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January 24, 1967 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-24

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Seventy-Sixth Year

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re OpinionsAre Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Truth Will Prevail

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



Dismissal of Clark Kerr:
Good Riddanee

IN HIS DISTINCTIVE style, Mario Savio
once again told it like it is at Berke-
ley: "Good riddance to bad rubbish."
Perhaps Clark Kerr was not pure junk
but he was just as useful.
Kerr was dumped by a system he sup-
ported. He was a moderate, who desired
compromise among what he viewed as the
"legitimate interest groups" in the uni-
versity. Kerr thought that the state was
one of those legitimate interests and, in
fact, he has said that academic freedom
or educational quality has nothing to fear
from public authority. At least he thought
that way in 1963.
IERR'S "MULTIVERSITY" was a prosti-
tute. In exchange for financial sup-
port, Kerr designed his multiversity to
develop technicians to staff the under-
manned positions within society. His mul-
tiversity responds swiftly and unquestion-
ingly to the demands of the surrounding
Kerr saw the institution as a "knowl-
edge factory." Others saw it as an aca-
demic sweatshop. The departed president
lamented that the quality of undergrad-
uate education was deteriorating rapidly.
He \said it was a shame that the top
teachers no longer taught and that teach-
ing fellows took care of the overwhelming
majority of Instruction in the multiver-

YES, TOO BAD, said Kerr, that college
is an increasingly meaningless exper-
ience for undergrads, but that's the way
it must be in the multiversity. If you
want the money, if you want the prestige,
if you want the top faculty, you just have
to forget about the student. Kerr admit-
ted and even condoned the fact that the
federal and state governments controlled
the direction of higher education at the
Thus, it is a delightful irony that the
very government whose interests Kerr
viewed so fondly should be responsible
for the toppling of the compromiser. The
institution that he said constituted no
threat to academic freedom decided to
change the direction of educational policy
-and Kerr fell.
In place of the mediator, California
may now get a reactionary. And that is
better. Now, perhaps, students and fac-
ulty will be able to unite against a com-
mon, well-understood foe and initiatethe
widescale educational reform that is des-
perately needed.
BUT WATEVER OCCURS in the future,
there is one thing that the firing of
Kerr illustrates clearly-there is no legi-
timate place in the university for gov-
ernment. Or for those administrators who
cater to it.

THE DAILY today publishes a
letter from Prof. Donald Hall
of the English department which
attacks what he claims is The
Daily's "campaign to prevent the
University from building what
every cow college in the country
already has-a decent theatre of
useful size with modern equip-
But probably not even Prof. Hall,
who surely read The Daily's sen-
ior editorial on the theatre, real-
ly thinks that The Daily is try-
ing to prevent the University from
building a decent theatre. Our
objections are made with respect
to the proposed financing plan
for the theatre.
The theatre is expected to cost
from $4.5 to $5 million. Former
Regent Eugene B. Power has al-
ready given $1.3 million towards.
the theatre, a gift which for some
reason pushed the theatre intoha
far higher priority category than
it had previously had.
The University administration at
this point is prepared to pay for
the rest of the cost this way:
0 From $1.2 to $1.7 million
would come from unrestricted do-
nations made under the $55-M
Fund Drive; and
* The remaining $2 million will
be secured by a 25-year loan with
interest charges of five per cent
per year. To pay back the loan
(and the interest charges) the Uni-

versity administration wants to
take $175,000 annually (not $170,-
000, as Prof. Hall seems to think)
in student fees from the General
Fund for the next 25 years-a to-
tal of $4.375 million.
University's 1966 Financial Report
says, activities paid for by the
General Fund include "teaching,
research, library services, public
services, student advisory serv-
.ces, administrative and business
operations and physical plant op-
erations and maintenance."
Thus, as The Daily's Jan. 11
senior editorial said, taking $4.3
million from the General Fund
budget would "deplete funds for
faculty salary increases, equipment
procurement and supporting staffs
. . . (and) all but (cancel) out
whatever budget flexibility the Of-
fice of Academic Affairs has ever
been able to maintain to shore
up sagging programseand support
promising new ventures."
That, of course, is simply mak-
ing the obvious obvious. The budg-
et of every school and college in
the University is affected by the
proposed theatre financing plan.
Taking money from the General
Fund for the theatre is quite
clearly going to leave less in the
General Fund for other University

