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Variable winds tonight,
chance of light snow
SeventySix Years of Editorial Freedom
of California Searches for Successor to Iei
By BRUCE WASSERSTEINe policies are aghast at the way he
Special To The Daily was dismissed. For example, the
Daily News Analysis Univeristy of California's Young
DalEy News Analysis SocialistClub has issued a state-
BERKELEY - The Berkeley ment reading, "We oppose the fir-
community is running scared.n ing of Clark Kerr by the Board
It is clear that the presentof Regents because it was a capi-
crisis, howeverresolved, will have tulation to pressures outside the
deleterious effects on the stature University.
of the University of California. Intellectual Flunkees
The prime issue is whether the "But we would have been quite
university system has suffered a happy had he been fired by the
wound which will heal or a mor- students and faculty of this Uni-
tal blow. versity who refused to buy his
Thew following factors are the vision of the University as a fac-
most important in determining tory turning out intellectual
long range ramifications: flunkees for his corporate estab-
* The choosing of a successor lishment."
to Clark Kerr. With the excep- Bettina Aptheker, a former lead-
tion of Mario Savio and a few of er of the Free Speech Movement,
his friends, the feeling of regret regarded Kerr's firing as "terribly
over Kerr's firing seems to be furious. I don't think anyone
unanimous. should be particularly joyous. I
Even people who opposed Kerr's consider it a victory for the right
wing elements in this state," shea
And even Mario Savio has apol-
ogized for his "bad rubbish" quote.
No Reinstatement
The time cannot be turned back
and there is no chance that Kerr
will be reinstated. Forces opposing!
the firing are rather concentrat-
ing their efforts on plans to select
Kerr's successor.
Responding to pressure, Chair-
man of the University of Califor-
nia Board of Regents Theodore
Meyer has backed the concept of
a faculty advisory committee on
the selection of a new president.
But the faculty wants more than
just an advisory voice. It demand-
ed in a resolution passed at Tues-
day's Academic Senate meeting a
veto power over the appointment
of Kerr's successor.
The Berkeley faculty pointed
out in a public statement, "As of too long in making a selection, engulfed by the rumors, panic has At their meeting Tuesday, the Reagan has seen fit to recoin-
today, no reputable educator there is little doubt that the Uni- set in at Berkeley. faculty demonstrated their resolve mend that the budget from state
would assume the presidency of versity 'of California will be the Fight Crisis Together to fight-for the present. But how
that university which yesterday scene of a mass faculty exodus. Berkeley student body President long their resolve will last is any- sources be held at $234 million-
was the envy of every other in the As one faculty member put it,: Dan McIntosh has called upon the body's guess. There seems to be $6 million less than last year's
state." "The selection of a new president faculty and the students to band a feeling of group pressure on the budget.
Restore Budget together in fighting the crisis campus, dictating that any faculty To exacerbate the situation, it
If conditions are changed, spe- ho can clear the air is our only raertha running away fro member who leaves under these is feared that the state govern-
cifically if the University of Cali- conditions is abandoning the prin-
fornia budget is restored to an * The exodus of prominent He said that if the faculty are ciple of fighting for academic ment would only contribute $192
acceptable level and there are faculty members. As Bettina Ap- firm in their resolve to fight and freedom. million of these funds. The resi-
guarantees of the university au- theker pointed out at a noon rally stay at the university, Berkeley's As Prof. Kenieth Stampp of due would come from tuition
tonomy, the Berkeley faculty to 2000 students, faculty members excellence can be preserved. But the Berkeley history department charges to students and from spe-
hopes that they can attract a man are now going to "reconsider that if they try to avoid the fight and said, "We have a duty to show
of sufficient stature for the uni- last offer and decide that after go away to a less afflicted campus, that America's unique contribution cial funds of the regents.
versity to rebound. all it was a pretty good deal." the University of California will to higher education, the large Forgetting about the widespread
Assembly speaker Jesse Unruh Like a pack of vultures preying become a third-rate institution. state university, is a viable me- opposition to the charging of tui-
has suggested that the autonomy on a dead carcass, the other uni- As it is now. McIntosh believes, chanism for achieving and retain- tion, Reagan's budgetting plan as
of the university's administration versities of the nation are trying California cannot hope to retain ing academic excellence. presently formulated would ob-
might be insured by offering are to raid the University of Califor- the old faculty until confidence is Budget viously cut down on the quality
incoming president a contract for nia. Between faculty members who restored, he said. But McIntosh 1 The cutting of the Univer-. of instruction. The University of
a fixed period of service. have actually been offered jobs says that the effects of the events sity of California budget. Although California would face a year of
In any event, if the regents pick elsewhere, those who are looking in the past week will be felt for the university plans to expand by See 'U,' Page 8
the wrong man for the job or take for bids and those who are being "the next ten years." 15 per cent next year, Gov. Ronald
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Halted Near l i iaia Users Netted
Hanoi Center NEWS WIRE In Detroit
Washinigton Reacts
To Press Criticism
Of Civilian Bombing
son administration has expressly
'barred. all U.S. bomber flights
within five miles of the center of
Hanoi, sources revealed yester-
The new order, issued within the
past week by the Joint Chiefs of
Staff, has the effect of imposing
a total sanctuary in the air war
in a 10-mile diameter circle over
the North Vietnamese capital.
