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January 14, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-01-14

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See Editorial Page

C, r



Snow flurries,
moderate winds

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
Lansing Struggle Ma Delay' Construction


The University's $84 million
budget request may be facing a
number of pitfalls in Lansing's
administrative limbo. No one will
know exactly what its chances are
until Governor George Romney's
budget bureau gets through with
it and incorporates it into his
upcoming budget message.
The major part of the budget,
the $65.8 million general fund re-
quest, is facing its traditional
problems, sources say. The $18.2
million capital outlay budget re-
quest has all those problems plus
some big new ones that may en-
danger such projects as the resi-
'U' Expects
Full Funds
For Flint

dential college and the additions
to the graduate library.
"Capital outlay" is that portion
of the budget that deals with
building construction and repair.
The "general fund" pays for
salaries, administration and equip-
Conversations with legislators
indicate the general fund request
will run the gauntlet of its tra-
ditional problems-the governor's
office paring of; "excess," the
traditional cutback in the Legis-
lature-again this year. The few
legislators who will comment on
appropriations before the governor
releases his proposals do not see
a particularly difficult time for

the general fund appropriation in
the Legislature, despite its un-
precedented size-this year's re-
quest is $14.6 million above last
year's appropriation, a record-
breaking rise.
Some have noted that Michi-
gan's almost certain state revenue'
surplus may help keep state edu-
cation appropriations up.
,But getting plenty of money for
the University's many proposed
building programs may prove an-
other matter. In the first place,
the request is more than four
times the amount the Legislature
gave the University for construc-
tion last year, $4.2 million. ,

The major threat to building l the Legislature can thus influence authority to interfere with the I (Roseville). "We
money, however, is that the Uni- how colleges spend their building way it is spent. The Regents, and the legislation."
versity's Regents refuse to apply funds. WSU's board of regents, feel that But what hap
for funds to plan buildings in the Nine of the state's 11 colleges the controller's new authority in- University needs
way a state law passed this sum- have been using the controller's terferes with their right to spend when it wants to
mer, Public Act 124, demands. method "quite successfully" ac- their money as they please and that hadn't been
PA 124 does not restrict build- cording to Glenn Allan, budget thus with their autonomy. PA 124 was pass
PA 24 oesno retrit bil- -Pd14 ws .ss
ing money directly. But to give bureau director. Neither university is cooperat- Will legislative
the Legislature some control over But the University and Wayne ing with PA 124, according to committees unde
colleges' capital outlay, legislators State University have both in- Allan. The University is spending gents' position a
wrote PA 124 to state that col- sisted that the Legislature's ac- the $4.2 million allotted to it other way for ti
leges could obtain money to plan tions infringe on their constitu- this year for construction, but so money?
buildings only by applying to the tional independence from other far has not touched the $1.8 mil- Garland Lane
state controller for it. Because the governmental bodies. lion set aside for building plan- man of the sena
controller can decide whether or' A basic tenet of Michigan's tra- nig, Allan says. Committee, says
not to release planning money- ditional "institutional autonomy" "We feel the University should University will
and because a building must be4 is that once money is appropriated have charge of these planning PA 124 so we can
planned before it can be built- to a college, no body has the funds," says Regent Carl Brablec new buildings."

are protesting
pens when the
planning money,
build a structure
planned before
ed this summer?
rstand the Re-
nd set up some
ahem to get that
(D-Flint), chair-
te Appropriations
he hopes "the
cooperate with
give them some

John McKevitt, assistant to the
vice-president for business and
finance, yesterday listed seven
projects for which planning money
has been requested this year. They
are: a new college of architecture
and design, an undergraduate
classroom building, a science
building, a math and computer
center, the residential college, a
new heating plant and additions
to the graduate library.
Presumably, these are the build-
ings which would be held up if the
University refuses to accept funds
under PA 124 or if the Legislature
does not grant planning funds
some other way.



Several Issues
In Expansion Dispute
Remain Unresolved
Gov. George Romney will recom-
mend that the Legislature appro-
priate funds for operating the
University's Flint College branch
as a four-year institution in 1966-
67, but several issues in last
spring's dispute over expansion of
the branch remain unsolved.
University President Harlan
Hatcher declined to comment last
night on a statement by Romney
y and State Board of Education
President Thomas Brennan, which
detailed their efforts to solve the
Flint question. The Romney-Bren-
nan statement cited several meet-
ings, both with Flint community
leaders and with University offi-
cials, including a November meet-
ing in Ann Arbor at which the
University seemed to agree with a
board proposal to resolve the con-
troversy. The University has not
publicly confirmed this.
In addition to releasing infor-
mation on nine months of private
' talks, the statement outlined a
five-point program for future
higher education in the Flint area;
the program provides for the Uni-
versity to operate Flint College as
a four-year school for at least six
more years, admitted by Brennan
to be a "significant change" from
the board's stand last spring which
asked that the branch offer only
two years of instruction.
The Romney-Brennan statement
still insists, however, on eventual
replacement of the University
branch by a new, autonomous state
school, and sets a 1971 deadline
for development of the new in-
stitution. The last public stand
taken by the University committed
it to operating the branch until
a master plan for post-secondary
education in Michigan should dic-
tate the establishment of an au-'
tonomous school. This position is
"1F substantially the same as that of
Flint community leaders.
Romney's provision for Flint in
the budget marks a switch from
last year, when he expressed op-
position to the University's plans
to add freshman and sophomore
classes at the previously two-year
SFlint branch and refused to rec-
ommendanhappropriation for the
Supports Board
However, Charles Orlebeke, theI
governor's assistant for education,
said yesterday that Romney still
firmly supports the board's posi-
tion that Flint College must be re-
placed by an autonomous school.
See 'U,' Page 2

