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April 12, 1966 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1966-04-12

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Constant Conlictlagues Linsa sFirst 9(



NEW YORK (P)-John V. Lind-
e say has been mayor of New York
for three months, and they've
given him a hard time.
From the transit strike that
began on his inaugural day to his
current battle for a $520-million
tax boost, the 44-year-old Repub-
lican mayor has been in constant
Lindsay's November election vic-
tory in this Democratic stronghold
pushed him into the national spot-
Lindsay has tangled with the
City Council, the legislature, the
police brass and the press. He ,has
been alternately short-tempered

and humorous with opponents.
City councilmen once accused him
of lecturing them like schoolboys.
He has jousted with the late
Transit Union leader Michael
Quill, highway builder Robert
Moses, and President Keith Fun-
ston of the Stock Exchange. He
has warily sparred with Republi-
can Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller,
who may view him as a political
rival, but whose help Rockefeller
will need in this year's state elec-
Lindsay insists he's not interest-
ed in any job but mayor.
90 Days
His performance in the first 90
days has, delighted some, and

caused others to picture him as
a bungling Boy Scout or an arro-
gant dictator.
He has proposed consolidation
of all transit agencies under a
single authority, over which the
mayor would exert considerable
control. Moses, who would lose his
job as chairman of the Bridge and
Tunnel Authority, calls it a power
"I know my program is fair
because everyone is equally mad
at it. I will not accept defeat,"
Lindsay said of his tax plan.
Tax Plan ,
Lindsay announced his tax plan
in one of several television "fire-
side chats."

The tax program includes a
city income tax and a 50 per cent
increase in the stock transfer tax.
Funston threatened to move the
exchange out of the city, and
announced it was conceling plans
for a new $50-million downtownj
Stock Market
"Lots of people have lost money
on the stock market," commented'
Lindsay, "but I may be the first
to have lost the whole market."
Suburban legislators lined up
upstate political support and told
Lindsay the income tax on com-i
muters was out. They demandedl
that he raise the 15-cent transit,
fare, or they would chop his tax

program by the amount of any
transit subsidy.
Lindsay, in an off-the-cuff
speech, threatened to "take to the
streets" to campaign against legis-
lators who vote against his tax
program. The legislators howled,
many with delight.
Hatchet Man
The mayor generally has been
praised for his appointments, al-
though the naming of his cam-
paign manager-Robert Price-as
deputy mayor has created contro-
versy. Critics say Price is "the
hatchet man."
Many of the new commissioners
are young, Ivy League types in
the mayor's image.

One, Buildings Commissionera
Charles G. Moerdler, launched aI
widely publicized campaign against
slumlords for not providing heat,
hot water, or building repairs.
Moerdler and his family per-
sonally manned City Hall phones
at night to take complaints. Then
it developed that in-laws of both
Moerdler and his young deputy
owned apartments which failed
to meet city requirements.
Moerdler disclosed he had told
a members of the ethics board
about it, but not the mayor. The1
ethics board later ruled there was
no conflict of interest.
The mayor's most bitter fight

has concerned the Police Depart-
ment and his plan to create a
civilian-dominated board to review
charges of police misconduct.
Civilian Review Plan
Negro and Puerto Rican leaders
favor the civilian review plan, al-
though they don't think it goes far
Police Commissioner Vincent
Broderick accused Lindsay of poli-
tical interference in department
affairs, and rejected the civilian
board. Lindsay replaced him with
Howard Leary, the police commis-
sioner of Philadelphia.
Lindsay insisted that the mayor
is responsible for the department's

Leary, denying that Lindsay was
calling the shots, immediately
shook up the high command, pro-
moting a Jew and a Negro to top
jobs in what had been an Irish
Lindsay's "night owl" plan also
has been a source of considerable
discussion. Under the plan, com-
missioners and other high-ranking
members of the administration
man City Hall, on a rotating basis,
from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m.
Administration Democrats-ex-
cept those who got their jobs
through appointment by Lindsay
-have declined to participate.