PROF. HALL, however, finds
this observation "disingenuous"-
apparently because $170,000 (and
presumably $175,000) seems a
small sum of money to him.
He adds that the senior editors
"pretend to be merely Philistine"
-presumably because while he
feels culture should not be sub-
ordinate to education he is un-
willing to say that the converse
should be equally true.
But concern over the proposed
financing plan is neither "disin-
genuous" nor "Philistine."
Prof Hall appears to think that
$170,000 is a small amount of mon-
ey, that spending it for a theatre
rather than for other projects
would reap greater rewards. To do
otherwise with $170,000. would
thus be unwise and "disingenu-
What can $170,000 buy? The
University says it needs $200,000
for new library books and per-
iodicals next year. (In 1960-61
the University ranked 15th nation-
wide in expenditures per student
for books, periodicals and bind-
ings; in 1964-65, the last avail-
able year for such figures, it was
Does Prof. Hall propose to spend
$170,000 for a theatre? He certain-
ly does. Yet to do so might sacri-
fice library needs which are eas-
ily met by such a sum.

only $160,000 in the three years
since its inception in 1964: the
Dpportunity Awards Program,
which focuses on disadvantaged
children (mostly Negro) and helps
them attend the University.
That $160,000 has already bene-
fited 224 students, about 175 of
whom are still here. $160,000 more
for the program would enable more
students to take advantage of
equal educational opportunity.
Does Prof. Hall propose to spend
$170,000 for a theatre? He certain-
ly does. Yet to do so might in
effect deny to over 200 poor Ne-
ro students the chance to at-
tend the University, an expansion
which would be easily met by $170,-
Is Prof. Hall bigoted? Certainly
not. But, again, he seems to feel
The Daily's senior editorial was
"Philistine" in its concern for such
an eventuality.
IN SHORT, it is disingenuous
to assume that $170,000 annually
for the next 25 years is not an
important sum of money for the
University. And it is dangerous
to permit a theatre to starve oth-
er important projects-for more li-
brary books or for aid to poor
If you give a slice of pie to
someone you can't give it to some-
one else. Perhaps the library sys-

tem or the Opportunity Awards
Program won't suffer as a result
of a theatre-but other programs
THERE IS, of course, a way for
the University to build a theatre
and expand other, equally-impor-
tant programs at the same time.
The solution is for the admin-
istration to increase the size of the
pie by seeking the remainder of
the cost of the theatre beyond
Power's gift' through additional
$55-M donations made specifically
for the theatre. That is the way
to pay for a theatre without
draining money from the General
That solution should certainly
appeal to the faculty and the
deans, for otherwise critical Uni-
versity needs-their own needs -
will go unmet.
That solution should certainly
appeal to the administration and
the Regents, who have never yet
been unable to find donations for
such a worthwhile project as a
theatre, from the University rela-
tions office to the $55-M Fund
Drive committee.
And that solution should cer-
tainly. appeal to the University
:ommunity in general, since, if the
theatre situation is as bad as Prof.
Hall says it is ( and no doubt it
is), it will certainly want to pro-
vide for a new one as soon as

