Vietnam.
There were numerous allusions
to the second World War in the
sense of the current policy, with
some strong suggestions that, in
fact, China is the real enemy in
Rusk gave the students a paper"
listing fourteen points of settle-
ment published by the United
States last year. Among the points
were : "The Geneva Agreements
of 1954 and 1962 are an adequate
basis for peace in Southeast Asia;
we would welcome 'negotiations
without pre-conditions' and 'un-

conditional discussions' on thei
"We want no U.S. bases in
Southeast Asia; we do not desire
to retain U.S. troops in South Viet-
nam after peace is assured; we
suport free elections in South Viet-
nam; the question of reunification
of Vietnam should be determined
by the Vietnamese through their
own free decision; the countries
in Southeast Asia can be non-al-
ligned or neutral if that be their
"If there is peace, North Viet-
nam could participate in a re-
gional effort to which we would
be prepared to contribute at least
one billion dollars; President
Johnson has said the Viet Cong
would not have difficulty being
represented and having their views
represented in negotiations if for

a moment Hanoi decided it wanted
to cease aggression.
"'I don't think that would be
an insurmountable problem.' We
could stop the bombing of North
Vietnam," the list stated further,
"the moment we are assured-
privately or otherwise-that this
step will be answered promptly
by a corresponding and appro-
priate de-escalation of the other
side; and we do not seek the un-
conditional surrender of North
Vietnam. What we do seek is to
assure for the people of South
Vietnam the right to decide their
own political destiny, free of
The impression was given that
the United States is not willing
to halt the bombing as an initial
precondition for negotiations.
It will probably take some con-

current or preceding act on the'
part of the North to get the U.S.
to stop the bombing.
The students pressed Rusk on
what specific concessions he would
be willing to make to get those
fighting in Vietnam to the con-
ference-table. Generally the reply
tame in terms of asking what
concurrent concessions the stu-
dents would like Hanoi to make.
James Graham, president of the
Michigan State student body, ask-
ed what steps would be taken if a
halt in- the bombing failed to pro-
duce a fruitful conference. Rusk's
answer indicated that further es-
calation might be a likely pros-
Graham commented after the
meeting that he felt "these state-
ments indicate that we are on a
collision course with China, a line

of thinking I find quite hard to;
Rick Weidman of Colgate College
remarked, "Before the conference
I had some misgivings about the
war and about the policy our gov-
ernment was following. I really
believed before the conference'
that our line of action was pretty
much sound except for the bomb-
ing of civilians. I was not opposed
to our policy other than that.
"But now I seriously question
not only the implementation but
the whole basic orientation of the
line of action we are following.
We seem to be actively pursuing
a policy which can only lead to a
further escalated war. The admin-
istration's 'middle course' is noth-
ing but a continued escalation.
Our present policy, it seems, can
only be consummated by guns and

bullets, not by reason and words."
David Satter, editor of the Chi-
cago Maroon, expressed surprise.
"I had a position of my own going
into the meeting, but I was willing
to listen to what the Secretary had
to say. Not only did he add noth-
ing new, but his tone was fright-
ening to say the least. Those like
Graham, whom we half-expected
to be convinced by Rusk reacted
quite strongly against what the
Secretary told us. Maybe you just
don't realize how serious a situa-
tion is until you confront it first-
Rusk ended the meeting by
thanking the students and by
asking that he not be quoted di-
The next day, some of the stu-
dents visited their congressmen.
"That didn't go much better," one
of them commented."

Academic Freedom StuCdyClass Size,
Faculty Ratio
Causes Discontent at MSU on Increase

Controversy appears to be grow-
ing over seven proposals in the
Michigan State University Aca-
demic Freedom Report. The re-
port, which is soon to appear be-
fore the Academic Senate for final
approval before being reviewed by
MSU's Regents, has come under
fire for its ambiguity and lack of
certain reconmendations which
its proponents thought were vital.
Prof. Bertram E. Garskof of
MSU's psychology department has
noted, "One crucial aspect of edi-
torial freedom is the freedom to
choose the editors." This refers
to the section of the report which
deals with editorial freedom for
the MSU campus newspaper, the
State News.s
The report creates an advisory

board which, although it has no
control over the content of the
paper, is responsible for picking
new editors-in-chief. The board is
composed of four students not em-
ployed in student publications and
four faculty members appointed by
MSU president, John Hannah.
Source of Censorship
Critics of the report see this as
a potential source of censorship.
Here, they say, Hannah can in-
directly choose the editor of his
choice, presumably the editor
which will give him the least op-
The report states that in the
case of a 4-4 tie vote, the selection
will be up to the newly created
Student-Faculty Judiciary. Op-
ponents cite the Judiciary's com-
position of seven faculty members
and four students as further proof