Meet, Plan


Striking Coal Miners
Ordered Back to Work

Demonstration Against Ky

Assembly To
Be Boycotted
Catholics May Join
Showdown Protest To
Demand Civilian Rule
SAIGON (AP) - Two thousand
leading Buddhists met in Saigon
last night to lay down strategy
for new demonstrations aimed at
bringing down the government of
Premier Nguyen Cao Ky.
The Buddhists also decided, as
another 'facet of their efforts to
force a showdown, to boycott a
national political congress sum-
moned for today by Ky to try to
meet Buddhist demands for re-
turn to civilian government.
Ky called the conference of
representatives of various politi-
cal groups to draft plans for a
constituent assembly. The assem-
bly would draft a constitution and
work out procedures for elections.
He has proposed elections late next
year, but the Buddhists insist on
holding them immediately.
Catholics Boycott
There was a prospect that the
Roman Catholics, who with the
Buddhists, represent most of the
vocal political Thinking in South
Viet Nam, also would boycott the
To firm up a Buddhist-Catholic
united front against the military
junta, one of the top Buddhist
venerables, Thich Thien Minh, met
yesterday with a Catholic leader,
the Rev. Hoang Quynh.
The two faiths seem in their
public utterances to have a com-
mon bond this time unlike the
past. They want the generals out
and civilians in. They are spread-
ing a doctrine of anti-war but not
necessarily pro-surrender. Neither
side says it wants the Viet Cong.
New Demonstrations
Reports spread that leading
monks are preparing new nation-
wide demonstrations.
The Buddhist Institute was the
scene of a meeting of about 2000
top men of the eight districts of
Saigon last night.
Some information leaked out
that the district leaders were be-
ing instructed on the timing, the
methods, and the extent of pub-
lic demonstrations designed to
bring the government down and
seize power.
Viet Nam Buddhist Forces
Only Sunday, Buddhist leaders
called on the people to unite be-
hind the "Viet Nam Buddhist forc-
es," a new antigovernment front.
They accused the government of
lying and placing obstacles in the
path of a return to civilian rule.
There were indications as well
from other cities to the north,
Hue and Da Nang, Qui "Nhon,
Dalat and Nha Trang, that Bud-'
dhists and Catholics were in some
kind of harmony and gearing for
a display of civilian might.

«> C">

-Associated Press
THE BRITISH FRIGATE BERWICK, acting under a United Nations mandate, races to intercept
the tanker Manuela, believed loaded with oil bound for the rebellious colony of Rhodesia.
British WatcPossible Leaks
In Blockade of Rhodesia Oil

Air War Cut
By Shortage
Of Bombs
Disorder in Da Nang
Forces Vessels To
Unload Elsewhere
SAIGON (A)-The U.S. air war
in South Viet Nam has been cut
back sharply by a temporary
shortage of bombs and Washing-
ton blamed it on disorders eddy-
ing about the northern airbase at
Da Nang.
An Air Force spokesman re-
ported only 300 missions over
South Viet Nam Sunday compared
with the usual total of 450 to 500.
Assistant Secretary of Defense
Arthur S. Sylvester told reporters
in Washington a problem in dis-
tribution of bombs resulted pri-
marily from disorders at Da Nang
which caused diversion of ord-
nance carrying vessels to other
unloading areas.
Opposition in Da Nang
Da Nang has been a hotbed of
opposition to South Viet Nam's
military government. Sylvester
said South Vietnamese hired to
unload bombs failed to show up
for work in recent days.
Informants in Saigon attributed
the bomb shortage only to ship-
ping problems. But both they and
Sylvester indicated the problem
would soon be licked.
The defense official said anoth-
er factor in the temporary reduc-
tion in sorties within South Viet
Nam was that the South Vietnam-
ese are mounting fewer attacks
requiring air support '
Troops Unload Ships
Sylvester indicated U.S. troops
are now being used to unload
ammunition ships.
In the only significant ground
action, the Viet Cong broke off
action after two days of attacks
on a Vietnamese special forces
camp at Tuyen Nhon, 45 miles
northwest of Saigon near the
Cambodian border.
There were casualties among
the five or six Americans of the
Green Berets-the elite Special
Forces troops.

WASHINGTON (PA)-A back-to- itself at liberty to strike at any
work order went out yesterday to time," because it was working
striking bituminous coal miners without a contract.
from their top union officials,. ihu otat
An estimated 48,000 workers who At that time, the union reached
remained away from their jobs in coal producers. UMW officials
seven states yesterday were ord agieement with three idependent
ered to "return to work forthwith." said i Washington that since the
And those not on strike were told miners had a new agreement with
to remain an the job. three independent operators they
were to strike other mines where
The telegram went out to offi- they had no effective contract.
cials of all districts of the union
as representatives of the United
Mine Workers and the BituminousI'e
Coal Operators Assocation goe to- m oerat
gether in an effort to agree on
a new contract.
The talks began amid disagree- Sha es Par
ment between union and industry
officials on whether the workers WASHINGTON (A)-On the eve
' were free to strike. WSIGO A)O h v
of the primary-election season,
United Mine Workers, President Democrts in nearly a dozen statesl
W.A. Boyle, Vice President George lare embroiled in contests that ul-
John Owens sent out this tele- timately could bear heavily on the
Tittler and Secretary -Treasurer party's leadership in the post-
gram to union district offices: Johnson era.
"Certain mines in your district are Seeking some governorships or
presently idle. You are advised to lesser offices are candidates who
instruct all members to remain at link themselves with President
work and all idle members to re- Johnson or Vice President Hubert
coninue wodiscowith repe H. Humphrey and are tangling
scntaives ofrth coal ,,iry." with opponents who have some
Ssentatives of the coal industry."ties with the Kennedys.
As the union acted to call off the Struggle for Party Control
strike, miners were off the job in In addition to'the outright tests
Pennsylvania, OhioU West Virginia, for offices, there are overtones of
Kentucky, Illinois, Utah, and Ala- struggles for party control.
bama with reports that the strike States involved in contests that
was spreading to Virginia. will run from May through Sep-
Free To Strike tember range from Massachusetts
While the United Mine Workers to California and include John-
did not order a strike, Boyle said son's home state of Texas.
some 100,000 workers, "considers Results conceivably could sup-
Friday the union, which represents ply a political bridgehead for a
~ - ~