Under the new restrictions,
sources said, an American pilot
may fly ,within five miles of the
center of the city only if engaged
in air-to-air combat with enemy
Shoot if Shot At
"That means if somebody's
shooting at you, you can shoot
back," one informant said. Out-:
side of that, he added, all flights
in the area are off limits.
Informants said the restriction
apparently wds issued in response
to reports of civilian bombing
casualties that have been widely
circulated in the world's press.
In recent weeks, Harrison E.
Salisbury, a New York Times as-
sistant managing editor, and. Edit-
or William C. Baggs of the Miami
Daily News have written on-the-
spot accounts of bombing destruc-
tion to residential areas in Hanoi
and other cities of North Vietnam.
"It's a result of everything
that's gone into the press," one*
knowledgable source said of the
new order. "It shows we're taking
into consideration what's being
Another informant said, how-
ever, that the new order will not
have much impact. "It doesn't
really change a hell of a lot," this
official said. "We're so restricted!
Thirty-Mile Limit
The Air Force and Navy now
have to obtain permission for each
bombing raid within 30 miles of
Hanoi. Even after permission is
received it must be renewed for
each recurring strike, informants
said. No bombing raids within a
30-mile area can be launched'
without explicit approval of the
Defense Department, State De-
partment and White House.
Within the 30-mile limit, how-
ever, sources said, U.S. war planes
are permitted to attack surface-i
to-air missile sites without ex-
Nplicit approval. The new restric-
tion presumably would bar such
attacks irl the 10-mile circle over
Keast Says Student
Late World News
By The Associated Press
TOKYO-Brandishing the slogan "Mongolia for the Mongo-
lians," communist China's Mongolian-born Vice Premier Ulanfu
apparently has turned his armed forces in Inner Mongolia against
Mao Ts-tung, a wall newspaper in Peking reported yesterday.
It was the first claimed instance of regular army units being
used against the Chinese Communist chairman, who had ordered
the army to use guns to rout his foes.
The 63-year-old Ulanfu, a virtual czar, was quoted in the wall
newspaper as opposing "the inflow of Chinese race into Mongolia
and supports a Mongolia by Mongolians." Among other things
he is commander and political commissar of the inner Mongolian
army region. He has been assailed in some Maoist posters and
reports said Ulanfu's troops in Huhohaot's, the capital, attacked
Maoists Monday'and demanded they get out of inner Mongolia.,
* * * *
NEW YORK-The Carnegie Commission on Educational Tele-
vision proposed yesterday a. vast expansion-of non-commercial
telecasting financed mostly by taxes but with help from private
The commission asked Congress to impose an excise tax
starting at two per cent on all television sets manufactured in
the United States to finance a corporation for public television
at a beginning rate of $40 million a year. The. corporation would
be a federally chartered, non-governmental, non-profit organ-
ization. The commission report said it would "in behalf of public
television receive and disburse federal, state and local govern-
ment funds, as well as private funds, and yet be free of political
The commission also asked Congress to increase the budget
of the Department of Health, Education and Welfare HEW so
that it could spent $68 million a year to provide basic facilities
and operating funds for a national system of educational stations
which would number 380 in 10 years.
CAPE KENNEDY, FLA.-University scientists are studying
data radioed to earth from six payloads hurled high above the
earth during a flurry of rocket activity. Six Nike-Tomahawk
rockets sped away from a Cape Kennedy launch site during a
16-hour period Tuesday to investigate a region of space where
most satellites and manned spacecraft travel.
Angelo J. Taiani, project director for the National Areo-
nautics and Space Administration, reported good signals were
received from all six probes, during their nine-minute flights.
STUDENT ART DISPLAY contest winners were announced
yesterday by Profs. Fred Bauer and John Rush of the A&D school
who awarded a $10 prize to each winner. The winners and titles
of their works in the contest sponsored by the University Activi-
ties Center are: Skunhaupman, Self Portrait; S. Y. Yoon, Student
Power:. Carolyn Benes, Photo No. 3; Lorna Klinger, Sculpture-
Psychoembryotic; and Pat Oleszko, Beautiful Sophia, fifth.
