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January 15, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-15

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*, JANUARY 15, 1966




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Humphrey Reports on Talks

Pakistan Peace Settlements

NEW DELHI, India (M)-Bubbles
of discontent over the India-Paki-
stan peace declaration surfaced
in both countries yesterday.
The agreement, signed in Tash-
kent, U.S.S.R., set off a cabinet
dispute in New Delhi and threw
open the race for prime minister.
Rehabilitation Minister Mahavir
Tyagi resigned, saying he objected
to interim Prime Minister Gulzari
Lal Nanda's pledge to honor the,

neuvering indicated Nanda, a
leading contender, would have to
fight to win.
The four other potential candi-
dates are:
Defense Minister Y. B. Chavan,
Information Minister Indira Gan-
dhi, right-wing leader Morarji De-
sai, and Congress party president
Kumaraswami Kamaraj.

dent Hubert H. Humphrey re-
ported on his return yesterday
from India that he and Soviet
Premier Alexei N. Kosygin had
discussed problems of mutual con-
cern "and the whole scope of af-
fairs in this troubled world."
Humphrey disclosed that one of
their discussions took place during
an early morning stroll in the
presidential palace gardens in NewI
Delhi, where both were guests.
Humphrey and Secretary of
State Dean Rusk flew to the In-
dian capital to represent the Unit-
ed States at a gathering of world
leaders for the funeral of Prime
Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri.
Rusk headed for Saigon, South
Viet Nam. after the services and i

Humphrey flew back to Washing- response from North Viet Nam to
ton. The vice-president said that its peace overtures.
after he makes a preliminary re- Humphrey told reporters who
port to President Johnson he and met him at the airport that he
Rusk will get together on a more and Kosygin discussed everything
comprehensive account of their from politics to the climate.
mission to New Delhi. He said he gave copies of John-
Rusk is due in the South Vietna- son's State of the Union message
mese capital today. to Kosygin and to Indian govern-

At the State Department, press!
officer Robert J. McCloskey told
reporters that the United States
remains in close consultation with
the Saigon government on possi-
ble peace negotiations with the
Communists. McCloskey stopped
short of denying reports of seri-
ous policy differences between
Washington and Saigon.
He declined also to say whether
the United States has received any

ment officials. A good part of the
message was devoted to Johnson's
efforts to bing about a peaceful
settlement of the war in Viet Nam.
Humphrey was asked about the
possibility of a Soviet. response to
these efforts and he replied that
he and Kosygin had discussed the
Soviet premier's mediation on the
Indian-Pakistan* conflict, and the
"multiplicity of problems concern-
ing our two countries."

declaration before a new govern- Britain To Set
ment is formed.
In Pakistan, President AyubN
Khan went on national radio in G New Sanctions
an attempt to quiet Pakistani fears
after demonstrations against the
Tashkent agreement were report- For Rhodesia
ed in the West Pakistan capital
of Lahore, and elsewhere. LONDON (IP)-Tough new sanc-
Soviet Premier Alexei M. Kosy- tions aimed at ending the Rhodes-
gin, en route home from Tashkent, ian rebellion within six months
sent a message to Ayub saying he will be announced next week, Brit-
was sure the people of Pakistan ish officials said last night.
Aik~r h ot_ _

, at LtCi LSC Alvkr ll

TODAY AT 2:30 P.M. & 8:00 P.M.


p/'eeeh t4



U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE Dean Rusk talked yesterday with F
of Thailand following arrival in Bangkok from New Delhi, where t
India's Prime Minister Shastri. Rusk then proceeded to Saigon.
Lull in Viet Nam
As Rusk Arrives i

Su.e d thep a.
Pledges Peace
The agreement, worked out at,
Kosygin's urging and signed Mon-
day by Ayub and India's late prime
minister, Lal Bahadur Shastri,
pledged the governments of both
countries to work for peace in
oreign Minister Thanat Khoman S Bu the Tashkent meeting end-
he attended funeral services for ed with Pakistan still demanding
that the Kashmiri people be al-
lowed to decide future control of
# their Himalayan state in a plebi-
n g scite, and with India determined-
F ig h ti ly insisting that Kashmir is a
part of India and not a subject
for negotiation.
The next day Shastri died of a
n Sf heart attack in the Soviet central
Asian city. Indian Home Minister
Gulzari Lal Nanda took over as
interim irime minister and im-
has promised additional aid to mediately announced India would
North Viet Nam, Tass news agen- honor the declaration.
cy announced last night. The type First Objections
was undisclosed but signs indi- The first public sign of division
cated military equipment. in India came with Tyagi's resig-
A new aid agreement was sign-, nation. Reports said he also ob-
ed during the visit to Hanoi of a jected to the part of the pact
Soviet delegation led by Alexan- which commits New Delhi to with-
der N. Shelepin, second-ranked drawing troops from along the
member a fthe Soviet Communist India-Pakistan frontier.
membr o th Sovet ommuist His resignation also opened the
party. doors to supporters of four poli-
The delegation spent six days tical figures who entered unoffi
in the North Vietnamese capital cial challenges to Nanda to be-
and returned to the Soviet Union come permanent prime minister.
after a night in Peking. The ruling Congress party Wed-
A communique on the visit, dat- nesday elects its parliamentary
ed Wednesday and made public leader, who is automatically asked
yesterday, supported North Viet- to head the government.
namese demanis for complete Possible Candidates
withdrawal of American forces Spokesmen said party leaders
and a settlement on Communist hoped to agree on a candidate be-
terms, fore then but fresh political ma-