Late World News,
TOKYO-Mao Tse-tung's men have seized the vast Man-
churian province of Heilunkiang with the help of the army follow-
ing bloody resistance-presumably from- President Liu Shao Chi's
backers-Peing Radio said Thursday.
The province-which has a long border with the Soviet Union
-was taken over by Maoist "rebels" on Tuesday, said the radio
which Mao controls. (See related story on page 3.)t
WASHINGTON-Sources said last night that North Vietnam
has called to the attention of American officials two published
statements made by Hanoi about the possibility of a negotiated
settlement of the war in Vietnam.
a resolution stating that alumnae recommendation forms cur-
rently used for membership selection should not be binding on
local chapters. These recommendations are used to gain additional
information on a prospective pledge and in most sororities a
negative recommendation prevents the house from pledging the
THE 12 MEMBERS of the president's tri-partite commission
on the role of the student in decision-making have been named.
Representing the University administration will be Dean
Stephen H. Spurr of the Graduate School, Asociate Dean James
H. Robertson of the Literary College, Assistant Dean Roy F.
Proffitt of the Law School, and William L. Steude, director
student-community relations.

of potential Administration control
of the State News.
John H. Reinoehl, chairman of
the Faculty Committee which
drafted the original report, has
denied any intention of censorshipf
or control in the report. He has
stated that if members of the
State News Staff feel that any 1
censorship has been exercisedc
either in the selection of editorst
or in the content of the paper,
then they can appeal to the Stu-
dent-Faculty Judiciary to reviewi
their case.
Rick Pianin
Rick Pianin, managing editor of
the State News, did not see theC
appointment of the editor by they
advisory board as an attempt byr
Hannah to control the paper. "I
don't see howrHannah would exer-
cise any more control than he
exercices now," he said in refer-
ence to the present situation. As
general manager has been ap-
pointed in the past by Hannah to
be an advisor to the State Newsx
but his power were greater thanc
those of the advisory board ast
presently constituted, Pianin in-
Pianin also said that such at
move by Hannah to control thec
content or editorial policy of theS
State News would contain a highe
degree of risk. "I don't think Han-
nah would try to risk it," Pianiny
Garskof has levelled criticism
at the selection of faculty commit-
tees at MSU and the report's neg-
lect of dealing with this matter.
Time Honored
"It is worth noting that theret
is a time-honored method forI
choosing faculty committees att
MSU," he said. "The president
makes all appointments to all
standing faculty committees."
Reinoehl has responded to this
criticism by stating that his com-;
mittee was not responsible fort
dealing with faculty-administra-
tion relations or problems and thrt1
such recommendations would beI
without their jurisdiction.
Opponents of the report have2
cited its failure to deal with thef
problem of alleged misrepresenta-t
tion on the student government i
body, the Associated Students of
Michigan State University. Ac-c
cording to them, the ASMSU givese
equal representation to fraternitiesc
and men's residence halls evenI
though there are approximately t
three times as many living in theI
residence halls as here are in
See ACADEMY, Page 2 i