Letters: Crispy Comment on Local Flick

State Board Must Move

IN ITS REPORT November 22, the citi-
zens' committee of the state Board of
Education urged that the University
Medical School. expand from 210 to 260
first-year places by 1976, and that the
Wayne State University Medical School
double its present capacity by 125 places.
The committee also recommended that
the present two-year pre-clinical curric-
ulum at Michigan State University,
which enrolled its first students last fall,
be expanded to a full four-year program
so long as this did not curb expansion
at Wayne and the University.
That was late last November. At that
time, the board decided to forego action
on medical education expansion until a
full presentation of plans for another
project-a state-supported osteopathic
Since then, the board has taken two
votes on the proposed expansion at the
University, MSU and WSU; both resulted
in 4-4 deadlocks, with those voting
against reaffirming their decision to wait
for the osteopaths.
THE BOARD will hold its regular meet-
ing today and tomorrow, and the issue
is expected to come to a vote again. Sourc-
es indicate that enough board members
may have decided that the proposals al-'
ready on the table should be put off no
The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and
Collegiate Press Service.
Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by
mall; $8 yearly by carrier ($9 by mail).
Published at 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich.,
Owner--Board in Control of Student Publications,
420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104.
Bond or Stockholders-None.
Average press run-8100.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Editorial Staff
Managing Editor Editorial Director
Business Staff
SUSAN PERLSTADT, Business Manager
JEFFREY LEEDS ........ Associate Business Manager
HARRY BLOCH .............. Advertising Manager
STEVEN LOEWENTHAL ........ Circulation Manager
ELIZABETH RHEIN .............. Personnel Director
VICTOR PTASZNIK .............. Finance Manager
LEONARD PRATT ........ Associate Managing Editor
JOHN MEREDIITH ...... Associate Managing Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER ... Associate Editorial Director
ROBERT CARNEY ...... Associate Editorial Director
BABETTE COHN .................. Personnel Director
ROBERT MOORE ...... ........ Magazine Editor
- ---4 _aWw.uot t rurtn

The osteopathic college proposal al-
most made it through the Legislature in
October, 1965, but an attorney general's
opinion stated that the Legislature
couldn't approve the establishment of a
new school without an official recom-
mendation from the state Board of Edu-
cation. The proposal then seemed to have
a quiet death in the Legislature until the
citizens' ,committee issued its report to
the board.
The state board apparently did some
sloppy planning when it failed to have
recommendations on the osteopathic col-
lege included in the citizens' committee
report. The committee, it seems, did not
even consider an osteopathic college in
its examination of the state's medical
education picture.
THIS IS NOT TO SAY that the state
should have an osteopathic college. It
only means that the proposal shouldn't
have been forgotten until it could be used
as a costly stalling device.
The health care committee based its
recommendations on more than 20 na-
tional studies on state and national medi-
cal manpower patterns which showed
Michigan to be well -below the national
average. The committee estimated that
the state will need a minimum of 590
first-year places in medical schools with-
in the decade. There are now only 325.
The committee viewed a full MSU medi-
cal school as only a first step toward
catching up with the national average.
The committee felt that it would be no
more expensive to establish a third medi-
cal school than to meet the needs by
equivalent expansion at the two existing
Costs for implementing the MSU plan
are estimated at $15-25 million in state
funds. With building costs rising at an es-
timated one per cent per month, delays
cost the state about $200,000 a month.
THE BOARD'S recommendations are not
binding on the Legislature and its pres-
tige is the key to getting its way. That
prestige cannot be enhanced by the
board's sloppy handling of the medical
education expansion proposals thus far.
Nor can it be increased by further delay.
Several board members have indicated
they believe the MSU plan will eventual-
ly win the approval of the board with a
priority over the proposed osteopathic col-
lege. But whatever the decision, the
board must settle down and pass the pro-
posals on to the Legislature as soon as

