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January 19, 1966 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-19

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Seventy-Sixth Year

Annual Gamesmanship with Lansing

Opinion Ar Free.
th Will *420 MAYNARD ST- ANN ARBorMC.

Ne~ws P1-oN : 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

IQ C-Assembly Merger:
It Must Be Approved . .

THE PLANS for a merger between As-
sembly Association and Inter-Quad-
rangle Council have now been drawn up.
It appears that the Inter-House Assem-
bly will become a reality in the near fu-
ture. As Assembly and IQC work to legis-
late themselves out of existence, critics
have questioned whether the merger is
needed. Indeed it is.
The stated purpose for the merger is
that the new organization, IHA, will
avoid the present duplication of student
government in the co-ed dorms and im-
prove the overall efficiency of student
government. The first reason is debat-
able .The second is a fact. The two stu-
dent government organizations in the res-
idence hall system are not presently noted
for either their efficiency, or for their
weighty voice in conferences with the
The most important duty of a student
government is to act as a liaison between
its constituents and the administration,
who in reality control the students. If
such a body is able to attain a state of
self-control, such as is enjoyed by Inter-
Fraternity Council, so much the better.
Unfortunately, neither Assembly, nor
IQC is able to do this at present. One
reason is a lack of student interest, and
therefore lack of students involved in
the two organizations.
IQC IS NOT the most prestigious body
on campus. It often appears disorga-
nized, and often is. Its constituents are
as often ignorant as cognizant of its
existence. It has a nebulous committee
system, which is amended whenever the
council feels it needs another committee
and even then they rarely function. It is
not an effective student government.
IHA would be different. With the com-
bined resources of IQC and Assembly, it
could do its job.
To be effective, the governing body of
an organization must be aware of the.
feelings of its constituents. Presently,
IQC seems to communicate poorly with
the freshmen who make up the bulk of its
constituency. One method for establish-
ing communication links is a system of
effective committees, which also would
serve as a training ground for the top
IHA will have an effective committee
system. The Executive Board, the admin-
istrative branch of the body, will be
composed, as the present plans state, cf
14 members, five officers and nine com-
mittee heads. The constitution states that

each of these nine people will be the
head of an active committee, and that
each house in the system must supply at
least one body to serve on a committee.
Through this arrangement, the people
who know the most about the various
areas of activity of IHA will be the people
who run it.
HOWEVER, these same people could
conceivably isolate themselves from
student opinion. To counteract this, the
new constitution would also form a Presi-
dents Assembly, containing representa-
tives of each house, plus the executive
board, although only the president and
executive vice-president of the board
council could vote in the assembly; the
other people would advise the assembly in
their special areas. Large houses like
Couzens and Stockwell would be given an
extra representative to keep things on a
population-vote scheme.
The assembly would be the legislative
body of IHA and any policy decisions
would have to be approved by it. But
more important, the assembly would be
composed of representatives who know
what the fourth quaddie in Room 214 in
Cooley House would think. The members
of the assembly would have a direct con-
tact with the dorm residents. Because
of their more knowledgeable status, the
assembly is the actual final authority of
This system of government is very sim-
ilar to the manner in which IFC now
conducts its business. The two bodies
provide definite avenues of advancement
and training in the system, and therefore
give a high quality government, as well
as an effective one.
The number of top notch people in the
dorm system is limited. Recent conditions
in the dorm have acted to discourage up-
perclassmen from remaining in the sys-
tem. Cedar Bend ,I and II are planned to
make them attractive for such people.
With the expected lessening of over-
crowded situations, more upperclassmen
will stay in the system. The attraction of
participation in an effective student gov-
ernment will add to that number.
ficient, effective and representative
student government. The quadrangle res-
idents will have the choice. They can
choose the present, ineffective methods
of IQC and Assembly, or -the student
government that IHA can be.

A CAREFUL analysis of grist in
The Daily's efficient rumor
mill indicates that Governor Rom-
ney's higher education budget re-
quest for 1966-67 will total $25
million more than his request of
$188 million last year.
From this the University, which
received $7.2 million of a requested
increase of $11.6 million last year
and made up something over a
third of the difference with a
tuition hike, can expect, at best,
an increase of about $6-8 million
for next year.
The University has requested
$65.8 million from the Legislature
for 1966-67, an increase of $14.6
million over last year's appropria-
Given the Legislature's n-
chant for playing the nun' ,ers
game in handing, out monty to
state colleges and universities, it
is quite possible that we will do
well to come away with a $5
million increase as enrollments in
the rest of the state continue to
soar much faster than here.
IN ANY CASE, the annual ex-
change of everything from pleas-
antries to charges of gross negli-
gence is about to begin between
the University's administrative of-
ficers and assorted legislators.
Most of the questions can be anti-
cipated beforehand. Answers
should be ready, thus:
Legislature: All rglit now.
let's be realistic. You've asked
for a $14.6 million increase over
last year. How much do you
really want?
U'-$14.6 million.
C'mon, you know what I
mean. How much do you really
$14.6 million. Do you think we're
But why such a big increase
all of a sudden?
There's nothing sudden about it.
It represents an accumulated def-

