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April 13, 1966 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-13

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See Editorial Page

Ci r

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


Continued cool,
not much change in temperature



xp lore





Second of a Series
The flood of printed, recorded
and photographed material which
has accompanied the post-world
war boom .in scientific research
must give librarians nightmares at
The librarians' task of sorting,
cataloging and storing the ma-
terial for easy access is made that
much harder when one realizes
that the number of documents has
been increasing ten-fold every 50
years for the past three centuries.
Complicating the borrower's prob-
lem is the high probability that
ject-category may be irrelevant to
much of the material in his sub-
his specific questions.
How is one to find what he is
looking for?

One far-sighted suggestion, of-
fered by Don Swanson of Chicago
in the "Journal of Atomic Scien-
tists" is to train a corps of per-
sons with intimate knowledge of
what to find and how to find it:
"Ultra-selectivity will be neces-
sary and this alone may become
almost a science. It is plausible
that selective dissemination will
be one of the driving forces that
will change the character of 'fu-
ture information systems . . .
"The first step is often to find
someone likely to know the answer,
rather than to consult an informa-
tion service. The system itself,
*hich might be highly mechanized,
should retain in its memory a
complete record of who has re-
ceived what-whether on indi-
vidual dissemination or subsequent
search and retrieval."
Swanson's system is similar to

a plan for the communication of
medical knowledge envisioned by
Prof. Manfred Kochen of the Uni-
versity's Mental Health Research
Kochen is concerned primarily
with the aspects of absorbing the
material rather than the rapid
retrieval processes, which he says
tend to aggravate the problem of
turning information into under-
"My idea of a system is one that
primarily teaches, secondarily in-
forms," says Kochen. "The user of
an information system should be
primarily the average curious man,
secondarily the gifted specialist.
"Education without information
retrieval (I-R) would not be as
bad as I-R without education. Op-
timally we should of course be de-
veloping both kinds of systems,
with priority on education. Ideally,

perhaps a single system could en-
compass both functions."
Kochen's pilot studies towards
what he calls "the encyclopedia
system" have centered around the
feasibility of getting pertinent
teachable units representing the
latest and best understanding of
a topic in the health sciences dis-
seminated to persons most likely
to need them and put them to use.
The structure would consist of a
board of screening editors-20 to
20 specialists representing a larg-
er "society" such as the medical
profession. These professionals
would receive incoming reviews
and recommendations of articles
appearing in medical journals,
booksand reports. They would
evaluate the articls in view of the
interests of the scientists with
whom they are in correspondence.
The participants in the program

make their own recommendations
and subsequently change the cri-
teria of the articles they desire.
Thus the channels of information
are flexible and the sources of in-
formation of past proven quality.
Kochen's theories developed from
his involvement in earlier years
with the IBM programs for man-
computer information exchange.
Code names like AMNIUS, DICO
and SASIDS while exotic to the
layman, stand for early studies-
some still in operation-where re-
searchers discovered that the sort-
ing of scientists into common in-
terest groups and routing of pre-
selected material would be bteer
received than among non-common
interest groups.
Kochen hopes to implement this
project on a trial basis with a
grant from the National Science
Foundation. Utilizing text books,

video tapes, lecture notes, selected
examinations and the Index Medi-
cus put on magnetic MEDLARS
tapes by the National Library of
Medicine, the program could be
kept up to date by constant re-
vision while in use.
Kochlen mentions that the In-
dex Medicus, publishing over 100,-'
000 titles per year, has reached
such unwieldy' proportions that
the National Library of Medicine
has decided to decentralize the
computer network that serves the
country in compiling the cumu-
lated Index. The Uiversity has
been chosen for the Midwest's ser-
vice center.
"Tapes were an initial step," he
concedes, but their orientation is
rather limited. If the item which
you are searching for is the last
on the tape, you waste time play-
ing through the tape. Disks or

data cells are more efficient be-
cause you can go directly to the
location of the encoded material
and get an inimediate print-out."
The University will install a
System 360 computer operation
next November, knocking out the
walls of the Computing Center
building to accommodate the need
for more space. In addition, there
will be some 30 consoles scattered
around the campus hooked up to
the 360, thus allowing that many
people by time-sharing to simul-
taneously consult the memories of
the computer.
"We can expect pilot studies for
an automated library system to
be carried out by this system,"
says Westervelt. "Working out a
language for man-computer com-
munication is as important as the
coding of the references-key
See STUDY, Page 5

