See Editorial Page
C, 4c
d fri an
:43 a t ty
Cold, becoming warmer,
in the afternoon
Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom
ityouncil ToActToProvideLow Rentf
City Council is about to act for
the first time on providing large-
scale, low-rent housing.
Several councilmen feel that
neither the University nor private
developers have assumed respon-
sibility for lowering housing costs
and increasing supply. They and
the Housing Commission have
urged the City to try to improve
the housing situation on its own.
The comprehensive housing pro-
posal suggested to Council by the
city's Housing Commission this
month, consists of two federally-
subsidized programs.
The first, approved by Council
last Monday night, provides emer-
gency housing on a year-to-year
basis through the federal Depart-
ment of Housing and Urban De-
velopment's Section 23 Leased
Housing program. The 40 units
authorized will provide temporary
housing for at least 36 emergency
housing cases documented by the
city's Human Relations Commis-
After Council approved the
emergency leasing program last
week, the program was returned
to the Housing Commission for
administration. However, the Com-
mission decided not to apply for
the federal funds until a perman-
ent housing director is appointed.
While the city has acted for the
first time in providing emergency
housing, the housing itself cannot
be provided until administrative
programs are finalized.
The temporary emergency hous-
ing is not designated for students.
However, the second part of the
program may be. If enacted, the
Housing Commission's proposal for
subsidized low-rent housing would
provide a number of units cor-
responding to the City's assessed
need. Students might quality for
housing under this program, ac-
cording to federal administrators.
Council delayed action on the
first step in this program, a bill
giving the Housing Commission
power to apply to the federal
Public Housing Administration for
preliminary loan to study the
City's housing needs. Out of this
study could come a request for
federal funds for building and
leasing permanent low-rent hous-
Several Councilmen said they
feared acting on the proposal be-
fore they understand what obliga-
tions the City would incur to the
federal government. The proposal
was submitted to Council on
March 24, less than one week be-
fore they were expected to act on
it. Council had considered the
program earlier in several working'
sessions, however.
Earlier in March, Assistant City'
Attorney Fred Steingold detailedi
the Housing Commission's legal
position in applying for the loan.
At about the same time, Council-
man Robert Weeks submitted a
series of questions to Theodore
Veenstra, regional head of the
Public Housing Administrations.
Among questions submitted by
Weeks was one on how students
would be involved in the program.
Veenstra answered,
"It is up to the local Housing
Commission to establish an ad-
mission policy. City Council may
require that it be submitted to it
for approval. The only restriction
is that there not be discrimination
based on race, creed, or country of
national origin. Students 'are low-
income in many cases and could
be considered eligible. But since
they are a special category for
which provisions are sometimes
made, they may be excluded."
Even with reports from Weeks,
Steingold and the commission it-
self, several councilmen felt that
the long-range program still had
not been clarified. Councilman
Richard Balzhiser submitted a
series of questions to the commis-
sion last Thursday. Blazhiser said
he did not know when the com-
mission would answer his ques-
tions, but that he felt the answers
were necessary for further Council
consideration of the proposal.
Balzhiser inquired whether the'
City would be forced to repay
study funds to the federal govern-
ment if the commission's prelim-
inary estimates of need did not
correlate with the result of the
Balzhiser also wondered whether
it would be economically favor-
able for the City to provide special
student housing. He felt that the
City might gain more revenue
from its own student housing as
compared to University or private
proposed construction program
would be currently feasible.
In addition to awaiting answers
to the questions submitted by
Balzhiser and others, Council will
be delayed in taking action on
the housing program until at least
two new Councilmen are able to
familiarize themselves with the
commission's programs.
With the issue postponed on
March 28, no meeting on April 4
due to the city elections, and next
Monday's meeting centered on in-
duction of two new councilmen, it
could be a month or more before
Auto Safety
Report Lauds'
Seat Belts
Scientists Say Belts
Could Save 12,000
Lives Every Year
Two University scientists have
just finished a study that may re-
sult in the savings of more than
12,000 lives each year-if the pub-
lic, the auto industry, and law-
makers copperate.
Donald Huelke and Dr. Paul
Gikas have turned in to the U.S.
Public Health Service a four-year
on-the -spot report of auto deaths
in the Ann Arbor area. The men
studied the car, driver and road-
way in reconstructing each one of
the area's 139 fatal accidents over
the four-year period.
STheseare the striking conclu-
sions :,
-Forty per cent of the 177 per-
sons killed in these accidents would
have lived if they had been wear-
ing a simple lap seat belt.
-Twenty per cent more would
have been saved by single- or
double-strapped shoulder har-
nesses and belts.
-Only 37 per cent would have
died regardless of belts.
