See Editorial Page
Sir i .rn
Partly cloudy with
chance of showers
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a four-part series in which the
author explores "The Scientific In-
formation Explosion: Problems of
Storage, Retrieval and Dissemination
and Its Impart on Education."
The technological revolution is
underway, potentially as important
in changing the picture of the
world as was the industrial revo-
lution or Luther's break with the
Research in the United States is
a multi-billion dollar business. The
Research Center Directory for
1965 lists over 3200 centers and in-
stitutes whose sole purpose is to
carry on original inquiry and de-
velopment in all fields of human
knowledge. Hundreds of thousands
of scientists and scholars are em-
ployed part- or full-time in re-
Law School
Negro Students Plan
To Attend 'U' in Fall;
None Now Enrolled
Attempts at interesting quali-
fied Negroes in attending the Uni- sI
versity's Law School have beenA
successful, according to Prof. Roy t
L. Steinheimer, who in October
of 1965 visited five Negro colleges t
in the South "to interest students
in the opportunities we offer." S
This-effort created interest not t
only among southern Negroes, but
also among many in the North
who heard about the University's g
interest. .ti
So far, Steinheimer said, eight s
Negroes have been told by the s
University that they would be ad- C
mitted if they desired to attend
school here, and five of these have
definitely said that they will at- v
tend the Law School. Of these fi
eight, only one is from the South.
No Negroes Now Enrolled
No Negroes are enrolled in the h
Law School at present, but Stein- s
heimer pointed out that "until lc
this year, we have always had sev-
eral Negro students. This has al-
ways been by chance, however, and a
there has never before been an
active attempt to recruit Negroes s
into our student body." d
Steinheimer noted several bar- b
riers which often block competent o0
and qualified Negroes from at- r
tending law school anywhere, and
which produce a small number of
qualified applicants.
Scholarships Offered w
He mentioned the expenses of o
an additional three years of school- b
ing, the "very heavy business re- d
cruitment" with the promise of h
immediate reward and prestige, d
and the poor image many Negroes s
hold of the law profession.
" The University effort to lure Ne-
groes has removed only one o
these barriers-the lack of ade- d
quate funds. "Substantial financial e
assistance" has been set aside for
scholarships, and 'individual stu- in
dents may receive up to $2500 a D
yeaf in aid. "It is the policy of theof
Law School that no eligible Negro c
should give up plans to attend
the University's Law School be-
cause of a lack of funds." i
The discoveries resulting from
all these man-hours and money
yield an ever increasing outpour
of new knowledge. The rate of
discovery is so rapid that pres-
ent communications systems be-
tween scientists, let alone be-
tween scientists and the general
public, are rapidly becoming in-
adequate to process and transmit
data at a useful rate. In some
fields, the lag between a discov-
ery and its reportage in scientific
journals is as great as 18 months.
Since the Second World War
new specialized scientific journals
have been created at the rate of
approximately one every eight
hours. A study by the American
Psychology Association showed
that less than one-half of the ar-
ticles appearing in a few "core"
journals were read by fewer than
200 members of the association.
There are 100,000 cancer research
articles published per year, a
number impossible for even a full-
time researcher to sift through
by himself for information rele-
vant to his line of research.
Industrial chemists become not
only more unfamiliar with the so-
ciologists' discoveries, but ignor-
ant of the latest advances of even
his own colleagues in bio-chem-
istry, although conceivably he
might find both scientists' work
useful to himself.
Library cataloging systems are
becoming encumbered by the vast
bulk of material they must cross-
reference, store and retrieve
quickly. Publishers are hard-
pressed to find a way to close the
publication time-lag.
H. G. Wells saw the danger of
scientific self-isolation years ago
when he proposed a sort of "World
Brain," a system where knowledge
and ideas are received, sorted,
summarized, digested, clarified
and compared.
"The time is close," he wrote,
"when any student, in any part
of the world, will be able to sit
with his projector in his own
study and at his own convenience
examine any document in exact
This "fantastic" vision is still
much in the future, but the ques-
scientific information is gaining
tion of swift dissemination of
increasing attention from the fed-
eral government.