The display, in the north lounge on the main floor of the
Michigan Union, ends today at 4 p.m.
A LABOR DAY WEEKEND Festival will be sponsored by the
University Activities Center Sept. 1-4 under plans presently being
formulated. A central committee will be chosen from petitioners
this weekend and a sub-committee and committee personnel
will also be chosen at a mass meeting Feb. 8. Possible themes for
the student-oriented weekend include open-air concerts, street
dances, a carnival and an art fair.
Offenders Will Face
Judiciary Committee
Wayne State University Presi-
dent William Keast said last night
that the 15 WSU students arrested
in a series of narcotics raids in
Detroit yesterday will appear be-
fore the university's Non-Aca-
demic Disciplinary Committee to-
"Each case will be judged in-
dividually," Keast said. He denied
reports that one instructor also
arrested in the raid had been sus-
pended from his post. "The in-
structor in question was not even
Series of Raids
The series of raids, in which
least 56 persons were arrested,
were conducted by Detroit police
and state and federal narcotics
bureaus. In six hours, small quan-
tiis of marijuana and what were
tentatively identified as LSD cap-
sules and barbituates were con-#
According to one WSU student,
many of those arrested were
charged with possession of msri-
juana and intent to sell.
Number of Arrests
The biggest number of arrests
was made at the Artist's Workshop
on John Lodge, the Detroit head-
quarters for LeMar, an organi-
zation promoting the legalization
of marijuana. Among those ar-
rested at the Worshop was John
Sinclair, who has been arrested
twice before on narcotics charges.
According to Sinclair's wife, "no
search warrant was presented by
the police before the raid. And
many of the other premises in-
vaded were entered without search
ACLU Action
Friends of Sinclair said the
American Civil Liberties Union at
its executive board meeting last
night favored contacting both
Keast and Dr. James McCormick,
vice-president for student affairs
at WSU, to see that "the academic
freedom and civil liberties of the
students involved would not be
The series of raids came weeks
after local, state, and federal offi-
cials began putting intensive
"tails" on a known narcotics
pusher who had been released on
probation. Detroit police indicated
that further arrests might be made
in connection with the Wayne-
area raids pending further in-
vestigation. -
-Daily-Thomas R. copi
A shoving, eager mob of University students crowded into the Architecture Building to see Cinema
Guild's second weekly showing of experimental films last night. The demand forced four showings
of "Scorpio Rising" and other selections but Ann Arbor police did not show up as some had-L
Birt'h-Defect Virus Discovelry
?tomises Vaccine Prevenution
Two Michigan researchers, one
a University professor, report they
have established that some heart
defects in babies are caused by a
not-uncommon virus.
The study offers hope, in time,
for a preventive vaccine which
women would take before or at
the beginning of pregnancy, they
Research pointing to the Cox-
sackie-B type of virus as the cul-
prit was reported by Dr. Gordon
C. Brown, professor of epidemiol-
ogy at the University School of
Public Health and Dr. Tommy N.
Evans, chairman of the depart'-
ment of obstetrics and gynecology
at Wayne State University.
The virus can cause mild symp-
toms, or the infections may go un-
Brown emphasized in an inter-
view yesterday that it had been!
established statistically that Cox-
sackie-B was a cause of congenital
heart defects, but by no means
the only one.
Brown- and Evans have spent
seven years in their research into
congenital heart defects and
Brown said many more will be
required, adding, however, "Ourl
evidence looks highly significant."
"Now that we've pegged the
virus," Evans said, "the people
who know tell us it should be fea-
sible to make a vaccine to prevent
the mother from ever getting in-
fected in the first place."
Women undergoing Coxsackie-Bj
virus, infections during these early
months of pregnancy are found,
statistically, to run a higher risk
of having babies whose hearts are
damaged, the researchers find.
The defects include damaged
valves, holes in the/heart's cham-
bers, and constricted blood vessels.
The scientists discovered that if
a woman is infected with the
virus during the first three months
of pregnancy, there is twice the
normal risk of having a baby
with a damaged heart. Symptoms
may be nonexistent or only slight,
they said.
State Board
Okays MSU
Med School
Also Recommends
'U', WSU Expansion;
Cite Manpower Need
The State Board of Education
yesterday approved the expansion
of Michigan State University's
existing two-year medical curri-
culum to, a full four-year program
leading to a doctoral degree.