Huelke sums up these figures by
saying, "Anybody who does not
wear a seat belt is stupid."
To the argument occasionally
used that the use of seat belts may
cause deaths in some accidents
the scientists retort: "We have
had only one case of a survivor
who owes his life to not wearing
a seat belt, compared to 71 who
owe their deaths to not wearing
Other interesting findings were:
-At least half of the drivers
judged at fault had been drinking.
-More fatal accidents occur on
Sunday afternoons and Friday
evenings than any other time;
The doctors concluded that if
seatbelts were worn by all car
riders the same percentage of rid-
ers that would have been saved
above would repeat itself. Al-
though conceding accidents will,
always occur, they concluded there
is alot to be done in auto safety
laws and car improvements.
"We don't disagree with those
who say a dollar spent for safety
is best spent in the car. We say
we ought to spend $3 instead of
one and spread them around. This
was done to fight polio, and it
Shortage of
fi 1IcMiigai t aily S.E. Asian
EC WAID Experts Seen
Late World News
UNITED NATIONS (RP)-The U.N. Security Council late
last night called on Britain to use force, if necessary, to halt
tankers believed to be carrying oil for Rhodesia.
The vote was 10-0 with 5 abstaining. Those abstaining
were Mali, France, Uruguay, Bulgaria and the Soviet Union.
The vote came after a full day of debate in which African
countries, with the support of the Soviet Union, sought
unsuccessfully to broaden a British-sponsored resolution to
authorize the use of force to topple the rebel government of
Ian Smith.
Main proviisons of the approved resolution included the
* An appeal to Portugal not to receive oil at Beira to
be pumped through the piepline from Beira to Rhodesia.
. An appeal to all countries to insure the diversion of
any of their vessels believed to be carrying oil for Rhodesia.
* The authorization for Britain to use force.
A series of African amendments failed by votes of 6-0
and 7-0. Nine votes were required for approval.
G. Mennen Williams are being opposed by a third, "Peace" candi-
date in their race for the Democratic Senate nomination. James
Ellsman, a Detroit lawyer and University graduate, will be kick-
ing off his campaign this Tuesday. Ellsman feels peace should be
the overriding issue in the campaign. He hopes to force both his
opponents to take stands on Viet Nam.
A SECOND MASS MEETING for Teaching Fellows i sched-
uled for 9 p.m. on Monday in the West Lecture Hall of the West
Physics Bldg.
In a statement issued yesterday the Teaching Fellows an-
nounced, "We recognize that there has been a lack of effective
communication with the faculty regarding our position and goals.
This week we will be informing faculty members of our general
policy and developments to date."
Banquet, Saturday, April 2, featuring University Executive Vice-
President Marvin L. Niehuss as the chief guest. The program,
held annually to promote better understanding between Indian
and American students on campus, began with an address from
Mrs. Vatsala Srikantan, president of the association.
A cultural program was staged by the students as the bulk
of the affair, and Dr. Ronald Freedman, Director of the Popula-
tion Studies Center, was awarded an honorary membership in
the association.
'U' Center Works
To Upgrade and Add
Personnel, Traimin
Although there is a growing in-
terest in the area of South and
Southeast Asia today, both gov-
ernment and edudation institutes
are faced with shortages of ex-
perts and academic training pro-
grams in these areas.
The University is one of only 19
institutions working to alleviate
Given a Ford Foundation Grant
of $250,000 in 1961 "to develop its
capabilities," the Center for South
and Southeast Asian studies has az; :a
been trying to add to and upgrade
not only the people in the field, UNITED STATES MARINES A
but their training and resources as in the northern section of South
well, according to Peter Gosling, landing craft. Civilians and non
past director. violent anti-government protests
The center is mainly geared to
graduate research, due to "the
structure of the undergraduate NEW INTEREST:
curriculum," said Gosling. "Spe-_*_
cialist training in a field such as
this, requires language studies
along with a background in various
disciplines. The distribution re- S
quirements for undergraduates
have made it difficult for them
to specialize early in their, aca-I
demic program."
The center, he continued, is
working now to broaden the un-
dergraduate offerings through a
proposed sophomore seminar in By BRUCE WASSERSTEIN
the Honors program. The liberal-a
ized course requirements should Acting Executive Editor x
also help, he said. A spokesman for the American
The lengthy training program Communist Party claimed this
necessary for work in the field of weekend that "rather than dying
South and Southeast Asian studies the Party has recruited more than
is one main reason for the lack 2,000 new members since the No-
of experts in the area. On the vember invalidation of the mem-
average, the training necessary for bership clause of the MeCarran
ctauh arran ic nnv n 1 +
RE SHOWN TAKING American cit
Viet Nam to be evacuated. The ci
n-military personnel 7ere evacuatin
S in that city.