By The Associated Press
SAIGON - Hopes for substantial progress toward peace
negotiations in the Viet Nam war soared here early today as
Secretary of State Dean Rusk and U.S. Roving Ambassador
Averell Harriman prepared to fly here from Bangkok, Thailand,
for high-level talks .with Vietnamese and U.S. leaders.
Vice-President Hubert Humphrey and Rusk met for nearly
two hours with Soviet Premier Alexei N. Kosygin in New Delhi
yesterday. Humphrey was seen to emerge from the meeting
smiling and flashing the V-for-victory sign. He called the talks
"good, constructive and friendly" and prepared to fly back to
Washington for a personal report to President Johnson. North
Viet Nam reportedly relayed its reply to Johnson's Dec. 27
peace message to Humphrey via an Egyptian intermediary. No
specific information was yet available as to the nature of the
Hanoi reply.
(See earlier stories, Page 3)


r New






What's New
At 764-1817


Michigan Selective Service Director Arthur Holmes said yes-
terday "only an act of Congress or a Presidential order" could
restore student deferments to 13 University students who have
been reclassified 1-A during the past month.
Holmes said the jurisdiction for determining classifications
remains with the local draft boards.
Meanwhile, another University student, John Raynor, Grad,
was reclassified 1-A by his draft board in Winnetka, Ill.
The students have been reclassified because of their partici-
pation in a sit-in at the Ann Arbor Draft Board last October.
Selective Service claims the students were violating a provision of
the act which prohibits interference with the operations of a
draft board.
The new Highway Safety Research Institute has been given
$100,000 by the Freuhauf Corp., University President Harlan
Hatcher announced yesterday.
The University announced the establishment of the institute
last month. Its purpose is to undertake a broad range of in-
vestigation on problems of highway safety. Gifts totaling $10
million were previously received from General Motors Corp., Ford
Motor Co. Fund and the Automobile Manufacturers Association.
There has been speculation on whether or not the American
Conservatory Theatre (ACT) will be the new repertory theatre
here next fall. Marcella Cisney, associate director of the PTP, said
that the University did not make ACT such an offer. She reported
that ACT is under, contract to Carnegie Tech, which sponsors
ACT as their repertory group.
However, Earl Gister, head of the drama department at
Carnegie Tech and one of the executives of the company, said last
night that Carnegie Tech is still conducting negotiations with
ACT for a fall return.
"ACT had its opportunity to come into being in Pittsburgh,
and Pittsburgh ought to recognize a continuing obligation to
support such a fine company," Gister said.
Miss Cisney said she could not say at this time whether or
not the APA would return here next fall.

-Daily-Thomas R. Copi

Maturity, the motto of The Michigan Daily, is once more demonstrated by edit staffers at a recent seminar. "Tootsie" Fields, female
resident advisor for the paper, here lectures on the merits of intellectualism. Join The Daily and hear more.

Ann Arbor Area Was
Leading Contender
For Location of Device
WASHINGTON ()-The Atomic
Energy Commission may never
build the $348-million proton ac-
celerator for which no site yet has
been selected, it was learned last
An authoritative source outside
the AEC reported the commission
now is considering three alterna-
tive proposals-one of which would
pinpoint the site for a less costly
What effect this might have on
the Ann Arbor area's chances, re-
cently rated asexcellent, to win
the location of the originally pro-
posed, 200 - billion - electron - volt
accelerator was not immediately
But Rep. Craig Hosmer , (R-
Calif) of the Joint Senate-House
Atomic Committee, when asked to
comment on the report told a
reporter: "To me, it looks like
possibly the beginning of the end
for the 200-BEV, $348-million
machine. When you start talking
about alternatives it adds up to
"If the AEC should decide on
one of the alternative proposals,
it would be a good excuse for them
to start all over again in the site-
selection process, or arbitrarily
pick the site themselves.*
Possible Alternatives
In Hosmer's view,, the AEC's
reported study of possible alter-
natives to the originally proposed
machine stems from the economy
drive linked with the Viet Nam
war. Congress has not yet author-
ized constructian of the originally
proposed device.
It was learned also that the
AEC has called a meeting of some
of the nation's leading high-en-
ergy physicists for late in January
to get their views on these alter-
native proposals:
-A suggestion by Prof. S. Dev-
ons, chairman of the department
of physics, Columbia University,
that the AEC's own 33-billion-
electron - volt atom - smasher at
Brookhaven National Laboratory,
Lonfi Island, N.Y., be scaled up to
one in the 120- to 150-BEC range,
at a cost of $150 million.
Lower Intensity
-A suggestion by scientists of
the AEC - supported Lawrence
Radiation Labor'atory of the Uni-
versity of California that it be
scaled down to.a machine of lower
intensity, at an approximate cost
of $260 million.
-A proposal by Prof. R. R. Wil-
son of Cornell that a machine of
fairly low intensity be designed-
to cost about $150 million-with
provisions for increasing its ca-
pacity at additional cost, over a
period of years.
Only the Devons proposal pre-
selects a site, and Hosmer said
that if 'the AEC should favor
either of the other two proposals,