OIR Survey Predicts
Crisis in Enrollmnent
If Trend Continues
Classes at the University have
been getting continually larger
over the last six years, according
to a recent survey.
In 1960 the average class size
was from 11 to 20 students, today
it is between 21 and 35 students.
The ratio of faculty to students
has also increased during this per-
iod. Six years ago there were 13.8
students for each faculty member
while by 1965 the number had
risen t~o 14.4.
Largest Classes in '62
Class sizes reached a high point
n 1962, but the trend over the
past two years indicates a con-
stant, gradual increase.
These are among the findings
published in a report on the-sltec
.f classes by the Office of Institu-
tional Research. The report out-
ines the facts behind many ser
ous issues facing the University
Paul F. Mertins, research asso-
ciate in the OIR, says that if fund
shortages and enrollment increas-
es continue either classes will be-
come still larger or enrollment
will have to be cut.
Greatest Increase Here
He referred to a U.S. Office of
Education publication, "Opening
Fall Enrollment," which described
the state's fall percentage in-
creases in enrollment as greater
than in any other state having a
Big Ten school, and larger than
the increase in California.
Enrollment for all universities
is expected to double by 1970 and
quadruple by 1985.
Today's freshmen, however, will
be most affected by the present
trend. The OIR report shows that
underclassmen, on the average,
have the largest classes, while
class size tends to decrease with
rising class rank.
Opinions vary on both the de-
fensibility of the status quo and
the future projections represented
n the report.
While Mertins c1aims, "Of
course, we all prefer smaller class-
es," Stanford C. Ericksen, director
of the Center for Research in
Learning and Teaching, maintains
hiat the small class may not be
Quality Counts
Depending upon the quality of
nstruction and the goals of the
lourse an interesting lecturer in a1
lass of 200 may do more for his
students than a poor one in a
lass of 10.
John Manning, assistant to
lean James Robertson in the lit-
rary college, contends that the
arge class offers flexibility and
reedom for the upperclasman and
n opportunity to confront the
ubject matter on his own terms.,
Freshmen, according to Mann-
ng, should have more faculty
ontact and guidance.
Ernest R. Zimmerman, assistant
o the vice-president for academic1
ffairs. says that timing is im-
>ortant. According to Zimmerman
, great deal hinges on "how wellf
re can judge the amount of appro-s
riations we will receive so wes
an admit incoming students pro- I

-Daily-Don Horwitz
FIERY DISCUSSION last night on the confiscation of a Cinema Guild experimental film, favored
law enforcement by city officials on campus. On a faculty panel were from left, Prof. Robert Fried-
man of the political science department, Prof. Daniel Fusfeld of the economics department, Prof.
Jolnm .Clark of the engineering school, and Prof. Arthur Eastman of the English Department.
Form Student Boards,
Role A Yet Undefied

Daily News Analysis
The phrase "student role in
decision-making" has almost be-
come a cliche even before it has
become a reality.
Those words have been repeated
many times over in the past sev-
eral months, particularly in con-
nection with the student advisory
boards to the vice-presidents and
President Hatcher's Commissions.
Though each of these committee
systems developed out of different
sets of circumstances last semes-
ter, both have the central concept
of student participation in Uni-
versity affairs.
Relations Unclear
But the relation of these com-
mittees, none of which has begun
operating yet, to each other, to
Student Government Council, now
the only recognized representative
of students, and to the whole con-
cept of the student role in Uni-
versity decision-making is some-
thing that is not yet clear.
The Student Advisory Boards
to the Vice-Presidents, which will
begin operating within the next
few weeks, is a system which was
worked out between students and
administrators over a period of
several months, with the idea that
students should have a consultant
or advisory voice in the affairs of
the vice-presidents' offices.
Students chosen for committees
being set up for vice-presidents
Cutler, Norman, Pierpont, and
Smith will meet with them on a
regular basis to discuss the -on-
going issues in each office and the
University as a whole.
SGC Choosing Students
SGC is now in the process of
appointing students to fill the ad-
visory boards. The vice-presidents
seem enthusiastic to begin work-
ing with them, though they do riot
;specify what they will discuss

idea of "advisory" boards may now
be out-of-date.
In response to activities of last+
semester, Hatcher set up three
special commissions, composed+
equally of administrators, faculty
and students, designed to deal with
problems of sit-ins, the Univer-
sity's relation to the Selective Ser-
vice and with the general area of
The latter commission that will
examine the student role in Uni-
versity decision-making and offer
any suggestions for changes in the
present system.