To the Editor:
ABOUT the "Flaming Creatures"
business, why all the funereal
talk, the shocked elegies over lost
innocence? Maybe innocence is
dead, but the students are not. If
the film has been seized, get an-
other copy. Run it in Hill so 4000
people can see it. If the police
try a repeat, 100 people, in front
of such an audience, can make this
difficult .if not impossible. There
are ways if we think about it.
What is really interesting is that,
by its actions and its declaration
"Shall we protect you as we
see fit, or shall you protect your-
selves as you see fit" . . . the ad-
ministration has vacated. In this
matter right now this University
is without administration. That
seems to me like an opportunity
for students and faculty to show
what they can do.
The matter of bail money re-
peats the point made by Mr.
Fiedler a week ago. Student mon-
ey brought him here; student mon-
ey will fuel this situation; Inde-
pendent student money can do all
sorts of things. One student dollar
a semester means $50,000 a year.
Why not begin it now?
MAYBE THESE and other mat-
ters could be built into a teach-
in in Hill, along with the film.
Maybe there are better plans. Just
let's not vainly petition God,..
yet again...nto do for us what we
might do for ourselves if we use
our wits. He is on vacation. Why
not retirement.
-William Paul Livant
To the Editor:
VNegro were suppressed, he pro-
tested the injustice by marching
and rioting. Today the Michigan
student has found one of his basic
freedoms suppressed, the freedom
to be obscene. He must now rise
up and demonstrate staunch re-
sistance to the abuse of his rights.
In the event that the Cinema
Guild officials are convicted, I
proposea march from the Cine-
ma Guild to the city hall. To be
effective, we must have several
thousand students, and hundreds
of- signs and banners exhibiting
four-letter words in large red 'let-
ters. The marchers shall be chant-
ing "f--k" in unison throughout
the entire trip.
Upon reaching the city hall, our
"painters" who have previously
channeled their energies into the

painting of innocuities I
per-goy" or "Midnight
will plaster maize and blu
ities over the building.
this way that we can den
that the right to be obs
the right to be free, is s
which should not be abi
can fight city hall.
THOSE WHO do not'
their association with th
be made public should
worries. The march will
solutely no television coN
any kind.
-Ron Evan
To the Editor:
gotten so hot the nam
be changed to Crispy Critt
-Prof. Robert Zahner
School of Natural Res
To the Editor:
tures" has had one d
effect already: It has b
gravated the schizoid ti
of certain alleged studen
Fresh from their camj
personal independence a
freedom from the terrib'
nalistic influence of the U
they are now pleading
to furnish legal aid, ba
and moral support.
Opinion leaders need n
be consistent. But the;
avoid making themselves
ludicrous, if possible.
To the Editor:
ative of a substantia
of students on this can
are fed up to our earsS
and have decided that i
time we aired our disgi
In our minds SGC h
for only a few membe
University communityt
It seems to us that SGC
ly represents the same o
but small, minority on c
We feel that if SGC
volved in Cinema Gui
over "Flaming Creature
again be speaking for tl
We do not thing thatt
were necessarily right

ike "Su-
e obscen-
It is in
cene, like
used. We
wish that
he march
have no
have ab-
verage of

ing" the film. However, at the
same time we cannot tolerate the
idea that a body which supposedly
speaks for us-members of the
student body-will actively sup-
port Cinema Guild. The Cinema
Guild fight is not one of vital im-
portance to us, the constituents of
SGC, Our student leaders could
better serve us in other ways we
are sure. By joining Cinema
Guild's fight SGC will again be
turning its back on much student

s, Grad SGC represents us but we can't.
We are sure that there. are many
Crispy on this campus who agree with us
but are too timid to speak out.
,, h-Judy Gansberg, '69
ES" has
ne should
ters." Theatre
To the Editor:
sources YOUR THURSDAY interview
1with me was well-reported and
fa -ig I thank youforit. However, I
amnng t to use the occasion to turn
around and bite your hand.
ng Crea-
eleterious You have reopened your cam-
adly ag- paign to prevent the University
endencies of Michigan from building what
t opinion every cow college in the country
already has-a decent theatre of
paign for useful size with modern equipment.
Lnd utter For two years now the senior edi-
)le pater-
niversity, tors have acted as our village
for pater Cromwells, attacking the theatre
all bonds from a series of flimsy standpoints.
Last year you wanted the money
ot always spent for some project in educa-
y should tion; this year you want to raise
look too faculty salaries: Would you ex-
plain to me how much we can
Bender raise faculty salaries by adding
Bende $170,000 to the annual kitty? Your
ntative proposals seem disingenuous.
AND Harvey- Wasserman writes
epresent- that legitimate theatre productions
l number are generally patronized more by
mpus. We faculty and area residents - . .
with SGC than by students," which is false:
t is about more than 60 per cent of the audi-
ust. ence for Professional Theatre here
as spoken is students.
rs of the What is your pitch? You pre-
this year. tend to be merely Philistine. There
repeated- is always an element in our so-
utspoken, ciety-puritanical, practical, bour-
campus. geois-which detests art and wish-
gets in- es to deny its pleasures to the
1d's fight community. Hence censorship,
,' f hence the closings of the thea-
S it will tres.
his group. As far as I am concerned, the
the police advent of professional theatre is
in "raid- the best thing that has happened