An association spokesman said
his group considered the contract
an open-end agreement which' re-
quired 60 days' termination no-
tice. He said they had not received
such notice.
West Virginia and western
Pennsylvania were hardest hit by
the strike with 20,000 and over
9,000 workers idled in the two
states, respectively.
ty Future
1972 presidential bid either by
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy of New
York or his brother, Sen. Edward
M. Kennedy of Massachusetts.
In many instances, The John-
son Kennedy or Humphrey-Ken-
nedy element is far from clear-cut
and may be only peripheral. But
there are reasonably definitive
tests shaping up in the battles for
the Democratic gubernatorial
nominations in Massachusetts,
Tennessess and Wisconsin.
In Massachusetts, Kenneth 0'-
Donnell, who was the late Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's appoint-
ments secretary, is trying for the
Democratic nomination for ° gov-
ernor against Edward J. McCor-
mack, nephew of House Speaker
John W. McCormack, an admin-
istration stalwart. Young McCor-
mack lost a try for the Senate In
1962 to Edward M. Kennedy.

LONDON (P-Britain kept anx-
ious watch last night on two pos-
sible leaks in its blockade of oil
for rebellious Rhodesia.
Ships cruised outside the port
of, Beira in Portuguese Mozam-
bique as the tanker Joanna V
moved from her anchorage to an
unloading dock where she could
discharge 18,700 tons of oil into
the pipeline to Rhodesia.
Another oil tanker, the Man-
uela, moved toward Durban, South

Africa, after a British warship put
a boarding party on her and turn-
ed her away from Beira. There
was fear in London that the Man-
uela might be- trying to beat the
oil embarggby sending her cargo
overland to Rhodesia from South
Africa. She is due in Durban to-
Joanna V
In Beira, Capt. George Vardinoy-"
annis of the Joanna V declared
his vessel will not unload its car-

go there and that he docked
only to get spare engine parts
and supplies.
The Joanna V moved into Beira
before the British had won Unit-
ed Nations' approval to halt tank-
ers, by force if necessary, with
oil believed destined for Rho-
More gasoline from South Africa
reached Rhodesia overland yes-
terday, and there is little' evidence
of a serious oil shortage in the
colony, the white minority gov-
ernment of which declared its in-
dependence from Britain five
months ago yesterday. The size
of oil stocks on hand is a govern-
ment secret.
Rhodesia was counting on oil


Much is the force of

World News Roundup



By The Associated Press
TOKYO-Hanoi announced yes-
terday that Cambodia had allow-
ed North Viet Nam to install a
diplomatic mission in Phnom
Pehn for the first time since the
Geneva agreements were signed in
The official North 'Viet Nam
Neks Agency did not elaborate but
it strongly hinted that Cambodia
might be granting formal diplo-
matic recognition to North Viet
* * *
LANSING - Atty. Gen. Frank
Kelley announced yesterday he will
seek reelection and will throw his
weight behind State Democratic
Chairman Zolton Ferency as a
candidate for governor.
*~ * *
WASHINGTON - The interest
charge on Federal Housing Ad-
ministration and Veterans Admin-
istration loans for single family

dwellings was raised yesterday

from 5,12 to 5% per cent. shipments through Beira to beat
the embargo and one report says
MANILA - The Philippines the rebel regime already has paid
House of Representatives over- $2.8 million for 27 shiploads of oil
whelmingly approved last night a -a year's supply--from the Greek
measure to send Filipino troops to group which mounted the opera-
South Viet Nam. The vote, after tion by the Manuela and Joanna
seven hours of debate, was 81 to 7. V.







the new


spring issue


CR0114 RS




. ..........FUNNY!"


Rob Poutasse
John Conron
Sophia Steriades

Marina Farkas
Florence W. Rohn
Joan E. Rosenstein

H. Ramsy Fowler
the line,



. . . . . . .

Justin Vitello
Steve Bronson
Steven E. Kagle
Konstantinos Lardas
A lvin Fri+

Maevernon Varunm
Sophia Steriades,






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