Questioning the influence of City Council decides whether to
current construction costs in Ann adopt its first long-range sub-
Arbor, Balzhiser asked whether the sidized housing proposal.
T Seek Quick
Removal of
Ky Regime
Buddhists Unite; Call
For Institution of
Civilian Government
SAIGON-(P)-Buddhist leaders
united last night in a demand for
quick replacement of Premier
Nguyen Cao 'Ky's military govern-
ment with a civilian regime, then
showed their power by stopping.
cold riotous demonstrations that
had racked Saigon for a week.
Moderates and conservatives
joined in a call for "an elected
congress in a very short time, a
platform where the people can
speak about the sovereignty of
their nation." No date was speci-
-Associated Pres Spokesmen previously have urg-
Izens to the beaches of Da Nang ed that Ky's plan for a National
tizens were taken off by Navy Assembly election in 1967 be exe-
g from the city because of the cuted witbin two to five months.
Opposition to the Government
The hierarchy e the faith pro-
fessed by most Vietnamese ap-
pealed in a Proclamation to "all
the people wishing to show their
opposition to the government" to
contact Buddhist headquarters for
11the coordination of activities, add-
fhg, "We will dictate the time
and the place."
" Building up toward pressures of
esatype that toppled the govern-
j i$ fments of President Ngo Dinh Diem
in 1963 and Premier Ngyen Khanl
in 1965, the leaders announced the
Brandt said, however, that he formation of an' action committee
himself opposed the suppression called the Viet Nam Buddhist
of dissent in the Soviet Union. "In Forces.
the Soviet Union today, it is not Heading the committee are
necessary to arrest dissenters. Thich Thien Minh, director of
They can be exposed in the mass youth affairs, and Thich Ho Giac,
media." director of lay affairs.
When "scientific socialism" is War and Politics
introduced in the U.S., according Events of war and politics ming-
to Brandt, there will be no sup- led elsewhere:
pression of dissenters because of Highlighting military activity
the long development of bougeoisie was a B52 strike that silenced a
democracy in America. Viet Cong communications center
Brandt also pointed out that in the D Zone jungle 35 miles
freedom can not only be defined northwest of Saigon. Newly rigged
in terms of freedom of political to carry up to 60,000 pounds of
dissent. He said that the most explosives, the big jets attacked in
elementary freedom is freedom Indian file rather than in the
from want. Freedom of opportun- formation flight normally used in
ity is the next important one. high-level saturation bombing.
Even though there is little free- Though Saigon streets were
dom of political dissent in Russia calm for a change, there was an
according to Brandt, there is more antigovernment demonstration by
freedom of opportunity than can about 500 students at Dalat, a
be found in Western countries, mountain resort 140 miles north-
Brandt claimed that the Ameri- east of Saigon. Vietnamese rang-
can Communist party had "no of- ers broke it up, using tear gas
ficial connections with Communist and firing shots into the air.
parties of other countries, except American Evacuation
that we work for socialism as More than 700 foreigners, Amer-
they do." ican civilians and off-duty mill-
Brandt said that he hoped that tary personnel, drew quarters at
the draft of the party platform Unitied States Navy and Marine
will be sold in bookstores and used installations in the Da Nang area
in University courses so that the after being removed from the city
American public would know what itself as a precaution. Navy river
they are talking about when they
discuss communism. . See VIET, Page 2
'rship Ino
erally agree with the Communists
philosophically, Brandt said that
the growth of student dissent was
"very encouraging' as a "reaction
against McCarthyism." The youth
of America "are no longer the
silent generation."
Brandt said that eventually the
members of the "New Left" and
the Communists "will emerge as
such work adds an extra 1% to
three years to the basic program.
Gosling felt "Most students still
want to get out and into profes-
sional employment as quickly as
According to Gayle Ness, pres-
ent director of the center, it is
considered one of the top organiza-
tions of its type ranking with
Cornell, Yale, University of Cali-
fornia at Berkeley and University
of Chicago.
See ASIA, Page 2
theG V upreme Court' "AAGill~5 "
by the Supreme Court. a united force under Marxist-
seph Brandt, the business Leninism."
lager of the Worker, is touring He pointed out that when the
midwest to push the sale of a people opposing the war in Viet
t of the Communist party's Nam realize the way the "system"
form. He said "the fact that is perpetuating the conflict, they
00 copies of the Program have will be "enlightened" and advo-
sold is indicative of the in- cate "scientific socialism."
st in the party." Brandt says Brandt admits that the majority
he hopes to sell another 50,000 of people in the United States are
es. against "scientific socialism" but
though he admitted that the the reason for this is that they
v left" activists did not gen- generally could not tell the dif-
ference between "socialism and
rheumatism." The people of the
U.S., Brandt claimed, are being
brainwashed by the. capitalist's
news media.