icit from slashes made in our
appropriations requests in past
years. Last year we made some of
this up with a tuition hike. You
don't want us to raise tuition two
years in a row do you?
What about the other state
colleges and universities? Why
shouldn't they get gimilar in-
creases? They're raising their
enrollments much faster than
you are.
A little faster maybe. But we
have been increasing enrollment
7-8 per cent a year recently and
are planning to continue to do so.
But we won't be able to if we don't
get the money.
But if you compare your in-
creases in appropriations and
enrollment with those in other
colleges and universities in the
state, don't you find that the
University of Michigan is costing
the state much more per extra
student than other schools?
That's a crucial question, of
course, though we will always
contend that there are intangibles
at work in such an evaluation that
are hard to pin down, but the
University is more than willing to
look at this as objectively as pos-
Actually you're talking about
costs, and you have always had
the suspicion that the University
has been cheating you-less edu-
cation per dollar, so to speak-
and you've sort of had these
suspicions for years.
But even more suspicious-and
upset, with good reason-than u
have been the presidents of other
universities and colleges in the
state. They have eyed enviously
the huge chunk of higher educa-
tion money the University has
always gotten. Our argument of
more "quality" here was a myth,
they said, or at least "quality"
wasn't worth as much as was be-
ing paid for it.
The numbers argument began

Michigan MAD
to grow on you after a while. so
you were responsive when Presi-
dent Hannah at Michigan State
initiated the numbers game several
years ago. He streamlined the edu-
cation process there, designed
minimum cost, mass production
education and living facilities, let
enrollments soar, and then went
to you and asked for "more money
for more students more effi-
The University, of course, had
to respond, though it moved more
slowly, not being interested in the
kind of lockstep undergraduate
education MSU offered, nor able
to even consider such measures
for graduate study, which must be,
by definition, an indlividualized
intensified you found yourselves
caught in the middle of arguments
over the relative costs of under-
graduate and graduate programs,
the value of "quality," and so on.
Unable to really answer these
questions, you threw them back
at the contestents and told them
to settle them among themselves.
to bring back a "unified higher
education budget" for all the col-
leges and universities in Michigan.
All the schools except this one
were delighted at this approach.
"Rational" guidelines and cost
formulas, when worked out, would
surely show how efficient and
deserving of more money these
other institutions were, they
For a while we despaired that
our ideals of quality would be
lost in such formulas, but we were

forced to participate i preparing
them for presentation to you. We
were really surprised with the re.
sults, and so was everyone else.
When the cost guidelines had all
been worked out and all the fig-
ures on enrollments, salaries and
costs were plugged into the
formulas, it was shown that the
state had been getting much more
of an education job than it de-
served for the money it spent on
the University of Michigan. In
other words, the figures verified
what we had been telling you all
along, that we were grossly under-
Of course, Hannah and other
state presidents quickly decided
the whole formula and guideline
plan for a unified budget request
wasn't such a good thing after
all: but now you have what you've
always needed, a rational, objec-
tive analysis or how much money
each institution needs to do its
education job.
Nothing could be fairer; could
Most of these extra costs that
these formulas show you need
really stem from your graduate-
professional program, don't
Yes. We have one of the largest,
most diversified and highest qual-
ity graduate-professional program
in the world, and 40 per cent of
our students are in graduate or
professional school. Costs per stu-
dent are many times what they
are at the undergraduate level
Well, that may be fine for the
world, but does Michigan need
it? What do we get out of it?
Michigan is and will be reaping
broad benefits from maintenance
of the University at a high level
of quality. Its presence here at-
tracts large numbers of well-
educated, creative people and fast-
growing companies in advanced
fields. And those educated in the