The problem was very much alive
when the President's Science Ad-
visory Committee reported in
January, 1963:
"Because of the tremendous
growth of the literature, there is
danger of science fragmenting in-
to a mass of repetitious findings,
or worse, into conflicting special-
ties that are not recognized as.
being mutually inconsistent. This
is the essence of the crisis in
scientific and technical informa-
Government recognition of the
information crisis dates back to
the creation of the National Sci-
ence Foundation in 1950. The
foundation was charged with the
directing of information exchange
among American and foreign sci-
entists and to support the further
dissemination of this knowledge,
within the United States.
The event that really gave a
spurt to the study of science in-
formation problems was the Rus-
sian launching of Sputnik in 1957.
The National Defense Education
Act of 1958 required the NSF to
establish a science information
service center to carry on research ganizations concerned with the in-
into the problems of cataloging formation problem is the Science
and mechanizing the present Information Exchange of the
methods for making this informa- Smithsonian Institute in Wash-
tion available. ington, D.C. SIE was organized
NSF funds for such projects in 1949 to keep track of research
jumped from $185,000 in 1953 to developments in the medical field.
$18.4 million this year. Coupled Management of SIE was trans-
with programs from other agen- ferred ,to the National Science
cies, the federal government will Foundation in 1963, following a
spend over one-third billion dol- recommendation from the Com-
lars this year on science-tech- mittee for Science and Technolog-
nology information. ical Information (COSATI), which
Under Title IX of the NDEA, coordinates inter-agency actions.
the NSF set up the Office of Sci- SIE Deputy Director David Her-
ence Information Service (OSIS) sey said that his organization con-
and a Science Information Coun- fines itself to "abridging the gap
cil of six leaders in basic re- between the start of projects and
search, six librarians and four ex- their publication one to many
officio members from the Library years later. Unlike the tangible
of Congress, National Library of data. of established conclusions
Medicine, National Agriculture Li- from completed research, the No-
brary and the head of OSIS. tices of Research Projects reported
One of the oldest national or- See SCIENTIFIC, Page 10
of Delay Seen
Ieu~ 1sJi Bat. Participate
i~urnr WIn Research
NEWS RE Varied Opportuniti
'Residential College
Attract 1700 Studen
Late World News
SAIGON (P-For the first time last night, U.S. Air Force B-52
trategic bombers were used in a raid on North Viet Nam, an
merican spokesman announced. The attack raised speculation
hat a pattern of saturation B-52 bombing might be in the works
o supplement tactical U.S. air assaults on the North.
The Guam based jet bombers struck a major supply route to
outh Viet Nam. No assessment of the amount of damage done or
he number of planes used in the raid was given.
In late news on the political front, the hard pressed Ky
overnment early this morning promised immediate general elec-
ons in the face of an intensifying Buddhist drive to topple the
egime. Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, South Vietnamese chief-of-
tate, made the election promise at the first meeting of a newly
reated political congress.
oted overwhelmingly Saturday to withdraw from its national af-
The president of the local chapter said that the members of
is house "disagreed with the policy of the national on membership
election." He also added that the university had pressured the
ocal chapter to withdraw.
A PASS-FAIL GRADING SYSTEM has been formally adopted
t the University of Pennsylvania and will be made available to
tudents beginning in the fall term. Student class ranks for the
raft will be determined by the university administration and will
e based on the nonpass-fail credits that the student takes. The
verwhelming majority of courses in a student's program will still
emain on the normal grading system.
ill pay a room and board rate dependent upon the number of
ccupants currently living in their room, not on the expected num-
er of occupants, according to Eugene Haun, director of the Resi-
ence Halls. In the future, those assigned to triples who do not
ave a third roommate will have to pay the rate prescribed for a
ouble room, $950, instead of the $895 fee for a triple room. The
ame thing will apply for doubles.
ay spring tour May 1. The 112 member group will appear in seven
astern states during the trip.
The Symphony Band, the first band ever to represent the U.S.
the Soviet Union and the Near East as part of the U.S. State
epartment Cultural Exchange program, takes with it a repertoire
over 1000 selections including marches, solos and ensembles,
ontemporary, baroque, classical and operatic music.
The highlight of the annual tour will be a May 4 performance
New York City's Philharmonic Hall.
To Sponsored Grants -_-
More than 1700 undergraduate
students are presently involved in
research programs being carried
on in the University.
These opportunities for study
through assistance grants are
available through everyrdepart-
ment in the University. An appli-
cation of the principle of appren-
ticeship, this experience is often.
invaluable to the student because
of the head start it provides him
in preparation for graduate school
research programs.