Prime Minister Harold Wilson
said on his return Thursday from
a meeting of Commonwealth prime
ministers in Lagos, Nigeria, that
firmer action against the Salis-
bury regime was at hand.
Wilson returned highly pleased
from Lagos. He successfully fought
off a bid by some African prime
ministers to pressure Britain into
military action against Rhodesia.
He also secured six months of
grace to prove that sanctions.
which include an embargo on oil
shipments, will suffice to convince
the Rhodesians that their two-
month-old seizure of independence
was wrong and force them to re-
turn to constitutional rule under
the British crown.
Shortly after returning, Wilsan
angrily canceled a projected visit
to Salisbury, the Rhodesian capi-
tal, by Commonwealth Secretary
Arthur Bottomley because of "in-
tolerable conditions" laid down by
the white regime. Bottomley wG
in Zambia.
Officials here said one of the
points both Bottomley and Wilson
raised in Zambia was the possi-
bility of persuading the Portuguese
government to permit oil-lift
flights to landlockedZambia to
be flown from the port of Beira
in Mozambique. Rhodesia cut off
all petroleum and petroleum prod-
ucts to Zambia when Britain im-
posed the oil embargo.



-N.Y. Times
-NY. Post

"Wildly imaginative!"
--Saturday Review
"Electric excitement!"
-Pittsburgh Press

SAIGON (P)-Hush fell over the
jungles of South Viet Nam yester-
day broken only by the occasion-
al crackle of a Viet Cong sniper's
rifle or the boom of a guerrilla
mortar. It was as if the Viet Cong
had begun early the lunar new
year cease-fire proclaimed for next
For the first time since a mas-
sive drive against the Viet Cong's
Iron Triangle gicked off seven days;
ago, U.S. and Australian troops 25
miles northwest of Saigon report-
ed not a significant contact or a
single guerrilla killed.
Convoys Pass
Anotler indication of Viet Cong
inactivity came far to the north.
Three big South Vietnamese con-
voys passed safely from Quin
Nhon, 260 miles northeast of Sai-
gon, along a guerrilla-infested
road to Pleiku, 160 miles farther
north. It was the first successful
heavy transportation along. the
road since last August.
The last known U.S. casualties

came Thursday night 15 miles
northwest of Qui Nhon. A U.S.
Air Force plane flying support for
Korean ground patrols pulled out
of a strike and rammed a C-123
flareship. Both planes crashed,
killing the pilot of the plane and
the six aboard the flare ship.
Rusk Due
U.S. Secretary of State Dean
Rusk and presidential envoy W.
Averell Harriman are due from
Bangkok, Thailand, today for talks
with U.S. and Vietnamese officials.
A U.S. Embassy spokesman de-
clined to give the purpose of the
visit but indicated it was connect-
ed with President Johnson's peace
There was speculation, that
Rusk, on his way home from the
funeral of Prime Minister Lal
Bahadur Shastri in New Delhi,
India, and Harriman would assure
the Saigon government that John-
son's peace moves will not pull
the rug from under the regibe.
Meanwhile, the Soviet Union

Under the direction of William Ball


JAN. 11 "-*JAN- 23

SUN., JAN. 23 PHONE 668-6300


----- _

World News Roundup

$y The Associated Press
SAIGON - Secretary of State
Dean Rusk said today the United
States was determined to do every-
thing in its power to insure the
safety, freedom and prosperity of
South Viet Nam.
Rusk arrived in Saigon together
with the roving presidential am-
bassador, W. Averell Harriman, to
discuss the progress of the war in
Viet Nam and President Johnson's
peace offensive.
He said: "I bring the people of
this great country and govern-
ment the greeting of President
Johnson, the determination of the
American people and our confi-
dence in the future."
Diplomatic sources said the key
purpose of Rusk's visit was to of-
fer fresh assurances to the South
Vietnamese government that Pres-
ident Johnson's worldwide efforts
to get peace talks started would
not undermine the vital interests
of this country.
* * *
ATLANTA, Ga. - A thousand
marchers rallied yesterday at the
State Capitol in a traffic-tangling
protest to the refusal of the Geor-

gia House to seat Negro Rep.-elect
Julian Bond.
State patrolmen shoved about
50 sign-wielding demonstrators
from the Capitol steps in the aft-
ermath of the rally. The group
flailed officers with picket signs,
pocketbooks and umbrellas.
The protest was aimed at the
House refusal last Monday to seat
Bond, 26, a Democrat from Atlan-
ta. The refusal followed Bond's
endorsement of a statement which
described U.S. involvement in Viet
Nam as "aggression."
WASHINGTON-A major revi-
sion of the antipoverty program
aimed at getting jobs for the poor
and unemployed is being strongly
pushed in the House of Represen-'
The effect would be to down-
grade or eliminate a wide variety
of educational, cultural and ex-
perimental programs now being
run by the Office of Economic
Opportunity (OEO).
The' move is being led by Rep.
Adam Clayton Powell (D-NY),
chairman of committee, who wants
closer coordination of job-train-
ing efforts between the OEO and
the Department of Labor.


SPEAKER: MRS. JOY EARL, a former member of
the faculty of Keio and Yamaguchi Universities
in Japan
PLACE: YM-YWCA, Sun., Jan. 16, 3:30 P.M.
"In this present cycle there will an evolution
in civilization unparalleled in the history of
the world." Baha'i Writings



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