With respect to the advisory
boards, Kenneth Pickard, '69, one
of the students on the decision-
making commission, said that "the
commission cannot ignore the vice-
presidential advisory boards." He
added that he disagrees with sim-
ply an "advising" role for students.
Roger Leed, '67L, also a member
of the Commission, said that any
discussion of student representa-
tion in policy-making generally
must be applied to the advisory
See ROLE, Page 2

No Role For
'U' in Film
Fusfeld Defends
Rights of Cinema:
'Even Bad Movies'
"The University has no formal
role to play in the case against
Flaming Creatures" was the opin-
ion of most of four faculty mem-
bers on a panel last night discus-
sing the confiscation of the Cine-
ma Guild film two weeks ago.
Prof. Robert Friedman of the
political science department said,
"scholars have the same rights
and limitations as anybody."
According to Prof. John Clark
of the engineering school, the fun-
damental question is whether "the
police have the right to enter the
campus." He said, "they act as the
agents of the community and must
be concerned with the peace of
every part of it."
"The principle of academic free-
dom," he added, "is not extendable
to the violation of laws."
Prof. Arthur Eastman question-
ed whether the issue of "academic
freedom" was in fact involved. He
maintains that he would "fight
any intrusion into the classroom,"
but did not advocate defense for
the Cinema Guild.
Concentrating on the question of
obseniyEastman cited a letter
printed in The Daily showing that
"sex can be dynamite" and declar-
ed "It is the power by which most
of us live.
"It is explosive, more dynamic
than alcohol. I think the commu-
nity should be aware of the dam-
age that can be done to it."
Prof. Daniel Fusfeld of the eco-
nomics department was the only
panel member to disagree. He was
also the only panel member to
have seen the section of film run
at the Cinema Guild.
Fusfeld claimed "young people
are living like adults, and are de-
manding to be treated like adults."
He complained of the "continuing
conflict between society's right to
protect itself and the University's
right to investigate things now
Regarding the role- of the Uni-
versity in modern society, he said,
"the Univeristy must give maxi-
mum play to the area of shaping
the ideas of the future."
Having worked at several uni-
versities, Fusfeld finds the Uni-
versity the most "free." "The fac-
ulty," he said, "gets freedom and
resources." He added Athat he
would like to see these advantages
extended to students.
An open discussion followed the
panel's lead. One student, ques-
tioning the right of police to seize
the film "Flaming Creatures,"
turned the question into ani attack
on Lieutenant Eugene L. Staud-
"You've got to defend Cinema
Guild's right to do this sort of
thing," said Fusfeld, "no matter
how bad the movies are."
He compared the seizure of the
film to the HUAC investigations
and a law which requires the Uni-
versity to submit building plans
to the state legislature.
Fusfeld charged that the Uni-
versity is not assuming the proper
stand. "The kids who run the
Cinema Guild are very dirty," he
said with reference to the' plight

Rising Tuition Trend
Will Cut Enrollments

NEW YORK O)-The rising
cost of higher education has led
to steep increases in college tu-
ition charges across America, a
nationwide survey shows.
In extreme cases fees have more
than doubled within five years.
Many educators have expressed
fear that mounting s t u d e n t
charges will deprive children of
low income families of a chance to
attend college.
Don Stevens, a member of the
Michigan State University Board
of Trustees, said: "Tuition is
wrong in public education. It dis-
criminates against low income
families and against girls."
Poor Students Suffer
"If there are a boy and a girl
in the same family, the boy gets
the nod. The brightest kids from
low-income families don't go to
college," Stevens said.
Taking note of mounting edu-
cational costs, Gov. Kenneth M.

tion should be available to all who
wish to take advantage of it, and
raising tuition does not rove in
this direction."
A pending proposal to raise tui-
tion fees in 22 state-supported col-
leges in Texas by a total of $44
million during the next two years
was denounced by U.S. Sen. Ralph
Yarborough as "a tax on students"
and "an anti-education measure."
But almost everywhere, the fees
go up and up.
Tuition at the University of
Minnesota costs resident students
$375 a year, compared with $275.45
five years ago, and nonresidents
$921, compared with $662.55.
-At Indiana's Purdue Univer-
sity the tuition for residents went
from $240 to $330 in the past five
years, and for nonresidents from
$750 to $950.
-In 10 years, resident student
tuition at the University of South
Carolina was gone from $200 to
$~440. avnnnreident tnitinn f'rm

< :: ".

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