In a three-pronged motion at
their regular bi-monthly meeting,
the board approved the MSU plan
and recommended expansion of
the medical schools at the Uni-
versity and Wayne State Univer-
The board acted on recommen-
dations of November from its Cit-
izens' Committee on Health Care
Education which urged that the
University expand its medical
school from 210 first-year places
to 260; that WSU double its
present capacity of 125 first-year
places; and that the MSU plan
be approved, if the MSU plans
would not curb expansion now
under way at the two existing
Board More General
The board's recommendations,
however, were more general. It
deleted both the suggested figures
and the priority granted to the
University and WSU.
"We leave it to the autonomous
governing boards of the institu-
tions to determine their points of
diminishing returns for expan-
sion," Board President Edwin No-
vak explained last night. .
Novak was unanimously elected
president of the board at yester-
day's meeting.
The recommendations are aim-
ed at achieving a minimum goal
of 590 places within the decade
to bring Michigan up to national
medical manpower averages. The
state now has 335 places in the
two existing medical schools.
Under a 1965 attorney general's
ruling, the Legislature cannot
grant funds for a state college or
university to begin a new pro-
gram until it receives a recom-
mendation froni the state board.
Legislators Favorable
Legislators are thought to be
generally favorable to the MSU
plan, according to Associated Press
Nonetheless, MSU can expect a
fight in the Legislature with th
Univeristy and WSU for a share
of the funds. The University has
long opposed ambitions for a med-
ical school in East Lansing.
Shortly, before the two-year
MSU program opened last fall, the
University requested State Board
of Education approval of expand-
ing the program to four years.
Last November the board de-
cided to forego action until a pro-
posal for a state-supported osteo-
pathic college would be presented.
Another vote was taken at the
board's Dec. 21 meeting but ended
in a deadlock since four members
of the eight-man board still
thought they should wait for the
At yesterday's meeting, however,
the board decided the osteopath s
plan was "not that close to real-
ity" to warrant waiting-any longer,
Novak said. "We are still going
ahead with a full study of the
osteopaths' proposal."
Cinema Guild Film Shown,
without Police Intervention
The experimental film program
at the Cinema Guild was present-
ed without incident last night to
a capacity audience despite spec-
ulation that police officers might
attempt another' film seizure.
There had been unconfirmed
reports last night that the Ann
Arbor police force were on emer-
gency alert in case of trouble at
Health Services Differ in Policies Toward Prescriptions
the Architecture Auditorium. Last
week there was a near-riot when
Lieut. Eugene Staudenmeier con-
fiscated the film "Flaming Crea-
tures" on the grounds of obscenity.
The audience packed the Archi-
tecture Auditorium for at least
three showings last night. Cinema
Guild offieials announced to the
crowd milling about the Archi-
tecture building that the ,ched-
uled films would be shown as
many times as necessary to ac-
commodate all who attended.
Meanwhile, Student Government
Council yesterday kicked off its
own fund drive to raise money for
the Civil Liberties Board, launch-
ed Tuesday to defend the three
students and one faculty member
arrested last week for exhibiting
"Flaming Creatures."
25 Volunteers
. More than 25 volunteers, led by
SGC administrative vice-president
Mark Simons, '67, scoured the
campus. They collected an esti-
mated $130.
Funds collected in the drive will
go into the Civil Liberties Board's
Cinema Guild Defense Fund.'
In another development, City
The birth control pill is raising
many questions nationwide among
student health services in colleges.
Are prescriptions for the pill with-
in their province? Should such
prescriptions be given to unmar-
ried students?
Surveys of student opinions at
some colleges have produced a
resounding "yes" in favor of dis-,
cent only for medical purposes,; is not an appropriate function of . Our physicians do what they'
and eight per cent for single a college health service. deem advisable. We believe that
women who take a premarital ex- Only 19 institutions have writ- each physician should follow his
amination or show other intent ten policies concerning contra- own conscience. There is no Uni-
to marry in'the near future., ! ceptives. Among the 43 health versity policy. Our physicians
The survey also showed that services with pharmacies, only two have to treat individual students."
only one clinic in 25 prescribes would fill contraceptive prescrip- Beckett said the University
contraceptive pills for single tions. pharmacy fills any prescriptions
wide open where you can buy head of the student health service,
them across the counter like as- says, "Any student asking foi' this
pirin," he said. is referred .to her own physician."
Safeguard Adversities
"The whole medical profession
is against this," he continued,t
"because of the necessity'of fol-
lowing the patient to guard
against possible adverse effects.{
Lacks Facilities -
Smith said the university lacked
the facilities or the staff to pro-
vide periodic physical checks for
women taking the pill. ,
The policy was Smith's decision
and h cs aystherehs e hen no
women who do not intend to mar-
ry in the near future.
No Written 'U' Policy
'T .. .T,...2. . Tt S}...... .4. 2. . . . J F
its physicians write.
At A'Mnhi4n'nIq Qint* Tt, +,ive
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