Some involvement with research
programs is available through the
Honors Program in which students
of superior ability may be allowed
an opportunity to follow an en-
riched course of studies centered
on research. These are most often
established in the junior and
senior years for students who ex-
press exceptional interest in their
Most of the money, however,
comes from the National Science
Foundation's Research and Inde-
pendent Study grants. The NSF
established this program a few
years ago in order to increase the
nation's research capabilities and Steven Grossbard (I), Robert Roe
has had great success with it. fellows planning board, expressed
Strict requirements must be met nands have not yet been respond
by an individual or school before it status of the teaching fellows prot
is awarded research funds, and
thus many colleges have no such
programs available to undergrad--
uates. The amount received by the Th
University is one of the largest
awarded to major colleges for
grants of all types.
The programs all provide a sti-
pend to assist the students withu
their living expenses and to pur-
chase the equipment needed for
their work. The work loads and ' By DONNA SIMMONS
stipends vary, and a student may Disturbed University teaching
receive as much as $700 for 10 fellows numbering approximately
hours of research a week for a 100 held their second mass meet-
semester, or $720 for 12 weeks of ing last night and were informed
full-time work in the summer. by their temporary planning com-
Most of the students are intro- mittee that meetings with Dean,
duced to the program when they William Haber of the literary
are invited to participate by facul- college, and Vice-President for
ty members on the lookout for Academic Affairs Allan Smith had
students in the classes with failed to make clearer their status,,
See 'U,' Page 10 'either as faculty or students. j
kaway (c) and David Katzman (r) initial organizers of th
d grievances to leading administrators recently; but feel tha
led to adequately. At last night's meeting they spoke of t
1g F,-Uellow Vs To
Still1 Uncertai
Money Still
In Question
Building Plans Hinge
- On Appropriations
For Capital Outlay
Acting Edito
The proposed residential college
appeared a major financial ques-
tionnark as the Regents met pri-
vately yesterday to study the 1966-
1967 and 1967-1968 University
capital outlay construction budget
requests, one of many topics of a
wide-ranging discussion.
Although the final residential
college program-costs, financing
and timetable-remains specula-
tive, there is some feeling that
lack of funds could possibly mean
the college could begin a year
behind the scheduled starting date
ve Goldstein (1967) in its proposed temporary
e teaching quarters in part of East Quad-
W their de- rangle or else a delay in construe-
he current tion for its move to its permanent
buildings near North Campus, set
for 1969.
Yesterday's meeting took no for-
mal action. But it and other in-
dications suggested a possible de-
lay in the residential college
proposal. One source at yesterday's
meeting said the University is
presently "in a quandary" as to
how to proceed on the program.
Legislative Support Uncertain
The extent of the legislature's
he teaching support for the University's 1966-
1967 capital outlay request, sub-
e representa- mitted earlier this year, is expect-
commit him- ed to become clear by Friday,
ues that the when the Regents hold their
e, and feel- monthly public meeting.
ws was that The residential college is being
receptive to planned on the assumption that
legislative support for it may be
od Faith? delayed indefinitely. Sources said
last night that money for some
or of the or- items in this year's capital outlay
ig committee, request-with a higher priority
strators had than the residential college propo-
e was fully sal, the seventh item on the list-is
fellows prob- not expected to be included in the
final, appropriation.
ned, however When the legislature acts and
es had told this year's capital outlay appro-'
tture has not priation nears passage, the Re-
by the Uni- gents are expected to have a better
,dministration idea of how the residential college
iat Smith has program will procede and what the
lary position 1967-1968 capital outlay request,
lows to the now under study, will include.
ng more than Cost Cutting
ion. Although administrators have
d to organize indicated they are working on
tg committees additional architectural and finan-
, each depart- cing proposals in search of a way
:esman on a to cut costs on the residential
college, the Regents have at pres-
ether the fel- ent received no further plan for
an upcoming the college beyond the approxi-
ell as a gen- mately $12.7 million proposal given
ssed but most them by the administration at a
ot agree with private March 17 meeting prior to
ctions. the next day's public Regents
t of position meeting. A high administrator
aid that they added last night that no revised
nselves to be plan on costs and finances will be
"the faculty ready for this Friday's meeting.
Haber told the representatives
that their status was still dual and
that they could be given no ad-
ditional faculty parking privileges.