Pointing to the McCarran and
r cSmith acts, Brandt claimed that
iu re h! discussion of Communism is stifled
in the U.S. When asked about the
recent arrests of some Soviet writ-
thers implied a similar prob- ers for attacking the Russian sys-
in stating that many students tem, Brandt claimed the differ-
n to expect an entire syste- ence was that in the U.S. the
ic theology along with answers capitalist minority are stifling the
ersonal and unknown problems majority while in Russia the ma-
sinae Sundav mnrniny srvie I jority are controlling the minority.
Campus Ministers View Role of C
Third of a Series
He who considers himself an
average student should know what
is going on in the "average stu-
dent's mind' and how he views
the function of the church.
What he probably doesn't know
is how the average campus min-
ister views the church, that is,
how he views his work and the
job that needs to be done by the
church on a university campus.
In' many instances it is easier to
define a problem than it is to
advance a solution.
The question of the role of the
church and other religious or-
ganizations on this campus was
posed to those same ministers and
religious workers who, in the pre-
vious article, voiced their evalua-
tion of this student generation.
The answers obtained were gen-
Some ministers stated it more
strongly; "The church needs to
listen and learn from the students.
It should stop giving answers be-
fore its heard the questions."
Others said the same thing in
different ways, "We should be
sensitive . . . we must be aware
.. the church should get involv-
ed with that which concerns the
student." The question, of course,
is, "How do you adapt to the
needs and concerns of the stu-
dent?" The general answer was
usually, "Remain creative, be flex-
ible, experiment, be realistic and
be relevant."
It becomes apparent that if the
role of the church is to be one
of listening and adapting to the
needs of the student, it cannot be
a rigid and inflexible approach.
Some specific ideas emerged in
an -.n.arfnn'mu - mnra
to be urged to articulate an un-
derlying point of view, others need
to be urged toward a particular
commitment and made to realize
the responsibility of a commit-
ment. He said the first of these,
the articulation of a basic per-
spective needs to be done in co-
operation with the University. This
appeared as the second of the
most prevelant notions.
Mr. Postema, Rev. Bell of the
Episcopal Church and Rev. Yoder
at the Lutheran Student Center
said, and others implied, the
church needs to actively partici-
pate in the destruction of the
sadred-secular dichotomy. We tend
to separate reality into sacred and
secular, spiritual and material,
religious and nonreligious which,
in turn, prompts us to overlook
the religious nature of that which
Rev. Yoder voiced the general
discontent by saying that the
church has to stop just saying and
begin doing also. Bob Haurt, Pro-
gram Coordinator for the Office
of Religious Affairs emphasized
the point in insisting that the
church ought to be taking moral
leadership in contemporary social
issues instead of later jumping
on an already rolling bandwagon.
To do so, said Rev. Light, is to
take a risk, but its a risk that
must be taken and one that the
church ought to be prepared and
willing to take.
Some other thoughts on the
notion of involvement were re-
vealed. Rev. Bell contributed the
thought that in order to be in-
volved in a relevant way, the
church (and those who chose to
associate with it) needs to know
ii-a -A i - .. nvtr nrl V01
to p
in a
*III it. oull5l iA y A 1 gSSi . LJĀ±iS,6e.vlu
and, being disappointed, sometimes
fail to give the church a second CONDUCT SURVE
or third chance. Rev. Yoder point-
ed out that the minister has to
be prepared to spend much of
his time simply conversing with ob s O P (
Many of the ministers were care-
ful to point out the responsibility ALEXIS PARKER
it has to "its own"; to those who The demand for college gradu-
function within the church seek- ates is up 40 percent; however, the
ing spiritual growth and maturity, number of willing and qualified
Dr. Herman Jacobs at Hillel stated students for hire is steadily
it succinctly in saying, "We need shrinking.
to cultivate our vineyards." s
Father Litka at St. Marys was A survey conducted by North-
one who thought the church had western University shows that
a racr-ri +nalra a f,. some 210 companies will seek to
.,u .,., .._. ...w_ .
sE, But Few Takers
scarce "due to smaller enrollments ( government, or critical defense in-
in freshman classes four years
ago," says Frank S. Endicott,
Northwestern placement director.
In 1962, many engineers were out
of work due to cutbacks by de-
fense contractors. Many 1966 en-
gineering grads will "want to stay
in school and get that MBA (Mas-
dustries in hopes of securing draft
exemptions. -Still other seniors
will enter graduate schools to
maintain their student defer-
"Let's face it," commented one
senior in the literary college, "if
you're going to go to grad school,
you might as well go now and