Protest War
By Refusing
To Pay Tax
'U' Staff Members
Plan To Contribute
Revenue To CARE
Prof. Robert 0. Blood Jr., of the
sociology department and Dr. Jo-
han W. Eliot, of the maternal and
child health department, have
sent a letter to the Detroit In-
ternal Revenue Service protesting
the war in Viet Nam by refusing
to pay their 1965 income taxes.
The letter states, "The laws of
our country make no provision for
conscientious objection to military
taxes. But conscience prevents us
from obeying laws which require
us to participate in doing great
evil . . . The same conscience
which bids us choose civilian serv-
ice asks civilian use of our money
as well."
The two professors said they are
contributing $1,343.88. more than
their share of their 1965 taxes, to
CARE, an agency "engaged in in-
ternational relief and develop-
"The United States is involved
in genocide and destruction." said
Blood. "We are protesting to help
make it clear to the government
that everybody does not agree with
its policy."
The professors expressed their'
hopes that the legislature will pass
a bill recognizing conscientious
alternative payment of taxes. This
would be implemented by enabling
people to designate their taxes fqr
peaceful purposes by perhaps pay-
ing an additional sum or surtax.
Last year, Eliot withheld his
income' tax. However, the IRS
withdrew the money from his
bank' account. For this reason, he
feels "that conscientious objection
to military taxes is even harder
than conscientious objection to
the draft because you can control'
your body but you have virtually
no control over your goods." The
two professors hope and assume
they will be passed over again in
the same way.
Blood and Eliot are Quakers and
pacifists. They said their stand
was on religious grounds in the
sense "that everything has to do
with religion. Religion should be
the guide to life."

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W'ould Give 'U'
'66-'67 Budget

$45 1Million

college is in the process of trying to cut costs for the proposed
college by $1 million, Burton D. Thuma, director of the residential
college, said yesterday.
"We are working with the architect to see whether we can
trim the plans that much and still keep the features that the
committee considers essential to the college," Thuma said.
Discussion of the college is on thd agenda for the Regents'
Friday meeting, but Regent Frederick C. Matthaei predicted
yesterday, "This is going to take more than one meeting. We're
all worried about where the money will come from."
Lack of funds may mean postponement of the tentatively
scheduled starting date of fall, 1969, for college operations in
permanent quarters near North Campus.
the following student proposals on parking: A reduction of the
present two to five a.m. parking restriction from six to two
evenings a week; the reservation of several floors of University
and/or city parking structures for students; the immediate con-
struction of the proposed parking structure behind the School
of Business Administration; the purchase or lease of .available
vacant lots in the vicinity of the campus to be used for parking;
making the stadium parking area available for student parking by
maintaining permanent surveillance of the rea and providing
bus service between the area and the campus; and not creating
parking facilities at North Campus which are supposed to serve
the central campus.
These suggestions will be presented to the administration.
with University and city administrators, as well as private real
estate developers, tomorrow to discuss SHA's preliminary zoning
and housing report. The report, released at the SHA City Council
candidates night last month, suggests several types of housing
expressly designed for student occupancy.
FRATERNITY RUSH PICNICS. to introduce prospective
freshmen and their parents to the Michigan fraternity system
will be sponsored by the Interfraternity Council this summer in
eight locations throughout the state. Fraternity alumnus and a
University spokesman will be on hand to answer questions.
An effort will be made this summer to bring up to date all
statutes, by-laws, minutes, and judicial precedents covering the
last ten years. The IFC also plans to send out booklets on the
fraternity system to all incoming freshmen and to sponsor a
Daily fraternity supplement.
PROF. WILLIAM P. MALM, of the music school, is the 1966
winner of the Henry Russel Award.
The award is "given annually to an assistant professor whose
teaching skills and scholarship are outstanding and hold great
promise for the future." Mrs. Malm accepted the award on behalf
of her husband at ceremonies today, as he is attending a sym-
posium on Asian music in Manila.

-Daily-Bob Zahmr
Twenty-two new braves were initiated around the famous Tappan oak tree yesterday.into Michigamua.
Residentialolee Focus Is on
Ending Academic Anonymit

Last Year's
funds Cut
BV $7 Million
MeaSre Given Little
Chance of Passage;
Awaits Senate Action
A measure introduced in the
state House yesterday would pro-
vide the University with only a
$45 million budget for next year,
a $7 million cut in funds from
last year.
The bill, introduced by Rep.
George Montgomery (D-Detroit),
a member of the House Subcom-
mittee on Higher Education Ap-
propriations, is given little chance
of passage, but is a definite indi-
cation of the sentiment of the Leg-
islature toward the University, ac-
cording to Lansing sources.
The House must wait for the
Senate version of the University's
appropriations bill to be sent over
from the Senate before any act
tion can be taken. Presently, the
Senate Appropriations Committee
is considering. the Univ ersiy's
budget and will shortly repor out
a bill.
On the surface, the bill appea vs
to provide the University with over
$65 million for fiscal year 1966
67. However, through a complica-
ed procedure of line itemizing and
placing ceiling on each and every
item in the budget, the Universi-
ty loses over $20 million of that.
The bill- was not signed by the
chairman of the subcommittee,
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Detroit), who
usually sides with Montgomery on
most matters concerning the Uni-
Earlier reports of the bill in
the Ann Arbor News indicated that
it was favorable to the University
and that Faxon had signed the
Montgomery indicated that the
University will receive no money
for certain items in the budget
until they provide what he feels
are "adequate details."
Other provisions of the bill in-
clude a limit on out-of-state en-
rollment to 20 per cent of the to-
tal. The University would lose,
under the plan, $600 for each nori-
resident student admitted in ex-
cess of the 20 per cent figure.
The University presently has 27
per cent out-of-state enrollment.
The measure further prohibits
tuition increases for in-state stu-
dents. If the University should
elect to increase fees, the amount
of the increase would be deducted
from the University portion of
state funds.
Further provisions of the bill
call for the cutting off of all state
funds if the University should
challenge the constitutionality of
any portion of the bill:
iAc ill Ih annrnnin-r1a nn