He added that in five to ten years
a new building would be erected to
provide better office facilities, but
until then teaching fellows will
have to make the best of present
Adding that he felt that the
teaching fellow salaries, which are
a maximum of $2478, should "be'
looked at very hard," Haber did
not offer any concrete alternative
to the present pay scale according
to one of the teaching fellow rep-
ORA Directs Di
T1 1". "0 A ei os,
By actual count from such an
authoritative source as the Yellow
Pages of the telephone book, there
are 59 churches in the city of Ann
Arbor representing 22 faiths and
Twenty-six of these churches
maintain officially recognized stu-
dent organizations. Besides these
there is Guild House, sponsored by
five different local churches; the
Ecumenical Campus Center, also
known as the Protestant Founda-
tion for International Students;
the Michigan Christian Fellowship,
the local chapter of the non-de-
nominational Inter-Varsity Chris-
tian Fellowship.
ORA see mto range far and wide
within the University community.
The Office of Religious Affairs
was established by act of the
Board of Regents in 1956. One
paragraph from by-law 31.08 of
the Regent's proceedings of May,
1956 reads, "An Office of Religious
Affairs shall be maintained as one
of the personnel services of the
University for the purpose of en-
couraging the religious growth of
students as an important part of
educating the whole person. This
purpose shall be implemented by
creating and facilitating relation-
ships between the University and
the religious resources available
to it, included those provided by
the churches and religious foun-
f rs .1 IOU ~t lDecentralized Decision
Smith said that the teaching
verse iReiii Acivile
fellows salaries should be adjusted
but that the University is a decen-
tralized str'ucture and that any
ciation of Religious Counselors, all Again. the subject matter covers the Freshman "Viewpoints" Pro- increases in salaries must be nego-
ex-officio, seven members of the considerable breadth. The books gram at which most of the 'ntae nadar tenego-
University Senate, two alumni under discussion have ranged from gram at which most of the ated a departmental level,
and two students. Bishop Robinson's Honest to churches and religious organiza- andecannot be set on a University-
The ORA's purpose is two-fold, God to The Castle by Kafka. .....tions present a brief overview of wide scale.
serving as an educational service A third educational service of- their programs. ported to have expressed surprise
and as a personnel service. fered by ORA is its non-curricular In the area of counseling, the portechonhavelexpsediddnstrpaiee
As an educational service, its courses in religion and culture. ORA stands ready to perform the t tahing fellows did thae
activities. are readily apparent on This term two courses were of- service itself or refer students to taf lary prvi nd th
public bulletin boards or on the fered, "Contemporary Catholic other counselors through the As- they had no formal contact with
pages of various newspapers. The fered, Contemporary Catholic sociation of Religious Counselors the administration and thus were
ORA sponsors a continuing stream Thought and Religious Thought in or the University Counseling Ser- often ignorant of their policies.
of lectures by visiting scholars and Contemporary Europe. vice. Informational questions and One of the representatives re-
special programs such as films, The ORA also sponsors Orien- particular personal problems form ported that Smith had felt it in-
workshops and conferences. The tation Week programs for the in- the core of the counseling re- advisable for the administration to
diversity of these lectures and pro- coming freshmen and maintains, quirement for the staff. directly plead the case of the
grams displays the scope of ORA's on the second floor of SAB a li- The ORA is available in the teaching fellows to the Regents,
involvement. brary of reference works and con- area of consultation to anybody or feeling such action would create a
They have sponsored in recent temporary books and periodicals. any group in such areas as pro- "bad precedent," although it was
years such widely differing fig- As a personnel service the ORA gramming, publicity, library, re- uncertain exactly what was meant
representatives of t
.Iaber had told the
tives that he would <
self to explore all iss
teaching fellows rais
ing among the fello
he at least appeared
their grievances.
Bargaining in Go
Grossbard, a memb
ganizing and plannin
related that admini
said the Legislatur
aware of the teaching
Grossbard maintair
that informed sourc
him that the Legisla
been fully informed
versity as the a
claims. He claimed th
not presented the sa
of the teaching fel
Legislature in anythii
a brief summary fash
The fellows decide
departmental plannin
on a permanent basis,
ment having a spok
central committee.
The question of wh
lows should picket
deans' meeting as w
eral strike were discu
in attendance did n
these more militant a
Issuing a statemen
the teaching fellows s
do not consider then
in competition with