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January 19, 1967 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1967-01-19

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US. Planes Drop Bo

EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
copyright story was written by Bill
Daggs, editor of the Miami (Fla)
News. Baggs spent eight days early
this month/ in North Viet Nam.
JDaggs was accompanied on the trip.
by Harry S. Ashmore,dchairman of
the executive committee of the Cen-
ter for the Study of Democratic
Institutions, and by Ambassador
Luis QuintAnilla of Mexico. Baggs al-
so is a director of the center. His
Jan. 14 delayed dispatch follows.
Copyright, 1967, The Miami News
HANOI, North Vietnam (A)-
The frequent complaint a visiting
American in Hanoi hears, and he
hears it from intellectuals and
government persons and peasants
and soldiers, is:
Why does the American gov-
ernment say its bombers only
strike at steel and concrete inj

the air war against North Viet- that approximately 300 home

On the other, side of the world
from America, you hear in the
radio broadcast that the reports
of the bombings by Harrison Salis-
bury, of the New York Times, the
first American reporter who went
into Hanoi, have raised doubts and
even denials by some persons that
the city has actually been bombed.
The second American reporter to
make it into Hanoi can confirm
what Mr. Salisbury wrote about
the bombings in this city.
Fire Destruction
You are told that the bombs
were dropped by American planes
out on a rise near the Red River,
about 700 yards south of the long
bridge. There is no question but

were destroyed by fire here.
However, there is no eviden
of blast damage, which wou
seem to rule out ordinary bomb
Perhaps fire bombs could ha
done this damage, or it could ha
been caused by a runaway air-t
ground missile.
The American missiles, if th
lose communication homing int
their target, become ballistic, a
some could have fallen here.
Or a missile fired at the Ame
ican bombers by the anti-aircra
stations which ring the city cou
have misfired, fallen here a]
seared the frail old homes by tl
river. It is really inconclusive
a visiting reporter.
However, at the school for tra

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ib I h o sol e oFOR U of MMUSIC
White Tie and Tails. . . On Tour
s unions, only two miles southwest grades from one to 10 and it as- The American government tells Songs of American Universities
of downtown Hanoi, and very suredly had been bombed. its people and tells the world that UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN BAND:
ce much in the city limits, there is Eight large bomb craters were it only bombs steel and concrete. Kick Off, U.S.A. . . Touchdown, U.S.A.
ld no question about what caused counted around the school. One And then the North Vietnamese Hail Sousa ... On Tourbk
bs. the extensive damage. One bomb of the two large buildings had show you the bombed schools and 1 P.S. We also have U of M Songbook
ve missed the buildings and clawed a been smashed into half. The rub- churches, and ask you to explain
ve crater, 30 feet across, out of the ble was not even two feet high. that.
o- earth. The other large building had no Convince Them 1
One or more bombs carved a roof and no windows. Smaller No answer is going to convince
ey three-story classroom building in- buildings were damaged to various these people. You tell them that
on to half. degrees. mistakes are made in war, that
nd One-eighth of a mile away, In the Country the announced policy of the
other bombs removed the two top This school is situated pretty American government is to only
r- stories of a three-story dormitory. much by itself out in the country. bomb militaray targets, but that
ft U.S. Planes Approach It is at least one-half mile away mistakes are inevitable com- E.Libert NO 2-0675
ld As a reporter was examining the from the highway and the rail. panions to war._ _
nd rubble, air alert sounded. It was Not a mile away, a few farm How large can mistakes become,
ihe 3 o'clock in the afternoon. The houses and a church were obvi- asked one Vietnamese? The entire ,4
to loud speaker, are every- ously bombed and mostly de- little city of Phy Ly was destroyed. t
to reudnsphake yand theya evr- stroyed. The whole town demolished. And, _
where in the city to announce ap- sUrg;z~
de proaching aircraft, said American The bombing of the school was he said, the only industry in town
planes were 50 kilometers from strange. A mile away, across the was a handicraft factory. And he w
Hanoi. highway, was a large park for was right. Phu Ly was destroyed.bL
Juang Tu a student at the trucks, which might be considered The people around here are not
a military target. And not a mile moved when you suggest war er-
seemed entirely willing to con- away, up the road, was an enorm- ror. They only know that soldiers
ous supply ground. Neither the and war production were not pres-4:
Aerican rheorersaind break fr truck park nor the construction ent on Nguyen Thiep Street or
a shelter. Quang Tu and a friend, pipe had been touched, but this here out in the country at the Viet W y not eh
school had been destroyed. Ba Shoo. W y o selectth
tg, Tran Huu Minh, had some right
ex- to twitch. They had been herefnt avaiabe in
ys- when the bombers came on the finest available in
es- afternoon of Dec. 14.iaald bChina, Silver, Crystal,
2, All Clear and Stainless Steel ?
At 3:30, the all clear sounded.S s 11'
a The planes had been headed for USSR S a111 11 10J 1 Y can offer yo
of another target. A few minutes!
later, a rumble in the distance w~as a(bauifl eleteion.
heard. The bombs fell several Kremlin leaders probably "would an historically 'progressive' de- tU
miles west of the city. prefer to see" long-range, multi- velopment," according to Zimmer
uC- Bombs also landed on Nguyen megaton weapons, which seemed man.
all B a few years ago to be to their ad- This appraisal was no surpriseJohn L A
W. Thiep Street, only one-half mile,
northeast, from downtown Hanoi, vantage, remain "uninvented." since intercontinental ballistic 601 and 607 E Libert St
1i- astobteotopulous This opinion is given by William missiles were first tested by the
n. ighbdrsod ine the cty.pHeresZimmerman, associate professor Soviet Union. This accomplish NO 8-6779 Ann Arbor
hio by count, at least 52 homes had of the political science depart- ment "lent greater plausibility to
ew been destroyed. ment, in the review of a new book the assertion that. socialism was , ~.
on Soviet foreign policy appearing the wave of the future and . . .
erMilitary Target? in the current issue of the Journal cast doubt. on the technological -- _
ve There was no miary argeof Conflict Resolution. superiority of the West."
visible in the vicinity. The only "In the years imediately follow- The Soviet leaders now find
R- possible target nearby was a rail ing the initiation of the missile themselves in a position of dis-
nts line leading to the seaport of age, the members of the- Soviet tinct military inferiority, says
g" Haiphong. No roundhouse. Just a ruling group treated its advent as Zimmerman.
single rail line. Several people I was_-__ _ _
told, were killed on Nguyen Thiep