University will materially con-
tribute to the pyramiding of edu-
cation, skills and opportunities
needed to sustain and advance
prosperity in the state.
The federal government is quite
likely to locate a $350 million
atomic accelerator, or a similar
installation yet unplanned, near
Ann Arbor. This is worth several
General Motors plants, and in ad-
dition, pays much higher salaries
for people that demand much
more in the way of good homes,
quality services, culture and so on.
so that the benefits multiply and
Other types of companies and
projects taking advantage of edu-
cational and manpower resources
associated with the University are
also going to be more and more
important in Ann Arbor and
throughout the state.
This is all fine, but you have
been getting along on less money
than you've said you needed for
this long, why should you get
it now?
Several years ago the baby boom
hit the colleges in the state, and
we've been scrambling ever since
to keep up with it. When it hits
the graduate level over the next
two or three years, only this uni-
versity has anywhere near the re-
sources to cope with it, and it will
take years to create new ones at.
other institutions.
Unless present pressures are
alleviated we won't even begin to
be able to handle this new load,
,nd if it can't behandled, Michi-
gan will fall seriously behind in
the provision of graduate and pro-
increasingly complex, sophisticated
fessional level skills needed for an
increasingly complex, sophisticat-
ed andsknowledge-oriented society.
Looked at in the most objective
terms, there is no better invest-
ment the state could make right
now than in the University


SGC H.ousing Union A New Approach


. But the Constitution
Must Be Rejected

A*MEROER of Interquadrangle Council
and Assembly Association is now seri-
ously being considered. There are many
arguments favoring such a merger and
few against. However, there is another
matter that is being obscured by the
idea of the merger itself-the structure of
the merger constitution proposed by a
joint IQC-Assembly committee.
The constitution that was submitted by
the committee to IQC last Monday is
noteworthy in its defects. It is notorious-
ly lacking in democratic protections for
the residents. It proposes a legislative
body which has more members than the
Senate of Michigan. It would either be-
come an ineffective body, acting only as a
rubber stamp for a 14 member Executive
Board, or it would become bogged down in
a system of committees.
The fact that the Presidents' Assem-
bly would never work is virtually admit-
ted by the authors in the inclusion of a
compulsory attendance for house presi-
dents clause, tucked away in the bylaws.
The proposed constitution grants the
Assembly the right to enact bylaws which
may be equivalent to or may even take
precedence over the constitution. The
constitution states "IHA shall have those
powers which are necessary for enact-
ment of the functions enumerated in
this constitution and bylaws." The Exec-
utive Board is a self-perpetuating, ap-
pointive board with no provision cur-
rently being made for removal or control
by the Assembly over the appointment of
members. These two considerations, taken
napharwith,. ithp? liin +itmh, ti pfnm ,-

large houses and eight small houses spe-
cifically. It fails to make any provisions
for future expansion. An automatic ap-
portionment plan to give each house pres-
ident a weighted vote based on the num-
ber of his constituents would solve part
of the problem.
ONE CAN SEARCHthe proposed consti-
tution in vain for any mention of an
election date. Something this important
should be included as an automatic pro-
cedure while allowing a certain amount
of leeway for the Assembly to allow for
difficulties that may be encountered from
time to time.
The proposed bylaws give the Assem-
bly the power to approve or block every
single piece of literature which concerns
house or quad elections and newsletters,
clearly a matter of concern only to the
affected houses.
Better provisions need to be made for
referendums. A three-quarter vote of the
Assembly to initiate a referendum is un-
justifiably large. The proposal complete-
ly ignores such basic protections as a ju-
diciary for review and appeal of cases
heard in lower jurisdictions. Joint Judi-
ciary, the only apparent method of ap-
peal, is not bound to follow the consti-
The proposal also makes no mention
whatever of a means of recall of officers
or of initiative or petition by the resi-
dents. The proposed constitution makes
no provision for repeal of the constitu-
tions of IQC or Assembly. In effect they
are merely adding a complicated fourth