Freshmen Receive Preliminary
Hopwood Creative Writing Award


Seven University freshmen in
the literary college received Hop-
wood Awards for creative writing
totaling $280 yesterday.
Awards were presented by
Robert F. Haugh, chairman of the
Hopwood Committee, for achieve-
ment in fiction, poetry and essay.
Jay Kendall received first prize
in the essay division. His, award
was $50 for a work entitled "In
Defense of Chains." A second
prize of $30 went to Alan Silver-

man for Ionesco's "Rhinoceros,"
and Neal Bruss received a third
prize of $20 for "Wyeth Paints."
Two awards were presented in
the fiction division. David Knoke
won first prize of $50 for "A
Soldier in the Army of Alexan-
der," while a second prize of $30
went to Janet Near for her work

The Hopwood Awards, the
richest collegiate presentations for
creative writing in the United,
States, are given each year from,
the interest accumulated on the
estate of the late Avery Hopwood,
dramatist, and graduate 'of the
class of 1905. Judging for the

awards is done by a hationally-
selected committee of novelists,
dramatists, and editors. Because
of this, the works of the receip-
ients receive nationwide acclaim
and many doors are opened to
them in the literary and publish-
ing worlds.

Helen Fox copped first prizeV
in the poetry section for "Songs
of Thought and Feeling." Second
place was wdn by Elliot Wait for
"Afternoon Prayers," while third NE NE
prize went to Alan Silverman for
"Three Poems." '

I -


F State Court Rejects Further Debate

"I am very honored to havel
received this acknowledgement of
my writing. The cash is not the
important thing. What is signifi-
cant is that this type of program

On Cutler Report

n- "TITZ [7T ElllTTD


The State Supreme Court has
refused to hear further oral argu-
ments on the problem of state
reapportionment. The court de-
cided that it presently has suffi-
cent written material from the
State Reapportionment Commis-
sion to make its decision.
The court assumed responsibil-
ity for deciding on legislative dis-

ments from which the court may
select. Lansing sources indicate
that the court wants to decide the
matter as rapidly as possible and
will probably reach a decision
There is also the possibility,
sources report, that the court may
instruct the commission to go back
to their work with the aid of more
specific suggestions and guidelines
on how "-to approach the task.

encourages one to write on his By t11U~IV irXI1J
vote principle set down by the but breaches a larger number of own and stimulates him to do his Student Government C 0 un c i1
United States Supreme Court. county lines, best in the field of literature," dSud three major issues last
The Democratic members of the Republican members of the Wait said. niscusse p ad aotion pro-
commission have requested that commission are urging the adop- Because of the trimester sched-eight.and passea oton o -
the court maintain the present tion of House-Senate Plan No. 5. ule, the final manuscripts for the viding for the allocation of $250
districts until the next population The plan is based on a principle principle Avery Hopwood Awards to the Student Legal Defense
census in 1970. If the court should called mechanical standard. March 1st. committee to defend solely on
reject the Democratic request, it Mechanical standard calls for a will be due Tuesday, Marc constitutionally grounds, students
will mean that Michigan will have tolerance point to be set, below Any student presently enrolled in who were reclassified 1-A after
new legislative districts for the which population disparity be- teUivedrst semestacop e
third election in a row. tween districts would be allowed. a specified first semester course
d in composition is eligible to enter Several members of council ex-
Zolton Ferency, chairman of I The plan crosses fewer county line this competition. pressed strong displeasure with

Harlan Bloomer, '66, said that one
reason for the relative secrecy
might be that most of the dia-
logue on the recommendation has
been carried on in Regents meet-
ings, the contents of which are
traditionally confidential.
The third major consideration
was a motion by Robert Bodkin,
'67, which would provide for a
Student Housing Association. The
motion, well received by most
members, was questioned by SGC

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