First of a Series
A revolutionary design for the
proposed residential college is on
the agenda for the Regents' meet-
ing this Friday.
If the Regents approve the cur-

riculum devised by the residential that has been planning the college
. college faculty planning commit- over the past two years wants the
tee and other plans, the college college "to serve as a focus for
should begin with a freshman class deliberate, controlled experimenta-
of 250 in temporary quarters in tion in undergraduate education."
the fall of 1967. Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of
The 15-man faculty committee. the social psychology department,
associate director Of the residential
college, describes the college as an
effort to eliminate the "academic
anonymity" of the student at the
large University.
In order to develop a "natural,
informal traffic in ideas" for this
riculumhas organmzed the curriculum
eaprimnt, the faclty coitlee
around a "core program" of lee-

Commission Seeks Religious Cur

2) a Logic and Language lec-
ture, also required for the first se-
mester at the college. This course
is intended to develop the analy-
tical capacities of the students by
introducing them to forms of ar-
3) a two-semester sequence of
History of Western Man. This
inter-departmental course -will
consist of lectures and group dis-,
4)- a two-semester course in Hu-
man Behavior. The first half will
concentrate on psychology, while
the second half will focus on "be-
havior in groups as a function of
social organization and cultural
5) an inter-disciplinary course
5) an inter-disciplinary course
on The Contemporary World, de-
signed to correlate the History of
Western Man and Human Behav-
ior sequences.
6) two semesters of theory and
practice of laboratory science for
non-science majors, to be .com-
pleted by the end of the junior
year. Science majors will be, able
to take the necessary science
courses during their first two
7) a course in the actual prat-

Fifth of a series
In 1947 a University Dean ap-
pointed an ad hoc committee to
study the problem of academic
offerings in the area of religion.
The first report of this committee
was made the following year.
At that time the establishment
of a department or school of re-
ligion was opposed and the em-
phasis was put on the inclusion
of specialists in religion in various
departments. In addition, the com-
mittee recommended the addition
of a faculty member entirely de-

was that it would be senseless to
hire someone to cover these areas
when the University was not mak-
ing use of what was already here.
The committee then requested that
it be given the responsibility and
resources to develop an interdis-
ciplinary offering.
Progress toward adequate cur-
ricular offerings in the area of
religion has been slow. The co-
ordinator of the Office of Religious
Affairs, Dr. DeWitt Baldwin, a
member of the 1956 committee
pointed out that the major prob-
lem has been budgetary. With no

religion, review the present cur- The commission believed thet
ricular offerings and make recom- proposed institute should have
mendations on' what should be three major functions:

done and how.
The report charged that the
University has not excercised its
freedom sufficiently to enable re-
ligion to receive the same schol-
arly treatment afforded other
academic disciplines. Moreover the
religions it studies are not the
ones most influential in the for-
mation of this country's culture.
Again the commission pointed to
important fields which were lack-
ing specialists: The New Testa-

-To carry out research;
-To assist in curriculum plan-
ning and development, and
-To serve as a laison agency
both among divisions and depart-
ments within the University and
between the University and exter-
nal organizations.
In the area of research the in-
stitute would organize and sup-
port studies of an interdisciplinary
nature such as religion and the

course in the appropriate depart-
As a laison agency the institute
would serve as a clearing house
for information concerning schol-
ars currently available and could
also facilitate interdisciplinary
work between scholars on this
The chairman of the 1964 Com-
mission was William J. Schlatter.
Shortly after submitting the re-
port, Schlatter was made Assistant
to the Vice-President for Academic
Affairs and the report ended up
right back on his desk.

tures and seminars for the fresh-
man, and sophomore years
The core program, which is in-
tended to give the students "a sol-
id foundation in the major divi-
sions of liberal studies," consists
1) a freshman seminar required
of all first-semester freshmen. The
seminars will have 10 to 12 stu-
dents each and will serve as an
"introduction to scholarly work
and thought and to the particu-
lar goals of the Residential Col-
lege." Prof. Alan T. Gaylord of
the English department, a member
of the residential college faculty

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