THE PROPOSED Student Hous-
ing Association, if it is au-
thorized by Student Government
Council this Thursday, will begin
to match its assets against chal-
lenges which have confronted and
defeated student housing com-
mittees in the past.
If the SHA is to succeed where
others have failed, it must differ
significantly from the defunct or
functionally useless housing com-
mittees on three basic features:
-The SHA must have a con-
spicuously complete structure
which bears a strong relationship
to the goals of the student housing
-There must be workable pro-
visions for student participation.
Brain trusts and elitism in the
solution of housing problems have
been grossly ineffective-pointing
up the need for representation on
the campus as a whole and more
force through interest and par-
ticipation in the housing area by
more students.
-The SHA must offer the cam-
pus community an accurate as-
sessment of problems and needs,
as well as a realistic appraisal of
what students can do toward solv-
ing housing problems.
-Leadership and creative ini-
tiative must be found somewhere,
to implement the structure. This
will entail the job of persuading
the student body that housing
problems are important and at the
same time selling the SHA as the
appropriate organization for solv-
ing the problems.
WHAT ARE the housing prob-
Briefly, the University is in
crisis. If provisions are not made
for more quality housing both by
private owners and the University
in the near future, students should
-Private housing prices to rise
-University housing to be in-
creasingly inadequate in terms of
both quality and quantity, and
-A resulting curtailment of
student enrollment, both at the
discretion of the University which
will simply. "not have enough
room" and according to the fi-
nancial limitations students' fam-
ilies who will "not have enough
IF THE DANGERS of inaction
are clear, the needs for student
housing are more so:
-More housing is necessary,
both to accommodate the increas-
ing enrollment and to lower pri-
vate housing rental rates.
-There is a need for quality in
planning both University and pri-
vate housing to appeal to stu-
dent tastes (as the Oxford Hous-
ing Project apparently has not
done) and to avoid slum housing.
This need for quality stems from
a seller's market in housing, which
is, prevelant here, prompting in-
vstnrs to realize their nrofits on

boundaries of their individual
powers and responsibilities.
. THE DISCUSSION of these and
other associated problems regard-
ing housing needsin Ann Arbor
have been made trite because of
past and current student leaders
who have been eloquent in their
dialogues, on this crisis, but have
in reality done nothing to solve
the problem.
How does the SHA motion re-
late to these thoughts on the
housing problem? Why is there an
effort now to establish yet another
housing committee when there are
already five nominally in exist-
The answers to these questions
are interrelated because, in effect,
the SHA is attempting to accom-
plish what the other committees
have not dealt with-a detailed
structure and provision for stu-
dent involvement. These features,
incidentally, are apparently cru-
cial to the success of a student
housing committee and therefore
lend legitimacy to the SHA.
The SHA structure includes
three subcommittees: rental and
complaints, University planning
and city planning.
THE RENTAL and complaints
subcommittee will publish a model
eight-month lease, establish rat-
ing systems for housing-both
University and private-and pro-
vide legal advice to students in
housing disputes.
The University planning sub-
committee is designed to repre-
sent the SHA to the University ad-
ministration as an official student
advisory group, to seek out ways
of sponsoring low-cost housing and
to form a cooperative housing
The'city planning subcommittee
will establish a list of recom-
mendations for improving building
codes and work for more land
space for high-rise developments.
In addition, this subcommittee will
be charged with mobilizing a con-
stituency to lobby for the election
of Ann Arbor city councilmen
favorable to the reform of local
regulations and codes.
This past week the Ann Arbor
City Council passed the city's first
major code on high-rise develop-
ments. This code can only be
considered a first step in the right
THE CODE includes provisions
for rezoning the South University-
East University area to make this
land "available for high-risekbuild-
ing." This whole controversy of
rezoning is of central importance
to the housing problem and, as
mentioned above, is carefully con-
sidered in the SHA motion. Why?
The SHA motion includes the
high-rise developments as a par-
tial answer to the housing problem
--To lower private housing ren-
tal rates in Ann Arbor, the supply
of housing must not only maintain
its present relationship to housing
demand, but must rise above the
present demand, as the coordi-
nates of supply and demand

University is necessary, it is not
the key.to the reduction of prices.
High-rise structures conserve
land space, an expensive com-
modity in Ann Arbor. Students are
centralized so that proximity to
campus, transportation. facilities
and other conveniences can be
dealt with collectively.
-Finally, the difficulties of at-
taining financial appropriations
for University housing in such
quantities can be avoided by en-
couraging privatehinvestment.In
essence, private housing is free
from the legislative and admin-
istrative red tape that the Uni-
versity inevitably faces on new
housing construction.
THESE ARE apparently the
reasons behind the SHA motion
which concentrates on rezoning
for high-rise developments and
for political activity to encourage
the election of Ann Arbor coun-
cilmen favorable to the reform of
local regulations and codes.
The proposed SHA offers an-
swers to housing problems, if in-"
deed it works according to the
plans before SGC. It seems to be
structured along economically and
politically appropriate guidelines.
If the SHA motion is passed by'

SGC and succeeds either quickly
and dramatically or through long
tedious hours of planning, barter-
ing, and small infrequent victories,
then the University community
will be indebted to SGC.
It will be, to a greater or lesser
extent, relief from the housing
crisis the campus faces. It will
also provide significant support
for the now popular theory that
students can actually, throuigh,
widespread participation, influence
the Ann Arbor economy. This may
be the stepping stone to more'
intensive student effort to in-
fluence the pricing of clothing,
food and merchandise.
Likewise a success in dealing
with, the housing problem could
yield more sympathy, from the
University administration toward
such student projects as the Uni-
versity Bookstore. In reality, it
will depend upon how Valuable
an example the SHA can be. Will
it offer exemplary leadership and
popular student support? Will it
realize its goals even if leadership
and support are acquired.
THERE IS a legitimate scep-
ticism shrouding the future of the
SHA because there have been
many sporadic attempts to define