4 .

The Daily Offlical Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan :Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once. only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication. For more
Information call 764-8429.
Day Calendar
Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
nar - "How To Install Theory Y".
Michigan Unioni,8:30 a.m.

obtained in Room 1014 Rackham, orr
you may call 764-4405 to have them2
Special Seminar: Dr. P. W. Le Quesne,
University of British Columbia, willt
speak on "Total Synthesis of Nine-
Membered Ring Indole Alkaloids and
Related Compounds," on Fri., Jan. 20,
at 4 p.m. in Room 1300 of the Chemistry
Fellowship Applications for the Mar-;
garet Kraus Ramsdell Awards: Are now
available for 1967-68. This fellowship is
used to assist stundents who will havet
received a University of Michigan de-;
gree by beginning of tenure to pursuel
graduate studies in this country orj
abroad in religious education or in
preparation for the Christian ministry.
Both men and women are eligible for
this fellowship. Application should be
made to the dean of the Graduate,
School on forms available at the Grad-
uate Fellowship Office, Room 1014 Rack-
Lam Bldg. The deadline is March 1 1967.

per. with school or municipal acc
Athletic Director, teaching exper., e
per. as coach, major or minor Ph
Bucks County Park Board, Doyle
town, Pa. - Landscape Architects,
Grad, exper. desired, but not necessary
* * * I
For further information please c
764-7460, General Division, Bureau
Appointments, 3200 SAB.

212 SAB-
City of Milwaukee,' Wis.-Constru
tion Public Works Admin., male,e
ages in Civil Engrg. Register 128-CI
Engrg. Interview Jan. 19.'
Henry Ford Museum, Greenfield V
lage-Guides, women, interviewing Ja
Davey Tree Expert Co., Kent, Oh
Good outdoor summer, male. Intervi
Jan. 20.
,, * *
Details and applications at Suinm
Placement Service, 212 SAB, Lower Lev
VIEWS: Make interview appointmei
at Room 128-H, West Engineering Bldg
JAN, 26-
Bell System.
Consumers Power Co.

Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem-
lnar-"How To Plan, Install, Conduct,
and Measure Management Training" Winter Term Fees: At least 50 per cent
Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. is due and payable on or before Jan.
________31, 1967.
Mental Health Research Institute Non-payment of at least 50% by
Seminar-George Mandler, psychology Jan. 31 will result in the assessment of
department, University of California at a delinquent penalty of $5.
San Diego, "Literary Criticism as a Payments may be made in person or
Science" 1057 MHRI, 3:45 p.m. mailed to the Cashier's Office, 1015
Administration Bldg., before 4:30 p.m.,
History of Art Dept. Lecture - John Mon., Jan. 31, 1967.
R. Spencer, Department of Art, Oberlin Mail Early.
College, "Bronze Doors of the Renais- Mail payments postmarked after due
sance in Italy": Aud. B, Angell Hall, date, Jan. 31, 1967, are late and subject
4:10 p.m. to penalty.




University Linguistics Club-Kenneth
L. Pike, "Phonemes of Particle, Wave,
and Field": Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:45
American Chemical Society Lecture:
Walter Slavin of Perkin-Elmer Corp.,
Norwalk, Conn., will speak on "Atomic
Absorption Spectroscopy," on Thurs.,
Jan. 19, at 8 p.m. in Room 1300 of the
Chemistry Bldg.
School of Business Administration,
Marketing Club-Presents Tam C. Col-
lins, brand promotion manager for Proc-
ter & Gamble to talk on "Successful
Product Introduction in Today's Mar-
ket: The Bold Story," Bus. Ad. School,
Room 131, 8 p.m. ,
Open Seminar-"The Individual and
His Religion (a Psychological Interpre-
tation)," Guild House, 802 Monroe St.,
7:30 p.m.
General Notices
Doctoral Examination for Leonard
Kent Thomas, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "Threshold Pressure Phenomena
In Porous Media," Thurs., Jan. 19, Room
3201 East Engineering, at 2 p.m. Chair-
man, D. L. Katz.
Botany 101 Makeup Final Exam for
Fall Term, 1966: Will be given Thurs.,
Jan. 26th at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2033
Natural Science Bldg.
Applications for Faculty Research
Grants: Faculty members who wish
to apply for grants from faculty re-
search funds to support projects should
file their applications in Room 1014
Rackham Bldg. not later than Jan. 30,
1967. Instructions and, format may be

Identify mail payments as tuition
and show student number and name.


Southern Asia Club: A meeting will
be held at 12 noon, Friday, in the
Commons Room of Lane Hall. Election
of new officers will be held and Mrs.
Sontari Swvipakit of Thailand will
speak on the "Family Planning Stud-
Ies Program in Thailand." The public
is invited.
Norwich Pharmacal Co., Norwich, N.Y.
-Multiple openings in scientific, sales,
administrative, international, biologi-
cal, medical, veterinary. QC, pharm.
R. & D., chm., acctg., EDP, fields.
National Drug Co., Phila., Pa. -
PhD Microbiologist-Virologist, liaison
manu-res., knowl. tissue culture.
Ingalls Shipbuilding Corp., Pasagoula,
Miss.-Audting & acctg., adv. & trng.
openings. Tech, positions for math &
engrg. grads in design and computing.
McCoy Job Corps Center, Sparta, Wis.
-Librarians, MLS with exper. pref.
National Power Tool Manufacturer,
Contact Bureau of Appointments -
Sales Representatives, 1 for W. Mich.
(Grand Rapids area), 1 Detroit & N.E.
Consultants to Management, N.Y.C.
Area-2 Industrial engrs., recent grads
or with some exper.
Dept. of Navy, Bay City, Mich. -
Gen. Engr., Naval arch., Marine Engr.,
ME, Auto. E., EE, ChE, or CE.
Argonne National Laboratory, Ar-
gonne, Ill.-Editorial Asst., MA Engl. or
MLS plus trng. in biol. sci. plus sev-
eral yrs. editing scientific manuscripts.
Southgate Community School District,
Southgate, Mich. - Business Manager,
BA Acctg. Bus. Ad., or Bus. Ed., ex-

Cook Paint & Varnish Co. Street, on Dec. 13 when the bombs
General Electric Co. fell here.
General Motors Corp.
Lockheed Aircraft Corp.-Calif. Divi- Late in the afternoon, the re- B
sion. porter followed information that OUGHT AN
McDonnell Aircraft Corp. a general school, five kilometers
Mead Corp ntalsouth of Hanoi, had been bombed LATI
Reynolds International.
Scott Paper Co. twice. This was the Viet Ba School, for THE GRO
of unusual pi
Constituents TimeG*
at every
Plum Street
SGC Meeting Detroit
Thursday Nights-9 P.M. 3540 SAB Open Monday-Satur



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