to this university in years. The
PTP and the APA allow every stu-
dent (and area resident" in Mr.
Wasserman's phrase) the oppor-
tunity to see some of the greatest
theatre of the English-speaking
world in his own city at a low
price. This benefit is enormous-
ly more valuable than a small
rise in faculty salaries or yet an-
other educational project.
-Donald Hall
Professor of English
No Parking
To the Editor:
THE WARRANT for my arrest
has been issued. Why? Well I
am not quite sure. But you must
understand what it is about be-
fore I can discuss it further.
About two weeks ago some poor
fellow parked his car at the curb
of 1500 S. University. After the
snowplows went by and built a
snow fort around that car this
guy wound that his car was bound
to stay there until the first thaw.
The police ticketed the car for
being parked over 48 hours. But
wait! The signs on the street say
nothing about 48 hours. The signs
say that nobody may park there
from two until five Monday morn-
ing. The ticket was issued on a
Saturday at 6:30 p.m. Therefore
the no parking law does not seem
to apply.
Well, I sent the ticket and a
letter with this same analysis to
the city court. I waited a week
before removing the ticket and
sending it in. Now, after another
week, the police have creaked into
action charging me with "hinder-
ing an officer." Perhaps I ob-
structed justice (but I doubt It:
as for hindering an officer that I
never say, that is like the parking
ACCORDING to the police de-
partment, the 48 hour parkingOre-
striction is a city law that does
not need to be posted because it is
just simply known by everybody.
As soon as you get a driver's li-
cense, so the theory goes, you
automatically know the restriction.
I say, let the city post their park-
ing laws. Let them say, "48= hour
parking except . .
As it is, this is just one more
example of arbitrary and misused
authority. The police do not in-
tend to be criticized or questioned
and will punish those who ask such
questions as WHY? Perhaps the

Ann Arbor police learned their
sneaky tactics from the Mexican
police. Or maybe they studied the
intricate ways of Metternich's se-
cret police.
There must be a better way of
learning the law than waiting un-
til you discover that you are an
offender. Either the public is in-
formed about the various laws, or
else the law does not do its job of
eventing vrime. tions tseigcie
preventing crime.
--William McMullen, '67
To the Editor:
WE RECENTLY presented this
letter to the president of the
Union Activities Center:
We, the Students for a Better
University, feel that the prices in
the Michigan Union Cafeteria are
unreasonably high. The Michigan
Union Cafeteria raised the price of
coffee to 15c and the price of
the student special to an average
of $1.25 in the summer of 1966.
This was in conjunction with a
similar rise in the prices at other
Ann Arbor restaurants. At that
time, no explanation was given to
students for this increase.
We feel that 10c for coffee and
75c for the student special con-
taining those items presently serv-
ed, are more reasonable prices.
We demand that sufficient ex-
planation be given for the exist-
ing prices by Friday, January 27.
If this demand is not met by that
date, action will be taken to force
a reduction in prices.
-Stuart Katz, Grad
-Mark Zuckerman, '70
Students for a Better
(In 1967) the New York Times
will come out editorially in favor
of: recognizing Red China, sup-
porting the more experienced can-
didate, avoiding simple solutions,
adding dignity to poverty by unit-
ing charity and anonymity, intro-
ducing , honesty in government,
keeping Lindsay fresh (the rest
are retired), the beauty of nature
four times a year, greater cultural
Intercourse with barbarians so long
as they are not extremists, an end
to bossism, a final solution to Lyn-
don Johnson, judicial reform, more
funds for edumation and a new
sense or two of national purpose.
-National Review, Jan. 10, 1967





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