U.S. Must Rebuild Urba'n Life

and defeat the housing problen,
while the chronic result has been
At present there are five com-
mittees working on the housing
problem: The Graduate Student
Council Advisory Committee, the
Voice Housing Committee, the
Student Advisory Committee to
the Vice-President for Student
Affairs, the Joint Committee on
Low Cost Housing and SEC's Off-
Campus Housing Advisory Board.
Although the SHA offers a de-
tailed structure and hope for stu-
dent involvement, it may fail. for
reasons beyond remedy. If this
is the result, students may have to
resolve themselves to the conclu-
sion that student effort in housing
problems and pricing in general is
has an expansive "wait and see"
file administered by persons hav-
ing little sympathy and energy
for interests they rei.ard as paro-
chial or meaningless to them-
selves. For the time being, the
SHA and the future of organized
student influence, on the Ann
Arbor economy must be assigned
to this file and placed at the
disposal of these people.


THE ALMOST inveterate ten-
dency to refight the battles of
the last war has shown itself again
in the guns-versus-butter comment
on the President's message.
In the two world wars each bel-
ligerent, including even the United
States, had to reduce and ration
civilian consumption in order to
have the materials and the labor
to produce the munitions of war.
This is not, at least not yet, the
U.S. problem in the Vietnamese
For the American economy is
so enormously big, and relative to
it the war is still so small, that
the war can be conducted without
any reduction in the existing stan-
dard of living.
What is not currently possible is
any significant improvement in
the general standard of living.
Otherwise there is every prospect
of an inflationary boom.
BUT THIS IS NOT the crux of
the problem which confronts us.
The problem today is not whether
the standard of life goes up or
down a bit. Ourproblem is to
rebuild and remake the environ-
ment of our increasingly urban-
ized society.
The solution of that problem
cannot be suspended as we su-
spended reform and development
in all the other wars of this cen-
tury. And that is why the old
guns-versus-butter s t e r e o t y p e
masks the real problem of our day.
As I read the President's ad-
dress it seemed to me that he was
oversimplifying and masking the
real issue by referring to the in-
ternal develonment and reform as

THIS WILL TAKE a great deal,
of money. But it will also demand
a vast application of brains and
a passionate concentration of at-
tention and interest in the un-
solved problems of the new Ameri-
can society.
New York City has just had
several ominous signs of how
vulnerable existing society is--the
water shortage, the newspaper
strike, the power failure, the tran-
sit strike,
Los Angeles has had the Watts
riots, and in so many places the
pollution of water and air are
reminders that we are confronted
with something greater and es-
sentially different' than we were
in the other wars.
On paper and with a certain
amount of financial finagling it
can be made to appear that the
war in Viet Nam and the renewal
at home can be carried on simul-
taneously. But in truth, as men
are actually made, it is impossible
for a people to keep two such
vastly different operations going
at the same time.
WAR, with its horror and its
fascination, is to internal reform
and development what a public
OV0 11 -nn s t a - u nf. aii

war in 1965 is now doing that to
Johnson's Great Society.
The guns-versus-butter stereo-
type masks, I repeat, the reality as
we confront it today. Most of us
could easily give up some butter,
and perhaps be better for it. But
what we cannot give up is the
modernization of the edifice in
which an ever-increasing part of
the nation dwells. For the edifice
is bursting at the seams and is
falling apart.
'nWhat we need, I submit, is an
anti-stereotype. We should re-
member the cavalry generals who
did not like the tanks; we should
remember the builders of the
Maginot Line and the brass who
would not believe in airplanes and
their successors who can believe
in nothing else.
and diplomacy, it is most impor-
tant to cultivate anti-stereotypes
to protect us from resorting to de-
caying and dead patterns of con-
The appeasement of Hitler
which culminated at Munich was
the work of Englishmen and
Frenchmen who could not believe
that the chancellor of Germany
was a monster like Hitler.
The frightful consequences of
appeasing Hitler left behind them
in the minds of men the great
Munich stereotype. In the grip
of this stereotype a British prime
minister felt compelled to think
that the Suez was the Rhineland
and Nasser was Hitler.
Dean, Rusk is the current user


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